//======================================================================== // // CMap.cc // // Copyright 2001-2003 Glyph & Cog, LLC // //======================================================================== //======================================================================== // // Modified under the Poppler project - http://poppler.freedesktop.org // // All changes made under the Poppler project to this file are licensed // under GPL version 2 or later // // Copyright (C) 2008 Koji Otani // Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2017-2019 Albert Astals Cid // Copyright (C) 2013 Fabio D'Urso // Copyright (C) 2017 Adrian Johnson // Copyright (C) 2018 Adam Reichold // Copyright (C) 2019 LE GARREC Vincent // // To see a description of the changes please see the Changelog file that // came with your tarball or type make ChangeLog if you are building from git // //======================================================================== #include #include #include #include #include #include "goo/gmem.h" #include "goo/gfile.h" #include "goo/GooString.h" #include "Error.h" #include "GlobalParams.h" #include "PSTokenizer.h" #include "CMap.h" #include "Object.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------ struct CMapVectorEntry { bool isVector; union { CMapVectorEntry *vector; CID cid; }; }; //------------------------------------------------------------------------ static int getCharFromFile(void *data) { return fgetc((FILE *)data); } static int getCharFromStream(void *data) { return ((Stream *)data)->getChar(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMap *CMap::parse(CMapCache *cache, const GooString *collectionA, Object *obj) { CMap *cMap; GooString *cMapNameA; if (obj->isName()) { cMapNameA = new GooString(obj->getName()); if (!(cMap = globalParams->getCMap(collectionA, cMapNameA))) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Unknown CMap '{0:t}' for character collection '{1:t}'", cMapNameA, collectionA); } delete cMapNameA; } else if (obj->isStream()) { if (!(cMap = CMap::parse(nullptr, collectionA, obj->getStream()))) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Invalid CMap in Type 0 font"); } } else { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Invalid Encoding in Type 0 font"); return nullptr; } return cMap; } CMap *CMap::parse(CMapCache *cache, const GooString *collectionA, const GooString *cMapNameA) { FILE *f; CMap *cMap; if (!(f = globalParams->findCMapFile(collectionA, cMapNameA))) { // Check for an identity CMap. if (!cMapNameA->cmp("Identity") || !cMapNameA->cmp("Identity-H")) { return new CMap(collectionA->copy(), cMapNameA->copy(), 0); } if (!cMapNameA->cmp("Identity-V")) { return new CMap(collectionA->copy(), cMapNameA->copy(), 1); } error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Couldn't find '{0:t}' CMap file for '{1:t}' collection", cMapNameA, collectionA); return nullptr; } cMap = new CMap(collectionA->copy(), cMapNameA->copy()); cMap->parse2(cache, &getCharFromFile, f); fclose(f); return cMap; } CMap *CMap::parse(CMapCache *cache, const GooString *collectionA, Stream *str) { CMap *cMap = new CMap(collectionA->copy(), nullptr); Object obj1 = str->getDict()->lookup("UseCMap"); if (!obj1.isNull()) { cMap->useCMap(cache, &obj1); } str->reset(); cMap->parse2(cache, &getCharFromStream, str); str->close(); return cMap; } CMap *CMap::parse(CMapCache *cache, const GooString *collectionA, const GooString *cMapNameA, Stream *stream) { FILE *f = nullptr; CMap *cmap; PSTokenizer *pst; char tok1[256], tok2[256], tok3[256]; int n1, n2, n3; unsigned int start, end, code; if (stream) { stream->reset(); pst = new PSTokenizer(&getCharFromStream, stream); } else { if (!(f = globalParams->findCMapFile(collectionA, cMapNameA))) { // Check for an identity CMap. if (!cMapNameA->cmp("Identity") || !cMapNameA->cmp("Identity-H")) { return new CMap(collectionA->copy(), cMapNameA->copy(), 0); } if (!cMapNameA->cmp("Identity-V")) { return new CMap(collectionA->copy(), cMapNameA->copy(), 1); } error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Couldn't find '{0:t}' CMap file for '{1:t}' collection", cMapNameA, collectionA); return nullptr; } pst = new PSTokenizer(&getCharFromFile, f); } cmap = new CMap(collectionA->copy(), cMapNameA->copy()); pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1); while (pst->getToken(tok2, sizeof(tok2), &n2)) { if (!strcmp(tok2, "usecmap")) { if (tok1[0] == '/') { cmap->useCMap(cache, tok1 + 1); } pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1); } else if (!strcmp(tok1, "/WMode")) { cmap->wMode = atoi(tok2); pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1); } else if (!strcmp(tok2, "begincidchar")) { while (pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1)) { if (!strcmp(tok1, "endcidchar")) { break; } if (!pst->getToken(tok2, sizeof(tok2), &n2) || !strcmp(tok2, "endcidchar")) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Illegal entry in cidchar block in CMap"); break; } if (!(tok1[0] == '<' && tok1[n1 - 1] == '>' && n1 >= 4 && (n1 & 1) == 0)) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Illegal entry in cidchar block in CMap"); continue; } tok1[n1 - 1] = '\0'; if (sscanf(tok1 + 1, "%x", &code) != 1) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Illegal entry in cidchar block in CMap"); continue; } n1 = (n1 - 2) / 2; cmap->addCIDs(code, code, n1, (CID)atoi(tok2)); } pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1); } else if (!strcmp(tok2, "begincidrange")) { while (pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1)) { if (!strcmp(tok1, "endcidrange")) { break; } if (!pst->getToken(tok2, sizeof(tok2), &n2) || !strcmp(tok2, "endcidrange") || !pst->getToken(tok3, sizeof(tok3), &n3) || !strcmp(tok3, "endcidrange")) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Illegal entry in cidrange block in CMap"); break; } if (tok1[0] == '<' && tok2[0] == '<' && n1 == n2 && n1 >= 4 && (n1 & 1) == 0) { tok1[n1 - 1] = tok2[n1 - 1] = '\0'; sscanf(tok1 + 1, "%x", &start); sscanf(tok2 + 1, "%x", &end); n1 = (n1 - 2) / 2; cmap->addCIDs(start, end, n1, (CID)atoi(tok3)); } } pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1); } else { strcpy(tok1, tok2); } } delete pst; if (f) { fclose(f); } return cmap; } void CMap::parse2(CMapCache *cache, int (*getCharFunc)(void *), void *data) { PSTokenizer *pst; char tok1[256], tok2[256], tok3[256]; int n1, n2, n3; unsigned int start = 0, end = 0, code; pst = new PSTokenizer(getCharFunc, data); pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1); while (pst->getToken(tok2, sizeof(tok2), &n2)) { if (!strcmp(tok2, "usecmap")) { if (tok1[0] == '/') { useCMap(cache, tok1 + 1); } pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1); } else if (!strcmp(tok1, "/WMode")) { wMode = atoi(tok2); pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1); } else if (!strcmp(tok2, "begincidchar")) { while (pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1)) { if (!strcmp(tok1, "endcidchar")) { break; } if (!pst->getToken(tok2, sizeof(tok2), &n2) || !strcmp(tok2, "endcidchar")) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Illegal entry in cidchar block in CMap"); break; } if (!(tok1[0] == '<' && tok1[n1 - 1] == '>' && n1 >= 4 && (n1 & 1) == 0)) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Illegal entry in cidchar block in CMap"); continue; } tok1[n1 - 1] = '\0'; if (sscanf(tok1 + 1, "%x", &code) != 1) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Illegal entry in cidchar block in CMap"); continue; } n1 = (n1 - 2) / 2; addCIDs(code, code, n1, (CID)atoi(tok2)); } pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1); } else if (!strcmp(tok2, "begincidrange")) { while (pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1)) { if (!strcmp(tok1, "endcidrange")) { break; } if (!pst->getToken(tok2, sizeof(tok2), &n2) || !strcmp(tok2, "endcidrange") || !pst->getToken(tok3, sizeof(tok3), &n3) || !strcmp(tok3, "endcidrange")) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Illegal entry in cidrange block in CMap"); break; } if (tok1[0] == '<' && tok2[0] == '<' && n1 == n2 && n1 >= 4 && (n1 & 1) == 0) { tok1[n1 - 1] = tok2[n1 - 1] = '\0'; sscanf(tok1 + 1, "%x", &start); sscanf(tok2 + 1, "%x", &end); n1 = (n1 - 2) / 2; addCIDs(start, end, n1, (CID)atoi(tok3)); } } pst->getToken(tok1, sizeof(tok1), &n1); } else { strcpy(tok1, tok2); } } delete pst; } CMap::CMap(GooString *collectionA, GooString *cMapNameA) { int i; collection = collectionA; cMapName = cMapNameA; isIdent = false; wMode = 0; vector = (CMapVectorEntry *)gmallocn(256, sizeof(CMapVectorEntry)); for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { vector[i].isVector = false; vector[i].cid = 0; } refCnt = 1; } CMap::CMap(GooString *collectionA, GooString *cMapNameA, int wModeA) { collection = collectionA; cMapName = cMapNameA; isIdent = true; wMode = wModeA; vector = nullptr; refCnt = 1; } void CMap::useCMap(CMapCache *cache, const char *useName) { GooString *useNameStr; CMap *subCMap; useNameStr = new GooString(useName); // if cache is non-NULL, we already have a lock, and we can use // CMapCache::getCMap() directly; otherwise, we need to use // GlobalParams::getCMap() in order to acqure the lock need to use // GlobalParams::getCMap if (cache) { subCMap = cache->getCMap(collection, useNameStr, nullptr); } else { subCMap = globalParams->getCMap(collection, useNameStr); } delete useNameStr; if (!subCMap) { return; } isIdent = subCMap->isIdent; if (subCMap->vector) { copyVector(vector, subCMap->vector); } subCMap->decRefCnt(); } void CMap::useCMap(CMapCache *cache, Object *obj) { CMap *subCMap; subCMap = CMap::parse(cache, collection, obj); if (!subCMap) { return; } isIdent = subCMap->isIdent; if (subCMap->vector) { copyVector(vector, subCMap->vector); } subCMap->decRefCnt(); } void CMap::copyVector(CMapVectorEntry *dest, CMapVectorEntry *src) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if (src[i].isVector) { if (!dest[i].isVector) { dest[i].isVector = true; dest[i].vector = (CMapVectorEntry *)gmallocn(256, sizeof(CMapVectorEntry)); for (j = 0; j < 256; ++j) { dest[i].vector[j].isVector = false; dest[i].vector[j].cid = 0; } } copyVector(dest[i].vector, src[i].vector); } else { if (dest[i].isVector) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Collision in usecmap"); } else { dest[i].cid = src[i].cid; } } } } void CMap::addCIDs(unsigned int start, unsigned int end, unsigned int nBytes, CID firstCID) { CMapVectorEntry *vec; CID cid; int byte; unsigned int i, j; if (nBytes > 4) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Illegal entry in cidchar block in CMap"); return; } vec = vector; for (i = nBytes - 1; i >= 1; --i) { byte = (start >> (8 * i)) & 0xff; if (!vec[byte].isVector) { vec[byte].isVector = true; vec[byte].vector = (CMapVectorEntry *)gmallocn(256, sizeof(CMapVectorEntry)); for (j = 0; j < 256; ++j) { vec[byte].vector[j].isVector = false; vec[byte].vector[j].cid = 0; } } vec = vec[byte].vector; } cid = firstCID; for (byte = (int)(start & 0xff); byte <= (int)(end & 0xff); ++byte) { if (vec[byte].isVector) { error(errSyntaxError, -1, "Invalid CID ({0:ux} - {1:ux} [{2:ud} bytes]) in CMap", start, end, nBytes); } else { vec[byte].cid = cid; } ++cid; } } CMap::~CMap() { delete collection; delete cMapName; if (vector) { freeCMapVector(vector); } } void CMap::freeCMapVector(CMapVectorEntry *vec) { int i; for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) { if (vec[i].isVector) { freeCMapVector(vec[i].vector); } } gfree(vec); } void CMap::incRefCnt() { ++refCnt; } void CMap::decRefCnt() { if (--refCnt == 0) { delete this; } } bool CMap::match(const GooString *collectionA, const GooString *cMapNameA) { return !collection->cmp(collectionA) && !cMapName->cmp(cMapNameA); } CID CMap::getCID(const char *s, int len, CharCode *c, int *nUsed) { CMapVectorEntry *vec; CharCode cc; int n, i; vec = vector; cc = 0; n = 0; while (vec && n < len) { i = s[n++] & 0xff; cc = (cc << 8) | i; if (!vec[i].isVector) { *c = cc; *nUsed = n; return vec[i].cid; } vec = vec[i].vector; } if (isIdent && len >= 2) { // identity CMap *nUsed = 2; *c = cc = ((s[0] & 0xff) << 8) + (s[1] & 0xff); return cc; } *nUsed = 1; *c = s[0] & 0xff; return 0; } void CMap::setReverseMapVector(unsigned int startCode, CMapVectorEntry *vec, unsigned int *rmap, unsigned int rmapSize, unsigned int ncand) { int i; if (vec == nullptr) return; for (i = 0;i < 256;i++) { if (vec[i].isVector) { setReverseMapVector((startCode+i) << 8, vec[i].vector,rmap,rmapSize,ncand); } else { unsigned int cid = vec[i].cid; if (cid < rmapSize) { unsigned int cand; for (cand = 0;cand < ncand;cand++) { unsigned int code = startCode+i; unsigned int idx = cid*ncand+cand; if (rmap[idx] == 0) { rmap[idx] = code; break; } else if (rmap[idx] == code) { break; } } } } } } void CMap::setReverseMap(unsigned int *rmap, unsigned int rmapSize, unsigned int ncand) { setReverseMapVector(0,vector,rmap,rmapSize,ncand); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ CMapCache::CMapCache() { int i; for (i = 0; i < cMapCacheSize; ++i) { cache[i] = nullptr; } } CMapCache::~CMapCache() { int i; for (i = 0; i < cMapCacheSize; ++i) { if (cache[i]) { cache[i]->decRefCnt(); } } } CMap *CMapCache::getCMap(const GooString *collection, const GooString *cMapName, Stream *stream) { CMap *cmap; int i, j; if (cache[0] && cache[0]->match(collection, cMapName)) { cache[0]->incRefCnt(); return cache[0]; } for (i = 1; i < cMapCacheSize; ++i) { if (cache[i] && cache[i]->match(collection, cMapName)) { cmap = cache[i]; for (j = i; j >= 1; --j) { cache[j] = cache[j - 1]; } cache[0] = cmap; cmap->incRefCnt(); return cmap; } } if ((cmap = CMap::parse(this, collection, cMapName, stream))) { if (cache[cMapCacheSize - 1]) { cache[cMapCacheSize - 1]->decRefCnt(); } for (j = cMapCacheSize - 1; j >= 1; --j) { cache[j] = cache[j - 1]; } cache[0] = cmap; cmap->incRefCnt(); return cmap; } return nullptr; }