# - MACRO_OPTIONAL_FIND_PACKAGE() combines FIND_PACKAGE() with an OPTION() # MACRO_OPTIONAL_FIND_PACKAGE( [QUIT] ) # This macro is a combination of OPTION() and FIND_PACKAGE(), it # works like FIND_PACKAGE(), but additionally it automatically creates # an option name WITH_, which can be disabled via the cmake GUI. # or via -DWITH_=OFF # The standard _FOUND variables can be used in the same way # as when using the normal FIND_PACKAGE() # Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Alexander Neundorf, # # Redistribution and use is allowed according to the terms of the BSD license. # For details see the accompanying COPYING-CMAKE-SCRIPTS file. # This is just a helper macro to set a bunch of variables empty. # We don't know whether the package uses UPPERCASENAME or CamelCaseName, so we try both: macro(_MOFP_SET_EMPTY_IF_DEFINED _name _var) if(DEFINED ${_name}_${_var}) set(${_name}_${_var} "") endif(DEFINED ${_name}_${_var}) string(TOUPPER ${_name} _nameUpper) if(DEFINED ${_nameUpper}_${_var}) set(${_nameUpper}_${_var} "") endif(DEFINED ${_nameUpper}_${_var}) endmacro(_MOFP_SET_EMPTY_IF_DEFINED _package _var) macro (MACRO_OPTIONAL_FIND_PACKAGE _name ) option(WITH_${_name} "Search for ${_name} package" ON) if (WITH_${_name}) find_package(${_name} ${ARGN}) else (WITH_${_name}) string(TOUPPER ${_name} _nameUpper) set(${_name}_FOUND FALSE) set(${_nameUpper}_FOUND FALSE) _mofp_set_empty_if_defined(${_name} INCLUDE_DIRS) _mofp_set_empty_if_defined(${_name} INCLUDE_DIR) _mofp_set_empty_if_defined(${_name} INCLUDES) _mofp_set_empty_if_defined(${_name} LIBRARY) _mofp_set_empty_if_defined(${_name} LIBRARIES) _mofp_set_empty_if_defined(${_name} LIBS) _mofp_set_empty_if_defined(${_name} FLAGS) _mofp_set_empty_if_defined(${_name} DEFINITIONS) endif (WITH_${_name}) endmacro (MACRO_OPTIONAL_FIND_PACKAGE)