path: root/utils/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'utils/')
1 files changed, 219 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/utils/ b/utils/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..515ffa72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#include <cairo-win32.h>
+static void win32GetFitToPageTransform(cairo_matrix_t *m)
+ if (!print)
+ return;
+ HDC hdc = cairo_win32_surface_get_dc(surface);
+ int logx = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSX);
+ int logy = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY);
+ cairo_matrix_scale (m, logx / 72.0, logy / 72.0);
+struct Win32Option
+ const char *name;
+ int value;
+static const Win32Option win32PaperSource[] =
+ {"upper", DMBIN_UPPER},
+ {"onlyone", DMBIN_ONLYONE},
+ {"lower", DMBIN_LOWER},
+ {"middle", DMBIN_MIDDLE},
+ {"manual", DMBIN_MANUAL},
+ {"envelope", DMBIN_ENVELOPE},
+ {"envmanual", DMBIN_ENVMANUAL},
+ {"auto", DMBIN_AUTO},
+ {"tractor", DMBIN_TRACTOR},
+ {"smallfmt", DMBIN_SMALLFMT},
+ {"largefmt", DMBIN_LARGEFMT},
+ {"largecapacity", DMBIN_LARGECAPACITY},
+ {"formsource", DMBIN_FORMSOURCE},
+ {NULL, 0}
+static void parseSource(DEVMODEA *devmode, GooString *source)
+ int src;
+ const Win32Option *option = win32PaperSource;
+ while (option->name) {
+ if (source->cmp(option->name) == 0) {
+ src = option->value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!option->name) {
+ if (isInt(source->getCString())) {
+ src = atoi(source->getCString());
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Unknown paper source \"%s\"\n", source->getCString());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ devmode->dmDefaultSource = src;
+ devmode->dmFields |= DM_DEFAULTSOURCE;
+static const Win32Option win32DuplexMode[] =
+ {"simplex", DMDUP_SIMPLEX},
+ {"horizontal", DMDUP_HORIZONTAL},
+ {"vertical", DMDUP_VERTICAL},
+ {NULL, 0}
+static void parseDuplex(DEVMODEA *devmode, GooString *mode)
+ if (duplex)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: duplex mode is specified both as standalone and printer options\n");
+ int win32Duplex;
+ const Win32Option *option = win32DuplexMode;
+ while (option->name) {
+ if (mode->cmp(option->name) == 0) {
+ win32Duplex = option->value;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!option->name) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: Unknown duplex mode \"%s\"\n", mode->getCString());
+ return;
+ }
+ devmode->dmDuplex = win32Duplex;
+ devmode->dmFields |= DM_DUPLEX;
+static void fillCommonPrinterOptions(DEVMODEA *devmode, double w, double h)
+ devmode->dmPaperWidth = w * 254.0 / 72.0;
+ devmode->dmPaperLength = h * 254.0 / 72.0;
+ printf("PAPER %d, %d\n", devmode->dmPaperWidth, devmode->dmPaperLength);
+ devmode->dmFields |= DM_PAPERWIDTH | DM_PAPERLENGTH;
+ if (duplex) {
+ devmode->dmDuplex = DMDUP_HORIZONTAL;
+ devmode->dmFields |= DM_DUPLEX;
+ }
+static void fillPrinterOptions(DEVMODEA *devmode)
+ //printOpt format is: <opt1>=<val1>,<opt2>=<val2>,...
+ const char *nextOpt = printOpt.getCString();
+ while (nextOpt && *nextOpt)
+ {
+ const char *comma = strchr(nextOpt, ',');
+ GooString opt;
+ if (comma) {
+ opt.Set(nextOpt, comma - nextOpt);
+ nextOpt = comma + 1;
+ } else {
+ opt.Set(nextOpt);
+ nextOpt = NULL;
+ }
+ //here opt is "<optN>=<valN> "
+ const char *equal = strchr(opt.getCString(), '=');
+ if (!equal) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: unknown printer option \"%s\"\n", opt.getCString());
+ continue;
+ }
+ int iequal = equal - opt.getCString();
+ GooString value(&opt, iequal + 1, opt.getLength() - iequal - 1);
+ opt.del(iequal, opt.getLength() - iequal);
+ //here opt is "<optN>" and value is "<valN>"
+ if (opt.cmp("source") == 0) {
+ parseSource(devmode, &value);
+ } else if (opt.cmp("duplex") == 0) {
+ parseDuplex(devmode, &value);
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Warning: unknown printer option \"%s\"\n", opt.getCString());
+ }
+ }
+static void win32BeginDocument(GooString *outputFileName, double w, double h)
+ if (!print)
+ return;
+ if (printer.getCString()[0] == 0)
+ {
+ DWORD szName = 0;
+ GetDefaultPrinterA(NULL, &szName);
+ char *devname = (char*)gmalloc(szName);
+ GetDefaultPrinterA(devname, &szName);
+ printer.Set(devname);
+ gfree(devname);
+ }
+ char *cPrinter = printer.getCString();
+ //Query the size of the DEVMODE struct
+ LONG szProp = DocumentPropertiesA(NULL, NULL, cPrinter, NULL, NULL, 0);
+ if (szProp < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Printer \"%s\" not found", cPrinter);
+ exit(99);
+ }
+ DEVMODEA *devmode = (DEVMODEA*)gmalloc(szProp);
+ memset(devmode, 0, szProp);
+ devmode->dmSize = sizeof(DEVMODEA);
+ devmode->dmSpecVersion = DM_SPECVERSION;
+ //Load the current default configuration for the printer into devmode
+ if (DocumentPropertiesA(NULL, NULL, cPrinter, devmode, NULL, DM_OUT_BUFFER) < 0)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Printer \"%s\" not found", cPrinter);
+ exit(99);
+ }
+ fillCommonPrinterOptions(devmode, w, h);
+ fillPrinterOptions(devmode);
+ HDC hdc = CreateDCA(NULL, cPrinter, NULL, devmode);
+ gfree(devmode);
+ if (!hdc)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: Printer \"%s\" not found", cPrinter);
+ exit(99);
+ }
+ DOCINFOA docinfo;
+ memset(&docinfo, 0, sizeof(docinfo));
+ docinfo.cbSize = sizeof(docinfo);
+ if (outputFileName->cmp("fd://0") == 0)
+ docinfo.lpszDocName = "pdftocairo <stdin>";
+ else
+ docinfo.lpszDocName = outputFileName->getCString();
+ if (StartDocA(hdc, &docinfo) <=0) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: StartDoc failed");
+ exit(99);
+ }
+ surface = cairo_win32_printing_surface_create(hdc);
+static void win32BeginPage(double w, double h)
+ if (!print)
+ return;
+ StartPage(cairo_win32_surface_get_dc(surface));
+static void win32EndPage(GooString *imageFileName)
+ if (!print)
+ return;
+ EndPage(cairo_win32_surface_get_dc(surface));
+static void win32EndDocument()
+ if (!print)
+ return;
+ HDC hdc = cairo_win32_surface_get_dc(surface);
+ EndDoc(hdc);
+ DeleteDC(hdc);