#ifndef __glutwin32_h__ #define __glutwin32_h__ /* Copyright (c) Nate Robins, 1997. */ /* This program is freely distributable without licensing fees and is provided without guarantee or warrantee expressed or implied. This program is -not- in the public domain. */ #include "win32_x11.h" #include "win32_glx.h" /* We have to undef some things because Microsoft likes to pollute the global namespace. */ #undef TRANSPARENT /* Win32 "equivalent" cursors - eventually, the X glyphs should be converted to Win32 cursors -- then they will look the same */ #define XC_arrow IDC_ARROW #define XC_top_left_arrow IDC_ARROW #define XC_hand1 IDC_SIZEALL #define XC_pirate IDC_NO #define XC_question_arrow IDC_HELP #define XC_exchange IDC_NO #define XC_spraycan IDC_SIZEALL #define XC_watch IDC_WAIT #define XC_xterm IDC_IBEAM #define XC_crosshair IDC_CROSS #define XC_sb_v_double_arrow IDC_SIZENS #define XC_sb_h_double_arrow IDC_SIZEWE #define XC_top_side IDC_UPARROW #define XC_bottom_side IDC_SIZENS #define XC_left_side IDC_SIZEWE #define XC_right_side IDC_SIZEWE #define XC_top_left_corner IDC_SIZENWSE #define XC_top_right_corner IDC_SIZENESW #define XC_bottom_right_corner IDC_SIZENWSE #define XC_bottom_left_corner IDC_SIZENESW #define XA_STRING 0 /* Private routines from win32_util.c */ #ifndef __CYGWIN32__ extern int gettimeofday(struct timeval* tp, void* tzp); #endif extern void *__glutFont(void *font); extern int __glutGetTransparentPixel(Display *dpy, XVisualInfo *vinfo); extern void __glutAdjustCoords(Window parent, int *x, int *y, int *width, int *height); /* Cygwin B20.1 misses the following definitions */ #ifdef __CYGWIN32__ /* from winuser.h */ #define CDS_FULLSCREEN 4 /* from mmsystem.h */ #define WINMMAPI __declspec(dllimport) typedef UINT MMRESULT; #define MM_JOY1MOVE 0x3A0 #define MM_JOY1ZMOVE 0x3A2 #define MM_JOY1BUTTONDOWN 0x3B5 #define MM_JOY1BUTTONUP 0x3B7 #define JOYERR_NOERROR 0 #define JOYERR_PARMS 165 #define JOY_RETURNALL 0x000000ffl #define JOYSTICKID1 0 typedef struct joyinfoex_tag { DWORD dwSize; /* size of structure */ DWORD dwFlags; /* flags to indicate what to return */ DWORD dwXpos; /* x position */ DWORD dwYpos; /* y position */ DWORD dwZpos; /* z position */ DWORD dwRpos; /* rudder/4th axis position */ DWORD dwUpos; /* 5th axis position */ DWORD dwVpos; /* 6th axis position */ DWORD dwButtons; /* button states */ DWORD dwButtonNumber; /* current button number pressed */ DWORD dwPOV; /* point of view state */ DWORD dwReserved1; /* reserved for communication between winmm & driver */ DWORD dwReserved2; /* reserved for future expansion */ } JOYINFOEX, *PJOYINFOEX, /* NEAR */ *NPJOYINFOEX, /* FAR */ *LPJOYINFOEX; WINMMAPI MMRESULT WINAPI joyGetPosEx( UINT uJoyID, LPJOYINFOEX pji); WINMMAPI MMRESULT WINAPI joyReleaseCapture( UINT uJoyID); WINMMAPI MMRESULT WINAPI joySetCapture( HWND hwnd, UINT uJoyID, UINT uPeriod, BOOL fChanged); WINMMAPI MMRESULT WINAPI joySetThreshold( UINT uJoyID, UINT uThreshold); #endif #endif /* __glutwin32_h__ */