/* * Copyright 2013 Vadim Girlin * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * on the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sub * license, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom * the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice (including the next * paragraph) shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the * Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHOR(S) AND/OR THEIR SUPPLIERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, * DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR * OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE * USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Vadim Girlin */ #include "sb_shader.h" #include "sb_pass.h" #define LIV_DEBUG 0 #if LIV_DEBUG #define LIV_DUMP(a) do { a } while (0) #else #define LIV_DUMP(a) #endif namespace r600_sb { bool liveness::visit(container_node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { n.live_after = live; process_ins(n); } else { process_outs(n); n.live_before = live; } return true; } bool liveness::visit(bb_node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { n.live_after = live; } else { n.live_before = live; } return true; } bool liveness::visit(alu_group_node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { } else { } return true; } bool liveness::visit(cf_node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { if (n.bc.op == CF_OP_CF_END) { n.flags |= NF_DEAD; return false; } n.live_after = live; update_interferences(); process_op(n); } else { n.live_before = live; } return true; } bool liveness::visit(alu_node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { update_interferences(); process_op(n); } else { } return false; } bool liveness::visit(alu_packed_node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { update_interferences(); process_op(n); } else { } return false; } bool liveness::visit(fetch_node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { update_interferences(); process_op(n); } else { } return true; } bool liveness::visit(region_node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { val_set s = live; update_interferences(); if (n.phi) process_phi_outs(n.phi); n.live_after = live; live.clear(); if (n.loop_phi) { n.live_before.clear(); } assert(n.count() == 1); run_on(*static_cast(*n.begin())); // second pass for loops if (n.loop_phi) { process_phi_outs(n.loop_phi); n.live_before = live; run_on(*static_cast(*n.begin())); update_interferences(); // FIXME is it required process_phi_outs(n.loop_phi); process_phi_branch(n.loop_phi, 0); } update_interferences(); // FIXME is it required n.live_after = s; n.live_before = live; } return false; } bool liveness::visit(repeat_node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { live = n.target->live_before; process_phi_branch(n.target->loop_phi, n.rep_id); } else { } return true; } bool liveness::visit(depart_node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { live = n.target->live_after; if(n.target->phi) process_phi_branch(n.target->phi, n.dep_id); } else { } return true; } bool liveness::visit(if_node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { assert(n.count() == 1); n.live_after = live; run_on(*static_cast(*n.begin())); process_op(n); live.add_set(n.live_after); } return false; } void liveness::update_interferences() { if (!sh.compute_interferences) return; if (!live_changed) return; LIV_DUMP( sblog << "interf "; dump::dump_set(sh, live); sblog << "\n"; ); val_set& s = live; for(val_set::iterator I = s.begin(sh), E = s.end(sh); I != E; ++I) { value *v = *I; assert(v); if (v->array) { v->array->interferences.add_set(s); } v->interferences.add_set(s); v->interferences.remove_val(v); LIV_DUMP( sblog << "interferences updated for "; dump::dump_val(v); sblog << " : "; dump::dump_set(sh, v->interferences); sblog << "\n"; ); } live_changed = false; } bool liveness::remove_val(value *v) { if (live.remove_val(v)) { v->flags &= ~VLF_DEAD; return true; } v->flags |= VLF_DEAD; return false; } bool liveness::process_maydef(value *v) { bool r = false; vvec::iterator S(v->muse.begin()); for (vvec::iterator I = v->mdef.begin(), E = v->mdef.end(); I != E; ++I, ++S) { value *&d = *I, *&u = *S; if (!d) { assert(!u); continue; } bool alive = remove_val(d); if (alive) { r = true; } else { d = NULL; u = NULL; } } return r; } bool liveness::remove_vec(vvec &vv) { bool r = false; for (vvec::reverse_iterator I = vv.rbegin(), E = vv.rend(); I != E; ++I) { value* &v = *I; if (!v) continue; if (v->is_rel()) { r |= process_maydef(v); } else r |= remove_val(v); } return r; } bool r600_sb::liveness::visit(node& n, bool enter) { if (enter) { update_interferences(); process_op(n); } return false; } bool liveness::process_outs(node& n) { bool alive = remove_vec(n.dst); if (alive) live_changed = true; return alive; } bool liveness::add_vec(vvec &vv, bool src) { bool r = false; for (vvec::iterator I = vv.begin(), E = vv.end(); I != E; ++I) { value *v = *I; if (!v || v->is_readonly()) continue; if (v->is_rel()) { r |= add_vec(v->muse, true); if (v->rel->is_any_reg()) r |= live.add_val(v->rel); } else if (src) { r |= live.add_val(v); } } return r; } void liveness::process_ins(node& n) { if (!(n.flags & NF_DEAD)) { live_changed |= add_vec(n.src, true); live_changed |= add_vec(n.dst, false); if (n.type == NT_IF) { if_node &in = (if_node&)n; if (in.cond) live_changed |= live.add_val(in.cond); } if (n.pred) live_changed |= live.add_val(n.pred); } } void liveness::process_op(node& n) { LIV_DUMP( sblog << "process_op: "; dump::dump_op(&n); sblog << "\n"; sblog << "process_op: live_after:"; dump::dump_set(sh, live); sblog << "\n"; ); if(!n.dst.empty() || n.is_cf_op(CF_OP_CALL_FS)) { if (!process_outs(n)) { if (!(n.flags & NF_DONT_KILL)) n.flags |= NF_DEAD; } else { n.flags &= ~NF_DEAD; } } process_ins(n); LIV_DUMP( sblog << "process_op: live_before:"; dump::dump_set(sh, live); sblog << "\n"; ); } int liveness::init() { if (sh.compute_interferences) { gpr_array_vec &vv = sh.arrays(); for (gpr_array_vec::iterator I = vv.begin(), E = vv.end(); I != E; ++I) { gpr_array *a = *I; a->interferences.clear(); } } return 0; } void liveness::update_src_vec(vvec &vv, bool src) { for (vvec::iterator I = vv.begin(), E = vv.end(); I != E; ++I) { value *v = *I; if (!v || !v->is_sgpr()) continue; if (v->rel && v->rel->is_dead()) v->rel->flags &= ~VLF_DEAD; if (src && v->is_dead()) { v->flags &= ~VLF_DEAD; } } } void liveness::process_phi_outs(container_node *phi) { for (node_iterator I = phi->begin(), E = phi->end(); I != E; ++I) { node *n = *I; if (!process_outs(*n)) { n->flags |= NF_DEAD; } else { n->flags &= ~NF_DEAD; update_src_vec(n->src, true); update_src_vec(n->dst, false); } } } void liveness::process_phi_branch(container_node* phi, unsigned id) { val_set &s = live; for (node_iterator I = phi->begin(), E = phi->end(); I != E; ++I) { node *n = *I; if (n->is_dead()) continue; value *v = n->src[id]; if (!v->is_readonly()) { live_changed |= s.add_val(v); v->flags &= ~VLF_DEAD; } } } } //namespace r600_sb