#!/bin/bash arch=$1 cross_file="/cross_file-$arch.txt" /usr/share/meson/debcrossgen --arch $arch -o "$cross_file" # Explicitly set ccache path for cross compilers sed -i "s|/usr/bin/\([^-]*\)-linux-gnu\([^-]*\)-g|/usr/lib/ccache/\\1-linux-gnu\\2-g|g" "$cross_file" if [ "$arch" = "i386" ]; then # Work around a bug in debcrossgen that should be fixed in the next release sed -i "s|cpu_family = 'i686'|cpu_family = 'x86'|g" "$cross_file" fi # Rely on qemu-user being configured in binfmt_misc on the host sed -i -e '/\[properties\]/a\' -e "needs_exe_wrapper = False" "$cross_file" # Set up cmake cross compile toolchain file for dEQP builds toolchain_file="/toolchain-$arch.cmake" if [[ "$arch" = "arm64" ]]; then GCC_ARCH="aarch64-linux-gnu" DE_CPU="DE_CPU_ARM_64" CMAKE_ARCH=arm elif [[ "$arch" = "armhf" ]]; then GCC_ARCH="arm-linux-gnueabihf" DE_CPU="DE_CPU_ARM" CMAKE_ARCH=arm fi if [[ -n "$GCC_ARCH" ]]; then echo "set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME Linux)" > "$toolchain_file" echo "set(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR arm)" >> "$toolchain_file" echo "set(CMAKE_C_COMPILER /usr/lib/ccache/$GCC_ARCH-gcc)" >> "$toolchain_file" echo "set(CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER /usr/lib/ccache/$GCC_ARCH-g++)" >> "$toolchain_file" echo "set(ENV{PKG_CONFIG} \"/usr/bin/$GCC_ARCH-pkg-config\")" >> "$toolchain_file" echo "set(DE_CPU $DE_CPU)" >> "$toolchain_file" fi