path: root/src/mesa/tnl
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2001-10-20forgotten diffuse alpha fixKeith Whitwell1-1/+3
2001-09-20(very) Brief overview of tnl moduleKeith Whitwell1-0/+102
2001-09-14more warning fixes (Karl Schultz)Brian Paul6-41/+38
2001-09-14silence more warnings (Karl Schultz)Brian Paul1-3/+3
2001-09-14silence minor warningsBrian Paul1-6/+5
2001-09-07 Committing in .Jouk Jansen1-1/+2
Modified Files: Mesa/src/tnl/t_imm_alloc.c added initialization for Normals ----------------------------------------------------------------------
2001-08-14Reenable, but only in the size four case...Keith Whitwell1-7/+9
2001-08-14Undo last change - breaks other stuff.Keith Whitwell1-7/+7
2001-08-14Compute first partials before taking cross product to calculate normal.Keith Whitwell1-1/+9
Fixes diego santa cruz' nurbs lighting bug.
2001-08-13Fix problem with colormaterial (bug #441859)Keith Whitwell1-8/+15
2001-08-13Removed optimizations (this code is now seldom used)Keith Whitwell3-181/+3
2001-08-03Fix VERT_RGBA special case.Keith Whitwell1-2/+5
2001-08-02Fix SGL testLights.exe bugs (interaction of copying and fixup in display lists)Keith Whitwell5-51/+103
2001-08-02Fix SGL testGeoSets.exe polygon mode problem (wrong interpretation ofKeith Whitwell1-12/+19
count parameter in DrawArrays)
2001-08-02Fix SGL monoindexed bug (glDrawRangeElements in dlist)Keith Whitwell1-5/+13
2001-08-01Fix copying problem (light spots) on evaluated surfaces.Keith Whitwell6-70/+52
2001-07-28Fix core in fixup_normal_lengthsKeith Whitwell1-4/+6
2001-07-28Remove _BaseAlpha, fix reflect lighting bug.Keith Whitwell1-15/+30
2001-07-27more GLAPIENTRY fixes (Karl Schultz)Brian Paul1-3/+3
2001-07-26use GLAPIENTRY when declaring a couple function pointers (Gerk Huisma)Brian Paul1-3/+3
2001-07-23fix some Win32 warnings (Gerk Huisma)Brian Paul1-4/+4
2001-07-19Added Win32 memory debugging and fixed a few memory leaks (Gerk Huisma)Brian Paul1-1/+2
2001-07-17Fix Alan Barnett's 'try10' display list bug.Keith Whitwell2-11/+11
2001-07-17Lighting now emits colors as CHAN_TYPE, as it used to. This will requireKeith Whitwell2-108/+184
minor adjustments in the dri drivers for twosided lighting to work again.
2001-07-13replaced __inline with INLINEBrian Paul1-10/+8
2001-07-13silence an uninitialized var warningBrian Paul1-2/+2
2001-07-12Rename some of the tnl->Driver.* functions to tnl->Driver.Render.*, to make itKeith Whitwell5-138/+160
clear that these are owned by t_vb_render.c. Make swrast_setup opaque - it now hooks itself directly into tnl->Driver.Render.*. Add a _swsetup_Wakeup() call that does this. Update X11 (tested), osmesa and FX drivers for this change. FX compiles but is probably broken as the changes there are large. It was the only remaining driver that used the internal _swsetup_ functions for interp and copy_pv. This usage has been replaced with code from the DRI tdfx driver.
2001-06-28restore normal length optimization in dlistsKeith Whitwell8-13/+97
2001-06-15Added fi_type union typedef to glheader.h.Brian Paul2-55/+57
Replace various float/int casts with the fi_type union cast. Fixes -fstrict-aliasing problems.
2001-06-13disabled an assertion that doesn't seem to be neededBrian Paul1-1/+3
2001-06-04Adaptor code that lets tnl convert compiled (display list) cassettes backKeith Whitwell7-112/+305
to glVertex() type calls. Allows driver-supplied tnl modules to avoid fallback on glCallList inside begin/end pairs. Still a little buggy...
2001-06-01added minor commentsBrian Paul1-2/+4
2001-05-31swapped in/out arguments to interp_func. Improved commentsBrian Paul1-5/+17
2001-05-30rerun vertex stage on _MESA_NEW_NEED_EYE_COORDSKeith Whitwell1-1/+2
2001-05-21Initial commit of cliptest work. More to come shortly.Gareth Hughes1-4/+4
- Add debug, benchmark code. - Change linux/x86 FAST_MATH code to GCC/x86, and clear FP exceptions before exiting the fast math block. - Remove divide-by-zero test in x86 cliptest, and set clipped vertices to [0,0,0,1] instead of leaving them uninitialized.
2001-05-17Comment out __FUNCTION__ usage.Keith Whitwell1-8/+6
2001-05-16fix for Jouk's glplanet bugKeith Whitwell3-4/+9
2001-05-15increase FOG_MAX to 10.0 to fix CI conformace failureBrian Paul1-5/+5
2001-05-14typoKeith Whitwell1-9/+6
2001-05-14Fix for glean texgen test.Keith Whitwell5-16/+52
2001-05-11Clean up _tnl_Begin/begin/hard_begin.Keith Whitwell6-141/+147
Fix some problems with draw_arrays, draw_elements.
2001-05-11Clean up translation of array elements, copying of elts in pure-eltKeith Whitwell10-154/+97
cassettes. Fixes problem with isosurf/compiled-array-elt/strips.
2001-05-10Replace PipelineStart, PipelineFinish with RunPipeline. Clean upKeith Whitwell4-50/+34
_tnl_run_pipeline() a little.
2001-05-09add missing translate functionsKeith Whitwell1-4/+13
2001-05-09fix possible segfault on destroy contextKeith Whitwell3-10/+16
2001-05-09Use correct PV when clipping.Keith Whitwell1-7/+7
2001-05-09fix eval/colormaterial interactionKeith Whitwell1-2/+4
2001-05-03fix for moebius infinite loopKeith Whitwell3-33/+59
2001-05-03added assertion to catch infinite loop in _tnl_fixup_compiled_cassette() - ↵Brian Paul1-2/+4
might help Keith
2001-05-03minor clean-ups and warning fixesBrian Paul1-4/+4