path: root/src/mesa/swrast_setup/ss_triangle.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2001-07-17Lighting now emits colors as CHAN_TYPE, as it used to. This will requireKeith Whitwell1-3/+3
2001-07-12Rename some of the tnl->Driver.* functions to tnl->Driver.Render.*, to make itKeith Whitwell1-6/+6
2001-04-28Support for floating point color representation in tnl module.Keith Whitwell1-3/+3
2001-03-12Consistent copyright info (version number, date) across all files.Gareth Hughes1-22/+23
2001-03-08More g++ warning fixes. Fixes for CHAN_BITS==16, it seems to work.Brian Paul1-2/+2
2001-03-07fixed a bunch of g++ warnings/errors. Compiling with g++ can help find lots ...Brian Paul1-6/+7
2001-01-23Replaced struct gl_visual with struct __GLcontextModesRec from glcore.h.Brian Paul1-1/+1
2001-01-16Fix several conformance problems. Hack solution to line stipple problem.Keith Whitwell1-0/+95
2001-01-14Fixed conform feedback and drawelements tests.Keith Whitwell1-2/+2
2001-01-05Remove 'pv' parameter from Line/Tri/Point funcs. The provoking vertexKeith Whitwell1-89/+12
2000-12-26Major rework of tnl moduleKeith Whitwell1-58/+72
2000-11-22 Committing in .Jouk Jansen1-7/+7
2000-11-16Move the transform and lighting code to two new directoriesKeith Whitwell1-0/+2
2000-11-13Cleanup of derived state calculation prior to seperating software T&LKeith Whitwell1-1/+88
2000-11-05A new module to provide RasterSetup and advanced triangle/line/pointKeith Whitwell1-0/+161