path: root/src/mesa/main/arbprogram.h
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-06-05mesa: remove outdated version lines in commentsRico Schüller1-1/+0
2013-04-23mesa: Restore 78-column wrapping of license text in C-style comments.Kenneth Graunke1-3/+4
2013-04-23mesa: Add "OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS" to license text disclaiming liability.Kenneth Graunke1-1/+1
2013-04-23mesa: Change "BRIAN PAUL" to "THE AUTHORS" in license text.Kenneth Graunke1-1/+1
2012-11-12mesa: Standardize names of OpenGL functions.Paul Berry1-3/+3
2010-07-28mesa: Remove unnecessary header.Vinson Lee1-1/+0
2010-06-23Merge branch 'shader-file-reorg'Brian Paul1-0/+132
2010-06-10mesa: move arbprogram.[ch] to main/Brian Paul1-0/+128
2004-03-29Moved to src/mesa/shaderMichal Krol1-128/+0
2003-10-21Added GLAPIENTRY decorations for all first level OpenGL API function entryKendall Bennett1-21/+21
2003-09-05move GL_MESA_program_debug code into program.cBrian Paul1-8/+0
2003-08-31Moved some shared vertex/fragment program code into new program.c file.Brian Paul1-5/+0
2003-07-22Restore more code lost during last big merge.Brian Paul1-0/+5
2003-07-21Initial implementation of GL_MESA_program_debug - a vertex/fragment programBrian Paul1-1/+8
2003-05-28glBindProgramARB dispatches to glBindProgramNV (remove _mesa_BindProgramARB).Brian Paul1-112/+0
2003-05-01Use ctx->Const.MaxTextureImageUnits and MaxTextureCoordUnits in more places.Brian Paul1-6/+0
2003-04-21alias ARB/NV program functions where possibleBrian Paul1-11/+0
2003-04-11Some groundwork for GL_ARB_vertex/fragment_program.Brian Paul1-0/+258