path: root/src/mapi/glapi/gen/SConscript
AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2013-07-01scons: Fix dependencies of enums.c and api_exec.c.José Fonseca1-1/+15
2013-06-27scons: Add dependencies to all .xml files.José Fonseca1-4/+10
2013-01-21scons: Fix dependencies of generated headers.José Fonseca1-26/+20
2012-11-01dispatch: Include GLES1-only functions in dispatch table.Paul Berry1-5/+5
2012-06-01scons: generate the glapitable.h file tooBrian Paul1-0/+7
2012-05-31scons: add code to generate the various GL API filesBrian Paul1-0/+42