AgeCommit message (Expand)AuthorFilesLines
2012-07-10docs: Add 8.0.4 release notesmesa-8.0.4Ian Romanick2-0/+203
2012-07-10mesa: Bump version number to 8.0.4Ian Romanick3-4/+4
2012-07-06st/mesa: don't do srgb->linear conversion in decompress_with_blitMarek Olšák1-0/+1
2012-07-06gallium/targets: pass ldflags parameter to MKLIBThomas Gstädtner1-1/+1
2012-07-06st/mesa: Fix uninitialized members in glsl_to_tgsi_visitor constructor.Vinson Lee1-0/+4
2012-07-06r600g: check gpr count limitVadim Girlin1-0/+8
2012-07-06st/mesa: fix max_offset computation for base vertexBrian Paul1-2/+18
2012-07-06glsl: Don't trust loop analysis in the presence of function calls.Kenneth Graunke2-0/+34
2012-07-06draw: fix missing immediates bug in polygon stipple codeBrian Paul1-0/+5
2012-07-06st/mesa: fix mipmap image size computation w.r.t. texture arraysBrian Paul1-3/+15
2012-07-06st/mesa: add null pointer check in st_texture_image_map()Brian Paul1-0/+3
2012-07-06st/mesa: use private pipe_sampler_view in decompress_with_blit()Brian Paul1-4/+18
2012-07-06st/mesa: don't set PIPE_BIND_DISPLAY_TARGET for user-created renderbuffersBrian Paul1-0/+6
2012-07-06draw: Ensure that prepare is always run after LLVM garbagge collection.José Fonseca1-0/+5
2012-07-06svga: reset vertex buffer offset in svga_release_user_upl_buffers()Brian Paul1-0/+11
2012-07-06svga: move svga_texture() casts/calls in svga_surface_copy()Brian Paul1-2/+4
2012-07-06st/mesa: copy num_immediates field when copying the immediates arrayBrian Paul1-1/+5
2012-07-06st/mesa: add fallback pipe formats for (compressed) R, RG formatsBrian Paul1-12/+22
2012-07-06i915g: Don't avoid flushing when we have a pending fence.Stéphane Marchesin1-1/+4
2012-07-06i915g: Don't invert signalled/unsignalled fencesStéphane Marchesin1-2/+2
2012-07-06svga: change PIPE_CAPF_MAX_TEXTURE_LOD_BIAS from 16.0 to 15.0Brian Paul1-1/+1
2012-07-06svga: fix min/max lod clampingBrian Paul1-4/+6
2012-07-06svga: add 0.5 in float->int conversion of sample min/max lodBrian Paul1-2/+2
2012-07-06st/mesa: pass GL_MAP_INVALIDATE_RANGE_BIT to gallium driversBrian Paul2-0/+4
2012-07-06glsl: Fix pi/2 constant in acos built-in functionIan Romanick1-4/+4
2012-07-06mesa: Free uniforms correclty.Antoine Labour1-1/+2
2012-07-06meta: Cleanup the resources we allocate.Antoine Labour1-6/+66
2012-07-06glx: Handle a null reply in QueryVersion.Stéphane Marchesin1-0/+3
2012-07-06glsl: Hook up loop_variable_state destructor to plug a memory leak.Kenneth Graunke1-0/+17
2012-07-06i965/fs: Fix user-defined FS outputs with less than four components.Kenneth Graunke2-2/+9
2012-07-06i965/vs: Fix texelFetchOffset() on pre-Gen7.Kenneth Graunke1-2/+2
2012-07-06i965/vs: Fix texelFetchOffset()Eric Anholt1-3/+23
2012-07-06i965/fs: Fix texelFetchOffset() on pre-Gen7.Kenneth Graunke1-12/+28
2012-07-06meta: Fix GL_RENDERBUFFER binding in decompress_texture_image().Kenneth Graunke1-0/+4
2012-07-06mesa: Unbind ARB_transform_feedback2 binding points on Delete too.Kenneth Graunke1-1/+7
2012-07-06mesa: Support BindBuffer{Base,Offset,Range} with a buffer of 0.Kenneth Graunke1-3/+18
2012-07-06mesa: Unbind ARB_copy_buffer and transform feedback buffers on delete.Kenneth Graunke1-0/+13
2012-07-06glsl/builtins: Fix textureGrad() for Array samplers.Kenneth Graunke1-3/+3
2012-07-06mesa: Restore depth texture state on glPopAttrib(GL_TEXTURE_BIT).Kenneth Graunke1-0/+8
2012-07-06glsl: Remove spurious printf messagesIan Romanick1-3/+0
2012-07-06ralloc: Fix ralloc_parent() of memory allocated out of the NULL context.Kenneth Graunke1-1/+1
2012-07-06i830: Fix crash for GL_STENCIL_TEST in i830Enable()Kurt Roeckx1-1/+1
2012-07-06glu: fix two Clang warningsLukas Rössler2-2/+2
2012-07-06mesa: require GL_MAX_SAMPLES >= 4 for GL 3.0Dylan Noblesmith1-0/+1
2012-07-03glsl: Remove unused ir_loop_jump::loop pointer.Kenneth Graunke1-4/+0
2012-07-03glx/tests: Fix off-by-one error in allocating extension string bufferIan Romanick1-1/+1
2012-07-03mesa: fix missing return value in getteximage_error_check()Brian Paul1-1/+1
2012-06-20mesa: add missing GL_UNSIGNED_INT_10F_11F_11F_REV caseBrian Paul1-0/+9
2012-06-20mesa: new _mesa_error_check_format_and_type() functionBrian Paul5-94/+178
2012-06-20mesa: allow exposing GL3 without EXT_texture_integerMarek Olšák5-16/+37