path: root/src/broadcom/vulkan/v3dv_cmd_buffer.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/broadcom/vulkan/v3dv_cmd_buffer.c')
1 files changed, 394 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/broadcom/vulkan/v3dv_cmd_buffer.c b/src/broadcom/vulkan/v3dv_cmd_buffer.c
index 6959ccc32e6..efffc63c5ce 100644
--- a/src/broadcom/vulkan/v3dv_cmd_buffer.c
+++ b/src/broadcom/vulkan/v3dv_cmd_buffer.c
@@ -402,9 +402,403 @@ v3dv_CmdBeginRenderPass(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer,
cmd_buffer->state.subpass_idx = 0;
+static void
+setup_render_target(struct v3dv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer, int rt,
+ uint32_t *rt_bpp, uint32_t *rt_type, uint32_t *rt_clamp)
+ const struct v3dv_cmd_buffer_state *state = &cmd_buffer->state;
+ assert(state->subpass_idx < state->pass->subpass_count);
+ const struct v3dv_subpass *subpass =
+ &state->pass->subpasses[state->subpass_idx];
+ if (rt >= subpass->color_count)
+ return;
+ struct v3dv_subpass_attachment *attachment = &subpass->color_attachments[rt];
+ const uint32_t attachment_idx = attachment->attachment;
+ if (attachment_idx == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ return;
+ const struct v3dv_framebuffer *framebuffer = state->framebuffer;
+ assert(attachment_idx < framebuffer->attachment_count);
+ struct v3dv_image_view *iview = framebuffer->attachments[attachment_idx];
+ *rt_bpp = iview->internal_bpp;
+ *rt_type = iview->internal_type;
+static void
+emit_loads(struct v3dv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+ struct v3dv_cl *cl,
+ uint32_t layer)
+ /* FIXME: implement tile loads */
+ cl_emit(cl, END_OF_LOADS, end);
+static void
+store_general(struct v3dv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+ struct v3dv_cl *cl,
+ struct v3dv_image_view *iview,
+ uint32_t layer,
+ uint32_t buffer)
+ const struct v3dv_image *image = iview->image;
+ uint32_t layer_offset = v3dv_layer_offset(image,
+ iview->base_level,
+ iview->first_layer + layer);
+ cl_emit(cl, STORE_TILE_BUFFER_GENERAL, store) {
+ store.buffer_to_store = buffer;
+ store.address = v3dv_cl_address(image->mem->bo, layer_offset);
+ store.clear_buffer_being_stored = false;
+ store.output_image_format = iview->format->rt_type;
+ store.r_b_swap = iview->swap_rb;
+ store.memory_format = iview->tiling;
+ const struct v3d_resource_slice *slice = &image->slices[iview->base_level];
+ if (slice->tiling == VC5_TILING_UIF_NO_XOR ||
+ slice->tiling == VC5_TILING_UIF_XOR) {
+ store.height_in_ub_or_stride =
+ slice->padded_height_of_output_image_in_uif_blocks;
+ } else if (slice->tiling == VC5_TILING_RASTER) {
+ store.height_in_ub_or_stride = slice->stride;
+ }
+ if (image->samples > VK_SAMPLE_COUNT_1_BIT)
+ store.decimate_mode = V3D_DECIMATE_MODE_ALL_SAMPLES;
+ else
+ store.decimate_mode = V3D_DECIMATE_MODE_SAMPLE_0;
+ }
+static void
+emit_stores(struct v3dv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer,
+ struct v3dv_cl *cl,
+ uint32_t layer)
+ const struct v3dv_cmd_buffer_state *state = &cmd_buffer->state;
+ const struct v3dv_framebuffer *framebuffer = state->framebuffer;
+ const struct v3dv_subpass *subpass =
+ &state->pass->subpasses[state->subpass_idx];
+ bool has_stores = false;
+ bool has_clears = false;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subpass->color_count; i++) {
+ uint32_t attachment_idx = subpass->color_attachments[i].attachment;
+ if (attachment_idx == VK_ATTACHMENT_UNUSED)
+ continue;
+ const struct v3dv_render_pass_attachment *attachment =
+ &state->pass->attachments[attachment_idx];
+ /* FIXME: we should probbably precompute this somehwere in the state */
+ if (attachment->desc.loadOp == VK_ATTACHMENT_LOAD_OP_CLEAR)
+ has_clears = true;
+ if (attachment->desc.storeOp != VK_ATTACHMENT_STORE_OP_STORE)
+ continue;
+ struct v3dv_image_view *iview = framebuffer->attachments[attachment_idx];
+ store_general(cmd_buffer, cl, iview, layer, RENDER_TARGET_0 + i);
+ has_stores = true;
+ }
+ /* FIXME: depth/stencil store */
+ /* We always need to emit at least one dummy store */
+ if (!has_stores) {
+ cl_emit(cl, STORE_TILE_BUFFER_GENERAL, store) {
+ store.buffer_to_store = NONE;
+ }
+ }
+ /* GFXH-1461/GFXH-1689: The per-buffer store command's clear
+ * buffer bit is broken for depth/stencil. In addition, the
+ * clear packet's Z/S bit is broken, but the RTs bit ends up
+ * clearing Z/S.
+ */
+ if (has_clears) {
+ cl_emit(cl, CLEAR_TILE_BUFFERS, clear) {
+ clear.clear_z_stencil_buffer = true;
+ clear.clear_all_render_targets = true;
+ }
+ }
+static void
+emit_generic_per_tile_list(struct v3dv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer, uint32_t layer)
+ /* Emit the generic list in our indirect state -- the rcl will just
+ * have pointers into it.
+ */
+ struct v3dv_cl *cl = &cmd_buffer->indirect;
+ v3dv_cl_ensure_space(cl, 200, 1);
+ struct v3dv_cl_reloc tile_list_start = v3dv_cl_get_address(cl);
+ cl_emit(cl, TILE_COORDINATES_IMPLICIT, coords);
+ emit_loads(cmd_buffer, cl, layer);
+ /* The binner starts out writing tiles assuming that the initial mode
+ * is triangles, so make sure that's the case.
+ */
+ cl_emit(cl, PRIM_LIST_FORMAT, fmt) {
+ fmt.primitive_type = LIST_TRIANGLES;
+ }
+ cl_emit(cl, BRANCH_TO_IMPLICIT_TILE_LIST, branch);
+ emit_stores(cmd_buffer, cl, layer);
+ cl_emit(cl, END_OF_TILE_MARKER, end);
+ cl_emit(cl, RETURN_FROM_SUB_LIST, ret);
+ cl_emit(&cmd_buffer->rcl, START_ADDRESS_OF_GENERIC_TILE_LIST, branch) {
+ branch.start = tile_list_start;
+ branch.end = v3dv_cl_get_address(cl);
+ }
+static void
+emit_render_layer(struct v3dv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer, uint32_t layer)
+ const struct v3dv_cmd_buffer_state *state = &cmd_buffer->state;
+ const struct v3dv_framebuffer *framebuffer = state->framebuffer;
+ struct v3dv_cl *rcl = &cmd_buffer->rcl;
+ /* If doing multicore binning, we would need to initialize each
+ * core's tile list here.
+ */
+ const uint32_t tile_alloc_offset =
+ 64 * layer * framebuffer->draw_tiles_x * framebuffer->draw_tiles_y;
+ list.address = v3dv_cl_address(cmd_buffer->tile_alloc, tile_alloc_offset);
+ }
+ config.number_of_bin_tile_lists = 1;
+ config.total_frame_width_in_tiles = framebuffer->draw_tiles_x;
+ config.total_frame_height_in_tiles = framebuffer->draw_tiles_y;
+ config.supertile_width_in_tiles = framebuffer->supertile_width;
+ config.supertile_height_in_tiles = framebuffer->supertile_height;
+ config.total_frame_width_in_supertiles =
+ framebuffer->frame_width_in_supertiles;
+ config.total_frame_height_in_supertiles =
+ framebuffer->frame_height_in_supertiles;
+ }
+ /* Start by clearing the tile buffer. */
+ cl_emit(rcl, TILE_COORDINATES, coords) {
+ coords.tile_column_number = 0;
+ coords.tile_row_number = 0;
+ }
+ /* Emit an initial clear of the tile buffers. This is necessary
+ * for any buffers that should be cleared (since clearing
+ * normally happens at the *end* of the generic tile list), but
+ * it's also nice to clear everything so the first tile doesn't
+ * inherit any contents from some previous frame.
+ *
+ * Also, implement the GFXH-1742 workaround. There's a race in
+ * the HW between the RCL updating the TLB's internal type/size
+ * and the spawning of the QPU instances using the TLB's current
+ * internal type/size. To make sure the QPUs get the right
+ * state, we need 1 dummy store in between internal type/size
+ * changes on V3D 3.x, and 2 dummy stores on 4.x.
+ */
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ if (i > 0)
+ cl_emit(rcl, TILE_COORDINATES, coords);
+ cl_emit(rcl, END_OF_LOADS, end);
+ cl_emit(rcl, STORE_TILE_BUFFER_GENERAL, store) {
+ store.buffer_to_store = NONE;
+ }
+ if (i == 0) {
+ cl_emit(rcl, CLEAR_TILE_BUFFERS, clear) {
+ clear.clear_z_stencil_buffer = true;
+ clear.clear_all_render_targets = true;
+ }
+ }
+ cl_emit(rcl, END_OF_TILE_MARKER, end);
+ }
+ cl_emit(rcl, FLUSH_VCD_CACHE, flush);
+ emit_generic_per_tile_list(cmd_buffer, layer);
+ uint32_t supertile_w_in_pixels =
+ framebuffer->tile_width * framebuffer->supertile_width;
+ uint32_t supertile_h_in_pixels =
+ framebuffer->tile_height * framebuffer->supertile_height;
+ const uint32_t min_x_supertile =
+ state->render_area.offset.x / supertile_w_in_pixels;
+ const uint32_t min_y_supertile =
+ state->render_area.offset.y / supertile_h_in_pixels;
+ const uint32_t max_render_x =
+ state->render_area.offset.x + state->render_area.extent.width - 1;
+ const uint32_t max_render_y =
+ state->render_area.offset.y + state->render_area.extent.height - 1;
+ const uint32_t max_x_supertile = max_render_x / supertile_w_in_pixels;
+ const uint32_t max_y_supertile = max_render_y / supertile_h_in_pixels;
+ for (int y = min_y_supertile; y <= max_y_supertile; y++) {
+ for (int x = min_x_supertile; x <= max_x_supertile; x++) {
+ cl_emit(rcl, SUPERTILE_COORDINATES, coords) {
+ coords.column_number_in_supertiles = x;
+ coords.row_number_in_supertiles = y;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void
+emit_rcl(struct v3dv_cmd_buffer *cmd_buffer)
+ /* FIXME */
+ const uint32_t fb_layers = 1;
+ v3dv_cl_ensure_space_with_branch(&cmd_buffer->rcl, 200 +
+ MAX2(fb_layers, 1) * 256 *
+ cl_packet_length(SUPERTILE_COORDINATES));
+ const struct v3dv_cmd_buffer_state *state = &cmd_buffer->state;
+ const struct v3dv_framebuffer *framebuffer = state->framebuffer;
+ assert(state->subpass_idx < state->pass->subpass_count);
+ const struct v3dv_subpass *subpass =
+ &state->pass->subpasses[state->subpass_idx];
+ struct v3dv_cl *rcl = &cmd_buffer->rcl;
+ /* Comon config must be the first TILE_RENDERING_MODE_CFG and
+ * Z_STENCIL_CLEAR_VALUES must be last. The ones in between are optional
+ * updates to the previous HW state.
+ */
+ cl_emit(rcl, TILE_RENDERING_MODE_CFG_COMMON, config) {
+ config.early_z_disable = true; /* FIXME */
+ config.image_width_pixels = framebuffer->width;
+ config.image_height_pixels = framebuffer->height;
+ config.number_of_render_targets = MAX2(subpass->color_count, 1);
+ config.multisample_mode_4x = false; /* FIXME */
+ config.maximum_bpp_of_all_render_targets = framebuffer->internal_bpp;
+ }
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < subpass->color_count; i++) {
+ uint32_t attachment_idx = subpass->color_attachments[i].attachment;
+ struct v3dv_image_view *iview =
+ state->framebuffer->attachments[attachment_idx];
+ const uint32_t *clear_color =
+ &state->attachments[attachment_idx].clear_value.color[0];
+ uint32_t clear_pad = 0;
+ if (iview->tiling == VC5_TILING_UIF_NO_XOR ||
+ iview->tiling == VC5_TILING_UIF_XOR) {
+ const struct v3dv_image *image = iview->image;
+ const struct v3d_resource_slice *slice =
+ &image->slices[iview->base_level];
+ int uif_block_height = v3d_utile_height(image->cpp) * 2;
+ uint32_t implicit_padded_height =
+ align(framebuffer->height, uif_block_height) / uif_block_height;
+ if (slice->padded_height_of_output_image_in_uif_blocks -
+ implicit_padded_height >= 15) {
+ clear_pad = slice->padded_height_of_output_image_in_uif_blocks;
+ }
+ }
+ clear.clear_color_low_32_bits = clear_color[0];
+ clear.clear_color_next_24_bits = clear_color[1] & 0xffffff;
+ clear.render_target_number = i;
+ };
+ if (iview->internal_bpp >= V3D_INTERNAL_BPP_64) {
+ clear.clear_color_mid_low_32_bits =
+ ((clear_color[1] >> 24) | (clear_color[2] << 8));
+ clear.clear_color_mid_high_24_bits =
+ ((clear_color[2] >> 24) | ((clear_color[3] & 0xffff) << 8));
+ clear.render_target_number = i;
+ };
+ }
+ if (iview->internal_bpp >= V3D_INTERNAL_BPP_128 || clear_pad) {
+ clear.uif_padded_height_in_uif_blocks = clear_pad;
+ clear.clear_color_high_16_bits = clear_color[3] >> 16;
+ clear.render_target_number = i;
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ cl_emit(rcl, TILE_RENDERING_MODE_CFG_COLOR, rt) {
+ setup_render_target(cmd_buffer, 0,
+ &rt.render_target_0_internal_bpp,
+ &rt.render_target_0_internal_type,
+ &rt.render_target_0_clamp);
+ setup_render_target(cmd_buffer, 1,
+ &rt.render_target_1_internal_bpp,
+ &rt.render_target_1_internal_type,
+ &rt.render_target_1_clamp);
+ setup_render_target(cmd_buffer, 2,
+ &rt.render_target_2_internal_bpp,
+ &rt.render_target_2_internal_type,
+ &rt.render_target_2_clamp);
+ setup_render_target(cmd_buffer, 3,
+ &rt.render_target_3_internal_bpp,
+ &rt.render_target_3_internal_type,
+ &rt.render_target_3_clamp);
+ }
+ /* Ends rendering mode config. */
+ clear.z_clear_value = 0; /* FIXME */
+ clear.stencil_clear_value = 0; /* FIXME */
+ };
+ /* Always set initial block size before the first branch, which needs
+ * to match the value from binning mode config.
+ */
+ cl_emit(rcl, TILE_LIST_INITIAL_BLOCK_SIZE, init) {
+ init.use_auto_chained_tile_lists = true;
+ init.size_of_first_block_in_chained_tile_lists =
+ }
+ for (int layer = 0; layer < MAX2(1, fb_layers); layer++)
+ emit_render_layer(cmd_buffer, layer);
+ cl_emit(rcl, END_OF_RENDERING, end);
v3dv_CmdEndRenderPass(VkCommandBuffer commandBuffer)
+ V3DV_FROM_HANDLE(v3dv_cmd_buffer, cmd_buffer, commandBuffer);
+ /* Emit last subpass */
+ struct v3dv_cmd_buffer_state *state = &cmd_buffer->state;
+ assert(state->subpass_idx == state->pass->subpass_count - 1);
+ emit_rcl(cmd_buffer);
+ /* We are no longer inside a render pass */
+ state->pass = NULL;
+ state->framebuffer = NULL;