#. extracted from helpcontent2/source/text/schart msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-09 16:45+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2018-02-05 09:09+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Cheng-Chia Tseng \n" "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n" "Language: zh_TW\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n" "X-Generator: Pootle 2.8\n" "X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1517821754.000000\n" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Charts in $[officename]" msgstr "$[officename] 中的圖表" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "bm_id3148664\n" "help.text" msgid "charts; overview HowTos for charts" msgstr "圖表; 簡介 圖表的使用方式" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "hd_id3148664\n" "help.text" msgid "Using Charts in %PRODUCTNAME" msgstr "使用 %PRODUCTNAME 中的圖表" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id3154685\n" "help.text" msgid "$[officename] lets you present data graphically in a chart, so that you can visually compare data series and view trends in the data. You can insert charts into spreadsheets, text documents, drawings, and presentations. " msgstr "$[officename] 可讓您以圖形方式在圖表中顯示資料,以便您直觀地比較資料序列並檢視資料反映出的趨勢。您可以將圖表插入試算表、文字文件、繪圖及簡報。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "hd_id3153143\n" "help.text" msgid "Chart Data" msgstr "圖表資料" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id5181432\n" "help.text" msgid "Charts can be based on the following data:" msgstr "圖表可以下列資料為基礎:" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id7787102\n" "help.text" msgid "Spreadsheet values from Calc cell ranges" msgstr "Calc 儲存格範圍的試算表值" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id7929929\n" "help.text" msgid "Cell values from a Writer table" msgstr "Writer 表格的儲存格值" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id4727011\n" "help.text" msgid "Values that you enter in the Chart Data Table dialog (you can create these charts in Writer, Draw, or Impress, and you can copy and paste them also to Calc)" msgstr "您在 [圖表資料表] 對話方塊中輸入的數值 (您可以在 Writer、Draw 或 Impress 中建立這些圖表,而且還可以複製這些圖表並貼到 Calc)" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id76601\n" "help.text" msgid "Creates a chart in the current document. To use a continuous range of cells as the data source for your chart, click inside the cell range, and then choose this command. Alternatively, select some cells and choose this command to create a chart of the selected cells." msgstr "在目前的文件中建立圖表。若要使用連續的儲存範圍作為圖表的資料來源,請在儲存格範圍內按一下,然後選擇此指令。或者,選取一些儲存格,然後選擇此指令以建立由所選儲存格所組成的圖表。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "hd_id5345011\n" "help.text" msgid "To insert a chart" msgstr "插入圖表" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "hd_id5631580\n" "help.text" msgid "To edit a chart" msgstr "編輯圖表" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id7911008\n" "help.text" msgid "Click a chart to edit the object properties:" msgstr "按一下圖表可編輯物件特性:" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id9844660\n" "help.text" msgid "Size and position on the current page." msgstr "目前頁面上的大小與位置。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id8039796\n" "help.text" msgid "Alignment, text wrap, outer borders, and more." msgstr "對齊、換行、外側邊框等。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id7986693\n" "help.text" msgid "Double-click a chart to enter the chart edit mode:" msgstr "連按兩下圖表以進入圖表編輯模式:" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id2350840\n" "help.text" msgid "Chart data values (for charts with own data)." msgstr "圖表資料值 (適用於本身含有資料的圖表)。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id3776055\n" "help.text" msgid "Chart type, axes, titles, walls, grid, and more." msgstr "圖表類型、軸、標題、背景、網格等。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id8442335\n" "help.text" msgid "Double-click a chart element in chart edit mode:" msgstr "在圖表編輯模式中連按兩下圖表元素:" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id4194769\n" "help.text" msgid "Double-click an axis to edit the scale, type, color, and more." msgstr "連按兩下某軸可編輯顯示比例、類型、顏色等。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id8644672\n" "help.text" msgid "Double-click a data point to select and edit the data series to which the data point belongs." msgstr "連按兩下資料點可選取及編輯資料點所屬的資料序列。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id6574907\n" "help.text" msgid "With a data series selected, click, then double-click a single data point to edit the properties of this data point (for example, a single bar in a bar chart)." msgstr "在選取的資料序列上,先按一下後再連按兩下單一資料點,即可編輯此資料點的特性 (例如,直條圖的單一橫條)。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id1019200902360575\n" "help.text" msgid "Double-click the legend to select and edit the legend. Click, then double-click a symbol in the selected legend to edit the associated data series." msgstr "連按兩下圖例可選取及編輯圖例。然後按一下後再連按兩下所選圖例中的符號,編輯相關聯的資料序列。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id7528916\n" "help.text" msgid "Double-click any other chart element, or click the element and open the Format menu, to edit the properties." msgstr "連按兩下任何其他的圖表元素,或按一下元素並開啟 [格式] 功能表,可編輯其特性。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id8420667\n" "help.text" msgid "Click outside the chart to leave the current edit mode." msgstr "按一下圖表之外,以離開目前的編輯模式。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id4923856\n" "help.text" msgid "To print a chart in high quality, you can export the chart to a PDF file and print that file." msgstr "若要以高畫質列印圖表,您可以將圖表匯出成 PDF 檔案,再列印該檔案。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200912061033\n" "help.text" msgid "In chart edit mode, you see the Formatting Bar for charts near the upper border of the document. The Drawing Bar for charts appears near the lower border of the document. The Drawing Bar shows a subset of the icons from the Drawing toolbar of Draw and Impress." msgstr "在圖表編輯模式中,您可以在文件上方邊界附近看到圖表的格式列。圖表的繪圖列會顯示在文件邊界下方附近。繪圖列中會顯示 Draw 及 Impress 之 [繪圖] 工具列的圖示子集。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200902080452\n" "help.text" msgid "You can right-click an element of a chart to open the context menu. The context menu offers many commands to format the selected element." msgstr "在圖表元素上按一下滑鼠右鍵,即可開啟右鍵功能表。右鍵功能表提供許多指令,可格式化所選元素。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id081020090354489\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the selected title." msgstr "格式化所選標題。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903405629\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the chart area." msgstr "格式化圖表區域。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903544867\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the chart wall." msgstr "格式化圖表背景。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903544952\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the chart floor." msgstr "格式化圖表平面。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903544927\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the chart legend." msgstr "格式化圖表圖例。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903544949\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the selected axis." msgstr "格式化所選軸。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903544984\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the selected data point." msgstr "格式化所選資料點。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903545096\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the major grid." msgstr "格式化主網格。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903545057\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the minor grid." msgstr "格式化輔助網格。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903545095\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the data series." msgstr "格式化資料序列。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903545094\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the stock loss indicators." msgstr "格式化股票股票虧損指示符。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903545113\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the stock gain indicators." msgstr "格式化股票收益指示符。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903545149\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the data labels." msgstr "格式化資料標籤。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903545159\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the Y error bars." msgstr "格式化 Y 錯誤列。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id081020090354524\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the mean value line." msgstr "格式化平均值線。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200903545274\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the trendline." msgstr "格式化趨勢線。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904063285\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the trendline equation." msgstr "格式化趨勢線方程式。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904063252\n" "help.text" msgid "Formats the selected data label." msgstr "格式化所選資料標籤。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904063239\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a dialog to insert chart titles." msgstr "開啟對話方塊以插入圖表標題。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904233047\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a dialog to insert or delete axes." msgstr "開啟對話方塊以插入或刪除軸。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904233058\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a dialog to insert an axis." msgstr "開啟對話方塊以插入軸。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904233089\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens a dialog to insert an axis title." msgstr "開啟對話方塊以插入軸標題。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904233160\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserts a major grid." msgstr "插入主網格。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904233175\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserts a minor grid." msgstr "插入輔助網格。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904233111\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserts data labels." msgstr "插入資料標籤。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904233174\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserts the trendline equation and the coefficient of determination R²." msgstr "插入趨勢線方程式與決定係數 R²。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904265639\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserts the coefficient of determination R² value." msgstr "插入決定係數 R² 值。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904362614\n" "help.text" msgid "Inserts a single data label." msgstr "插入單一資料標籤。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904362666\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the chart legend." msgstr "刪除圖表圖例。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904362777\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the selected axis." msgstr "刪除所選軸。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904362785\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the major grid." msgstr "刪除主要網格。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904362748\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the minor grid." msgstr "刪除輔助網格。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904362778\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes all data labels." msgstr "刪除所有資料標籤。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904362893\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the trendline equation." msgstr "刪除趨勢線方程式。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904362896\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the R² value." msgstr "刪除 R² 值。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904362827\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the selected data label." msgstr "刪除所選資料標籤。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904431376\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the mean value line." msgstr "刪除平均值線。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id081020090443142\n" "help.text" msgid "Deletes the Y error bars." msgstr "刪除 Y 錯誤列。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904393229\n" "help.text" msgid "Resets the selected data point to default format." msgstr "將所選資料點重設為預設格式。" #: main0000.xhp msgctxt "" "main0000.xhp\n" "par_id0810200904393351\n" "help.text" msgid "Resets all data points to default format." msgstr "將所有資料點重設為預設格式。" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "Formatting Bar" msgstr "格式化工具列" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id0810200911433792\n" "help.text" msgid "Formatting Bar" msgstr "[格式化] 工具列" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id0810200911433835\n" "help.text" msgid "The Formatting Bar is shown when a chart is set to edit mode. Double-click a chart to enter edit mode. Click outside the chart to leave edit mode." msgstr "當圖表設為編輯模式時,即會顯示 [格式化] 工具列。連按兩下圖表可進入編輯模式。按一下圖表外側可離開編輯模式。" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id0810200911433878\n" "help.text" msgid "You can edit the formatting of a chart using the controls and icons on the Formatting Bar." msgstr "您可以使用 [格式化] 工具列上的控制項與圖示,編輯圖表的格式。" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id0810200902300436\n" "help.text" msgid "Select Chart Element" msgstr "選取圖表元素" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id0810200902300479\n" "help.text" msgid "Select the element from the chart that you want to format. The element gets selected in the chart preview. Click Format Selection to open the properties dialog for the selected element." msgstr "從您要格式化的圖表中選取元素。圖表預覽中會選取此元素。按一下 [格式化選取] 開啟所選元素的特性對話方塊。" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id0810200902300555\n" "help.text" msgid "Format Selection" msgstr "格式化選取" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id0810200902300539\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the properties dialog for the selected element." msgstr "開啟所選元素的特性對話方塊。" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id0810200902300545\n" "help.text" msgid "Chart Type" msgstr "圖表類型" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id0810200902300594\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the Chart Type dialog." msgstr "開啟 [圖表類型] 對話方塊。" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id0810200902300537\n" "help.text" msgid "Chart Data Table" msgstr "圖表資料表" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id0810200902300699\n" "help.text" msgid "Opens the Data Table dialog where you can edit the chart data." msgstr "開啟 [資料表] 對話方塊,您可在此編輯圖表資料。" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id0810200902300672\n" "help.text" msgid "Horizontal Grids" msgstr "水平網格線" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id0810200902300630\n" "help.text" msgid "The Horizontal Grids icon on the Formatting bar toggles the visibility of the grid display for the Y axis." msgstr "[格式] 列上的 [顯示/隱藏橫向網格線] 圖示可切換 Y 軸是否顯示網格線。" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id0810200902300738\n" "help.text" msgid "Legend On/Off" msgstr "顯示/隱藏圖例" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id081020090230076\n" "help.text" msgid "To show or hide a legend, click Legend On/Off on the Formatting bar." msgstr "若要顯示或隱藏圖例,請按一下格式化工具列的 [顯示/關閉圖例]。" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id0810200902300785\n" "help.text" msgid "Scale Text" msgstr "文字顯示比例" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id0810200902300784\n" "help.text" msgid "Rescales the text in the chart when you change the size of the chart." msgstr "當您變更圖表的大小時,請重定圖表中的文字比例。" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "hd_id081020090230087\n" "help.text" msgid "Automatic Layout" msgstr "自動版面配置" #: main0202.xhp msgctxt "" "main0202.xhp\n" "par_id0810200902300834\n" "help.text" msgid "Moves all chart elements to their default positions inside the current chart. This function does not alter the chart type or any other attributes other than the position of elements." msgstr "將所有圖表元素移至其在目前圖表內的預設位置。此功能僅會改變元素的位置,而不會改變圖表類型或任何其他屬性。" #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "tit\n" "help.text" msgid "$[officename] Chart Features" msgstr "$[officename] Chart 的功能" #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3150543\n" "help.text" msgid "$[officename] Chart Features" msgstr "$[officename] Impress 的功能" #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3150868\n" "help.text" msgid "Charts allow you to present data so that it is easy to visualize." msgstr "您可以用圖表直觀地顯示資料。" #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3146974\n" "help.text" msgid "You can create a chart from source data in a Calc spreadsheet or a Writer table. When the chart is embedded in the same document as the data, it stays linked to the data, so that the chart automatically updates when you change the source data." msgstr "您可以使用 Calc 試算表中或 Writer 表格中的來源資料建立圖表。若將圖表內嵌於資料所在的文件,圖表會與資料保持連結,這樣在您變更來源資料時,會自動更新圖表。" #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3153143\n" "help.text" msgid "Chart Types" msgstr "圖表類型" #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3151112\n" "help.text" msgid "Choose from a variety of 3D charts and 2D charts, such as bar charts, line charts, stock charts. You can change chart types with a few clicks of the mouse." msgstr "從各種 3D 圖表和平面圖表中選擇,例如條圖、線條圖、股票圖表。您只需按幾下滑鼠,即可輕鬆地變更圖表類型。" #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "hd_id3149665\n" "help.text" msgid "Individual Formatting" msgstr "個別格式化" #: main0503.xhp msgctxt "" "main0503.xhp\n" "par_id3156441\n" "help.text" msgid "You can customize individual chart elements, such as axes, data labels, and legends, by right-clicking them in the chart, or with toolbar icons and menu commands." msgstr "透過在圖表元素上按一下滑鼠右鍵,或使用工具列圖示和功能表指令,您可以編輯個別圖表元素,例如軸、資料貼標及圖例。"