#. extracted from svx msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: OpenOffice.org\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://bugs.libreoffice.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=LibreOffice&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&component=UI\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2020-04-29 22:17+0200\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-01-24 22:42+0100\n" "Last-Translator: Goran Rakic \n" "Language-Team: Serbian \n" "Language: sr\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=3; plural=(n%10==1 && n%100!=11 ? 0 : n%10>=2 && n%10<=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) ? 1 : 2);\n" "X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n" "X-Generator: LibreOffice\n" "X-Project-Style: openoffice\n" #. 3GkZj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:25 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulNONE" msgid "Drawing object" msgstr "Објекти за цртање" #. 9yvmF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:26 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralNONE" msgid "Drawing objects" msgstr "Објекти за цртање" #. MLbZt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:27 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRUP" msgid "Group object" msgstr "груписан објекат" #. tC4qm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:28 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRUP" msgid "Group objects" msgstr "груписани објекти" #. piV8E #: include/svx/strings.hrc:29 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRUPEMPTY" msgid "Blank group object" msgstr "Празни груписани објекти" #. BBEPU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:30 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRUPEMPTY" msgid "Blank group objects" msgstr "Празни груписани објекти" #. NVHmC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:31 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulLINE" msgid "Line" msgstr "Линија" #. SD2Wy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:32 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulLINE_Hori" msgid "Horizontal line" msgstr "хоризонтална линија" #. 3dPEH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:33 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulLINE_Vert" msgid "Vertical line" msgstr "Вертикалне линије" #. JzFtj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:34 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulLINE_Diag" msgid "Diagonal line" msgstr "дијагоналне линије" #. YPAoe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:35 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralLINE" msgid "Lines" msgstr "Линије" #. yS2nC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:36 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulRECT" msgid "Rectangle" msgstr "Правоугаоник" #. TDTj8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:37 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralRECT" msgid "Rectangles" msgstr "Правоугаоници" #. fnV49 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:38 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulQUAD" msgid "Square" msgstr "Квадрат" #. XkEHU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:39 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralQUAD" msgid "Squares" msgstr "Квадрати" #. vw4Ut #: include/svx/strings.hrc:40 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPARAL" msgid "Parallelogram" msgstr "Паралелограм" #. yCpvs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:41 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPARAL" msgid "Parallelograms" msgstr "Паралелограми" #. SfDZQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:42 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulRECTRND" msgid "Rounded rectangle" msgstr "Заобљени правоугаоник" #. PYAii #: include/svx/strings.hrc:43 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralRECTRND" msgid "Rounded Rectangles" msgstr "Заобљени правоугаоници" #. xQAn8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:44 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulQUADRND" msgid "rounded square" msgstr "заобљени квадрат" #. JHxon #: include/svx/strings.hrc:45 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralQUADRND" msgid "Rounded Squares" msgstr "Заобљени квадрати" #. 89eHB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:46 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPARALRND" msgid "Rounded Parallelogram" msgstr "Заобљени паралелограм" #. WvCRG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:47 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPARALRND" msgid "Rounded parallelograms" msgstr "Заобљени паралелограми" #. NDXG6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:48 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCIRC" msgid "Circle" msgstr "Круг" #. Bzk99 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:49 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCIRC" msgid "Circles" msgstr "Кругови" #. 2CxVR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:50 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulSECT" msgid "Circle sector" msgstr "Сектор круга" #. djBb7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:51 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralSECT" msgid "Circle sectors" msgstr "Сектори круга" #. KAhqG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:52 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCARC" msgid "Arc" msgstr "Лук" #. ZtPEx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:53 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCARC" msgid "Arcs" msgstr "Лукови" #. 7mXtq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:54 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCCUT" msgid "Circle segment" msgstr "Сегмент круга" #. YkhbA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:55 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCCUT" msgid "Circle segments" msgstr "Сегменти круга" #. QsEuy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:56 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCIRCE" msgid "Ellipse" msgstr "Елипса" #. rUFxb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:57 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCIRCE" msgid "Ellipses" msgstr "Елипсе" #. UADGo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:58 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulSECTE" msgid "Ellipse Pie" msgstr "Исечак елипсе" #. afCit #: include/svx/strings.hrc:59 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralSECTE" msgid "Ellipse Pies" msgstr "Елиптични дијаграми" #. 7FXAW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:60 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCARCE" msgid "Elliptical arc" msgstr "Елиптични лукови" #. KdtfM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:61 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCARCE" msgid "Elliptical arcs" msgstr "Елиптични углови" #. C4jME #: include/svx/strings.hrc:62 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCCUTE" msgid "Ellipse Segment" msgstr "Део елипсе" #. wKC5F #: include/svx/strings.hrc:63 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCCUTE" msgid "Ellipse Segments" msgstr "Сегменти елипсе" #. ibJ55 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:64 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPOLY" msgid "Polygon" msgstr "Полигон" #. AZFuB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:65 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPOLY_PointCount" msgid "Polygon %2 corners" msgstr "Полигон са %2 угла" #. a6z8j #: include/svx/strings.hrc:66 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPOLY" msgid "Polygons" msgstr "Полигони" #. WSEL3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:67 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPLIN" msgid "Polyline" msgstr "Вишеструка линија" #. eBhxV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:68 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPLIN_PointCount" msgid "Polyline with %2 corners" msgstr "Вишеструке линије са %2 угла" #. NjP7U #: include/svx/strings.hrc:69 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPLIN" msgid "Polylines" msgstr "Вишеструке линије" #. KNPXt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:70 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPATHLINE" msgid "Bézier curve" msgstr "Безијерова крива" #. BhTAu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:71 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPATHLINE" msgid "Bézier curves" msgstr "Безијерове криве" #. LU3AK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:72 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPATHFILL" msgid "Bézier curve" msgstr "Безијерова крива" #. vLAWh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:73 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPATHFILL" msgid "Bézier curves" msgstr "Безијерове криве" #. FQeae #: include/svx/strings.hrc:74 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulFREELINE" msgid "Freeform Line" msgstr "Руком цртана линија" #. c8gFR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:75 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralFREELINE" msgid "Freeform Lines" msgstr "Линије слободном руком" #. GSmPG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:76 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulFREEFILL" msgid "Freeform Line" msgstr "Руком цртана линија" #. 8k7tC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:77 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralFREEFILL" msgid "Freeform Lines" msgstr "Линије слободном руком" #. iwxqj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:78 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCOMBLINE" msgid "Curve" msgstr "Крива" #. CjzRc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:79 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulNATSPLN" msgid "Natural Spline" msgstr "Природна линија" #. CSFGL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:80 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralNATSPLN" msgid "Natural Splines" msgstr "Природне линије" #. jpijx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:81 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPERSPLN" msgid "Periodic Spline" msgstr "Периодична линија" #. A2GLR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:82 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPERSPLN" msgid "Periodic Splines" msgstr "Периодичне линије" #. efEFM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:83 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulTEXT" msgid "Text Frame" msgstr "Оквир текста" #. MdV7N #: include/svx/strings.hrc:84 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralTEXT" msgid "Text Frame" msgstr "Оквир текста" #. 3Pvnw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:85 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulTEXTLNK" msgid "Linked text frame" msgstr "Повезани текстуални објект" #. EtTZB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:86 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralTEXTLNK" msgid "Linked text frames" msgstr "Повезани текстуални оквири" #. mw75y #: include/svx/strings.hrc:87 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulTITLETEXT" msgid "Title text" msgstr "Насловни текст" #. aAKEp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:88 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralTITLETEXT" msgid "Title texts" msgstr "Насловни текстови" #. 3DMmh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:89 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulOUTLINETEXT" msgid "Outline Text" msgstr "Контурни текст" #. PDZGm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:90 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralOUTLINETEXT" msgid "Outline Texts" msgstr "Контурни текстови" #. HspAE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:91 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAF" msgid "Image" msgstr "Слика" #. DzfeY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:92 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAF" msgid "Images" msgstr "Слика" #. E9w8q #: include/svx/strings.hrc:93 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFLNK" msgid "Linked image" msgstr "" #. YopD6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:94 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFLNK" msgid "Linked images" msgstr "" #. wWACk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:95 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFNONE" msgid "Blank image object" msgstr "" #. uzsE4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:96 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFNONE" msgid "Blank image objects" msgstr "" #. 8Za3o #: include/svx/strings.hrc:97 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFNONELNK" msgid "Blank linked image" msgstr "" #. 8W5JS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:98 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFNONELNK" msgid "Blank linked images" msgstr "" #. kUuBg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:99 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFMTF" msgid "Metafile" msgstr "Метадатотека" #. w5ykB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:100 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFMTF" msgid "Metafiles" msgstr "Метадатотеке" #. XBDAB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:101 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFMTFLNK" msgid "Linked Metafile" msgstr "Повезана метадатотека" #. ACpDE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:102 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFMTFLNK" msgid "Linked Metafiles" msgstr "Повезане метадатотеке" #. Pbmqw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:103 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFBMP" msgid "Image" msgstr "Слика" #. WdAhn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:104 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFBMPTRANS" msgid "Image with transparency" msgstr "Битмапа са провидношћу" #. 3FkK6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:105 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFBMPLNK" msgid "Linked Image" msgstr "" #. ydd77 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:106 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFBMPTRANSLNK" msgid "Linked image with transparency" msgstr "Повезане битмапе са провидношћу" #. FVJeA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:107 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFBMP" msgid "Images" msgstr "Слика" #. mjfjF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:108 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFBMPTRANS" msgid "Images with transparency" msgstr "Битмапа са провидношћу" #. 8kaaN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:109 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFBMPLNK" msgid "Linked images" msgstr "" #. DKMiE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:110 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFBMPTRANSLNK" msgid "Linked images with transparency" msgstr "Повезане битмапе са провидношћу" #. aeEoK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:111 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCUSTOMSHAPE" msgid "Shape" msgstr "Облик" #. BZmgL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:112 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCUSTOMSHAPE" msgid "Shapes" msgstr "Облици" #. HBYSq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:113 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFSVG" msgid "SVG" msgstr "СВГ" #. pzxhb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:114 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFSVG" msgid "SVGs" msgstr "СВГ" #. v2DTg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:115 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFWMF" msgid "WMF" msgstr "" #. LR2x6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:116 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFWMF" msgid "WMFs" msgstr "" #. XcDs2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:117 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulGRAFEMF" msgid "EMF" msgstr "" #. JtdP2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:118 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralGRAFEMF" msgid "EMFs" msgstr "" #. b3os5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:119 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulOLE2" msgid "embedded object (OLE)" msgstr "уграђени објекти (OLE)" #. QMF8w #: include/svx/strings.hrc:120 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralOLE2" msgid "Embedded objects (OLE)" msgstr "Уграђени објекти (OLE)" #. mAAWu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:121 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulUno" msgid "Control" msgstr "Контрола" #. KrTeo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:122 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralUno" msgid "Controls" msgstr "Контроле" #. wfVg2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:123 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulFrame" msgid "Frame" msgstr "Оквир" #. q72EC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:124 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralFrame" msgid "Frames" msgstr "Оквири" #. gYhqY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:125 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulEDGE" msgid "Object Connectors" msgstr "Повезивачи објеката" #. 9XiCG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:126 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralEDGE" msgid "Object Connectors" msgstr "Повезивачи објеката" #. HSDBo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:127 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCAPTION" msgid "Callout" msgstr "Облачић" #. BdAJu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:128 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCAPTION" msgid "Callouts" msgstr "Облачићи" #. Ezpif #: include/svx/strings.hrc:129 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPAGE" msgid "Preview object" msgstr "Преглед објекта" #. UCECt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:130 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralPAGE" msgid "Preview objects" msgstr "Преглед објеката" #. GCVKi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:131 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulMEASURE" msgid "Dimension line" msgstr "Линија коте" #. DokjU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:132 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralMEASURE" msgid "Dimensioning objects" msgstr "Објекти димензионисања" #. iBQEy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:133 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePlural" msgid "Drawing objects" msgstr "Објекти за цртање" #. xHrgo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:134 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameNoObj" msgid "No draw object" msgstr "Нема нацртаних објеката" #. EEKnk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:135 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulPlural" msgid "Draw object(s)" msgstr "нацртани објекти" #. LYyRP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:136 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulCube3d" msgid "3D cube" msgstr "3D коцка" #. ZsF4T #: include/svx/strings.hrc:137 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralCube3d" msgid "3D cubes" msgstr "3D коцке" #. h9hf7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:138 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulExtrude3d" msgid "Extrusion object" msgstr "Екструдирани објекат" #. Ag6Pu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:139 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralExtrude3d" msgid "Extrusion objects" msgstr "Екструдирани објекат" #. L3B8v #: include/svx/strings.hrc:140 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulLathe3d" msgid "Rotation object" msgstr "ротациони објекат" #. e3vFm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:141 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralLathe3d" msgid "Rotation objects" msgstr "ротациони објекти" #. CE5Gk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:142 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulObj3d" msgid "3D object" msgstr "3D објекат" #. pECo3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:143 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralObj3d" msgid "3D objects" msgstr "3D објекти" #. Wuqvb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:144 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulScene3d" msgid "3D scene" msgstr "3D сцена" #. tH8BD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:145 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralScene3d" msgid "3D scenes" msgstr "3D сцене" #. WdWuw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:146 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulSphere3d" msgid "Sphere" msgstr "сфера" #. YNXv5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:147 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralSphere3d" msgid "Spheres" msgstr "сфере" #. h4GBf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:148 msgctxt "STR_EditWithCopy" msgid "with copy" msgstr "са копијом" #. NrVyW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:149 msgctxt "STR_EditPosSize" msgid "Set position and size for %1" msgstr "Постави позицију и величину за %1" #. ac4yY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:150 msgctxt "STR_EditDelete" msgid "Delete %1" msgstr "Обриши %1" #. AweBA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:151 msgctxt "STR_EditMovToTop" msgid "Move %1 forward" msgstr "Помери %1 унапред" #. G7EUR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:152 msgctxt "STR_EditMovToBtm" msgid "Move %1 further back" msgstr "Помери %1 уназад" #. B83UQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:153 msgctxt "STR_EditPutToTop" msgid "Move %1 to front" msgstr "Померни %1 на почетак" #. aHzgz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:154 msgctxt "STR_EditPutToBtm" msgid "Move %1 to back" msgstr "Помери %1 на крај" #. Q6nSk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:155 msgctxt "STR_EditRevOrder" msgid "Reverse order of %1" msgstr "Обрнути распоред за %1" #. cALbH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:156 msgctxt "STR_EditMove" msgid "Move %1" msgstr "Помери %1" #. dskGp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:157 msgctxt "STR_EditResize" msgid "Resize %1" msgstr "Промени величину %1" #. 5QxCS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:158 msgctxt "STR_EditRotate" msgid "Rotate %1" msgstr "Ротирај %1" #. BD8aF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:159 msgctxt "STR_EditMirrorHori" msgid "Flip %1 horizontal" msgstr "Обрни %1 водоравно" #. g7Qgy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:160 msgctxt "STR_EditMirrorVert" msgid "Flip %1 vertical" msgstr "Обрни %1 усправно" #. 8MR5T #: include/svx/strings.hrc:161 msgctxt "STR_EditMirrorDiag" msgid "Flip %1 diagonal" msgstr "Обрни %1 дијагонално" #. zDbgU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:162 msgctxt "STR_EditMirrorFree" msgid "Flip %1 freehand" msgstr "Обрни %1 слободно" #. AFUeA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:163 msgctxt "STR_EditShear" msgid "Distort %1 (slant)" msgstr "Деформисање %1 (искошавање)" #. QRoy3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:164 msgctxt "STR_EditCrook" msgid "Arrange %1 in circle" msgstr "Постави %1 у круг" #. wvGVC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:165 msgctxt "STR_EditCrookContortion" msgid "Curve %1 in circle" msgstr "Криву %1 у круг" #. iUJAq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:166 msgctxt "STR_EditDistort" msgid "Distort %1" msgstr "Деформисање %1" #. GRiqx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:167 msgctxt "STR_EditRipUp" msgid "Undo %1" msgstr "Опозови %1" #. sE8PU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:168 msgctxt "STR_EditSetPointsSmooth" msgid "Modify bézier properties of %1" msgstr "Уреди својства безијерове криве за %1" #. CzVVY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:169 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_EditSetSegmentsKind" msgid "Modify bézier properties of %1" msgstr "Уреди својства безијерове криве за %1" #. 5KcDa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:170 msgctxt "STR_EditSetGlueEscDir" msgid "Set exit direction for %1" msgstr "Постави излазни правац за %1" #. Gbbmq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:171 msgctxt "STR_EditSetGluePercent" msgid "Set relative attribute at %1" msgstr "Постави релативни атрибут за %1" #. Auc4o #: include/svx/strings.hrc:172 msgctxt "STR_EditSetGlueAlign" msgid "Set reference point for %1" msgstr "Постави тачку односа за %1" #. M5Jac #: include/svx/strings.hrc:173 msgctxt "STR_EditGroup" msgid "Group %1" msgstr "Групиши %1" #. wEEok #: include/svx/strings.hrc:174 msgctxt "STR_EditUngroup" msgid "Ungroup %1" msgstr "Разгрупиши %1" #. XochA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:175 msgctxt "STR_EditSetAttributes" msgid "Apply attributes to %1" msgstr "Примени атрибуте на %1" #. kzth3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:176 msgctxt "STR_EditSetStylesheet" msgid "Apply Styles to %1" msgstr "Примени стилове на %1" #. PDT8V #: include/svx/strings.hrc:177 msgctxt "STR_EditDelStylesheet" msgid "Remove Style from %1" msgstr "Уклони стилове из %1" #. 5DwCY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:178 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToPoly" msgid "Convert %1 to polygon" msgstr "Претвори %1 у полигон" #. TPv7Q #: include/svx/strings.hrc:179 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToPolys" msgid "Convert %1 to polygons" msgstr "Претвори %1 у полигоне" #. ompqC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:180 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToCurve" msgid "Convert %1 to curve" msgstr "Претвори %1 у криву" #. gax8J #: include/svx/strings.hrc:181 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToCurves" msgid "Convert %1 to curves" msgstr "Претвори %1 у криве" #. s96Mt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:182 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToContour" msgid "Convert %1 to contour" msgstr "Претвори %1 у контуру" #. LAyEj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:183 msgctxt "STR_EditConvToContours" msgid "Convert %1 to contours" msgstr "Претвори %1 у контуре" #. jzxvB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:184 msgctxt "STR_EditAlign" msgid "Align %1" msgstr "Поравнај %1" #. jocJd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:185 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignVTop" msgid "Align %1 to top" msgstr "Поравнај %1 по врху" #. WFGbz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:186 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignVBottom" msgid "Align %1 to bottom" msgstr "Поравнај %1 по дну" #. SyXzE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:187 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignVCenter" msgid "Horizontally center %1" msgstr "Центрирај %1 водоравно" #. TgGUN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:188 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignHLeft" msgid "Align %1 to left" msgstr "Поравнај %1 на лево" #. s3Erz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:189 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignHRight" msgid "Align %1 to right" msgstr "Поравнај %1 удесно" #. apfuW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:190 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignHCenter" msgid "Vertically center %1" msgstr "Вертикално центрирај %1" #. ttEmT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:191 msgctxt "STR_EditAlignCenter" msgid "Center %1" msgstr "Центрирај %1" #. xkGug #: include/svx/strings.hrc:192 msgctxt "STR_EditTransform" msgid "Transform %1" msgstr "Трансформиши %1" #. smiFA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:193 msgctxt "STR_EditCombine_PolyPoly" msgid "Combine %1" msgstr "Комбинуј %1" #. PypoU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:194 msgctxt "STR_EditMergeMergePoly" msgid "Merge %1" msgstr "Споји %1" #. 2KfaD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:195 msgctxt "STR_EditMergeSubstractPoly" msgid "Subtract %1" msgstr "Одузимање %1" #. gKFow #: include/svx/strings.hrc:196 msgctxt "STR_EditMergeIntersectPoly" msgid "Intersect %1" msgstr "Пресецање %1" #. M8onz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:197 msgctxt "STR_DistributeMarkedObjects" msgid "Distribute selected objects" msgstr "Распореди изабране објекте" #. CnGYu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:198 msgctxt "STR_EqualizeWidthMarkedObjects" msgid "Equalize Width %1" msgstr "" #. zBTZe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:199 msgctxt "STR_EqualizeHeightMarkedObjects" msgid "Equalize Height %1" msgstr "" #. JWmM2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:200 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_EditCombine_OnePoly" msgid "Combine %1" msgstr "Комбинуј %1" #. k5kFN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:201 msgctxt "STR_EditDismantle_Polys" msgid "Split %1" msgstr "Подели %1" #. weAmr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:202 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_EditDismantle_Lines" msgid "Split %1" msgstr "Подели %1" #. Yofeq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:203 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_EditImportMtf" msgid "Split %1" msgstr "Подели %1" #. hWuuR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:204 msgctxt "STR_ExchangePaste" msgid "Insert object(s)" msgstr "Уметни објекте" #. EaVu8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:205 msgctxt "STR_DragInsertPoint" msgid "Insert point to %1" msgstr "Уметни тачку на %1" #. AGGij #: include/svx/strings.hrc:206 msgctxt "STR_DragInsertGluePoint" msgid "Insert glue point to %1" msgstr "Уметни тачку спајања на %1" #. 6JqED #: include/svx/strings.hrc:207 msgctxt "STR_DragMethMovHdl" msgid "Move reference-point" msgstr "Помери референтну тачку" #. o8CAF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:208 msgctxt "STR_DragMethObjOwn" msgid "Geometrically change %1" msgstr "Геометријска промена %1" #. ghkib #: include/svx/strings.hrc:209 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethMove" msgid "Move %1" msgstr "Помери %1" #. BCrkD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:210 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethResize" msgid "Resize %1" msgstr "Промени величину %1" #. xonh6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:211 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethRotate" msgid "Rotate %1" msgstr "Ротирај %1" #. kBYzN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:212 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethMirrorHori" msgid "Flip %1 horizontal" msgstr "Обрни %1 водоравно" #. CBBXE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:213 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethMirrorVert" msgid "Flip %1 vertical" msgstr "Обрни %1 усправно" #. uHCGD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:214 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethMirrorDiag" msgid "Flip %1 diagonal" msgstr "Обрни %1 дијагонално" #. vRwXA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:215 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethMirrorFree" msgid "Flip %1 freehand" msgstr "Обрни %1 слободно" #. 9xhJw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:216 msgctxt "STR_DragMethGradient" msgid "Interactive gradient for %1" msgstr "Интерактивни прелив за %1" #. Fst87 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:217 msgctxt "STR_DragMethTransparence" msgid "Interactive transparency for %1" msgstr "Интерактивна провидност за %1" #. jgbKK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:218 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethShear" msgid "Distort %1 (slant)" msgstr "Деформисање %1 (искошавање)" #. Eo8H6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:219 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethCrook" msgid "Arrange %1 in circle" msgstr "Постави %1 у круг" #. stAcK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:220 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethCrookContortion" msgid "Curve %1 in circle" msgstr "Криву %1 у круг" #. VbA6t #: include/svx/strings.hrc:221 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethDistort" msgid "Distort %1" msgstr "Деформисање %1" #. YjghP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:222 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragMethCrop" msgid "Crop %1" msgstr "Изрежи %O" #. ViifK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:223 msgctxt "STR_DragRectEckRad" msgid "Alter radius by %1" msgstr "Измена полупречника за %1" #. usEq4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:224 msgctxt "STR_DragPathObj" msgid "Change %1" msgstr "Промена %1" #. X4GFU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:225 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragRectResize" msgid "Resize %1" msgstr "Промени величину %1" #. qF4Px #: include/svx/strings.hrc:226 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragCaptFram" msgid "Move %1" msgstr "Помери %1" #. fKuKa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:227 msgctxt "STR_DragCaptTail" msgid "Move end point of %1" msgstr "Померање крајње тачке %1" #. ewcHx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:228 msgctxt "STR_DragCircAngle" msgid "Adjust angle by %1" msgstr "Подешавање угла за %1" #. L8rCz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:229 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_DragEdgeTail" msgid "Change %1" msgstr "Промена %1" #. UxCCc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:230 msgctxt "STR_ViewTextEdit" msgid "TextEdit: Paragraph %1, Row %2, Column %3" msgstr "Уређивање текста: пасус %1, ред %1, колона %3" #. 23tL7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:231 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarked" msgid "%1 selected" msgstr "%1 изабрано" #. yQkFZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:232 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkedPoint" msgid "Point from %1" msgstr "Тачака из %1" #. RGnTk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:233 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkedPoints" msgid "%2 points from %1" msgstr "%2 тачака из %1" #. u9oDR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:234 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkedGluePoint" msgid "Glue point from %1" msgstr "Тачка спајања из %1" #. BCTCL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:235 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkedGluePoints" msgid "%2 glue points from %1" msgstr "%2 лепљивих тачака из %1" #. CDqRQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:236 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkObjs" msgid "Mark objects" msgstr "Означи објекте" #. SLrPJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:237 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkMoreObjs" msgid "Mark additional objects" msgstr "Означи додатне објекте" #. hczKZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:238 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkPoints" msgid "Mark points" msgstr "Означи тачке" #. 778bF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:239 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkMorePoints" msgid "Mark additional points" msgstr "Означи додатне тачке" #. cFBRw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:240 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkGluePoints" msgid "Mark glue points" msgstr "Означи тачке спајања" #. 5uDeK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:241 msgctxt "STR_ViewMarkMoreGluePoints" msgid "Mark additional glue points" msgstr "Означи додатне тачке спајања" #. D5ZZA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:242 msgctxt "STR_ViewCreateObj" msgid "Create %1" msgstr "Направи %1" #. 7FoxD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:243 msgctxt "STR_UndoInsertObj" msgid "Insert %1" msgstr "Уметни %1" #. 9hXBp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:244 msgctxt "STR_UndoCopyObj" msgid "Copy %1" msgstr "Копирај %1" #. arzhD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:245 msgctxt "STR_UndoObjOrdNum" msgid "Change object order of %1" msgstr "Промени редослед објекта за %1" #. QTZxE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:246 msgctxt "STR_UndoObjSetText" msgid "Edit text of %1" msgstr "Уреди текст за %1" #. un957 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:247 msgctxt "STR_UndoNewPage" msgid "Insert page" msgstr "Уметни страницу" #. vBvUC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:248 msgctxt "STR_UndoDelPage" msgid "Delete page" msgstr "Обриши страницу" #. rFgUQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:249 msgctxt "STR_UndoCopPage" msgid "Copy page" msgstr "Копирај страницу" #. EYfZc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:250 msgctxt "STR_UndoMovPage" msgid "Change order of pages" msgstr "Промени редослед страница" #. BQRVo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:251 msgctxt "STR_UndoDelPageMasterDscr" msgid "Clear background page assignment" msgstr "Очисти додељивање позадинске странице" #. 79Cxu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:252 msgctxt "STR_UndoChgPageMasterDscr" msgid "Change background page assignment" msgstr "Промени додељивање позадинске странице" #. 9P8JF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:253 msgctxt "STR_UndoMergeModel" msgid "Insert document" msgstr "Убаци документ" #. w3W7h #: include/svx/strings.hrc:254 msgctxt "STR_UndoNewLayer" msgid "Insert Layer" msgstr "Убаци слој" #. 7pifL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:255 msgctxt "STR_UndoDelLayer" msgid "Delete layer" msgstr "Обриши слој" #. bdQAB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:256 msgctxt "STR_UndoMovLayer" msgid "Change order of layers" msgstr "Промени редослед слојева" #. MFCAk #. Undo/Redo for setting object's name (#i73249#) #: include/svx/strings.hrc:258 msgctxt "STR_UndoObjName" msgid "Change object name of %1 to" msgstr "Промени име објекта за %1 у" #. D4AsZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:259 msgctxt "STR_UndoObjTitle" msgid "Change object title of %1" msgstr "Промени наслов објекта за %1" #. tqeMT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:260 msgctxt "STR_UndoObjDescription" msgid "Change object description of %1" msgstr "Промени опис објекта за %1" #. XcY5w #: include/svx/strings.hrc:261 msgctxt "STR_ItemValON" msgid "on" msgstr "укључено" #. e6RAB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:262 msgctxt "STR_ItemValOFF" msgid "off" msgstr "искључено" #. gaXKQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:263 msgctxt "STR_ItemValYES" msgid "yes" msgstr "да" #. 65SoV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:264 msgctxt "STR_ItemValNO" msgid "No" msgstr "Не" #. aeEuB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:265 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONTYPE1" msgid "Type 1" msgstr "Тип 1" #. BFaLY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:266 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONTYPE2" msgid "Type 2" msgstr "Тип 2" #. KFMjw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:267 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONTYPE3" msgid "Type 3" msgstr "Тип 3" #. 48UKA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:268 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONTYPE4" msgid "Type 4" msgstr "Тип 4" #. DVm64 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:269 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONESCHORI" msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "Водоравно" #. ZYYeS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:270 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONESCVERT" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Усправно" #. HcoYN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:271 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCAPTIONESCBESTFIT" msgid "Automatic" msgstr "Аутоматски" #. uZNFq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:272 msgctxt "STR_ItemValFITTOSIZENONE" msgid "Off" msgstr "Искључено" #. 2ZQvA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:273 msgctxt "STR_ItemValFITTOSIZEPROP" msgid "Proportional" msgstr "Сразмерно" #. Ej4Ya #: include/svx/strings.hrc:274 msgctxt "STR_ItemValFITTOSIZEALLLINES" msgid "Fit to size (all rows separately) " msgstr "Уклопи према величини (све редове засебно) " #. Wr4kE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:275 msgctxt "STR_ItemValFITTOSIZERESIZEAT" msgid "Use hard attributes" msgstr "Користи утврђене особине" #. 73uL2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:276 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTVADJTOP" msgid "Top" msgstr "Врх" #. 3Cde5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:277 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTVADJCENTER" msgid "Center" msgstr "Центар" #. AR3n7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:278 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTVADJBOTTOM" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Дно" #. UmBBe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:279 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTVADJBLOCK" msgid "Use entire height" msgstr "Користи целу висину" #. dRtWD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:280 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTVADJSTRETCH" msgid "Stretched" msgstr "Растегнуто" #. kGXVu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:281 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTHADJLEFT" msgid "Left" msgstr "Лево" #. bDPBk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:282 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTHADJCENTER" msgid "Center" msgstr "Центар" #. tVhNN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:283 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTHADJRIGHT" msgid "Right" msgstr "Десно" #. K8NiD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:284 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTHADJBLOCK" msgid "Use entire width" msgstr "Користи целу ширину" #. H7dgd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:285 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTHADJSTRETCH" msgid "Stretched" msgstr "Растегнуто" #. q5eQw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:286 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_NONE" msgid "off" msgstr "искључено" #. Roba3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:287 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_BLINK" msgid "flash" msgstr "блесак" #. UDFFC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:288 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_SCROLL" msgid "Scroll Through" msgstr "Померити кроз" #. A9BQL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:289 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_ALTERNATE" msgid "alternating" msgstr "наизменичан" #. EkPkn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:290 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_SLIDE" msgid "Scroll In" msgstr "Померити у" #. x3Yd5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:291 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_LEFT" msgid "left" msgstr "лево" #. w7PTQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:292 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_UP" msgid "up" msgstr "горе" #. oMaiF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:293 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_RIGHT" msgid "right" msgstr "десно" #. tQTCd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:294 msgctxt "STR_ItemValTEXTANI_DOWN" msgid "down" msgstr "доле" #. 6MMYx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:295 msgctxt "STR_ItemValEDGE_ORTHOLINES" msgid "Standard Connector" msgstr "Стандардна веза" #. SLdM8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:296 msgctxt "STR_ItemValEDGE_THREELINES" msgid "Line Connector" msgstr "Линијска веза" #. ZAtDC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:297 msgctxt "STR_ItemValEDGE_ONELINE" msgid "Straight Connector" msgstr "Права веза" #. 9qXds #: include/svx/strings.hrc:298 msgctxt "STR_ItemValEDGE_BEZIER" msgid "Curved Connector" msgstr "Заобљена веза" #. MGEse #: include/svx/strings.hrc:299 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_STD" msgid "Standard" msgstr "Уобичајено" #. sNziy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:300 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_RADIUS" msgid "Radius" msgstr "Полупречник" #. LcFuk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:301 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_TEXTHAUTO" msgid "automatic" msgstr "аутоматски" #. eocRP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:302 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_TEXTLEFTOUTSIDE" msgid "left outside" msgstr "изван слева" #. ZUEgu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:303 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_TEXTINSIDE" msgid "inside (centered)" msgstr "унутар (центрирано)" #. GKuxD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:304 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_TEXTRIGHTOUTSID" msgid "right outside" msgstr "споља здесна" #. zGpyM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:305 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_TEXTVAUTO" msgid "automatic" msgstr "аутоматски" #. jA4pb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:306 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_ABOVE" msgid "on the line" msgstr "на линији" #. iqYjg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:307 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURETEXT_BREAKEDLINE" msgid "broken line" msgstr "изломљена линија" #. h8npu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:308 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURE_BELOW" msgid "below the line" msgstr "испод линије" #. WL8XG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:309 msgctxt "STR_ItemValMEASURETEXT_VERTICALCEN" msgid "centered" msgstr "центриран" #. hy9eX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:310 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCIRC_FULL" msgid "full circle" msgstr "цео круг" #. 6BdZt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:311 msgctxt "STR_ItemValCIRC_SECT" msgid "Circle Pie" msgstr "Кружни исечак" #. j6Bc3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:312 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ItemValCIRC_CUT" msgid "Circle segment" msgstr "Сегмент круга" #. 7sN8d #: include/svx/strings.hrc:313 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ItemValCIRC_ARC" msgid "Arc" msgstr "Лук" #. CiXKC #. Strings for the templates dialog #: include/svx/strings.hrc:315 msgctxt "SIP_UNKNOWN_ATTR" msgid "Unknown attribute" msgstr "Непозната особина" #. ehWkk #. Strings for the templates dialog #: include/svx/strings.hrc:317 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINESTYLE" msgid "Line style" msgstr "Стил линије" #. BbP7X #: include/svx/strings.hrc:318 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEDASH" msgid "Line pattern" msgstr "Шара за линију" #. 4NCnS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:319 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEWIDTH" msgid "Line width" msgstr "Ширина линија" #. NuJkv #: include/svx/strings.hrc:320 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINECOLOR" msgid "Line color" msgstr "Боја линије" #. NgaPV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:321 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINESTART" msgid "Line head" msgstr "Почетак линије" #. UYBDU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:322 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEEND" msgid "Line end" msgstr "Крај линије" #. DJkAF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:323 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINESTARTWIDTH" msgid "Line head width" msgstr "Ширина почетка линије" #. QqA6b #: include/svx/strings.hrc:324 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEENDWIDTH" msgid "Line end width" msgstr "Ширина краја линије" #. FcHDB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:325 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINESTARTCENTER" msgid "Center arrowhead" msgstr "Центрирај врх стрелице" #. KnFtT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:326 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEENDCENTER" msgid "Center arrowend" msgstr "Центрирај крај стрелице" #. 2UZUA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:327 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINETRANSPARENCE" msgid "Line transparency" msgstr "Провидност линије" #. 5MLYD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:328 msgctxt "SIP_XA_LINEJOINT" msgid "Line joint" msgstr "Састав линија" #. ArqSC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:329 msgctxt "SIP_XATTRSET_LINE" msgid "Line attributes" msgstr "Особине линије" #. dufaT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:330 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLSTYLE" msgid "Fill style" msgstr "Начин попуне" #. RDcH6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:331 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLCOLOR" msgid "Fillcolor" msgstr "Боја за попуњавање" #. DJM9B #: include/svx/strings.hrc:332 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLGRADIENT" msgid "Gradient" msgstr "Прелив" #. gbABb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:333 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLHATCH" msgid "Hatching" msgstr "Шрафирање" #. GE68t #: include/svx/strings.hrc:334 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBITMAP" msgid "Fillbitmap" msgstr "Испуњена битмапа" #. DV2Ss #: include/svx/strings.hrc:335 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLTRANSPARENCE" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Провидност" #. eK8kh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:336 msgctxt "SIP_XA_GRADIENTSTEPCOUNT" msgid "Number of gradient steps" msgstr "Број корака у преливу" #. AVtYF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:337 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_TILE" msgid "Tile fill" msgstr "Попуњавање плочицама" #. D7T2o #: include/svx/strings.hrc:338 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_POS" msgid "Fillbitmap position" msgstr "Положај испуњене битмапе" #. NVLGP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:339 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_SIZEX" msgid "Fillbitmap width" msgstr "Ширина испуњене битмапе" #. PSCTE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:340 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_SIZEY" msgid "Height of fillbitmap" msgstr "Висина испуњене битмапе" #. zW4zt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:341 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLFLOATTRANSPARENCE" msgid "Transparent gradient" msgstr "Провидни прелив" #. DBBgQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:342 msgctxt "SIP_XA_SECONDARYFILLCOLOR" msgid "Fill reserved for 2" msgstr "Попунити резервисано 2" #. PaSqp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:343 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_SIZELOG" msgid "Tile size not in %" msgstr "Величина плочице није у %" #. fwikV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:344 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_TILEOFFSETX" msgid "Tile offset X in %" msgstr "Хоризонтални размак плочица у %" #. FQgvE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:345 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_TILEOFFSETY" msgid "Tile offset Y in %" msgstr "Усправни размак плочица у %" #. NUEGF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:346 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_STRETCH" msgid "Bitmap scaling" msgstr "Развлачење битмапе" #. pc9yk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:347 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_POSOFFSETX" msgid "Tile position X in %" msgstr "Хоризонтални положај плочица у %" #. DH43F #: include/svx/strings.hrc:348 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBMP_POSOFFSETY" msgid "Tile position Y in %" msgstr "Усправни положај плочица у %" #. 8GFpS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:349 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FILLBACKGROUND" msgid "Background fill" msgstr "Попуњавање позадине" #. 2SvhA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:350 msgctxt "SIP_XATTRSET_FILL" msgid "Area attributes" msgstr "Особине површина" #. TE8CS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:351 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSTYLE" msgid "Fontwork style" msgstr "Врста словописа" #. qMnRZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:352 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTADJUST" msgid "Fontwork alignment" msgstr "Поравнање словописа" #. fpGEZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:353 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTDISTANCE" msgid "Fontwork spacing" msgstr "Размак словописа" #. CUBXL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:354 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSTART" msgid "Fontwork font begin" msgstr "Почетак фонта у словопису" #. JSVHo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:355 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTMIRROR" msgid "Fontwork mirror" msgstr "Пресликавање словописа" #. P5W29 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:356 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTOUTLINE" msgid "Fontwork outline" msgstr "Контура словописа" #. LKCDD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:357 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSHADOW" msgid "Fontwork shadow" msgstr "Сенка словописа" #. oDiYn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:358 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSHDWCOLOR" msgid "Fontwork shadow color" msgstr "Боја сенке словописа" #. sFLRA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:359 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSHDWXVAL" msgid "Fontwork shadow offset X" msgstr "X померај сенке словописа" #. daERW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:360 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSHDWYVAL" msgid "Fontwork shadow offset Y" msgstr "Y померај сенке словописа" #. LdeJZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:361 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTHIDEFORM" msgid "Hide fontwork outline" msgstr "Сакриј контуру словописа" #. 3sPPg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:362 msgctxt "SIP_XA_FORMTXTSHDWTRANSP" msgid "Fontwork shadow transparency" msgstr "Провидност сенке словописа" #. q6MHs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:363 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOW" msgid "Shadow" msgstr "Осенчено" #. dSwen #: include/svx/strings.hrc:364 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOWCOLOR" msgid "Shadow color" msgstr "Боја сенке" #. HcLrC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:365 msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOWXDIST" msgid "Shadow spacing X" msgstr "Размак за сенку X" #. TMGmk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:366 msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOWYDIST" msgid "Shadow spacing Y" msgstr "Размак за сенку Y" #. u5baB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:367 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOWTRANSPARENCE" msgid "Shadow transparency" msgstr "Провидност сенке" #. sDFuG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:368 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOW3D" msgid "3D shadow" msgstr "3D сенка" #. FGU8f #: include/svx/strings.hrc:369 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHADOWPERSP" msgid "Perspective shadow" msgstr "Сенка у перспективи" #. MV529 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:370 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONTYPE" msgid "Type of legend" msgstr "Врста легенде" #. GAtWb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:371 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONFIXEDANGLE" msgid "Fixed legend angle" msgstr "Фиксиран угао легенде" #. SgHKq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:372 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONANGLE" msgid "Legend angle" msgstr "Угао легенде" #. gwcQp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:373 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONGAP" msgid "Legend lines spacing" msgstr "Проред линија легенде" #. 6uEae #: include/svx/strings.hrc:374 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONESCDIR" msgid "Legend exit alignment" msgstr "Поравнање излаза легенде" #. TXjGv #: include/svx/strings.hrc:375 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONESCISREL" msgid "Relative exit legend" msgstr "Релативни излаз легенде" #. Z5bQB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:376 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONESCREL" msgid "Relative exit legend" msgstr "Релативни излаз легенде" #. 4TmFK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:377 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONESCABS" msgid "Absolute exit of legend" msgstr "Апсолутна дужина легенде" #. V9TG8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:378 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONLINELEN" msgid "Legend line length" msgstr "Дужина линије легенде" #. haQgi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:379 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CAPTIONFITLINELEN" msgid "AutoLength of legend lines" msgstr "Аутоматска дужина линија легенде" #. DGKz5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:380 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_ECKENRADIUS" msgid "Corner radius" msgstr "Полупречник угла" #. GEA3m #: include/svx/strings.hrc:381 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_MINFRAMEHEIGHT" msgid "Minimal frame height" msgstr "Минимална висина оквира" #. 3jdRR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:382 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_AUTOGROWHEIGHT" msgid "AutoFit height" msgstr "Висина за аутоуклапање" #. NoJR4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:383 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_FITTOSIZE" msgid "Fit text to frame" msgstr "Уклопи текст у оквир" #. EexDC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:384 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_LEFTDIST" msgid "Left text frame spacing" msgstr "Леви размак оквира за текст" #. 3thvB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:385 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_RIGHTDIST" msgid "Right text frame spacing" msgstr "Десни размак оквира за текст" #. 8x2Xa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:386 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_UPPERDIST" msgid "Upper text frame spacing" msgstr "Горњи размак оквира за текст" #. WyymX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:387 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_LOWERDIST" msgid "Lower text frame spacing" msgstr "Доњи размак оквира за текст" #. vdbvB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:388 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_VERTADJUST" msgid "Vertical text anchor" msgstr "Вертикални везник текста" #. QzTNc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:389 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_MAXFRAMEHEIGHT" msgid "Maximal frame height" msgstr "Максимална висина оквира" #. CcAnR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:390 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_MINFRAMEWIDTH" msgid "Minimal frame width" msgstr "Минимална ширина оквира" #. i6nqD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:391 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_MAXFRAMEWIDTH" msgid "Maximal frame width" msgstr "Максимална ширина оквира" #. irtVb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:392 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_AUTOGROWWIDTH" msgid "AutoFit width" msgstr "Ширина за аутоуклапање" #. BGR8n #: include/svx/strings.hrc:393 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_HORZADJUST" msgid "Horizontal text anchor" msgstr "Хоризонтални везник текста" #. ruk5J #: include/svx/strings.hrc:394 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANIKIND" msgid "Ticker" msgstr "Тикер" #. cvDiA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:395 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANIDIRECTION" msgid "Ticker direction" msgstr "Правац покретне траке" #. GuCC5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:396 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANISTARTINSIDE" msgid "Ticker start inside" msgstr "Покрени тикер унутра" #. ipog5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:397 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANISTOPINSIDE" msgid "Ticker stop inside" msgstr "Заустави тикер унутра" #. pWAHL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:398 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANICOUNT" msgid "Number of ticker runs" msgstr "Број пролаза за тикер" #. vGEjP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:399 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANIDELAY" msgid "Speed of ticker" msgstr "Брзина покретне траке" #. SdHEU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:400 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_ANIAMOUNT" msgid "Ticker step size" msgstr "Величина корака за тикер" #. LzoA5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:401 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_CONTOURFRAME" msgid "Outline text flow" msgstr "Ток текста по контури" #. HDtDf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:402 msgctxt "SIP_SA_XMLATTRIBUTES" msgid "User-defined attributes" msgstr "Кориснички дефинисане особине" #. F9FzF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:403 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TEXT_USEFIXEDCELLHEIGHT" msgid "Use font-independent line spacing" msgstr "Користи проред независно од фонта" #. jTAhz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:404 msgctxt "SIP_SA_WORDWRAP" msgid "Word wrap text in shape" msgstr "Развуци речи текста у облику" #. QDaB6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:405 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CHAINNEXTNAME" msgid "Next link in text chain" msgstr "" #. BA5dh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:406 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGEKIND" msgid "Type of connector" msgstr "Врста повезивача" #. CoYH2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:407 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE1HORZDIST" msgid "Horz. spacing object 1" msgstr "Објекат за хоризонтални размак 1" #. xdvs2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:408 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE1VERTDIST" msgid "Vert. spacing object 1" msgstr "Објекат за вертикални размак 1" #. FB4Cj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:409 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE2HORZDIST" msgid "Horz. spacing object 2" msgstr "Објекат за хоризонтални размак 2" #. uGKvj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:410 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE2VERTDIST" msgid "Vert. spacing object 2" msgstr "Објекат за вертикални размак 2" #. FSkBP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:411 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE1GLUEDIST" msgid "Glue spacing object 1" msgstr "Објекат за повезивање 1" #. 845KH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:412 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGENODE2GLUEDIST" msgid "Glue spacing object 2" msgstr "Објекат за повезивање 2" #. FEDAf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:413 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGELINEDELTACOUNT" msgid "Number of movable lines" msgstr "Број помичних линија" #. EnGaG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:414 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGELINE1DELTA" msgid "Offset line 1" msgstr "Линија размака 1" #. 5XFzK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:415 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGELINE2DELTA" msgid "Offset line 2" msgstr "Линија размака 2" #. nBFrd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:416 msgctxt "SIP_SA_EDGELINE3DELTA" msgid "Offset line 3" msgstr "Линија размака 3" #. x7oEC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:417 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREKIND" msgid "Type of dimensioning" msgstr "Тип одређивања величне" #. 2XCPo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:418 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTHPOS" msgid "Dimension value - horizontal position" msgstr "Кота - хоризонталан положај" #. DxA8Z #: include/svx/strings.hrc:419 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTVPOS" msgid "Dimension value - vertical position" msgstr "Кота - вертикалан положај" #. LQCsj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:420 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURELINEDIST" msgid "Dimension line space" msgstr "Размак до линије коте" #. jZBoK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:421 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREHELPLINEOVERHANG" msgid "Dimension help line overhang" msgstr "Одређивање величине вишења за траку за помоћ" #. Bhboy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:422 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREHELPLINEDIST" msgid "Dimension help line spacing" msgstr "Одређивање прореда за траку за помоћ" #. jw9E7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:423 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREHELPLINE1LEN" msgid "Backlog of dimension help line 1" msgstr "Заостало из помоћне линије 1 за димензију" #. CYFg6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:424 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREHELPLINE2LEN" msgid "Backlog of dimension help line 2" msgstr "Заостало из помоћне линије 2 за димензију" #. ocvCK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:425 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREBELOWREFEDGE" msgid "Lower edge dimensioning" msgstr "Димензионисање доње ивице" #. cFVVA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:426 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTROTA90" msgid "Dimension value across dimension line" msgstr "Кота дуж линије коте" #. VVAgC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:427 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTUPSIDEDOWN" msgid "Rotate dimension value by 180 degree" msgstr "Ротирај коту за 180 степени" #. iFX7y #: include/svx/strings.hrc:428 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREOVERHANG" msgid "Dimension line overhang" msgstr "Пребацивање линије коте" #. DoBGo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:429 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREUNIT" msgid "Measure unit" msgstr "Мерне јединице" #. 2NBMp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:430 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURESCALE" msgid "Additional scale factor" msgstr "Додатни фактор размере" #. 4yTAW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:431 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURESHOWUNIT" msgid "Measure unit display" msgstr "Приказивање мерних јединица" #. NFDC3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:432 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREFORMATSTRING" msgid "Dimension value format" msgstr "Формат коте" #. UBjQk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:433 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTAUTOANGLE" msgid "AutoPositioning of the dimension value" msgstr "Аутоматско подешавање кота" #. GDQC3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:434 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTAUTOANGLEVIEW" msgid "Angle for the automatic positioning of the dimension value" msgstr "Угао за аутоматско позиционирање коте" #. DB243 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:435 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTISFIXEDANGLE" msgid "Determination of the dimension value angle" msgstr "Одређивање угла коте" #. i3Bah #: include/svx/strings.hrc:436 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASURETEXTFIXEDANGLE" msgid "Angle of the dimension value" msgstr "Угао коте" #. qWKC7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:437 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MEASUREDECIMALPLACES" msgid "Decimal places" msgstr "Децимална места" #. wkrNX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:438 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CIRCKIND" msgid "Type of circle" msgstr "Врста круга" #. FRFU8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:439 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_CIRCSTARTANGLE" msgid "Start angle" msgstr "Почетни угао" #. FmSKG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:440 msgctxt "SIP_SA_CIRCENDANGLE" msgid "End angle" msgstr "Крајњи угао" #. ejn6F #: include/svx/strings.hrc:441 msgctxt "SIP_SA_OBJMOVEPROTECT" msgid "Protected object position" msgstr "Положај заштићеног објекта" #. ZPEB9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:442 msgctxt "SIP_SA_OBJSIZEPROTECT" msgid "Protected object size" msgstr "Величина заштићеног објекта" #. BN5CM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:443 msgctxt "SIP_SA_OBJPRINTABLE" msgid "Object, printable" msgstr "Објекат за штампу" #. 3Digj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:444 msgctxt "SIP_SA_OBJVISIBLE" msgid "Object, visible" msgstr "Објекат, видљиво" #. nZLtM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:445 msgctxt "SIP_SA_LAYERID" msgid "Level ID" msgstr "ID нивоа" #. f3ed2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:446 msgctxt "SIP_SA_LAYERNAME" msgid "Layer" msgstr "Слој" #. rb6GC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:447 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_OBJECTNAME" msgid "Object name" msgstr "Име објекта" #. 5zRFi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:448 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ALLPOSITIONX" msgid "Position X, complete" msgstr "Позиција X; комплетно" #. 5enZ7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:449 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ALLPOSITIONY" msgid "Position Y, complete" msgstr "Позиција Y; комплетно" #. 2V5Mn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:450 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ALLSIZEWIDTH" msgid "Total Width" msgstr "Укупна ширина" #. P6Y6W #: include/svx/strings.hrc:451 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ALLSIZEHEIGHT" msgid "Height, complete" msgstr "Висина; комплетна" #. yFnnC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:452 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ONEPOSITIONX" msgid "Single position X" msgstr "Појединачна позиција X" #. jEGfd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:453 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ONEPOSITIONY" msgid "Single position Y" msgstr "Појединачна позиција Y" #. YJFnY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:454 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ONESIZEWIDTH" msgid "Single width" msgstr "Појединачна ширина" #. bZFkM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:455 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ONESIZEHEIGHT" msgid "Single height" msgstr "Појединачна висина" #. K5Xuq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:456 msgctxt "SIP_SA_LOGICSIZEWIDTH" msgid "Logical width" msgstr "Логичка ширина" #. 9Niyk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:457 msgctxt "SIP_SA_LOGICSIZEHEIGHT" msgid "Logical height" msgstr "Логичка висина" #. yFmvh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:458 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ROTATEANGLE" msgid "Single rotation angle" msgstr "Појединачни угао ротације" #. zNyKY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:459 msgctxt "SIP_SA_SHEARANGLE" msgid "Single shear angle" msgstr "Појединачни угао смицања" #. bJv8D #: include/svx/strings.hrc:460 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MOVEX" msgid "Move horizontally" msgstr "Помери хоризонтално" #. z7EPp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:461 msgctxt "SIP_SA_MOVEY" msgid "Move vertically" msgstr "Помери вертикално" #. Qn4GS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:462 msgctxt "SIP_SA_RESIZEXONE" msgid "Resize X, single" msgstr "Промени величину X; појединачно" #. VCtZa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:463 msgctxt "SIP_SA_RESIZEYONE" msgid "Resize Y, single" msgstr "Промени величину Y; појединачно" #. NxatH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:464 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ROTATEONE" msgid "Single rotation" msgstr "Појединачна ротација" #. gNVw9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:465 msgctxt "SIP_SA_HORZSHEARONE" msgid "Single horizontal shear" msgstr "Појединачно хоризонтално смицање" #. iCzED #: include/svx/strings.hrc:466 msgctxt "SIP_SA_VERTSHEARONE" msgid "Single vertical shear" msgstr "Појединачно вертикално смицање" #. HQcJt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:467 msgctxt "SIP_SA_RESIZEXALL" msgid "Resize X, complete" msgstr "Промени величину X; комплетно" #. VcK8z #: include/svx/strings.hrc:468 msgctxt "SIP_SA_RESIZEYALL" msgid "Resize Y, complete" msgstr "Промени величину Y; комплетно" #. vgGU4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:469 msgctxt "SIP_SA_ROTATEALL" msgid "Rotate all" msgstr "Ротирај све" #. 3faE4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:470 msgctxt "SIP_SA_HORZSHEARALL" msgid "Shear horizontal, complete" msgstr "Водоравно смицање; комплетно" #. RAEPz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:471 msgctxt "SIP_SA_VERTSHEARALL" msgid "Shear vertical, complete" msgstr "Усправно смицање; комплетно" #. gtXM3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:472 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TRANSFORMREF1X" msgid "Reference point 1 X" msgstr "Референтна тачка 1 X" #. YpQDc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:473 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TRANSFORMREF1Y" msgid "Reference point 1 Y" msgstr "Референтна тачка 1 Y" #. Hp5EK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:474 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TRANSFORMREF2X" msgid "Reference point 2 X" msgstr "Референтна тачка 2 X" #. Rty4j #: include/svx/strings.hrc:475 msgctxt "SIP_SA_TRANSFORMREF2Y" msgid "Reference point 2 Y" msgstr "Референтна тачка 2 Y" #. JdeqL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:476 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_HYPHENATE" msgid "Hyphenation" msgstr "Прелом речи" #. HMmA6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:477 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_BULLETSTATE" msgid "Display bullets" msgstr "Прикажи ознаке за набрајање" #. 8Q88u #: include/svx/strings.hrc:478 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_OUTLLRSPACE" msgid "Numbering indents" msgstr "Увлачење набрајања" #. inGxX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:479 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_OUTLLEVEL" msgid "Numbering level" msgstr "Ниво набрајања" #. 2CtLK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:480 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_BULLET" msgid "Bullets and Numberings" msgstr "Набрајање и нумерисање" #. hCE5d #: include/svx/strings.hrc:481 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_LRSPACE" msgid "Indents" msgstr "Увлачења" #. Y5YFm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:482 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_ULSPACE" msgid "Paragraph spacing" msgstr "Размак пасуса" #. feirn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:483 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_SBL" msgid "Line spacing" msgstr "Проред" #. gjAVE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:484 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_JUST" msgid "Paragraph alignment" msgstr "Поравнање пасуса" #. offnT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:485 msgctxt "SIP_EE_PARA_TABS" msgid "Tabulators" msgstr "Табулатори" #. kpiTD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:486 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_COLOR" msgid "Font color" msgstr "Боја фонта" #. X535C #: include/svx/strings.hrc:487 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_FONTINFO" msgid "Character set" msgstr "Скуп знакова" #. AEbEz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:488 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_FONTHEIGHT" msgid "Font size" msgstr "Величина фонта" #. UKHSM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:489 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_FONTWIDTH" msgid "Font width" msgstr "Ширина фонта" #. SQWpD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:490 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_WEIGHT" msgid "Bold (thickness)" msgstr "Подебљано" #. AUR7N #: include/svx/strings.hrc:491 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_UNDERLINE" msgid "Underline" msgstr "Подвучено" #. v2AEJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:492 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_OVERLINE" msgid "Overline" msgstr "Надвучено" #. ARvwR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:493 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_STRIKEOUT" msgid "Strikethrough" msgstr "Прецртано" #. gcVzb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:494 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_ITALIC" msgid "Italic" msgstr "Курзив" #. kJVaV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:495 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_OUTLINE" msgid "Outline" msgstr "Контура" #. CZR4e #: include/svx/strings.hrc:496 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_SHADOW" msgid "Font shadow" msgstr "Сенка фонта" #. PFSUR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:497 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_ESCAPEMENT" msgid "Superscript/subscript" msgstr "Експонент/индекс" #. DrBio #: include/svx/strings.hrc:498 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_PAIRKERNING" msgid "Kerning" msgstr "Примицање" #. tUVvP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:499 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_KERNING" msgid "Manual kerning" msgstr "Ручно примицање" #. S9QCU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:500 msgctxt "SIP_EE_CHAR_WLM" msgid "No underline for spaces" msgstr "Не подвлачи размаке" #. GuTzF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:501 msgctxt "SIP_EE_FEATURE_TAB" msgid "Tabulator" msgstr "Табулатор" #. U4qgA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:502 msgctxt "SIP_EE_FEATURE_LINEBR" msgid "Optional line break" msgstr "Опциони прелом реда" #. jzBEA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:503 msgctxt "SIP_EE_FEATURE_NOTCONV" msgid "Non-convertible character" msgstr "Непреводиви знак" #. tZd9C #: include/svx/strings.hrc:504 msgctxt "SIP_EE_FEATURE_FIELD" msgid "Fields" msgstr "Поља" #. GeKPD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:505 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFRED" msgid "Red" msgstr "Црвена" #. EzAu7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:506 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFGREEN" msgid "Green" msgstr "Зелена" #. TmBML #: include/svx/strings.hrc:507 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFBLUE" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Плава" #. 7Gqzs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:508 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFLUMINANCE" msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Осветљеност" #. rziVW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:509 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFCONTRAST" msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Контраст" #. CHepz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:510 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFGAMMA" msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Гама" #. 2ESVA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:511 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFTRANSPARENCE" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Провидност" #. uZYFG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:512 #, fuzzy msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFINVERT" msgid "Invert" msgstr "Обрни" #. 6aFx2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:513 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFMODE" msgid "Image mode" msgstr "" #. Ni9KZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:514 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GRAFCROP" msgid "Crop" msgstr "Изрежи" #. 6tD4T #: include/svx/strings.hrc:515 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GLOW" msgid "Glow effect" msgstr "" #. nr3zw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:516 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GLOW_RAD" msgid "Radius of glow effect" msgstr "" #. 3hvai #: include/svx/strings.hrc:517 msgctxt "SIP_SA_GLOW_COLOR" msgid "Color of glow effect" msgstr "" #. nVcjU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:518 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulMEDIA" msgid "Media object" msgstr "Објекат мултимедије" #. nbHgw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:519 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralMEDIA" msgid "Media objects" msgstr "Мултимедија" #. YpmrX #. drawing layer table strings #: include/svx/strings.hrc:521 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_INSCOL" msgid "Insert column" msgstr "Уметни колону" #. SAmd8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:522 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_INSROW" msgid "Insert row" msgstr "Уметни ред" #. yFDYp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:523 msgctxt "STR_UNDO_COL_DELETE" msgid "Delete column" msgstr "Обриши колону" #. 9SF9L #: include/svx/strings.hrc:524 msgctxt "STR_UNDO_ROW_DELETE" msgid "Delete row" msgstr "Обриши ред" #. iBbtT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:525 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_SPLIT" msgid "Split cells" msgstr "Подели ћелије" #. vmzqf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:526 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_MERGE" msgid "Merge cells" msgstr "Споји ћелије" #. 3VVmF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:527 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_NUMFORMAT" msgid "Format cell" msgstr "Фроматирање ћелије" #. pSCJC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:528 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_DISTRIBUTE_ROWS" msgid "Distribute rows" msgstr "Расподела редова" #. GdLHf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:529 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_DISTRIBUTE_COLUMNS" msgid "Distribute columns" msgstr "Раподела колона" #. fGNto #: include/svx/strings.hrc:530 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_TABLE_DELETE_CELL_CONTENTS" msgid "Delete cell contents" msgstr "Обриши садржај" #. B33Cb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:531 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_STYLE" msgid "Table style" msgstr "Стил табеле" #. ZHBAC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:532 msgctxt "STR_TABLE_STYLE_SETTINGS" msgid "Table style settings" msgstr "Подешавања стила табела" #. eERmE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:533 msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulTable" msgid "Table" msgstr "Табела" #. XjgSV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:534 msgctxt "STR_ObjNamePluralTable" msgid "Tables" msgstr "Табеле" #. mLDqP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:535 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_ObjNameSingulFONTWORK" msgid "Font work" msgstr "Словопис" #. FgChT #. Strings for the Draw-Dialog -------------------------------------------- #: include/svx/strings.hrc:537 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SOLID" msgid "Continuous" msgstr "Непрекидан" #. uNL7M #: include/svx/strings.hrc:538 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRADIENT" msgid "Gradient" msgstr "Прелив" #. a8YoL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:539 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BITMAP" msgid "Bitmap" msgstr "Битмапа" #. FDmra #: include/svx/strings.hrc:540 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PATTERN" msgid "Pattern" msgstr "Шара" #. HcGBQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:541 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PATTERN_UNTITLED" msgid "Untitled Pattern" msgstr "" #. GHj4Q #: include/svx/strings.hrc:542 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINESTYLE" msgid "Line Style" msgstr "Стил линије" #. fa7EG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:543 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_INVISIBLE" msgid "None" msgstr "Ниједан" #. mrTdk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:544 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR" msgid "Color" msgstr "Боја" #. 5bjE5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:545 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH" msgid "Hatching" msgstr "Шрафирање" #. yGRGW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:546 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINEEND" msgid "Arrowheads" msgstr "Врхови стрелице" #. snuCi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:547 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ARROW" msgid "Arrow" msgstr "Стрелица" #. 6EvQ7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:548 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SQUARE" msgid "Square" msgstr "Квадрат" #. i6cva #: include/svx/strings.hrc:549 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CIRCLE" msgid "Circle" msgstr "Круг" #. emz9g #: include/svx/strings.hrc:550 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NONE" msgid "- none -" msgstr "- ништа -" #. hGaEK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:551 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TRANSPARENCE" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Провидност" #. X4EFw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:552 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CENTERED" msgid "Centered" msgstr "Центрирано" #. FFe8m #: include/svx/strings.hrc:553 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NOTCENTERED" msgid "Not centered" msgstr "Није центрирано" #. hFhmH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:554 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFMODE_STANDARD" msgid "Default" msgstr "Подразумевани" #. DdAzc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:555 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFMODE_GREYS" msgid "Grayscale" msgstr "Нијансе сиве" #. RHEXM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:556 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFMODE_MONO" msgid "Black/White" msgstr "Црно-бело" #. bcXbA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:557 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFMODE_WATERMARK" msgid "Watermark" msgstr "Водени жиг" #. ZWz8Y #: include/svx/strings.hrc:558 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLORBAR" msgid "Left click to apply as background color, right click to set line color" msgstr "" #. mFU2A #. Default colors #: include/svx/strings.hrc:560 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DEFAULT_FONTCOLOR" msgid "Dark Red 2" msgstr "" #. Rw7nG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:561 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DEFAULT_FRAMELINE" msgid "Blue" msgstr "" #. UdEYr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:562 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DEFAULT_HIGHLIGHT" msgid "Yellow" msgstr "" #. 9AUDK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:563 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DEFAULT_SHAPE_STROKE" msgid "Dark Blue 1" msgstr "" #. aSWwv #: include/svx/strings.hrc:564 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DEFAULT_SHAPE_FILLING" msgid "Light Blue 2" msgstr "" #. 5gwhz #. Elements of the standard color palette #: include/svx/strings.hrc:566 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BLACK" msgid "Black" msgstr "Црна" #. PwGvV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:567 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_GREY" msgid "Gray" msgstr "Сива" #. Dp9Az #: include/svx/strings.hrc:568 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_WHITE" msgid "White" msgstr "Бела" #. TGLmD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:569 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_YELLOW" msgid "Yellow" msgstr "Жута" #. YpDke #: include/svx/strings.hrc:570 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_GOLD" msgid "Gold" msgstr "Злато" #. 7aJCZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:571 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_ORANGE" msgid "Orange" msgstr "Наранџаста" #. mZMFN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:572 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BRICK" msgid "Brick" msgstr "" #. juJeM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:573 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_RED" msgid "Red" msgstr "Црвена" #. 7xMrN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:574 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MAGENTA" msgid "Magenta" msgstr "Магента" #. ELXiM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:575 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_PURPLE" msgid "Purple" msgstr "Љубичасто" #. UTexf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:576 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_INDIGO" msgid "Indigo" msgstr "" #. qbcF9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:577 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BLUE" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Плава" #. hQ44j #: include/svx/strings.hrc:578 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TEAL" msgid "Teal" msgstr "тил" #. JpxBr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:579 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_GREEN" msgid "Green" msgstr "Зелена" #. A3aCJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:580 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIME" msgid "Lime" msgstr "Време" #. wVMiq #. Light variants of the standard color palette #: include/svx/strings.hrc:582 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTGRAY" msgid "Light Gray" msgstr "Светлосива" #. YF2ud #: include/svx/strings.hrc:583 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTYELLOW" msgid "Light Yellow" msgstr "" #. BaXBj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:584 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTGOLD" msgid "Light Gold" msgstr "" #. masPL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:585 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTORANGE" msgid "Light Orange" msgstr "" #. k5GY4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:586 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTBRICK" msgid "Light Brick" msgstr "" #. KGDDj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:587 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTRED" msgid "Light Red" msgstr "Светла црвена" #. nvB2W #: include/svx/strings.hrc:588 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTMAGENTA" msgid "Light Magenta" msgstr "" #. y96HS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:589 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTPURPLE" msgid "Light Purple" msgstr "" #. 8Bg8h #: include/svx/strings.hrc:590 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTINDIGO" msgid "Light Indigo" msgstr "" #. suGUh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:591 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTBLUE" msgid "Light Blue" msgstr "Светла плава" #. 5VFSV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:592 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTTEAL" msgid "Light Teal" msgstr "" #. 3Z7KA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:593 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTGREEN" msgid "Light Green" msgstr "Светла зелена" #. HVPnD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:594 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIGHTLIME" msgid "Light Lime" msgstr "" #. J6DDx #. Dark variants of the standard color palette #: include/svx/strings.hrc:596 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKGRAY" msgid "Dark Gray" msgstr "" #. EaFik #: include/svx/strings.hrc:597 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKYELLOW" msgid "Dark Yellow" msgstr "" #. AFByn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:598 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKGOLD" msgid "Dark Gold" msgstr "" #. qAGnF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:599 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKORANGE" msgid "Dark Orange" msgstr "" #. NC62Q #: include/svx/strings.hrc:600 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKBRICK" msgid "Dark Brick" msgstr "" #. st4Zy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:601 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKRED" msgid "Dark Red" msgstr "Тамноцрвена" #. indkC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:602 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKMAGENTA" msgid "Dark Magenta" msgstr "" #. AE9Ya #: include/svx/strings.hrc:603 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKPURPLE" msgid "Dark Purple" msgstr "" #. VFKuJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:604 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKINDIGO" msgid "Dark Indigo" msgstr "" #. U3qfW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:605 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKBLUE" msgid "Dark Blue" msgstr "" #. dYdEW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:606 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKTEAL" msgid "Dark Teal" msgstr "" #. qFAAB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:607 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKGREEN" msgid "Dark Green" msgstr "" #. C3U7v #: include/svx/strings.hrc:608 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKLIME" msgid "Dark Lime" msgstr "" #. VWKSb #. Elements of the Tonal color palette #: include/svx/strings.hrc:610 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_VIOLET" msgid "Violet" msgstr "Љубичаста" #. GgboW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:611 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_VIOLET_OUG" msgid "Violet (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "" #. mz3Eo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:612 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BLUE_OUG" msgid "Blue (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "" #. SGvfY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:613 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_AZURE_OUG" msgid "Azure (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "" #. dYBjC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:614 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_SPRINGGREEN_OUG" msgid "Spring Green (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "" #. GCcWR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:615 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_GREEN_OUG" msgid "Green (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "" #. DLuCh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:616 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_CHARTREUSEGREEN_OUG" msgid "Chartreuse Green (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "" #. s3ZaC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:617 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_ORANGE_OUG" msgid "Orange (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "" #. A8i2G #: include/svx/strings.hrc:618 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_RED_OUG" msgid "Red (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "" #. j4oEv #: include/svx/strings.hrc:619 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_ROSE_OUG" msgid "Rose (Out of Gamut)" msgstr "" #. qBpvR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:620 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_AZURE" msgid "Azure" msgstr "" #. Y6vVA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:621 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_CYAN" msgid "Cyan" msgstr "Тиркизна" #. 583vY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:622 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_SPRINGGREEN" msgid "Spring Green" msgstr "" #. jtKm8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:623 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_CHARTREUSEGREEN" msgid "Chartreuse Green" msgstr "" #. RkAmE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:624 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_ROSE" msgid "Rose" msgstr "" #. BZGUS #. Elements of the Material color palette #: include/svx/strings.hrc:626 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_GRAY_A" msgid "Gray A" msgstr "" #. 3b7sB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:627 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_YELLOW_A" msgid "Yellow A" msgstr "" #. DbqvY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:628 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_AMBER_A" msgid "Amber A" msgstr "" #. nFENC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:629 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_AMBER" msgid "Amber" msgstr "" #. i8Tx3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:630 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_ORANGE_A" msgid "Orange A" msgstr "" #. DMVTT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:631 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_DEEP_ORANGE_A" msgid "Deep Orange A" msgstr "" #. LgNfg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:632 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_DEEP_ORANGE" msgid "Deep Orange" msgstr "" #. A4JAB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:633 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_RED_A" msgid "Red A" msgstr "" #. jsEPc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:634 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_PINK_A" msgid "Pink A" msgstr "" #. cFBzv #: include/svx/strings.hrc:635 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_PURPLE_A" msgid "Purple A" msgstr "" #. p6AAX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:636 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_DEEP_PURPLE_A" msgid "Deep Purple A" msgstr "" #. WcMy9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:637 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_DEEP_PURPLE" msgid "Deep Purple" msgstr "" #. e4rqj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:638 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_INDIGO_A" msgid "Indigo A" msgstr "" #. r3rtQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:639 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_BLUE_A" msgid "Blue A" msgstr "" #. dDQEi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:640 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_LIGHT_BLUE_A" msgid "Light Blue A" msgstr "" #. BepQT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:641 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_CYAN_A" msgid "Cyan A" msgstr "" #. PvkCw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:642 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_TEAL_A" msgid "Teal A" msgstr "" #. znZyu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:643 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_GREEN_A" msgid "Green A" msgstr "" #. nZDMp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:644 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_LIGHT_GREEN_A" msgid "Light Green A" msgstr "" #. 7RWqh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:645 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_LIME_A" msgid "Lime A" msgstr "" #. vuq8i #: include/svx/strings.hrc:646 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_BROWN_A" msgid "Brown A" msgstr "" #. wcNMK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:647 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_BROWN" msgid "Brown" msgstr "" #. RA8KB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:648 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_BLUE_GRAY_A" msgid "Blue Gray A" msgstr "" #. yXhED #: include/svx/strings.hrc:649 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_MATERIAL_BLUE_GRAY" msgid "Blue Gray" msgstr "" #. mCkpS #. Old default color names, probably often used in saved files #: include/svx/strings.hrc:651 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BLUE_CLASSIC" msgid "Blue classic" msgstr "" #. CWbzY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:652 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BLUEGREY" msgid "Blue gray" msgstr "Плавосива" #. DkKFF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:653 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_BORDEAUX" msgid "Bordeaux" msgstr "Бордо" #. 5hZu8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:654 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_PALE_YELLOW" msgid "Pale yellow" msgstr "Бледожута" #. wSEGQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:655 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_PALE_GREEN" msgid "Pale green" msgstr "Бледозелена" #. pUEkF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:656 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_DARKVIOLET" msgid "Dark violet" msgstr "Тамнољубичаста" #. qVhW9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:657 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_SALMON" msgid "Salmon" msgstr "Ружичасто жута" #. QV77P #: include/svx/strings.hrc:658 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_SEABLUE" msgid "Sea blue" msgstr "Морско плава" #. gYFV6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:659 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_CHART" msgid "Chart" msgstr "График" #. LXcFL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:660 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_SKYBLUE" msgid "Sky blue" msgstr "Морско плава" #. QbGU3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:661 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_YELLOWGREEN" msgid "Yellow green" msgstr "" #. UDfTh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:662 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_PINK" msgid "Pink" msgstr "Веза" #. FXDuA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:663 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_TURQUOISE" msgid "Turquoise" msgstr "Тиркизна" #. 4gHhZ #. 16 old AutoFormat Table Styles #: include/svx/strings.hrc:665 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_3D" msgid "3D" msgstr "3Д" #. GtMuR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:666 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_BLACK1" msgid "Black 1" msgstr "Црна 1" #. AhPLy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:667 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_BLACK2" msgid "Black 2" msgstr "Црна 2" #. jVxFC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:668 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_BLUE" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Плава" #. FacjB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:669 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_BROWN" msgid "Brown" msgstr "Браон" #. uQSDF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:670 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_CURRENCY" msgid "Currency" msgstr "Валута" #. sQpNL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:671 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_CURRENCY_3D" msgid "Currency 3D" msgstr "Валута 3D" #. ACACr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:672 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_CURRENCY_GRAY" msgid "Currency Gray" msgstr "Валута сиво" #. yy7mJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:673 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_CURRENCY_LAVENDER" msgid "Currency Lavender" msgstr "Валута лаванда" #. 4THUt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:674 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_CURRENCY_TURQUOISE" msgid "Currency Turquoise" msgstr "Валута тиркизно" #. a8AGf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:675 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_GRAY" msgid "Gray" msgstr "Сива" #. B4e9f #: include/svx/strings.hrc:676 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_GREEN" msgid "Green" msgstr "Зелена" #. 3mz4G #: include/svx/strings.hrc:677 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LAVENDER" msgid "Lavender" msgstr "Лаванда" #. gdfFF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:678 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_RED" msgid "Red" msgstr "Црвена" #. GsAVb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:679 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_TURQUOISE" msgid "Turquoise" msgstr "Тиркизна" #. sZbit #: include/svx/strings.hrc:680 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_YELLOW" msgid "Yellow" msgstr "Жута" #. deE8o #. 10 new AutoFormat Table Styles since LibreOffice 6.0 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:682 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_ACADEMIC" msgid "Academic" msgstr "" #. CYMbi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:683 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_BOX_LIST_BLUE" msgid "Box List Blue" msgstr "" #. njUDn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:684 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_BOX_LIST_GREEN" msgid "Box List Green" msgstr "" #. GUk5r #: include/svx/strings.hrc:685 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_BOX_LIST_RED" msgid "Box List Red" msgstr "" #. oNMgD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:686 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_BOX_LIST_YELLOW" msgid "Box List Yellow" msgstr "" #. YVY2f #: include/svx/strings.hrc:687 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_ELEGANT" msgid "Elegant" msgstr "" #. Q9rDT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:688 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_FINANCIAL" msgid "Financial" msgstr "" #. 3qSCd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:689 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_SIMPLE_GRID_COLUMNS" msgid "Simple Grid Columns" msgstr "" #. hksaM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:690 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_SIMPLE_GRID_ROWS" msgid "Simple Grid Rows" msgstr "" #. CHXkk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:691 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TBLAFMT_LO6_SIMPLE_LIST_SHADED" msgid "Simple List Shaded" msgstr "" #. XrHFB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:692 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINEJOINT_MIDDLE" msgid "Line joint averaged" msgstr "Спој линије преполовљен" #. zbAG7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:693 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINEJOINT_BEVEL" msgid "Line joint bevel" msgstr "Спој линија искошен" #. EtQJT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:694 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINEJOINT_MITER" msgid "Line joint miter" msgstr "Спој линија раван" #. YUtBv #: include/svx/strings.hrc:695 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINEJOINT_ROUND" msgid "Line joint round" msgstr "Спој линија заобљен" #. rKEBC #. the familiar name for it #: include/svx/strings.hrc:697 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINECAP_BUTT" msgid "Line cap flat" msgstr "Раван крај линије" #. zKt6C #: include/svx/strings.hrc:698 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINECAP_ROUND" msgid "Line cap round" msgstr "Заобљен крај линије" #. 5Lbx4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:699 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LINECAP_SQUARE" msgid "Line cap square" msgstr "Квадратни крај линије" #. YXbPg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:700 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT0" msgid "Gradient" msgstr "Прелив" #. mZwMD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:701 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT1" msgid "Linear blue/white" msgstr "Линеарно плаво/ бело" #. WyGuh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:702 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT2" msgid "Linear magenta/green" msgstr "Линеарно магента/ зелено" #. cLHvA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:703 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT3" msgid "Linear yellow/brown" msgstr "Линеарно жуто/ браон" #. Kfkbm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:704 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT4" msgid "Radial green/black" msgstr "Кружно зелено/ црно" #. uiTTS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:705 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT5" msgid "Radial red/yellow" msgstr "Кружно црвено/ жуто" #. SsUvr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:706 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT6" msgid "Rectangular red/white" msgstr "Правоугаоно црвено/ бело" #. CKwQP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:707 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT7" msgid "Square yellow/white" msgstr "Квадратно жуто/ бело" #. hi3tb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:708 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT8" msgid "Ellipsoid blue gray/light blue" msgstr "Елипсоидно плавосиво/ светлоплаво" #. b6AwV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:709 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT9" msgid "Axial light red/white" msgstr "Осно светло црвено/ бело" #. Adprm #. l means left #: include/svx/strings.hrc:711 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT10" msgid "Diagonal 1l" msgstr "Дијагоналан 1л" #. pJ9QE #. r means right #: include/svx/strings.hrc:713 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT11" msgid "Diagonal 1r" msgstr "Дијагоналан 1д" #. JB95r #. l means left #: include/svx/strings.hrc:715 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT12" msgid "Diagonal 2l" msgstr "Дијагоналан 2л" #. xUpUR #. r means right #: include/svx/strings.hrc:717 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT13" msgid "Diagonal 2r" msgstr "Дијагоналан 2д" #. WCYMT #. l means left #: include/svx/strings.hrc:719 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT14" msgid "Diagonal 3l" msgstr "Дијагоналан 3л" #. 3rJw7 #. r means right #: include/svx/strings.hrc:721 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT15" msgid "Diagonal 3r" msgstr "Дијагоналан 3д" #. a6ENF #. l means left #: include/svx/strings.hrc:723 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT16" msgid "Diagonal 4l" msgstr "Дијагоналан 4л" #. Fpctb #. r means right #: include/svx/strings.hrc:725 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT17" msgid "Diagonal 4r" msgstr "Дијагоналан 4д" #. yqda8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:726 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT18" msgid "Diagonal Blue" msgstr "Дијагонално плаво" #. GCtJC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:727 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT19" msgid "Diagonal Green" msgstr "Дијагонално зелено" #. LCQEB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:728 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT20" msgid "Diagonal Orange" msgstr "Дијагонално наранџасто" #. oD7FW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:729 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT21" msgid "Diagonal Red" msgstr "Дијагонално црвено" #. vuyUG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:730 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT22" msgid "Diagonal Turquoise" msgstr "Дијагонални тиркизно" #. mGtyc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:731 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT23" msgid "Diagonal Violet" msgstr "Дијагонално љубичасто" #. cArVy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:732 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT24" msgid "From a Corner" msgstr "Из ћошка" #. gvXLL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:733 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT25" msgid "From a Corner, Blue" msgstr "Из ћошка, плаво" #. GaTPh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:734 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT26" msgid "From a Corner, Green" msgstr "Из ћошка, зелено" #. GE5vm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:735 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT27" msgid "From a Corner, Orange" msgstr "Из ћошка, наранџасто" #. BFTnr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:736 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT28" msgid "From a Corner, Red" msgstr "Из ћошка, црвено" #. AFKRL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:737 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT29" msgid "From a Corner, Turquoise" msgstr "Из ћошка, тиркизно" #. djBGe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:738 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT30" msgid "From a Corner, Violet" msgstr "Из ћошка, љубичасто" #. pwDuE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:739 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT31" msgid "From the Middle" msgstr "Из средине" #. y8qpL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:740 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT32" msgid "From the Middle, Blue" msgstr "Из средине, плаво" #. PGt5w #: include/svx/strings.hrc:741 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT33" msgid "From the Middle, Green" msgstr "Из средине, зелено" #. CyLXB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:742 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT34" msgid "From the Middle, Orange" msgstr "Из средине, наранџасто" #. vkERJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:743 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT35" msgid "From the Middle, Red" msgstr "Из средине, црвено" #. Sq2SE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:744 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT36" msgid "From the Middle, Turquoise" msgstr "Из средине, тиркизно" #. DoSmH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:745 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT37" msgid "From the Middle, Violet" msgstr "Из средине, љубичасто" #. 9XHkg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:746 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT38" msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "Водоравно" #. FDG7B #: include/svx/strings.hrc:747 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT39" msgid "Horizontal Blue" msgstr "Водоравно плаво" #. ZEfzF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:748 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT40" msgid "Horizontal Green" msgstr "Водоравно зелено" #. GFRCF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:749 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT41" msgid "Horizontal Orange" msgstr "Водоравна наранџасто" #. iouxG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:750 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT42" msgid "Horizontal Red" msgstr "Водоравно црвено" #. Gta9k #: include/svx/strings.hrc:751 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT43" msgid "Horizontal Turquoise" msgstr "Водоравно тиркизно" #. Tdpw4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:752 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT44" msgid "Horizontal Violet" msgstr "Водоравно љубичасто" #. DyVEP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:753 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT45" msgid "Radial" msgstr "Радијално" #. Uyhuj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:754 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT46" msgid "Radial Blue" msgstr "Радијално плаво" #. MA6Qs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:755 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT47" msgid "Radial Green" msgstr "Радијално зелено" #. Pt24U #: include/svx/strings.hrc:756 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT48" msgid "Radial Orange" msgstr "Радијално наранџасто" #. 37T3A #: include/svx/strings.hrc:757 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT49" msgid "Radial Red" msgstr "Радијално црвено" #. gLwZp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:758 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT50" msgid "Radial Turquoise" msgstr "Радијално тиркизно" #. gka9C #: include/svx/strings.hrc:759 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT51" msgid "Radial Violet" msgstr "Радијално љубичасто" #. BaGs9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:760 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT52" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Усправно" #. DqGbG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:761 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT53" msgid "Vertical Blue" msgstr "Усправно плаво" #. FCa2X #: include/svx/strings.hrc:762 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT54" msgid "Vertical Green" msgstr "Усправно зелено" #. BNSiE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:763 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT55" msgid "Vertical Orange" msgstr "Усправно наранџасто" #. DfiaF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:764 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT56" msgid "Vertical Red" msgstr "Усправно црвено" #. 4htXp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:765 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT57" msgid "Vertical Turquoise" msgstr "Усправно тиркизно" #. FVCCq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:766 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT58" msgid "Vertical Violet" msgstr "Усправно љубичасто" #. S3bJ9 #. gradients of unknown provenience #: include/svx/strings.hrc:768 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT59" msgid "Gray Gradient" msgstr "" #. CDxDN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:769 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT60" msgid "Yellow Gradient" msgstr "" #. amMze #: include/svx/strings.hrc:770 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT61" msgid "Orange Gradient" msgstr "" #. bodAW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:771 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT62" msgid "Red Gradient" msgstr "" #. Zn2x3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:772 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT63" msgid "Pink Gradient" msgstr "" #. xXMfH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:773 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT64" msgid "Sky" msgstr "Небо" #. RYfTi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:774 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT65" msgid "Cyan Gradient" msgstr "" #. jAu7g #: include/svx/strings.hrc:775 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT66" msgid "Blue Gradient" msgstr "" #. idyKS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:776 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT67" msgid "Purple Pipe" msgstr "" #. fFZia #: include/svx/strings.hrc:777 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT68" msgid "Night" msgstr "Десно" #. 4ECED #: include/svx/strings.hrc:778 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT69" msgid "Green Gradient" msgstr "" #. ecDQh #. actual gradients defined for 6.1 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:780 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT70" msgid "Pastel Bouquet" msgstr "" #. 9BV4L #: include/svx/strings.hrc:781 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT71" msgid "Pastel Dream" msgstr "" #. jEVDi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:782 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT72" msgid "Blue Touch" msgstr "" #. ZAj48 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:783 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT73" msgid "Blank with Gray" msgstr "" #. CJqu3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:784 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT74" msgid "Spotted Gray" msgstr "" #. s6Z54 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:785 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT75" msgid "London Mist" msgstr "" #. nk99S #: include/svx/strings.hrc:786 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT76" msgid "Teal to Blue" msgstr "" #. ud3Bc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:787 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT77" msgid "Midnight" msgstr "" #. 3DFV9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:788 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT78" msgid "Deep Ocean" msgstr "" #. beAAG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:789 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT79" msgid "Submarine" msgstr "" #. LCJCH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:790 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT80" msgid "Green Grass" msgstr "" #. wiGu5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:791 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT81" msgid "Neon Light" msgstr "" #. EGqXT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:792 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT82" msgid "Sunshine" msgstr "" #. WCs3M #: include/svx/strings.hrc:793 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT83" msgid "Present" msgstr "" #. 99B5Z #: include/svx/strings.hrc:794 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRDT84" msgid "Mahogany" msgstr "" #. iGSbh #. /gradients #: include/svx/strings.hrc:796 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH0" msgid "Black 45 Degrees Wide" msgstr "Црно 45 степени широко" #. Fsq7L #: include/svx/strings.hrc:797 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH1" msgid "Black 45 Degrees" msgstr "Црно 45 степени" #. rG5Ru #: include/svx/strings.hrc:798 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH2" msgid "Black -45 Degrees" msgstr "Црно -45 степени" #. ADEbz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:799 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH3" msgid "Black 90 Degrees" msgstr "Црно 90 степени" #. yFBSa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:800 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH4" msgid "Red Crossed 45 Degrees" msgstr "Црвено укрштено 45 степени" #. baYTK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:801 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH5" msgid "Red Crossed 0 Degrees" msgstr "Црвено укрштено 0 степени" #. c6BBY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:802 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH6" msgid "Blue Crossed 45 Degrees" msgstr "Плаво укрштено 45 степени" #. fQaT6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:803 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH7" msgid "Blue Crossed 0 Degrees" msgstr "Плаво укрштено 0 степени" #. uGUXT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:804 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH8" msgid "Blue Triple 90 Degrees" msgstr "Плаво троструко 90 степени" #. Lnqtb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:805 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH9" msgid "Black 0 Degrees" msgstr "Црно 0 степени" #. 3cEoq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:806 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_HATCH10" msgid "Hatching" msgstr "Шрафирање" #. FJati #: include/svx/strings.hrc:807 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP0" msgid "Empty" msgstr "Празно" #. Q4jUs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:808 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP1" msgid "Painted White" msgstr "" #. iHX2t #: include/svx/strings.hrc:809 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP2" msgid "Paper Texture" msgstr "" #. mAyG3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:810 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP3" msgid "Paper Crumpled" msgstr "" #. i3ARe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:811 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP4" msgid "Paper Graph" msgstr "" #. 6izYJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:812 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP5" msgid "Parchment Paper" msgstr "" #. mQCXG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:813 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP6" msgid "Fence" msgstr "" #. TriUQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:814 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP7" msgid "Wooden Board" msgstr "" #. Hp2Gp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:815 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP8" msgid "Maple Leaves" msgstr "" #. 2B5Wr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:816 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP9" msgid "Lawn" msgstr "" #. bAE9x #: include/svx/strings.hrc:817 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP10" msgid "Colorful Pebbles" msgstr "" #. nqBbP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:818 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP11" msgid "Coffee Beans" msgstr "" #. CQS6y #: include/svx/strings.hrc:819 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP12" msgid "Little Clouds" msgstr "" #. 2hE6A #: include/svx/strings.hrc:820 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP13" msgid "Bathroom Tiles" msgstr "" #. KZeGr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:821 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP14" msgid "Wall of Rock" msgstr "" #. wAELs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:822 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP15" msgid "Zebra" msgstr "" #. AVGfC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:823 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP16" msgid "Color Stripes" msgstr "" #. ZoUmP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:824 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP17" msgid "Gravel" msgstr "" #. 5FiBd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:825 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP18" msgid "Parchment Studio" msgstr "" #. HYfqK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:826 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP19" msgid "Night Sky" msgstr "" #. NkYV3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:827 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP20" msgid "Pool" msgstr "" #. Co6U3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:828 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP21" msgid "Bitmap" msgstr "Битмапа" #. vxaPr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:829 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP79" msgid "Invoiced Paper" msgstr "" #. x5eiA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:830 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP80" msgid "Concrete" msgstr "" #. RxiMA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:831 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP81" msgid "Brick Wall" msgstr "" #. WNEfT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:832 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP82" msgid "Stone Wall" msgstr "" #. dFqW3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:833 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP83" msgid "Floral" msgstr "" #. FzePv #: include/svx/strings.hrc:834 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP84" msgid "Space" msgstr "" #. FzVch #: include/svx/strings.hrc:835 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP85" msgid "Ice light" msgstr "" #. YGtzc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:836 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP86" msgid "Marble" msgstr "" #. Rzgwp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:837 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP87" msgid "Sand light" msgstr "" #. cK72d #: include/svx/strings.hrc:838 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP88" msgid "Stone" msgstr "" #. TnkWd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:839 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP89" msgid "White Diffusion" msgstr "" #. kksvW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:840 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP90" msgid "Surface" msgstr "" #. BQj9p #: include/svx/strings.hrc:841 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP91" msgid "Cardboard" msgstr "" #. poA6e #: include/svx/strings.hrc:842 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP92" msgid "Studio" msgstr "" #. YEbqw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:843 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP22" msgid "5 Percent" msgstr "Проценат" #. AAn36 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:844 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP23" msgid "10 Percent" msgstr "" #. NLTbt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:845 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP24" msgid "20 Percent" msgstr "" #. vx2XC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:846 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP25" msgid "25 Percent" msgstr "" #. weQqs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:847 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP26" msgid "30 Percent" msgstr "" #. CAdAS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:848 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP27" msgid "40 Percent" msgstr "" #. 5T5vP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:849 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP28" msgid "50 Percent" msgstr "" #. aNdJE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:850 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP29" msgid "60 Percent" msgstr "" #. 3vD8U #: include/svx/strings.hrc:851 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP30" msgid "70 Percent" msgstr "" #. UJmCD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:852 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP31" msgid "75 Percent" msgstr "" #. i9RCR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:853 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP32" msgid "80 Percent" msgstr "" #. 2oEkC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:854 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP33" msgid "90 Percent" msgstr "" #. a3yZ5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:855 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP34" msgid "Light Downward Diagonal" msgstr "" #. oiGTx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:856 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP35" msgid "Light Upward Diagonal" msgstr "" #. CGpy7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:857 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP36" msgid "Dark Downward Diagonal" msgstr "" #. cucpa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:858 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP37" msgid "Dark Upward Diagonal" msgstr "" #. EFDcT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:859 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP38" msgid "Wide Downward Diagonal" msgstr "" #. CWmH5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:860 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP39" msgid "Wide Upward Diagonal" msgstr "" #. BZJUK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:861 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP40" msgid "Light Vertical" msgstr "" #. B5FVF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:862 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP41" msgid "Light Horizontal" msgstr "Нагни водоравно" #. daP9i #: include/svx/strings.hrc:863 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP42" msgid "Narrow Vertical" msgstr "" #. JD5FJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:864 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP43" msgid "Narrow Horizontal" msgstr "" #. eB4wk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:865 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP44" msgid "Dark Vertical" msgstr "" #. MeoCx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:866 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP45" msgid "Dark Horizontal" msgstr "Нагни водоравно" #. gAqnG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:867 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP46" msgid "Dashed Downward Diagonal" msgstr "" #. DGB5k #: include/svx/strings.hrc:868 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP47" msgid "Dashed Upward Diagonal" msgstr "" #. JC7je #: include/svx/strings.hrc:869 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP48" msgid "Dashed Horizontal" msgstr "" #. iFiBq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:870 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP49" msgid "Dashed Vertical" msgstr "" #. gWDnG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:871 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP50" msgid "Small Confetti" msgstr "" #. vbh6h #: include/svx/strings.hrc:872 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP51" msgid "Large Confetti" msgstr "" #. XFemm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:873 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP52" msgid "Zig Zag" msgstr "" #. mC3BE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:874 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP53" msgid "Wave" msgstr "Талас" #. icCPR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:875 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP54" msgid "Diagonal Brick" msgstr "" #. 8CqPG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:876 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP55" msgid "Horizontal Brick" msgstr "Водоравно плаво" #. GFUZF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:877 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP56" msgid "Weave" msgstr "Талас" #. bp9ZY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:878 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP57" msgid "Plaid" msgstr "Обичан" #. ZrVMS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:879 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP58" msgid "Divot" msgstr "" #. tFas9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:880 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP59" msgid "Dotted Grid" msgstr "" #. SECdZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:881 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP60" msgid "Dotted Diamond" msgstr "" #. ri3Ge #: include/svx/strings.hrc:882 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP61" msgid "Shingle" msgstr "Једно" #. jD9er #: include/svx/strings.hrc:883 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP62" msgid "Trellis" msgstr "" #. aemFS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:884 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP63" msgid "Sphere" msgstr "сфера" #. Ds8Ae #: include/svx/strings.hrc:885 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP64" msgid "Small Grid" msgstr "" #. a33Ci #: include/svx/strings.hrc:886 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP65" msgid "Large Grid" msgstr "" #. BCSZY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:887 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP66" msgid "Small Checker Board" msgstr "" #. Bgczw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:888 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP67" msgid "Large Checker Board" msgstr "" #. sD7Mf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:889 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP68" msgid "Outlined Diamond" msgstr "" #. RNNkR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:890 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP69" msgid "Solid Diamond" msgstr "" #. HJkgr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:891 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP70" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Усправно" #. ED3Ga #: include/svx/strings.hrc:892 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP71" msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "Водоравно" #. ENYtZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:893 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP72" msgid "Downward Diagonal" msgstr "" #. mbjPX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:894 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP73" msgid "Upward Diagonal" msgstr "" #. TxAfM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:895 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP74" msgid "Cross" msgstr "Житарице" #. 4mGJX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:896 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP75" msgid "Diagonal Cross" msgstr "" #. J4CJa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:897 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP76" msgid "Dashed Dotted" msgstr "" #. Rno6q #: include/svx/strings.hrc:898 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP77" msgid "Dashed Dotted Upward Diagonal" msgstr "" #. pFZkq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:899 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BMP78" msgid "Solid Dotted" msgstr "" #. NA5sT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:900 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH0" msgid "Dot" msgstr "" #. nCpL4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:901 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH1" msgid "Long Dot" msgstr "" #. utrkH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:902 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH2" msgid "Double Dot" msgstr "" #. 2X7pw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:903 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH3" msgid "Dash" msgstr "" #. A46B5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:904 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH4" msgid "Long Dash" msgstr "" #. axE2r #: include/svx/strings.hrc:905 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH5" msgid "Double Dash" msgstr "" #. beDTh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:906 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH6" msgid "Long Dash Dot" msgstr "" #. gVPtU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:907 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH7" msgid "Double Dash Dot" msgstr "" #. UFaLC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:908 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH8" msgid "Double Dash Dot Dot" msgstr "" #. F9cPw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:909 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH9" msgid "Ultrafine Dotted" msgstr "" #. s3rBZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:910 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH10" msgid "Fine Dotted" msgstr "" #. w7W8j #: include/svx/strings.hrc:911 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH11" msgid "Ultrafine Dashed" msgstr "" #. xWgiA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:912 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH12" msgid "Fine Dashed" msgstr "" #. u34Ff #: include/svx/strings.hrc:913 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH13" msgid "Fine Dashed" msgstr "" #. hT4CE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:914 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH14" msgid "Dashed" msgstr "" #. T7sVF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:915 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH15" msgid "Line Style 9" msgstr "" #. evPXr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:916 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH16" msgid "3 Dashes 3 Dots" msgstr "" #. H7iUz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:917 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH17" msgid "Ultrafine 2 Dots 3 Dashes" msgstr "" #. KpCzr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:918 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH18" msgid "2 Dots 1 Dash" msgstr "" #. zbWk3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:919 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH19" msgid "Line with Fine Dots" msgstr "" #. ibALA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:920 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH20" msgid "Dashed" msgstr "" #. qEZc6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:921 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DASH21" msgid "Line Style" msgstr "" #. iKAwD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:922 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_IMAP_ALL_FILTER" msgid "All formats" msgstr "" #. UydWB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:923 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND0" msgid "Concave short" msgstr "" #. grGoP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:924 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND1" msgid "Square 45" msgstr "Квадрат 45" #. Hu6DB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:925 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND2" msgid "Arrow short" msgstr "" #. j6u8M #: include/svx/strings.hrc:926 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND3" msgid "Dimension Lines" msgstr "" #. JKxZ6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:927 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND4" msgid "Double Arrow" msgstr "Двострука стрелица" #. o38zt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:928 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND5" msgid "Triangle" msgstr "" #. XvcqE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:929 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND6" msgid "Concave" msgstr "" #. JD6qL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:930 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND7" msgid "Arrow large" msgstr "" #. 3CPw6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:931 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND8" msgid "Dimension Line" msgstr "" #. EBEY5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:932 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND9" msgid "Circle" msgstr "Круг" #. H9DDA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:933 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND10" msgid "Square" msgstr "Квадрат" #. AWHmD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:934 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND11" msgid "Arrow" msgstr "Стрелица" #. CXazS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:935 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND12" msgid "Half Circle" msgstr "" #. VNaKi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:936 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND13" msgid "Triangle unfilled" msgstr "Троугао, непопуњен" #. LRmKQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:937 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND14" msgid "Diamond unfilled" msgstr "Дијамант, непопуњено" #. L2kus #: include/svx/strings.hrc:938 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND15" msgid "Diamond" msgstr "Дијамант" #. P2Raq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:939 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND16" msgid "Circle unfilled" msgstr "Круг, непопуњен" #. FNaHF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:940 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND17" msgid "Square 45 unfilled" msgstr "Квадрат 45, непопуњен" #. ECeBc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:941 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND18" msgid "Square unfilled" msgstr "Квадрат, непопуњен" #. ALFbk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:942 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND19" msgid "Half Circle unfilled" msgstr "" #. mfGCE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:943 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND20" msgid "Dimension Line Arrow" msgstr "" #. epSjr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:944 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND21" msgid "Line short" msgstr "" #. yVmQp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:945 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND22" msgid "Line" msgstr "" #. im8fN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:946 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND23" msgid "Half Arrow left" msgstr "" #. EVYD7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:947 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND24" msgid "Half Arrow right" msgstr "" #. VZ8vx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:948 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND25" msgid "Reversed Arrow" msgstr "" #. yTXvH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:949 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND26" msgid "CF One" msgstr "" #. cF4FB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:950 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND27" msgid "CF Only One" msgstr "" #. qbpvv #: include/svx/strings.hrc:951 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND28" msgid "CF Many" msgstr "" #. 6wQxC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:952 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND29" msgid "CF Many One" msgstr "" #. JzCsB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:953 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND30" msgid "CF Zero One" msgstr "" #. SBCut #: include/svx/strings.hrc:954 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LEND31" msgid "CF Zero Many" msgstr "" #. EXsKo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:955 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TRASNGR0" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Провидност" #. hGytB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:956 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_GREEN_1" msgid "Green 1 (%PRODUCTNAME Main Color)" msgstr "" #. Msh88 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:957 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_GREEN_ACCENT" msgid "Green Accent" msgstr "Наглашено зелено" #. opj2M #: include/svx/strings.hrc:958 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_BLUE_ACCENT" msgid "Blue Accent" msgstr "Наглашено плаво" #. tC5jE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:959 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_ORANGE_ACCENT" msgid "Orange Accent" msgstr "Наглашено наранџасто" #. 3T9pJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:960 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_PURPLE" msgid "Purple" msgstr "Љубичасто" #. N5FWG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:961 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_PURPLE_ACCENT" msgid "Purple Accent" msgstr "Наглашено љубичасто" #. Nhtbq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:962 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_COLOR_LIBRE_YELLOW_ACCENT" msgid "Yellow Accent" msgstr "Наглашено жуто" #. apBBr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:964 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERYPROPS_GALTHEME" msgid "Gallery Theme" msgstr "Тема галерије" #. Y6FPU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:965 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_PREVIEW" msgid "Preview" msgstr "Преглед" #. BseGn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:966 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SUCCESSRECOV" msgid "Successfully recovered" msgstr "" #. LfjDh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:967 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ORIGDOCRECOV" msgid "Original document recovered" msgstr "" #. BEAbm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:968 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECOVFAILED" msgid "Recovery failed" msgstr "" #. 5ye7z #: include/svx/strings.hrc:969 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECOVINPROGR" msgid "Recovery in progress" msgstr "" #. tEbUT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:970 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NOTRECOVYET" msgid "Not recovered yet" msgstr "" #. EaAMF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:971 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECOVERY_INPROGRESS" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION has begun recovering your documents. Depending on the size of the documents this process can take some time." msgstr "" #. AicJe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:972 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECOVERYONLY_FINISH_DESCR" msgid "Recovery of your documents was finished. Click 'Finish' to see your documents." msgstr "" #. ZbeCG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:973 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECOVERYONLY_FINISH" msgid "~Finish" msgstr "~Заврши" #. BBeKk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:974 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_WIDTH_LAST_CUSTOM" msgid "Last Custom Value" msgstr "" #. mENBU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:975 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PT" msgid "pt" msgstr "тач." #. fRyqX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:977 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_EXPORT_GRAPHIC_TITLE" msgid "Image Export" msgstr "" #. xXhtG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:978 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SAVEAS_IMAGE" msgid "Save as Image" msgstr "" #. jWKoC #. Strings for the Draw Dialog -------------------------------------------- #: include/svx/strings.hrc:981 msgctxt "RID_SVX_3D_UNDO_EXCHANGE_PASTE" msgid "Insert object(s)" msgstr "Уметни објекте" #. Heqmn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:982 msgctxt "RID_SVX_3D_UNDO_ROTATE" msgid "Rotate 3D object" msgstr "Ротирај 3Д објекат" #. AC56T #: include/svx/strings.hrc:983 msgctxt "RID_SVX_3D_UNDO_EXTRUDE" msgid "Create extrusion object" msgstr "Направи екструдирани објекат" #. 4DonY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:984 msgctxt "RID_SVX_3D_UNDO_LATHE" msgid "Create rotation object" msgstr "Направи објекат ротације" #. EL9V9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:985 msgctxt "RID_SVX_3D_UNDO_BREAK_LATHE" msgid "Split 3D object" msgstr "Подели 3Д објекат" #. BBZGA #. Language-Strings ------------------------------------------------------ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:988 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_LANGUAGE_ALL" msgid "[All]" msgstr "[All]" #. RZVDm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:990 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_FILTER" msgid "Graphics filter" msgstr "Графички филтер" #. YNjeD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:991 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_NEWTHEME" msgid "New Theme" msgstr "Нова тема" #. Dx4Uf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:992 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_TITLE" msgid "Title" msgstr "Наслов" #. 5uYha #: include/svx/strings.hrc:994 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_3D" msgid "3D Effects" msgstr "3Д ефекти" #. 78DGx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:995 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_ANIMATIONS" msgid "Animations" msgstr "Анимације" #. zGEez #: include/svx/strings.hrc:996 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_BULLETS" msgid "Bullets" msgstr "Ознаке за набрајање" #. MwX9z #: include/svx/strings.hrc:997 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_OFFICE" msgid "Office" msgstr "Канцеларија" #. dAwiC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:998 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_FLAGS" msgid "Flags" msgstr "Заставе" #. Ccn8V #: include/svx/strings.hrc:999 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_FLOWCHARTS" msgid "Flow Charts" msgstr "Графици тока" #. 6ouMS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1000 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_EMOTICONS" msgid "Emoticons" msgstr "Иконице расположења" #. 8GPFu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1001 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_PHOTOS" msgid "Images" msgstr "Слика" #. sqh2w #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1002 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_BACKGROUNDS" msgid "Backgrounds" msgstr "Позадине" #. B3KuT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1003 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_HOMEPAGE" msgid "Homepage" msgstr "Веб страница" #. WR8JQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1004 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_INTERACTION" msgid "Interaction" msgstr "Интеракција" #. EbEZ6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1005 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_MAPS" msgid "Maps" msgstr "Мапе" #. GALA8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1006 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_PEOPLE" msgid "People" msgstr "Људи" #. ZMoiA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1007 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_SURFACES" msgid "Surfaces" msgstr "Површине" #. hNaiH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1008 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_COMPUTERS" msgid "Computers" msgstr "Компјутери" #. mrvvG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1009 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_DIAGRAMS" msgid "Diagrams" msgstr "Дијаграм" #. HhrDx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1010 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_ENVIRONMENT" msgid "Environment" msgstr "" #. 2jVzE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1011 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_FINANCE" msgid "Finance" msgstr "Финансије" #. cmF3B #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1012 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_TRANSPORT" msgid "Transport" msgstr "" #. as3XM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1013 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_TXTSHAPES" msgid "Textshapes" msgstr "" #. gGyFP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1014 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_SOUNDS" msgid "Sounds" msgstr "Звуци" #. 5NrPj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1015 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_SYMBOLS" msgid "Symbols" msgstr "Симболи" #. AiXUK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1016 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_MYTHEME" msgid "My Theme" msgstr "Лична тема" #. uRxP4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1017 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_ARROWS" msgid "Arrows" msgstr "Стрелице" #. c3WXh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1018 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_BALLOONS" msgid "Balloons" msgstr "Балони" #. pmiE7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1019 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_KEYBOARD" msgid "Keyboard" msgstr "Тастатура" #. LYdAf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1020 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_TIME" msgid "Time" msgstr "Време" #. 4UGrY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1021 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_PRESENTATION" msgid "Presentation" msgstr "Презентација" #. a46Xm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1022 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_CALENDAR" msgid "Calendar" msgstr "Календар" #. YpuGv #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1023 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_NAVIGATION" msgid "Navigation" msgstr "Навигација" #. gAJH4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1024 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_COMMUNICATION" msgid "Communication" msgstr "Комуникација" #. ETEJu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1025 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_FINANCES" msgid "Finances" msgstr "Финансије" #. rNez6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1026 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_COMPUTER" msgid "Computers" msgstr "Компјутери" #. ioX7y #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1027 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_CLIMA" msgid "Climate" msgstr "Клима" #. MmYFp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1028 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_EDUCATION" msgid "School & University" msgstr "Школе и универзитети" #. EKFgg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1029 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_TROUBLE" msgid "Problem Solving" msgstr "Решавање проблема" #. GgrBp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1030 msgctxt "RID_GALLERYSTR_THEME_SCREENBEANS" msgid "Screen Beans" msgstr "Чича Глише" #. E6onK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1032 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_QRY_PRINT_TITLE" msgid "Printing selection" msgstr "Штампање избора" #. HzX9m #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1033 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_QRY_PRINT_MSG" msgid "Do you want to print the selection or the entire document?" msgstr "Да ли желите да штампате избор или цео документ?" #. 3UyC8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1034 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_QRY_PRINT_ALL" msgid "~All" msgstr "~Све" #. UxfS3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1035 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_QRY_PRINT_SELECTION" msgid "~Selection" msgstr "~Избор" #. KTgDd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1037 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_NW" msgid "Extrusion North-West" msgstr "Екструзија ка северозападу" #. N6KLd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1038 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_N" msgid "Extrusion North" msgstr "Екструзија ка северу" #. AB6Vj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1039 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_NE" msgid "Extrusion North-East" msgstr "Екструзија ка североистоку" #. NBBEB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1040 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_W" msgid "Extrusion West" msgstr "Екструзија ка западу" #. d9n5U #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1041 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_NONE" msgid "Extrusion Backwards" msgstr "Екструзија уназад" #. A2mcf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1042 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_E" msgid "Extrusion East" msgstr "Екструзија ка истоку" #. onGib #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1043 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_SW" msgid "Extrusion South-West" msgstr "Екструзија ка југозападу" #. XLQFD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1044 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_S" msgid "Extrusion South" msgstr "Екструзија ка југу" #. v5wRm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1045 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DIRECTION_SE" msgid "Extrusion South-East" msgstr "Екструзија ка југоистоку" #. 4DGjm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1046 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_0" msgid "~0 cm" msgstr "~0 cm" #. kRzVE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1047 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_1" msgid "~1 cm" msgstr "~1 cm" #. CSmTh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1048 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_2" msgid "~2.5 cm" msgstr "~2,5 cm" #. eYrvo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1049 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_3" msgid "~5 cm" msgstr "~5 cm" #. G4Ckx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1050 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_4" msgid "10 ~cm" msgstr "10 ~cm" #. LGHsL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1051 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_0_INCH" msgid "0 inch" msgstr "0 инча" #. HPevm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1052 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_1_INCH" msgid "0.~5 inch" msgstr "0,~5 инча" #. GvKjC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1053 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_2_INCH" msgid "~1 inch" msgstr "~1 инч" #. gmzHb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1054 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_3_INCH" msgid "~2 inch" msgstr "~2 инча" #. DE5kt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1055 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEPTH_4_INCH" msgid "~4 inch" msgstr "~4 инча" #. K5dY9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1057 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NOFILL" msgid "No Fill" msgstr "Без испуњавања" #. TFBK3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1058 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TRANSPARENT" msgid "Transparent" msgstr "Провидно" #. c7adj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1059 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DEFAULT" msgid "Default" msgstr "Подразумевани" #. djHis #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1060 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRAME" msgid "Borders" msgstr "Ивице" #. PURr6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1061 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRAME_STYLE" msgid "Border Style" msgstr "Стил ивице" #. 9Ckww #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1062 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_MORENUMBERING" msgid "More Numbering..." msgstr "Набрајање ~линија..." #. cDG4s #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1063 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_MOREBULLETS" msgid "More Bullets..." msgstr "" #. uDT6G #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1064 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BY_AUTHOR" msgid "By author" msgstr "" #. q2Le9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1065 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PAGES" msgid "Pages" msgstr "Странице" #. jfL9n #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1066 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CLEARFORM" msgid "Clear formatting" msgstr "Уклони форматирање" #. f6nP8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1067 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_MORE_STYLES" msgid "More Styles..." msgstr "Учитај стилове..." #. DPbrc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1068 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_MORE" msgid "More Options..." msgstr "Више опција..." #. D25BE #. This is duplicated in GenericCommands.xcu in officecfg. #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1070 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARFONTNAME" msgid "Font Name" msgstr "Име фонта" #. SKCYy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1071 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARFONTNAME_NOTAVAILABLE" msgid "Font Name. The current font is not available and will be substituted." msgstr "" #. CVvXU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1072 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CUSTOM_PAL" msgid "custom" msgstr "Прилагођено" #. xqzJj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1073 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DOC_COLORS" msgid "Document colors" msgstr "" #. 6BoWp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1074 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DOC_COLOR_PREFIX" msgid "Document Color" msgstr "" #. DJGyY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1076 msgctxt "RID_SVX_EXTRUSION_BAR" msgid "Extrusion" msgstr "Екструзија" #. TyWTi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1077 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ON_OFF" msgid "Apply Extrusion On/Off" msgstr "Примени екструзију" #. DKFYE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1078 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ROTATE_DOWN" msgid "Tilt Down" msgstr "Накриви надоле" #. 2Rrxc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1079 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ROTATE_UP" msgid "Tilt Up" msgstr "Накриви нагоре" #. eDpJK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1080 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ROTATE_LEFT" msgid "Tilt Left" msgstr "Накриви улево" #. CWDSN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1081 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ROTATE_RIGHT" msgid "Tilt Right" msgstr "Накриви удесно" #. CxYgt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1082 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_DEPTH" msgid "Change Extrusion Depth" msgstr "Промени дубину екструзије" #. c5JCp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1083 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_ORIENTATION" msgid "Change Orientation" msgstr "Промени усмерење" #. KDSyh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1084 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_PROJECTION" msgid "Change Projection Type" msgstr "Промени врсту пројекције" #. JpzeS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1085 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_LIGHTING" msgid "Change Lighting" msgstr "Промени светло" #. j4AR9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1086 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_BRIGHTNESS" msgid "Change Brightness" msgstr "Промени осветљење" #. yA2xm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1087 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_SURFACE" msgid "Change Extrusion Surface" msgstr "Промени површину екструзије" #. DFEZP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1088 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_EXTRUSION_COLOR" msgid "Change Extrusion Color" msgstr "Промени боју екструзије" #. hXNfG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1090 msgctxt "RID_SVXFLOAT3D_FAVORITE" msgid "Favorite" msgstr "Омиљено" #. uPyWe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1091 msgctxt "RID_SVXFLOAT3D_FIX_R" msgid "R:" msgstr "Црвена:" #. UMMJN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1092 msgctxt "RID_SVXFLOAT3D_FIX_G" msgid "G:" msgstr "Зелена:" #. ocdkG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1093 msgctxt "RID_SVXFLOAT3D_FIX_B" msgid "B:" msgstr "Плава:" #. L962H #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1095 msgctxt "RID_SVX_FONTWORK_BAR" msgid "Fontwork" msgstr "Словопис" #. 7RVov #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1096 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_FONTWORK_SHAPE" msgid "Apply Fontwork Shape" msgstr "Примени облик словописа" #. h3CLw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1097 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_FONTWORK_SAME_LETTER_HEIGHT" msgid "Apply Fontwork Same Letter Heights" msgstr "Примени словопис слова исте висине" #. 6h2dG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1098 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_FONTWORK_ALIGNMENT" msgid "Apply Fontwork Alignment" msgstr "Примени слагање словописа" #. eKHcV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1099 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_APPLY_FONTWORK_CHARACTER_SPACING" msgid "Apply Fontwork Character Spacing" msgstr "Примени размак између слова у словописu" #. FkkaD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1101 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_3D_MATERIAL_COLOR" msgid "3D material color" msgstr "Боја 3Д материјала" #. 32NMi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1102 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_FILLSTYLE_NONE" msgid "None" msgstr "Без позадине" #. rKBYw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1103 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_FILLSTYLE_SOLID" msgid "Solid" msgstr "Испуњено" #. vKDSy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1104 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_FILLSTYLE_HATCH" msgid "With hatching" msgstr "Шрафирано" #. oXmCH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1105 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_FILLSTYLE_GRADIENT" msgid "Gradient" msgstr "Прелив" #. r94hi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1106 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_FILLSTYLE_BITMAP" msgid "Bitmap" msgstr "Битмапа" #. oo88Y #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1107 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_WITH" msgid "with" msgstr "са" #. 4sz83 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1108 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_STYLE" msgid "Style" msgstr "Стил" #. fEHXC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1109 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_A11Y_AND" msgid "and" msgstr "и" #. EoET4 #. SvxRectCtl #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1111 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CORN_NAME" msgid "Corner control" msgstr "Контрола ћошка" #. CUEEW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1112 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CORN_DESCR" msgid "Selection of a corner point." msgstr "Избор ћошка." #. cQmVp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1113 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_LT" msgid "Top left" msgstr "Горе лево" #. TtnJn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1114 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_MT" msgid "Top middle" msgstr "Горе на средини" #. UERVC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1115 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_RT" msgid "Top right" msgstr "Горе десно" #. CznfN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1116 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_LM" msgid "Left center" msgstr "Леви центар" #. jvzC7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1117 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_MM" msgid "Center" msgstr "Центар" #. HPtYD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1118 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_RM" msgid "Right center" msgstr "Десни центар" #. v4SqB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1119 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_LB" msgid "Bottom left" msgstr "Доле лево" #. daA8a #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1120 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_MB" msgid "Bottom middle" msgstr "Доле на средини" #. DGWf8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1121 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RECTCTL_ACC_CHLD_RB" msgid "Bottom right" msgstr "Доле десно" #. AZsBC #. SvxGraphCtrlAccessibleContext #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1123 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAPHCTRL_ACC_NAME" msgid "Contour control" msgstr "Контрола контура" #. aMva8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1124 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAPHCTRL_ACC_DESCRIPTION" msgid "This is where you can edit the contour." msgstr "Овде можете уређивати контуре." #. DXEuF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1125 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARACTER_SELECTION" msgid "Special character selection" msgstr "Избор посебних знакова" #. JfRzP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1126 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHAR_SEL_DESC" msgid "Select special characters in this area." msgstr "Изаберите посебне знаке у овој области." #. umWuB #. The space behind is a must. #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1128 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CHARACTER_CODE" msgid "Character code " msgstr "Код слова" #. HECeC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1130 msgctxt "RID_ERR_FIELDREQUIRED" msgid "Input required in field '#'. Please enter a value." msgstr "Унос је потребан у пољу `#`. Унесите вредност." #. w4wm8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1131 msgctxt "RID_STR_FORMS" msgid "Forms" msgstr "Обрасци" #. cz8aS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1132 msgctxt "RID_STR_NO_PROPERTIES" msgid "No control selected" msgstr "Нема изабране контроле" #. JG7Es #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1133 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPERTIES_CONTROL" msgid "Properties: " msgstr "Својства: " #. YQvBF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1134 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPERTIES_FORM" msgid "Form Properties" msgstr "Својства обрасца" #. qS9Rn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1135 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_FMEXPLORER" msgid "Form Navigator" msgstr "Навигатор обрасца" #. PzEVD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1136 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_FORM" msgid "Form" msgstr "Образац" #. DnoDH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1137 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_STDFORMNAME" msgid "Form" msgstr "Образац" #. Ba4Gy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1138 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_HIDDEN" msgid "Hidden Control" msgstr "Скривена контрола" #. wtZqP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1139 msgctxt "RID_STR_CONTROL" msgid "Control" msgstr "Контрола" #. HvXRK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1140 msgctxt "RID_STR_REC_TEXT" msgid "Record" msgstr "Запис" #. HmTfB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1141 msgctxt "RID_STR_REC_FROM_TEXT" msgid "of" msgstr "од" #. NZ68L #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1142 msgctxt "RID_STR_FIELDSELECTION" msgid "Add field:" msgstr "Додај поље:" #. vGXiw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1143 msgctxt "RID_STR_WRITEERROR" msgid "Error writing data to database" msgstr "Грешка при упису податка у базу података" #. zzFRi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1144 msgctxt "RID_STR_SYNTAXERROR" msgid "Syntax error in query expression" msgstr "Грешка у синтакси израза упита" #. fS8JJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1145 msgctxt "RID_STR_DELETECONFIRM_RECORD" msgid "You intend to delete 1 record." msgstr "Запис ће бити обрисан." #. Qb4Gk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1146 msgctxt "RID_STR_DELETECONFIRM_RECORDS" msgid "# records will be deleted." msgstr "Више записа (#) ће бити обрисано." #. zSJQe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1147 msgctxt "RID_STR_DELETECONFIRM" msgid "" "If you click Yes, you won't be able to undo this operation.\n" "Do you want to continue anyway?" msgstr "" "Ако кликнете „Да“, ову операцију нећете моћи да поништите!\n" "Ипак желите да наставите?" #. Kb7sF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1148 msgctxt "RID_STR_NAVIGATIONBAR" msgid "Navigation bar" msgstr "Трака за навигацију" #. pKEQb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1149 msgctxt "RID_STR_COLUMN" msgid "Col" msgstr "Кол." #. FXRKA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1150 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_PROPERTY" msgid "Set property '#'" msgstr "Подеси својство „#“" #. hXjTN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1151 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_INSERT" msgid "Insert in container" msgstr "Убаци у контејнер" #. BWpyC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1152 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_REMOVE" msgid "Delete #" msgstr "Обриши #" #. ZeaDk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1153 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_REMOVE_MULTIPLE" msgid "Delete # objects" msgstr "Обриши објекте (#)" #. VgGrE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1154 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_CONTAINER_REPLACE" msgid "Replace a container element" msgstr "Замени елемент контејнера" #. FoXgt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1155 msgctxt "RID_STR_UNDO_MODEL_REPLACE" msgid "Replace Control" msgstr "Замени контролу" #. V4iMu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1156 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_PUSHBUTTON" msgid "Push Button" msgstr "Дугме" #. TreFC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1157 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_RADIOBUTTON" msgid "Option Button" msgstr "Дугме за опцију" #. CBmAL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1158 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_CHECKBOX" msgid "Check Box" msgstr "Поље за потврду" #. NFysA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1159 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_FIXEDTEXT" msgid "Label Field" msgstr "Поље за ознаку" #. E5mMK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1160 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_GROUPBOX" msgid "Group Box" msgstr "Група објеката" #. ZGDAr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1161 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_EDIT" msgid "Text Box" msgstr "Поље за текст" #. DEn9D #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1162 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_FORMATTED" msgid "Formatted Field" msgstr "Форматирано поље" #. WiNUf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1163 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_LISTBOX" msgid "List Box" msgstr "Листа" #. xwuJF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1164 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_COMBOBOX" msgid "Combo Box" msgstr "Комбинована листа" #. 5474w #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1165 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_IMAGEBUTTON" msgid "Image Button" msgstr "Дугме са сликом" #. qT2Ed #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1166 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_IMAGECONTROL" msgid "Image Control" msgstr "Слика" #. 6Qvho #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1167 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_FILECONTROL" msgid "File Selection" msgstr "Избор датотеке" #. a7gAj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1168 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_DATEFIELD" msgid "Date Field" msgstr "Поље за датум" #. EaBTj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1169 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_TIMEFIELD" msgid "Time Field" msgstr "Поље за време" #. DWfsm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1170 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_NUMERICFIELD" msgid "Numeric Field" msgstr "Нумеричко поље" #. TYjnr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1171 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_CURRENCYFIELD" msgid "Currency Field" msgstr "Поље за валуту" #. B6MEP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1172 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_PATTERNFIELD" msgid "Pattern Field" msgstr "Поље са маском" #. uEYBR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1173 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_DBGRID" msgid "Table Control " msgstr "Контрола табеле " #. 3SUEn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1174 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_SCROLLBAR" msgid "Scrollbar" msgstr "Клизач" #. VtEN6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1175 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_SPINBUTTON" msgid "Spin Button" msgstr "Тастер за мењање вредности" #. eGgm4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1176 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_NAVBAR" msgid "Navigation Bar" msgstr "Трака навигације" #. yME46 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1177 msgctxt "RID_STR_PROPTITLE_MULTISELECT" msgid "Multiselection" msgstr "Вишеструки избор" #. PzA5d #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1178 msgctxt "RID_STR_NODATACONTROLS" msgid "No data-related controls in the current form!" msgstr "Нема контрола везаних за податке у тренутном обрасцу!" #. ZyBEz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1179 msgctxt "RID_STR_POSTFIX_DATE" msgid " (Date)" msgstr "(Датум)" #. guA5u #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1180 msgctxt "RID_STR_POSTFIX_TIME" msgid " (Time)" msgstr "(Време)" #. 2wgdY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1181 msgctxt "RID_STR_FILTER_NAVIGATOR" msgid "Filter navigator" msgstr "Филтер навигације" #. BUYuD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1182 msgctxt "RID_STR_FILTER_FILTER_FOR" msgid "Filter for" msgstr "Филтер за" #. AcTBB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1183 msgctxt "RID_STR_FILTER_FILTER_OR" msgid "Or" msgstr "Или" #. 6RPtu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1184 msgctxt "RID_STR_NOCONTROLS_FOR_EXTERNALDISPLAY" msgid "Valid bound controls which can be used in the table view do not exist in the current form." msgstr "Исправне контроле које се могу користити у прегледу табеле не постоје у тренутном обрасцу." #. iEoGb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1185 msgctxt "RID_STR_AUTOFIELD" msgid "" msgstr "<Аутоматско поље>" #. Da6gx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1186 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_ERROR" msgid "Syntax error in SQL statement" msgstr "Грешка у синтакси SQL израза" #. ZoEuu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1187 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_VALUE_NO_LIKE" msgid "The value #1 cannot be used with LIKE." msgstr "Вредност #1 се не може користити са ПОПУТ." #. 75ECE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1188 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_FIELD_NO_LIKE" msgid "LIKE cannot be used with this field." msgstr "ПОПУТ се не може користити у овом пољу." #. tzFv5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1189 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_ACCESS_DAT_NO_VALID" msgid "The value entered is not a valid date. Please enter a date in a valid format, for example, MM/DD/YY." msgstr "Унета вредност није исправан датум. Унесите датум у исправном формату, на пример ММ/ДД/ГГ." #. y6Z26 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1190 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_INT_NO_VALID" msgid "The field cannot be compared with an integer." msgstr "Поље се не може поредити са целим бројем." #. F8FgA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1191 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_TABLE" msgid "The database does not contain a table named \"#\"." msgstr "Табела „#“ је непозната у бази података." #. EDcU7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1192 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_TABLE_OR_QUERY" msgid "The database does contain neither a table nor a query named \"#\"." msgstr "База података не садржи ни табелу, нити упут са називом „#“." #. YBFF5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1193 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_TABLE_EXISTS" msgid "The database already contains a table or view with name \"#\"." msgstr "База података већ садржи табелу или преглед са називом „#“." #. cECTG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1194 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_QUERY_EXISTS" msgid "The database already contains a query with name \"#\"." msgstr "База података већ садржи упит са називом „#“." #. VkeLY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1195 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_COLUMN" msgid "The column \"#1\" is unknown in the table \"#2\"." msgstr "Колона „#1“ је непозната у табели „#2“." #. z9bf9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1196 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_REAL_NO_VALID" msgid "The field cannot be compared with a floating point number." msgstr "Поље не може да се пореди са бројем у формату са покретним зарезом." #. CEg85 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1197 msgctxt "RID_STR_SVT_SQL_SYNTAX_CRIT_NO_COMPARE" msgid "The entered criterion cannot be compared with this field." msgstr "Задати критеријум се не може поредити са овим пољем." #. ZGAAQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1198 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAVIGATOR" msgid "Data Navigator" msgstr "Навигатор података" #. W4uM2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1199 msgctxt "RID_STR_READONLY_VIEW" msgid " (read-only)" msgstr " (неуписиво)" #. DgfNh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1200 msgctxt "RID_STR_ALREADYEXISTOVERWRITE" msgid "The file already exists. Overwrite?" msgstr "Датотека већ постоји. Заменити је?" #. dSYCi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1201 msgctxt "RID_STR_OBJECT_LABEL" msgid "#object# label" msgstr "Oзнака за #object#" #. JpaM6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1203 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_MODEL" msgid "" "Deleting the model '$MODELNAME' affects all controls currently bound to this model.\n" "Do you really want to delete this model?" msgstr "" #. y5Dyt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1204 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_INSTANCE" msgid "" "Deleting the instance '$INSTANCENAME' affects all controls currently bound to this instance.\n" "Do you really want to delete this instance?" msgstr "" #. VEzGF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1205 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_ELEMENT" msgid "" "Deleting the element '$ELEMENTNAME' affects all controls currently bound to this element.\n" "Do you really want to delete this element?" msgstr "" #. 3hF6H #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1206 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Do you really want to delete the attribute '$ATTRIBUTENAME'?" msgstr "" #. AWEbJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1207 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_SUBMISSION" msgid "" "Deleting the submission '$SUBMISSIONNAME' affects all controls currently bound to this submission.\n" "\n" "Do you really want to delete this submission?" msgstr "" #. SGiK5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1208 msgctxt "RID_STR_QRY_REMOVE_BINDING" msgid "" "Deleting the binding '$BINDINGNAME' affects all controls currently bound to this binding.\n" "\n" "Do you really want to delete this binding?" msgstr "" #. 2zzHP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1209 msgctxt "RID_STR_INVALID_XMLNAME" msgid "The name '%1' is not valid in XML. Please enter a different name." msgstr "" #. 4nAtc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1210 msgctxt "RID_STR_INVALID_XMLPREFIX" msgid "The prefix '%1' is not valid in XML. Please enter a different prefix." msgstr "" #. qrFQD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1211 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_DOUBLE_MODELNAME" msgid "The name '%1' already exists. Please enter a new name." msgstr "" "Име '$#$' већ постоји.\n" "Унесите друго име." #. DKkaw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1212 msgctxt "RID_STR_EMPTY_SUBMISSIONNAME" msgid "The submission must have a name." msgstr "" #. xcAaD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1213 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_METHOD_POST" msgid "Post" msgstr "Пошаљи (POST)" #. XGRQA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1214 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_METHOD_PUT" msgid "Put" msgstr "Стави" #. tkRR3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1215 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_METHOD_GET" msgid "Get" msgstr "Добави (GET)" #. fsyAL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1216 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_REPLACE_NONE" msgid "None" msgstr "Ништа" #. Bjxmg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1217 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_REPLACE_INST" msgid "Instance" msgstr "Примерак" #. affmF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1218 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_REPLACE_DOC" msgid "Document" msgstr "Документ" #. gJLHj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1219 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_SUBM_BIND" msgid "Binding: " msgstr "Састав: " #. AEHco #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1220 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_SUBM_REF" msgid "Reference: " msgstr "Референца: " #. iLaBC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1221 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_SUBM_ACTION" msgid "Action: " msgstr "Акција: " #. HBV5Q #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1222 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_SUBM_METHOD" msgid "Method: " msgstr "Метод: " #. dAN2F #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1223 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_SUBM_REPLACE" msgid "Replace: " msgstr "Замени: " #. QMiqA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1224 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_ADD_ELEMENT" msgid "Add Element" msgstr "Додај елемент" #. C9YBB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1225 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_EDIT_ELEMENT" msgid "Edit Element" msgstr "Уреди елемент" #. XAh7B #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1226 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_REMOVE_ELEMENT" msgid "Delete Element" msgstr "Обриши елемент" #. CLHER #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1227 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_ADD_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Add Attribute" msgstr "Додај особину" #. 6Ycoo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1228 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_EDIT_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Edit Attribute" msgstr "Уреди својство" #. 6dSAd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1229 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_REMOVE_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Delete Attribute" msgstr "Обриши својство" #. Ljhja #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1230 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_ADD_BINDING" msgid "Add Binding" msgstr "Додај састав" #. CHTrw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1231 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_EDIT_BINDING" msgid "Edit Binding" msgstr "Уреди састав" #. yYwEG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1232 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_REMOVE_BINDING" msgid "Delete Binding" msgstr "Обриши састав" #. yVch8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1233 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_ADD_SUBMISSION" msgid "Add Submission" msgstr "Додај предају" #. AX58u #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1234 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_EDIT_SUBMISSION" msgid "Edit Submission" msgstr "Уреди предају" #. DFxmD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1235 msgctxt "RID_STR_DATANAV_REMOVE_SUBMISSION" msgid "Delete Submission" msgstr "Обриши предају" #. qvvD7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1236 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_ELEMENT" msgid "Element" msgstr "Елемент" #. U4Btb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1237 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Attribute" msgstr "Својство" #. Prceg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1238 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_BINDING" msgid "Binding" msgstr "Састав" #. iFARB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1239 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_STR_BINDING_EXPR" msgid "Binding expression" msgstr "Везни израз" #. BTmNa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1241 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_QUERY_EXIT_RECOVERY" msgid "Are you sure you want to discard the %PRODUCTNAME document recovery data?" msgstr "" #. 5WjQZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1243 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RULER_TAB_LEFT" msgid "Left" msgstr "Лево" #. JC7pc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1244 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RULER_TAB_RIGHT" msgid "Right" msgstr "Десно" #. MhfuC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1245 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RULER_TAB_CENTER" msgid "Center" msgstr "Центар" #. kX7GR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1246 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_RULER_TAB_DECIMAL" msgid "Decimal" msgstr "Децималан" #. 7vecp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1248 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_INSERT_HELPTEXT" msgid "Insert mode. Click to change to overwrite mode." msgstr "" #. ZCWNC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1249 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OVERWRITE_HELPTEXT" msgid "Overwrite mode. Click to change to insert mode." msgstr "" #. 5GD8g #. To be shown in the status bar when in overwrite mode, please try to make it not longer than the word 'Overwrite'. #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1251 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OVERWRITE_TEXT" msgid "Overwrite" msgstr "Препиши" #. qqCSF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1252 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_INSERT_TEXT" msgid "Insert" msgstr "" #. Dh5A2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1253 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_SIG_OK" msgid "Digital Signature: The document signature is OK." msgstr "Електронски потпис: Потпис документа је исправан." #. xZprv #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1254 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_SIG_OK_NO_VERIFY" msgid "Digital Signature: The document signature is OK, but the certificates could not be validated." msgstr "Електронски потпис: Потпис документа је исправан, али сертификат није проверљив." #. Yydkh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1255 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_SIG_NOT_OK" msgid "Digital Signature: The document signature does not match the document content. We strongly recommend you not to trust this document." msgstr "" #. X7CjP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1256 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_NO_SIG" msgid "Digital Signature: The document is not signed." msgstr "Електронски потпис: Документ није потписан." #. BRmFY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1257 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_XMLSEC_SIG_CERT_OK_PARTIAL_SIG" msgid "Digital Signature: The document signature and the certificate are OK, but not all parts of the document are signed." msgstr "Електронски потпис: Потпис документа и сертификат су исправни али нису потписани сви делови документа." #. Swq5S #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1258 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DOC_MODIFIED_YES" msgid "The document has been modified. Click to save the document." msgstr "Документ је промењен. Двокликните да сачувате документ." #. tRWKa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1259 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DOC_MODIFIED_NO" msgid "The document has not been modified since the last save." msgstr "Документ није измењен од последњег чувања." #. 7C8GH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1260 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_DOC_LOAD" msgid "Loading document..." msgstr "Учитавам документ..." #. YbNsP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1261 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIT_SLIDE" msgid "Fit slide to current window." msgstr "" #. jYTMN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1262 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_WARN_MISSING_SMARTART" msgid "Could not load all SmartArts. Saving in Microsoft Office 2010 or later would avoid this issue." msgstr "" #. Bc5Sg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1263 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOMTOOL_HINT" msgid "Zoom factor. Right-click to change zoom factor or click to open Zoom dialog." msgstr "" #. HCjAM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1264 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_IN" msgid "Zoom In" msgstr "Увећај" #. 2YBJE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1265 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_OUT" msgid "Zoom Out" msgstr "Умањи" #. n9EyG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1266 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_25" msgid "25%" msgstr "" #. vNTaU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1267 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_50" msgid "50%" msgstr "50%" #. D6jxs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1268 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_75" msgid "75%" msgstr "75%" #. 2Bufm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1269 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_100" msgid "100%" msgstr "100%" #. E5Xj8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1270 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_150" msgid "150%" msgstr "150%" #. DjBVG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1271 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_200" msgid "200%" msgstr "200%" #. 6Axop #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1272 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_WHOLE_PAGE" msgid "Entire Page" msgstr "Цела страница" #. 2UBAF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1273 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_PAGE_WIDTH" msgid "Page Width" msgstr "Ширина странице" #. YBg9X #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1274 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ZOOM_OPTIMAL_VIEW" msgid "Optimal View" msgstr "" #. Wi5Fy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1276 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_STYLES" msgid "Including Styles" msgstr "Укључујући стилове" #. BJSzf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1277 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_WRITER_STYLES" msgid "Paragraph St~yles" msgstr "Стил пасуса" #. ARuQM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1278 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_CALC_STYLES" msgid "Cell St~yles" msgstr "Стилови ћелије" #. 7ChAu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1279 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH" msgid "Search for formatting" msgstr "" #. K6Ave #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1280 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_REPLACE" msgid "Replace with formatting" msgstr "" #. USdBy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1281 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_END" msgid "Reached the end of the document" msgstr "" #. CVSwo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1282 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_END_WRAPPED" msgid "Reached the end of the document, continued from the beginning" msgstr "" #. yCJzd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1283 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_END_SHEET" msgid "Reached the end of the sheet" msgstr "" #. Diftw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1284 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Search key not found" msgstr "Тражени појам није пронађен" #. xACuY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1285 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_NAV_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND" msgid "Navigation Element not found" msgstr "" #. CGo5w #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1286 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_START" msgid "Reached the beginning of the document" msgstr "" #. nDCC4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1287 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_START_WRAPPED" msgid "Reached the beginning of the document, continued from the end" msgstr "" #. FNdxE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1288 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_REMINDER_START_WRAPPED" msgid "Reached the first reminder, continued from the last" msgstr "" #. hAzCn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1289 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SEARCH_REMINDER_END_WRAPPED" msgid "Reached the last reminder, continued from the first" msgstr "" #. ihDqY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1291 msgctxt "RID_SVXDLG_BMPMASK_STR_PALETTE" msgid "Color Palette" msgstr "Палета боја" #. sDL47 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1292 msgctxt "RID_SVXDLG_BMPMASK_STR_TITLE" msgid "Color Replacer" msgstr "" #. 7FcWA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1294 msgctxt "RID_SVXDLG_FLOAT3D_STR_TITLE" msgid "3D Effects" msgstr "" #. j6dA6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1296 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ERR_OLD_PASSWD" msgid "Invalid password" msgstr "Неисправна лозинка" #. JGJ9F #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1297 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_ERR_REPEAT_PASSWD" msgid "Passwords do not match" msgstr "Лозинке се на слажу" #. VHTRb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1299 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_0" msgid "Solid small circular bullets" msgstr "Обични мали кругови" #. AiNrB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1300 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_1" msgid "Solid large circular bullets" msgstr "Обични велики кругови" #. Vtk8J #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1301 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_2" msgid "Solid diamond bullets" msgstr "Обичан ромб" #. bQFBw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1302 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_3" msgid "Solid large square bullets" msgstr "Обичан велики квадрат" #. 5eJDd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1303 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_4" msgid "Right pointing arrow bullets filled out" msgstr "Попуњена стрелица удесно" #. D8zQC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1304 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_5" msgid "Right pointing arrow bullets" msgstr "Стрелица удесно" #. QCULV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1305 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_6" msgid "Cross mark bullets" msgstr "" #. XuXC7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1306 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_BULLET_DESCRIPTION_7" msgid "Check mark bullets" msgstr "" #. cUEoG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1307 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_0" msgid "Number 1) 2) 3)" msgstr "Бројеви (1) (2) (3)" #. P2aKH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1308 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_1" msgid "Number 1. 2. 3." msgstr "Бројеви 1. 2. 3." #. W7chC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1309 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_2" msgid "Number (1) (2) (3)" msgstr "Бројеви (1) (2) (3)" #. k3LBG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1310 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_3" msgid "Uppercase Roman number I. II. III." msgstr "Велики римски бојеви I. II. III." #. BPgDJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1311 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_4" msgid "Uppercase letter A) B) C)" msgstr "Велика слова А) Б) В)" #. GooHz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1312 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_5" msgid "Lowercase letter a) b) c)" msgstr "Мала слова а) б) в)" #. k6waJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1313 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_6" msgid "Lowercase letter (a) (b) (c)" msgstr "Мала слова (а) (б) (в)" #. ZiWKK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1314 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SINGLENUM_DESCRIPTION_7" msgid "Lowercase Roman number i. ii. iii." msgstr "Мали римски бројеви i. ii. iii." #. oDTBg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1315 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_0" msgid "Numeric, numeric, lowercase letters, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Бројеви, бројеви, мала слова, обичан мали круг" #. m56fN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1316 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_1" msgid "Numeric, lowercase letters, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Бројеви, мала слова, обичан мали круг" #. RyTLW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1317 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_2" msgid "Numeric, lowercase letters, lowercase Roman, uppercase letters, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Бројеви, мала слова, мали римски бројеви, велика слова, обичан мали круг" #. GAfTp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1318 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_3" msgid "Numeric" msgstr "Нумерички" #. gjEgN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1319 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_4" msgid "Uppercase Roman, uppercase letters, lowercase Roman, lowercase letters, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Велики римски бројеви, велика слова, мали римски бројеви, мала слова, обичан мали круг" #. DZ2kE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1320 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_5" msgid "Uppercase letters, uppercase Roman, lowercase letters, lowercase Roman, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Велика слова, велики римски бројеви, мала слова, мали римски бројеви, обичан мали круг" #. TV9Mc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1321 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_6" msgid "Numeric with all sublevels" msgstr "Бројеви са свим поднивоима" #. tiXu5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1322 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_OUTLINENUM_DESCRIPTION_7" msgid "Right pointing bullet, right pointing arrow bullet, solid diamond bullet, solid small circular bullet" msgstr "Кажипрст удесно, стрелица удесно, обичан ромб, обичан мали круг" #. nEJiF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1324 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SAFEMODE_ZIP_FAILURE" msgid "The zip file could not be created." msgstr "Датотека се не може направити" #. CC6Sw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1326 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_STYLEFAMILY_TABLEDESIGN" msgid "Table Design Styles" msgstr "Стилови табеле" #. c69eB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1328 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NUM_UNDO_ACTIONS" msgid "Actions to undo: $(ARG1)" msgstr "Опозови акцију $(ARG1)" #. nsioo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1329 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NUM_UNDO_ACTION" msgid "Actions to undo: $(ARG1)" msgstr "Опозови акцију $(ARG1)" #. DzJ9Y #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1330 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NUM_REDO_ACTIONS" msgid "Actions to redo: $(ARG1)" msgstr "Понови акцију $(ARG1)" #. HTTW5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1331 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_NUM_REDO_ACTION" msgid "Actions to redo: $(ARG1)" msgstr "Понови акцију $(ARG1)" #. H9jn7 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1333 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FINDBAR_FIND" msgid "Find" msgstr "Пронађи" #. WbEFL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1334 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FINDBAR_MATCHCASE" msgid "Match Case" msgstr "Разликуј велика и мала слова" #. 59ENV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1335 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FINDBAR_SEARCHFORMATTED" msgid "Formatted Display" msgstr "" #. vYw6p #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1337 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_ORIGINAL_SIZE" msgid "$(WIDTH) x $(HEIGHT) ($(WIDTH_IN_PX) x $(HEIGHT_IN_PX) px)" msgstr "" #. JEkzY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1338 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_VIEW_SIZE" msgid "$(WIDTH) x $(HEIGHT) at $(DPI) DPI" msgstr "" #. n8VBe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1339 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_CAPACITY" msgid "$(CAPACITY) kiB" msgstr "" #. 8GqWz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1340 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_GIF" msgid "Gif image" msgstr "" #. G2q7M #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1341 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_JPEG" msgid "Jpeg image" msgstr "" #. oGKBg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1342 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_PNG" msgid "PNG image" msgstr "" #. Fkrjs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1343 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_TIFF" msgid "TIFF image" msgstr "" #. VWyEb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1344 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_WMF" msgid "WMF image" msgstr "" #. pCpoE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1345 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_MET" msgid "MET image" msgstr "" #. DELaB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1346 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_PCT" msgid "PCT image" msgstr "" #. 3AZAG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1347 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_SVG" msgid "SVG image" msgstr "" #. aCEJW #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1348 msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_BMP" msgid "BMP image" msgstr "" #. p2L8C #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1349 #, fuzzy msgctxt "STR_IMAGE_UNKNOWN" msgid "Unknown" msgstr "непознато" #. 8LBFX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1351 msgctxt "STR_SWITCH" msgid "Switch" msgstr "Прекидач" #. xLF42 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1353 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFMODE" msgid "Image Mode" msgstr "" #. fw5hA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1354 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFRED" msgid "Red" msgstr "Црвена" #. CiQvY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1355 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFGREEN" msgid "Green" msgstr "Зелена" #. BhvBe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1356 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFBLUE" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Плава" #. HSP36 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1357 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFLUMINANCE" msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Осветљеност" #. w5BYP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1358 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFCONTRAST" msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Контраст" #. EZUjS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1359 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFGAMMA" msgid "Gamma" msgstr "Гама" #. ernMB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1360 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_UNDO_GRAFTRANSPARENCY" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Провидност" #. LdkNB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1361 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_GRAFCROP" msgid "Crop" msgstr "Изрежи" #. TJmBu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1363 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ORI_STANDARD" msgid "Default orientation" msgstr "Подразумевана оријентација" #. WQqju #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1364 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ORI_TOPBOTTOM" msgid "From top to bottom" msgstr "Од врха до дна" #. ipfz6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1365 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ORI_BOTTOMTOP" msgid "Bottom to Top" msgstr "Од дна ка врху" #. MLR44 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1366 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ORI_STACKED" msgid "Stacked" msgstr "Наслаган" #. vUDeh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1367 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_MARGIN_LEFT" msgid "Left margin: " msgstr "Лева маргина: " #. EFBbE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1368 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_MARGIN_TOP" msgid "Top margin: " msgstr "Горња маргина: " #. 7HeyP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1369 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_MARGIN_RIGHT" msgid "Right margin: " msgstr "Десна маргина: " #. HCuWQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1370 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_MARGIN_BOTTOM" msgid "Bottom margin: " msgstr "Доња маргина: " #. zD9BB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1371 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_COMPLETE" msgid "Page Description: " msgstr "Опис странице: " #. a4eSJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1372 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_CHR_UPPER" msgid "Capitals" msgstr "Велика слова" #. DuQGP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1373 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_CHR_LOWER" msgid "Lowercase" msgstr "Мала слова" #. nWQ7R #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1374 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_ROM_UPPER" msgid "Uppercase Roman" msgstr "Велика слова Roman" #. PxkPZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1375 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_ROM_LOWER" msgid "Lowercase Roman" msgstr "Мала слова Roman" #. B7YEa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1376 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_ARABIC" msgid "Arabic" msgstr "арапски" #. vPbGB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1377 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_NUM_NONE" msgid "None" msgstr "Ништа" #. akGGo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1378 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_LAND_TRUE" msgid "Landscape" msgstr "Водоравно" #. bbcaZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1379 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_LAND_FALSE" msgid "Portrait" msgstr "Усправно" #. BQtGg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1380 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_USAGE_LEFT" msgid "Left" msgstr "Лево" #. JWFLj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1381 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_USAGE_RIGHT" msgid "Right" msgstr "Десно" #. bxvGx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1382 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_USAGE_ALL" msgid "All" msgstr "Све" #. S3nm4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1383 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_PAGE_USAGE_MIRROR" msgid "Mirrored" msgstr "Пресликано" #. dcvEJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1384 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_AUTHOR_COMPLETE" msgid "Author: " msgstr "Аутор: " #. 2siC9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1385 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_DATE_COMPLETE" msgid "Date: " msgstr "Датум: " #. pWoLe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1386 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_TEXT_COMPLETE" msgid "Text: " msgstr "Текст: " #. pAABc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1387 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_BRUSH_CHAR" msgid "Character background" msgstr "Позадина знака" #. Deknh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1389 msgctxt "STR_COLORTABLE" msgid "Color Palette" msgstr "Палета боја" #. 9XFJS #. Used in the Slide Setup dialog of Impress #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1392 msgctxt "STR_SLIDE_NUMBERS" msgid "Slide numbers:" msgstr "" #. qWooV #. String for saving modified image (instead of original) #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1395 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_SAVE_MODIFIED_IMAGE" msgid "" "The image has been modified. By default the original image will be saved.\n" "Do you want to save the modified version instead?" msgstr "" #. KycVH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1397 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Basic Latin" msgstr "Основна латиница" #. bcjRA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1398 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin-1" msgstr "Латиница 1" #. h6THj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1399 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended-A" msgstr "проширење латиничних I" #. o4EF9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1400 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended-B" msgstr "проширење латиничних II" #. W3CGs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1401 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "IPA Extensions" msgstr "IPA проширења" #. yZjF6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1402 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Spacing Modifier Letters" msgstr "слова која мењају размак" #. EASZR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1403 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Combining Diacritical Marks" msgstr "комбинујући дијакритици" #. wBjC4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1404 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Basic Greek" msgstr "основни грчки" #. Dh8Es #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1405 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Greek Symbols And Coptic" msgstr "грчки и коптски симболи" #. jGT5E #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1406 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cyrillic" msgstr "ћирилични" #. DQgLS #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1407 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Armenian" msgstr "јерменски" #. kXEQY #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1408 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Basic Hebrew" msgstr "основни хебрејски" #. Cb8g4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1409 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hebrew Extended" msgstr "додатни хебрејски" #. ZmDCd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1410 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Basic Arabic" msgstr "основни арапски" #. hZDFV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1411 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Extended" msgstr "додатни арапски" #. c3CqD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1412 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Devanagari" msgstr "деванагари" #. EfVnG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1413 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bengali" msgstr "бенгалски" #. iWzLc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1414 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Gurmukhi" msgstr "гурмуки" #. omacG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1415 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Gujarati" msgstr "гуџарати" #. Cdwzw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1416 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Odia" msgstr "" #. BhEGN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1417 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tamil" msgstr "тамилски" #. 6YkEo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1418 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Telugu" msgstr "телугу" #. J5qn4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1419 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kannada" msgstr "канада" #. 4UEFU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1420 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Malayalam" msgstr "малајалам" #. C5yzo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1421 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Thai" msgstr "тајски" #. EvjbD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1422 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Lao" msgstr "лаоски" #. HqFTh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1423 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Basic Georgian" msgstr "основни грузијски" #. npAc8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1424 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Georgian Extended" msgstr "проширење грузијских" #. AHAB4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1425 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hangul Jamo" msgstr "Хангул Јамо" #. gMEFL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1426 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended Additionals" msgstr "Додаци проширеној латиници" #. uVYXp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1427 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Greek Extended" msgstr "проширење грчких" #. LEQg6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1428 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "General punctuation" msgstr "општа интерпункција" #. D9KFj #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1429 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Superscripts and Subscripts" msgstr "експоненти и индекси" #. yaxYV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1430 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Currency Symbols" msgstr "Симболи валута" #. jzA5i #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1431 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Combining Diacritical Symbols" msgstr "комбинујући дијакритици" #. CHNBZ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1432 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Letterlike Symbols" msgstr "Симболи налик словима" #. cDkEd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1433 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Number Forms" msgstr "Облици бројева" #. j25Fp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1434 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arrows" msgstr "Стрелице" #. p5Tbx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1435 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mathematical Operators" msgstr "Математички оператори" #. ckgof #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1436 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Technical" msgstr "разни технички" #. 8rXdw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1437 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Control Pictures" msgstr "Контролне слике" #. D4J8A #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1438 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Optical Character Recognition" msgstr "Оптичко препознавање знака" #. hXwgf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1439 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Enclosed Alphanumerics" msgstr "затворени алфанумерички" #. AD9HJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1440 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Box Drawing" msgstr "Простор за цртање" #. vViaR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1441 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Block Elements" msgstr "Елементи блока" #. ok7ks #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1442 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Geometric Shapes" msgstr "Геометријски облици" #. sKty5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1443 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Symbols" msgstr "разни симболи" #. yDpNT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1444 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Dingbats" msgstr "штампарски украси" #. Cth4P #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1445 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Symbols And Punctuation" msgstr "КJK симболи и интерпункција" #. Bo4iK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1446 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hiragana" msgstr "хирагана" #. i2Cdr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1447 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Katakana" msgstr "катакана" #. 9YYLD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1448 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bopomofo" msgstr "Бопомофо" #. F9UFG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1449 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hangul Compatibility Jamo" msgstr "Хангул компатибилни Јамо" #. yeRDE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1450 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Miscellaneous" msgstr "КЈК разно" #. kPFs9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1451 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Enclosed CJK Letters And Months" msgstr "затворена КЈК слова и месеци" #. 6tAx6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1452 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Compatibility" msgstr "КЈК компатибилни" #. VakXP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1453 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hangul" msgstr "Хангул" #. XzS6D #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1454 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs" msgstr "КЈК обједињени идеограми" #. JVCP5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1455 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension A" msgstr "КЈК обједињени идеограми - проширење I" #. Y33VK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1456 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Private Use Area" msgstr "Простор за приватну употребу" #. 8yYiM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1457 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Compatibility Ideographs" msgstr "КЈК компатибилни идеограми" #. BEfFQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1458 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Alphabetic Presentation Forms" msgstr "алфабетско представљање" #. NCsAG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1459 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Presentation Forms-A" msgstr "Арапски облици I" #. adi8G #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1460 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Combining Half Marks" msgstr "комбинујуће полуознаке" #. vLBhn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1461 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Compatibility Forms" msgstr "КЈК компатибилни облици" #. i6R3B #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1462 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Small Form Variants" msgstr "варијанте малих облика" #. 7EDCh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1463 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Presentation Forms-B" msgstr "Арапски облици II" #. WWoWx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1464 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Half-width and Full-width Forms" msgstr "Облици пуне и полуширине" #. dkDXh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1465 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Specials" msgstr "посебни" #. GQSEx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1466 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Yi Syllables" msgstr "" #. BL66x #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1467 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Yi Radicals" msgstr "" #. cuQ2k #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1468 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Italic" msgstr "Подебљан курзив" #. wtKAB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1469 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Gothic" msgstr "" #. GPFqC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1470 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Deseret" msgstr "" #. 7AovD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1471 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Byzantine Musical Symbols" msgstr "" #. G3GQF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1472 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Musical Symbols" msgstr "" #. YzBDD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1473 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mathematical Alphanumeric Symbols" msgstr "" #. 3XZRw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1474 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B" msgstr "КЈК обједињени идеограми - проширење I" #. nZnQc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1475 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension C" msgstr "КЈК обједињени идеограми - проширење I" #. HBwZE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1476 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension D" msgstr "КЈК обједињени идеограми - проширење I" #. TTFkh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1477 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Compatibility Ideographs Supplement" msgstr "" #. 2jALB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1478 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tags" msgstr "Табулатори" #. 2iHJN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1479 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cyrillic Supplement" msgstr "ћирилични додатни" #. ABgr9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1480 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Variation Selectors" msgstr "" #. a4q6S #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1481 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplementary Private Use Area-A" msgstr "" #. k638K #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1482 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplementary Private Use Area-B" msgstr "" #. pKFTg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1483 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Limbu" msgstr "лимбу" #. TJHGp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1484 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tai Le" msgstr "" #. nujxa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1485 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Khmer Symbols" msgstr "" #. neD93 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1486 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Phonetic Extensions" msgstr "" #. C6LwC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1487 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Symbols And Arrows" msgstr "" #. giR4r #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1488 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Yijing Hexagram Symbols" msgstr "" #. EqFxm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1489 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Linear B Syllabary" msgstr "" #. VeZNe #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1490 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Linear B Ideograms" msgstr "" #. Tvkgh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1491 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Aegean Numbers" msgstr "" #. CuThH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1492 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ugaritic" msgstr "" #. nBtk5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1493 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Shavian" msgstr "" #. vvMNk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1494 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Osmanya" msgstr "" #. aiySp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1495 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sinhala" msgstr "синхалески" #. PEGiu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1496 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tibetan" msgstr "тибетски" #. tRBTP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1497 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Myanmar" msgstr "бурмански" #. 8sgGF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1498 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Khmer" msgstr "кмерски" #. CdXvH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1499 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ogham" msgstr "огамски" #. jFWRQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1500 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Runic" msgstr "руне" #. jhzoc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1501 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Syriac" msgstr "сиријски" #. B66QG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1502 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Thaana" msgstr "Тана" #. j8cuG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1503 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ethiopic" msgstr "етиопски" #. AE5wq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1504 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cherokee" msgstr "чероки" #. 9mgNF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1505 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Canadian Aboriginal Syllables" msgstr "канадски слоговни" #. d5JWE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1506 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mongolian" msgstr "монголски" #. XnzyB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1507 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A" msgstr "Разни математички симболи I" #. R5W9H #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1508 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplemental Arrows-A" msgstr "додатне стелице I" #. QYf7A #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1509 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Braille Patterns" msgstr "Брајево писмо" #. 63BBg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1510 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplemental Arrows-B" msgstr "Додатне стрелице II" #. ykowm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1511 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B" msgstr "Разни математички симболи II" #. GGdze #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1512 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Radical Supplement" msgstr "Допуна радикала за КЈК" #. WLLAP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1513 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kangxi Radicals" msgstr "Канђи радикали" #. EyZR2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1514 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ideographic Description Characters" msgstr "Идеограмски карактери" #. o3AQ6 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1515 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tagalog" msgstr "тагалог" #. BVieL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1516 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hanunoo" msgstr "Хануноо" #. DwAEz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1517 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tagbanwa" msgstr "тагбанва" #. 3GDP5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1518 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Buhid" msgstr "бухид" #. BfGBm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1519 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kanbun" msgstr "Канбун" #. cL7Vo #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1520 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bopomofo Extended" msgstr "Продужени Бопомофо" #. MQoBs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1521 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Katakana Phonetics" msgstr "катакана" #. fCpRM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1522 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Strokes" msgstr "" #. zyW2q #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1523 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cypriot Syllabary" msgstr "" #. GWxb8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1524 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tai Xuan Jing Symbols" msgstr "" #. 8ZJmr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1525 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Variation Selectors Supplement" msgstr "" #. RR6Er #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1526 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ancient Greek Musical Notation" msgstr "" #. K3GsF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1527 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ancient Greek Numbers" msgstr "" #. y4HCg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1528 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Supplement" msgstr "" #. KUnXb #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1529 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Buginese" msgstr "Посао" #. zDaXa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1530 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Combining Diacritical Marks Supplement" msgstr "" #. 9Z24A #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1531 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Coptic" msgstr "коптски" #. CANHf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1532 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ethiopic Extended" msgstr "" #. X8DEc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1533 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ethiopic Supplement" msgstr "" #. fYpFz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1534 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Georgian Supplement" msgstr "" #. 3Gzxx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1535 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Glagolitic" msgstr "" #. zKCVG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1536 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kharoshthi" msgstr "" #. U8zrU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1537 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Modifier Tone Letters" msgstr "" #. B2yF8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1538 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "New Tai Lue" msgstr "" #. J4KdA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1539 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Persian" msgstr "" #. eGPjC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1540 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Phonetic Extensions Supplement" msgstr "" #. XboFE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1541 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplemental Punctuation" msgstr "" #. tBJi3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1542 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Syloti Nagri" msgstr "" #. Qrowh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1543 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tifinagh" msgstr "" #. aZKS5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1544 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Vertical Forms" msgstr "" #. ihUDF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1545 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Nko" msgstr "" #. Z3AAi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1546 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Balinese" msgstr "Посао" #. 428ER #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1547 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended-C" msgstr "проширење латиничних I" #. SqFfT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1548 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended-D" msgstr "проширење латиничних I" #. yMmow #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1549 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Phags-Pa" msgstr "" #. V6CsB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1550 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Phoenician" msgstr "" #. GNBwz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1551 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cuneiform" msgstr "" #. VBPZE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1552 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cuneiform Numbers And Punctuation" msgstr "" #. 9msGJ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1553 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Counting Rod Numerals" msgstr "" #. i6Gx9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1554 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sundanese" msgstr "" #. WrXXX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1555 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Lepcha" msgstr "" #. FhhAQ #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1556 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ol Chiki" msgstr "" #. eHvUh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1557 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cyrillic Extended-A" msgstr "" #. ZkKwE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1558 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Vai" msgstr "" #. pBASG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1559 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cyrillic Extended-B" msgstr "" #. GoQpd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1560 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Saurashtra" msgstr "" #. 6pufg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1561 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kayah Li" msgstr "" #. bmFny #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1562 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Rejang" msgstr "" #. EaXay #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1563 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cham" msgstr "Знак" #. qYaAV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1564 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ancient Symbols" msgstr "" #. At8Tk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1565 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Phaistos Disc" msgstr "" #. ryGAF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1566 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Lycian" msgstr "" #. EYLa8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1567 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Carian" msgstr "" #. TPN6m #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1568 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Lydian" msgstr "" #. G5GLd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1569 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mahjong Tiles" msgstr "" #. EyMaF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1570 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Domino Tiles" msgstr "" #. r2YQs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1571 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Samaritan" msgstr "" #. feZ2Q #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1572 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Extended" msgstr "" #. H4FpF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1573 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tai Tham" msgstr "" #. BgKLG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1574 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Vedic Extensions" msgstr "" #. bVNYf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1575 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Lisu" msgstr "Листа" #. riEM3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1576 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bamum" msgstr "" #. CQMqK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1577 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Common Indic Number Forms" msgstr "" #. gDEUp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1578 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Devanagari Extended" msgstr "" #. UsAq2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1579 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hangul Jamo Extended-A" msgstr "" #. g5H7j #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1580 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Javanese" msgstr "јапански" #. upBjC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1581 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Myanmar Extended-A" msgstr "" #. GQ3XX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1582 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tai Viet" msgstr "" #. HGVSu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1583 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Meetei Mayek" msgstr "" #. ryvor #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1584 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hangul Jamo Extended-B" msgstr "" #. RTxUc #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1585 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Imperial Aramaic" msgstr "" #. 7E6G8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1586 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old South Arabian" msgstr "" #. Ab3wu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1587 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Avestan" msgstr "" #. 5gN8e #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1588 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Inscriptional Parthian" msgstr "" #. D7rcV #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1589 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Inscriptional Pahlavi" msgstr "" #. d44Dq #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1590 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Turkic" msgstr "" #. CLuJC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1591 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Rumi Numeral Symbols" msgstr "" #. FpFeH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1592 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kaithi" msgstr "" #. Swfzy #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1593 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Egyptian Hieroglyphs" msgstr "" #. bMYVC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1594 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Enclosed Alphanumeric Supplement" msgstr "" #. Dqcpa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1595 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Enclosed Ideographic Supplement" msgstr "" #. 8eCZn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1596 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mandaic" msgstr "" #. 8LVFp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1597 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Batak" msgstr "" #. 9SrgK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1598 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ethiopic Extended-A" msgstr "" #. cQEzt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1599 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Brahmi" msgstr "" #. n4oND #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1600 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bamum Supplement" msgstr "" #. xibkG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1601 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kana Supplement" msgstr "" #. xyswt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1602 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Playing Cards" msgstr "" #. TqExt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1603 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miscellaneous Symbols And Pictographs" msgstr "" #. wtMts #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1604 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Emoticons" msgstr "Иконице расположења" #. WgGuX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1605 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Transport And Map Symbols" msgstr "" #. fBitP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1606 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Alchemical Symbols" msgstr "" #. CWvjP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1607 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Extended-A" msgstr "додатни арапски" #. D7mEf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1608 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Arabic Mathematical Alphabetic Symbols" msgstr "" #. 8ouWH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1609 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Chakma" msgstr "" #. z3gG4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1610 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Meetei Mayek Extensions" msgstr "" #. mFAeA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1611 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Meroitic Cursive" msgstr "" #. b5m8K #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1612 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Meroitic Hieroglyphs" msgstr "" #. Xrkei #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1613 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Miao" msgstr "" #. hG9Na #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1614 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sharada" msgstr "" #. rTKpL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1615 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sora Sompeng" msgstr "" #. CAKEC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1616 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sundanese Supplement" msgstr "" #. pTsMT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1617 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Takri" msgstr "" #. HNCk9 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1618 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bassa Vah" msgstr "" #. GWufB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1619 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Caucasian Albanian" msgstr "" #. t8Bfn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1620 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Coptic Epact Numbers" msgstr "" #. kAeYs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1621 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Combining Diacritical Marks Extended" msgstr "комбинујући дијакритици" #. 8TGuM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1622 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Duployan" msgstr "" #. Yaq3z #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1623 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Elbasan" msgstr "" #. QmkME #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1624 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Geometric Shapes Extended" msgstr "" #. R9PgF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1625 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Grantha" msgstr "" #. tpSqU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1626 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Khojki" msgstr "" #. 4pjBM #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1627 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Khudawadi" msgstr "" #. GoPep #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1628 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Latin Extended-E" msgstr "проширење латиничних I" #. wNozk #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1629 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Linear A" msgstr "" #. SjAev #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1630 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mahajani" msgstr "" #. CA7vw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1631 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Manichaean" msgstr "" #. UUKC4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1632 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mende Kikakui" msgstr "" #. ZhzBz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1633 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Modi" msgstr "Режим" #. jC4Ue #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1634 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mro" msgstr "" #. TiWmd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1635 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Myanmar Extended-B" msgstr "" #. y7tCX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1636 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Nabataean" msgstr "" #. T29Cw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1637 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old North Arabian" msgstr "" #. EZADa #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1638 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Permic" msgstr "" #. 9oFL2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1639 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ornamental Dingbats" msgstr "" #. TYGv3 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1640 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Pahawh Hmong" msgstr "" #. wd8bD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1641 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Palmyrene" msgstr "" #. dkSnn #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1642 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Pau Cin Hau" msgstr "" #. bts3U #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1643 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Psalter Pahlavi" msgstr "" #. XSwsB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1644 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Shorthand Format Controls" msgstr "" #. rdXCX #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1645 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Siddham" msgstr "" #. GwT8c #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1646 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sinhala Archaic Numbers" msgstr "" #. mz3Cs #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1647 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplemental Arrows-C" msgstr "додатне стелице I" #. iGUzh #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1648 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tirhuta" msgstr "" #. HRBEN #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1649 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Warang Citi" msgstr "" #. 9NCBd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1650 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ahom" msgstr "" #. cPJhp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1651 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Anatolian Hieroglyphs" msgstr "" #. GAd7H #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1652 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cherokee Supplement" msgstr "" #. TDgY4 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1653 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension E" msgstr "КЈК обједињени идеограми - проширење I" #. ho93C #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1654 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Early Dynastic Cuneiform" msgstr "" #. La5yr #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1655 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hatran" msgstr "" #. e3aXA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1656 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Multani" msgstr "" #. D6qsK #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1657 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Hungarian" msgstr "" #. aVhdm #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1658 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Supplemental Symbols And Pictographs" msgstr "" #. B6UHz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1659 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sutton Signwriting" msgstr "" #. rFgRw #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1660 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Adlam" msgstr "" #. F2AJT #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1661 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Bhaiksuki" msgstr "" #. zDLT2 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1662 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Cyrillic Extended-C" msgstr "" #. S69GG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1663 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Glagolitic Supplement" msgstr "" #. QeCxG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1664 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ideographic Symbols and Punctuation" msgstr "" #. 45hVB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1665 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Marchen" msgstr "" #. Mr7RB #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1666 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mongolian Supplement" msgstr "" #. RTgGA #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1667 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Newa" msgstr "" #. JJrpR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1668 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Osage" msgstr "Употреба" #. o3qMt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1669 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tangut" msgstr "" #. nRMFd #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1670 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tangut Components" msgstr "" #. uFMWt #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1671 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "CJK Unified Ideographs Extension F" msgstr "КЈК обједињени идеограми - проширење I" #. DH39v #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1672 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Kana Extended-A" msgstr "проширење латиничних I" #. jPSFu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1673 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Masaram Gondi" msgstr "" #. TGJHU #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1674 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Nushu" msgstr "" #. DHbMR #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1675 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Soyombo" msgstr "" #. gPnhH #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1676 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Syriac Supplement" msgstr "ћирилични додатни" #. rbMNp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1677 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Zanabazar Square" msgstr "" #. i5evF #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1678 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Chess Symbols" msgstr "" #. BYA5Y #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1679 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Dogra" msgstr "" #. xDvRL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1680 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Gunjala Gondi" msgstr "" #. uzq7e #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1681 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Hanifi Rohingya" msgstr "" #. FAwvP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1682 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Indic Siyaq Numbers" msgstr "" #. TYjtp #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1683 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Makasar" msgstr "" #. abFR5 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1684 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Mayan Numerals" msgstr "" #. aDjHx #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1685 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Medefaidrin" msgstr "" #. qMf5N #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1686 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Old Sogdian" msgstr "" #. rUG8e #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1687 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Sogdian" msgstr "" #. B6UKP #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1688 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Egyptian Hieroglyph Format Controls" msgstr "" #. YBxAE #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1689 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Elymaic" msgstr "" #. ibmgu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1690 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Nandinagari" msgstr "" #. 8A7FD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1691 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Nyiakeng Puachue Hmong" msgstr "" #. DajDi #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1692 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Ottoman Siyaq Numbers" msgstr "" #. FAb6M #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1693 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Small Kana Extension" msgstr "" #. bmviu #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1694 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Symbols and Pictographs Extended-A" msgstr "" #. SmFqD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1695 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Tamil Supplement" msgstr "" #. qNixg #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1696 msgctxt "RID_SUBSETMAP" msgid "Wancho" msgstr "" #. BGGvD #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1698 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRAMEDIR_LTR" msgid "Left-to-right (LTR)" msgstr "" #. Ct9UG #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1699 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRAMEDIR_RTL" msgid "Right-to-left (RTL)" msgstr "" #. XFhAz #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1700 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRAMEDIR_SUPER" msgid "Use superordinate object settings" msgstr "" #. G2Jyh #. page direction #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1702 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_LTR_HORI" msgid "Left-to-right (horizontal)" msgstr "" #. b6Guf #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1703 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_RTL_HORI" msgid "Right-to-left (horizontal)" msgstr "" #. yQGoC #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1704 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_RTL_VERT" msgid "Right-to-left (vertical)" msgstr "" #. k7B2r #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1705 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_LTR_VERT" msgid "Left-to-right (vertical)" msgstr "" #. DF4B8 #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1706 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_PAGEDIR_LTR_BTT_VERT" msgid "Bottom-to-top, left-to-right (vertical)" msgstr "" #. siSmL #: include/svx/strings.hrc:1708 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FONTWORK" msgid "Fontwork" msgstr "" #. oFcMf #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Scale" msgstr "Размера" #. kmF4A #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Brush" msgstr "Четкица" #. BDkkM #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Tab stops" msgstr "Места табулатора" #. hdbAu #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Character" msgstr "Знак" #. DvGGy #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Font" msgstr "Фонт" #. XEqXh #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Font posture" msgstr "Положај фонта" #. P5Ljb #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Font weight" msgstr "Дебљина фонта" #. FHznU #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Shadowed" msgstr "Са сенком" #. GP5cC #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Individual words" msgstr "Појединачне речи" #. V2fmG #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Outline" msgstr "Контура" #. svoaM #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Strikethrough" msgstr "Прецртано" #. NiUS6 #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Underline" msgstr "Подвучено" #. jTEYn #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Font size" msgstr "Величина фонта" #. TtzX2 #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Font color" msgstr "Боја фонта" #. edBWB #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Kerning" msgstr "Примицање" #. eJdFK #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Effects" msgstr "Ефекти" #. CYKY7 #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Language" msgstr "Језик" #. CDzun #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Position" msgstr "Позиција" #. A6yDx #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Character blinking" msgstr "" #. A7wEV #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Character set color" msgstr "Боја низа знакова" #. 5uUtt #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Overline" msgstr "Надвучено" #. 8kVWW #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Alignment" msgstr "Поравнање" #. 8zGuy #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Line spacing" msgstr "Проред" #. LyKLp #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:56 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Page Break" msgstr "Прелом странице" #. dkLD4 #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Hyphenation" msgstr "Прелом речи" #. ZCVVC #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:58 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Do not split paragraph" msgstr "Не дели пасус" #. XpVud #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:59 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Orphans" msgstr "Сирочићи" #. NHw9j #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:60 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Widows" msgstr "Прозори" #. XpD3P #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:61 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Paragraph spacing" msgstr "Размак пасуса" #. Z7Kxv #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:62 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Paragraph indent" msgstr "Поравнање пасуса" #. cffCk #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:63 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Indent" msgstr "Увлачење" #. UMEWr #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:64 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Spacing" msgstr "Одвајање" #. 2Zwau #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Page" msgstr "Страница" #. BPZBb #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:66 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Page Style" msgstr "Стил странице" #. hWxFn #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Keep with next paragraph" msgstr "Задржи са следећим пасусом" #. JGTCV #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:68 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Blinking" msgstr "Треперење" #. CBMXn #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:69 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Register-true" msgstr "Регистар-тачно" #. t2uX7 #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:70 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Character background" msgstr "Позадина знака" #. hd4cD #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:71 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Asian font" msgstr "Азијски фонт" #. i4aab #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:72 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Size of Asian font" msgstr "Величина азијског фонта" #. rxUMe #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:73 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Language of Asian font" msgstr "Језик азијских фонтова" #. FGao4 #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:74 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Posture of Asian font" msgstr "Позиција азијских фонтова" #. 6mRQX #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:75 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Weight of Asian font" msgstr "Дебљина азијских фонтова" #. 4BGdv #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:76 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "CTL" msgstr "CTL" #. p45An #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:77 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Size of complex scripts" msgstr "Величина писаних слова" #. 9bGum #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:78 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Language of complex scripts" msgstr "Језик писаних слова" #. LMbZE #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:79 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Posture of complex scripts" msgstr "Позиција писаних слова" #. kBQpv #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:80 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Weight of complex scripts" msgstr "Дебљина писаних слова" #. CiTka #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:81 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Double-lined" msgstr "Дупли проред" #. BMHPn #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:82 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Emphasis mark" msgstr "Ознаке за наглашавање" #. yKetF #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:83 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Text spacing" msgstr "Размаци у тексту" #. GTQjw #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:84 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Hanging punctuation" msgstr "Постављање знакова интерпункције" #. maSbF #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:85 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Forbidden characters" msgstr "Забрањени знаци" #. G48GM #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:86 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Rotation" msgstr "Ротација" #. W8gBY #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:87 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Character scaling" msgstr "" #. d574i #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:88 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Relief" msgstr "Рељеф" #. qFGGp #: include/svx/svxitems.hrc:89 msgctxt "RID_ATTR_NAMES" msgid "Vertical text alignment" msgstr "Вертикално поравнање текста" #. DPZws #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:30 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Millimeter" msgstr "Милиметар" #. RWGZH #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:31 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Centimeter" msgstr "Центиметар" #. Uy6BJ #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:32 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Meter" msgstr "Метар" #. ej2m5 #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:33 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Kilometer" msgstr "Километар" #. EFSC2 #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:34 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Inch" msgstr "Инч" #. pcGHS #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:35 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Foot" msgstr "Стопа" #. 5a3Dq #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:36 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Miles" msgstr "Миља" #. zpCki #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:37 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Pica" msgstr "Пико" #. aTBVj #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:38 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Point" msgstr "Тачка" #. tkSdX #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:39 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Char" msgstr "Знак" #. DyFjJ #: svx/inc/fieldunit.hrc:40 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FIELDUNIT_TABLE" msgid "Line" msgstr "Линија" #. QYjeZ #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:27 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "LIKE" msgstr "ПОПУТ" #. iRDFU #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:28 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "NOT" msgstr "НЕ" #. JBngM #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:29 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "EMPTY" msgstr "ПРАЗНО" #. zpTCG #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:30 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "TRUE" msgstr "ЈЕСТЕ" #. DYBeJ #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:31 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "FALSE" msgstr "НИЈЕ" #. mtAA5 #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "IS" msgstr "ЈЕ" #. YWtNJ #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "BETWEEN" msgstr "ИЗМЕЂУ" #. 47bZX #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "OR" msgstr "ИЛИ" #. 9ZBAf #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "AND" msgstr "И" #. xZ65E #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Average" msgstr "Просек" #. cTfDS #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Count" msgstr "Број" #. TFaGE #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Maximum" msgstr "Максимум" #. gGpDF #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Minimum" msgstr "Минимум" #. 3YcTD #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Sum" msgstr "Збир" #. GwMS7 #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Every" msgstr "Сваки" #. M6DCS #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Any" msgstr "Сви" #. AyNgd #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Some" msgstr "Неки" #. QYQ2c #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "STDDEV_POP" msgstr "STDDEV_POP" #. DsDPW #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "STDDEV_SAMP" msgstr "STDDEV_SAMP" #. RqHwF #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "VAR_SAMP" msgstr "VAR_SAMP" #. id43S #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "VAR_POP" msgstr "VAR_POP" #. mjjoD #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Collect" msgstr "Скупљање" #. GcZBA #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Fusion" msgstr "Стапање" #. gpKQz #: svx/inc/fmstring.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_RSC_SQL_INTERNATIONAL" msgid "Intersection" msgstr "Пресек" #. d7vkX #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:29 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Border setting" msgstr "Подешавања ивица" #. CBSYv #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:30 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Left border line" msgstr "Лева ивична линија" #. YAWUD #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:31 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Right border line" msgstr "Десна ивична линија" #. VH67W #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:32 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Top border line" msgstr "Горња ивична линија" #. MLMaA #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:33 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Bottom border line" msgstr "Доња ивична линија" #. ZqTGF #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:34 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Horizontal border line" msgstr "Водоравна ивична линија" #. jzGHA #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:35 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Vertical border line" msgstr "Усправна ивична линија" #. DodCu #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:36 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Diagonal border line from top left to bottom right" msgstr "Дијагонална ивична линија од врха лево до дна десно" #. wfJ23 #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:37 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_TEXTS" msgid "Diagonal border line from bottom left to top right" msgstr "Дијагонална ивична линија од дна лево до врха десно" #. dTBRy #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:42 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Border setting" msgstr "Подешавања ивица" #. LhEua #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:43 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Left border line" msgstr "Лева ивична линија" #. DAuHi #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:44 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Right border line" msgstr "Десна ивична линија" #. BYUTR #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:45 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Top border line" msgstr "Горња ивична линија" #. QAnid #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:46 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Bottom border line" msgstr "Доња ивична линија" #. kDBDR #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:47 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Horizontal border line" msgstr "Водоравна ивична линија" #. Em9YX #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:48 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Vertical border line" msgstr "Усправна ивична линија" #. oDFKb #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:49 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Diagonal border line from top left to bottom right" msgstr "Дијагонална ивична линија од врха лево до дна десно" #. 5EYDA #: svx/inc/frmsel.hrc:50 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_FRMSEL_DESCRIPTIONS" msgid "Diagonal border line from bottom left to top right" msgstr "Дијагонална ивична линија од дна лево до врха десно" #. hPpj7 #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:29 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "None" msgstr "" #. dQWBh #. SVX_NUM_NUMBER_NONE #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:30 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "Bullet" msgstr "" #. GfQQK #. SVX_NUM_CHAR_SPECIAL #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:31 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "Graphics" msgstr "" #. DfEKa #. SVX_NUM_BITMAP #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "Linked graphics" msgstr "" #. AF3ts #. SVX_NUM_BITMAP|0x80 #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "1, 2, 3, ..." msgstr "" #. bBGa7 #. SVX_NUM_ARABIC #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "A, B, C, ..." msgstr "" #. 5MDDu #. SVX_NUM_CHARS_UPPER_LETTER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "a, b, c, ..." msgstr "" #. qGL48 #. SVX_NUM_CHARS_LOWER_LETTER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "I, II, III, ..." msgstr "" #. tZAzS #. SVX_NUM_ROMAN_UPPER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "i, ii, iii, ..." msgstr "" #. hbCEG #. SVX_NUM_ROMAN_LOWER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "1st, 2nd, 3rd, ..." msgstr "" #. ymefj #. TEXT_NUMBER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "One, Two, Three, ..." msgstr "" #. uPBZs #. TEXT_CARDINAL #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "First, Second, Third, ..." msgstr "" #. 2QoAG #. TEXT_ORDINAL #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "A, .., AA, .., AAA, ..." msgstr "" #. 7Snqt #. SVX_NUM_CHARS_UPPER_LETTER_N #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "a, .., aa, .., aaa, ..." msgstr "" #. 2jYQi #. SVX_NUM_CHARS_LOWER_LETTER_N #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "*, †, ‡, §, **, ††, ..." msgstr "" #. GG8gr #. SYMBOL_CHICAGO #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "Native Numbering" msgstr "" #. yLB7R #. NATIVE_NUMBERING #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Аб, ... (Bulgarian)" msgstr "" #. JHskj #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_BG #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, аб, ... (Bulgarian)" msgstr "" #. sqKyt #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_BG #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Бб, ... (Bulgarian)" msgstr "" #. QtcCE #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_N_BG #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, бб, ... (Bulgarian)" msgstr "" #. DeUDb #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_N_BG #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Аб, ... (Russian)" msgstr "" #. kAHJb #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_RU #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, аб, ... (Russian)" msgstr "" #. kHAr7 #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_RU #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Бб, ... (Russian)" msgstr "" #. Dkve7 #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_N_RU #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, бб, ... (Russian)" msgstr "" #. EdfYn #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_N_RU #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Аб, ... (Serbian)" msgstr "" #. oFJkn #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_SR #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, аб, ... (Serbian)" msgstr "" #. oA7CM #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_SR #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "А, Б, .., Аа, Бб, ... (Serbian)" msgstr "" #. Eom7M #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_UPPER_LETTER_N_SR #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:56 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "а, б, .., аа, бб, ... (Serbian)" msgstr "" #. p4hKs #. CHARS_CYRILLIC_LOWER_LETTER_N_SR #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "Α, Β, Γ, ... (Greek Upper Letter)" msgstr "" #. HYhns #. CHARS_GREEK_UPPER_LETTER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:58 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "α, β, γ, ... (Greek Lower Letter)" msgstr "" #. 8Cxkk #. CHARS_GREEK_LOWER_LETTER #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:59 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "א...י, יא...כ, ..." msgstr "" #. n2sV8 #. NUMBER_HEBREW #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:60 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "א...ת, אא...תת, ..." msgstr "" #. nR8RG #. CHARS_HEBREW #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:61 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "١, ٢, ٣, ٤, ... (Arabic)" msgstr "" #. jEE4r #. NUMBER_ARABIC_INDIC #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:62 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "۱, ۲, ۳, ۴, ... (Farsi)" msgstr "" #. YFYp2 #. NUMBER_EAST_ARABIC_INDIC #: svx/inc/numberingtype.hrc:63 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_NUMBERINGTYPE" msgid "१, २, ३, ..." msgstr "" #. Vd6uV #. enum SvxRotateMode ---------------------------------------------------- #: svx/inc/rotationstrings.hrc:18 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ROTATE_MODE_STANDARD" msgid "Rotation only within cell" msgstr "" #. r8WzF #: svx/inc/rotationstrings.hrc:19 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ROTATE_MODE_TOP" msgid "From upper cell edge" msgstr "" #. E7EVi #: svx/inc/rotationstrings.hrc:20 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ROTATE_MODE_CENTER" msgid "From vertical middle cell" msgstr "" #. NEwyu #: svx/inc/rotationstrings.hrc:21 msgctxt "RID_SVXITEMS_ROTATE_MODE_BOTTOM" msgid "From lower cell edge" msgstr "" #. Je56M #: svx/inc/samecontent.hrc:18 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SAMECONTENT" msgid "All Pages" msgstr "Све странице" #. kKCQR #: svx/inc/samecontent.hrc:19 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SAMECONTENT" msgid "First Page" msgstr "Прва страница" #. MHuCA #: svx/inc/samecontent.hrc:20 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SAMECONTENT" msgid "Left and Right Pages" msgstr "Лева и десна стрелица" #. XH8p4 #: svx/inc/samecontent.hrc:21 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SAMECONTENT" msgid "First, Left and Right Pages" msgstr "" #. F9hHK #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:26 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "None" msgstr "" #. GAuJk #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:27 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Extra Small (1/16″)" msgstr "" #. DB9aM #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:28 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Small (1/8″)" msgstr "" #. 5PhsT #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:29 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Small Medium (1/4″)" msgstr "" #. 3LSyH #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:30 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Medium (3/8″)" msgstr "" #. NzRZJ #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:31 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Medium Large (1/2″)" msgstr "" #. JBwJZ #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Large (3/4″)" msgstr "" #. AwWUq #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_INCH" msgid "Extra Large (1″)" msgstr "" #. SGERK #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "None" msgstr "" #. ZAZbV #. Extra Small (0.16 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Extra Small (%1)" msgstr "" #. DJAZx #. Small (0.32 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Small (%1)" msgstr "" #. scXTX #. Small Medium (0.64 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Small Medium (%1)" msgstr "" #. zN8GJ #. Medium (0.95 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Medium (%1)" msgstr "" #. cbhBF #. Medium Large (1.27 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Medium Large (%1)" msgstr "" #. 8kTDK #. Large (1.9 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Large (%1)" msgstr "" #. etG35 #. Extra Large (2.54 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_SPACING_CM" msgid "Extra Large (%1)" msgstr "" #. F7GxF #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:61 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "None" msgstr "" #. ZNunF #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:62 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Extra Small (1/16″)" msgstr "" #. BUnaC #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:63 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Small (1/8″)" msgstr "" #. oBhFP #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:64 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Small Medium (1/4″)" msgstr "" #. tDBA3 #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Medium (3/8″)" msgstr "" #. fDRCW #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:66 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Medium Large (1/2″)" msgstr "" #. Ls2Jq #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Large (3/4″)" msgstr "" #. DLXcU #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:68 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_INCH" msgid "Extra Large (1″)" msgstr "" #. phGfi #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:75 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "None" msgstr "" #. XVMbm #. Extra Small (0.16 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:77 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Extra Small (%1)" msgstr "" #. L3BfG #. Small (0.32 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:79 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Small (%1)" msgstr "" #. 2VGHi #. Small Medium (0.64 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:81 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Small Medium (%1)" msgstr "" #. Z7Wot #. Medium (0.95 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:83 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Medium (%1)" msgstr "" #. CS6Zz #. Medium Large (1.27 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:85 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Medium Large (%1)" msgstr "" #. BaS7j #. Large (1.9 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:87 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Large (%1)" msgstr "" #. gAc3E #. Extra Large (2.54 cm) #: svx/inc/spacing.hrc:89 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_MARGINS_CM" msgid "Extra Large (%1)" msgstr "" #. koHH6 #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) executing the thesaurus." msgstr "$(ERR) при коришћењу речника синонима." #. fpWGL #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) executing the spellcheck." msgstr "$(ERR) при провери писања." #. KBiXG #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) executing the hyphenation." msgstr "$(ERR) при прелому речи." #. G3CuN #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) creating a dictionary." msgstr "$(ERR) при изради речника." #. aLECe #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) setting background attribute." msgstr "$(ERR) при подешавању особина позадине." #. YFjdh #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCTX" msgid "$(ERR) loading the graphics." msgstr "$(ERR) при учитавању слика." #. jC786 #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:51 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "" "$(ARG1) is not supported by the spellcheck function or is not presently active.\n" "Please check your installation and, if necessary, install the required language module\n" "or activate it under 'Tools - Options - Language Settings - Writing Aids'." msgstr "" "$(ARG1) није подржан за проверу писања или није тренутно активан.\n" "Проверите инсталацију и, ако је потребно, инсталирајте потребни језички модул\n" " или га активирајте преко „Алатке - Подешавања - Језичка подешавања - Помоћ при писању“." #. JhrPu #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "Spellcheck is not available." msgstr "Провера писања није доступна." #. H96ub #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The custom dictionary $(ARG1) cannot be created." msgstr "Не могу да направим прилагодљиви речник $(ARG1)." #. GH3nH #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The graphic $(ARG1) could not be found." msgstr "Цртеж $(ARG1) није пронађен." #. XKE75 #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:59 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "An unlinked graphic could not be loaded." msgstr "Не могу да учитам неповезану графику." #. YAuTf #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:61 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "A language has not been fixed for the selected term." msgstr "Није одређен језик за изабрани термин." #. GDyAw #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:63 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "All changes to the Basic Code are lost. The original VBA Macro Code is saved instead." msgstr "Све измене на бејзик кôду су изгубљене. Уместо тога је уписан изворни VBA Macro кôд." #. A2WQJ #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The original VBA Basic Code contained in the document will not be saved." msgstr "Изворни VBA бејзик кôд у документу није уписан." #. CYP9j #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The password is incorrect. The document cannot be opened." msgstr "Лозинка је неисправна. Документ се не може отворити." #. 5QxXU #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:69 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The encryption method used in this document is not supported. Only Microsoft Office 97/2000 compatible password encryption is supported." msgstr "Метод заштите коришћен у овом документу није подржан. Подржани су само методи заштите лозинке компатибилни са Microsoft Office 97/2000." #. MACrt #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:71 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "The loading of password-encrypted Microsoft PowerPoint presentations is not supported." msgstr "Учитавање Microsoft PowerPoint презентације заштићене лозинком није подржано." #. 4CPe7 #: svx/inc/svxerr.hrc:73 msgctxt "RID_SVXERRCODE" msgid "" "Password protection is not supported when documents are saved in a Microsoft Office format.\n" "Do you want to save the document without password protection?" msgstr "" "Заштита лозинком није подржана када се документи чувају у облику Microsoft Office докумената.\n" "Да сачувам документ без заштите лозинком?" #. xnBAZ #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:28 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Left" msgstr "Лево" #. GHBGu #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:29 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Right" msgstr "Десно" #. aEeds #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:30 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "From left" msgstr "Слева" #. ivTxP #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:31 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Inside" msgstr "Унутар" #. U5FyC #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Outside" msgstr "Споља" #. 67K4H #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "From inside" msgstr "Изнутра" #. W2X2D #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Paragraph area" msgstr "Област пасуса" #. CrRe5 #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:35 svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Paragraph text area" msgstr "Област пасуса текста" #. MT34e #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Left page border" msgstr "Лева ивица странице" #. edC8Z #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Right page border" msgstr "Десна ивица странице" #. dCGE9 #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Left paragraph border" msgstr "Лева ивица пасуса" #. 3pAVN #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Right paragraph border" msgstr "Десна ивица пасуса" #. qvFns #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Inner page border" msgstr "Унутрашња ивица странице" #. XwtPT #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Outer page border" msgstr "Спољна ивица странице" #. oF2mP #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Inner paragraph border" msgstr "Унутрашња ивица пасуса" #. Hffsf #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Outer paragraph border" msgstr "Спољна ивица пасуса" #. ey4rc #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Entire page" msgstr "Цела страница" #. WJocu #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Page text area" msgstr "Област текста на страници" #. XG9Bj #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Base line" msgstr "Основна линија" #. A3DbQ #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Character" msgstr "Знак" #. Qyopb #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Row" msgstr "Ред" #. PPkKE #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Margin" msgstr "Маргина" #. FCKGJ #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Left frame border" msgstr "Лева ивица оквира" #. dvJgp #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Right frame border" msgstr "Десна ивица оквира" #. 8wUyB #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Entire frame" msgstr "Цео оквир" #. FRNBs #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Frame text area" msgstr "Област оквира текста" #. CEgLN #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Inner frame border" msgstr "Унутрашња ивица оквира" #. UroG3 #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:56 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Outer frame border" msgstr "Спољна ивица оквира" #. hMCeD #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Top" msgstr "Врх" #. zvKGF #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:58 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Дно" #. zLzw8 #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:59 svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:60 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Center" msgstr "Центар" #. HKRAf #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:61 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "From top" msgstr "Од врха" #. o7Td5 #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:62 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "From bottom" msgstr "Са дна" #. bF2Nd #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:63 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Below" msgstr "Испод" #. Q9AZn #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:64 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "From right" msgstr "Здесна" #. Y6y4s #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Top page border" msgstr "Горња ивица странице" #. ZyAri #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:66 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Bottom page border" msgstr "Доња ивица странице" #. 2vRtm #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Top paragraph border" msgstr "Горња ивица пасуса" #. AAFLn #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:68 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Bottom paragraph border" msgstr "Доња ивица пасуса" #. dmVNj #: svx/inc/swframeposstrings.hrc:69 msgctxt "RID_SVXSW_FRAMEPOSITIONS" msgid "Line of text" msgstr "Ред текста" #. gKq8G #: svx/inc/tabwin.hrc:27 msgctxt "RID_RSC_TABWIN_PREFIX" msgid "Table" msgstr "Табела" #. 4mnUW #: svx/inc/tabwin.hrc:28 msgctxt "RID_RSC_TABWIN_PREFIX" msgid "Query" msgstr "Упит" #. rfs4A #: svx/inc/tabwin.hrc:29 msgctxt "RID_RSC_TABWIN_PREFIX" msgid "SQL" msgstr "SQL" #. QF2ZT #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (Windows-1252/WinLatin 1)" msgstr "западно-европски (Windows-1252/WinLatin 1)" #. VbWZR #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "западно-европски (Apple Macintosh)" #. 5yMG7 #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-850/International)" msgstr "западно-европски (DOS/OS2-850/интернационални)" #. KYDEk #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-437/US)" msgstr "западно-европски (DOS/OS2-437/US)" #. 3MbrA #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-860/Portuguese)" msgstr "западно-европски (DOS/OS2-860/португалски)" #. bdxAU #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:37 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-861/Icelandic)" msgstr "западно-европски (DOS/OS2-861/исландски)" #. kMQ9X #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-863/French (Can.))" msgstr "западно-европски (DOS/OS2-863/франц. (Кан.))" #. YTGtN #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (DOS/OS2-865/Nordic)" msgstr "западно-европски (DOS/OS2-865/нордијски)" #. 7f2UV #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (ASCII/US)" msgstr "западно-европски (ASCII/САД)" #. Hksxs #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (ISO-8859-1)" msgstr "западно-европски (ISO-8859-1)" #. PBDdu #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (ISO-8859-2)" msgstr "источно-европски (ISO-8859-2)" #. MFqWF #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Latin 3 (ISO-8859-3)" msgstr "латинични 3 (ISO-8859-3)" #. WBkLV #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Baltic (ISO-8859-4)" msgstr "балтички (ISO-8859-4)" #. b5SPH #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (ISO-8859-5)" msgstr "ћирилични (ISO-8859-5)" #. wFCbj #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Arabic (ISO-8859-6)" msgstr "арапски (ISO-8859-6)" #. qTzCE #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:47 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Greek (ISO-8859-7)" msgstr "грчки (ISO-8859-7)" #. MmChj #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Hebrew (ISO-8859-8)" msgstr "хебрејски (ISO-8859-8)" #. 3bHAV #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Turkish (ISO-8859-9)" msgstr "турски (ISO-8859-9)" #. phdte #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (ISO-8859-14)" msgstr "западно-европски (ISO-8859-14)" #. MpHUZ #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (ISO-8859-15/EURO)" msgstr "западно-европски (ISO-8859-15/EURO)" #. JgVnj #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Greek (DOS/OS2-737)" msgstr "грчки (DOS/OS2-737)" #. EQi6s #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Baltic (DOS/OS2-775)" msgstr "балтички (DOS/OS2-775)" #. SDvMf #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (DOS/OS2-852)" msgstr "западно-европски (DOS/OS2-852)" #. 3FrUC #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (DOS/OS2-855)" msgstr "ћирилични (DOS/OS2-855)" #. G8q5c #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:56 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Turkish (DOS/OS2-857)" msgstr "турски (DOS/OS2-857)" #. kBvdY #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Hebrew (DOS/OS2-862)" msgstr "хебрејски (DOS/OS2-862)" #. to6H6 #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:58 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Arabic (DOS/OS2-864)" msgstr "арапски (DOS/OS2-864)" #. BH6K4 #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:59 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (DOS/OS2-866/Russian)" msgstr "ћирилични (DOS/OS2-866/руски)" #. ms8Dk #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:60 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Greek (DOS/OS2-869/Modern)" msgstr "грчки (DOS/OS2-869/модерни)" #. U9RbL #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:61 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (Windows-1250/WinLatin 2)" msgstr "источно-европски (Windows-1250/WinLatin 2)" #. fRRMB #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:62 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (Windows-1251)" msgstr "ћирилични (Windows-1251)" #. 7D9eT #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:63 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Greek (Windows-1253)" msgstr "грчки (Windows-1253)" #. sa8W8 #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:64 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Turkish (Windows-1254)" msgstr "турски (Windows-1254)" #. ZxMJy #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Hebrew (Windows-1255)" msgstr "хебрејски (Windows-1255)" #. 4GLZX #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:66 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Arabic (Windows-1256)" msgstr "арапски (Windows-1256)" #. errzy #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Baltic (Windows-1257)" msgstr "балтички (Windows-1257)" #. SSo9X #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:68 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Vietnamese (Windows-1258)" msgstr "" #. udrZT #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:69 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "источно-европски (Apple Macintosh)" #. g2Z7z #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:70 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (Apple Macintosh/Croatian)" msgstr "источно-европски (Apple Macintosh/хрватски)" #. 9jpM6 #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:71 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "ћирилични (Apple Macintosh)" #. YB8BU #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:72 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Greek (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "грчки (Apple Macintosh)" #. rEWLF #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:73 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Western Europe (Apple Macintosh/Icelandic)" msgstr "западно-европски (Apple Macintosh/исландски)" #. eCAET #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:74 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (Apple Macintosh/Romanian)" msgstr "источно-европски (Apple Macintosh/румунски)" #. T4VVK #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:75 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Turkish (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "турски (Apple Macintosh)" #. a8GDk #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:76 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (Apple Macintosh/Ukrainian)" msgstr "ћирилични (Apple Macintosh/украјински)" #. 4RBWC #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:77 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "кинески, поједностављени (Apple Macintosh)" #. 6WCbw #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:78 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "кинески, традиционални (Apple Macintosh)" #. DyADW #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:79 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Japanese (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "јапански (Apple Macintosh)" #. BXQq2 #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:80 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Korean (Apple Macintosh)" msgstr "корејски (Apple Macintosh)" #. 6eezP #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:81 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Japanese (Windows-932)" msgstr "јапански (Windows-932)" #. FuA86 #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:82 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (Windows-936)" msgstr "кинески, поједностављени (Windows-936)" #. Rgvx2 #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:83 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Korean (Windows-949)" msgstr "корејски (Windows-949)" #. VrtX4 #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:84 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (Windows-950)" msgstr "кинески, традиционални (Windows-950)" #. XYyEd #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:85 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Japanese (Shift-JIS)" msgstr "јапански (Shift-JIS)" #. k5M56 #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:86 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (GB-2312)" msgstr "кинески, поједностављени (GB-2312)" #. PFzZY #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:87 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (GB-18030)" msgstr "кинески, поједностављени (GB-18030)" #. gb9bm #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:88 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (GBT-12345)" msgstr "кинески, традиционални (GBT-12345)" #. C69XX #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:89 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (GBK/GB-2312-80)" msgstr "кинески, поједностављени (GBK/GB-2312-80)" #. UP3uw #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:90 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (Big5)" msgstr "кинески, традиционални (Big5)" #. DaFZR #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:91 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (BIG5-HKSCS)" msgstr "кинески, традиционални (BIG5-HKSCS)" #. qEQVA #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:92 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Japanese (EUC-JP)" msgstr "јапански (EUC-JP)" #. auzHg #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:93 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (EUC-CN)" msgstr "кинески, поједностављени (EUC-CN)" #. ndTrZ #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:94 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese traditional (EUC-TW)" msgstr "кинески, традиционални (EUC-TW)" #. 6pPLL #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:95 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Japanese (ISO-2022-JP)" msgstr "јапански (ISO-2022-JP)" #. tWf3P #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:96 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Chinese simplified (ISO-2022-CN)" msgstr "кинески, поједностављени (ISO-2022-CN)" #. XMFCL #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:97 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-R)" msgstr "ћирилични (KOI8-R)" #. 2pFce #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:98 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Unicode (UTF-7)" msgstr "Уникод (UTF-7)" #. FXEDd #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:99 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Unicode (UTF-8)" msgstr "Уникод (UTF-8)" #. PKDvB #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:100 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (ISO-8859-10)" msgstr "источно-европски (ISO-8859-10)" #. QGYqt #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:101 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Eastern Europe (ISO-8859-13)" msgstr "источно-европски (ISO-8859-13)" #. Vx6bY #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:102 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Korean (EUC-KR)" msgstr "корејски (EUC-KR)" #. 5CBHm #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:103 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Korean (ISO-2022-KR)" msgstr "корејски (ISO-2022-KR)" #. nLGik #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:104 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Korean (Windows-Johab-1361)" msgstr "корејски (Windows-Johab-1361)" #. QBgZo #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:105 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Unicode (UTF-16)" msgstr "Уникод (UTF-7)" #. JGdVV #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:106 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Thai (ISO-8859-11/TIS-620)" msgstr "тајландски (ISO-8859-11/TIS-620)" #. monLB #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:107 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Thai (Windows-874)" msgstr "тајландски (Windows-874)" #. USeUF #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:108 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (KOI8-U)" msgstr "ћирилични (KOI8-U)" #. vrLQe #: svx/inc/txenctab.hrc:109 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTR_TEXTENCODING_TABLE" msgid "Cyrillic (PT154)" msgstr "ћирилични (PT154)" #. rKPau #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:30 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "A6" msgstr "" #. URac3 #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:31 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "A5" msgstr "" #. EPudF #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:32 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "A4" msgstr "" #. qdkCd #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:33 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "A3" msgstr "" #. HTZUv #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:34 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B6 (ISO)" msgstr "" #. cCYrf #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:35 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B5 (ISO)" msgstr "" #. xXp6C #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:36 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B4 (ISO)" msgstr "" #. A5BnL #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:37 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Letter" msgstr "Писмо" #. sx5cV #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:38 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Legal" msgstr "" #. Pkxcm #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:39 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Long Bond" msgstr "" #. JMsqY #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:40 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Tabloid" msgstr "" #. UBtQK #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:41 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B6 (JIS)" msgstr "" #. Ruu59 #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:42 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B5 (JIS)" msgstr "" #. CFdsg #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:43 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "B4 (JIS)" msgstr "" #. PCV4H #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:44 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "16 Kai" msgstr "" #. GfVjG #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:45 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "32 Kai" msgstr "" #. FJBrB #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:46 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Big 32 Kai" msgstr "" #. by7kM #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:47 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "User" msgstr "Корисник" #. EGzYq #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:48 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "DL Envelope" msgstr "" #. YFzCy #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:49 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "C6 Envelope" msgstr "" #. Vcc7P #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:50 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "C6/5 Envelope" msgstr "" #. XsMRE #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:51 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "C5 Envelope" msgstr "" #. uFwGu #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:52 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "C4 Envelope" msgstr "" #. dCpd2 #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:53 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#6¾ Envelope" msgstr "" #. zy6rP #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:54 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#7¾ (Monarch) Envelope" msgstr "" #. m4N6Q #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:55 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#9 Envelope" msgstr "" #. JsBkZ #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:56 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#10 Envelope" msgstr "" #. 7FeU9 #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:57 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#11 Envelope" msgstr "" #. 6sqhV #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:58 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "#12 Envelope" msgstr "" #. 8uXDq #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:59 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_STD" msgid "Japanese Postcard" msgstr "" #. N2J2b #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:64 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A6" msgstr "" #. 78f4A #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:65 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A5" msgstr "" #. i6x38 #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:66 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A4" msgstr "" #. Dmqus #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:67 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A3" msgstr "" #. XjWtg #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:68 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A2" msgstr "" #. yqBrH #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:69 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A1" msgstr "A1" #. Ao3sz #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:70 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "A0" msgstr "" #. jvpHD #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:71 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B6 (ISO)" msgstr "" #. DGqE3 #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:72 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B5 (ISO)" msgstr "" #. JrZiW #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:73 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B4 (ISO)" msgstr "" #. 8zZQc #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:74 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Letter" msgstr "Писмо" #. NKMub #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:75 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Legal" msgstr "" #. GyH6H #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:76 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Long Bond" msgstr "" #. gWjE2 #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:77 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Tabloid" msgstr "" #. 5Dddp #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:78 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B6 (JIS)" msgstr "" #. sYcjZ #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:79 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B5 (JIS)" msgstr "" #. f9tD2 #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:80 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "B4 (JIS)" msgstr "" #. DGFbZ #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:81 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "16 Kai" msgstr "" #. JbFMy #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:82 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "32 Kai" msgstr "" #. E3CDE #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:83 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Big 32 Kai" msgstr "" #. rSAv7 #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:84 #, fuzzy msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "User" msgstr "Корисник" #. z3HXV #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:85 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "DL Envelope" msgstr "" #. k2HBd #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:86 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "C6 Envelope" msgstr "" #. t43Ta #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:87 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "C6/5 Envelope" msgstr "" #. jfDNz #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:88 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "C5 Envelope" msgstr "" #. h2cDh #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:89 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "C4 Envelope" msgstr "" #. j4Hms #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:90 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Dia Slide" msgstr "" #. ePYVT #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:91 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Screen 4:3" msgstr "" #. pWa4A #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:92 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Screen 16:9" msgstr "" #. T62Dx #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:93 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Screen 16:10" msgstr "" #. ryFz3 #: svx/source/dialog/page.hrc:94 msgctxt "RID_SVXSTRARY_PAPERSIZE_DRAW" msgid "Japanese Postcard" msgstr "" #. 3gfeR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|AcceptRejectChangesDialog" msgid "Manage Changes" msgstr "" #. RMm2g #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:26 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|accept" msgid "_Accept" msgstr "Прихватам" #. UEZKm #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:41 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|reject" msgid "_Reject" msgstr "~Одбаци" #. CY86f #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:56 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|acceptall" msgid "A_ccept All" msgstr "Прихвати све" #. debjw #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:71 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|rejectall" msgid "R_eject All" msgstr "Одбаци све" #. Jyka9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:144 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcedit" msgid "Edit Comment..." msgstr "Уреди коментар..." #. kqtia #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:151 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcsort" msgid "Sorting" msgstr "Ређање" #. 2DLpG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:161 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcaction" msgid "Action" msgstr "Акција" #. 3YNZ7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:169 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcposition" msgid "Position" msgstr "Позиција" #. wzRCk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:178 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcauthor" msgid "Author" msgstr "Аутор" #. xavjS #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:187 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcdate" msgid "Date" msgstr "Датум" #. CyvEG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:196 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|calcdesc" msgid "Description" msgstr "Опис..." #. VDtBL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:213 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writeredit" msgid "Edit Comment..." msgstr "Уреди коментар..." #. 75VLB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:220 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writersort" msgid "Sort By" msgstr "Поређај по" #. EYaEE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:230 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writeraction" msgid "Action" msgstr "Акција" #. acfbi #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:238 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writerauthor" msgid "Author" msgstr "Аутор" #. WNQ9L #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:247 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writerdate" msgid "Date" msgstr "Датум" #. 8qG3o #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:256 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writerdesc" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Коментар" #. Z9yjZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/acceptrejectchangesdialog.ui:265 #, fuzzy msgctxt "acceptrejectchangesdialog|writerposition" msgid "Document Position" msgstr "Позиција документа" #. Fjgoj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/accessibilitycheckdialog.ui:12 msgctxt "accessibilitycheckdialog|AccessibilityCheckDialog" msgid "Accessibility Check" msgstr "" #. JgTnF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/accessibilitycheckentry.ui:25 msgctxt "accessibilitycheckentry|accessibilityCheckEntryGotoButton" msgid "Go to Issue" msgstr "" #. k4D3g #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addconditiondialog.ui:8 msgctxt "addconditiondialog|AddConditionDialog" msgid "Add Condition" msgstr "" #. zVZ7P #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addconditiondialog.ui:90 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addconditiondialog|label1" msgid "_Condition:" msgstr "Услов" #. GztAA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addconditiondialog.ui:140 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addconditiondialog|label2" msgid "_Result:" msgstr "Резултат" #. 2aknP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addconditiondialog.ui:152 msgctxt "addconditiondialog|edit" msgid "_Edit Namespaces..." msgstr "" #. Ac8VD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:114 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|nameft" msgid "_Name:" msgstr "Име:" #. C2HJB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:128 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|valueft" msgid "_Default value:" msgstr "Подразумевана вредност" #. 6XN5s #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:140 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|browse" msgid "_Add..." msgstr "Додај..." #. kDPzz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:173 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|label1" msgid "Item" msgstr "Ставка" #. 5eBHo #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:210 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|datatypeft" msgid "_Data type:" msgstr "Врста податка" #. CDawq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:234 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|required" msgid "_Required" msgstr "Потребан" #. xFrP8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:249 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|requiredcond" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Услов" #. Rqtm8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:263 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|relevant" msgid "R_elevant" msgstr "Повезано" #. ZpbVz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:278 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|relevantcond" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Услов" #. gLAEV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:292 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|constraint" msgid "_Constraint" msgstr "Ограничење" #. k7xDZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:307 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|readonly" msgid "Read-_only" msgstr "Само за читање" #. aAGTh #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:322 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|calculate" msgid "Calc_ulate" msgstr "Израчунај" #. Rxz2f #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:337 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|constraintcond" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Услов" #. wDmeB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:351 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|readonlycond" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Услов" #. PTPGq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:365 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|calculatecond" msgid "Condition" msgstr "Услов" #. JEwfa #: svx/uiconfig/ui/adddataitemdialog.ui:385 #, fuzzy msgctxt "adddataitemdialog|label4" msgid "Settings" msgstr "Мрежа" #. kGDkZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:8 msgctxt "addinstancedialog|AddInstanceDialog" msgid "Add Instance" msgstr "" #. CiRHq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:102 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addinstancedialog|label2" msgid "_Name:" msgstr "Име:" #. SyBuY #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:116 msgctxt "addinstancedialog|alttitle" msgid "Edit Instance" msgstr "" #. TDx57 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:128 msgctxt "addinstancedialog|urlft" msgid "_URL:" msgstr "" #. vXdwB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:157 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addinstancedialog|browse" msgid "_Browse..." msgstr "Избор..." #. s295E #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addinstancedialog.ui:170 msgctxt "addinstancedialog|link" msgid "_Link instance" msgstr "" #. BUU2x #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addmodeldialog.ui:8 msgctxt "addmodeldialog|AddModelDialog" msgid "Add Model" msgstr "" #. BVA6X #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addmodeldialog.ui:87 msgctxt "addmodeldialog|modify" msgid "Model data updates change document's modification status" msgstr "" #. SDrTB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addmodeldialog.ui:117 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addmodeldialog|label2" msgid "_Name:" msgstr "Име:" #. BCjAN #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addmodeldialog.ui:131 msgctxt "addmodeldialog|alttitle" msgid "Edit Model" msgstr "" #. tEB4d #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addnamespacedialog.ui:8 msgctxt "addnamespacedialog|AddNamespaceDialog" msgid "Add Namespace" msgstr "" #. Tr89B #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addnamespacedialog.ui:89 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addnamespacedialog|label1" msgid "_Prefix:" msgstr "Префикс" #. dArAo #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addnamespacedialog.ui:129 msgctxt "addnamespacedialog|label2" msgid "_URL:" msgstr "" #. YtT2E #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addnamespacedialog.ui:143 msgctxt "addnamespacedialog|alttitle" msgid "Edit Namespace" msgstr "" #. zGRwg #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:8 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|AddSubmissionDialog" msgid "Add Submission" msgstr "Додај предају" #. Q6TEm #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:103 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|label2" msgid "_Name:" msgstr "Име:" #. uHEpR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:117 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|urlft" msgid "Binding e_xpression:" msgstr "Везни израз" #. AncQm #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:129 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|browse" msgid "_Add..." msgstr "Додај..." #. RzDTr #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:145 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|label3" msgid "_Action:" msgstr "Акција" #. zHkNb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:173 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|label4" msgid "_Method:" msgstr "Метод: " #. 6VGN7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:212 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|label5" msgid "_Binding:" msgstr "Састав" #. GkBRk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/addsubmissiondialog.ui:226 #, fuzzy msgctxt "addsubmissiondialog|label6" msgid "_Replace:" msgstr "Замени" #. yvhoc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:8 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|AsianPhoneticGuideDialog" msgid "Asian Phonetic Guide" msgstr "Азијски фонетски водич" #. Hj3z4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:93 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|basetextft" msgid "Base text" msgstr "Основни текст" #. ob9GM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:105 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|rubytextft" msgid "Ruby text" msgstr "Руби текст" #. 5i2SB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:152 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Left2ED-atkobject" msgid "Base text" msgstr "Основни текст" #. kmxtU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:191 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Right2ED-atkobject" msgid "Ruby text" msgstr "Руби текст" #. iMRNj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:207 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Left3ED-atkobject" msgid "Base text" msgstr "Основни текст" #. 7JS7K #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:223 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Right3ED-atkobject" msgid "Ruby text" msgstr "Руби текст" #. atKaG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:239 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Right4ED-atkobject" msgid "Ruby text" msgstr "Руби текст" #. QsYkZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:255 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|Left4ED-atkobject" msgid "Base text" msgstr "Основни текст" #. opK8r #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:292 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|label4" msgid "Alignment:" msgstr "Поравнање" #. o66DA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:306 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|label5" msgid "Position:" msgstr "Позиција" #. U8p5i #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:320 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|styleft" msgid "Character style for ruby text:" msgstr "" #. VmD7B #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:343 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|styles" msgid "Styles" msgstr "Стилови" #. Ruh4F #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:359 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|adjustlb" msgid "Left" msgstr "Лево" #. AoQvC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:360 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|adjustlb" msgid "Center" msgstr "Центар" #. CoQRD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:361 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|adjustlb" msgid "Right" msgstr "Десно" #. gjvDa #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:362 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|adjustlb" msgid "0 1 0" msgstr "0 1 0" #. jD75S #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:363 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|adjustlb" msgid "1 2 1" msgstr "1 2 1" #. 68NYJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:376 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|positionlb" msgid "Top" msgstr "Врх" #. 5Ue7R #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:377 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|positionlb" msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Дно" #. TsZ3E #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:378 msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|positionlb" msgid "Right" msgstr "" #. BpTFn #: svx/uiconfig/ui/asianphoneticguidedialog.ui:401 #, fuzzy msgctxt "asianphoneticguidedialog|label1" msgid "Preview:" msgstr "Преглед" #. pCrNF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/cellmenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "cellmenu|copy" msgid "_Copy" msgstr "~Копирај" #. qALw7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/charsetmenu.ui:12 msgctxt "charviewmenu|STR_CLEAR_CHAR" msgid "Insert into document" msgstr "" #. evrE6 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/charsetmenu.ui:20 msgctxt "charviewmenu|STR_CLEAR_ALL_CHAR" msgid "Add to favorites" msgstr "" #. XPhLz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/charsetmenu.ui:28 msgctxt "charviewmenu|STR_CLEAR_ALL_CHAR" msgid "Remove from favorites" msgstr "" #. ga2un #: svx/uiconfig/ui/charsetmenu.ui:36 msgctxt "charviewmenu|STR_CLEAR_ALL_CHAR" msgid "Copy to clipboard" msgstr "" #. dP299 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:8 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|ChineseConversionDialog" msgid "Chinese Conversion" msgstr "Кинеско претварање" #. SdvGz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:109 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|tosimplified" msgid "_Traditional Chinese to simplified Chinese" msgstr "~Традиционални кинески у поједностављени" #. aDmx8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:125 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|totraditional" msgid "_Simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese" msgstr "~Поједностављен кинески у традиционални" #. dKQjR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:147 msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|label1" msgid "Conversion Direction" msgstr "" #. RPpp4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:184 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|commonterms" msgid "Translate _common terms" msgstr "Преведи ~честе изразе" #. cEs8M #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:200 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|editterms" msgid "_Edit Terms..." msgstr "~Уреди изразе..." #. dEHH2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chineseconversiondialog.ui:219 msgctxt "chineseconversiondialog|label2" msgid "Common Terms" msgstr "" #. AdAdK #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:32 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|ChineseDictionaryDialog" msgid "Edit Dictionary" msgstr "" #. 9ETP9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:116 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|tradtosimple" msgid "_Traditional Chinese to simplified Chinese" msgstr "~Традиционални кинески у поједностављени" #. SqsBj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:133 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|simpletotrad" msgid "_Simplified Chinese to traditional Chinese" msgstr "~Поједностављен кинески у традиционални" #. YqoXf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:149 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|reverse" msgid "Reverse mapping" msgstr "" #. 4Y5b9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:180 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:354 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:426 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|termft" msgid "Term" msgstr "" #. ETDYE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:194 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:369 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:441 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|mappingft" msgid "Mapping" msgstr "" #. XZbeq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:227 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|modify" msgid "_Modify" msgstr "Измени" #. cUcgH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:264 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:383 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:455 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|propertyft" msgid "Property" msgstr "Својство" #. nDmEW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:279 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Other" msgstr "Остале" #. zEzUA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:280 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Foreign" msgstr "" #. fG6PM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:281 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "First name" msgstr "Име" #. HbNRg #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:282 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Last name" msgstr "Презиме" #. yKHhp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:283 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Title" msgstr "Наслов" #. RvQrD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:284 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Status" msgstr "Стање" #. FAKe7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:285 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Place name" msgstr "Име странице" #. waJRm #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:286 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Business" msgstr "Посао" #. ZiUmc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:287 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Adjective" msgstr "" #. VKjdE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:288 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Idiom" msgstr "" #. dB4SG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:289 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Abbreviation" msgstr "Скраћеница" #. sBYxF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:290 #, fuzzy msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Numerical" msgstr "Нумерички" #. rWJge #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:291 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Noun" msgstr "" #. kXcwC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:292 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Verb" msgstr "" #. YSxrd #: svx/uiconfig/ui/chinesedictionary.ui:293 msgctxt "chinesedictionary|property" msgid "Brand name" msgstr "" #. TZEqZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:37 msgctxt "classificationdialog|dialogname" msgid "Classification" msgstr "" #. c6ZEp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:123 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-Classification" msgid "Classification:" msgstr "" #. EzBeR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:138 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-InternationalClassification" msgid "International:" msgstr "" #. 2DFQN #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:180 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-Marking" msgid "Marking:" msgstr "" #. QZAAx #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:196 #, fuzzy msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-Classification" msgid "Recently Used:" msgstr "Недавно коришћено" #. L4EWE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:280 #, fuzzy msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-Content" msgid "Content" msgstr "Садржај" #. rjd94 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:301 #, fuzzy msgctxt "classificationdialog|boldButton" msgid "Bold" msgstr "Злато" #. v8MHF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:314 #, fuzzy msgctxt "classificationdialog|signButton" msgid "Sign Paragraph" msgstr "Скривени пасус" #. cDs9q #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:381 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-PartNumber" msgid "License:" msgstr "" #. d24J5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:396 #, fuzzy msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-PartNumber" msgid "Part Number:" msgstr "Број странице" #. AEUjh #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:412 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-PartNumber" msgid "Part text:" msgstr "" #. gdZhQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:523 #, fuzzy msgctxt "classificationdialog|intellectualPropertyPartAddButton" msgid "Add" msgstr "Додај" #. XGQ6V #: svx/uiconfig/ui/classificationdialog.ui:547 msgctxt "classificationdialog|label-IntellectualProperty" msgid "Intellectual Property" msgstr "" #. gogLP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:57 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colorwindow|none_color_button" msgid "None" msgstr "Ништа" #. HHesw #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:146 msgctxt "colorwindow|label1" msgid "Recent" msgstr "" #. 5MZ3i #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colorwindow.ui:183 msgctxt "colorwindow|color_picker_button" msgid "Custom Color…" msgstr "" #. KzYFV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|insert" msgid "Insert _Column" msgstr "Уметни колону" #. FNNwu #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:22 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|TextField" msgid "Text Box" msgstr "Поље за текст" #. kNikA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:30 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|CheckBox" msgid "Check Box" msgstr "Поље за потврду" #. Qdrt5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:38 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|ComboBox" msgid "Combo Box" msgstr "Комбинована листа" #. 53iWp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:46 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|ListBox" msgid "List Box" msgstr "Листа" #. 4qWsS #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:54 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|DateField" msgid "Date Field" msgstr "Поље за датум" #. YKM9S #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:62 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|TimeField" msgid "Time Field" msgstr "Поље за време" #. JzSUN #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:69 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|NumericField" msgid "Numeric Field" msgstr "Нумеричко поље" #. W6Qy7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:76 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|CurrencyField" msgid "Currency Field" msgstr "Поље за валуту" #. 6TGGk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:84 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|PatternField" msgid "Pattern Field" msgstr "Поље са маском" #. YdCYM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:92 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|FormattedField" msgid "Formatted Field" msgstr "Форматирано поље" #. fWsc3 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:100 msgctxt "colsmenu|dateandtimefield" msgid "Date and Time Field" msgstr "" #. WmdqY #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:113 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|change" msgid "_Replace with" msgstr "Замени са" #. WPsfG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:123 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|TextField1" msgid "Text Box" msgstr "Поље за текст" #. 5nQrC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:131 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|CheckBox1" msgid "Check Box" msgstr "Поље за потврду" #. qrGhp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:139 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|ComboBox1" msgid "Combo Box" msgstr "Комбинована листа" #. 5fQ6D #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:147 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|ListBox1" msgid "List Box" msgstr "Листа" #. J9BGA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:155 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|DateField1" msgid "Date Field" msgstr "Поље за датум" #. 2XDSf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:163 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|TimeField1" msgid "Time Field" msgstr "Поље за време" #. wZn2o #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:171 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|NumericField1" msgid "Numeric Field" msgstr "Нумеричко поље" #. CtBKi #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:179 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|CurrencyField1" msgid "Currency Field" msgstr "Поље за валуту" #. cjDMJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:187 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|PatternField1" msgid "Pattern Field" msgstr "Поље са маском" #. rKVaN #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:195 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|FormattedField1" msgid "Formatted Field" msgstr "Форматирано поље" #. EH9hj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:203 msgctxt "colsmenu|dateandtimefield1" msgid "Date and Time Field" msgstr "" #. ubWjL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:216 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|delete" msgid "Delete column" msgstr "Обриши колону" #. 7CkSW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:224 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|hide" msgid "_Hide Column" msgstr "~Сакриј колоне" #. r24Fu #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:232 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|show" msgid "_Show Columns" msgstr "~Прикажи колоне" #. FGgJL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:242 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|more" msgid "_More..." msgstr "Још.." #. JtMyQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:255 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|all" msgid "_All" msgstr "Све" #. frYiv #: svx/uiconfig/ui/colsmenu.ui:266 #, fuzzy msgctxt "colsmenu|column" msgid "Column..." msgstr "Ко~лоне..." #. Dmqbu #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:36 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|CompressGraphicDialog" msgid "Compress Image" msgstr "" #. eGiUL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:132 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|radio-jpeg" msgid "JPEG Quality" msgstr "" #. JwCYu #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:136 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|radio-jpeg|tooltip_text" msgid "Lossy compression" msgstr "" #. vZFgs #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:153 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|radio-lossless" msgid "PNG Compression" msgstr "" #. 75Ef7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:157 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|radio-lossless|tooltip_text" msgid "Lossless compression" msgstr "" #. a9DSR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:287 #, fuzzy msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label2" msgid "Compression" msgstr "Компресија" #. 4yABi #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:320 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|checkbox-reduce-resolution" msgid "Reduce image resolution" msgstr "" #. pYRff #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:338 #, fuzzy msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label3" msgid "Width:" msgstr "Ширина:" #. KyX6E #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:353 #, fuzzy msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label4" msgid "Height:" msgstr "Висина:" #. dDL5D #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:368 #, fuzzy msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label5" msgid "Resolution:" msgstr "Резолуција:" #. 5B8iA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:383 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label12" msgid "Interpolation:" msgstr "" #. Ms2tp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:453 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|interpolation-method-store" msgid "None" msgstr "Без" #. unYWJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:454 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|interpolation-method-store" msgid "Bilinear" msgstr "Билинеарно" #. uBPAi #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:455 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|interpolation-method-store" msgid "Bicubic" msgstr "Бикубично" #. DAtXJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:456 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|interpolation-method-store" msgid "Lanczos" msgstr "Ланзос" #. zkJ5x #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:468 #, fuzzy msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label13" msgid "px" msgstr "пикс." #. KACB4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:480 #, fuzzy msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label14" msgid "px" msgstr "пикс." #. unj5i #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:492 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label16" msgid "DPI" msgstr "" #. AkPU7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:511 #, fuzzy msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label22" msgid "Resolution" msgstr "Резолуција:" #. iKB4t #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:546 #, fuzzy msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label15" msgid "Type:" msgstr "Врста:" #. 34DCX #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:578 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label7" msgid "Actual dimensions:" msgstr "" #. BZCWQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:610 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label8" msgid "Apparent dimensions:" msgstr "" #. QzEYW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:641 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label9" msgid "Image size:" msgstr "" #. ARYxX #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:670 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|calculate" msgid "Calculate New Size:" msgstr "" #. ArZKq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/compressgraphicdialog.ui:708 msgctxt "compressgraphicdialog|label1" msgid "Image Information" msgstr "Подаци о слици" #. xC6CF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:13 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToEdit" msgid "_Text Box" msgstr "Поље за текст" #. dNCdC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:22 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToButton" msgid "_Button" msgstr "~Дугме" #. erFDb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:31 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToFixed" msgid "La_bel field" msgstr "Поље ~ознаке" #. wbt9B #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:40 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToGroup" msgid "G_roup Box" msgstr "Група објеката" #. azmHW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:49 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToList" msgid "L_ist Box" msgstr "Листа" #. Ze7aC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:58 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToCheckBox" msgid "_Check Box" msgstr "Поље за потврду" #. sDyyy #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:67 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToRadio" msgid "_Radio Button" msgstr "~Дугме за опцију" #. cESHD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:76 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToCombo" msgid "Combo Bo_x" msgstr "Комбинована листа" #. 39DBz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:85 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToImageBtn" msgid "I_mage Button" msgstr "Дугме са сликом" #. 9gMrG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:94 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToFileControl" msgid "_File Selection" msgstr "Избор датотеке" #. Vi9BD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:103 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToDate" msgid "_Date Field" msgstr "Поље за датум" #. Yv4AA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:112 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToTime" msgid "Tim_e Field" msgstr "Поље за време" #. 2DXAo #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:120 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToNumeric" msgid "_Numerical Field" msgstr "~Нумеричко поље" #. BagLi #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:128 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToCurrency" msgid "C_urrency Field" msgstr "Поље за валуту" #. LcPgN #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:137 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToPattern" msgid "_Pattern Field" msgstr "Поље са маском" #. ht7G5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:146 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToImageControl" msgid "Ima_ge Control" msgstr "Слика" #. YXEAz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:155 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToFormatted" msgid "Fo_rmatted Field" msgstr "Форматирано поље" #. FtKsQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:164 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToScrollBar" msgid "Scroll bar" msgstr "Клизач" #. 9yfd5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:173 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToSpinButton" msgid "Spin Button" msgstr "Тастер за мењање вредности" #. Ed9fr #: svx/uiconfig/ui/convertmenu.ui:182 #, fuzzy msgctxt "convertmenu|ConvertToNavigationBar" msgid "Navigation Bar" msgstr "Трака навигације" #. 4XvxL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:6 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|ed_post" msgid "" "The crash report was successfully uploaded.\n" "You can soon find the report at:\n" "crashreport.libreoffice.org/stats/crash_details/%CRASHID" msgstr "" #. DDKL6 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:11 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|ed_bugreport" msgid "" "Please check the report and if no bug report is connected to the crash report yet, open a new bug report at bugs.documentfoundation.org.\n" "Add detailed instructions on how to reproduce the crash and the shown crash ID into the crash report field.\n" "Thank you for your help in improving %PRODUCTNAME." msgstr "" #. osEZf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:18 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|CrashReportDialog" msgid "Crash Report" msgstr "" #. hCohP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:37 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|btn_send" msgid "_Send Crash Report" msgstr "" #. oGBfJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:53 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|btn_cancel" msgid "Do_n’t Send" msgstr "" #. afExy #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:67 #, fuzzy msgctxt "crashreportdlg|btn_close" msgid "Close" msgstr "Затвори" #. nXFyG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:88 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|ed_pre" msgid "" "Unfortunately it seems that %PRODUCTNAME crashed when it was last run.\n" "\n" "You can help us to fix this issue by sending an anonymous crash report to the %PRODUCTNAME crash reporting server." msgstr "" #. RksP8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/crashreportdlg.ui:130 msgctxt "crashreportdlg|check_safemode" msgid "Restart %PRODUCTNAME to enter safe mode" msgstr "" #. BAMs9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:37 msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsbutton" msgid "_Models" msgstr "" #. BF3zW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:77 #, fuzzy msgctxt "datanavigator|instance" msgid "Instance" msgstr "Примерак" #. 3Yg5b #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:99 #, fuzzy msgctxt "datanavigator|submissions" msgid "Submissions" msgstr "Предаја: " #. hHddS #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:122 #, fuzzy msgctxt "datanavigator|bindings" msgid "Bindings" msgstr "Састав" #. KaGD7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:138 #, fuzzy msgctxt "datanavigator|instances" msgid "_Instances" msgstr "Примерак" #. gsFSM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:166 #, fuzzy msgctxt "datanavigator|instancesadd" msgid "_Add..." msgstr "Додај..." #. BdRnW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:173 #, fuzzy msgctxt "datanavigator|instancesedit" msgid "_Edit..." msgstr "Уреди..." #. GJFJh #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:180 msgctxt "datanavigator|instancesremove" msgid "_Remove..." msgstr "" #. YM7Tk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:193 #, fuzzy msgctxt "datanavigator|instancesdetails" msgid "_Show Details" msgstr "~Прикажи детаље" #. rMqsT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:205 #, fuzzy msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsadd" msgid "_Add..." msgstr "Додај..." #. m8vxV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:213 #, fuzzy msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsedit" msgid "_Edit..." msgstr "Уреди..." #. VqB4m #: svx/uiconfig/ui/datanavigator.ui:221 #, fuzzy msgctxt "datanavigator|modelsremove" msgid "_Remove" msgstr "Уклони" #. 2xX4C #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:48 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label1" msgid "Lines and Arrows" msgstr "" #. xvX8C #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:86 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label2" msgid "Curves and Polygons" msgstr "" #. KHMSA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:124 #, fuzzy msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label3" msgid "Connectors" msgstr "Повезивачи" #. uifz8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:162 #, fuzzy msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label4" msgid "Basic Shapes" msgstr "Основни облици" #. 6QEJj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:200 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label5" msgid "Symbol Shapes" msgstr "" #. SGxDy #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:238 #, fuzzy msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label6" msgid "Block Arrows" msgstr "Стрелице блока" #. VWG3W #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:276 #, fuzzy msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label7" msgid "Flowchart" msgstr "Дијаграми тока" #. sQyYQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:314 #, fuzzy msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label8" msgid "Callouts" msgstr "Облачићи" #. ABCTr #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:352 msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label9" msgid "Stars and Banners" msgstr "" #. cibWf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/defaultshapespanel.ui:390 #, fuzzy msgctxt "defaultshapespanel|label10" msgid "3D Objects" msgstr "3D објекти" #. k6PwL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deletefooterdialog.ui:7 #, fuzzy msgctxt "deletefooterdialog|DeleteFooterDialog" msgid "Delete footer?" msgstr "Обриши подножје..." #. GE3hT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deletefooterdialog.ui:14 #, fuzzy msgctxt "deletefooterdialog|DeleteFooterDialog" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the footer?" msgstr "Желите ли да обришете област „$1“?" #. EthWp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deletefooterdialog.ui:15 msgctxt "deletefooterdialog|DeleteFooterDialog" msgid "All contents of the footer will be deleted and can not be restored." msgstr "" #. 2ftNf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deleteheaderdialog.ui:7 #, fuzzy msgctxt "deleteheaderdialog|DeleteHeaderDialog" msgid "Delete header?" msgstr "Обриши заглавље..." #. YfZTx #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deleteheaderdialog.ui:14 #, fuzzy msgctxt "deleteheaderdialog|DeleteHeaderDialog" msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the header?" msgstr "Желите ли да обришете област „$1“?" #. 86Aks #: svx/uiconfig/ui/deleteheaderdialog.ui:15 msgctxt "deleteheaderdialog|DeleteHeaderDialog" msgid "All contents of the header will be deleted and can not be restored." msgstr "" #. MAb2C #: svx/uiconfig/ui/depthwindow.ui:137 msgctxt "depthwindow|RID_SVXSTR_INFINITY" msgid "_Infinity" msgstr "" #. uwFgU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/depthwindow.ui:156 msgctxt "depthwindow|RID_SVXSTR_CUSTOM" msgid "_Custom..." msgstr "" #. sgwXf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/directionwindow.ui:58 msgctxt "directionwindow|RID_SVXSTR_PERSPECTIVE" msgid "_Perspective" msgstr "" #. svnJ7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/directionwindow.ui:77 msgctxt "dockingwindow|RID_SVXSTR_PARALLEL" msgid "P_arallel" msgstr "" #. nEw4G #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:294 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|diagonalft" msgid "R_ounded edges" msgstr "За~обљене ивице" #. MozLP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:308 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|scaleddepthft" msgid "_Scaled depth" msgstr "~Сразмерна дубина" #. uK3Fv #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:322 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|angleft" msgid "_Rotation angle" msgstr "Угао ротације" #. 2YAH9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:336 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|depthft" msgid "_Depth" msgstr "~Дубина" #. LKo3e #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:403 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label1" msgid "Geometry" msgstr "Геометрија" #. b7NAE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:444 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label6" msgid "_Horizontal" msgstr "Водоравно" #. 9HFzC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:483 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label7" msgid "_Vertical" msgstr "Усправно" #. G67Pd #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:519 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label10" msgid "Segments" msgstr "Сегменти" #. uGbYJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:571 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|objspecific|tooltip_text" msgid "Object-Specific" msgstr "Специфично за објект" #. Fc9DB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:585 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|flat|tooltip_text" msgid "Flat" msgstr "Равно" #. aLmTz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:599 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|spherical|tooltip_text" msgid "Spherical" msgstr "Сферно" #. a9hYr #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:613 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|invertnormals|tooltip_text" msgid "Invert Normals" msgstr "Изврни нормале" #. kBScz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:627 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|doublesidedillum|tooltip_text" msgid "Double-Sided Illumination" msgstr "Двострана осветљеност" #. Jq33F #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:641 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|doublesided|tooltip_text" msgid "Double-Sided" msgstr "Двострано" #. 2xzfy #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:667 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label11" msgid "Normals" msgstr "Нормале" #. XjqvC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:699 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|to3d|tooltip_text" msgid "Convert to 3D" msgstr "Пребаци у 3Д" #. v5fdY #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:712 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|tolathe|tooltip_text" msgid "Convert to Rotation Object" msgstr "Пребаци у Lathe објекат" #. Tk7Vb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:725 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|perspective|tooltip_text" msgid "Perspective On/Off" msgstr "Приказ из перспективе" #. S27FV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:765 msgctxt "docking3deffects|preview-atkobject" msgid "3D Preview" msgstr "" #. snUGf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:797 msgctxt "tp_3D_SceneIllumination|CTL_LIGHT_PREVIEW|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Preview" msgstr "" #. c86Xg #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:802 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|lightpreview-atkobject" msgid "Color Light Preview" msgstr "Преглед боје светла" #. ysdwL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:893 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label8" msgid "_Mode" msgstr "~Режим" #. BW2hR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:908 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|mode" msgid "Flat" msgstr "Равно" #. 6Esbf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:909 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|mode" msgid "Phong" msgstr "Фонг" #. D6L7i #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:910 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|mode" msgid "Gouraud" msgstr "Гурауд" #. fEdS2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:926 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label12" msgid "Shading" msgstr "Сенка" #. sT4FD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:962 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|slantft" msgid "S_urface angle" msgstr "Угао по~вршине" #. 4yMr6 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:988 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|shadow|tooltip_text" msgid "3D Shadowing On/Off" msgstr "Приказ 3Д сенчења" #. kczsC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1004 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label13" msgid "Shadow" msgstr "Сенка" #. MHwmD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1063 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label15" msgid "_Focal length" msgstr "Жижна даљина" #. sqNyn #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1077 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label14" msgid "_Distance" msgstr "Удаљеност" #. xVYME #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1095 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label16" msgid "Camera" msgstr "Камера" #. GDAcC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1129 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label17" msgid "_Light source" msgstr "~Извор светла" #. DNnED #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1154 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|colorbutton1|tooltip_text" msgid "Colors Dialog" msgstr "Прозорче за боје" #. nSELF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1186 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|colorbutton2|tooltip_text" msgid "Colors Dialog" msgstr "Прозорче за боје" #. m2KFe #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1199 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label18" msgid "_Ambient light" msgstr "~Амбијентално светло" #. m9fpD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1220 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|light1|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 1" msgstr "Први извор светлости" #. 6VQpA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1236 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|light2|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 2" msgstr "Други извор светлости" #. H6ApW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1252 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|light3|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 3" msgstr "Трећи извор светлости" #. bFsp9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1268 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|light4|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 4" msgstr "Четврти извор светлости" #. umqpv #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1284 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|light5|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 5" msgstr "Пети извор светлости" #. EJ5pS #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1300 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|light6|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 6" msgstr "Шести извор светлости" #. RxBpE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1316 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|light7|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 7" msgstr "Седми извор светлости" #. BrqqJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1332 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|light8|tooltip_text" msgid "Light Source 8" msgstr "Осми извор светлости" #. FN3e6 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1363 msgctxt "docking3deffects|lightcolor1|tooltip_text" msgid "Light 1 color" msgstr "" #. EBVTG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1383 msgctxt "docking3deffects|lightcolor2|tooltip_text" msgid "Light 2 color" msgstr "" #. wiDjj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1403 msgctxt "docking3deffects|lightcolor3|tooltip_text" msgid "Light 3 color" msgstr "" #. zZSLi #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1423 msgctxt "docking3deffects|lightcolor4|tooltip_text" msgid "Light 4 color" msgstr "" #. bPGBH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1443 msgctxt "docking3deffects|lightcolor5|tooltip_text" msgid "Light 5 color" msgstr "" #. mCg85 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1463 msgctxt "docking3deffects|lightcolor6|tooltip_text" msgid "Light 6 color" msgstr "" #. Lj2HV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1483 msgctxt "docking3deffects|lightcolor7|tooltip_text" msgid "Light 7 color" msgstr "" #. aNZDv #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1503 msgctxt "docking3deffects|lightcolor8|tooltip_text" msgid "Light 8 color" msgstr "" #. HqaQ2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1528 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label19" msgid "Illumination" msgstr "Осветљење" #. BrBDG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1562 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label20" msgid "_Type" msgstr "~Врста" #. txLj4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1579 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label22" msgid "_Mode" msgstr "~Режим" #. pPQLp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1597 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label23" msgid "_Projection X" msgstr "~Пројекција X" #. xcs3h #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1615 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label24" msgid "P_rojection Y" msgstr "П~ројекција Y" #. bxSBA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1633 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label25" msgid "_Filtering" msgstr "~Филтрирање" #. Gq2zg #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1650 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|textype|tooltip_text" msgid "Black & White" msgstr "Црно-бело" #. rfdVf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1667 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texcolor|tooltip_text" msgid "Color" msgstr "Боја" #. aqP2z #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1684 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texreplace|tooltip_text" msgid "Only Texture" msgstr "Само текстура" #. HCKdG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1701 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texmodulate|tooltip_text" msgid "Texture and Shading" msgstr "Текстура и сенка" #. ycQqQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1718 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texblend|tooltip_text" msgid "Texture, Shadow and Color" msgstr "Текстура, сенка и боја" #. 65J8K #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1736 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texobjx|tooltip_text" msgid "Object-Specific" msgstr "Специфично за објект" #. iTKyD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1753 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texparallelx|tooltip_text" msgid "Parallel" msgstr "Паралелно" #. MhgUE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1770 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texcirclex|tooltip_text" msgid "Circular" msgstr "Кружно" #. E9Gy6 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1788 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texobjy|tooltip_text" msgid "Object-Specific" msgstr "Специфично за објект" #. 5B84a #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1805 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texparallely|tooltip_text" msgid "Parallel" msgstr "Паралелно" #. h5iQh #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1822 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texcircley|tooltip_text" msgid "Circular" msgstr "Кружно" #. cKvPt #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1839 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texfilter|tooltip_text" msgid "Filtering On/Off" msgstr "Филтрирање" #. GKiZx #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1868 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label21" msgid "Textures" msgstr "Текстуре" #. fYX37 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1902 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label26" msgid "_Favorites" msgstr "~Омиљено" #. mNa7V #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1918 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label27" msgid "_Object color" msgstr "Боја ~објекта" #. rGGJC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1932 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label29" msgid "_Illumination color" msgstr "Боја ~посветљења" #. EeS7C #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1983 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "User-defined" msgstr "Кориснички дефинисан" #. RcCQG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1984 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "Metal" msgstr "Метал" #. JxUiT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1985 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "Gold" msgstr "Злато" #. Mnmop #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1986 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "Chrome" msgstr "Хром" #. fa9bg #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1987 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "Plastic" msgstr "Пластика" #. WGUwt #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:1988 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|favorites" msgid "Wood" msgstr "Дрво" #. AndqG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2005 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|colorbutton3|tooltip_text" msgid "Colors Dialog" msgstr "Прозорче за боје" #. tsEoC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2018 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|colorbutton4|tooltip_text" msgid "Colors Dialog" msgstr "Прозорче за боје" #. RWxeM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2034 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label28" msgid "Material" msgstr "Материјал" #. wY3tE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2068 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label30" msgid "_Color" msgstr "Боја" #. ngqfq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2082 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label31" msgid "I_ntensity" msgstr "Ја~чина" #. 8fdJB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2115 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|colorbutton5|tooltip_text" msgid "Colors Dialog" msgstr "Прозорче за боје" #. L8GqV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2143 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|label32" msgid "Specular" msgstr "Метално сјајан" #. Qkzsq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2165 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|assign|tooltip_text" msgid "Assign" msgstr "Додели" #. cjrJ9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2178 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|update|tooltip_text" msgid "Update" msgstr "Освежавање" #. AgKU4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2193 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|material|tooltip_text" msgid "Material" msgstr "Материјал" #. 3Av3h #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2206 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|texture|tooltip_text" msgid "Textures" msgstr "Текстуре" #. J4WKj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2219 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|light|tooltip_text" msgid "Illumination" msgstr "Осветљење" #. ctHgb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2232 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|representation|tooltip_text" msgid "Shading" msgstr "Сенка" #. HxxSF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docking3deffects.ui:2245 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docking3deffects|geometry|tooltip_text" msgid "Geometry" msgstr "Геометрија" #. dzpTm #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:60 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|label2" msgid "Source color" msgstr "Изворна боја" #. rAyBY #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:73 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|label3" msgid "Tolerance" msgstr "Толеранција" #. hpBPk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:85 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|label4" msgid "Replace with..." msgstr "Замени са..." #. 7BFw2 #. This string is used by the eyedropper dialog to denote a color in an image that will be replaced by another color. #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:104 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|cbx2-atkobject" msgid "Source Color 2" msgstr "Изворна боја" #. 8kZuj #. This string is used by the eyedropper dialog to denote a color in an image that will be replaced by another color. #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:124 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|cbx3-atkobject" msgid "Source Color 3" msgstr "Изворна боја" #. 3asCq #. This string is used by the eyedropper dialog to denote a color in an image that will be replaced by another color. #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:144 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|cbx4-atkobject" msgid "Source Color 4" msgstr "Изворна боја" #. 5MXBc #. This string is used by the eyedropper dialog to denote a color in an image that will be replaced by another color. #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:164 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|cbx1-atkobject" msgid "Source Color 1" msgstr "Изворна боја" #. myTap #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:175 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|cbx5" msgid "Tr_ansparency" msgstr "Провидност" #. ebshb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:199 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|tol1-atkobject" msgid "Tolerance 1" msgstr "Толеранција" #. dCyn7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:217 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|tol2-atkobject" msgid "Tolerance 2" msgstr "Толеранција" #. bUkAc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:235 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|tol3-atkobject" msgid "Tolerance 3" msgstr "Толеранција" #. Wp3Q3 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:253 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|tol4-atkobject" msgid "Tolerance 4" msgstr "Толеранција" #. CTGcU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:275 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|color1-atkobject" msgid "Replace with 1" msgstr "Замени са" #. AiWPA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:297 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|color2-atkobject" msgid "Replace with 2" msgstr "Замени са" #. 99EMs #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:319 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|color3-atkobject" msgid "Replace with 3" msgstr "Замени са" #. ECDky #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:341 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|color4-atkobject" msgid "Replace with 4" msgstr "Замени са" #. EeBXP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:429 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|label1" msgid "Colors" msgstr "Боје" #. 7cuei #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:449 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|replace" msgid "_Replace" msgstr "Замени" #. qFwAs #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingcolorreplace.ui:480 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingcolorreplace|pipette" msgid "Pipette" msgstr "Пипета" #. cXHxL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:42 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|off|tooltip_text" msgid "Off" msgstr "Искључено" #. bEChS #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:66 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|rotate|tooltip_text" msgid "Rotate" msgstr "Ротирај" #. bqAL8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:80 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|upright|tooltip_text" msgid "Upright" msgstr "Горе десно" #. dSG2E #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:94 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|hori|tooltip_text" msgid "Slant Horizontal" msgstr "Нагни водоравно" #. XnPrn #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:108 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|vert|tooltip_text" msgid "Slant Vertical" msgstr "Нагни усправно" #. AKiRy #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:133 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|orientation|tooltip_text" msgid "Orientation" msgstr "~Оријентација" #. BncCM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:156 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|left|tooltip_text" msgid "Align Left" msgstr "Поравнај лево" #. Gd3Fn #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:170 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|center|tooltip_text" msgid "Center" msgstr "Центар" #. rdSr2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:184 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|right|tooltip_text" msgid "Align Right" msgstr "Поравнај десно" #. nQTV8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:198 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|autosize|tooltip_text" msgid "AutoSize Text" msgstr "Аутоматска величина текста" #. YDeQs #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:236 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|distance|tooltip_text" msgid "Distance" msgstr "Удаљеност" #. 5Dm35 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:273 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|indent|tooltip_text" msgid "Indent" msgstr "Увлачење" #. TG72M #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:298 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|contour|tooltip_text" msgid "Contour" msgstr "Облик" #. MA9vQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:311 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|textcontour|tooltip_text" msgid "Text Contour" msgstr "Облик текста" #. kMFUd #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:334 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|noshadow|tooltip_text" msgid "No Shadow" msgstr "Без сенке" #. 5BrEJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:348 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|vertical|tooltip_text" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "Усправно" #. hcSuP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:362 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|slant|tooltip_text" msgid "Slant" msgstr "Нагиб" #. fVeQ8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:400 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|distancex|tooltip_text" msgid "Distance X" msgstr "Удаљеност X" #. FTYwo #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:438 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|distancey|tooltip_text" msgid "Distance Y" msgstr "Удаљеност Y" #. MDpHx #: svx/uiconfig/ui/dockingfontwork.ui:459 #, fuzzy msgctxt "dockingfontwork|color|tooltip_text" msgid "Shadow Color" msgstr "Боја сенке" #. ASETE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:16 msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|DocRecoveryBrokenDialog" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME Document Recovery" msgstr "" #. KXXb2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:35 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|save" msgid "_Save" msgstr "Сачувај" #. 3bPqF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:85 msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|label1" msgid "" "The automatic recovery process was interrupted.\n" "\n" "The documents listed below will be saved in the folder noted below if you click 'Save'. Click 'Cancel' to close the wizard without saving the documents." msgstr "" #. okHoG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:103 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|label3" msgid "Documents:" msgstr "Документ" #. NWZAg #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:159 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|label4" msgid "_Save to:" msgstr "Сачувај у:" #. KPeeG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverybrokendialog.ui:191 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docrecoverybrokendialog|change" msgid "Chan_ge..." msgstr "&Измени..." #. aotFc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryprogressdialog.ui:8 msgctxt "docrecoveryprogressdialog|DocRecoveryProgressDialog" msgid "Documents Are Being Saved" msgstr "" #. cUiiU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryprogressdialog.ui:47 msgctxt "docrecoveryprogressdialog|label2" msgid "Progress of saving:" msgstr "" #. c8RJr #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:22 msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|DocRecoveryRecoverDialog" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Document Recovery" msgstr "" #. NrsVH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:41 msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|cancel" msgid "_Discard" msgstr "" #. fEs2G #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:56 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|next" msgid "_Start" msgstr "Почетак" #. DWWCA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:89 msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|desc" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME will attempt to recover the state of the files you were working on before it crashed. Click 'Start' to begin the process, or click 'Discard' to cancel the recovery." msgstr "" #. B98AV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:115 msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|label2" msgid "Status of recovered documents:" msgstr "" #. HEDQU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:158 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|nameft" msgid "Document Name" msgstr "Режим документа" #. Cg9Xu #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoveryrecoverdialog.ui:179 #, fuzzy msgctxt "docrecoveryrecoverdialog|statusft" msgid "Status" msgstr "Стање" #. 7z7PH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverysavedialog.ui:18 msgctxt "docrecoverysavedialog|DocRecoverySaveDialog" msgid "%PRODUCTNAME %PRODUCTVERSION Document Recovery" msgstr "" #. 4TuGM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverysavedialog.ui:76 msgctxt "docrecoverysavedialog|label1" msgid "Due to an error, %PRODUCTNAME crashed. All the files you were working on will now be saved. The next time %PRODUCTNAME is launched, your files will be recovered automatically." msgstr "" #. JEJdG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/docrecoverysavedialog.ui:98 msgctxt "docrecoverysavedialog|label2" msgid "The following files will be recovered:" msgstr "" #. ELeAs #: svx/uiconfig/ui/extrustiondepthdialog.ui:13 #, fuzzy msgctxt "extrustiondepthdialog|ExtrustionDepthDialog" msgid "Extrusion Depth" msgstr "Дубина екструзије" #. b6kQz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/extrustiondepthdialog.ui:122 #, fuzzy msgctxt "extrustiondepthdialog|label1" msgid "_Value" msgstr "Вредност" #. ADHDq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/extrustiondepthdialog.ui:139 #, fuzzy msgctxt "extrustiondepthdialog|label2" msgid "Depth" msgstr "~Дубина" #. HDhiV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/filtermenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "filtermenu|delete" msgid "_Delete" msgstr "Обриши" #. b2AC9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/filtermenu.ui:20 #, fuzzy msgctxt "filtermenu|edit" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "Уреди" #. 8w9bC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/filtermenu.ui:28 #, fuzzy msgctxt "filtermenu|isnull" msgid "_Is Null" msgstr "~Је ништа" #. sFdA3 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/filtermenu.ui:36 #, fuzzy msgctxt "filtermenu|isnotnull" msgid "I_s not Null" msgstr "~Није ништа" #. 2B7FQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:8 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|FindReplaceDialog" msgid "Find and Replace" msgstr "" #. bathy #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:141 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|label4" msgid "_Find:" msgstr "" #. 75TZD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:195 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|matchcase" msgid "Ma_tch case" msgstr "Разликуј велика и мала слова" #. EP8P3 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:211 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|searchformatted" msgid "For_matted display" msgstr "" #. eTjvm #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:231 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|wholewords" msgid "Whole wor_ds only" msgstr "Само целе речи" #. wfECE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:249 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|entirecells" msgid "_Entire cells" msgstr "~Све ћелије" #. EG6Fy #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:267 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|allsheets" msgid "All _sheets" msgstr "Сви листови" #. GzEGb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:306 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|label1" msgid "_Search For" msgstr "" #. Dmocx #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:391 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|label5" msgid "Re_place:" msgstr "Замени" #. edBnK #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:431 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|label2" msgid "Re_place With" msgstr "Замени са" #. GEGyE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:457 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|searchall" msgid "Find _All" msgstr "Пронађи све" #. A3wE5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:471 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|backsearch" msgid "Find Pre_vious" msgstr "Претходно" #. PQ58E #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:485 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|search" msgid "Find Ne_xt" msgstr "Наредно" #. ZLDbk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:501 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|replace" msgid "_Replace" msgstr "Замени" #. QBdSz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:515 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|replaceall" msgid "Replace A_ll" msgstr "Замени с~ве" #. gRMJL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:666 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|selection" msgid "C_urrent selection only" msgstr "Само ~тренутни избор" #. CwXAb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:681 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|regexp" msgid "Re_gular expressions" msgstr "Регуларни ~израз" #. cX5ta #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:703 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|attributes" msgid "Attribut_es..." msgstr "О~собине..." #. QoKEH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:717 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|format" msgid "For_mat..." msgstr "Формат..." #. C4Co9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:731 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|noformat" msgid "_No Format" msgstr "~Без формата" #. G7NEP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:752 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|layout" msgid "Search for st_yles" msgstr "" #. G6whe #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:767 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|includediacritics" msgid "Diac_ritic-sensitive" msgstr "" #. J8Zou #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:782 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|includekashida" msgid "_Kashida-sensitive" msgstr "" #. AtLV3 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:797 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|matchcharwidth" msgid "Match character _width" msgstr "Пореди по ширини знакова" #. WCsiC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:817 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|similarity" msgid "S_imilarity search" msgstr "Претрага по сл~ичности" #. mKiVJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:833 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|similaritybtn" msgid "Similarities..." msgstr "" #. pc7dE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:860 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|soundslike" msgid "Sounds like (_Japanese)" msgstr "Звучи као (јапански)" #. ak55F #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:876 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|soundslikebtn" msgid "Sounds..." msgstr "" #. R2bHb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:902 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|wildcard" msgid "Wil_dcards" msgstr "" #. Eyo7o #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:918 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|notes" msgid "_Comments" msgstr "Коментари" #. hj5vn #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:940 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|replace_backwards" msgid "Replace _backwards" msgstr "" #. t4J9E #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:976 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|searchinlabel" msgid "Search i_n:" msgstr "" #. GGhEA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:991 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|calcsearchin" msgid "Formulas" msgstr "Формуле" #. bpBeC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:992 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|calcsearchin" msgid "Values" msgstr "Вредности" #. 3L895 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:993 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|calcsearchin" msgid "Notes" msgstr "Белешке" #. K4WuW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:1018 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|searchdir" msgid "Direction:" msgstr "Смер" #. p2HBA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:1035 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|rows" msgid "Ro_ws" msgstr "Редови" #. uib5F #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:1055 #, fuzzy msgctxt "findreplacedialog|cols" msgid "Colum_ns" msgstr "Колоне" #. Q6fG8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/findreplacedialog.ui:1102 msgctxt "findreplacedialog|label3" msgid "Other _options" msgstr "" #. j63XL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:57 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label1" msgid "_Angle:" msgstr "" #. E88GA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:76 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|angle|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the angle of rotation for the gradient shading style." msgstr "" #. JjgJw #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:99 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|left|tooltip_text" msgid "Rotate counterclockwise by 45 degrees." msgstr "" #. 3ijiX #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:124 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|right|tooltip_text" msgid "Rotate clockwise by 45 degrees." msgstr "" #. msZVT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:167 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label4" msgid "_Start value:" msgstr "" #. AD585 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:181 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label5" msgid "_End value:" msgstr "" #. xms3E #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:194 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|start|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter a transparency value for the beginning point of the gradient, where 0% is fully opaque and 100% is fully transparent." msgstr "" #. fPaB7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:206 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|end|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter a transparency value for the endpoint of the gradient, where 0% is fully opaque and 100% is fully transparent." msgstr "" #. PgT4m #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:230 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label6" msgid "_Border:" msgstr "Ивице" #. EmbBS #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:243 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|border|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the border value of gradient transparency." msgstr "" #. hrDvA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:268 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label2" msgid "Center _X:" msgstr "" #. 2edDC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:282 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|label3" msgid "Center _Y:" msgstr "" #. C7FRC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:295 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|centerx|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the horizontal offset percentage from the center for the gradient shading style. 50% is the horizontal center." msgstr "" #. eBXEr #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingareastyle.ui:307 msgctxt "floatingareastyle|centery|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the vertical offset percentage from the center for the gradient shading style. 50% is the vertical center." msgstr "" #. GfEGc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:14 msgctxt "floatingcontour|FloatingContour" msgid "Contour Editor" msgstr "" #. kFDBb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:44 msgctxt "floatingcontour|statuscolor" msgid "Color" msgstr "" #. 5AhLE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:161 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_APPLY" msgid "Apply" msgstr "Примени" #. 5LMTC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:184 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_WORKPLACE" msgid "Workspace" msgstr "Радни ~простор" #. qesJi #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:207 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_SELECT" msgid "Select" msgstr "Изабери" #. NZzCK #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:220 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_RECT" msgid "Rectangle" msgstr "Правоугаоник" #. F6orK #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:233 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_CIRCLE" msgid "Ellipse" msgstr "Елипса" #. 38Cmn #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:246 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_POLY" msgid "Polygon" msgstr "Полигон" #. 2MqpD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:269 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_POLYEDIT" msgid "Edit Points" msgstr "Уреди тачке" #. krTiK #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:282 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_POLYMOVE" msgid "Move Points" msgstr "Помери тачке" #. ZbN5c #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:295 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_POLYINSERT" msgid "Insert Points" msgstr "Уметни тачке" #. qLVG9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:308 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_POLYDELETE" msgid "Delete Points" msgstr "Обриши тачке" #. YU8oB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:330 msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_AUTOCONTOUR" msgid "AutoContour" msgstr "" #. DxL3U #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:354 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_UNDO" msgid "Undo " msgstr "Опозови: " #. qmc4k #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:367 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_REDO" msgid "Redo" msgstr "Црвена" #. eBWRW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:380 #, fuzzy msgctxt "floatingcontour|TBI_PIPETTE" msgid "Pipette" msgstr "Пипета" #. vRR3B #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatingcontour.ui:398 msgctxt "floatingcontour|spinbutton|tooltip_text" msgid "Color Tolerance" msgstr "" #. zn8AW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/floatinglineproperty.ui:55 msgctxt "floatinglineproperty|label1" msgid "Custom Line Width:" msgstr "" #. U9eWB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkalignmentcontrol.ui:43 msgctxt "fontworkalignmentcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_LEFT" msgid "_Left Align" msgstr "" #. Dt4xu #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkalignmentcontrol.ui:61 msgctxt "fontworkalignmentcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_CENTER" msgid "_Center" msgstr "" #. MBLeE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkalignmentcontrol.ui:79 msgctxt "fontworkalignmentcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_RIGHT" msgid "_Right Align" msgstr "" #. jyydg #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkalignmentcontrol.ui:97 msgctxt "fontworkalignmentcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_WORD" msgid "_Word Justify" msgstr "" #. 7sVND #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkalignmentcontrol.ui:115 msgctxt "fontworkalignmentcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_ALIGN_STRETCH" msgid "S_tretch Justify" msgstr "" #. bFyVo #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:18 msgctxt "fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_VERY_TIGHT" msgid "_Very Tight" msgstr "" #. DQsFf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:35 msgctxt "fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_TIGHT" msgid "_Tight" msgstr "" #. n9GA6 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:52 msgctxt "fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_NORMAL" msgid "_Normal" msgstr "" #. hbobL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:68 msgctxt "fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_LOOSE" msgid "_Loose" msgstr "" #. rtgGT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:85 msgctxt "fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_VERY_LOOSE" msgid "Very _Loose" msgstr "" #. 8FhWG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:102 msgctxt "fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_CUSTOM" msgid "_Custom..." msgstr "" #. SbDEv #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:119 msgctxt "fontworkcharacterspacingcontrol|RID_SVXSTR_CHARS_SPACING_KERN_PAIRS" msgid "_Kern Character Pairs" msgstr "" #. 8SKCU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkgallerydialog.ui:8 msgctxt "fontworkgallerydialog|FontworkGalleryDialog" msgid "Fontwork Gallery" msgstr "" #. GB7pa #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkgallerydialog.ui:90 msgctxt "fontworkgallerydialog|label1" msgid "Select a Fontwork style:" msgstr "" #. CVMKf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkspacingdialog.ui:14 #, fuzzy msgctxt "fontworkspacingdialog|FontworkSpacingDialog" msgid "Fontwork Character Spacing" msgstr "Размак између знакова словописа" #. zqf9w #: svx/uiconfig/ui/fontworkspacingdialog.ui:83 msgctxt "fontworkspacingdialog|label2" msgid "_Value:" msgstr "" #. F3UaT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formdatamenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formdatamenu|additem" msgid "Add Item" msgstr "Додај ставку" #. ApSNc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formdatamenu.ui:20 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formdatamenu|addelement" msgid "Add Element" msgstr "Додај елемент" #. busEV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formdatamenu.ui:28 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formdatamenu|addattribute" msgid "Add Attribute" msgstr "Додај особину" #. sXWHD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formdatamenu.ui:36 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formdatamenu|edit" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Уреди" #. mkqs2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formdatamenu.ui:50 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formdatamenu|delete" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Обриши" #. AUawj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formlinkwarndialog.ui:12 msgctxt "formlinkwarndialog|FormLinkWarnDialog" msgid "This instance is linked with the form." msgstr "" #. Y9be2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formlinkwarndialog.ui:13 msgctxt "formlinkwarndialog|FormLinkWarnDialog" msgid "" "The changes you make to this instance will be lost when the form is reloaded.\n" "\n" "How do you want to proceed?" msgstr "" #. zCuEF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formlinkwarndialog.ui:26 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formlinkwarndialog|ok" msgid "_Edit" msgstr "Уреди" #. ALATJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|new" msgid "_New" msgstr "~Нов" #. mGGBS #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:22 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|form" msgid "Form" msgstr "Образац" #. rEpSY #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:30 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|hidden" msgid "Hidden Control" msgstr "Скривена контрола" #. M2EPw #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:42 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|change" msgid "Replace with" msgstr "Замени са" #. fUsYD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:50 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|cut" msgid "Cu_t" msgstr "Исеци" #. aJG4y #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:58 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|copy" msgid "_Copy" msgstr "~Копирај" #. 9cNjB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:66 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|paste" msgid "_Paste" msgstr "Убаци" #. CBM3m #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:74 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|delete" msgid "_Delete" msgstr "Обриши" #. mAEnN #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:82 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|taborder" msgid "Tab Order..." msgstr "Редослед поља..." #. Zjtdb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:90 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|rename" msgid "_Rename" msgstr "~Преименуј" #. T7dN7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:98 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|props" msgid "Propert_ies" msgstr "~Својства" #. E4cAk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:106 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|designmode" msgid "Open in Design Mode" msgstr "Отвори у графичком уређивачу" #. hDzDd #: svx/uiconfig/ui/formnavimenu.ui:114 #, fuzzy msgctxt "formnavimenu|controlfocus" msgid "Automatic Control Focus" msgstr "Аутоматски фокус контроле" #. BgQUJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "functionmenu|avg" msgid "Average" msgstr "Просек" #. FomTX #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:20 #, fuzzy msgctxt "functionmenu|counta" msgid "CountA" msgstr "ПребројиA" #. jUNYi #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:27 #, fuzzy msgctxt "functionmenu|count" msgid "Count" msgstr "Број" #. JiCfP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:34 #, fuzzy msgctxt "functionmenu|max" msgid "Maximum" msgstr "Максимум" #. JPUkC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:41 #, fuzzy msgctxt "functionmenu|min" msgid "Minimum" msgstr "Минимум" #. AewbE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:48 #, fuzzy msgctxt "functionmenu|sum" msgid "Sum" msgstr "Збир" #. pHv9k #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:55 msgctxt "functionmenu|selection" msgid "Selection count" msgstr "" #. AntNf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/functionmenu.ui:62 #, fuzzy msgctxt "functionmenu|none" msgid "None" msgstr "Ништа" #. GTGqW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu1.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gallerymenu1|update" msgid "Update" msgstr "Освежавање" #. 4dEp2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu1.ui:26 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gallerymenu1|delete" msgid "_Delete" msgstr "Обриши" #. hCoRM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu1.ui:34 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gallerymenu1|rename" msgid "_Rename" msgstr "~Преименуј" #. rr7D5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu1.ui:48 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gallerymenu1|assign" msgid "Assign _ID" msgstr "Додели ИБ" #. eTopW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu1.ui:62 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gallerymenu1|properties" msgid "Propert_ies..." msgstr "Сво~јства..." #. EdDyv #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gallerymenu2|add" msgid "_Insert" msgstr "~Уметни" #. UyxJv #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:20 msgctxt "gallerymenu2|background" msgid "Insert as Bac_kground" msgstr "" #. 5kjGH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:40 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gallerymenu2|preview" msgid "_Preview" msgstr "Преглед" #. AbxBp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:54 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gallerymenu2|title" msgid "_Title" msgstr "Наслов" #. BJRWa #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:68 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gallerymenu2|delete" msgid "_Delete" msgstr "Обриши" #. FSAss #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:82 #, fuzzy msgctxt "gallerymenu2|copy" msgid "_Copy" msgstr "~Копирај" #. bgDkf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/gallerymenu2.ui:90 msgctxt "gallerymenu2|paste" msgid "_Paste" msgstr "" #. YFG3B #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:68 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkHeaderOn" msgid "Hea_der on" msgstr "Заглав~ље је укључено" #. MXxAd #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:85 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkFooterOn" msgid "_Footer on" msgstr "~Подножје укључено" #. d56RN #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:123 msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkSameLR" msgid "Same _content on left and right pages" msgstr "" #. m7E5F #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:140 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkSameFP" msgid "Same content on first page" msgstr "Исти садржај на првој страни" #. 7EUPX #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:160 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelLeftMarg" msgid "_Left margin:" msgstr "Лева маргина" #. ABGki #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:189 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelRightMarg" msgid "R_ight margin:" msgstr "Десна маргина" #. F2C4E #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:218 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelSpacing" msgid "_Spacing:" msgstr "Одвајање" #. xNArq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:244 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkDynSpacing" msgid "Use d_ynamic spacing" msgstr "Користи ~динамични размак" #. B3HB4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:263 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelHeight" msgid "_Height:" msgstr "Висина:" #. z6W4N #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:290 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|checkAutofit" msgid "_AutoFit height" msgstr "Висина за аутоуклапање" #. 6viDz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:313 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|buttonMore" msgid "More..." msgstr "Још.." #. XpdaZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:326 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|buttonEdit" msgid "_Edit..." msgstr "Уреди..." #. LuB7u #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:368 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelHeaderFormat" msgid "Header" msgstr "Заглавље" #. KKLaG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/headfootformatpage.ui:384 #, fuzzy msgctxt "headfootformatpage|labelFooterFormat" msgid "Footer" msgstr "Подножје" #. TZUZQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:148 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_APPLY" msgid "Apply" msgstr "Примени" #. HG5FA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:161 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_OPEN" msgid "Open..." msgstr "~Отвори..." #. FhXsi #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:174 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_SAVEAS" msgid "Save..." msgstr "" #. zicE4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:187 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_CLOSE" msgid "Close" msgstr "Затвори" #. jYnn6 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:199 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_SELECT" msgid "Select" msgstr "Изабери" #. MNb9P #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:212 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_RECT" msgid "Rectangle" msgstr "Правоугаоник" #. CxNuP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:225 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_CIRCLE" msgid "Ellipse" msgstr "Елипса" #. SGPH5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:238 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_POLY" msgid "Polygon" msgstr "Полигон" #. zUUCB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:251 msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_FREEPOLY" msgid "Freeform Polygon" msgstr "" #. kG6AK #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:264 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_POLYEDIT" msgid "Edit Points" msgstr "Уреди тачке" #. 2oDGD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:277 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_POLYMOVE" msgid "Move Points" msgstr "Помери тачке" #. c9fFa #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:290 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_POLYINSERT" msgid "Insert Points" msgstr "Уметни тачке" #. tuCNB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:303 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_POLYDELETE" msgid "Delete Points" msgstr "Обриши тачке" #. TcAdh #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:316 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_UNDO" msgid "Undo " msgstr "Опозови: " #. UnkbT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:329 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_REDO" msgid "Redo" msgstr "Црвена" #. bc2XY #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:342 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_ACTIVE" msgid "Active" msgstr "Активан" #. AjSFD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:355 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_MACRO" msgid "Macro..." msgstr "~Макро..." #. WS3NJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:368 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|TBI_PROPERTY" msgid "Properties..." msgstr "Сво~јства..." #. r8L58 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:394 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|urlft" msgid "Address:" msgstr "Адреса" #. KFcWk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:415 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|targetft" msgid "Frame:" msgstr "Оквир" #. 5BPAy #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapdialog.ui:464 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapdialog|textft" msgid "Text:" msgstr "Текст: " #. aHyrG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapmenu|url" msgid "Description..." msgstr "Опис..." #. TNhDT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:20 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapmenu|macro" msgid "_Macro..." msgstr "~Макро..." #. KuS2i #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:28 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapmenu|active" msgid "Active" msgstr "Активан" #. FiF8Z #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:42 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapmenu|arrange" msgid "_Arrange" msgstr "Распореди" #. 97MAj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:52 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapmenu|front" msgid "Bring to Front" msgstr "Изнад свега" #. 55ELD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:60 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapmenu|forward" msgid "Bring _Forward" msgstr "~Издигни" #. cBujD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:68 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapmenu|backward" msgid "Send Back_ward" msgstr "~Заклони" #. eXoAQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:76 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapmenu|back" msgid "_Send to Back" msgstr "Ис~под свега" #. SE34g #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:94 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapmenu|selectall" msgid "Select _All" msgstr "Изабери ~све" #. rDAnq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/imapmenu.ui:102 #, fuzzy msgctxt "imapmenu|delete" msgid "_Delete" msgstr "Обриши" #. kCqGA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/lightingwindow.ui:58 msgctxt "lightingwindow|RID_SVXSTR_BRIGHT" msgid "_Bright" msgstr "" #. jm2hL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/lightingwindow.ui:77 msgctxt "lightingwindow|RID_SVXSTR_NORMAL" msgid "_Normal" msgstr "" #. m4f3F #: svx/uiconfig/ui/lightingwindow.ui:96 msgctxt "lightingwindow|RID_SVXSTR_DIM" msgid "_Dim" msgstr "" #. 2m2EW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:7 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|LinkWarnDialog" msgid "Confirm Linked Graphic" msgstr "" #. DW64Y #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:13 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|LinkWarnDialog" msgid "The file %FILENAME will not be stored along with your document, but only referenced as a link." msgstr "" #. FunGw #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:14 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|LinkWarnDialog" msgid "This is dangerous if you move and/or rename the files. Do you want to embed the graphic instead?" msgstr "" #. zQ2fY #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:25 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|ok" msgid "_Keep Link" msgstr "" #. 7FBrv #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:41 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|cancel" msgid "_Embed Graphic" msgstr "" #. YfBEV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/linkwarndialog.ui:66 msgctxt "linkwarndialog|ask" msgid "_Ask when linking a graphic" msgstr "" #. GFDF2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/mediaplayback.ui:22 msgctxt "mediaplayback|label1" msgid "Playback:" msgstr "" #. cjncQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/mediaplayback.ui:36 msgctxt "mediaplayback|label2" msgid "Seek:" msgstr "" #. VVSDZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/mediaplayback.ui:50 #, fuzzy msgctxt "mediaplayback|label3" msgid "Volume:" msgstr "Том" #. 9zT32 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:18 msgctxt "namespacedialog|NamespaceDialog" msgid "Namespaces for Forms" msgstr "" #. WaBQW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:119 #, fuzzy msgctxt "namespacedialog|add" msgid "_Add..." msgstr "Додај..." #. PQJdj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:133 #, fuzzy msgctxt "namespacedialog|edit" msgid "_Edit..." msgstr "Уреди..." #. VNMFK #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:190 #, fuzzy msgctxt "namespacedialog|prefix" msgid "Prefix" msgstr "Префикс" #. AZm4M #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:203 #, fuzzy msgctxt "namespacedialog|url" msgid "URL" msgstr "УРЛ" #. 7hgpE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/namespacedialog.ui:228 msgctxt "namespacedialog|label1" msgid "Namespaces" msgstr "" #. Z8rca #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:74 #, fuzzy msgctxt "optgridpage|usegridsnap" msgid "_Snap to grid" msgstr "Према вођицама мреже" #. nQZB9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:89 msgctxt "optgridpage|gridvisible" msgid "_Visible grid" msgstr "" #. qpLqx #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:110 #, fuzzy msgctxt "optgridpage|label1" msgid "Grid" msgstr "Мрежа" #. LEFVP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:179 #, fuzzy msgctxt "optgridpage|flddrawx" msgid "H_orizontal:" msgstr "Водоравно" #. 63XA8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:193 #, fuzzy msgctxt "optgridpage|flddrawy" msgid "_Vertical:" msgstr "Усправно" #. BE8cX #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:205 msgctxt "optgridpage|synchronize" msgid "Synchronize a_xes" msgstr "" #. We62K #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:228 #, fuzzy msgctxt "optgridpage|label2" msgid "Resolution" msgstr "Резолуција:" #. jt7BC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:283 msgctxt "optgridpage|label4" msgid "space(s)" msgstr "" #. hGSLw #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:318 msgctxt "optgridpage|label5" msgid "space(s)" msgstr "" #. NiUFW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:336 #, fuzzy msgctxt "optgridpage|divisionx" msgid "Horizont_al:" msgstr "Водоравно" #. EXXsP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:350 #, fuzzy msgctxt "optgridpage|divisiony" msgid "V_ertical:" msgstr "Усправно" #. DnrET #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:368 msgctxt "optgridpage|label3" msgid "Subdivision" msgstr "" #. Bk6ie #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:413 msgctxt "optgridpage|snaphelplines" msgid "To snap lines" msgstr "" #. YkLQN #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:428 msgctxt "optgridpage|snapborder" msgid "To the _page margins" msgstr "" #. GhDiX #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:443 msgctxt "optgridpage|snapframe" msgid "To object _frame" msgstr "" #. akbks #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:458 msgctxt "optgridpage|snappoints" msgid "To obje_ct points" msgstr "" #. FekAR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:492 msgctxt "optgridpage|label7" msgid "_Snap range:" msgstr "" #. 77X8u #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:516 msgctxt "optgridpage|label6" msgid "Snap" msgstr "" #. MVezU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:550 msgctxt "optgridpage|ortho" msgid "_When creating or moving objects" msgstr "" #. SK5Pc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:565 msgctxt "optgridpage|bigortho" msgid "_Extend edges" msgstr "" #. a6oQ8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:601 msgctxt "optgridpage|rotate" msgid "When ro_tating:" msgstr "" #. hEA4g #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:634 msgctxt "optgridpage|label9" msgid "Point reducti_on:" msgstr "" #. JZEyB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/optgridpage.ui:658 msgctxt "optgridpage|label8" msgid "Constrain Objects" msgstr "" #. rYzct #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:17 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|spacing_1" msgid "Spacing: 1" msgstr "Размак" #. AGKEG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:34 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|spacing_115" msgid "Spacing: 1.15" msgstr "Размак" #. 77gfz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:51 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|spacing_15" msgid "Spacing: 1.5" msgstr "Размак" #. kdJGE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:68 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|spacing_2" msgid "Spacing: 2" msgstr "Размак" #. CAibt #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:108 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|label3" msgid "Line Spacing:" msgstr "~Проред" #. C7VcB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:124 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "Single" msgstr "Једно" #. oHHJU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:125 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "1.15 Lines" msgstr "1,5 ред" #. CxLCA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:126 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "1.5 Lines" msgstr "1,5 ред" #. 5jgLT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:127 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "Double" msgstr "Двострука прецизност" #. k5he2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:128 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "Proportional" msgstr "Сразмерно" #. f2vcD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:129 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "At least" msgstr "Најмање" #. EDbdT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:130 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "Leading" msgstr "Водећа" #. ZJ2BW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:131 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|line_dist" msgid "Fixed" msgstr "Тачно" #. y7gka #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:143 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|value_label" msgid "Value:" msgstr "Вредност" #. XcHVH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralinespacingcontrol.ui:197 msgctxt "paralinespacingcontrol|label2" msgid "Custom Value" msgstr "" #. wr59G #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralrspacing.ui:55 msgctxt "paralrspacing|beforetextindent|tooltip_text" msgid "Before Text Indent" msgstr "" #. FB5CE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralrspacing.ui:97 msgctxt "paralrspacing|aftertextindent|tooltip_text" msgid "After Text Indent" msgstr "" #. S5sAR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paralrspacing.ui:138 #, fuzzy msgctxt "paralrspacing|firstlineindent|tooltip_text" msgid "First Line Indent" msgstr "Увлачење првог реда" #. BHVFx #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paraulspacing.ui:52 msgctxt "paraulspacing|aboveparaspacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Above Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "" #. atiQ5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/paraulspacing.ui:94 msgctxt "paraulspacing|belowparaspacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Below Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "" #. 3AxBn #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:8 msgctxt "passwd|PasswordDialog" msgid "Change Password" msgstr "" #. 5YiVo #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:106 #, fuzzy msgctxt "passwd|oldpassL" msgid "_Password:" msgstr "Лозинка:" #. FkYnV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:140 msgctxt "passwd|oldpass" msgid "Old Password" msgstr "" #. YkcuU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:206 #, fuzzy msgctxt "passwd|label4" msgid "Pa_ssword:" msgstr "Лозинка:" #. 2KH4V #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:220 msgctxt "passwd|label5" msgid "Confi_rm:" msgstr "" #. dPuKB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/passwd.ui:238 msgctxt "passwd|label2" msgid "New Password" msgstr "" #. FCDr9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/presetmenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "presetmenu|rename" msgid "Rename" msgstr "~Преименуј" #. j4qLg #: svx/uiconfig/ui/presetmenu.ui:20 #, fuzzy msgctxt "presetmenu|delete" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Обриши" #. qge9y #: svx/uiconfig/ui/profileexporteddialog.ui:8 msgctxt "profileexporteddialog|ProfileExportedDialog" msgid "Profile exported" msgstr "" #. PgUAx #: svx/uiconfig/ui/profileexporteddialog.ui:46 msgctxt "profileexporteddialog|openfolder" msgid "Open Containing _Folder" msgstr "" #. urGAz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/profileexporteddialog.ui:70 msgctxt "profileexporteddialog|label" msgid "Your user profile has been exported as “libreoffice-profile.zip”." msgstr "" #. CwYqv #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeletecontourdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querydeletecontourdialog|QueryDeleteContourDialog" msgid "Delete the contour?" msgstr "" #. RaS9y #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeletecontourdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querydeletecontourdialog|QueryDeleteContourDialog" msgid "" "Setting a new workspace will\n" "cause the contour to be deleted." msgstr "" #. vfE23 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeletecontourdialog.ui:16 #, fuzzy msgctxt "querydeletecontourdialog|QueryDeleteContourDialog" msgid "Are you sure you want to continue?" msgstr "Сигурно сте да желите да откажете?" #. 5Jv2q #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeleteobjectdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querydeleteobjectdialog|QueryDeleteObjectDialog" msgid "Delete this object?" msgstr "" #. DQdAb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeleteobjectdialog.ui:14 #, fuzzy msgctxt "querydeleteobjectdialog|QueryDeleteObjectDialog" msgid "Do you really want to delete this object?" msgstr "Желите ли да обришете унос #?" #. iyFiB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeletethemedialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querydeletethemedialog|QueryDeleteThemeDialog" msgid "Delete this theme?" msgstr "" #. X8PaZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querydeletethemedialog.ui:14 #, fuzzy msgctxt "querydeletethemedialog|QueryDeleteThemeDialog" msgid "Do you really want to delete this theme?" msgstr "Желите ли да обришете унос #?" #. U7ZEQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog|QueryModifyImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "Save ImageMap changes?" msgstr "" #. VzMMc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog|QueryModifyImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "The ImageMap has been modified." msgstr "" #. gA2hD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog.ui:15 #, fuzzy msgctxt "querymodifyimagemapchangesdialog|QueryModifyImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "Do you want to save the changes?" msgstr "Желите ли да сачувате промене у %1?" #. Erprn #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querynewcontourdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querynewcontourdialog|QueryNewContourDialog" msgid "Create a new contour?" msgstr "" #. EpgVt #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querynewcontourdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querynewcontourdialog|QueryNewContourDialog" msgid "Do you want to create a new contour?" msgstr "" #. dnsvz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysavecontchangesdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querysavecontchangesdialog|QuerySaveContourChangesDialog" msgid "Save contour changes?" msgstr "" #. NCyFW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysavecontchangesdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querysavecontchangesdialog|QuerySaveContourChangesDialog" msgid "The contour has been modified." msgstr "" #. GbCXz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysavecontchangesdialog.ui:15 #, fuzzy msgctxt "querysavecontchangesdialog|QuerySaveContourChangesDialog" msgid "Do you want to save the changes?" msgstr "Желите ли да сачувате промене у %1?" #. VTLKt #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysaveimagemapchangesdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "querysaveimagemapchangesdialog|QuerySaveImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "Save ImageMap changes?" msgstr "" #. ByAsL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysaveimagemapchangesdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "querysaveimagemapchangesdialog|QuerySaveImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "The ImageMap has been modified." msgstr "" #. 6zego #: svx/uiconfig/ui/querysaveimagemapchangesdialog.ui:15 #, fuzzy msgctxt "querysaveimagemapchangesdialog|QuerySaveImageMapChangesDialog" msgid "Do you want to save the changes?" msgstr "Желите ли да сачувате промене у %1?" #. 8WqZA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/queryunlinkgraphicsdialog.ui:7 msgctxt "queryunlinkgraphicsdialog|QueryUnlinkGraphicsDialog" msgid "Unlink the graphics?" msgstr "" #. hkaA8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/queryunlinkgraphicsdialog.ui:14 msgctxt "queryunlinkgraphicsdialog|QueryUnlinkGraphicsDialog" msgid "This graphic object is linked to the document." msgstr "" #. R9bBj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/queryunlinkgraphicsdialog.ui:15 msgctxt "queryunlinkgraphicsdialog|QueryUnlinkGraphicsDialog" msgid "Do you want to unlink the graphics in order to edit it?" msgstr "" #. GtoFq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinecontrol.ui:25 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinecontrol|view" msgid "List" msgstr "Листа" #. ApyjX #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinecontrol.ui:47 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinecontrol|filter" msgid "Filter" msgstr "Филтер" #. EEEtQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:36 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|date" msgid "_Date:" msgstr "Датум:" #. EnyT2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:51 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|author" msgid "_Author:" msgstr "Аутор" #. G36HS #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:66 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|comment" msgid "C_omment:" msgstr "Коментар" #. gPhYL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:92 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|commentedit-atkobject" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Коментар" #. 3joBm #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:103 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|range" msgid "_Range:" msgstr "" #. fdw75 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:128 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|actionlist-atkobject" msgid "Action" msgstr "Акција" #. c4doe #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:139 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|action" msgid "A_ction:" msgstr "Акција" #. r9bBY #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:164 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|authorlist-atkobject" msgid "Author" msgstr "Аутор" #. mGrjp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:191 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|rangeedit-atkobject" msgid "Range" msgstr "Опсег" #. CcvJU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:208 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|dotdotdot|tooltip_text" msgid "Set reference" msgstr "Постави референцу" #. g7HYA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:236 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "earlier than" msgstr "пре него" #. XsdmM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:237 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "since" msgstr "од" #. BAiQ7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:238 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "equal to" msgstr "једнако" #. dxxQ9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:239 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "not equal to" msgstr "различито од" #. pGgae #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:240 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "between" msgstr "између" #. tFbU9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:241 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond" msgid "since saving" msgstr "од чувања" #. EEzm5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:248 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|datecond-atkobject" msgid "Date Condition" msgstr "Услов датума" #. Z2Wv3 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:270 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|and" msgid "a_nd" msgstr "и" #. VCH68 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:291 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|startdate-atkobject" msgid "Start Date" msgstr "Почетни датум" #. CyQhk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:311 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|starttime-atkobject" msgid "Start Time" msgstr "Почетно време" #. TbDDR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:326 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|startclock|tooltip_text" msgid "Set current time and date" msgstr "" #. YE4kc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:346 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|enddate-atkobject" msgid "End Date" msgstr "Завршни датум" #. jbLhY #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:366 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|endtime-atkobject" msgid "End Time" msgstr "Завршно време" #. PAFLU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlinefilterpage.ui:381 msgctxt "redlinefilterpage|endclock|tooltip_text" msgid "Set current time and date" msgstr "" #. p8TCX #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:71 svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:180 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlineviewpage|action" msgid "Action" msgstr "Акција" #. j2BA9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:86 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlineviewpage|position" msgid "Position" msgstr "Позиција X" #. BCWpJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:101 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:200 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlineviewpage|author" msgid "Author" msgstr "Аутор" #. tFbAs #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:116 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:215 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlineviewpage|date" msgid "Date" msgstr "Датум" #. p8a2G #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:131 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:230 #, fuzzy msgctxt "redlineviewpage|comment" msgid "Comment" msgstr "Коментар" #. nUz2M #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:146 msgctxt "redlineviewpage|calcchanges-atkobject" msgid "Changes" msgstr "" #. pGEZv #: svx/uiconfig/ui/redlineviewpage.ui:245 msgctxt "redlineviewpage|writerchanges-atkobject" msgid "Changes" msgstr "" #. EunTG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rowsmenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rowsmenu|delete" msgid "Delete Rows" msgstr "Обриши ред" #. ZhA6W #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rowsmenu.ui:19 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rowsmenu|save" msgid "Save Record" msgstr "Сачувај запис" #. hjBHQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rowsmenu.ui:26 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rowsmenu|undo" msgid "Undo: Data entry" msgstr "Опозови: унос података" #. xHAu7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rulermenu|mm" msgid "Millimeter" msgstr "Милиметар" #. wvJrk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:20 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rulermenu|cm" msgid "Centimeter" msgstr "Центиметар" #. 9CXyh #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:28 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rulermenu|m" msgid "Meter" msgstr "Метар" #. BuJwF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:36 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rulermenu|km" msgid "Kilometer" msgstr "Километар" #. TCCzs #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:44 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rulermenu|in" msgid "Inch" msgstr "Инч" #. qdB5e #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:52 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rulermenu|ft" msgid "Foot" msgstr "Стопа" #. iuVZk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:60 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rulermenu|mile" msgid "Miles" msgstr "Миља" #. CGC4c #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:68 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rulermenu|pt" msgid "Point" msgstr "Тачка" #. pJop7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:76 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rulermenu|pc" msgid "Pica" msgstr "Пико" #. vYbmG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:84 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rulermenu|ch" msgid "Char" msgstr "Знак" #. TSJTi #: svx/uiconfig/ui/rulermenu.ui:92 #, fuzzy msgctxt "rulermenu|line" msgid "Line" msgstr "Линија" #. XF4Hg #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:8 msgctxt "safemodedialog|SafeModeDialog" msgid "Safe Mode" msgstr "" #. iDg7S #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:43 msgctxt "safemodedialog|btn_continue" msgid "_Continue in Safe Mode" msgstr "" #. E29UG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:59 msgctxt "safemodedialog|btn_restart" msgid "_Restart in Normal Mode" msgstr "" #. wx9FE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:73 msgctxt "safemodedialog|btn_apply" msgid "_Apply Changes and Restart" msgstr "" #. nJydf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:97 msgctxt "safemodedialog|label1" msgid "" "%PRODUCTNAME is now running in safe mode which temporarily disables your user configuration and extensions.\n" "\n" "You can make one or more of the following changes to your user profile to return %PRODUCTNAME to a working state." msgstr "" #. ZCnEM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:117 msgctxt "safemodedialog|radio_restore" msgid "Restore from backup" msgstr "" #. VKzik #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:140 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_profilesafe_config" msgid "Restore user configuration to the last known working state" msgstr "" #. fMJCJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:155 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_profilesafe_extensions" msgid "Restore state of installed user extensions to the last known working state" msgstr "" #. XA5FB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:177 msgctxt "safemodedialog|radio_configure" msgid "Configure" msgstr "" #. 39m5B #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:201 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_disable_all_extensions" msgid "Disable all user extensions" msgstr "" #. bAvUU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:216 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_disable_hw_acceleration" msgid "Disable hardware acceleration (OpenGL, OpenCL)" msgstr "" #. qwxrp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:238 #, fuzzy msgctxt "safemodedialog|radio_extensions" msgid "Extensions" msgstr "Проширења" #. KUuTy #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:261 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_deinstall_user_extensions" msgid "Uninstall all user extensions" msgstr "" #. d8Qw9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:276 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_reset_shared_extensions" msgid "Reset state of shared extensions" msgstr "" #. SLbCa #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:291 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_reset_bundled_extensions" msgid "Reset state of bundled extensions" msgstr "" #. 5sX6T #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:313 msgctxt "safemodedialog|radio_reset" msgid "Reset to factory settings" msgstr "" #. eLD3z #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:336 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_reset_customizations" msgid "Reset settings and user interface modifications" msgstr "" #. nbksW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:351 msgctxt "safemodedialog|check_reset_whole_userprofile" msgid "Reset entire user profile" msgstr "" #. yZNQE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:393 msgctxt "safemodedialog|label3" msgid "If you experience problems that are not resolved by using safe mode, visit the following link to get help or report a bug." msgstr "" #. 7kmEG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:404 msgctxt "safemodedialog|linkbutton_bugs" msgid "Get Help" msgstr "" #. C6Drd #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:420 msgctxt "safemodedialog|label4" msgid "You can also include relevant parts of your user profile in the bugreport (be aware it might contain personal data)." msgstr "" #. sA9xn #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:436 msgctxt "safemodedialog|btn_create_zip" msgid "Archive User Profile" msgstr "" #. vkgcm #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:449 msgctxt "safemodedialog|linkbutton_profile" msgid "Show User Profile" msgstr "" #. nJGFk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/safemodedialog.ui:475 msgctxt "safemodedialog|label2" msgid "Advanced" msgstr "" #. HCip5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/savemodifieddialog.ui:12 msgctxt "savemodifieddialog|SaveModifiedDialog" msgid "Do you want to save your changes?" msgstr "" #. tcGBa #: svx/uiconfig/ui/savemodifieddialog.ui:13 msgctxt "savemodifieddialog|SaveModifiedDialog" msgid "The content of the current form has been modified." msgstr "" #. qx6tD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/selectionmenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "selectionmenu|standard" msgid "Standard selection" msgstr "Обичан избор" #. DGKv2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/selectionmenu.ui:20 #, fuzzy msgctxt "selectionmenu|extending" msgid "Extending selection" msgstr "Проширени избор" #. fqC9L #: svx/uiconfig/ui/selectionmenu.ui:28 #, fuzzy msgctxt "selectionmenu|adding" msgid "Adding selection" msgstr "Додавање у избор" #. DbjFT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/selectionmenu.ui:36 #, fuzzy msgctxt "selectionmenu|block" msgid "Block selection" msgstr "Избор блока" #. vo2WC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:52 msgctxt "sidebararea|transparencyslider|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify 0% for fully opaque through 100% for fully transparent." msgstr "" #. RBwTW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:68 msgctxt "sidebararea|settransparency|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify 0% for fully opaque through 100% for fully transparent." msgstr "" #. iA8W8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:72 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|settransparency-atkobject" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Провидност" #. CNKBs #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:93 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|filllabel|tooltip_text" msgid "Fill:" msgstr "Попуни" #. WwgXW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:94 msgctxt "sidebararea|filllabel" msgid "_Fill:" msgstr "" #. AtBee #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:107 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillstylearea|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the fill type to apply." msgstr "" #. wprqq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:110 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillstylearea-atkobject" msgid "Fill Type" msgstr "" #. eBXqH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:127 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the gradient style." msgstr "" #. okAe3 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:130 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Linear" msgstr "" #. oyiN5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:131 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Axial" msgstr "" #. vVAfq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:132 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Radial" msgstr "Радијално" #. 8G3MN #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:133 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Ellipsoid" msgstr "Три тачкице" #. UHZgP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:134 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Quadratic" msgstr "" #. GknV3 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:135 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle" msgid "Square" msgstr "Квадрат" #. zAPDV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:139 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradientstyle-atkobject" msgid "Gradient Type" msgstr "" #. yG7qD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:151 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|bmpimport" msgid "_Import" msgstr "Увези" #. egzhb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:185 msgctxt "sidebararea|color|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the color to apply." msgstr "" #. UPF58 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:204 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillattrhb|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the effect to apply." msgstr "" #. EiCFo #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:223 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillattrhb-atkobject" msgid "Hatching/Bitmap" msgstr "" #. 6ziwq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:238 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillgrad1|tooltip_text" msgid "Fill gradient from." msgstr "" #. UE2EH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:262 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradangle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the gradient angle." msgstr "" #. fuzvt #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:267 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradangle-atkobject" msgid "Gradient angle" msgstr "" #. FjG3M #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:281 msgctxt "sidebararea|fillgrad2|tooltip_text" msgid "Fill gradient to." msgstr "" #. VnsM7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:298 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|transparencylabel|tooltip_text" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Провидност" #. RZtCX #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:299 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|transparencylabel" msgid "_Transparency:" msgstr "Провидност" #. hrKBN #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:312 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the type of transparency to apply." msgstr "" #. qG4kJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:314 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "None" msgstr "Без" #. AAqxT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:315 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Solid" msgstr "Испуњено" #. GzSAp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:316 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Linear" msgstr "" #. vXTqG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:317 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Axial" msgstr "" #. 7BS94 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:318 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Radial" msgstr "Радијално" #. tvpBz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:319 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Ellipsoid" msgstr "Три тачкице" #. RWDy2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:320 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Quadratic" msgstr "" #. ozP7p #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:321 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype" msgid "Square" msgstr "Квадрат" #. J46j4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:325 msgctxt "sidebararea|transtype-atkobject" msgid "Transparency Type" msgstr "" #. 8hBpk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebararea.ui:346 msgctxt "sidebararea|gradient|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the variation of gradient transparency." msgstr "" #. BEqw7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarempty.ui:24 msgctxt "sidebarempty|RID_SIDEBAR_EMPTY_PANEL_TEXT" msgid "Properties for the task that you are performing are not available for the current selection." msgstr "" #. ED99f #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargallery.ui:106 msgctxt "sidebargallery|RID_SVXSTR_GALLERYPROPS_GALTHEME" msgid "Gallery Theme" msgstr "" #. qkjNj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargallery.ui:119 msgctxt "sidebargallery|RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_CREATETHEME" msgid "New Theme..." msgstr "" #. wqE5z #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargallery.ui:156 msgctxt "sidebargallery|RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_ICONVIEW" msgid "Icon View" msgstr "" #. TZSrQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargallery.ui:161 svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargallery.ui:180 msgctxt "sidebargallery|RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_THEMEITEMS" msgid "Theme Items" msgstr "" #. FLH5B #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargallery.ui:175 msgctxt "sidebargallery|RID_SVXSTR_GALLERY_LISTVIEW" msgid "Detailed View" msgstr "" #. oWCjG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarglow.ui:37 msgctxt "sidebarglow|radius" msgid "Radius:" msgstr "" #. bEFFC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarglow.ui:63 msgctxt "sidebarglow|color" msgid "Color:" msgstr "" #. aBoKb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarglow.ui:108 msgctxt "sidebarglow|SHOW_GLOW" msgid "Enable" msgstr "" #. BdPh5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:71 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebargraphic|brightnesslabel" msgid "_Brightness:" msgstr "Осветљеност" #. X5Qk5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:85 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setbrightness|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the luminance of the graphic." msgstr "" #. DQXTc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:89 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setbrightness-atkobject" msgid "Brightness" msgstr "Осветљеност" #. FnFeA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:102 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebargraphic|contrastlabel" msgid "_Contrast:" msgstr "Контраст" #. zTZpz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:116 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setcontrast|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the degree of difference between the lightest and darkest parts of the graphic." msgstr "" #. zJs2p #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:120 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setcontrast-atkobject" msgid "Contrast" msgstr "Контраст" #. 6cABJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:133 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|colorlmodelabel" msgid "Color _mode:" msgstr "" #. Rj5UQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:149 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setcolormode-atkobject" msgid "Color mode" msgstr "" #. bzPBa #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:162 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebargraphic|transparencylabel" msgid "_Transparency:" msgstr "Провидност" #. YNFDX #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:176 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setgraphtransparency|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the percentage of transparency; 0% is fully opaque and 100% is fully transparent." msgstr "" #. GAw6e #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:180 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setgraphtransparency-atkobject" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "" #. JgKWp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:212 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setred|tooltip_text" msgid "Red" msgstr "Црвена" #. fGACH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:216 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setred-atkobject" msgid "Red" msgstr "Црвена" #. EB3md #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:255 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setgreen|tooltip_text" msgid "Green" msgstr "Зелена" #. tnEBW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:259 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setgreen-atkobject" msgid "Green" msgstr "Зелена" #. QsZtm #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:299 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setblue|tooltip_text" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Плава" #. jUwam #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:303 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setblue-atkobject" msgid "Blue" msgstr "Плава" #. JkRhR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:342 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setgamma|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the gamma value that affects the brightness of the midtone values." msgstr "" #. Bf469 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebargraphic.ui:347 msgctxt "sidebargraphic|setgamma-atkobject" msgid "Gamma value" msgstr "" #. rBdfj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:36 msgctxt "sidebarline|widthlabel" msgid "_Line:" msgstr "" #. 5yM6T #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:59 msgctxt "sidebarline|linestyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the style of the arrowheads." msgstr "" #. R56Ey #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:71 msgctxt "sidebarline|linestyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the style of the line." msgstr "" #. JA5zE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:104 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarline|widthlabel" msgid "_Width:" msgstr "Ширина:" #. HokBv #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:118 msgctxt "sidebarline|width|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the width of the line." msgstr "" #. hqTEs #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:147 msgctxt "sidebarline|colorlabel" msgid "_Color:" msgstr "" #. oEqwH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:161 msgctxt "sidebarline|color|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the color of the line." msgstr "" #. JbEBs #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:171 msgctxt "sidebarline|setcolor|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the color of the line." msgstr "" #. XiUKD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:191 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarline|translabel" msgid "_Transparency:" msgstr "Провидност" #. t32c8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:205 msgctxt "sidebarline|linetransparency|tooltip_text" msgid "Specify the transparency of the line." msgstr "" #. kDWvG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:209 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarline|linetransparency-atkobject" msgid "Transparency" msgstr "Провидност" #. AZukk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:252 msgctxt "sidebarline|cornerlabel" msgid "_Corner style:" msgstr "" #. DhDzF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:266 msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the style of the edge connections." msgstr "" #. CUdXF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:268 msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle" msgid "Rounded" msgstr "" #. jPD2D #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:269 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle" msgid "- none -" msgstr "- ништа -" #. MuNWz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:270 msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle" msgid "Mitered" msgstr "" #. Dftrf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:271 msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle" msgid "Beveled" msgstr "" #. EG2LW #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:275 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarline|edgestyle-atkobject" msgid "Corner Style" msgstr "Стил ивице" #. rHzFD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:288 msgctxt "sidebarline|caplabel" msgid "Ca_p style:" msgstr "" #. PbDF7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:302 msgctxt "sidebarline|linecapstyle|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the style of the line caps." msgstr "" #. 9qZVm #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:304 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarline|linecapstyle" msgid "Flat" msgstr "Равно" #. AK2DH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:305 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarline|linecapstyle" msgid "Round" msgstr "Заокружи" #. 52VUc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:306 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarline|linecapstyle" msgid "Square" msgstr "Квадрат" #. AxAHn #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarline.ui:310 msgctxt "sidebarline|linecapstyle-atkobject" msgid "Cap Style" msgstr "" #. rmxCC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarlists.ui:21 msgctxt "sidebarlists|numberbullet|tooltip_text" msgid "Bullets and Numbering" msgstr "" #. noR4f #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:51 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|horizontalalignment|tooltip_text" msgid "Horizontal Alignment" msgstr "" #. 3oBp7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:148 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|verticalalignment|tooltip_text" msgid "Vertical Alignment" msgstr "Верт. поравнање" #. XhELc #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:211 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|spacinglabel" msgid "_Spacing:" msgstr "Одвајање" #. FUUE6 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:226 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|paraspacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Spacing" msgstr "Одвајање" #. wp4PE #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:282 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|aboveparaspacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Above Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "" #. 3qyED #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:288 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|aboveparaspacing-atkobject" msgid "Above Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "" #. 5MAGg #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:328 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|belowparaspacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Below Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "" #. D6uqC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:334 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|belowparaspacing-atkobject" msgid "Below Paragraph Spacing" msgstr "" #. EK89C #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:362 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|setlinespacing|tooltip_text" msgid "Line Spacing" msgstr "~Проред" #. dao3E #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:394 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|indentlabel" msgid "_Indent:" msgstr "Увлачење" #. JDD6B #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:409 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|indent|tooltip_text" msgid "Indent" msgstr "Увлачење" #. mpMaQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:417 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|increaseindent|tooltip_text" msgid "Increase Indent" msgstr "Повећај увлачење" #. MqE6b #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:429 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|decreaseindent|tooltip_text" msgid "Decrease Indent" msgstr "Смањи увлачење" #. nEeZ4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:441 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|hangingindent|tooltip_text" msgid "Switch to Hanging Indent" msgstr "" #. A6fEZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:479 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|beforetextindent|tooltip_text" msgid "Before Text Indent" msgstr "" #. F4XDM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:485 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|beforetextindent-atkobject" msgid "Before Text Indent" msgstr "" #. 7FYqL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:525 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|aftertextindent|tooltip_text" msgid "After Text Indent" msgstr "" #. AaRox #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:531 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|aftertextindent-atkobject" msgid "After Text Indent" msgstr "" #. aMMo9 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:571 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|firstlineindent|tooltip_text" msgid "First Line Indent" msgstr "Увлачење првог реда" #. sBmb4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:577 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|firstlineindent-atkobject" msgid "First Line Indent" msgstr "Увлачење првог реда" #. EjiLR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:622 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|numberbullet|tooltip_text" msgid "Bullets and Numbering" msgstr "Набрајање и нумерисање" #. aFsx7 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarparagraph.ui:659 msgctxt "sidebarparagraph|backgroundcolor|tooltip_text" msgid "Paragraph Background Color" msgstr "" #. 5HiLZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:47 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarpossize|horizontallabel" msgid "Position _X:" msgstr "Позиција X" #. DqemA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:61 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|horizontalpos|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter the value for the horizontal position." msgstr "" #. e3DxA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:66 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|horizontalpos" msgid "Horizontal" msgstr "" #. CzgZb #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:79 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarpossize|verticallabel" msgid "Position _Y:" msgstr "Позиција Y" #. 8jhK2 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:93 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|verticalpos|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter the value for the vertical position." msgstr "" #. EYEMR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:97 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|verticalpos" msgid "Vertical" msgstr "" #. maEbF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:110 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarpossize|widthlabel" msgid "_Width:" msgstr "Ширина:" #. AfcEf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:124 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|selectwidth|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter a width for the selected object." msgstr "" #. 9j3cM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:129 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|selectwidth" msgid "Width" msgstr "" #. BrACQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:142 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarpossize|heightlabel" msgid "H_eight:" msgstr "Висина:" #. 6iopt #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:156 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|selectheight|tooltip_text" msgid "Enter a height for the selected object." msgstr "" #. Z9wXF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:161 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|selectheight" msgid "Height" msgstr "" #. nLGDu #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:172 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarpossize|ratio" msgid "_Keep ratio" msgstr "Задржи размеру" #. 2ka9i #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:176 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|ratio|tooltip_text" msgid "Maintain proportions when you resize the selected object." msgstr "" #. L8ALA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:196 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|arrangelabel" msgid "_Arrange:" msgstr "" #. JViFZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:211 svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:270 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:506 svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:554 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|arrangetoolbar" msgid "Arrange" msgstr "" #. GPEEC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:319 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|fliplabel" msgid "_Flip:" msgstr "" #. SBiLG #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:342 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|flipvertical|tooltip_text" msgid "Flip the selected object vertically." msgstr "" #. sAzF5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:354 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|fliphorizontal|tooltip_text" msgid "Flip the selected object horizontally." msgstr "" #. G7xCD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:373 msgctxt "rotationtabpage|CTL_ANGLE|tooltip_text" msgid "Rotation Angle" msgstr "" #. 5ZwVL #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:381 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|orientationcontrol" msgid "Rotation" msgstr "" #. oBCCy #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:407 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarpossize|rotationlabel" msgid "_Rotation:" msgstr "Ротација" #. 3EB6B #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:424 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|rotation|tooltip_text" msgid "Select the angle for rotation." msgstr "" #. EEFuY #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:465 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|btnEditChart" msgid "Edit Chart" msgstr "" #. GfsLe #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarpossize.ui:491 msgctxt "sidebarpossize|alignlabel" msgid "Alig_n:" msgstr "" #. osqQf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarshadow.ui:47 msgctxt "sidebarshadow|angle" msgid "Angle:" msgstr "" #. n7wff #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarshadow.ui:61 msgctxt "sidebarshadow|distance" msgid "Distance:" msgstr "" #. RFRDq #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarshadow.ui:87 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarshadow|color" msgid "Color:" msgstr "Боја" #. SLW9V #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarshadow.ui:118 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarshadow|transparency_label" msgid "Transparency:" msgstr "Провидност" #. 9TCg8 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/sidebarshadow.ui:204 #, fuzzy msgctxt "sidebarshadow|SHOW_SHADOW" msgid "Enable" msgstr "Укључен" #. dZf2D #: svx/uiconfig/ui/stylemenu.ui:12 msgctxt "stylemenu|update" msgid "Update to Match Selection" msgstr "" #. 8sKCs #: svx/uiconfig/ui/stylemenu.ui:20 #, fuzzy msgctxt "stylemenu|edit" msgid "Edit Style..." msgstr "Уреди стил.." #. nQGet #: svx/uiconfig/ui/surfacewindow.ui:37 msgctxt "surfacewindow|RID_SVXSTR_WIREFRAME" msgid "_Wire Frame" msgstr "" #. GvdiZ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/surfacewindow.ui:56 msgctxt "surfacewindow|RID_SVXSTR_MATTE" msgid "_Matt" msgstr "" #. a8xWB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/surfacewindow.ui:75 msgctxt "surfacewindow|RID_SVXSTR_PLASTIC" msgid "_Plastic" msgstr "" #. 5eUqx #: svx/uiconfig/ui/surfacewindow.ui:94 msgctxt "surfacewindow|RID_SVXSTR_METAL" msgid "Me_tal" msgstr "" #. gks9T #: svx/uiconfig/ui/tablewindow.ui:35 msgctxt "pagesizecontrol|moreoptions" msgid "_More Options" msgstr "" #. WP4wn #: svx/uiconfig/ui/tablewindow.ui:39 msgctxt "pagesizecontrol|moreoptions|tooltip_text" msgid "More Options" msgstr "" #. DJ6vY #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:17 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|very_tight" msgid "Very Tight" msgstr "~Врло збијено" #. GYD7d #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:33 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|tight" msgid "Tight" msgstr "~Збијено" #. 8EcPH #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:49 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|normal" msgid "Normal" msgstr "~Обично" #. hEuRj #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:65 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|loose" msgid "Loose" msgstr "~Раширено" #. 4kdQx #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:81 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|very_loose" msgid "Very Loose" msgstr "Врло ~раширено" #. hsu3c #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:97 msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|last_custom" msgid "Last Custom Value" msgstr "" #. pZZ9u #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:132 msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|kerning" msgid "0.0" msgstr "" #. 6kNQD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcharacterspacingcontrol.ui:143 msgctxt "textcharacterspacingcontrol|label2" msgid "Custom Value" msgstr "" #. dmyBS #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolchardialog.ui:8 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textcontrolchardialog|TextControlCharacterPropertiesDialog" msgid "Character" msgstr "Знак" #. DkCjR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolchardialog.ui:135 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textcontrolchardialog|font" msgid "Font" msgstr "Фонт" #. cLacD #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolchardialog.ui:181 msgctxt "textcontrolchardialog|fonteffects" msgid "Font Effects" msgstr "" #. dEBCR #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolchardialog.ui:228 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textcontrolchardialog|position" msgid "Position" msgstr "Позиција X" #. c3hXJ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolparadialog.ui:8 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textcontrolparadialog|TextControlParagraphPropertiesDialog" msgid "Paragraph" msgstr "Пасус" #. KvutC #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolparadialog.ui:135 msgctxt "textcontrolparadialog|labelTP_PARA_STD" msgid "Indents & Spacing" msgstr "" #. EGGHM #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolparadialog.ui:181 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textcontrolparadialog|labelTP_PARA_ALIGN" msgid "Alignment" msgstr "Поравнање" #. mwKiB #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolparadialog.ui:229 msgctxt "textcontrolparadialog|labelTP_PARA_ASIAN" msgid "Asian Typography" msgstr "" #. YMTHT #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textcontrolparadialog.ui:276 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textcontrolparadialog|labelTP_TABULATOR" msgid "Tabs" msgstr "Табулатори" #. hHwzA #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:19 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|none" msgid "(Without)" msgstr "(Без)" #. 9VDo4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:37 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|single|tooltip_text" msgid "Single" msgstr "Једно" #. czS3W #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:54 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|double|tooltip_text" msgid "Double" msgstr "Двострука прецизност" #. DBg8Y #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:71 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|bold|tooltip_text" msgid "Bold" msgstr "Злато" #. fNrBz #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:88 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dot|tooltip_text" msgid "Dotted" msgstr "Тачкице" #. JEgvk #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:105 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dotbold|tooltip_text" msgid "Dotted (Bold)" msgstr "Тачкице (подебљано)" #. 46nci #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:122 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dash|tooltip_text" msgid "Dash" msgstr "Цртице" #. D8gB4 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:139 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dashlong|tooltip_text" msgid "Long Dash" msgstr "Дуже цртице" #. gkUzu #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:156 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dashdot|tooltip_text" msgid "Dot Dash" msgstr "Тачка црта" #. qMLxK #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:173 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|dashdotdot|tooltip_text" msgid "Dot Dot Dash" msgstr "Тачка тачка црта" #. dusMw #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:190 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|wave|tooltip_text" msgid "Wave" msgstr "Талас" #. xJTZe #: svx/uiconfig/ui/textunderlinecontrol.ui:204 #, fuzzy msgctxt "textunderlinecontrol|moreoptions" msgid "_More Options..." msgstr "~Више опција" #. QWLND #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xformspage.ui:25 #, fuzzy msgctxt "xformspage|TBI_ITEM_ADD" msgid "Add Item" msgstr "Додај ставку" #. Xe3ES #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xformspage.ui:38 #, fuzzy msgctxt "xformspage|TBI_ITEM_ADD_ELEMENT" msgid "Add Element" msgstr "Додај елемент" #. 4AVyV #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xformspage.ui:51 #, fuzzy msgctxt "xformspage|TBI_ITEM_ADD_ATTRIBUTE" msgid "Add Attribute" msgstr "Додај особину" #. FcS4D #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xformspage.ui:64 #, fuzzy msgctxt "xformspage|TBI_ITEM_EDIT" msgid "Edit" msgstr "Уреди" #. FDkCU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xformspage.ui:77 #, fuzzy msgctxt "xformspage|TBI_ITEM_REMOVE" msgid "Delete" msgstr "Обриши" #. LMM8D #: svx/uiconfig/ui/xmlsecstatmenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "xmlsecstatmenu|signatures" msgid "Digital Signatures..." msgstr "Електронски потписи..." #. cLnrU #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:12 #, fuzzy msgctxt "zoommenu|page" msgid "Entire Page" msgstr "Цела страница" #. gZGXQ #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:20 #, fuzzy msgctxt "zoommenu|width" msgid "Page Width" msgstr "Ширина странице" #. ZQxa5 #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:28 msgctxt "zoommenu|optimal" msgid "Optimal View" msgstr "" #. tMYhp #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:36 #, fuzzy msgctxt "zoommenu|50" msgid "50%" msgstr "50%" #. B3psf #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:44 #, fuzzy msgctxt "zoommenu|75" msgid "75%" msgstr "75%" #. RWH6b #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:52 #, fuzzy msgctxt "zoommenu|100" msgid "100%" msgstr "100%" #. DjAKP #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:60 #, fuzzy msgctxt "zoommenu|150" msgid "150%" msgstr "150%" #. C5wCF #: svx/uiconfig/ui/zoommenu.ui:68 #, fuzzy msgctxt "zoommenu|200" msgid "200%" msgstr "200%"