path: root/source/zh-TW/wizards/source/template.po
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source/zh-TW/wizards/source/template.po')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 553 deletions
diff --git a/source/zh-TW/wizards/source/template.po b/source/zh-TW/wizards/source/template.po
deleted file mode 100644
index 75488f24b9f..00000000000
--- a/source/zh-TW/wizards/source/template.po
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-#. extracted from wizards/source/template
-msgid ""
-msgstr ""
-"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2017-05-29 18:39+0200\n"
-"PO-Revision-Date: 2017-01-11 17:18+0000\n"
-"Last-Translator: Cheng-Chia Tseng <>\n"
-"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
-"Language: zh_TW\n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
-"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
-"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
-"X-Accelerator-Marker: ~\n"
-"X-Generator: LibreOffice\n"
-"X-POOTLE-MTIME: 1484155096.000000\n"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Theme Selection"
-msgstr "選擇佈景主題"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLES + 1\n"
-msgid "Error while saving the document to the clipboard! The following action cannot be undone."
-msgstr "將文件儲存至剪貼簿時發生錯誤!無法取消以下動作。"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLES + 2\n"
-msgid "~Cancel"
-msgstr "取消(~C)"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLES + 3\n"
-msgid "~OK"
-msgstr "確定(~O)"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "(Standard)"
-msgstr "(標準)"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 1\n"
-msgid "Autumn Leaves"
-msgstr "秋葉"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 2\n"
-msgid "Be"
-msgstr "Be"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 3\n"
-msgid "Black and White"
-msgstr "黑與白"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 4\n"
-msgid "Blackberry Bush"
-msgstr "黑莓叢"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 5\n"
-msgid "Blue Jeans"
-msgstr "藍色牛仔褲"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 6\n"
-msgid "Fifties Diner"
-msgstr "五零年代晚餐"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 7\n"
-msgid "Glacier"
-msgstr "冰河"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 8\n"
-msgid "Green Grapes"
-msgstr "綠葡萄"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 9\n"
-msgid "Marine"
-msgstr "海洋"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 10\n"
-msgid "Millennium"
-msgstr "千禧年"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 11\n"
-msgid "Nature"
-msgstr "自然"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 12\n"
-msgid "Neon"
-msgstr "霓虹"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 13\n"
-msgid "Night"
-msgstr "夜"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 14\n"
-msgid "PC Nostalgia"
-msgstr "PC 懷舊"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 15\n"
-msgid "Pastel"
-msgstr "粉彩"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 16\n"
-msgid "Pool Party"
-msgstr "泳池派對"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-"STYLENAME + 17\n"
-msgid "Pumpkin"
-msgstr "南瓜"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Minutes Template"
-msgstr "會議記錄範本"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "An option must be confirmed."
-msgstr "必須確定一個選項。"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Minutes Type"
-msgstr "會議記錄類型"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Results Minutes"
-msgstr "會議結果記錄"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Evaluation Minutes"
-msgstr "會議評估記錄"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "The bookmark 'Recipient' is missing."
-msgstr "標記「Recipient」不存在。"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Form letter fields can not be included."
-msgstr "無法加入表單信函欄位。"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "An error has occurred."
-msgstr "發生錯誤。"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Addressee"
-msgstr "收件者"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "One recipient"
-msgstr "單一收件者"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Several recipients (address database)"
-msgstr "多個收件者 (地址資料庫)"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Use of This Template"
-msgstr "使用此範本"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Click placeholder and overwrite"
-msgstr "請按一下佔位項來覆寫內容。"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Company"
-msgstr "公司"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Department"
-msgstr "部門"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "First Name"
-msgstr "名"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Last Name"
-msgstr "姓"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Street"
-msgstr "街道"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Country"
-msgstr "國家"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "ZIP/Postal Code"
-msgstr "郵遞區號"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "City"
-msgstr "城市"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Title"
-msgstr "稱呼"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Position"
-msgstr "職位"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Form of Address"
-msgstr "收件者的稱呼"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Initials"
-msgstr "首字母縮寫"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Salutation"
-msgstr "信函開頭稱呼"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Home Phone"
-msgstr "私人電話"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Work Phone"
-msgstr "公務電話"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Fax"
-msgstr "傳真"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "E-Mail"
-msgstr "電子郵件"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "URL"
-msgstr "URL"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Notes"
-msgstr "備註"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Alt. Field 1"
-msgstr "預備欄 1"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Alt. Field 2"
-msgstr "預備欄 2"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Alt. Field 3"
-msgstr "預備欄 3"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Alt. Field 4"
-msgstr "預備欄 4"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "ID"
-msgstr "ID"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "State"
-msgstr "省"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Office Phone"
-msgstr "辦公室電話"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Pager"
-msgstr "呼叫器"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Mobile Phone"
-msgstr "手機"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Other Phone"
-msgstr "其他電話"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Calendar URL"
-msgstr "行事曆 URL"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "Invite"
-msgstr "邀請"
-#: template.src
-msgctxt ""
-msgid "User data field is not defined!"
-msgstr "還沒有定義使用者資料欄位!"