path: root/basegfx/qa/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'basegfx/qa/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 344 deletions
diff --git a/basegfx/qa/ b/basegfx/qa/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d00fa936f..0000000000
--- a/basegfx/qa/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,344 +0,0 @@
-eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}'
- if 0;
-# 2009 Copyright Novell, Inc. & Sun Microsystems, Inc.
-# is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
-# only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
-use IO::File;
-use Cwd;
-use File::Spec;
-use File::Spec::Functions;
-use File::Temp;
-use File::Path;
-$TempDir = "";
-# all the XML package generation is a blatant rip from AF's
-# Open a file with the given name.
-# First it is checked if the temporary directory, in which all files for
-# the document are gathered, is already present and create it if it is not.
-# Then create the path to the file inside the temporary directory.
-# Finally open the file and return a file handle to it.
-sub open_file
- my $filename = pop @_;
- # Create base directory of temporary directory tree if not alreay
- # present.
- if ($TempDir eq "")
- {
- $TempDir = File::Temp::tempdir (CLEANUP => 1);
- }
- # Create the path to the file.
- my $fullname = File::Spec->catfile ($TempDir, $filename);
- my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath ($fullname);
- mkpath (File::Spec->catpath ($volume,$directories,""));
- # Open the file and return a file handle to it.
- return new IO::File ($fullname, "w");
-# Zip the files in the directory tree into the given file.
-sub zip_dirtree
- my $filename = pop @_;
- my $cwd = getcwd;
- my $zip_name = $filename;
- # We are about to change the directory.
- # Therefore create an absolute pathname for the zip archive.
- # First transfer the drive from $cwd to $zip_name. This is a
- # workaround for a bug in file_name_is_absolute which thinks
- # the the path \bla is an absolute path under DOS.
- my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath ($zip_name);
- my ($volume_cwd,$directories_cwd,$file_cwd) = File::Spec->splitpath ($cwd);
- $volume = $volume_cwd if ($volume eq "");
- $zip_name = File::Spec->catpath ($volume,$directories,$file);
- # Add the current working directory to a relative path.
- if ( ! file_name_is_absolute ($zip_name))
- {
- $zip_name = File::Spec->catfile ($cwd, $zip_name);
- # Try everything to clean up the name.
- $zip_name = File::Spec->rel2abs ($filename);
- $zip_name = File::Spec->canonpath ($zip_name);
- # Remove .. directories from the middle of the path.
- while ($zip_name =~ /\/[^\/][^\.\/][^\/]*\/\.\.\//)
- {
- $zip_name = $` . "/" . $';
- }
- }
- # Just in case the zip program gets confused by an existing file with the
- # same name as the one to be written that file is removed first.
- if ( -e $filename)
- {
- if (unlink ($filename) == 0)
- {
- print "Existing file $filename could not be deleted.\n";
- print "Please close the application that uses it, then try again.\n";
- return;
- }
- }
- # Finally create the zip file. First change into the temporary directory
- # so that the resulting zip file contains only paths relative to it.
- print "zipping [$ZipCmd $ZipFlags $zip_name *]\n";
- chdir ($TempDir);
- system ("$ZipCmd $ZipFlags $zip_name *");
- chdir ($cwd);
-sub writeHeader
- print $OUT qq~<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<office:document-content xmlns:office="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:office:1.0" xmlns:style="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:style:1.0" xmlns:text="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:text:1.0" xmlns:table="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:table:1.0" xmlns:draw="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:drawing:1.0" xmlns:fo="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:xsl-fo-compatible:1.0" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:meta="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:meta:1.0" xmlns:number="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:datastyle:1.0" xmlns:presentation="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:presentation:1.0" xmlns:svg="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:svg-compatible:1.0" xmlns:chart="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:chart:1.0" xmlns:dr3d="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:dr3d:1.0" xmlns:math="" xmlns:form="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:form:1.0" xmlns:script="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:script:1.0" xmlns:ooo="" xmlns:ooow="" xmlns:oooc="" xmlns:dom="" xmlns:xforms="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:smil="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:smil-compatible:1.0" xmlns:anim="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:animation:1.0" office:version="1.0">
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- </text:list-level-style-bullet>
- <text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="7" text:bullet-char="●">
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- </text:list-level-style-bullet>
- <text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="8" text:bullet-char="●">
- <style:list-level-properties text:space-before="4.2cm" text:min-label-width="0.6cm"/>
- <style:text-properties fo:font-family="StarSymbol" style:use-window-font-color="true" fo:font-size="45%"/>
- </text:list-level-style-bullet>
- <text:list-level-style-bullet text:level="9" text:bullet-char="●">
- <style:list-level-properties text:space-before="4.8cm" text:min-label-width="0.6cm"/>
- <style:text-properties fo:font-family="StarSymbol" style:use-window-font-color="true" fo:font-size="45%"/>
- </text:list-level-style-bullet>
- </text:list-style>
- </office:automatic-styles>
- <office:body>
- <office:presentation>
-sub writeSlideHeader
- my $titleText = pop @_;
- my $slideNum = pop @_;
- print $OUT " <draw:page draw:name=\"page1\" draw:style-name=\"dp1\" draw:master-page-name=\"Default\">\n";
- print $OUT " <office:forms form:automatic-focus=\"false\" form:apply-design-mode=\"false\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:rect draw:style-name=\"gr1\" draw:text-style-name=\"P1\" draw:id=\"id$slideNum\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"17.5cm\" svg:height=\"6cm\" svg:x=\"5cm\" svg:y=\"4cm\">\n";
- print $OUT " <text:p text:style-name=\"P2\">Slide: $slideNum</text:p>\n";
- print $OUT " <text:p text:style-name=\"P2\">Path: $titleText</text:p>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:rect>\n";
-sub writeSlideFooter
- print $OUT " <presentation:notes draw:style-name=\"dp1\">\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:page-thumbnail draw:style-name=\"gr1\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"14.851cm\" svg:height=\"11.138cm\" svg:x=\"3.068cm\" svg:y=\"2.257cm\" draw:page-number=\"1\" presentation:class=\"page\"/>\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:frame presentation:style-name=\"pr3\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"16.79cm\" svg:height=\"13.116cm\" svg:x=\"2.098cm\" svg:y=\"14.109cm\" presentation:class=\"notes\" presentation:placeholder=\"true\">\n";
- print $OUT " <draw:text-box/>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:frame>\n";
- print $OUT " </presentation:notes>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:page>\n";
-sub writeFooter
- print $OUT qq~ <presentation:settings presentation:full-screen="false"/>
- </office:presentation>
- </office:body>
-sub writePath
- my $pathAry = pop @_;
- my $path = $pathAry->[1];
- my $viewBox = $pathAry->[0];
- print $OUT " <draw:path draw:style-name=\"gr2\" draw:text-style-name=\"P1\" draw:layer=\"layout\" svg:width=\"10cm\" svg:height=\"10cm\" svg:x=\"5cm\" svg:y=\"5cm\" svg:viewBox=\"";
- print $OUT $viewBox;
- print $OUT "\" svg:d=\"";
- print $OUT $path;
- print $OUT "\">\n";
- print $OUT " <text:p/>\n";
- print $OUT " </draw:path>\n";
-sub writeManifest
- my $outFile = open_file("META-INF/manifest.xml");
- print $outFile qq~<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE manifest:manifest PUBLIC "-// Manifest 1.0//EN" "Manifest.dtd">
-<manifest:manifest xmlns:manifest="urn:oasis:names:tc:opendocument:xmlns:manifest:1.0">
- <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation" manifest:full-path="/"/>
- <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" manifest:full-path="content.xml"/>
- $outFile->close;
-# Print usage information.
-sub usage ()
- print <<END_OF_USAGE;
-usage: $0 <option>* [<SvgD-values>]
-output-file-name defaults to polygons.odp.
- -h Print this usage information.
- -o output-file-name
-# Process the command line.
-sub process_command_line
- foreach (@ARGV)
- {
- if (/^-h/)
- {
- usage;
- exit 0;
- }
- }
- $global_output_name = "polygons.odp";
- my $j = 0, $noMoreOptions = 0;
- for (my $i=0; $i<$#ARGV; $i++)
- {
- if ( !$noMoreOptions and $ARGV[$i] eq "-o")
- {
- $i++;
- $global_output_name = $ARGV[$i];
- }
- elsif ( !$noMoreOptions and $ARGV[$i] eq "--")
- {
- $noMoreOptions = 1;
- }
- elsif ( !$noMoreOptions and $ARGV[$i] =~ /^-/)
- {
- print "Unknown option $ARGV[$i]\n";
- usage;
- exit 1;
- }
- else
- {
- push(@paths, [$ARGV[$i],$ARGV[$i+1]]);
- $i++;
- }
- }
- print "output to $global_output_name\n";
-# Main
-# Provide default values for the zip command and it's flags.
-if ( ! defined $ZipCmd)
- $ZipCmd = "zip" unless defined $ZipCmd;
- $ZipFlags = "-r -q" unless defined $ZipFlags;
-$OUT = open_file( "content.xml" );
-foreach $path (@paths)
- writeSlideHeader($pathNum, $path->[1]);
- writePath($path);
- writeSlideFooter();
- $pathNum++;
-zip_dirtree ($global_output_name);