/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_xmlhelp.hxx" #include "db.hxx" #include #include #include "com/sun/star/io/XSeekable.hpp" #ifdef TEST_DBHELP #include #endif using namespace com::sun::star; using namespace com::sun::star::uno; using namespace com::sun::star::io; namespace berkeleydbproxy { //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace db_internal { // static void raise_error(int dberr, const char * where); static inline int check_error(int dberr, const char * where) { (void)where; // if (dberr) raise_error(dberr,where); return dberr; } } void DBData::copyToBuffer( const char* pSrcData, int nSize ) { m_nSize = nSize; delete [] m_pBuffer; m_pBuffer = new char[m_nSize+1]; memcpy( m_pBuffer, pSrcData, m_nSize ); m_pBuffer[m_nSize] = 0; } // DBHelp bool DBHelp::implReadLenAndData( const char* pData, int& riPos, DBData& rValue ) { bool bSuccess = false; // Read key len const char* pStartPtr = pData + riPos; char* pEndPtr; sal_Int32 nKeyLen = strtol( pStartPtr, &pEndPtr, 16 ); if( pEndPtr == pStartPtr ) return bSuccess; riPos += (pEndPtr - pStartPtr) + 1; const char* pKeySrc = pData + riPos; rValue.copyToBuffer( pKeySrc, nKeyLen ); riPos += nKeyLen + 1; bSuccess = true; return bSuccess; } #ifdef TEST_DBHELP typedef std::pair< rtl::OString, rtl::OString > KeyValPair; typedef std::vector< KeyValPair > KeyValPairVector; void testWriteKeyValue( FILE* pFile, const KeyValPair& rKeyValPair ) { if( pFile == NULL ) return; char cLF = 10; const rtl::OString& aKeyStr = rKeyValPair.first; const rtl::OString& aValueStr = rKeyValPair.second; int nKeyLen = aKeyStr.getLength(); int nValueLen = aValueStr.getLength(); fprintf( pFile, "%x ", nKeyLen ); if( nKeyLen > 0 ) fwrite( aKeyStr.getStr(), 1, nKeyLen, pFile ); fprintf( pFile, " %x ", nValueLen ); if( nValueLen > 0 ) fwrite( aValueStr.getStr(), 1, nValueLen, pFile ); fprintf( pFile, "%c", cLF ); } bool DBHelp::testAgainstDb( const rtl::OString& fileName, bool bOldDbAccess ) { bool bSuccess = true; KeyValPairVector avKeyValPair; rtl::OString aOutFileName = fileName; aOutFileName += "_TestOut"; if( bOldDbAccess ) aOutFileName += "_Old"; FILE* pFile = fopen( aOutFileName.getStr(), "wb" ); // Get all values Db table; if( 0 == table.open( 0,fileName.getStr(),0,DB_BTREE,DB_RDONLY,0644 ) ) { bool first = true; Dbc* cursor = 0; table.cursor( 0,&cursor,0 ); Dbt key_,data; key_.set_flags( DB_DBT_MALLOC ); // Initially the cursor must allocate the necessary memory data.set_flags( DB_DBT_MALLOC ); while( cursor && DB_NOTFOUND != cursor->get( &key_,&data,DB_NEXT ) ) { rtl::OString keyword( static_cast(key_.get_data()), key_.get_size() ); rtl::OString value( static_cast(data.get_data()), data.get_size() ); KeyValPair aPair( keyword, value ); avKeyValPair.push_back( aPair ); if( pFile != NULL ) testWriteKeyValue( pFile, aPair ); if( first ) { key_.set_flags( DB_DBT_REALLOC ); data.set_flags( DB_DBT_REALLOC ); first = false; } } if( cursor ) cursor->close(); } table.close( 0 ); // TEST DBData aDBData; Db tableTest; Dbt data; int nOkCount = 0; int nErrCount = 0; bool bTestSuccess; const char* pTestReadData = NULL; int nTestReadDataSize = 0; sal_uInt32 starttime = osl_getGlobalTimer(); sal_uInt32 afterfirsttime = starttime; if( pFile != NULL ) { if( bOldDbAccess ) fprintf( pFile, "\nTesting old access:\n" ); else fprintf( pFile, "\nTesting new access:\n" ); } KeyValPairVector::const_iterator it; bool bFirst = true; for( it = avKeyValPair.begin() ; it != avKeyValPair.end() ; ++it ) { const KeyValPair& rKeyValPair = *it; const rtl::OString& aKeyStr = rKeyValPair.first; const rtl::OString& aValueStr = rKeyValPair.second; int nKeyLen = aKeyStr.getLength(); int nValueLen = aValueStr.getLength(); const sal_Char* ptr = aValueStr.getStr(); bTestSuccess = false; pTestReadData = NULL; nTestReadDataSize = 0; if( bOldDbAccess ) { if( bFirst ) { if( tableTest.open( 0,fileName.getStr(),0,DB_BTREE,DB_RDONLY,0644 ) ) { if( pFile != NULL ) fprintf( pFile, "Cannot open database\n" ); break; } } Dbt key( static_cast< void* >( const_cast< sal_Char* >( aKeyStr.getStr() ) ), aKeyStr.getLength() ); int err = tableTest.get( 0, &key, &data, 0 ); if( err == 0 ) { bTestSuccess = true; pTestReadData = static_cast< sal_Char* >( data.get_data() ); nTestReadDataSize = data.get_size(); } } else { bTestSuccess = getValueForKey( aKeyStr, aDBData ); if( bTestSuccess ) { pTestReadData = aDBData.getData(); nTestReadDataSize = aDBData.getSize(); } } if( bFirst ) { afterfirsttime = osl_getGlobalTimer(); bFirst = false; } int nError = 0; if( bTestSuccess && pTestReadData != NULL ) { int nCmp = memcmp( ptr, pTestReadData, nValueLen ); if( nCmp == 0 ) ++nOkCount; else nError = 1; if( nValueLen != nTestReadDataSize ) nError = 2; } else nError = 3; if( nError != 0 ) { bSuccess = false; ++nErrCount; if( pFile != NULL ) { fprintf( pFile, "ERROR, not found:\n" ); testWriteKeyValue( pFile, rKeyValPair ); fprintf( pFile, "\nError Code: %d\n", nError ); } } } tableTest.close( 0 ); sal_uInt32 endtime = osl_getGlobalTimer(); double dDiffTime = (endtime-starttime) / 1000.0; double dDiffFirstTime = (afterfirsttime-starttime) / 1000.0; if( pFile != NULL ) { int nCount = avKeyValPair.size(); fprintf( pFile, "%d key/values in total, read %d correctly, %d errors\n", nCount, nOkCount, nErrCount ); fprintf( pFile, "Time taken: %g s (First access %g s)\n", dDiffTime, dDiffFirstTime ); fprintf( pFile, "Average time per access: %g s\n", dDiffTime / nCount ); } if( pFile != NULL ) fclose( pFile ); return bSuccess; } #endif void DBHelp::createHashMap( bool bOptimizeForPerformance ) { releaseHashMap(); if( bOptimizeForPerformance ) { if( m_pStringToDataMap != NULL ) return; m_pStringToDataMap = new StringToDataMap(); } else { if( m_pStringToValPosMap != NULL ) return; m_pStringToValPosMap = new StringToValPosMap(); } Reference< XInputStream > xIn = m_xSFA->openFileRead( m_aFileName ); if( xIn.is() ) { Sequence< sal_Int8 > aData; sal_Int32 nSize = m_xSFA->getSize( m_aFileName ); sal_Int32 nRead = xIn->readBytes( aData, nSize ); const char* pData = (const char*)aData.getConstArray(); int iPos = 0; while( iPos < nRead ) { DBData aDBKey; if( !implReadLenAndData( pData, iPos, aDBKey ) ) break; rtl::OString aOKeyStr = aDBKey.getData(); // Read val len const char* pStartPtr = pData + iPos; char* pEndPtr; sal_Int32 nValLen = strtol( pStartPtr, &pEndPtr, 16 ); if( pEndPtr == pStartPtr ) break; iPos += (pEndPtr - pStartPtr) + 1; if( bOptimizeForPerformance ) { const char* pValSrc = pData + iPos; rtl::OString aValStr( pValSrc, nValLen ); (*m_pStringToDataMap)[aOKeyStr] = aValStr; } else { // store value start position (*m_pStringToValPosMap)[aOKeyStr] = std::pair( iPos, nValLen ); } iPos += nValLen + 1; } xIn->closeInput(); } } void DBHelp::releaseHashMap( void ) { if( m_pStringToDataMap != NULL ) { delete m_pStringToDataMap; m_pStringToDataMap = NULL; } if( m_pStringToValPosMap != NULL ) { delete m_pStringToValPosMap; m_pStringToValPosMap = NULL; } } bool DBHelp::getValueForKey( const rtl::OString& rKey, DBData& rValue ) { bool bSuccess = false; if( !m_xSFA.is() ) return bSuccess; try { if( m_pStringToDataMap == NULL && m_pStringToValPosMap == NULL ) { bool bOptimizeForPerformance = false; createHashMap( bOptimizeForPerformance ); } if( m_pStringToValPosMap != NULL ) { StringToValPosMap::const_iterator it = m_pStringToValPosMap->find( rKey ); if( it != m_pStringToValPosMap->end() ) { const std::pair& rValPair = it->second; int iValuePos = rValPair.first; int nValueLen = rValPair.second; Reference< XInputStream > xIn = m_xSFA->openFileRead( m_aFileName ); if( xIn.is() ) { Reference< XSeekable > xXSeekable( xIn, UNO_QUERY ); if( xXSeekable.is() ) { xXSeekable->seek( iValuePos ); Sequence< sal_Int8 > aData; sal_Int32 nRead = xIn->readBytes( aData, nValueLen ); if( nRead == nValueLen ) { const char* pData = (const sal_Char*)aData.getConstArray(); rValue.copyToBuffer( pData, nValueLen ); bSuccess = true; } } xIn->closeInput(); } } } else if( m_pStringToDataMap != NULL ) { StringToDataMap::const_iterator it = m_pStringToDataMap->find( rKey ); if( it != m_pStringToDataMap->end() ) { const rtl::OString& rValueStr = it->second; int nValueLen = rValueStr.getLength(); const char* pData = rValueStr.getStr(); rValue.copyToBuffer( pData, nValueLen ); bSuccess = true; } } } catch( Exception & ) { bSuccess = false; } return bSuccess; } bool DBHelp::startIteration( void ) { bool bSuccess = false; sal_Int32 nSize = m_xSFA->getSize( m_aFileName ); Reference< XInputStream > xIn = m_xSFA->openFileRead( m_aFileName ); if( xIn.is() ) { m_nItRead = xIn->readBytes( m_aItData, nSize ); if( m_nItRead == nSize ) { bSuccess = true; m_pItData = (const char*)m_aItData.getConstArray(); m_iItPos = 0; } else { stopIteration(); } } return bSuccess; } bool DBHelp::getNextKeyAndValue( DBData& rKey, DBData& rValue ) { bool bSuccess = false; if( m_iItPos < m_nItRead ) { if( implReadLenAndData( m_pItData, m_iItPos, rKey ) ) { if( implReadLenAndData( m_pItData, m_iItPos, rValue ) ) bSuccess = true; } } return bSuccess; } void DBHelp::stopIteration( void ) { m_aItData = Sequence(); m_pItData = NULL; m_nItRead = -1; m_iItPos = -1; } Db::Db() { db_internal::check_error( db_create(&m_pDBP,0,0),"Db::Db" ); m_pDBHelp = NULL; } Db::~Db() { if (m_pDBP) { // should not happen // TODO: add assert } delete m_pDBHelp; } int Db::close(u_int32_t flags) { int error = m_pDBP->close(m_pDBP,flags); m_pDBP = 0; return db_internal::check_error(error,"Db::close"); } int Db::open(DB_TXN *txnid, const char *file, const char *database, DBTYPE type, u_int32_t flags, int mode) { int err = m_pDBP->open(m_pDBP,txnid,file,database,type,flags,mode); return db_internal::check_error( err,"Db::open" ); } int Db::get(DB_TXN *txnid, Dbt *key, Dbt *data, u_int32_t flags) { int err = m_pDBP->get(m_pDBP,txnid,key,data,flags); // these are non-exceptional outcomes if (err != DB_NOTFOUND && err != DB_KEYEMPTY) db_internal::check_error( err,"Db::get" ); return err; } int Db::cursor(DB_TXN *txnid, Dbc **cursorp, u_int32_t flags) { DBC * dbc = 0; int error = m_pDBP->cursor(m_pDBP,txnid,&dbc,flags); if (!db_internal::check_error(error,"Db::cursor")) *cursorp = new Dbc(dbc); return error; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dbc::Dbc(DBC * dbc) : m_pDBC(dbc) { } Dbc::~Dbc() { } int Dbc::close() { int err = m_pDBC->c_close(m_pDBC); delete this; return db_internal::check_error( err,"Dbcursor::close" ); } int Dbc::get(Dbt *key, Dbt *data, u_int32_t flags) { int err = m_pDBC->c_get(m_pDBC,key,data,flags); // these are non-exceptional outcomes if (err != DB_NOTFOUND && err != DB_KEYEMPTY) db_internal::check_error( err, "Dbcursor::get" ); return err; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dbt::Dbt() { using namespace std; DBT * thispod = this; memset(thispod, 0, sizeof *thispod); } Dbt::Dbt(void *data_arg, u_int32_t size_arg) { using namespace std; DBT * thispod = this; memset(thispod, 0, sizeof *thispod); this->set_data(data_arg); this->set_size(size_arg); } /* Dbt::Dbt(const Dbt & other) { using namespace std; const DBT *otherpod = &other; DBT *thispod = this; memcpy(thispod, otherpod, sizeof *thispod); } Dbt& Dbt::operator = (const Dbt & other) { if (this != &other) { using namespace std; const DBT *otherpod = &other; DBT *thispod = this; memcpy(thispod, otherpod, sizeof *thispod); } return *this; } */ Dbt::~Dbt() { } void * Dbt::get_data() const { return this->data; } void Dbt::set_data(void *value) { this->data = value; } u_int32_t Dbt::get_size() const { return this->size; } void Dbt::set_size(u_int32_t value) { this->size = value; } void Dbt::set_flags(u_int32_t value) { this->flags = value; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* void db_internal::raise_error(int dberr, const char * where) { if (!where) where = ""; const char * dberrmsg = db_strerror(dberr); if (!dberrmsg || !*dberrmsg) dberrmsg = ""; rtl::OString msg = where; msg += ": "; msg += dberrmsg; throw DbException(msg); } */ //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // namespace ecomp /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */