path: root/sfx2/inc/sfx2/viewfrm.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'sfx2/inc/sfx2/viewfrm.hxx')
1 files changed, 89 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/sfx2/inc/sfx2/viewfrm.hxx b/sfx2/inc/sfx2/viewfrm.hxx
index e3da424a31..06e6b9dcae 100644
--- a/sfx2/inc/sfx2/viewfrm.hxx
+++ b/sfx2/inc/sfx2/viewfrm.hxx
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
#include <svl/poolitem.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/status/Verb.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XModel.hpp>
+#include <com/sun/star/frame/XController2.hpp>
class SfxMacro;
class SvBorder;
@@ -48,7 +49,6 @@ class SfxProgress;
class SvData;
class SfxViewShell;
class SvPseudoObject;
-class SfxCancelManager;
class SystemWindow;
class Fraction;
class Point;
@@ -59,6 +59,10 @@ namespace sfx2
class SvLinkSource;
+namespace svtools
+ class AsynchronLink;
@@ -127,6 +131,7 @@ Rectangle & operator += ( Rectangle & rRect, const SvBorder & rBorder );
Rectangle & operator -= ( Rectangle & rRect, const SvBorder & rBorder );
class SFX2_DLLPUBLIC SfxViewFrame: public SfxShell, public SfxListener
struct SfxViewFrame_Impl* pImp;
@@ -144,39 +149,32 @@ private:
virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetWindow_Impl( Window *pWin );
#ifndef _SFX_HXX
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE BOOL SwitchToViewShell_Impl( USHORT nNo, BOOL bIsIndex = FALSE );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void KillDispatcher_Impl();
virtual ~SfxViewFrame();
+ SfxViewFrame( SfxFrame& rFrame, SfxObjectShell *pDoc = NULL );
- SfxViewFrame( SfxBindings&, SfxFrame*, SfxObjectShell *pDoc=0, sal_uInt32 nType = 0 );
- SfxViewFrame(SfxObjectShell&, SfxBindings&, SfxFrame*p=0, sal_uInt32 nType = 0);
- SfxViewFrame(
- const SfxViewFrame &, SfxBindings &, SfxFrame *pFrame);
- static SfxViewFrame* SearchViewFrame( SfxViewFrame*, const String& );
static void SetViewFrame( SfxViewFrame* );
- static SfxViewFrame* CreateViewFrame( SfxObjectShell& rDoc,
- USHORT nViewId=0,
- BOOL bHidden=FALSE );
+ static SfxViewFrame* LoadHiddenDocument( SfxObjectShell& i_rDoc, const USHORT i_nViewId );
+ static SfxViewFrame* LoadDocument( SfxObjectShell& i_rDoc, const USHORT i_nViewId );
+ static SfxViewFrame* LoadDocumentIntoFrame( SfxObjectShell& i_rDoc, const SfxFrameItem* i_pFrameItem, const USHORT i_nViewId = 0 );
+ static SfxViewFrame* LoadDocumentIntoFrame( SfxObjectShell& i_rDoc, const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& i_rFrameItem, const USHORT i_nViewId = 0 );
+ static SfxViewFrame* DisplayNewDocument( SfxObjectShell& i_rDoc, const SfxRequest& i_rCreateDocRequest, const USHORT i_nViewId = 0 );
static SfxViewFrame* Current();
- static SfxViewFrame* GetFirst( const SfxObjectShell* pDoc = 0,
- TypeId aType = 0,
- BOOL bOnlyVisible = TRUE );
- static SfxViewFrame* GetNext( const SfxViewFrame& rPrev,
- const SfxObjectShell* pDoc = 0,
- TypeId aType = 0 ,
- BOOL bOnlyVisible = TRUE );
- static USHORT Count(TypeId = 0);
+ static SfxViewFrame* GetFirst( const SfxObjectShell* pDoc = 0, BOOL bOnlyVisible = TRUE );
+ static SfxViewFrame* GetNext( const SfxViewFrame& rPrev, const SfxObjectShell* pDoc = 0, BOOL bOnlyVisible = TRUE );
+ static USHORT Count();
+ static SfxViewFrame* Get( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XController>& i_rController, const SfxObjectShell* i_pDoc = NULL );
void DoActivate(BOOL bMDI, SfxViewFrame *pOld=NULL);
void DoDeactivate(BOOL bMDI, SfxViewFrame *pOld=NULL);
@@ -188,8 +186,7 @@ public:
SfxBindings& GetBindings() { return *pBindings; }
const SfxBindings& GetBindings() const { return *pBindings; }
Window& GetWindow() const;
- virtual void SetZoomFactor( const Fraction &rZoomX,
- const Fraction &rZoomY ) = 0;
+ virtual void SetZoomFactor( const Fraction &rZoomX, const Fraction &rZoomY );
SfxProgress* GetProgress() const;
@@ -213,6 +210,8 @@ public:
void ToTop();
void Enable( BOOL bEnable );
virtual BOOL Close();
+ virtual void Activate( BOOL bUI );
+ virtual void Deactivate( BOOL bUI );
// DDE-Interface
virtual long DdeExecute( const String& rCmd );
@@ -224,10 +223,10 @@ public:
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any & rValue );
virtual ::sfx2::SvLinkSource* DdeCreateLinkSource( const String& rItem );
- virtual void ShowStatusText( const String& rText );
- virtual void HideStatusText();
+ void ShowStatusText( const String& rText );
+ void HideStatusText();
- virtual String UpdateTitle();
+ String UpdateTitle();
// interne Handler
SAL_DLLPRIVATE virtual BOOL SetBorderPixelImpl( const SfxViewShell *pSh, const SvBorder &rBorder );
@@ -236,21 +235,18 @@ public:
virtual SfxObjectShell* GetObjectShell();
USHORT GetCurViewId() const;
- SfxFrame* GetFrame() const;
+ SfxFrame& GetFrame() const;
SfxViewFrame* GetTopViewFrame() const;
BOOL DoClose();
ULONG GetFrameType() const
- { return GetFrame()->GetFrameType(); }
- SfxFrame* GetTopFrame() const
- { return GetFrame()->GetTopFrame(); }
- SfxFrame* SearchFrame( const String& rName, SfxMedium* pMedium = 0)
- { return GetFrame()->SearchFrame( rName, pMedium ); }
+ { return GetFrame().GetFrameType(); }
+ SfxFrame& GetTopFrame() const
+ { return GetFrame().GetTopFrame(); }
void GetTargetList( TargetList& rList ) const
- { GetFrame()->GetTargetList( rList ); }
+ { GetFrame().GetTargetList( rList ); }
void CancelTransfers()
- { GetFrame()->CancelTransfers(); }
- SfxCancelManager* GetCancelManager() const;
+ { GetFrame().CancelTransfers(); }
void SetModalMode( BOOL );
BOOL IsInModalMode() const;
@@ -267,19 +263,11 @@ public:
void ChildWindowState(SfxItemSet&);
//#if 0 // _SOLAR__PRIVATE
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE SfxMacro* GetRecordingMacro_Impl();
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetFrame_Impl( SfxFrame* );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetDowning_Impl();
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void GetDocNumber_Impl();
SAL_DLLPRIVATE BOOL IsDowning_Impl() const;
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetSetViewFrameAllowed_Impl( BOOL bSet );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE BOOL IsSetViewFrameAllowed_Impl() const;
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetImportingObjectShell_Impl( SfxObjectShell* pSH );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE SfxObjectShell* GetImportingObjectShell_Impl( ) const;
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetViewShell_Impl( SfxViewShell *pVSh );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetObjectShell_Impl( SfxObjectShell& rObjSh ,
- FASTBOOL bDefaultView = FALSE );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ReleaseObjectShell_Impl( BOOL bStoreView = FALSE );
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ReleaseObjectShell_Impl();
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void GetState_Impl( SfxItemSet &rSet );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ExecReload_Impl( SfxRequest &rReq );
@@ -287,10 +275,8 @@ public:
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void StateReload_Impl( SfxItemSet &rSet );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ExecView_Impl( SfxRequest &rReq );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void StateView_Impl( SfxItemSet &rSet );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE void PropState_Impl( SfxItemSet &rSet );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ExecHistory_Impl( SfxRequest &rReq );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void StateHistory_Impl( SfxItemSet &rSet );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetParentViewFrame_Impl(SfxViewFrame *pParentFrame);
SAL_DLLPRIVATE SfxViewFrame* GetParentViewFrame_Impl() const;
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void ForceOuterResize_Impl(BOOL bOn=TRUE);
SAL_DLLPRIVATE BOOL IsResizeInToOut_Impl() const;
@@ -301,25 +287,75 @@ public:
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void LockObjectShell_Impl(BOOL bLock=TRUE);
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE SfxViewShell* CreateView_Impl( USHORT nViewId );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void MakeActive_Impl( BOOL bActivate );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetQuietMode_Impl( BOOL );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE const Size& GetMargin_Impl() const;
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetMargin_Impl( const Size& );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetActiveChildFrame_Impl( SfxViewFrame* );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE SfxViewFrame* GetActiveChildFrame_Impl() const;
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE BOOL IsRestoreView_Impl() const;
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetRestoreView_Impl( BOOL );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetViewData_Impl( USHORT, const String& );
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE String& GetViewData_Impl();
SAL_DLLPRIVATE String GetActualPresentationURL_Impl() const;
SAL_DLLPRIVATE static void CloseHiddenFrames_Impl();
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void MiscExec_Impl(SfxRequest &);
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void MiscState_Impl(SfxItemSet &);
SAL_DLLPRIVATE SfxWorkWindow* GetWorkWindow_Impl( USHORT nId );
SAL_DLLPRIVATE void AddDispatchMacroToBasic_Impl(const ::rtl::OUString& sMacro);
- SAL_DLLPRIVATE BOOL ClearEventFlag_Impl();
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE void Exec_Impl(SfxRequest &);
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE void INetExecute_Impl(SfxRequest &);
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE void INetState_Impl(SfxItemSet &);
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE void SetCurViewId_Impl( const USHORT i_nID );
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE BOOL SwitchToViewShell_Impl( USHORT nNo, BOOL bIsIndex = FALSE );
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE void PopShellAndSubShells_Impl( SfxViewShell& i_rViewShell );
+ /** loads the given existing document into the given frame
+ This is done using the XComponentLoader interface of the frame, so the SFX document loader is invoked.
+ @param i_rDoc
+ the document to load
+ @param i_rFrame
+ the frame to load the document into
+ @param i_rLoadArgs
+ the arguments to pass to the component loader. If this sequence is empty, then the current arguments of the
+ model will be obtained, and passed to the loader. This ensures that any arguments in the model will be preserved,
+ instead of being reset.
+ @param i_nViewId
+ the ID of the view to create
+ @throws Exception
+ if something goes wrong. The caller is responsible for handling this.
+ */
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE static SfxViewShell* LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl(
+ const SfxObjectShell& i_rDoc,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& i_rFrame,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue >& i_rLoadArgs,
+ const USHORT i_nViewId,
+ const bool i_bHidden
+ );
+ /** loads the given existing document into the given frame
+ This is done using the XComponentLoader interface of the frame, so the SFX document loader is invoked.
+ If no frame is given, a blank top level frame is created.
+ If anything fails during the process, as much as possible is cleaned up.
+ @param i_rDoc
+ the document to load
+ @param i_rFrame
+ the frame to load the document into. Might be <NULL/>, in which case a new frame is created.
+ @param i_nViewId
+ the ID of the view to create
+ */
+ SAL_DLLPRIVATE static SfxViewFrame* LoadViewIntoFrame_Impl_NoThrow(
+ const SfxObjectShell& i_rDoc,
+ const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::frame::XFrame >& i_rFrame,
+ const USHORT i_nViewId,
+ const bool i_bHidden
+ );