path: root/basic/source/sbx/sbxobj.cxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'basic/source/sbx/sbxobj.cxx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 80 deletions
diff --git a/basic/source/sbx/sbxobj.cxx b/basic/source/sbx/sbxobj.cxx
index c32f018558..b9643006ad 100644
--- a/basic/source/sbx/sbxobj.cxx
+++ b/basic/source/sbx/sbxobj.cxx
@@ -1062,86 +1062,6 @@ void SbxObject::GarbageCollection( ULONG nObjects )
- (void)nObjects;
- static BOOL bInGarbageCollection = FALSE;
- if ( bInGarbageCollection )
- return;
- bInGarbageCollection = TRUE;
-#if 0
- // erstes Object dieser Runde anspringen
- BOOL bAll = !nObjects;
- if ( bAll )
- rObjects.First();
- SbxObject *pObj = rObjects.GetCurObject();
- if ( !pObj )
- pObj = rObjects.First();
- while ( pObj && 0 != nObjects-- )
- {
- // hat der Parent nur noch 1 Ref-Count?
- SbxObject *pParent = PTR_CAST( SbxObject, pObj->GetParent() );
- if ( pParent && 1 == pParent->GetRefCount() )
- {
- // dann alle Properies des Objects durchsuchen
- SbxArray *pProps = pObj->GetProperties();
- for ( USHORT n = 0; n < pProps->Count(); ++n )
- {
- // verweist die Property auf den Parent des Object?
- SbxVariable *pProp = pProps->Get(n);
- const SbxValues &rValues = pProp->GetValues_Impl();
- if ( SbxOBJECT == rValues.eType &&
- pParent == rValues.pObj )
- {
-#ifdef DBG_UTIL
- DbgOutf( "SBX: %s.%s with Object %s was garbage",
- pObj->GetName().GetStr(),
- pProp->GetName().GetStr(),
- pParent->GetName().GetStr() );
- // dann freigeben
- pProp->SbxValue::Clear();
- Sound::Beep();
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // zum n"achsten
- pObj = rObjects.Next();
- if ( !bAll && !pObj )
- pObj = rObjects.First();
- }
-// AB 28.10. Zur 507a vorerst raus, da SfxBroadcaster::Enable() wegfaellt
-#if 0
-#ifdef DBG_UTIL
- SbxVarList_Impl &rVars = GetSbxData_Impl()->aVars;
- DbgOutf( "SBX: garbage collector done, %lu objects remainding",
- rVars.Count() );
- if ( rVars.Count() > 200 && rVars.Count() < 210 )
- {
- SvFileStream aStream( "d:\\tmp\\dump.sbx", STREAM_STD_WRITE );
- SfxBroadcaster::Enable(FALSE);
- for ( ULONG n = 0; n < rVars.Count(); ++n )
- {
- SbxVariable *pVar = rVars.GetObject(n);
- SbxObject *pObj = PTR_CAST(SbxObject, pVar);
- USHORT nFlags = pVar->GetFlags();
- pVar->SetFlag(SBX_NO_BROADCAST);
- if ( pObj )
- pObj->Dump(aStream);
- else if ( !pVar->GetParent() || !pVar->GetParent()->ISA(SbxObject) )
- pVar->Dump(aStream);
- pVar->SetFlags(nFlags);
- }
- SfxBroadcaster::Enable(TRUE);
- }
- bInGarbageCollection = FALSE;
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