path: root/basic/source/app/appbased.hxx
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Diffstat (limited to 'basic/source/app/appbased.hxx')
1 files changed, 14 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/basic/source/app/appbased.hxx b/basic/source/app/appbased.hxx
index 58ada53240..f12b805240 100644
--- a/basic/source/app/appbased.hxx
+++ b/basic/source/app/appbased.hxx
@@ -45,31 +45,31 @@ class BreakpointWindow;
class AppBasEd : public AppEdit { // Editor-Window:
using DockingWindow::Notify;
- SbModuleRef pMod; // compiliertes Modul
- BOOL bCompiled; // TRUE, wenn compiliert
+ SbModuleRef pMod; // compile module
+ BOOL bCompiled; // TRUE if compiled
DECL_LINK( EditChange, void * );
BreakpointWindow *pBreakpoints;
- virtual USHORT ImplSave(); // Datei speichern
+ virtual USHORT ImplSave(); // Save file
AppBasEd( BasicFrame*, SbModule* );
- FileType GetFileType(); // Liefert den Filetype
+ FileType GetFileType(); // Returns Filetype
SbModule* GetModule() { return pMod; }
- long InitMenu( Menu* ); // Initialisierung des Menues
- virtual long DeInitMenu( Menu* ); // rücksetzen, so daß wieder alle Shortcuts enabled sind
- virtual void Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ); // Kommando-Handler
- virtual void Resize(); // Berücksichtigt die Breakpointleiste
- virtual void PostLoad(); // Nachbearbeiten des geladenen (Source am Modul setzen)
- virtual void PostSaveAs(); // Nachbearbeiten des Modils ...
+ long InitMenu( Menu* ); // Initialision of the menus
+ virtual long DeInitMenu( Menu* ); // Reset to enable all shortcuts
+ virtual void Command( const CommandEvent& rCEvt ); // Command handler
+ virtual void Resize(); // Includes the breakpoint bar
+ virtual void PostLoad(); // Set source of module
+ virtual void PostSaveAs(); // Postprocess of module...
void Reload();
- void LoadSource(); // Quelltext zu Objekt laden
- BOOL Compile(); // Text compilieren
- void Run(); // Image laufenlassen
- void Disassemble(); // Image disassemblieren
+ void LoadSource(); // Load source for object
+ BOOL Compile(); // Compile text
+ void Run(); // Run image
+ void Disassemble(); // Disassemble image
const String& GetModName() const { return pMod->GetName(); }
virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint );