Similarity Search /text/shared/01/02100100.xhp
similarity search finding; similarity search Similarity Search Find terms that are similar to the Search for text. Select this checkbox, and then click the ... button to define the similarity options.
For example, a similarity search can find words that differ from the Search for text by two characters.
... Set the options for the similarity search. Settings Define the criteria for determining if a word is similar to the search term. Exchange characters Enter the number of characters in the search term that can be exchanged. For example, if you specify 2 exchanged characters, "black" and "crack" are considered similar. Add characters Enter the maximum number of characters by which a word can exceed the number of characters in the search term. Remove characters Enter the number of characters by which a word can be shorter than the search term. Combine Searches for a term that matches any combination of the similarity search settings.