diff options
authorMuthu Subramanian K <>2010-11-05 12:40:28 +0100
committerJan Holesovsky <>2010-11-05 13:08:15 +0100
commit962aaaced4539cc648cdd8236c36dadd4e77a871 (patch)
parentc85e98534260c57e3f10f2047a55410cd203b360 (diff)
Help -> wiki converter.
3 files changed, 645 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/helpcontent2/to-wiki/ b/helpcontent2/to-wiki/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..bb0483fed5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpcontent2/to-wiki/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import os, sys
+titles = [[]]
+def loadallfiles(filename):
+ global titles
+ file=open(filename,"r")
+ for line in file:
+ title = line.split(";")
+ titles.append(title)
+for title in titles:
+ command = ""
+ outfile = ""
+ infile = ""
+ try:
+ outfile = "wiki/"+title[1].strip()
+ infile = title[0].strip()
+ command = "python "+infile+" > "+outfile
+ except:
+ continue
+ try:
+ file = open(outfile,"r")
+ except:
+ print "Processing: "+infile
+ if not os.system(command):
+ # print "Failed: "+command
+ # sys.exit(1)
+ pass
+ continue
+ print "Warning: Skipping: "+command
+ file.close()
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/helpcontent2/to-wiki/ b/helpcontent2/to-wiki/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..cb0527e88b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpcontent2/to-wiki/
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import os
+import xml.parsers.expat
+def is_present(title):
+ for i in alltitles:
+ try:
+ if i.strip() == title.strip():
+ return True
+ except:
+ return False
+ return False
+def make_unique(title):
+ n=0
+ t = title
+ while is_present(t):
+ n=n+1
+ t = title+"_%d"%(n)
+ return t
+replace_text_list = [
+ ["$[officename]","LibreOffice"],
+ ["%PRODUCTNAME","LibreOffice"],
+ ['"+"',"plus"],
+ ['"*"',"star"],
+ ['"-"',"minus"],
+ ['"/"',"slash"],
+ ['"^"',"cap"],
+ [')','_'],
+ ['(','_'],
+ ['\\','_'],
+ ['/','_']
+ ]
+modules_list = [
+ "sbasic",
+ "scalc",
+ "schart",
+ "sdraw",
+ "shared",
+ "simpress",
+ "smath",
+ "swriter"
+ ]
+def get_module(text):
+ for i in modules_list:
+ if text.find(i) >=0:
+ return i
+ return ""
+def replace_text(text):
+ for i in replace_text_list:
+ if text.find(i[0]) >= 0:
+ text = text.replace(i[0],i[1])
+ return text
+def start_element(name, attrs):
+ global parsing, istitle
+ if not parsing:
+ return
+ if name == 'title':
+ istitle=True
+def end_element(name):
+ global parsing, istitle
+ if not parsing:
+ return
+ if name == 'title':
+ parsign = False
+ istitle = False
+def char_data(data):
+ global title, parsing
+ if not istitle:
+ return
+ title = replace_text(data)
+def parsexhp(filename):
+ global parsing, title
+ parsing = True
+ file=open(filename,"r")
+ p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
+ p.StartElementHandler = start_element
+ p.EndElementHandler = end_element
+ p.CharacterDataHandler = char_data
+ buf =
+ p.Parse(buf)
+ file.close()
+ title=get_module(filename)+"/"+title
+ title = title.replace(" ","_")
+ title = make_unique(title)
+ alltitles.append(title)
+ print filename+";"+title
+if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print " <directory>"
+ print "e.g. helcontent2/source/text/scalc"
+ sys.exit(1)
+pattern = "xhp"
+for root, dirs, files in os.walk(sys.argv[1]):
+ for i in files:
+ if i.find(pattern) >= 0:
+ parsexhp(root+"/"+i)
diff --git a/helpcontent2/to-wiki/ b/helpcontent2/to-wiki/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..11dfb97cd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/helpcontent2/to-wiki/
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+import xml.parsers.expat
+titles = [[]]
+start_eles = [
+ ["emph","'''"]
+ ]
+end_eles = [
+ ["emph","'''"]
+ ]
+replace_text_list = [
+ ["$[officename]","LibreOffice"],
+ ["%PRODUCTNAME","LibreOffice"]
+ ]
+def get_link_filename(link, name):
+ text = link
+ if link.find("http") >= 0:
+ text = name
+ for title in titles:
+ try:
+ if title[0].find(text) >= 0:
+ return title[1].strip()
+ except:
+ pass
+ return link
+def replace_text(text):
+ for i in replace_text_list:
+ if text.find(i[0]) >= 0:
+ text = text.replace(i[0],i[1])
+ return text
+def heading(level):
+ str=""
+ for i in range(0,level):
+ str = str+"="
+ return str
+class cxml:
+ def __init__(self, sectionid):
+ self.filter_section=sectionid
+ self.objects=[]
+ self.child_parsing=False
+ self.parser_state=True
+ self.depth=1
+ if sectionid != "":
+ self.parser_state=False
+ def start_element(self, name, attrs):
+ if name == 'section':
+ if self.filter_section != "" and attrs['id'] == self.filter_section:
+ self.parser_state=True
+ if name == 'paragraph':
+ if not self.parser_state:
+ para=cparagraph(attrs, self, self.filter_section, self.depth)
+ else:
+ para=cparagraph(attrs, self, '', self.depth)
+ self.depth = para.depth
+ self.child_parsing=True
+ self.objects.append(para)
+ if not self.parser_state:
+ return
+ if name == 'embed':
+ link=attrs['href'].replace('"','')
+ fname=link
+ section=""
+ if link.find("#") >= 0:
+ fname = link[:link.find("#")]
+ section = link[link.find("#")+1:]
+ #print "Parsing: "+fname+" Section: "+section
+ if fname.find("border") >= 0 or \
+ fname.find("background") >= 0:
+ print "Ignoring: "+fname
+ else:
+ self.child_parsing = True
+ child_xml = cxml(section)
+ child_xml.depth = self.depth +1
+ self.objects.append(child_xml)
+ parsexhp(root+fname)
+ self.child_parsing = False
+ if name == 'table':
+ child = ctable(attrs, self)
+ self.child_parsing = True
+ self.objects.append(child)
+ def end_element(self, name):
+ if not self.parser_state:
+ return
+ if self.filter_section != "" and name == 'section':
+ self.parser_state=False
+ def char_data(self, data):
+ pass
+ def get_curobj(self):
+ if self.child_parsing:
+ #try:
+ # raise self.objects[len(self.objects)-1]
+ #except cxml:
+ return self.objects[len(self.objects)-1].get_curobj()
+ #except:
+ # return self.objects[len(self.objects)-1]
+ else:
+ return self
+ def print_all(self):
+ for i in self.objects:
+ i.print_all()
+class cimage:
+ def __init__(self, attrs, parent):
+ self.src = attrs['src']
+ try:
+ self.width = attrs['width']
+ self.height = attrs['height']
+ except:
+ self.width = self.height = ""
+ self.align = 'left'
+ self.alt = False
+ self.alttext = ""
+ self.parent = parent
+ def start_element(self, name, attrs):
+ if name == 'alt':
+ self.alt = True
+ def end_element(self, name):
+ if name == 'alt':
+ self.alt = False
+ if name == 'image':
+ self.parent.child_parsing = False
+ def char_data(self, data):
+ if self.alt:
+ self.alttext = self.alttext + data
+ def get_all(self):
+ wikitext = "[[Image:"+self.src+"|border|"+self.align+"|"
+ if len(self.width):
+ wikitext = wikitext + self.width+"x"+self.height+"|"
+ wikitext = wikitext + self.alttext+"]]"
+ return wikitext
+ def print_all(self):
+ print self.get_all()
+ def get_curobj(self):
+ return self
+class ctext:
+ def __init__(self, text):
+ self.wikitext = replace_text(text)
+ def print_all(self):
+ print self.wikitext
+class ctabcell:
+ def __init__(self, attrs, parent):
+ # TODO: colspan rowspan
+ self.objects = []
+ self.child_parsing = False
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.header = False
+ pass
+ def start_element(self, name, attrs):
+ if name == 'paragraph':
+ if attrs['role'] == 'tablehead':
+ self.header = True
+ para=cparagraph(attrs, self, '', 0)
+ self.child_parsing=True
+ self.objects.append(para)
+ pass
+ def end_element(self, name):
+ if name == 'tablecell':
+ self.parent.child_parsing = False
+ pass
+ def char_data(self, data):
+ pass
+ def print_all(self):
+ for i in self.objects:
+ i.print_all()
+ def get_all(self):
+ text = ""
+ for i in self.objects:
+ text = text + i.get_all()
+ return text
+ def get_curobj(self):
+ if self.child_parsing:
+ return self.objects[len(self.objects)-1].get_curobj()
+ return self
+class ctable:
+ def __init__(self, attrs, parent):
+ # TODO/Check: Might Require filtering too...
+ try:
+ self.tableid = attrs['id']
+ except:
+ self.tableid = 0
+ self.header = []
+ self.crow = []
+ self.content = [[]]
+ self.child_parsing = False
+ self.child = None
+ self.parent = parent
+ def check_add_cell(self):
+ if self.child:
+ self.crow.append(self.child)
+ self.child = None
+ def check_add_row(self):
+ if len(self.crow):
+ if self.crow[0].header:
+ self.header = self.crow
+ else:
+ self.content.append(self.crow)
+ self.crow = []
+ def start_element(self, name, attrs):
+ if name == 'tablecell':
+ self.check_add_cell()
+ self.child = ctabcell(attrs, self)
+ self.child_parsing = True
+ if name == 'tablerow':
+ self.check_add_cell()
+ self.check_add_row()
+ def end_element(self, name):
+ if name == 'table':
+ # the following checks may be unnecessary
+ self.check_add_cell()
+ self.check_add_row()
+ self.parent.child_parsing = False
+ def char_data(self, data):
+ pass
+ def get_all(self):
+ text = '{| border="1"' # + ' align="left"'
+ if len(self.header):
+ # text = text + "\n|+ caption"
+ text = text +"\n|-"
+ for i in self.header:
+ text = text + '\n! scope="col" | ' + i.get_all()
+ for i in self.content:
+ text = text + "\n|-"
+ for j in i:
+ text = text + "\n| "+j.get_all()
+ text = text + "\n|}"
+ return text
+ def print_all(self):
+ print self.get_all().encode('ascii','replace')
+ def get_curobj(self):
+ if self.child_parsing:
+ return self.child.get_curobj()
+ return self
+class clink:
+ def __init__(self, attrs, parent):
+ = attrs['href']
+ try:
+ self.lname = attrs['name']
+ except:
+ self.lname =["/")+1:]
+ # Override lname
+ self.lname = get_link_filename(, self.lname)
+ self.wikitext = ""
+ self.parent = parent
+ def start_element(self, name, attrs):
+ pass
+ def end_element(self, name):
+ if name == "link":
+ self.parent.child_parsing = False
+ def char_data(self, data):
+ self.wikitext = self.wikitext + data
+ def get_all(self):
+ if"http") >= 0:
+ text = "["" "+self.wikitext+"]"
+ else:
+ text = "[["+self.lname+"|"+self.wikitext+"]]"
+ if self.parent.heading:
+ text = heading(self.parent.depth) + " " + text + " "+heading(self.parent.depth)
+ text = replace_text(text)
+ return text
+ def print_all(self):
+ print self.get_all()
+ def get_curobj(self):
+ return self
+# Not used yet - cparagraph itself handles it (as of now)
+class cvariable:
+ def __init__(self, sectionid, parent):
+ self.parser_state=True
+ self.wikitext=""
+ if sectionid != "" and attrs['id']==sectionid:
+ self.parser_state=False
+ self.parent = parent
+ def start_element(self, name, attrs):
+ pass
+ def end_element(self,name):
+ if name == 'variable':
+ parent.child_parsing = False
+ def print_all(self):
+ print self.wikitext
+class cparagraph:
+ def __init__(self, attrs, parent, sectionid, depth):
+ self.child_parsing = False
+ self.heading=False
+ try:
+ if attrs['role'] == "heading":
+ self.heading = True
+ except:
+ pass
+ #try:
+ # self.level=parent.level+1
+ #except:
+ try:
+ self.level=int(attrs['level'])
+ except:
+ self.level=0
+ self.filter_section=sectionid
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.objects=[]
+ self.parser_state=True
+ if depth > self.level:
+ self.depth = depth
+ else:
+ self.depth = self.level
+ self.wikitext=""
+ if sectionid != "":
+ self.parser_state = False
+ def __del__(self):
+ pass
+ def start_element(self, name, attrs):
+ if name == 'variable':
+ if attrs['id'] == self.filter_section:
+ self.parser_state=True
+ if name == 'paragraph':
+ if not self.parser_state:
+ child = cparagraph(attrs, self, self.filter_section, self.depth+1)
+ else:
+ child = cparagraph(attrs, self, "", self.depth+1)
+ self.child_parsing = True
+ self.objects.append(child)
+ if not self.parser_state:
+ return
+ if name == 'embed':
+ # This shouldn't occur
+ print "Warning: Skipped Embedded content!!!"
+ if name == 'image':
+ child = cimage(attrs, self)
+ self.child_parsing = True
+ self.objects.append(child)
+ if name == 'link':
+ child = clink(attrs, self)
+ self.child_parsing = True
+ self.objects.append(child)
+ global start_eles
+ for n in start_eles:
+ if n[0] == name:
+ #self.wikitext=self.wikitext+n[1]
+ self.objects.append(ctext(n[1]))
+ break
+ def end_element(self, name):
+ if name == 'paragraph':
+ self.parent.child_parsing = False
+ if not self.parser_state:
+ return
+ if self.filter_section != "" and name == 'varable':
+ self.parser_state = False
+ global end_eles
+ for n in end_eles:
+ if n[0] == name:
+ #self.wikitext=self.wikitext+n[1]
+ self.objects.append(ctext(n[1]))
+ break
+ def char_data(self, data):
+ if not self.parser_state or not len(data.strip()):
+ return
+ text=""
+ if self.heading:
+ text = heading(self.depth) + " " + data + " "+heading(self.depth)
+ else:
+ text = data
+ self.objects.append(ctext(text))
+ #self.wikitext = self.wikitext + text
+ def print_all(self):
+ #if self.wikitext != "":
+ # print self.wikitext
+ text = self.get_all()
+ if len(text):
+ print text.encode('ascii','replace')
+ return
+ for i in self.objects:
+ try:
+ raise i
+ except ctext:
+ self.wikitext = self.wikitext + i.wikitext
+ except clink:
+ self.wikitext = self.wikitext + i.get_all() + " "
+ except:
+ if len(self.wikitext):
+ print self.wikitext
+ self.wikitext=""
+ i.print_all()
+ if len(self.wikitext):
+ print self.wikitext
+ def get_all(self):
+ for i in self.objects:
+ try:
+ raise i
+ except ctext:
+ self.wikitext = self.wikitext + i.wikitext
+ except clink:
+ self.wikitext = self.wikitext + i.get_all() + " "
+ except:
+ if len(self.wikitext):
+ self.wikitext = self.wikitext + "\n"
+ self.wikitext = self.wikitext + "\n" + i.get_all()
+ return self.wikitext
+ def get_curobj(self):
+ if self.child_parsing:
+ return self.objects[len(self.objects)-1].get_curobj()
+ else:
+ return self
+def start_element(name, attrs):
+ head_obj.get_curobj().start_element(name,attrs)
+def end_element(name):
+ head_obj.get_curobj().end_element(name)
+def char_data(data):
+ head_obj.get_curobj().char_data(data)
+def parsexhp(filename):
+ file=open(filename,"r")
+ p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
+ p.StartElementHandler = start_element
+ p.EndElementHandler = end_element
+ p.CharacterDataHandler = char_data
+ buf =
+ p.Parse(buf)
+ file.close()
+def loadallfiles(filename):
+ global titles
+ file=open(filename,"r")
+ for line in file:
+ title = line.split(";")
+ titles.append(title)
+if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print " <inputfile.xph>"
+ sys.exit(1)