/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: dbwizres.src,v $ * * $Revision: 1.50 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2003-04-29 17:35:35 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #define RID_DB_COMMON_START 1000 // #define RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START 2000 #define RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START 2200 // #define RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START 2300 #define RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START 2400 // #define RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START 2500 // #define RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START 2600 // #define RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START 2700 // ============================================================================ String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 0 { Text = "~Fertig stellen"; Text [ english_us] = "C~reate"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Criar"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Voltooien"; Text[ french ] = "Crer"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Crear"; Text[ italian ] = "~Crea"; Text[ danish ] = "~Udfr"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Frdigstll"; Text[ polish ] = "~Utwrz"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Criar"; Text[ japanese ] = "完了(~R)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成(~R)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "完成(~R)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Voltooien"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成(~R)"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "만들기(~R)"; Text[ turkish ] = "O~lutur"; Text[ catalan ] = "Cr~ea"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Luo"; Text[ thai ] = "ส~ร้าง"; Text[ czech ] = "Vytvořit"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "उ~त्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 1 { Text = "Abbrechen"; Text [ english_us] = "~Cancel"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Ca~ncelar"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Annuleren"; Text[ french ] = "Annuler"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cancelar"; Text[ italian ] = "Annulla"; Text[ danish ] = "A~nnuller"; Text[ swedish ] = "Avbryt"; Text[ polish ] = "~Anuluj"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ca~ncelar"; Text[ japanese ] = "キャンセル(~C)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "取消(~C)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "取消(~C)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Annuleren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "取消(~C)"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "취소"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Vazge"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Cancel.la"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Peruuta"; Text[ thai ] = "~ยกเลิก"; Text[ czech ] = "Zrušit"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ביטול‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~रद्द करो"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 2 { Text = "<< ~Zurck"; Text [ english_us] = "<< ~Back"; Text[ portuguese ] = "<< ~Anterior"; Text[ russian ] = "<< ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "<< ~Vorige"; Text[ french ] = "<< Prcdent"; Text[ spanish ] = "<< ~Regresar"; Text[ italian ] = "<< ~Indietro"; Text[ danish ] = "<< ~Tilbage"; Text[ swedish ] = "<< ~Tillbaka"; Text[ polish ] = "<< ~Wstecz"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "<< ~Voltar"; Text[ japanese ] = "<< 戻る(~B)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "<< 返回(~B)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "<< 返回(~B)"; Text[ arabic ] = "<< ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "<< ~Vorige"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "<< 返回(~B)"; Text[ greek ] = "<< "; Text[ korean ] = "<< 뒤로(~B)"; Text[ turkish ] = "<< ~Geri"; Text[ catalan ] = "<< ~Enrere"; Text[ finnish ] = "<< ~Edellinen"; Text[ thai ] = "<< ~กลับไป"; Text[ czech ] = "<< Předchozí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮<< הקודם‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "<< ~पीछे"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 3 { Text = "~Weiter >>"; Text [ english_us] = "~Next >>"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Con~tinuar >>"; Text[ russian ] = "~ >>"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Volgende >>"; Text[ french ] = "Suivant >>"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Siguiente >>"; Text[ italian ] = "~Avanti >>"; Text[ danish ] = "~Nste >>"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Nsta >>"; Text[ polish ] = "~Dalej >>"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Avanar >>"; Text[ japanese ] = "次へ(~N) >>"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "继续(~N) >>"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "繼續(~N) >>"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ >>"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Volgende >>"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "继续(~N) >>"; Text[ greek ] = " >>"; Text[ korean ] = "다음(~N) >>"; Text[ turkish ] = "~leri >>"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Segent >>"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Seuraava >>"; Text[ thai ] = "~ถัดไป >>"; Text[ czech ] = "Další >>"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הבא >>‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~आगे >>"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 4 { Text = "~Datenbank"; Text [ english_us] = "~Database"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Base de dados"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Database"; Text[ french ] = "~Base de donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Base de datos"; Text[ italian ] = "~Database"; Text[ danish ] = "~Database"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Databas"; Text[ polish ] = "Baza ~danych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Banco de dados"; Text[ japanese ] = "データベース(~D)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库(~D)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資料庫(~D)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Database"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库(~D)"; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스(~D)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Veritaban"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Base de dades"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Tietokanta"; Text[ thai ] = "~ฐานข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Databáze"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מסד נתונים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~लेखासंचय"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 5 { Text = "~Tabellenname"; Text [ english_us] = "~Table name"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Nome da tabela"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelnaam"; Text[ french ] = "Nom de la ~table"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Nombre de la tabla"; Text[ italian ] = "Nome ~tabella"; Text[ danish ] = "~Tabelnavn"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Tabellnamn"; Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa ~tabeli"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Nome da tabela"; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブル名(~T)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格名称(~T)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格名稱(~T)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelnaam"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格名称(~T)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "테이블 이름(~T)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo ismi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Nom de la ~taula"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Taulukon nimi"; Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อ~ตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = "Název tabulky"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שם טבלה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~सारणी नाम"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 6 { Text = "Whrend der Ausfhrung des AutoPiloten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Der AutoPilot wird beendet."; Text [ english_us] = "An error occurred while running the AutoPilot. The AutoPilot will be terminated."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro durante a execuo do AutoPiloto. Este ser encerrado."; Text[ russian ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het werken met de AutoPiloot is er een fout opgetreden. De AutoPiloot wordt gestopt."; Text[ french ] = "Une erreur s'est produite au cours de l'excution de l'AutoPilote. Ce dernier va tre ferm."; Text[ spanish ] = "Durante la ejecucin del Piloto automtico se ha producido un error. El Piloto automtico se cerrar."; Text[ italian ] = "Nel corso dell'esecuzione del Pilota automatico si verificato un errore. Il Pilota automatico viene interrotto."; Text[ danish ] = "Der opstod en fejl under udfrelse af AutoPilot. AutoPilot afsluttes."; Text[ swedish ] = "Ett fel uppstod nr AutoPiloten krdes. AutoPiloten kommer att avslutas."; Text[ polish ] = "Wystpi bd podczas uruchamiania AutoPilota. Wykonanie AutoPilota zostanie przerwane."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ocorreu um erro durante a execuo do Assistente. O Assistente ser encerrado."; Text[ japanese ] = "オートパイロットの実行中にエラーが発生しました。オートパイロットを終了します。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "执行自动文件助理时出现一个错误。现在结束自动文件助理。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在執行自動檔案助理時發生一個錯誤。現在關閉自動檔案助理程式。"; Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het werken met de AutoPiloot is er een fout opgetreden. De AutoPiloot wordt gestopt."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "执行自动文件助理时出现一个错误。现在结束自动文件助理。"; Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot. AutoPilot ."; Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿의 실행 중 오류가 발생했습니다. 자동 파일럿이 종료됩니다."; Text[ turkish ] = " AutoPilot altrlrken bir hata olutu. AutoPilot kapatlacak."; Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error en executar l'AutoPilot. L'AutoPilot s'aturar."; Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjatun toiminnon ohjauksen suorituksessa on ilmennyt virhe. Ohjattu toiminto lopetetaan."; Text[ thai ] = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดขณะใช้งานการนำร่องอัตโนมัติ การนำร่องอัตโนมัติจะยุติ"; Text[ czech ] = "Při běhu průvodce došlo k chybě. Průvodce musí být ukončen."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ארעה שגיאה בזמן פעולת הטייס האוטומטי. הטייס יופסק.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "An error occurred while running the AutoPilot. The AutoPilot will be terminated."; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 8 { Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Formulare starten zu knnen."; Text [ english_us] = "No database has been installed. At least one database is required before the AutoPilot for forms can be started."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Nenhuma base de dados instalada. Para poder activar o AutoPiloto de formulrios necessria, pelo menos, uma base de dados."; Text[ russian ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft minstens n database nodig om de AutoPiloot voor formulieren te kunnen starten."; Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de formulaire."; Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el Piloto automtico para formularios."; Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun datase. Occorre almeno un database per poter avviare il Pilota automatico per i formulari."; Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret nogen database. Mindst n database er ndvendig for at kunne starte AutoPilot til formularer."; Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr formulr."; Text[ polish ] = "Nie zainstalowano adnej bazy danych. Do uruchomienia AutoPilota formularzy jest wymagana co najmniej jedna baza danych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nenhum banco de dados foi instalado. Pelo menos um banco de dados deve estar instalado para se usar o Assistente de formulrios."; Text[ japanese ] = "データベースがインストールされていません。オートパイロット フォームを開始するには、データベースが最低1つは必要です。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装数据库。您至少需要一个数据库来启动自动文件助理程序,制作表单。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "沒有安裝任何的資料庫。啟動自動表單助理程式至少您需要建立了一個資料庫。"; Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft minstens n database nodig om de AutoPiloot voor formulieren te kunnen starten."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装数据库。您至少需要一个数据库来启动自动文件助理程序,制作表单。"; Text[ greek ] = " . ."; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되지 않았습니다. 최소한 하나 이상의 데이터베이스가 있어야 양식을 위한 자동 파일럿을 시작할 수 있습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Hi veritaban yklenmemi. AutoPilot'u formlar iin balatmak iin en azndan bir veritaban gerekli."; Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha instal.lat cap base de dades. Com a mnim hi ha d'haver una base de dades per executar l'Autopilot per a formularis."; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantoja ei ole asennettu. Ohjattu lomakkeiden luominen edellytt, ett jrjestelmn on asennettu vhintn yksi tietokanta."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ได้ติดตั้งฐานข้อมูล ต้องการอย่างน้อยที่สุดหนึ่งฐานข้อมูลก่อนเริ่มต้นการนำร่องแบบฟอร์มอัตโนมัติ"; Text[ czech ] = "Není instalována žádná databáze. Pro běh té části průvodce, která konvertuje formuláře, musí být instalována alespoň jedna databáze."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא מותקן מסד נתונים. נדרש לפחות מסד נתונים אחד כדי להפעיל את הטייס האותומטי לטפסים.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "कोई लेखासंचय को प्रतिष्ठापित नहीं किया है । फ़ार्म का ओटोपैलट् को प्रारंभ करने के लिए कम से कम एक लेखासंचय की ज़रूरत है ।"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 9 { Text = "Die Datenbank enthlt keine Tabelle."; Text [ english_us] = "The database does not contain any tables."; Text[ portuguese ] = "A base de dados no contm tabelas."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De database bevat geen tabel."; Text[ french ] = "La base de donnes ne contient aucune table."; Text[ spanish ] = "La base de datos no contiene ninguna tabla."; Text[ italian ] = "Il database non contiene nessuna tabella."; Text[ danish ] = "Databasen indeholder ingen tabel."; Text[ swedish ] = "Databasen innehller ingen tabell."; Text[ polish ] = "Baza danych nie zawiera adnych tabel."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "O banco de dados no contm tabelas."; Text[ japanese ] = "データベースにはテーブルが含まれていません。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库没有任何表格。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資料庫之中沒有任何表格。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De database bevat geen tabel."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库没有任何表格。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스에 표가 없습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Bu veritabannda hi tablo yok."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "La base de dades no cont cap taula."; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokannassa ei ole taulukoita."; Text[ thai ] = "ฐานข้อมูลไม่มีตารางใด ๆเลย"; Text[ czech ] = "Databáze neobsahuje žádné tabulky."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אין טבלאות במסד הנתונים.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय में एक भी सारणी नहीं है ।"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 10 { Text = "Der Titel existiert bereits in der Datenbank. Bitte whlen Sie einen anderen."; Text [ english_us] = "This title already exists in the database. Please enter another name."; Text[ portuguese ] = "O ttulo j existe na base de dados. Seleccione outro."; Text[ russian ] = " . , , ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Deze naam bestaat reeds in de database. Kies een andere naam."; Text[ french ] = "Ce titre existe dj dans la base de donnes. Choisissez-en un autre."; Text[ spanish ] = "Este ttulo ya existe en la base de datos. Introduzca otro."; Text[ italian ] = "Il titolo esiste gi nel database. Sceglietene un altro."; Text[ danish ] = "Titlen findes allerede i databasen. Vlg en anden titel."; Text[ swedish ] = "Namnet finns redan i databasen. Vlj ett annat namn."; Text[ polish ] = "Ten tytu ju istnieje w bazie danych. Wybierz inny tytu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Este ttulo j existe no banco de dados. Por favor indique outro nome."; Text[ japanese ] = "このタイトルはすでにデータベースにあります。別のタイトルにしてください。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库中已经存在此标题。请您选择另一个标题。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資料庫內已經有這個標題。請您輸入另外一個名稱。"; Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Deze naam bestaat reeds in de database. Kies een andere naam."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库中已经存在此标题。请您选择另一个标题。"; Text[ greek ] = " . ."; Text[ korean ] = "이 제목은 이미 데이터베이스에 있습니다. 다른 제목을 선택하십시오."; Text[ turkish ] = "Bu balk veritabannda mevcut. Ltfen baka bir isim giriniz."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Aquest ttol ja existeix. Introduu un altre nom."; Text[ finnish ] = "Otsikko on jo tietokannassa. Anna toinen nimi."; Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อเรื่องนี้มีอยู่ในฐานข้อมูลแล้ว กรุณาใส่ชื่ออื่น"; Text[ czech ] = "Tento název v databázi již existuje, prosím, zadejte jiný."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כותרת זו קיימת כבר במסד הנתונים. נא לבחור שם אחר.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "यह शीर्षक लेखासंचय में पहिले से ही अस्तित्व में है । कृपया दूसरा नाम प्रविष्ट कीजिए ।"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 11 { Text = "Der Titel darf keine Leer- oder Sonderzeichen enthalten."; Text [ english_us] = "The title must not contain any spaces or special characters."; Text[ portuguese ] = "O ttulo no pode incluir espaos em branco nem caracteres especiais."; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De naam mag geen spaties of speciale tekens bevatten."; Text[ french ] = "Le titre ne peut comporter ni espaces, ni caractres spciaux."; Text[ spanish ] = "El ttulo no debe contener espacios ni caracteres especiales."; Text[ italian ] = "Il titolo non pu contenere n spazi vuoti n caratteri speciali."; Text[ danish ] = "Titlen m ikke indeholde mellemrum eller specialtegn."; Text[ swedish ] = "Namnet fr inte innehlla ngra blanksteg eller specialtecken."; Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa nie moe zawiera spacji ani znakw specjalnych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "O ttulo no pode conter espaos em branco nem caracteres especiais."; Text[ japanese ] = "タイトルに空白、または記号と特殊文字が含まれていてはいけません。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标题不得含有空白字符或特殊字符。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標題不得含有空格字元及特殊字元。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De naam mag geen spaties of speciale tekens bevatten."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标题不得含有空白字符或特殊字符。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "제목에 공백이나 특수 문자가 포함되면 안됩니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Balk zel karakterlerden olumamal ya da bo braklmamaldr."; Text[ catalan ] = "El ttol no pot contenir espais o carcters especials."; Text[ finnish ] = "Otsikossa ei saa olla vlilyntej tai erikoismerkkej."; Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อเรื่องต้องไม่มีระยะห่างหรือตัวอักขระพิเศษใด ๆ"; Text[ czech ] = "Název nesmí obsahovat žádné mezery ani jiné zvláštní znaky."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮רווחים ותווים מיוחדים אסורים בכותרות.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "शीर्षक का नाम में खाली स्थान अथवा विशेष अक्षरों को नहीं भर सकते है ।"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 12 { Text = "Der Datenbank-Service (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) konnte nicht instantiiert werden."; Text [ english_us] = "The database service (com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine) could not be instantiated."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel instanciar o servio da base de dados (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; Text[ russian ] = " (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; Text[ dutch ] = "De databaseservice (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) kan niet worden genitieerd."; Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'instancier le service de base de donnes (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) !"; Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo instanciar el servicio de base de datos (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile caricare il servizio database (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; Text[ danish ] = "Databaseservicen (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) kunne ikke instantieres."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att instantiera databasservicen (com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine)."; Text[ polish ] = "Nie mona utworzy instancji usugi bazy danych (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No foi possvel instanciar o servio do banco de dados (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; Text[ japanese ] = "データベースのサービス (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)はインストールできませんでした。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法实现数据库服务功能(com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法實現資料庫服務(stardiv.one.data.DatabaseEngine)。"; Text[ arabic ] = " (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; Text[ language_user1 ] = "ZL: Diese Fehlermeldung betrifft StarOffice API. \"instantiiert werden\" bedeutet \"Uebergabe von \"instance variable\"."; Text[ dutch ] = "De databaseservice (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) kan niet worden genitieerd."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法实现数据库服务功能(com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)。"; Text[ greek ] = " (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 서비스(com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)를 인스턴스화하지 못했습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Veritaban hizmeti (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) balatlamad."; Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut instanciar el servei de base de dades (com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine)."; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantapalvelun (com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine) kytt ei onnistunut."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถแสดงตัวอย่างให้เห็นการบริการฐานข้อมูล(com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine) "; Text[ czech ] = "Databázový stroj (com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine) nemohl být instalován."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן להפעיל עותק של שרות מסד הנתונים (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine).‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय सेवा (com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine) को प्रारंभ नहीं कर सकते है ।"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 13 { Text = "Die ausgewhlte Tabelle oder Abfrage konnte nicht geffnet werden."; Text [ english ] = "The selected table or query could not be opened."; Text[ english_us ] = "The selected table or query could not be opened."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel abrir a tabela ou a consulta seleccionadas."; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De geselecteerde tabel of query kan niet worden geopend."; Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'ouvrir la table ou requte slectionne !"; Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo abrir la tabla o consulta seleccionada."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att ppna den utvalda tabellen eller skningen."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile aprire la tabella o la ricerca selezionata."; Text[ danish ] = "Den valgte tabel eller foresprgsel kunne ikke bnes."; Text[ polish ] = "Nie mona otworzy wybranej tabeli lub kwerendy."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No foi possvel abrir a tabela ou a consulta selecionada."; Text[ japanese ] = "選択したテ-ブル、またはクエリーは開けませんでした。"; Text[ korean ] = "선택된 테이블 또는 쿼리를 열지 못했습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法打开选中的表格和查询。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法開啟已經選中的表格或查詢。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ turkish ] = " Seilen tablo veya sorgulama alamad."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut obrir la taula o consulta seleccionada."; Text[ finnish ] = "Valittua taulukkoa tai kysely ei voitu avata."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถเปิดตารางหรือแบบสอบถามที่เลือกได้"; Text[ czech ] = "Vybranou tabulku nebo dotaz nelze otevřít."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן לפתוח טבלה או שאילתה זו.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "चुने हुए सारणी अथवा जानकारी को नहीं खोल सकते है ।"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 14 { Text = "Es konnte keine Verbindung zur Datenbank hergestellt werden!"; Text [ english ] = "A Connection to the database could not be established"; Text[ english_us ] = "No connection to the database could be established."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel estabelecer ligao base de dados."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ greek ] = "A Connection to the database could not be established"; Text[ dutch ] = "Er kan geen verbinding met de database tot stand worden gebracht!"; Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'tablir une connexion la base de donnes !"; Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo realizar la conexin a la base de datos"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yhteyden muodostaminen tietokantaan ei onnistunut."; Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile realizzare il collegamento al database."; Text[ danish ] = "Det var ikke muligt at oprette forbindelse til databasen!"; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att upprtta en frbindelse till databasen!"; Text[ polish ] = "Nie udao si nawiza poczenia z baz danych!"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No foi possvel estabelecer uma conexo para o banco de dados."; Text[ japanese ] = "データベースへの接続はできませんでした。"; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스로 연결하지 못했습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法和数据库建立连接!"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法連線到資料庫!"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veritabanyla iletiim kurulamad"; Text[ arabic ] = "A Connection to the database could not be established"; Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut establir connexi amb la base de dades"; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถสร้างการเชื่อมต่อกับฐานข้อมูลได้"; Text[ czech ] = "Nebylo navázáno spojení s databází."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן להתחבר למסד הנתונים.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय केलिए कोई कनेक्शन स्थापित नहीं कर सकते है ।"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 20 { Text = "~Hilfe"; Text [ english ] = "~Help"; Text[ english_us ] = "~Help"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Ajuda"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Help"; Text[ french ] = "Aide"; Text[ spanish ] = "Ay~uda"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Ohje"; Text[ italian ] = "~?"; Text[ danish ] = "~Hjlp"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Hjlp"; Text[ polish ] = "Po~moc"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Ajuda"; Text[ japanese ] = "ヘルプ(~H)"; Text[ korean ] = "도움말(~H)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "帮助(~H)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "說明(~H)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Yardm"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Ajuda"; Text[ thai ] = "~ช่วยเหลือ"; Text[ czech ] = "Nápověda"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮עזרה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~सहायता"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 21 { Text = "~Stopp"; Text [ english ] = "~Stop"; Text[ english_us ] = "~Stop"; Text[ portuguese ] = "S~top"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Seis"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Stopp"; Text[ polish ] = "Zatrzymaj"; Text[ japanese ] = "中止(~S)"; Text[ korean ] = "정지(~S)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "暂停(~S)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "暫停(~S)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Dur"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ thai ] = "~หยุด"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Atura"; Text[ french ] = "Stop"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Detener"; Text[ italian ] = "Stop"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Parar"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Stop"; Text[ czech ] = "~Zastavit"; Text[ danish ] = "~Stop"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮עצירה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~रोको"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 30 { Text = "Das Dokument konnte nicht gespeichert werden."; Text [ english ] = "The document could not be stored."; Text[ english_us ] = "The document could not be saved."; Text[ portuguese ] = "The document could not be stored."; Text[ russian ] = "The document could not be stored."; Text[ greek ] = "The document could not be stored."; Text[ dutch ] = "The document could not be stored."; Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'enregistrer le document !"; Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo guardar el documento."; Text[ finnish ] = "The document could not be stored."; Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile salvare il documento."; Text[ danish ] = "The document could not be stored."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att spara dokumentet."; Text[ polish ] = "The document could not be stored."; Text[ japanese ] = "ドキュメントは保存できませんでした。"; Text[ korean ] = "문서를 저장하지 못했습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法存盘这个文档。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法儲存這個文件。"; Text[ turkish ] = "Belge kaydedilemiyor."; Text[ arabic ] = "The document could not be stored."; Text[ czech ] = "Nelze uložit dokument"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן לשמור את המסמך.‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "The document could not be saved."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The document could not be saved."; Text[ thai ] = "The document could not be saved."; Text[ hindi ] = "The document could not be saved."; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 31 { Text = " Eine Verknpfung zur Datenquelle konnte nicht erstellt werden."; Text [ english ] = "A link to the datasource could not be created."; Text[ english_us ] = "A link to data source could not be extablished."; Text[ portuguese ] = "A link to the datasource could not be created."; Text[ russian ] = "A link to the datasource could not be created."; Text[ greek ] = "A link to the datasource could not be created."; Text[ dutch ] = "A link to the datasource could not be created."; Text[ french ] = "Impossible de crer un lien vers la source de donnes "; Text[ spanish ] = "No se ha podido crear ningn vnculo a la fuente de datos. "; Text[ finnish ] = "A link to the datasource could not be created."; Text[ italian ] = " Impossibile creare un collegamento alla sorgente dati."; Text[ danish ] = "A link to the datasource could not be created."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att skapa en lnk till datakllan."; Text[ polish ] = "A link to the datasource could not be created."; Text[ japanese ] = "データソースへのリンクは作成できませんでした。"; Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본으로 연결하지 못했습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法建立数据源的链接。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法建立資料源的捷徑。"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kaynana bir balant kurulamyor."; Text[ arabic ] = "A link to the datasource could not be created."; Text[ czech ] = "Nelze se spojit se zdrojem dat"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן להתחבר למקור הנתונים.‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "A link to data source could not be extablished."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A link to data source could not be extablished."; Text[ thai ] = "A link to data source could not be extablished."; Text[ hindi ] = "A link to data source could not be extablished."; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 32 { Text = "Es wird automatisch eine Verknpfung zur Datenquelle angelegt."; Text [ english ] = "A link to the datasource will be created automatically."; Text[ english_us ] = "A link to the data source will be created automatically."; Text[ portuguese ] = "A link to the datasource will be created automatically."; Text[ russian ] = "A link to the datasource will be created automatically."; Text[ greek ] = "A link to the datasource will be created automatically."; Text[ dutch ] = "A link to the datasource will be created automatically."; Text[ french ] = "Un lien vers la source de donnes va tre cr automatiquement."; Text[ spanish ] = "Se crear automticamente un vnculo a la fuente de datos. "; Text[ finnish ] = "A link to the datasource will be created automatically."; Text[ italian ] = "Il collegamento alla sorgente dati viene creato automaticamente."; Text[ danish ] = "A link to the datasource will be created automatically."; Text[ swedish ] = "En lnk till datakllan skapas automatiskt."; Text[ polish ] = "A link to the datasource will be created automatically."; Text[ japanese ] = "データソースへのリンクは自動的に作成されます。"; Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본으로 연결하는 링크를 자동으로 만듭니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "将会自动建立一个数据源的链接。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "將會自動建立一個資料源的捷徑。"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kaynana otomatik olarak bir balant kurulacaktr."; Text[ arabic ] = "A link to the datasource will be created automatically."; Text[ czech ] = "Propojení s databází bude vytvořeno automaticky."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮קישור למקור הנתונים ייוצר באופן אוטומטי.‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "A link to the data source will be created automatically."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A link to the data source will be created automatically."; Text[ thai ] = "A link to the data source will be created automatically."; Text[ hindi ] = "A link to the data source will be created automatically."; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 33 { Text = "Der AutoPilot wird beendet!"; Text [ english ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!"; Text[ english_us ] = "Exiting the AutoPilot"; Text[ portuguese ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!"; Text[ russian ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!"; Text[ greek ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!"; Text[ dutch ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!"; Text[ french ] = "Fermeture de l'AutoPilote !"; Text[ spanish ] = "Cierre del Piloto automtico"; Text[ finnish ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!"; Text[ italian ] = "Chiusura del Pilota Automatico."; Text[ danish ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!"; Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPiloten avslutas!"; Text[ polish ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!"; Text[ japanese ] = "オートパイロットを終了します。"; Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿이 종료됩니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "将要关闭自动文件助理!"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "將要關閉自動檔案助理!"; Text[ turkish ] = "AutoPilot'dan k"; Text[ arabic ] = "The AutoPilot will be terminated!"; Text[ czech ] = "Ukončení průvodce"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יציאה מהטייס אוטומטי‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "Exiting the AutoPilot"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Exiting the AutoPilot"; Text[ thai ] = "Exiting the AutoPilot"; Text[ hindi ] = "Exiting the AutoPilot"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 34 { Text = "Verbindung zur Datenquelle wird hergestellt..."; Text [ english ] = "Connection to the Datasource will be established..."; Text[ english_us ] = "Connecting to data source..."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Connection to the Datasource will be established..."; Text[ russian ] = "Connection to the Datasource will be established..."; Text[ greek ] = "Connection to the Datasource will be established..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Connection to the Datasource will be established..."; Text[ french ] = "Connexion la source de donnes..."; Text[ spanish ] = "Conexin con la fuente de datos..."; Text[ finnish ] = "Connection to the Datasource will be established..."; Text[ italian ] = "Collegamento alla sorgente dati..."; Text[ danish ] = "Connection to the Datasource will be established..."; Text[ swedish ] = "Kopplar till datakllan..."; Text[ polish ] = "Connection to the Datasource will be established..."; Text[ japanese ] = "データソースへ接続しています..."; Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본으로 연결 중..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正在连接数据源..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "正在連線到資料源..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kaynana balanyor..."; Text[ arabic ] = "Connection to the Datasource will be established..."; Text[ czech ] = "Připojování k datovému zdroji..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מתחברת למקור הנתונים...‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "Connecting to data source..."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Connecting to data source..."; Text[ thai ] = "Connecting to data source..."; Text[ hindi ] = "Connecting to data source..."; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 35 { Text = "Die Verbindung zur Datenquelle konnte nicht hergestellt werden!"; Text [ english ] = "The connection to the Datasource could not be established"; Text[ english_us ] = "The connection to the data source could not be established."; Text[ portuguese ] = "The connection to the Datasource could not be established"; Text[ russian ] = "The connection to the Datasource could not be established"; Text[ greek ] = "The connection to the Datasource could not be established"; Text[ dutch ] = "The connection to the Datasource could not be established"; Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'tablir la connexion la source de donnes !"; Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo establecer la conexin con la fuente de datos."; Text[ finnish ] = "The connection to the Datasource could not be established"; Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile creare il collegamento alla sorgente dati."; Text[ danish ] = "The connection to the Datasource could not be established"; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att koppla till datakllan"; Text[ polish ] = "The connection to the Datasource could not be established"; Text[ japanese ] = "データソースへ接続できませんでした。"; Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본으로 연결할 수 없습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法和数据源连接!"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法連線到資料源!"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kaynana balant kurulamad."; Text[ arabic ] = "The connection to the Datasource could not be established"; Text[ czech ] = "Nelze se připojit ke zdroji dat"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן להתחבר למקור הנתונים.‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "The connection to the data source could not be established."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The connection to the data source could not be established."; Text[ thai ] = "The connection to the data source could not be established."; Text[ hindi ] = "The connection to the data source could not be established."; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 36 { Text = "Der eingegebene Dateipfad is ungltig!"; Text [ english ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ english_us ] = "The file path entered is not valid."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ russian ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ greek ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ dutch ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ french ] = "Le chemin de fichier saisi n'est pas valide !"; Text[ spanish ] = "La ruta del archivo no es vlida."; Text[ finnish ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ italian ] = "Il percorso del file non valido."; Text[ danish ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ swedish ] = "Den angivna skvgen r ogiltig!"; Text[ polish ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ japanese ] = "入力したファイルのパスは無効です。"; Text[ korean ] = "입력하신 파일 경로는 잘못되었습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您输入的文件路径无效!"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您輸入的檔案路徑無效!"; Text[ turkish ] = "Girilmi olan dosya yolu geerli deil."; Text[ arabic ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ catalan ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ thai ] = "Your entered file path is not valid!"; Text[ czech ] = "Zadaná cesta k souboru není platná."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מסלול הספריות אל הקובץ אינו חוקי.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "The file path entered is not valid."; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 37 { Text = "Bitte whlen Sie eine Datenquelle"; Text [ english ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ english_us ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ french ] = "Slectionnez une source de donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccione una fuente de datos"; Text[ italian ] = "Selezionate una sorgente dati"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vlj en dataklla"; Text[ japanese ] = "データソースを選択してください。"; Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본을 선택하십시오."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请选择一个数据源"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請選擇一個資料源"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ltfen bir veritaban sein"; Text[ greek ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ dutch ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ finnish ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ czech ] = "Prosím vyberte zdroj dat"; Text[ danish ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ arabic ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ catalan ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ russian ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ polish ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ thai ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ hindi ] = "Please select a data source"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 38 { Text = "Bitte whlen Sie eine Tabelle oder Abfrage"; Text [ english ] = "Please select a data source"; Text[ english_us ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ french ] = "Slectionnez une table ou requte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccione una tabla o consulta"; Text[ italian ] = "Selezionate una tabella o una ricerca"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vlj en tabell eller skning"; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルまたはクエリーを選択してください。"; Text[ korean ] = "테이블이나 쿼리를 선택하십시오."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请选择一个表格或查询"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請選擇一個表格或查詢"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ltfen bir tablo veya sorgulama sein"; Text[ greek ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ dutch ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ finnish ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ czech ] = "Prosím vyberte tabulku nebo dotaz"; Text[ danish ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ arabic ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ catalan ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ russian ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ polish ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ thai ] = "Please select a table or query"; Text[ hindi ] = "Please select a table or query"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 39 { Text = "Fge Feld hinzu"; Text [ english ] = "Add field"; Text[ english_us ] = "Add field"; Text[ french ] = "Ajout de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = "Aadir campo"; Text[ italian ] = "Aggiungi campo"; Text[ swedish ] = "Lgg till flt"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールドの追加"; Text[ korean ] = "필드 추가"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新增字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "新增欄位"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alan ekle"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Veld toevoegen"; Text[ finnish ] = "Lis kentt"; Text[ czech ] = "Přidat pole"; Text[ danish ] = "Tilfj felt"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ hebrew ] = "Add field"; Text[ catalan ] = "Add field"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Adicionar campo"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ polish ] = "Add field"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Add field"; Text[ thai ] = "Add field"; Text[ hindi ] = "Add field"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 40 { Text = "Entferne Feld"; Text [ english ] = "Remove field"; Text[ english_us ] = "Remove field"; Text[ french ] = "Suppression de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = "Borrar campo"; Text[ italian ] = "Elimina campo"; Text[ swedish ] = "Ta bort flt"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールドの削除"; Text[ korean ] = "필드 제거"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "移除欄位"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alan sil"; Text[ greek ] = "Remove field"; Text[ dutch ] = "Remove field"; Text[ finnish ] = "Remove field"; Text[ czech ] = "Smazat pole"; Text[ danish ] = "Remove field"; Text[ arabic ] = "Remove field"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Remove field"; Text[ catalan ] = "Remove field"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Remove field"; Text[ russian ] = "Remove field"; Text[ polish ] = "Remove field"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Remove field"; Text[ thai ] = "Remove field"; Text[ hindi ] = "Remove field"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 41 { Text = "Fge alle Felder hinzu"; Text [ english ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ english_us ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ french ] = "Ajout de tous les champs"; Text[ spanish ] = "Aadir todos los campos"; Text[ italian ] = "Aggiungi tutti i campi"; Text[ swedish ] = "Lgg till alla flt"; Text[ japanese ] = "すべてのフィールドを追加"; Text[ korean ] = "모든 필드 추가"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新增全部的字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "新增所有的欄位"; Text[ turkish ] = "Btn alanlara ekle"; Text[ greek ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ dutch ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ finnish ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ czech ] = "Přidat všechna pole"; Text[ danish ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ arabic ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ catalan ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ russian ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ polish ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ thai ] = "Add all fields"; Text[ hindi ] = "Add all fields"; }; String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 42 { Text = "Entferne alle Felder"; Text [ english ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ english_us ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ french ] = "Suppression de tous les champs"; Text[ spanish ] = "Borrar todos los campos"; Text[ italian ] = "Elimina tutti i campi"; Text[ swedish ] = "Ta bort alla flt"; Text[ japanese ] = "すべてのフィールドを削除"; Text[ korean ] = "모든 필드 제거"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "删除全部的字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "移除全部的欄位"; Text[ turkish ] = "Btn alanlar sil"; Text[ greek ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ dutch ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ finnish ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ czech ] = "Smazat všechna pole"; Text[ danish ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ arabic ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ catalan ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ russian ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ polish ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ thai ] = "Remove all fields"; Text[ hindi ] = "Remove all fields"; }; // ============================================================================ #ifdef null String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 0 { Text = "AutoPilot Gruppenelement"; Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Group Element"; Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de grupo"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot groepselement"; Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'lment de groupe"; Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - elemento de grupo"; Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Elemento di gruppo"; Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot Gruppeelement"; Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr gruppelement"; Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot: Element grupy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoPilot Gruppenelement"; Text[ japanese ] = "オートパイロット グループ要素"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 - 小组单元"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動檔案助理 - 群組單元"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot groepselement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 - 小组单元"; Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot"; Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 그룹 요소"; Text[ turkish ] = "AutoPilot Grub Elementi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Element de grup de l'AutoPilot"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu ryhmelementtien luominen"; Text[ thai ] = "นำร่ององค์ประกอบของกลุ่มอัตโนมัติ "; Text[ czech ] = "Část skupiny průvodce"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮עצם טייס אוטומטי מקבוצה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ओटोपैलट् समूह ऐलिमेन्ट्"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 1 { Text = "Die Datenbank enthlt keine Tabelle."; Text [ english_us ] = "The database does not contain any tables."; Text[ portuguese ] = "A base de dados no contm tabelas."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De database bevat geen tabel."; Text[ french ] = "La base de donnes ne contient aucune table."; Text[ spanish ] = "La base de datos no contiene ninguna tabla."; Text[ italian ] = "Il database non contiene tabelle"; Text[ danish ] = "Databasen indeholder ingen tabel."; Text[ swedish ] = "Databasen innehller ingen tabell."; Text[ polish ] = "Baza danych nie zawiera tabel."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Die Datenbank enth?lt keine Tabelle."; Text[ japanese ] = "データベースにはテーブルが含まれていません。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库中没有任何表格。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資料庫之中沒有任何表格。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De database bevat geen tabel."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库中没有任何表格。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스에 테이블이 없습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Veritaban tablo ieremez."; Text[ catalan ] = "La base de dades no cont taules."; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokannassa ei ole taulukoita."; Text[ thai ] = "ฐานข้อมูลไม่มีตารางใด ๆเลย"; Text[ czech ] = "Databáze neobsahuje žádné tabulky."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אין טבלאות במסד הנתונים.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय में एक भी सारणी नहीं है ।"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 2 { Text = "Gruppe erzeugen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Create Group"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Criar grupo"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Groep maken"; Text[ french ] = "Crer un groupe"; Text[ spanish ] = "Crear grupo"; Text[ italian ] = "Crea gruppo"; Text[ danish ] = "Opret gruppe"; Text[ swedish ] = "Skapa grupp"; Text[ polish ] = "Utwrz grup"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Gruppe erzeugen"; Text[ japanese ] = "グループの作成"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成小组"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "製作群組"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Groep maken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成小组"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "그룹 만들기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Grup Yarat"; Text[ catalan ] = "Crea un grup"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luo ryhm"; Text[ thai ] = "สร้างกลุ่ม"; Text[ czech ] = "Vytvořit skupinu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירת קבוצה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "समूह उत्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 3 { Text = ": Tabellenauswahl"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Table Selection"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "ZL: Datenbank-Tabelle"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de tabela"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Slection de table"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de tabla"; Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione tabella"; Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeludvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = ": tabellurval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr tabel"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabellenauswahl"; Text[ japanese ] = ": テーブルの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择表格"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":選擇表格"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择表格"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 테이블 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo seimi"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de taula"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Taulukon valinta"; Text[ thai ] = ": การเลือกตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr tabulky"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת טבלאות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": सारणी चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 4 { Text = ": Feldauswahl"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Slection de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = ": flturval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldauswahl"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フィールドの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":選擇欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 필드 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn valinta"; Text[ thai ] = ": การเลือกเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr polí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת שדות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": क्षेत्र चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 5 { Text = ": Standardfeldauswahl"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Default Field Selection"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo padro"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": standaardveld selecteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Slection du champ par dfaut"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo predeterminado"; Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo standard"; Text[ danish ] = ": Standardfeltudvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = ": standardflturval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola domylnego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Standardfeldauswahl"; Text[ japanese ] = ": 標準フィールドの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择标准字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":選擇標準欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": standaardveld selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择标准字段"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 기본 필드 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = ": ntanml Alan Seimi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de camp per defecte"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn oletusvalinta"; Text[ thai ] = ": การเลือกค่าเริ่มต้นของเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr výchozího sloupce"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת שדה ברירת המחדל:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": अनुपस्थिति क्षेत्र का चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 6 { Text = ": Feldwerte"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Values"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Valores de campo"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veldwaarden"; Text[ french ] = " : Valeurs des champs"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Valores del campo"; Text[ italian ] = ": Valore del campo"; Text[ danish ] = ": Feltvrdier"; Text[ swedish ] = ": fltvrden"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wartoci pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldwerte"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フィールド値"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":字段数值"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":欄位數值"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veldwaarden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":字段数值"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 필드값"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan deerleri"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = ": Valor de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn arvot"; Text[ thai ] = ": ค่าของเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Hodnoty sloupce"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ערכי שדה:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": क्षेत्र का मूल्य"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 7 { Text = ": Datenbankfeld"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Database Field"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Campo da base de dados"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": databaseveld"; Text[ french ] = " : Champ de base de donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Campo de base de datos"; Text[ italian ] = ": Campo database"; Text[ danish ] = ": Databasefelt"; Text[ swedish ] = ": databasflt"; Text[ polish ] = ": Pole bazy danych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Datenbankfeld"; Text[ japanese ] = ": データベースフィールド"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":数据库字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":資料庫欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": databaseveld"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":数据库字段"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 데이터베이스 필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veritaban Alan"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = ": Camp de la base de dades"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Tietokantakentt"; Text[ thai ] = ": เขตข้อมูลของฐานข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Pole databáze"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדה מסד נתונים:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": लेखासंचय क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 8 { Text = ": Optionsgruppe erstellen"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Option Group"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar grupo de opes"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": optiegroep maken"; Text[ french ] = " : Crer un groupe d'options"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear grupo de opciones"; Text[ italian ] = ": Crea gruppo di opzioni"; Text[ danish ] = ": Opret alternativgruppe"; Text[ swedish ] = ": skapa alternativgrupp"; Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz grup opcji"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Optionsgruppe erstellen"; Text[ japanese ] = ": オプショングループの作成"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作选项小组"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":建立選項群組"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": optiegroep maken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作选项小组"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 옵션 그룹 만들기"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Tercih Grubu Olutur"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Crea un grup d'opcions"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Luo valintaryhm"; Text[ thai ] = ": สร้างกลุ่มตัวเลือก"; Text[ czech ] = ": Vytvořit skupinu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירת קבוצת אפשרויות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": विकल्प समूह उत्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 9 { Text = "Geben Sie in diesem Dialog bitte alle Optionsfelder ein."; Text [ english_us ] = "Enter all option fields in this dialog."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Indique aqui todos os botes de opo."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Vul in dit dialoogvenster alle optievelden in"; Text[ french ] = "Saisissez tous les boutons radio dans cette bote de dialogue."; Text[ spanish ] = "Introduzca todos los campos de opcin en este dilogo."; Text[ italian ] = "Indicate in questo dialogo tutti i campi di opzione."; Text[ danish ] = "Indtast alle alternativfelter i denne dialog."; Text[ swedish ] = "Ange alla alternativflt i den hr dialogrutan."; Text[ polish ] = "Wprowad w danym oknie dialogowym wszystkie pola opcji."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Geben Sie in diesem Dialog bitte alle Optionsfelder ein."; Text[ japanese ] = "このダイアログではすべてのオプションフィールドに入力してください。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请在这个对话框内填入全部的选项字段。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請在這個對話方塊內設定全部的選項欄位。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Vul in dit dialoogvenster alle optievelden in"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请在这个对话框内填入全部的选项字段。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "이 대화 상자에 모든 옵션 필드를 입력하십시오."; Text[ turkish ] = "Bu penceredeki btn tercih alanlarn girin."; Text[ catalan ] = "Introduu tots els camps d'opci en aquest dileg."; Text[ finnish ] = "Syt kaikki valintaikkunan valintakentt."; Text[ thai ] = "ใส่เขตข้อมูลตัวเลือกทั้งหมดในไดอะล็อกนี้"; Text[ czech ] = "Zadejte všechny volby v tomto dialogovém okně."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יש למלא את כל השדות של האפשרויות בחלון זה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Enter all option fields in this dialog."; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 10 { Text = "Welche Bezeichnungen sollen die Optionsfelder erhalten?"; Text [ english_us ] = "Which names do you want to give the option fields?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Quais os nomes para os botes de opo?"; Text[ russian ] = " ?"; Text[ dutch ] = "Welke namen wilt u de optievelden geven?"; Text[ french ] = "Intituls des boutons radio :"; Text[ spanish ] = "Qu nombres desea asignar a los campos de opcin?"; Text[ italian ] = "Quale nome volete assegnare ai campi di opzione ?"; Text[ danish ] = "Hvilke betegnelser skal alternativfelterne have?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vilka beteckningar ska alternativflten ha?"; Text[ polish ] = "Jakie nazwy maj otrzyma pola opcji?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Welche Bezeichnungen sollen die Optionsfelder erhalten ?"; Text[ japanese ] = "オプションフィールドにどの名前をつけますか。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项字段的名称?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選項欄位的名稱?"; Text[ arabic ] = " ѿ"; Text[ dutch ] = "Welke namen wilt u de optievelden geven?"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项字段的名称?"; Text[ greek ] = " ;"; Text[ korean ] = "어떤 이름을 옵션 필드에 지정하시겠습니까?"; Text[ turkish ] = "Seenek alanlarna hangi isimleri vermek istiyorsunuz?"; Text[ catalan ] = "Quins noms voleu donar als camps d'opcions?"; Text[ finnish ] = "Miten haluat nimet valintakentt?"; Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อไหนที่คุณต้องการให้เป็นเขตข้อมูลทางเลือก?"; Text[ czech ] = "Jaké názvy chcete přiřadit jednotlivým volbám?"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אילה שמות לתת לשדות האפשרויות?‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "आप विकल्प क्षेत्रों को क्या नाम देना चाहते है?"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 11 { Text = "~Optionsfelder"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Option fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Botes de opo"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Optievelden"; Text[ french ] = "Boutons radio"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos de opcin"; Text[ italian ] = "~Campi di opzione"; Text[ danish ] = "~Alternativfelter"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Alternativflt"; Text[ polish ] = "~Pola opcji"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Optionsfelder"; Text[ japanese ] = "オプションフィールド(~O)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项字段(~O)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選項欄位(~O)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Optievelden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项字段(~O)"; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ korean ] = "옵션 필드(~O)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Seenek alanlar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camps d'~Opcions"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Valintakentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูล~ทางเลือก"; Text[ czech ] = "Pole voleb"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות אפשרויות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~विकल्प क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 12 { Text = "Soll ein Optionsfeld standardmig ausgewhlt sein?"; Text [ english_us ] = "Should one option field be selected as default?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Seleccionar um boto de opo como padro?"; Text[ russian ] = " - ?"; Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u een bepaald optieveld als standaard selecteren?"; Text[ french ] = "Slection d'un bouton radio par dfaut :"; Text[ spanish ] = "Desea seleccionar un botn de opcin de manera predeterminada?"; Text[ italian ] = "Volete che il campo di opzione venga selezionato in modo standard?"; Text[ danish ] = "Skal et alternativfelt vre valgt som standard?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Skall ett alternativflt vara frvalt?"; Text[ polish ] = "Czy wybra domylne pole opcji ?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Soll ein Optionsfeld standardm??ig ausgew?hlt sein ?"; Text[ japanese ] = "標準でオプションフィールド1つは選択しますか。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要选择一个默认的选项字段?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "要選擇一個標準的選項欄位?"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u een bepaald optieveld als standaard selecteren?"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要选择一个默认的选项字段?"; Text[ greek ] = " ( ) ;"; Text[ korean ] = "한 옵션 필드를 기본값으로 선택하시겠습니까?"; Text[ turkish ] = "Bir seenek alan varsaylan olarak seilsin mi?"; Text[ catalan ] = "Hi ha d'haver un camp d'opci seleccionat per defecte?"; Text[ finnish ] = "Valitaanko yksi valintakentt oletuskentksi?"; Text[ thai ] = "จะเลือกเขตข้อมูลทางเลือกหนึ่งเป็นค่าเริ่มต้นหรือไม่?"; Text[ czech ] = "Má být některá volba vybrána jako výchozí?"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮האם לבחור שדה אחד כברירת מחדל?‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "एक विकल्प क्षेत्र को अनुपस्थिति में चुनना है क्या ?"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 13 { Text = "Ja, und zwar folgendes:"; Text [ english_us ] = "Yes, the following:"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Sim, o seguinte:"; Text[ russian ] = ", :"; Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel het volgende:"; Text[ french ] = "Oui, le suivant :"; Text[ spanish ] = "S, el siguiente:"; Text[ italian ] = "S, il seguente:"; Text[ danish ] = "Ja, og det skal vre flgende:"; Text[ swedish ] = "Ja, fljande:"; Text[ polish ] = "Tak, wybierz nastpujce:"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ja, und zwar folgendes:"; Text[ japanese ] = "はい、以下のとおりです。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是,选择下列:"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "是,選擇下列:"; Text[ arabic ] = " :"; Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel het volgende:"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是,选择下列:"; Text[ greek ] = ", :"; Text[ korean ] = "예, 다음과 같습니다:"; Text[ turkish ] = "Evet, aadakiler:"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "S, el segent:"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kyll, seuraava:"; Text[ thai ] = "ใช่ ต่อไปนี้:"; Text[ czech ] = "Ano, následující:"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כן, יש לבחור את:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "हाँ, निम्नलिखित:"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 14 { Text = "Nein, kein Feld soll ausgewhlt sein."; Text [ english_us ] = "No, there are no fields that should be selected."; Text[ portuguese ] = "No, nenhum."; Text[ russian ] = ", ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Nee, geen veld selecteren."; Text[ french ] = "Non, aucun."; Text[ spanish ] = "No, no se debe seleccionar ningn campo."; Text[ italian ] = "Non selezionare alcun campo."; Text[ danish ] = "Nej, der skal ikke vre valgt noget felt."; Text[ swedish ] = "Nej, inget flt skall vara frvalt."; Text[ polish ] = "Nie, nie wybieraj adnego pola."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nein, kein Feld soll ausgew?hlt sein."; Text[ japanese ] = "いいえ、フィールドの選択はしません。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "否,不要选择任字段。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "否,不要選擇任何欄位。"; Text[ arabic ] = "ǡ ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Nee, geen veld selecteren."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "否,不要选择任字段。"; Text[ greek ] = ", ."; Text[ korean ] = "아니오, 필드를 선택하지 않습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Hayr, bunlar seilebilir alanlar deildir."; Text[ catalan ] = "No, no s'ha de seleccionar cap camp concret."; Text[ finnish ] = "Ei, valittavia kentti ei ole."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ใช่ ไม่มีเขตข้อมูลที่จะเลือก"; Text[ czech ] = "Ne, žádná."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא, אין צורך לבחור שדות.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "नहीं, चुनने केलिए कोई क्षेत्र नहीं है ।"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 15 { Text = "Wenn Sie eine Option auswhlen, wird der Optionsgruppe ein bestimmter Wert zugewiesen."; Text [ english_us ] = "When you select an option, the option group is given a specific value."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Se seleccionar uma opo, ser atribudo um determinado valor ao grupo de opes."; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Als u een optie kiest, wordt er een bepaalde waarde toegewezen aan de optiegroep."; Text[ french ] = "Si vous slectionnez une option, une valeur spcifique sera attribue au groupe d'options."; Text[ spanish ] = "Al seleccionar una opcin, se asignar un valor determinado al grupo de opciones."; Text[ italian ] = "Selezionando un'opzione, verr assegnato un dato valore al gruppo di opzioni."; Text[ danish ] = "Nr du vlger et alternativ, tildeles alternativgruppen en bestemt vrdi."; Text[ swedish ] = "Om du vljer ett alternativ tilldelas alternativgruppen ett visst vrde."; Text[ polish ] = "Po wybraniu opcji grupie opcji zostanie przypisana okrelona warto."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Wenn Sie eine Option ausw?hlen, wird der Optionsgruppe ein bestimmter Wert zugewiesen."; Text[ japanese ] = "オプションを1つ選択すると、オプショングループに明瞭値が割り当てられます。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "如果设定使用一个选项,这个选项小组就会获得某一个数值。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "如果您選擇了一個選項,選項群組就會得到一個數值。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ʡ ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Als u een optie kiest, wordt er een bepaalde waarde toegewezen aan de optiegroep."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "如果设定使用一个选项,这个选项小组就会获得某一个数值。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "옵션을 선택하면 옵션 그룹에 특정 값이 지정됩니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Bir seenei iaretlediiniz zaman, seenek grubuna belirli bir deer atanr."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Quan seleccioneu una opci, s'assignar al grup d'opcions un valor determinat."; Text[ finnish ] = "Kun asetus valitaan, valintaryhmlle annetaan tietty arvo."; Text[ thai ] = "เมื่อคุณเลือกทางเลือกหนึ่ง กลุ่มของทางเลือกจะให้ค่าเฉพาะ"; Text[ czech ] = "Pokud vyberete jednu z voleb, celá skupina získá určitou hodnotu."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כאשר בוחרים אפשרות, קבוצת האפשרויות מקבלת ערך.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "जब आप एक विकल्प को चुनते है , तब विकल्प समूह को एक निर्दिष्ट मूल्य दिया जाता है ।"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 16 { Text = "Welchen Wert mchten Sie jeder Option zuweisen?"; Text [ english_us ] = "Which value do you want to assign to each option?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Qual o valor a atribuir a cada opo?"; Text[ russian ] = " ?"; Text[ dutch ] = "Welke waarden wilt u toewijzen aan de opties?"; Text[ french ] = "Valeur attribuer chaque option :"; Text[ spanish ] = "Qu valor desea asignar a cada opcin?"; Text[ italian ] = "Quale valore desiderate assegnare a ogni opzione?"; Text[ danish ] = "Hvilken vrdi skal tildeles hvert alternativ?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vilket vrde vill du tilldela varje alternativ?"; Text[ polish ] = "Jak warto przypisa pojedynczym opcjom?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Welchen Wert m?hten Sie jeder Option zuweisen ?"; Text[ japanese ] = "各オプションにどの値を割り当てますか。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "指定给每个选项的数值?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "要指定每個選項的數值?"; Text[ arabic ] = " ѿ"; Text[ dutch ] = "Welke waarden wilt u toewijzen aan de opties?"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "指定给每个选项的数值?"; Text[ greek ] = " ;"; Text[ korean ] = "어떤 값을 각각의 옵션에 할당하시겠습니까?"; Text[ turkish ] = "Her zellie hangi deeri aktarmak istiyorsunuz?"; Text[ catalan ] = "Quin valor voleu assignar a cada opci?"; Text[ finnish ] = "Mink arvon haluat antaa valinnoille?"; Text[ thai ] = "ค่าไหนที่คุณต้องการกำหนดในแต่ละทางเลือก?"; Text[ czech ] = "Jaké hodnoty chcete přiřadit jednotlivým volbám?"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮איזו ערכים לתת לכל אפשרות?‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "आप हरेक विकल्प को क्या मूल्य देना चाहते है?"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 17 { Text = "~Optionsfelder"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Option fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Botes de opo"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Optievelden"; Text[ french ] = "Boutons radio"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos de opcin"; Text[ italian ] = "~Campi di opzione"; Text[ danish ] = "~Alternativfelter"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Alternativflt"; Text[ polish ] = "~Pola opcji"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Optionsfelder"; Text[ japanese ] = "オプションフィールド(~O)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项字段(~O)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選項欄位(~O)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Optievelden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项字段(~O)"; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ korean ] = "옵션 필드(~O)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~zellike alanlar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camps d'~Opcions"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Valintakentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูล~ทางเลือก"; Text[ czech ] = "Pole voleb"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות אפשרויות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~विकल्प क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 18 { Text = "Sie knnen den Wert der Optionsgruppe entweder in einem Datenbankfeld speichern oder ihn fr eine sptere Aktion verwenden."; Text [ english_us ] = "You can either save the value of the option group in a database field or use it for a later action."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Poder guardar o valor do grupo de opes num campo da base de dados ou utiliz-lo para uma aco posterior."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de optiegroep opslaan in een databaseveld of deze een andere keer gebruiken."; Text[ french ] = "Vous pouvez soit enregistrer la valeur du groupe d'options dans un champ de base de donnes, soit l'utiliser pour une action ultrieure."; Text[ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del grupo de opciones en un campo de base de datos o utilizarlo para una accin posterior."; Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore del gruppo di opzioni in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo per un'operazione successiva."; Text[ danish ] = "Vrdien fra alternativgruppen kan enten gemmes i et databasefelt eller anvendes til en senere handling."; Text[ swedish ] = "Du kan antingen spara alternativgruppens vrde i ett databasflt eller anvnda det till en senare tgrd."; Text[ polish ] = "Warto grupy opcji mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej do pniejszej operacji."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sie k?nen den Wert der Optionsgruppe entweder in einem Datenbankfeld speichern oder ihn f? eine sp?tere Aktion verwenden."; Text[ japanese ] = "オプショングループの値は、データベースフィールドに保存するか、あるいは次のアクションで使用できます。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您能够将选项小组的数值存入一个数据库字段或以备后用。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您能夠在一個資料庫內儲存選項群組的數值,以備後用。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de optiegroep opslaan in een databaseveld of deze een andere keer gebruiken."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您能够将选项小组的数值存入一个数据库字段或以备后用。"; Text[ greek ] = " ?"; Text[ korean ] = "옵션 그룹의 값을 데이터베이스 필드에 저장하거나 차후 작동에 사용할 수 있습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Tercih grublarnn deerlerini ya veritabannda kaydedebilir yada sonraki ilemlerde kullanabilirsiniz."; Text[ catalan ] = "Podeu desar el valor del grup d'opcions en un camp de base de dades o utilitzar-lo per una acci posterior."; Text[ finnish ] = "Voit joko tallentaa valintaryhmn arvon tietokannan kenttn tai kytt sit myhemmss toiminnossa."; Text[ thai ] = "คุณสามารถบันทึกค่าของกลุ่มทางเลือกในเขตข้อมูลของฐานข้อมูลหรือไม่ก็ใช้มันสำหรับการกระทำต่อมา"; Text[ czech ] = "Buď můžete vybranou hodnotu uložit do pole v databázi a nebo ji použít k nějaké další akci."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ניתן לשמור את ערך קבוצת האפשרויות בשדה במסד הנתונים או לשמור אותו לשימוש מאוחר יותר.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "आप विकल्प समूह का मूल्य को लेखासंचय में संचित कर सकते है अथवा अनुगमन कार्य में उपयोग कर सकते है ।"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 19 { Text = "Mchten Sie den Wert in einem Datenbankfeld speichern?"; Text [ english_us ] = "Do you want to save the value in a database field?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Guardar o valor num campo da base de dados?"; Text[ russian ] = " ?"; Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde opslaan in een databaseveld?"; Text[ french ] = "Enregistrer la valeur dans un champ de base de donnes ?"; Text[ spanish ] = "Desea guardar el valor en un campo de base de datos?"; Text[ italian ] = "Volete salvare il valore in un campo database ?"; Text[ danish ] = "Skal vrdien gemmes i et databasefelt?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vill du spara vrdet i ett databasflt?"; Text[ polish ] = "Czy zapisa t warto w polu bazy danych ?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "M?hten Sie den Wert in einem Datenbankfeld speichern ?"; Text[ japanese ] = "値をデータベースフィールドに保存しますか。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您要将这个数值存入一个数据库字段?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您要在資料庫欄位內儲存這個數值?"; Text[ arabic ] = " ʿ"; Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde opslaan in een databaseveld?"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您要将这个数值存入一个数据库字段?"; Text[ greek ] = " ;"; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 필드에 값을 저장하시겠습니까?"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veritabanna bu deerleri kaydetmek ister misiniz?"; Text[ catalan ] = "Voleu desar el valor en un camp de la base de dades?"; Text[ finnish ] = "Haluatko tallentaa arvon tietokannan kenttn?"; Text[ thai ] = "คุณต้องการบันทึกค่าในเขตข้อมูลของฐานข้อมูลหรือไม่?"; Text[ czech ] = "Chcete hodnotu uložit v databázovém poli?"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮האם לשמור את הערך בשדה במסד הנתונים?‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "आप विकल्प समूह का मूल्य को लेखासंचय में संचित करना चाहते है?"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 20 { Text = "Ja, und zwar in folgendem Datenbankfeld :"; Text [ english_us ] = "Yes, save it in the following database field:"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Sim, no seguinte:"; Text[ russian ] = ", :"; Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld:"; Text[ french ] = "Oui, dans le champ suivant :"; Text[ spanish ] = "S, en el campo siguiente:"; Text[ italian ] = "S, nel seguente campo database :"; Text[ danish ] = "Ja, og det skal vre i flgende databasefelt :"; Text[ swedish ] = "Ja, i fljande databasflt:"; Text[ polish ] = "Tak, jest to moliwe w nastpujcym polu bazy danych :"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ja, und zwar in folgendem Datenbankfeld :"; Text[ japanese ] = "はい、次のデータベースフィールドに保存します。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是,在以下的数据库字段:"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "是,以下的資料庫欄位:"; Text[ arabic ] = " :"; Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld:"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是,在以下的数据库字段:"; Text[ greek ] = ", :"; Text[ korean ] = "예, 다음 데이터베이스 필드에 저장하십시오:"; Text[ turkish ] = "Evet, bu veritabann iine kaydet:"; Text[ catalan ] = "S, el vull desar en el segent camp:"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kyll, tallenna arvo seuraavaan tietokannan kenttn:"; Text[ thai ] = "ใช่ บันทึกมันในเขตข้อมูลของฐานข้อมูลต่อไปนี้:"; Text[ czech ] = "Ano, uložit do tohoto pole v databázi:"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כו, יש לשמור את הערך במסד הנתונים בשדה הבא:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "हाँ, निम्नलिखित लेखासंचय क्षेत्र में संचित करो:"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 21 { Text = "Nein, ich mchte den Wert nur im Formular speichern."; Text [ english_us ] = "No, I only want to save the value in the form."; Text[ portuguese ] = "No. Guardar apenas no formulrio."; Text[ russian ] = ", ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Nee, ik wil de waarde alleen opslaan in het formulier."; Text[ french ] = "Non, enregistrer la valeur uniquement dans le formulaire."; Text[ spanish ] = "No, guardar el valor slo en el formulario."; Text[ italian ] = "Salva il valore solo nel formulario."; Text[ danish ] = "Nej, vrdien skal kun gemmes i formularen."; Text[ swedish ] = "Nej, jag vill bara spara vrdet i formulret."; Text[ polish ] = "Nie, zapisz t warto tylko w formularzu."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nein, ich m?hte den Wert nur im Formular speichern."; Text[ japanese ] = "いいえ、値はフォームにしか保存しません。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "否,我只想将这个数值存入表单。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "否,只存入一個表單內。"; Text[ arabic ] = "ǡ ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Nee, ik wil de waarde alleen opslaan in het formulier."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "否,我只想将这个数值存入表单。"; Text[ greek ] = ", ."; Text[ korean ] = "아니오, 값을 양식에만 저장하고 싶습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Hayr, sadece form iindeki deerleri kaydetmek istiyorum."; Text[ catalan ] = "No, noms vull desar el valor al formulari."; Text[ finnish ] = "Ei, haluan tallentaa vain lomakkeen arvon."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ใช่ ฉันต้องการเพียงบันทึกค่าในแบบฟอร์มเท่านั้น"; Text[ czech ] = "Ne, hodnota bude použita jen ve formuláři."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא, יש לשמור את הערך בטופס בלבד.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "नहीं, मैं मूल्य को केवल फ़ार्म में संचित करना चाहता हूँ ।"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 22 { Text = "Welche Beschriftung soll Ihre Optionsgruppe haben?"; Text [ english_us ] = "Which caption is to be given to your option group?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Qual o ttulo a atribuir ao grupo de opes?"; Text[ russian ] = " ?"; Text[ dutch ] = "Welk naam wilt u uw optiegroep geven?"; Text[ french ] = "tiquetage du groupe d'options :"; Text[ spanish ] = "Qu ttulo desea asignar al grupo de opciones?"; Text[ italian ] = "Quale dicitura volete assegnare al gruppo di opzioni ?"; Text[ danish ] = "Hvilken etiket skal alternativgruppen have?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vilken beteckning skall din alternativgrupp ha?"; Text[ polish ] = "Jakie etykiety powinna zawiera Twoja grupa opcji ?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Welche Beschriftung soll Ihre Options- gruppe haben ?"; Text[ japanese ] = "オプショングループにどの名前を付けますか。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项小组的名称?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選項群組的名稱?"; Text[ arabic ] = " ߿"; Text[ dutch ] = "Welk naam wilt u uw optiegroep geven?"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选项小组的名称?"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "어떤 캡션을 옵션 그룹에 지정하시겠습니까?"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tercih grubunuza ne bal vermek istersiniz?"; Text[ catalan ] = "Quin ttol ha de tenir el grup d'opcions?"; Text[ finnish ] = "Mik on valintaryhmn otsikko?"; Text[ thai ] = "คำบรรยายภาพไหนที่ให้เป็นกลุ่มทางเลือกของคุณ?"; Text[ czech ] = "Jaký popisek se má dát k této skupině?"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אילו כותרת לתת לקבוצת האפשרויות?‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "आप विकल्प समूह को क्या नाम देना चाहते है?"; }; String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 23 { Text = "Dies waren alle Angaben, die zur Erstellung der Optionsgruppe notwendig waren."; Text [ english_us ] = "Those were all details needed to create the option group."; Text[ portuguese ] = "As informaes necessrias para criar o grupo de opes esto agora completas."; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De gegevens voor het maken van de optiegroep zijn nu compleet."; Text[ french ] = "Toutes les informations ncessaires ont t rassembles ; le groupe d'options va pouvoir tre cr."; Text[ spanish ] = "Esta informacin era necesaria para crear el grupo de opciones."; Text[ italian ] = "Tutte le informazioni necessarie per creare il gruppo di opzioni sono state indicate."; Text[ danish ] = "Nu har programmet alle de oplysninger, som er ndvendige for at oprette alternativgruppen."; Text[ swedish ] = "Detta var alla uppgifter som behvdes fr att alternativgruppen ska kunna skapas."; Text[ polish ] = "Byy to ju wszystkie dane wymagane do utworzenia grupy opcji."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dies waren alle Angaben, die zur Erstellung der Optionsgruppe notwendig waren."; Text[ japanese ] = "オプショングループの作成に必要な項目は、これで全部です。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这些是制作选项小组所需的全部资料。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "這些是製作選項群組所必需要的全部資料。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De gegevens voor het maken van de optiegroep zijn nu compleet."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这些是制作选项小组所需的全部资料。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "옵션 그룹을 만드는데 필요한 항목의 전부입니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Bir ayar grubu yaratmak iin gerekli tm detaylar."; Text[ catalan ] = "Aquests sn tots els detalls necessaris per crear un grup d'opcions."; Text[ finnish ] = "Kaikki valintaryhmn luontiin tarvittavat tiedot on nyt mritetty."; Text[ thai ] = "เหล่านั่นคือรายละเอียดทั้งหมดที่จำเป็นในการสร้างกลุ่มทางเลือก"; Text[ czech ] = "Toto jsou všechny informace potřebné pro vytvoření přepínacího pole."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אלו כל הפרטים הנדרשים ליצירת קבוצת אפשרויות.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "विकल्प समूह को उत्पन्न करने के लिए इन सब विवरणों की ज़रूरत है ।"; }; #endif // ============================================================================ String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 0 { Text = "AutoPilot Formular"; Text [ english_us ] = "Form AutoPilot"; Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Formulrios"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Formulier"; Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de formulaire"; Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Formulario "; Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Formulario"; Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot-formular"; Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr formulr"; Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot: Formularz"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Assistente de Formulrio"; Text[ japanese ] = "オートパイロット フォーム"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 表单"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動檔案助理 表單"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Formulier"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 表单"; Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot"; Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 양식"; Text[ turkish ] = "Form AutoPilot"; Text[ catalan ] = "Formularis de l'AutoPilot"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu lomakkeiden luominen"; Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องแบบฟอร์มอัตโนมัติ "; Text[ czech ] = "Průvodce formulářem"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טייס אוטומטי לטפסים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ओटोपैलट् फ़ार्म"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 1 { Text = "Der Titel kann nicht verwendet werden. Bitte whlen Sie einen anderen."; Text [ english_us ] = "This title cannot be used. Please select a different one."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel utilizar este ttulo. Seleccione outro."; Text[ russian ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De naam is niet bruikbaar. Kies een andere naam."; Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'utiliser ce titre ! Choisissez-en choisir un autre."; Text[ spanish ] = "No se puede utilizar este ttulo. Seleccione otro."; Text[ italian ] = "Il titolo non pu essere utilizzato. Sceglietene un altro."; Text[ danish ] = "Titlen kan ikke anvendes. Vlg en anden titel."; Text[ swedish ] = "Namnet kan inte anvndas. Vlj ett annat namn."; Text[ polish ] = "Tego tytuu nie mona uy. Wybierz inny."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No possvel utilizar este ttulo. Por favor selecione outro."; Text[ japanese ] = "このタイトルは使用できません。別のタイトルにしてください。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法使用这个标题。请您选择一个其他的标题。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法使用這個標題。請您選擇另外一個。"; Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De naam is niet bruikbaar. Kies een andere naam."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法使用这个标题。请您选择一个其他的标题。"; Text[ greek ] = " . ."; Text[ korean ] = "이 제목은 사용할 수 없습니다. 다른 제목을 선택하십시오."; Text[ turkish ] = "Bu balk kullanlamad. Ltfen farkl bir balk sein. "; Text[ catalan ] = "No es pot usar aquest ttol. Escolliu-ne un altre."; Text[ finnish ] = "Tt otsikkoa ei voi kytt. Valitse toinen otsikko."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถใช้ชื่อเรื่องนี้ได้ กรุณาเลือกชื่ออื่นที่ไม่เหมือนกัน"; Text[ czech ] = "Tento titulek nemůže být použit, prosím, zvolte si jiný."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן להשתמש בכותרת זו. נא לבחור כותרת אחרת.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "यह शीर्षक को उपयोग नहीं कर सकते है । कृपया दूसरा शीर्षक को चुनिए ।"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 2 { Text = "Formular erzeugen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Create Form"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Criar formulrio"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier maken"; Text[ french ] = "Crer un formulaire"; Text[ spanish ] = "Crear un formulario"; Text[ italian ] = "Crea formulario"; Text[ danish ] = "Opret formular"; Text[ swedish ] = "Skapa formulr"; Text[ polish ] = "Utwrz formularz"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Criar Formulrio"; Text[ japanese ] = "フォームの作成"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成表单"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "製作表單"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier maken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成表单"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "양식 만들기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Form olutur"; Text[ catalan ] = "Crea un formulari"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luo lomake"; Text[ thai ] = "สร้างแบบฟอร์ม"; Text[ czech ] = "Vytvořit formulář"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירת טופס‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "फ़ार्म उत्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 3 { Text = "Formular_"; Text [ english_us ] = "Form_"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Formulrio_"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier_"; Text[ french ] = "Formulaire_"; Text[ spanish ] = "Formulario_"; Text[ italian ] = "Formulario_"; Text[ danish ] = "Formular_"; Text[ swedish ] = "Formulr_"; Text[ polish ] = "Formularz_"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Formulrio_"; Text[ japanese ] = "フォーム_"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表单_"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表單_"; Text[ arabic ] = "_"; Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier_"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表单_"; Text[ greek ] = "_"; Text[ korean ] = "양식_"; Text[ turkish ] = "\nForm_"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Formulari_"; Text[ finnish ] = "Lomake_"; Text[ thai ] = "แบบฟอร์ม_"; Text[ czech ] = "Form_"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טופס_‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "फ़ार्म_"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 4 { Text = " (Datum)"; Text [ english_us ] = "(Date)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "(Data)"; Text[ russian ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(Datum)"; Text[ french ] = " (Date)"; Text[ spanish ] = "(Fecha)"; Text[ italian ] = "(Data)"; Text[ danish ] = " (Dato)"; Text[ swedish ] = "(Datum)"; Text[ polish ] = "(Data)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(Data)"; Text[ japanese ] = "(日付)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " (日期)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = " (日期)"; Text[ arabic ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(Datum)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " (日期)"; Text[ greek ] = "()"; Text[ korean ] = "(날짜)"; Text[ turkish ] = "(Tarih)"; Text[ catalan ] = "(Data)"; Text[ finnish ] = "(Pivmr)"; Text[ thai ] = "(วันที่)"; Text[ czech ] = "(Datum)"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮(תאריך)‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "(दिनांक)"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 5 { Text = " (Zeit)"; Text [ english_us ] = "(Time)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "(hora)"; Text[ russian ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(Tijd)"; Text[ french ] = " (Heure)"; Text[ spanish ] = "(Hora)"; Text[ italian ] = "(Ora)"; Text[ danish ] = " (Klokkeslt)"; Text[ swedish ] = "(Tid)"; Text[ polish ] = "(Godzina)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(Hora)"; Text[ japanese ] = "(時刻)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " (时间)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = " (時間)"; Text[ arabic ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(Tijd)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " (时间)"; Text[ greek ] = "()"; Text[ korean ] = "(시간)"; Text[ turkish ] = "(Saat)"; Text[ catalan ] = "(Hora)"; Text[ finnish ] = "(Aika)"; Text[ thai ] = "(เวลา)"; Text[ czech ] = "(Čas)"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮(זמן)‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "(समय)"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 6 { Text = "~Tabellen und Abfragen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Tables or queries"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Tabelas ou consultas"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabellen of query's"; Text[ french ] = "Tables et requtes"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Tablas o consultas"; Text[ italian ] = "Tabella o ricerca"; Text[ danish ] = "Tabeller eller foresprgsler"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tabeller och skningar"; Text[ polish ] = "Tabele i kwerendy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabelas ou consultas"; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルとクエリー"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格或查询"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格和查詢"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabellen of query's"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格或查询"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = "테이블 및 쿼리"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo veya sorgulamalar"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de taula"; Text[ finnish ] = "Taulukot tai kyselyt"; Text[ thai ] = ": เลือกตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = "Tabulky nebo dotazy"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טבלאות או שאילתות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सारणी अथवा जानकारी"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 7 { Text = ": Feldauswahl"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Slection de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = ": flturval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Seleo de Campo"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フィールドの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":字段选择"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":選擇欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":字段选择"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 필드 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn valinta"; Text[ thai ] = ": เลือกเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr polí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת שדות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": क्षेत्र का चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 8 { Text = ": Feldausrichtung"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Alignment"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Alinhamento de campo"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld uitlijnen"; Text[ french ] = " : Alignement de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Alineacin de campo"; Text[ italian ] = ": Allineamento del campo"; Text[ danish ] = ": Feltjustering"; Text[ swedish ] = ": fltjustering"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wyrwnanie pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Alinhamento de Campo"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フィールドの配置"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":字段对齐"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":調整欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld uitlijnen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":字段对齐"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 필드 맞춤"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan hizalamas"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Alineaci de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn tasaus"; Text[ thai ] = ": จัดตำแหน่งเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Zarovnání polí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יישור שדות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": क्षेत्र पंक्तिकरण"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 9 { Text = ": Vorlagen"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Templates"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Estilos"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": sjablonen"; Text[ french ] = " : Styles"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Plantillas"; Text[ italian ] = ": Modelli"; Text[ danish ] = ": Skabeloner"; Text[ swedish ] = ": mallar"; Text[ polish ] = ": Szablony"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Modelos"; Text[ japanese ] = ": スタイル"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":样式"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":樣式"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": sjablonen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":样式"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 서식 파일"; Text[ turkish ] = ": ablonlar"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Plantilles"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Mallit"; Text[ thai ] = ": แม่แบบ"; Text[ czech ] = ": Šablony"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תבניות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": नमूनें"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 10 { Text = ": Formular erstellen"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Form"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar formulrio"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; Text[ french ] = " : Crer le formulaire"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear formulario"; Text[ italian ] = ": Crea formulario"; Text[ danish ] = ": Opret formular"; Text[ swedish ] = ": skapa formulr"; Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz formularz"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Criar Formulrio"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フォームの作成"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作表单"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":製作表單"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作表单"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 양식 만들기"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Form olutur"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Crea un formulari"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Luo lomake"; Text[ thai ] = ": สร้างแบบฟอร์ม"; Text[ czech ] = ": Vytvořit formulář"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירת טופס:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": फ़ार्म उत्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 11 { Text = "Datenq~uelle"; Text [ english_us ] = "Data so~urce"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Fonte de dados"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; Text[ french ] = "S~ource de donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Fuente de datos"; Text[ italian ] = "Sorgente ~dati"; Text[ danish ] = "Datak~ilde"; Text[ swedish ] = "Data~klla"; Text[ polish ] = "~rdo danych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Fonte de dados"; Text[ japanese ] = "データソース(~U)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据源(~U)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資料源(~U)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据源(~U)"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본(~U)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kay~na"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "F~ont de les dades"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tieto~lhde"; Text[ thai ] = "แห~ล่งข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Zdroj dat"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מקור הנתונים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ड़ॉटा मू~ल"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 12 { Text = "~Vorhandene Felder"; Text [ english_us ] = "Ex~isting fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; Text[ french ] = "Champs ~existants"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes"; Text[ italian ] = "~Campi disponibili"; Text[ danish ] = "~Eksisterende felter"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Existerande flt"; Text[ polish ] = "~Istniejce pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Campos ~existentes"; Text[ japanese ] = "既存フィールド(~I)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段(~I)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "現存的欄位(~I)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段(~I)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "기존 필드(~I)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Mev~cut alanlar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camps ex~istents"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Nykyiset kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูลที่มี~อยู่"; Text[ czech ] = "Stávající pole"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות קיימים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "अस्ति~त्व में रहनेवाला क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 13 { Text = "~Felder im Formular"; Text [ english_us ] = "Fields in form"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos no ~formulrio"; Text[ russian ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Velden in ~formulier"; Text[ french ] = "Champs du formulaire"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos del formulario"; Text[ italian ] = "Campi nel ~formulario"; Text[ danish ] = "Felter i ~formular"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Flt i formulr"; Text[ polish ] = "Pola w formularzu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Campos no formulrio"; Text[ japanese ] = "フォームのフィールド"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表单内的字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表單之中的欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Velden in ~formulier"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表单内的字段"; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ korean ] = "양식 필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Formdaki alanlar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camps del formulari"; Text[ finnish ] = "Lomakkeen kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูลในแบบฟอร์ม"; Text[ czech ] = "Pole ve formuláři"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות בטופס‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "फ़ॉर्म में रहनेवाला क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 14 { Text = "~Stil"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Layout"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Estilo"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Stijl"; Text[ french ] = "Style"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Estilo"; Text[ italian ] = "~Stile"; Text[ danish ] = "Typ~e"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Stil"; Text[ polish ] = "~Ukad"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Layout"; Text[ japanese ] = "スタイル(~L)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "式样(~L)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "風格(~L)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Stijl"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "式样(~L)"; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "레이아웃(~L)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Yerleim"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Format"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Asettelu"; Text[ thai ] = "เ~ค้าโครง"; Text[ czech ] = "Vzhled"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮פריסה (עיצוב דף)‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~अभिन्यास"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 15 { Text = "S~paltenorientiert"; Text [ english_us ] = "Column-oriented"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Em ~colunas"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolomgerinteerd"; Text[ french ] = "En c~olonnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "En ~columnas"; Text[ italian ] = "~Orientato a colonna"; Text[ danish ] = "K~olonneorienteret"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Kolumnorienterad"; Text[ polish ] = "W postaci kolumn"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Orientado por colunas"; Text[ japanese ] = "列方向"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "按照列"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "按照欄"; Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolomgerinteerd"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "按照列"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "열 방향"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ortantl-stun"; Text[ catalan ] = "Orientat a columna"; Text[ finnish ] = "Sarakesuunnattu"; Text[ thai ] = "วางแนวคอลัมน์"; Text[ czech ] = "Zaměřený na sloupce"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לפי עמודים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "स्तंभ अनुस्थापित"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 16 { Text = "~Optimiert"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Optimized"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Optimizado"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Geoptimaliseerd"; Text[ french ] = "~Optimis"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Optimizado"; Text[ italian ] = "~Ottimizzato"; Text[ danish ] = "~Optimeret"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Optimerad"; Text[ polish ] = "~Optymalny"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Otimizado"; Text[ japanese ] = "最適化(~O)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已最佳化(~O)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "最適化(~O)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Geoptimaliseerd"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已最佳化(~O)"; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "최적화됨(~O)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Optimize edilmi"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Optimitzat"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Optimoitu"; Text[ thai ] = "~ทำให้เหมาะที่สุด"; Text[ czech ] = "Optimalizovaný"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מיועל‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~योग्य की हुयी"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 17 { Text = "~Tabellarisch"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Tabular"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Em tabela"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelvorm"; Text[ french ] = "En ~tableau"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Como tabla"; Text[ italian ] = "~Tabellare"; Text[ danish ] = "~Tabellarisk"; Text[ swedish ] = "I t~abellform"; Text[ polish ] = "W postaci ~tabeli"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Em tabela"; Text[ japanese ] = "表にして(~T)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格式(~T)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格式(~T)"; Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelvorm"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格式(~T)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "표 형식(~T)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Cetvel"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Tabular"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Taulukkomuotoinen"; Text[ thai ] = "แ~บบตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = "Tabulkový"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טבלאי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~क्रमबद्ध्"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 18 { Text = "Titel / ~Daten"; Text [ english_us ] = "Title / ~Data"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Ttulo / ~Dados"; Text[ russian ] = " / ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Naam / ~gegevens"; Text[ french ] = "Titre / ~Donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Ttulo / ~Datos"; Text[ italian ] = "Titolo / ~dati"; Text[ danish ] = "Titel / ~Data"; Text[ swedish ] = "Titel/~data"; Text[ polish ] = "Tytu/~Dane"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ttulo / ~Dados"; Text[ japanese ] = "タイトルとデータ(~D)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标题/数据(~D)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標題和資料(~D)"; Text[ arabic ] = " / ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Naam / ~gegevens"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标题/数据(~D)"; Text[ greek ] = " / ~"; Text[ korean ] = "제목/데이터(~D)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Balk / ~Veri"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Ttol / ~Dades"; Text[ finnish ] = "Otsikko/~tiedot"; Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อเรื่อง / ~ข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Titulek / Data"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כותרת\\נתונים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "शीर्षक / ~डॉटा"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 19 { Text = "~Nebeneinander"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Tile"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Lado a lado"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Naast elkaar"; Text[ french ] = "~Juxtaposer"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Mosaico"; Text[ italian ] = "~Uno accanto all'altro"; Text[ danish ] = "~Side om side"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Bredvid varandra"; Text[ polish ] = "~Ssiadujco"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Lado a lado"; Text[ japanese ] = "横続き(~T)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "并排(~T)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "並排(~T)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Naast elkaar"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "并排(~T)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "바둑판식 배치(~T)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~De"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Ttol"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Vierekkin"; Text[ thai ] = "~ซ้อนทับ"; Text[ czech ] = "Dlážděný"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮פריסה ללא חפיפה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~टइल"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 20 { Text = "~bereinander"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Stacked"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Empilhar"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Gestapeld"; Text[ french ] = "~Empiler"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Apilado"; Text[ italian ] = "Sovrapposti"; Text[ danish ] = "~Over hinanden"; Text[ swedish ] = "~ver varandra"; Text[ polish ] = "~Jeden nad drugim"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Empilhado"; Text[ japanese ] = "縦続き(~S)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "重叠(~S)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "重疊(~S)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Gestapeld"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "重叠(~S)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "누적(~S)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Kmelendi"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Apilats"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Pinottu"; Text[ thai ] = "~กองซ้อน"; Text[ czech ] = "Co nejplnější"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮חופפים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~स्टॉक की हुयी"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 21 { Text = "~Seitenvorlagen"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Page Styles"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Estilos de pgina"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Pagina-opmaakprofielen"; Text[ french ] = "~Styles de page"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Estilos de pgina"; Text[ italian ] = "~Modelli di pagina"; Text[ danish ] = "~Sidetypografier"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Sidformatmallar"; Text[ polish ] = "Style ~strony"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Estilos de Pgina"; Text[ japanese ] = "ページスタイル(~P)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页面样式(~P)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁面樣式(~P)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Pagina-opmaakprofielen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页面样式(~P)"; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ korean ] = "페이지 스타일(~P)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Sayfa Biemleri"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Estil de pgina"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Sivutyylit"; Text[ thai ] = "ลักษณะ~หน้า"; Text[ czech ] = "Formáty stránek"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סגנונות דפים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~पृष्ठ शैलियाँ"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 22 { Text = "Geben Sie den Titel ein"; Text [ english_us ] = "Enter the title"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Indique o ttulo"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Geef de titel op"; Text[ french ] = "Titre du document"; Text[ spanish ] = "Escriba el ttulo"; Text[ italian ] = "Indicate un titolo per il documento"; Text[ danish ] = "Indtast titlen."; Text[ swedish ] = "Ange rubriken"; Text[ polish ] = "Wprowad tytu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Entre com o ttulo"; Text[ japanese ] = "タイトルを入力してください"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请您输入一个标题"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "請輸入一個文件標題"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Geef de titel op"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "请您输入一个标题"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "문서 제목을 입력하십시오."; Text[ turkish ] = "~Belge bal girinzi"; Text[ catalan ] = "Ttol del ~document"; Text[ finnish ] = "Anna otsikko"; Text[ thai ] = "ใส่ชื่อเรื่อง"; Text[ czech ] = "Zadejte titulek"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הכנסת כותרת‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "शीर्षक प्रविष्ट करो"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 23 { Text = "~Nach der Fertigstellung..."; Text [ english_us ] = "~After completion..."; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Depois de pronto..."; Text[ russian ] = "~ ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Na ~voltooiing..."; Text[ french ] = "~Aprs gnration..."; Text[ spanish ] = "~Tras la creacin..."; Text[ italian ] = "~Dopo il completamento..."; Text[ danish ] = "~Efter frdiggrelse..."; Text[ swedish ] = "~Nr det r frdigt..."; Text[ polish ] = "~Po ukoczeniu..."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Depois da concluso"; Text[ japanese ] = "完了後(~A)..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后(~A)..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在完成之後(~A)..."; Text[ arabic ] = "~ ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Na ~voltooiing..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后(~A)..."; Text[ greek ] = " ~ ..."; Text[ korean ] = "완료 후(~A)..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Tamamlamadan ~sonra..."; Text[ catalan ] = "~En acabar..."; Text[ finnish ] = "Valmistumisen ~jlkeen..."; Text[ thai ] = "~หลังจากเสร็จสมบูรณ์..."; Text[ czech ] = "Po dokončení..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לאחר סיום...‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "समाप्ती के ~पश्चात..."; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 24 { Text = "Dokument ~sofort benutzen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Use document immediately"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Utilizar ~documento de imediato"; Text[ russian ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Document ~meteen gebruiken"; Text[ french ] = "A~fficher le document"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Utilizar documento inmediatamente"; Text[ italian ] = "Utili~zza subito il documento"; Text[ danish ] = "Anvend dokument ~omgende"; Text[ swedish ] = "Anvnd d~okument direkt"; Text[ polish ] = "Uyj dokumentu od razu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Use o documento imediatamente"; Text[ japanese ] = "ドキュメントをすぐに使用"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "立刻使用文档"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "立刻使用文件"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Document ~meteen gebruiken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "立刻使用文档"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "문서 즉시 사용"; Text[ turkish ] = "Hemen belgeyi kullan"; Text[ catalan ] = "utilitza el document immediatament"; Text[ finnish ] = "kyt asiakirjaa heti"; Text[ thai ] = "ใช้เอกสารทันที"; Text[ czech ] = "Začít ihned pracovat s dokumentem"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שימוש מיידי במסמך‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखपत्र को तुरंत उपयोग करो"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 25 { Text = "Dokument ~ablegen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Save document"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Guardar documento"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "document ~opslaan"; Text[ french ] = "Enregistrer le document"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Guardar el documento"; Text[ italian ] = "~Salva il documento"; Text[ danish ] = "~Arkiver dokument"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Arkivera dokument"; Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz ~dokument"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Salvar o documento"; Text[ japanese ] = "ドキュメントを格納"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘文档"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "儲存文件"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "document ~opslaan"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘文档"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "문서 저장"; Text[ turkish ] = "Belgeyi kaydet"; Text[ catalan ] = "desa el document"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tallenna asiakirja"; Text[ thai ] = "บันทึกเอกสาร"; Text[ czech ] = "Uložit dokument"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שמירת מסמך‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखपत्र संचित करो"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 26 { Text = "Das Formular wurde erstellt und in der Datenbank abgelegt."; Text [ english_us ] = "The form has been created and saved in the database."; Text[ portuguese ] = "O formulrio foi criado e guardado na base de dados."; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Het formulier is gemaakt en opgeslagen in de database."; Text[ french ] = "Le formulaire a t cr et archiv dans la base de donnes."; Text[ spanish ] = "El formulario se cre y guard en la base de datos."; Text[ swedish ] = "Formulret har skapats och arkiverats i databasen."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ italian ] = "Il formulario stato creato e salvato nel database."; Text[ danish ] = "Formularen blev oprettet og arkiveret i databasen."; Text[ polish ] = "Formularz zosta utworzony i zapisany w bazie danych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "O formulrio foi criado e salvo no banco de dados."; Text[ japanese ] = "フォームは作成されデータベースに格納されています。"; Text[ korean ] = "양식은 작성되어 데이터베이스에 저장되었습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个表单已经建立且存盘在数据库内。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在資料庫內已經建立和儲存了這個表單。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ turkish ] = "Form oluturuldu ve veritabanna eklendi."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha creat el formulari i s'ha desat en la base de dades."; Text[ finnish ] = "Lomake on luotu ja tallennettu tietokantaan."; Text[ thai ] = "แบบฟอร์มถูกสร้างและบันทึกในฐานข้อมูลแล้ว"; Text[ czech ] = "Formulář byl vytvořen a uložen do databáze."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הטופס נוצר ונשמר במסד הנתונים.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "The form has been created and saved in the database."; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 27 { Text = "Formular-Namen drfen maximal 32 Zeichen lang sein."; Text [ english ] = "Form names must not contain more than 32 characters."; Text [ english_us ] = "Form names cannot be longer than 32 characters."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Os nomes de formulrios s podem ter um mximo de 32 caracteres."; Text[ russian ] = " 32 ."; Text[ greek ] = " 32 ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Formuliernamen mogen maximaal 32 tekens lang zijn."; Text[ french ] = "Un nom de formulaire peut contenir au maximum 32 caractres."; Text[ spanish ] = "Los nombres de los formularios no pueden exceder los 32 caracteres."; Text[ italian ] = "I nomi del formulario possono avere una lunghezza massima di 32 caratteri."; Text[ danish ] = "Formularnavne m hjst indeholde 32 tegn."; Text[ swedish ] = "Formulrnamn fr inte innehlla mer n 32 tecken."; Text[ polish ] = "Nazwy formularzy mog si skada maksymalnie z 32 znakw."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Os nomes de formulrios no podem ter mais de 32 caracteres."; Text[ japanese ] = "フォーム名は最高32文字までです。"; Text[ korean ] = "수식 이름의 길이가 최대 32자를 초과해서는 안됩니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表单名称最多只能由32个字符组成。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "報表名稱最長不得超過32個字元。"; Text[ arabic ] = " 32 ."; Text[ turkish ] = "Form ad 32 karakterden fazla olmamal."; Text[ catalan ] = "Els noms dels formularis no poden ser ms llargs de 32 carcters."; Text[ finnish ] = "Lomakkeiden nimet eivt saa olla yli 32 merkin pituisia."; Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อแบบฟอร์มต้องยาวไม่เกิน 32 ตัวอักขระ"; Text[ czech ] = "Názvy formulářů nemohou být delší než 32 znaků."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שמות טפסים עד 32 תווים בלבד.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "फ़ॉर्म का नाम 32 अक्षर से अधिक नहीं हो सकता है ।"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 28 { Text = "Feldumrandung"; Text [ english ] = "Controlframes"; Text [ english_us ] = "Field border"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Contornos de campos"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Veldomranding"; Text[ french ] = "Bordure de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = "Borde del campo"; Text[ italian ] = "Bordo campo"; Text[ danish ] = "Feltramme"; Text[ swedish ] = "Fltinramning"; Text[ polish ] = "Krawd pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bordas dos campos"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールド枠"; Text[ korean ] = "필드 테두리"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段边框"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄位邊框"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alan snrlar"; Text[ arabic ] = " ῿ 47566"; Text[ catalan ] = "Vora de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kentn reunat"; Text[ thai ] = "เส้นขอบของเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Okraje políček"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮גבולות שדה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "क्षेत्र किनारा"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 29 { Text = "Ohne Umrandung"; Text [ english ] = "No Border"; Text [ english_us ] = "No border"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Sem contorno"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Geen omranding"; Text[ french ] = "Sans bordure"; Text[ spanish ] = "Sin bordes"; Text[ italian ] = "Senza bordo"; Text[ danish ] = "Uden ramme"; Text[ swedish ] = "Utan inramning"; Text[ polish ] = "Bez krawdzi"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sem bordas"; Text[ japanese ] = "枠なし"; Text[ korean ] = "테두리 없음"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无边框"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無邊框"; Text[ turkish ] = "Snr yok"; Text[ arabic ] = " ϡ ѿ 47565"; Text[ catalan ] = "Sense vores"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ei reunusta"; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีเส้นขอบ"; Text[ czech ] = "Bez okrajů"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ללא גבולות שדה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "कोई किनारा नहीं"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 30 { Text = "3-D Look"; Text [ english ] = "3D Look"; Text [ english_us ] = "3D look"; Text[ portuguese ] = "3D"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " 3"; Text[ dutch ] = "3D-look"; Text[ french ] = "3D"; Text[ spanish ] = "3D"; Text[ italian ] = "3D"; Text[ danish ] = "3-D Look"; Text[ swedish ] = "3D-look"; Text[ polish ] = "Trjwymiarowy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Aparncia 3D"; Text[ japanese ] = "3D ルック"; Text[ korean ] = "3D Look"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "3 维外观"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "3D 外觀"; Text[ turkish ] = "3D grnm"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Aparena 3D"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kolmiulotteinen ulkoasu"; Text[ thai ] = "มองแบบ 3 มิติ"; Text[ czech ] = "3D vzhled"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מראה תלת מימדי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "3D दृश्य"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 31 { Text = "Flach"; Text [ english ] = "Flat"; Text [ english_us ] = "Flat"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Plano"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Plat"; Text[ french ] = "Plat"; Text[ spanish ] = "Planos"; Text[ italian ] = "Piano"; Text[ danish ] = "Flad"; Text[ swedish ] = "Flat"; Text[ polish ] = "Paski"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Plano"; Text[ japanese ] = "平たい"; Text[ korean ] = "평면"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "平型"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "平型"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dz"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Pla"; Text[ finnish ] = "Litte"; Text[ thai ] = "แบน"; Text[ czech ] = "Plochý"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שטוח‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "समतल"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 32 { Text = "Ausrichtung der Beschriftungsfelder"; Text [ english ] = "Alignment of the labels"; Text [ english_us ] = "Label placement"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Alinhamento de etiquetas"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "Alignment"; Text[ dutch ] = "Uitlijning van labels"; Text[ french ] = "Alignement des champs d'tiquette"; Text[ spanish ] = "Orientacin de los campos de etiquetas"; Text[ finnish ] = "Selitteiden sijoittelu"; Text[ italian ] = "Allineamento del campo di testo fisso"; Text[ danish ] = "Justering af etiketfelter"; Text[ swedish ] = "Justering av etikettflt"; Text[ polish ] = "Pooenie etykiet"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Colocao dos rtulos"; Text[ japanese ] = "ラベル書きフィールドの位置"; Text[ korean ] = "레이블 위치 맞춤"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标签字段对齐"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標籤欄位對準"; Text[ turkish ] = "Etiket yerletirme"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "berschrift einer Option Button Gruppe "; Text[ arabic ] = "Alignment"; Text[ catalan ] = "Alineaci"; Text[ thai ] = "ป้ายชื่อ"; Text[ czech ] = "Umístění titulku"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מיקום תוית‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेबिल स्थान"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 33 { Text = "Linksbndig"; Text [ english ] = "To left edge"; Text [ english_us ] = "Align left"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Alinhar esquerda"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "Align Labels on left Edge"; Text[ dutch ] = "Linkslijnend"; Text[ french ] = "Aligner gauche"; Text[ spanish ] = "Izquierda"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tasaa vasemmalle"; Text[ italian ] = "Allinea a sinistra"; Text[ danish ] = "Venstrejusteret"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vnsterjusterat"; Text[ polish ] = "Wyrwnaj do lewej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Alinhar esquerda"; Text[ japanese ] = "左揃え"; Text[ korean ] = "왼쪽 맞춤"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向左对齐"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "靠左對齊"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sola doru ayarlama"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Label eines Option Buttons"; Text[ arabic ] = "Align Labels on left Edge"; Text[ catalan ] = "Esquerra"; Text[ thai ] = "จัดป้ายชื่อชิดขอบซ้าย"; Text[ czech ] = "Zarovnat vlevo"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ישור לשמאל‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "बायाँ ओर पंक्तिकरण"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 34 { Text = "Rechtsbndig"; Text [ english ] = "To right edge"; Text [ english_us ] = "Align right"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Alinhar direita"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "Align Labels on right Edge"; Text[ dutch ] = "Rechtslijnend"; Text[ french ] = "Aligner droite"; Text[ spanish ] = "Derecha"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tasaa oikealle"; Text[ italian ] = "Allinea a destra"; Text[ danish ] = "Hjrejusteret"; Text[ swedish ] = "Hgerjusterat"; Text[ polish ] = "Wyrwnaj do prawej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Alinhar direita"; Text[ japanese ] = "右揃え"; Text[ korean ] = "오른쪽 맞춤"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向右对齐"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "靠右對齊"; Text[ turkish ] = "Saa doru ayarlama"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Label eines Option Buttons"; Text[ arabic ] = "Align Labels on right Edge"; Text[ catalan ] = "Dreta"; Text[ thai ] = "จัดป้ายชื่อชิดขอบขวา"; Text[ czech ] = "Zarovnat vpravo"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ישור לימין‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "दाहिनी ओर पंक्तिकरण"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 35 { Text = "Anordnung der DB-Felder"; Text [ english ] = "Arrangement of DB Fields"; Text [ english_us ] = "Arrangement of DB fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Diposio dos campos da BD"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "Arrangement of DB fields"; Text[ dutch ] = "Plaatsing van databasevelden"; Text[ french ] = "Disposition des champs de BD"; Text[ spanish ] = "Disposicin de los campos de la base de datos"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantakenttien jrjestys"; Text[ italian ] = "Assegna i campi DB"; Text[ danish ] = "DB-felternes placering"; Text[ swedish ] = "Placering av DB-flt"; Text[ polish ] = "Rozmieszczenie pl bazy danych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Disposio dos campos do banco de dados"; Text[ japanese ] = "データベースフィールドの整列"; Text[ korean ] = "DB 필드 배치"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "对齐数据库字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "對齊資料庫欄位"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veritaban alanlarnn ayarlanmas"; Text[ arabic ] = "Arrangement of DB fields"; Text[ catalan ] = "Ajustament dels camps"; Text[ thai ] = "จัดเรียงเขตข้อมูล DB "; Text[ czech ] = "Rozmístění databázových polí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תצוגת שדות מסד הנתונים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "DB क्षेत्रों को क्रम में रखना"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 36 { Text = "In Spalten-Beschriftungen links"; Text [ english ] = "Columnar - Labels left"; Text [ english_us ] = "Columnar - Labels Left"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Colunas - Etiquetas esquerda"; Text[ russian ] = " - "; Text[ greek ] = "Columnar - Labels Left"; Text[ dutch ] = "In kolommen - labels links"; Text[ french ] = "Colonnes - tiquettes gauche"; Text[ spanish ] = "En columnas - Etiquetas a la izquierda"; Text[ finnish ] = "Sarakkeet - selitteet vasemmalla"; Text[ italian ] = "In colonna - Testo fisso a sinistra"; Text[ danish ] = "I kolonner - etiketter til venstre"; Text[ swedish ] = "I kolumner - etiketter till vnster"; Text[ polish ] = "Kolumnowo z etykietami po lewej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Em Colunas - Rtulos esquerda"; Text[ japanese ] = "欄で、ラベル書きは左に"; Text[ korean ] = "열에서 레이블을 왼쪽으로"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在列内 - 标签向左"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在欄位內 - 標籤向左"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sutunlar halinde, etiketler solda"; Text[ arabic ] = "Columnar - Labels Left"; Text[ catalan ] = "Columna - Etiquetes a l'esquerra"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Help tip"; Text[ thai ] = "แบบเรียงเป็นแนวตรง - ป้ายชื่อซ้าย"; Text[ czech ] = "Do sloupců - titulky vlevo"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לפי עמודים - תוויות לשמאל‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "स्तंभ के सदृश - लेबिलें बायाँ ओर"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 37 { Text = "In Spalten - Beschriftungen oben"; Text [ english ] = "Columnar - Labels on Top"; Text [ english_us ] = "Columnar - Labels on Top"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Colunas - Etiquetas no topo"; Text[ russian ] = " - "; Text[ greek ] = "Columnar - Labels on Top"; Text[ dutch ] = "In kolommen - labels boven"; Text[ french ] = "Colonnes - tiquettes en haut"; Text[ spanish ] = "En columnas - Etiquetas arriba"; Text[ finnish ] = "Sarakkeet - selitteet ylhll"; Text[ italian ] = "In colonna - Testo fisso in alto"; Text[ danish ] = "I kolonner - etiketter verst"; Text[ swedish ] = "I kolumner - etiketter uppe"; Text[ polish ] = "Kolumnowo z etykietami u gry"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Em Colunas - Rtulos em cima"; Text[ japanese ] = "欄で、ラベル書きは上に"; Text[ korean ] = "열에서 레이블을 위쪽에"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在列内 - 标签向上"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在欄位內 - 標籤向上"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sutunlar halinde, etiketler stte"; Text[ arabic ] = "Columnar - Labels on Top"; Text[ catalan ] = "Columna - Etiquetes amunt"; Text[ thai ] = "แบบเรียงเป็นแนวตรง - ป้ายชื่อด้านบน"; Text[ czech ] = "Do sloupců - titulky v záhlaví"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לפי עמודים - תוויות למעלה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "स्तंभ के सदृश - लेबिलें ऊपर"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 38 { Text = "In Blcken - Beschriftungen links"; Text [ english ] = "In Blocks - Labels left"; Text [ english_us ] = "In Blocks - Labels Left"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Blocos - Etiquetas esquerda"; Text[ russian ] = " - "; Text[ greek ] = "Inf Blocks - Labels left"; Text[ dutch ] = "In blokken - labels links"; Text[ french ] = "Blocs - tiquettes gauche"; Text[ spanish ] = "En bloques - Etiquetas a la izquierda"; Text[ finnish ] = "Lohkot - selitteet vasemmalla"; Text[ italian ] = "In riga - Testo fisso a sinistra"; Text[ danish ] = "I blokke - etiketter til venstre"; Text[ swedish ] = "Marginaljusterat - etiketter till vnster"; Text[ polish ] = "Blokowo z etykietami po lewej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Em Blocos - Rtulos esquerda"; Text[ japanese ] = "ブロックで、ラベル書きは左に"; Text[ korean ] = "블록에서 레이블을 왼쪽에"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在条块内 - 标签向左"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在條塊內 - 標籤向左"; Text[ turkish ] = "Bloklar halinde, etketler sola"; Text[ arabic ] = "Inf Blocks - Labels left"; Text[ catalan ] = "Blocs - Etiquetes a l'esquerra"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Help tip"; Text[ thai ] = "ในบล็อค - ป้ายชื่อซ้าย"; Text[ czech ] = "Do bloků - titulky vlevo"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לפי קטעים - תוויות לשמאל‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ब्लॉक्स में - लेबिलें बायाँ ओर"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 39 { Text = "In Blcken - Beschriftungen oben"; Text [ english ] = "In Blocks - Labels oben"; Text [ english_us ] = "In Blocks - Labels Above"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Blocos - Etiquetas no topo"; Text[ russian ] = " - "; Text[ greek ] = "In Blocks - Labels oben"; Text[ dutch ] = "In blokken - labels boven"; Text[ french ] = "Blocs - tiquettes en haut"; Text[ spanish ] = "En bloques - Etiquetas arriba"; Text[ finnish ] = "Lohkot - selitteet ylhll"; Text[ italian ] = "In riga - Testo fisso in alto"; Text[ danish ] = "I blokke - etiketter verst"; Text[ swedish ] = "Marginaljusterat - etiketter uppe"; Text[ polish ] = "Blokowo z etykietami u gry"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Em Blocos - Rtulos em cima "; Text[ japanese ] = "ブロックで、ラベル書きは上に"; Text[ korean ] = "블록에서 레이블을 위쪽에"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在条块内 - 标签向上"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在條塊內 - 標籤向上"; Text[ turkish ] = "Bloklar halinde, etketler stte"; Text[ arabic ] = "In Blocks - Labels oben"; Text[ catalan ] = "Bloc - Etiquetes amunt"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Help tip"; Text[ thai ] = "ในบล็อค - ป้ายชื่อด้านบน"; Text[ czech ] = "Do bloků - titulky nad poli"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לפי קטעים - תוויות למעלה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ब्लॉक्स में - लेबिलें ऊपर"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 40 { Text = "Als Datenblatt"; Text [ english ] = "As Grid"; Text [ english_us ] = "As Data Sheet"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Como quadrcula"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "As Grid"; Text[ dutch ] = "Als gegevensblad"; Text[ french ] = "Comme grille"; Text[ spanish ] = "Como hoja de datos"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ruudukkona"; Text[ italian ] = "Tabellare"; Text[ danish ] = "Som dataark"; Text[ swedish ] = "Som tabell"; Text[ polish ] = "Jako arkusz danych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Como Planilha de Dados"; Text[ japanese ] = "データ表として"; Text[ korean ] = "데이터 표로"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "当作数据表"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "當作資料表"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo gibi"; Text[ arabic ] = "As Grid"; Text[ catalan ] = "Com a quadrcula"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Help tip"; Text[ thai ] = "เป็นเส้นตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = "Jako tabulku"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לפי תבנית דף נתונים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ड़ॉटा शीट् जैसे"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 45 { Text = "Datenbankauswahl"; Text [ english ] = "Choose Database"; Text [ english_us ] = "Choose Database"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Titel der ersten Seite des Autopiloten"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Seleccionar base de dados"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Selectie database"; Text[ french ] = "Slection d'une base de donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccionar base de datos"; Text[ finnish ] = "Valitse tietokanta"; Text[ italian ] = "Scelta database"; Text[ danish ] = "Databaseudvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = "Databasurval"; Text[ polish ] = "Wybierz baz danych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Selecione o Banco de Dados"; Text[ japanese ] = "データベースの選択"; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 선택"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择数据库"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選擇資料庫"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veritabann seiniz"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Selecci de la base de dades"; Text[ thai ] = "เลือกฐานข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Zvolte databázi"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת מסד נתונים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय चुनो"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 46 { Text = "Gestaltung"; Text [ english ] = "Layout"; Text [ english_us ] = "Choose Layout"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Titel der zweiten Seite des Autopiloten"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Esquema"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "Layout"; Text[ dutch ] = "Lay-out"; Text[ french ] = "Composition"; Text[ spanish ] = "Diseo"; Text[ finnish ] = "Valitse asettelu"; Text[ italian ] = "Layout"; Text[ danish ] = "Udformning"; Text[ swedish ] = "Utformning"; Text[ polish ] = "Wybierz ukad"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Selecione o Layout"; Text[ japanese ] = "レイアウト"; Text[ korean ] = "레이아웃 선택"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "版式"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "版式"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dzeni seiniz"; Text[ arabic ] = "Layout"; Text[ catalan ] = "Disseny"; Text[ thai ] = "เลือกเค้าโครง"; Text[ czech ] = "Zvolte vzhled"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת סוג פריסה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "अभिन्यास चुनो"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 47 { Text = "Fertigstellung"; Text [ english ] = "Completion"; Text [ english_us ] = "Finish"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Titel der dritten Seite des Autopiloten"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Execuo"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "Completion"; Text[ dutch ] = "Uitvoeren"; Text[ french ] = "Achvement"; Text[ spanish ] = "Terminar"; Text[ finnish ] = "Valmis"; Text[ italian ] = "Completamento"; Text[ danish ] = "Frdiggrelse"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frdigstlla"; Text[ polish ] = "Zakocz"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Concluir"; Text[ japanese ] = "完成"; Text[ korean ] = "완료"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "完成"; Text[ turkish ] = "Biti"; Text[ arabic ] = "Completion"; Text[ catalan ] = "Acaba"; Text[ thai ] = "เสร็จสิ้น"; Text[ czech ] = "Konec"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סיום‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "समाप्त"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 50 { Text = "Binrfeld-Darstellung"; Text [ english ] = "Presentation of Binary Fields"; Text [ english_us ] = "Display of binary fields"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "berschrift einiger Dialog Controls"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Representao de campos binrios"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "Presentation of Binary Fields"; Text[ dutch ] = "Binaire velden weergeven"; Text[ french ] = "Affichage des champs binaires"; Text[ spanish ] = "Representacin de campo binario"; Text[ finnish ] = "Binaarikenttien esitystapa"; Text[ italian ] = "Presentazione del campo binario"; Text[ danish ] = "Binrfelt-visning"; Text[ swedish ] = "Visning av binra flt"; Text[ polish ] = "Wygld pl binarnych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Exibio de campos binrios"; Text[ japanese ] = "2進法フィールドの表示"; Text[ korean ] = "이진 필드 표시"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "二进制字段显示"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "二元欄位顯示"; Text[ turkish ] = "kili alanlarn grntlenmesi"; Text[ arabic ] = "Presentation of Binary Fields"; Text[ catalan ] = "Presentaci dels camps binaris"; Text[ thai ] = "แสดงผลเขตข้อมูลไบนารี "; Text[ czech ] = "Zobrazení binárních polí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תצוגת שדות בינריים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "बैनरी क्षेत्रों को दिखाओ"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 51 { Text = "Binrfelder ignorieren"; Text [ english ] = "Ignore Binary Fields"; Text [ english_us ] = "Ignore binary fields"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Label eines Radio-Buttons"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Ignorar campos binrios"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "Ignore binary fields"; Text[ dutch ] = "Binaire velden negeren"; Text[ french ] = "Ignorer les champs binaires"; Text[ spanish ] = "Ignorar campos binarios"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ohita binaarikentt"; Text[ italian ] = "Ignora campi binari"; Text[ danish ] = "Ignorer binrfelter"; Text[ swedish ] = "Ignorera binra flt"; Text[ polish ] = "Ignoruj pola binarne"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ignorar os campos binrios"; Text[ japanese ] = "2進法フィールドを無視する"; Text[ korean ] = "이진 필드 무시"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "忽略二进制字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "忽略二元欄位"; Text[ turkish ] = "kili alanlar yok say"; Text[ arabic ] = "Ignore binary fields"; Text[ catalan ] = "Ignora els camps binaris"; Text[ thai ] = "เพิกเฉยเขตข้อมูลไบนารี "; Text[ czech ] = "Ignorovat binární pole"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮התעלמות משדות בינריים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "बैनरी क्षेत्रों को उपेक्षा करो"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 52 { Text = "Binrfelder als Grafiken"; Text [ english ] = "Binary Fields as Images"; Text [ english_us ] = "Binary fields as images"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Label eines Radio-Buttons"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos binrios como imagens"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "Binary fields as images"; Text[ dutch ] = "Binaire velden als afbeeldingen"; Text[ french ] = "Champs binaires comme images"; Text[ spanish ] = "Campos binarios como imgenes"; Text[ finnish ] = "Binaarikentt kuvina"; Text[ italian ] = "Campi binari come immagini"; Text[ danish ] = "Binrfelter som grafik"; Text[ swedish ] = "Binra flt som grafik"; Text[ polish ] = "Pola binarne jako obrazy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Campos binrios como imagens"; Text[ japanese ] = "2進法フィールドを図で"; Text[ korean ] = "이진 필드를 이미지로"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "二进制字段当作图形"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "二元欄位當作圖形"; Text[ turkish ] = "kili alanlar grnt olarak"; Text[ arabic ] = "Binary fields as images"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camps binaris com a imatges"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูลไบนารีเป็นรูปภาพ"; Text[ czech ] = "Zobrazit jako obrázky"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות בינריים כתמונות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "बैनरी क्षेत्र चित्र जैसे"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 55 { Text = "Hintergrundbild"; Text[English] = "Background Picture"; Text[ English_us ] = "Background image"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Imagem de fundo"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Achtergrondafbeelding"; Text[ french ] = "Image d'arrire-plan"; Text[ spanish ] = "Imagen de fondo"; Text[ italian ] = "Immagine di sfondo"; Text[ danish ] = "Baggrundsbillede"; Text[ swedish ] = "Bakgrundsbild"; Text[ polish ] = "Obraz ta"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Imagem do Plano de Fundo"; Text[ japanese ] = "背景デザイン"; Text[ korean ] = "배경 이미지"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "背景颜色"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "背景圖片"; Text[ turkish ] = "Artalan grnts"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Imatge de fons"; Text[ finnish ] = "Taustakuva"; Text[ thai ] = "ภาพพื้นหลัง"; Text[ czech ] = "Obrázek pozadí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮צלם רקע‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "पृष्ठभाग चित्र"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 56 { Text = "~Gekachelt"; Text[English] = "~Tiled"; Text[ English_us ] = "~Tiled"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Em a~zulejo"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Getegeld"; Text[ french ] = "Carrelage"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Mosaico"; Text[ italian ] = "Affianca"; Text[ danish ] = "~Side om side"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sida vid sida"; Text[ polish ] = "~Ssiadujco"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Lado-a-lado"; Text[ japanese ] = "並べて表示(~T)"; Text[ korean ] = "바둑판식(~T)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "平铺(~T)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "平鋪(~T)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~yan yana"; Text[ arabic ] = "Tiling"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Tiled"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Vierekkin"; Text[ thai ] = "~ซ้อนทับ"; Text[ czech ] = "Dlážděný"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮פריסה ללא חפיפה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~टइल किया हुआ"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 57 { Text = "~Skaliert"; Text[English] = "~Scaled"; Text[ English_us ] = "~Scaled"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Escalonado"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Op schaal ~gebracht"; Text[ french ] = "Gradu"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Graduado"; Text[ italian ] = "~In scala"; Text[ danish ] = "~Skaleret"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Skalat"; Text[ polish ] = "Skalowa~ny"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Escalonado"; Text[ japanese ] = "拡大して表示(~S)"; Text[ korean ] = "확대하여 표시(~S)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "采用显示比例(~S)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "採用顯示比例(~S)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~leklendirilmi"; Text[ arabic ] = "~Scaled"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Escalat"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Skaalattu"; Text[ thai ] = "~สเกล"; Text[ czech ] = "Roztažený"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮התאמה לגודל‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~स्केल किया हुआ"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 60 { Text = "Verzeichnispfad"; Text[English] = "Directory Path"; Text[ English_us ] = "Directory path"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Atalho do directrio"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "Directory path"; Text[ dutch ] = "Directorypad"; Text[ french ] = "Chemin du rpertoire"; Text[ spanish ] = "Ruta del directorio"; Text[ finnish ] = "Hakemistopolku"; Text[ italian ] = "Percorso cartella"; Text[ danish ] = "Bibliotekssti"; Text[ swedish ] = "Katalogskvg"; Text[ polish ] = "cieka katalogu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Caminho do diretrio"; Text[ japanese ] = "ディレクトリパス"; Text[ korean ] = "디렉토리 경로"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "目录路径"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "目錄路徑"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dizin yolu"; Text[ arabic ] = "Directory path"; Text[ catalan ] = "Cam del directori"; Text[ thai ] = "เส้นทางไดเร็กทอรี่"; Text[ czech ] = "Cesta k adresáři"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מסלול ספריות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "डैरक्टरी मार्ग"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 65 { Text = "Dialog wird verkleinert"; Text[English] = "Dialog will be reduced"; Text[ English_us ] = "Dialog will be reduced"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Hilfetext eines Buttons"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Reduz a caixa de dilogo."; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "Dialog will be reduced"; Text[ dutch ] = "Dialoogvenster wordt verkleind"; Text[ french ] = "Rduit la bote de dialogue."; Text[ spanish ] = "El tamao del dilogo disminuir"; Text[ finnish ] = "Valintaikkuna pienennetn"; Text[ italian ] = "La finestra di dialogo verr ridotta"; Text[ danish ] = "Dialogen formindskes"; Text[ swedish ] = "Dialogruta reduceras"; Text[ polish ] = "Pomniejszenie okna dialogowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "O dilogo ser reduzido"; Text[ japanese ] = "ダイアログを縮小"; Text[ korean ] = "대화 상자가 축소됩니다"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "对话框会缩小"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "對話方塊會縮小。"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dialog azaltlacak"; Text[ arabic ] = "Dialog will be reduced"; Text[ catalan ] = "El dileg s far ms petit"; Text[ thai ] = "ไดอะล็อกจะถูกลดลง"; Text[ czech ] = "Dialog bude zmenšen"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮החלון יוקטן‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "डयलॉग को कम किया जायेगा"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 66 { Text = "Dialog wird vergrert"; Text[English] = "Dialog will be enlarged"; Text[ English_us ] = "Dialog will be enlarged"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Hilfetext eines Buttons"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Aumenta a caixa de dilogo."; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "Dialog will be enlarged"; Text[ dutch ] = "Dialoogvenster wordt vergroot"; Text[ french ] = "Agrandit la bote de dialogue."; Text[ spanish ] = "El tamao del dilogo aumentar"; Text[ finnish ] = "Valintaikkuna suurennetaan"; Text[ italian ] = "La finestra di dialogo verr ingrandita"; Text[ danish ] = "Dialogen forstrres"; Text[ swedish ] = "Dialogruta frstoras"; Text[ polish ] = "Powikszenie okna dialogowego"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "O dilogo ser ampliado"; Text[ japanese ] = "ダイアログを拡大"; Text[ korean ] = "대화 상자가 확대됩니다"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "对话框会放大"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "對話方塊會放大。"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dialog byltlecek"; Text[ arabic ] = "Dialog will be enlarged"; Text[ catalan ] = "El dileg s far ms gran"; Text[ thai ] = "ไดอะล็อกจะใหญ่ขึ้น"; Text[ czech ] = "Dialog bude zvětšen"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮החלון יוגדל‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "डयलॉग को बड़ा किया जायेगा"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 70 { Text = "Writer 6.0"; Text[English] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ English_us ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Dateityp fr Textdokumente"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ russian ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ greek ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ dutch ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ french ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ spanish ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ finnish ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ italian ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ danish ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ swedish ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ polish ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ japanese ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ korean ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ turkish ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ arabic ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ catalan ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ thai ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ czech ] = "Writer 6.0"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮Writer 6.0‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखक 6.0"; }; String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 71 { Text = "Writer 6.0 Vorlage"; Text[English] = "Writer 6.0 Template"; Text[ English_us ] = "Writer 6.0 Template"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "Dateityp fr Textvorlage"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Writer 6.0 Modelo"; Text[ russian ] = " Writer 6.0"; Text[ greek ] = "Writer 6.0 "; Text[ dutch ] = "Writer 6.0 Sjabloon"; Text[ french ] = "Writer 6.0 Modle"; Text[ spanish ] = "Writer 6.0 - Plantilla"; Text[ finnish ] = "Writer 6.0 -malli"; Text[ italian ] = "Writer 6.0 Modello"; Text[ danish ] = "Writer 6.0-skabelon"; Text[ swedish ] = "Writer 6.0 mall"; Text[ polish ] = "Writer 6.0 - Szablon"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Modelo Writer 6.0"; Text[ japanese ] = "Writer 6.0 テンプレート"; Text[ korean ] = "Writer 6.0 서식 파일"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Writer 6.0 样式"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Writer 6.0 樣式"; Text[ turkish ] = "Writer 6.0 ablonu"; Text[ arabic ] = "Writer 6.0 "; Text[ catalan ] = "Writer 6.0 Plantilla"; Text[ thai ] = "แม่แบบ Writer 6.0 "; Text[ czech ] = "Šablona Writeru 6.0"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תבנית Writer 6.0‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखक 6.0 नमूना"; }; // ============================================================================ #ifdef null String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 0 { Text = "AutoPilot Abfrage"; Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Query"; Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Consulta"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Query"; Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de requte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Consulta"; Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Ricerca"; Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot Foresprgsel"; Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr skning"; Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot: Kwerenda"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoPilot Abfrage"; Text[ japanese ] = "オートパイロット クエリー"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 - 查询"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動檔案助理 - 查詢"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Query"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 - 查询"; Text[ greek ] = " - "; Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 쿼리"; Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot Sorgusu"; Text[ catalan ] = "Consulta de l'AutoPilot"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu kyselyn luominen"; Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องแบบสอบถามอัตโนมัติ "; Text[ czech ] = "Dotaz průvodce"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שאילתת טייס אוטומטי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ओटोपैलट् जानकारी"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 1 { Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Abfragen starten zu knnen."; Text [ english_us ] = "There is no database installed. You need at least one database to start the AutoPilot for queries."; Text[ portuguese ] = "No existe nenhuma base de dados instalada. necessria pelo menos uma base de dados para poder iniciar o AutoPiloto para consultas."; Text[ russian ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor query's te kunnen starten."; Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de requte."; Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el Piloto automtico de consultas."; Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun database. necessario installare almeno un database per poter avviare il Pilota automatico per le ricerche."; Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret nogen database. Mindst n database er ndvendig for at kunne starte AutoPilot til foresprgsler."; Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr skningar."; Text[ polish ] = "Nie zainstalowano bazy danych. Do uruchomienia AutoPilota kwerend potrzebna jest co najmniej jedna baza danych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie ben?igen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten f? Abfragen starten zu k?nen."; Text[ japanese ] = "データベースがインストールされていません。クエリーのオートパイロットを開始するには、データベースが最低1つは必要です。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装任何数据库。执行自动文件助理的询问功能之前必须安装一个数据库。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "沒有安裝資料庫。因此無法執行查詢資料庫。您必須安裝一個資料庫。"; Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor query's te kunnen starten."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装任何数据库。执行自动文件助理的询问功能之前必须安装一个数据库。"; Text[ greek ] = " . ."; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 쿼리 자동 파일럿을 시작하기 위해서는 데이터베이스가 최소한 하나는 필요합니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Hi veritaban yklenmemi. AutoPilot'u sorgular iin balatmak iin en azndan bir veritabanna ihtiyacanz var."; Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha instal.lat cap base de dades. Hi ha d'haver una base de dades per poder iniciar l'AutoPilot Query."; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Ohjattua kyselyjen luomista varten jrjestelmss on oltava mritettyn vhintn yksi tietokanta."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่มีฐานข้อมูลที่ติดตั้ง คุณต้องการอย่างน้อยที่สุดหนึ่งฐานข้อมูลเพื่อเริ่มการนำร่องแบบสอบถามอัตโนมัติ"; Text[ czech ] = "Není instalována žádná databáze. Pro vytvoření dotazu musíte mít instalovánu alespoň jednu databázi."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אין מסד נתונים מותקן. נדרש לפחות מסד נתונים אחד על מנת להפעיל את הטייס האוטומטי לשאילתות.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "कोई लेखासंचय को प्रतिष्ठापन नहीं किया है । ओटोपैलट् जानकारी को प्रारंभ करने से पहिले सिस्टम् में कम से कम एक लेखासंचय की रहना ज़रूरी है ।"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 2 { Text = "In der Ausfhrung, oder beim Anlegen der Abfrage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."; Text [ english_us ] = "An error occurred during the execution or defining of the query."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro ao executar ou ao criar a consulta."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de uitvoering of bij het maken van de query."; Text[ french ] = "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'excution ou de la dfinition de la requte."; Text[ spanish ] = "Ha ocurrido un error durante la ejecucin o definicin de la consulta."; Text[ italian ] = "Si verificato un errore nell'esecuzione o nella definizione della ricerca."; Text[ danish ] = "Der opstod en fejl under udfrelsen eller oprettelsen af foresprgslen."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det uppstod ett fel nr skningen utfrdes eller skapades."; Text[ polish ] = "W trakcie uruchamiania lub tworzenia kwerendy wystpi bd."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "In der Ausf?rung, oder beim Anlegen der Abfrage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."; Text[ japanese ] = "クエリーの実行中、またはクエリーを格納するときにエラーが発生しました。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在执行或建立查询时发生一个错误。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在執行或建立一個查詢時發生錯誤。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de uitvoering of bij het maken van de query."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "在执行或建立查询时发生一个错误。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "쿼리를 실행하거나 지정 중 오류가 발생했습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu belirtiminde veya altrmnda hata olutu."; Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error en executar o definir una consulta."; Text[ finnish ] = "Kyselyn suorituksen tai mrityksen aikana on ilmennyt virhe."; Text[ thai ] = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาดในระหว่างการกระทำการหรือการระบุแบบสอบถาม"; Text[ czech ] = "Při spuštění nebo návrhu dotazu došlo k chybě."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ארעה שגיאה בהגדרה או בביצוע השאילתה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "जानकारी को चलाने के समय अथवा परिभाषा देने के समय गलती घटित हुआ ।"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 3 { Text = "Die Abfrage wurde im Explorer abgelegt."; Text [ english_us ] = "The query has been saved in the Explorer."; Text[ portuguese ] = "A consulta foi guardada no Explorer."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De query is opgenomen in de Explorer."; Text[ french ] = "La requte a t enregistre dans l'Explorer."; Text[ spanish ] = "La consulta se ha guardado en el Explorador."; Text[ italian ] = "La ricerca stata salvata nell'Explorer."; Text[ danish ] = "Foresprgslen er arkiveret i Explorer."; Text[ swedish ] = "Skningen har arkiverats i Explorer."; Text[ polish ] = "Kwerend zapisano w Eksploratorze."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Die Abfrage wurde im Explorer abgelegt."; Text[ japanese ] = "クエリーはエクスプローラに格納されました。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个查询存盘在资源管理器内。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "已經在檔案總管內儲存了查詢。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De query is opgenomen in de Explorer."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个查询存盘在资源管理器内。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "쿼리가 탐색기에 저장되었습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Bu sorgulama Explorer taraycsna kaydedildi. "; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha desat la consulta en l'Explorer."; Text[ finnish ] = "Kysely on tallennettu resurssienhallintaan."; Text[ thai ] = "บันทึกแบบสอบถามใน Explorer แล้ว"; Text[ czech ] = "Dotaz byl uložen v Exploreru."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮השאילתה נשמר בסייר‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ऍक्सप्लोरर् में जानकारी को संचित किया है ।"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 4 { Text = "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Abfrage konnte nicht abgelegt werden."; Text [ english_us ] = "An error occurred. The query could not be saved."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro. Foi impossvel guardar a consulta."; Text[ russian ] = ". ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden. De query kan niet worden opgeslagen."; Text[ french ] = "Une erreur s'est produite. La requte n'a pu tre enregistre."; Text[ spanish ] = "Ha ocurrido un error. No se pudo guardar la consulta."; Text[ italian ] = "Si verificato un errore. Impossibile salvare la ricerca."; Text[ danish ] = "Der er opstet en fejl. Foresprgslen kunne ikke arkiveres."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det uppstod ett fel. Det gick inte att arkivera skningen."; Text[ polish ] = "Wystpi bd. Zapisanie kwerendy nie powiodo si."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Abfrage konnte nicht abgelegt werden."; Text[ japanese ] = "エラーが発生しました。クエリーは格納できませんでした。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "发生了一个错误。因此无法建立这个查询。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "發生一個錯誤,無法儲存查詢。"; Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden. De query kan niet worden opgeslagen."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "发生了一个错误。因此无法建立这个查询。"; Text[ greek ] = " . ."; Text[ korean ] = "오류가 발생했습니다. 쿼리를 저장하지 못했습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Bir hata olutu. Sorgu kaydedilemedi."; Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha produt un error. No s'ha pogut desar la consulta."; Text[ finnish ] = "On tapahtunut virhe. Kysely ei voitu tallentaa."; Text[ thai ] = "เกิดข้อผิดพลาด ไม่สามารถบันทึกแบบสอบถามได้"; Text[ czech ] = "Došlo k chybě, dotaz nemohl být uložen."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ארעה שגיאה. לא ניתן לשמור את השאילתה.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "गलती घटित हुआ । जानकारी को संचित नहीं कर सकते है ।"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 5 { Text = "Doppelter Feldname. Es existiert bereits ein Feld mit der Bezeichnung $1."; Text [ english_us ] = "Duplicate field name. A field named $1 already exists."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Emprego duplo do nome de campo. J existe um campo com o nome $1."; Text[ russian ] = " $1 ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Dubbele veldnaam. Er bestaat reeds een veld met de naam $1."; Text[ french ] = "Nom du champ double : il existe dj un champ intitul $1."; Text[ spanish ] = "Nombre de campo doble: ya existe un campo con el nombre $1."; Text[ italian ] = "Nome del campo doppio. Esiste gi un campo dal nome $1."; Text[ danish ] = "Dobbelt feltnavn. Der findes allerede et felt med betegnelsen $1."; Text[ swedish ] = "Dubbelt fltnamn. Det finns redan ett flt med beteckningen $1."; Text[ polish ] = "Podwjna nazwa pola. Pole o nazwie $1 ju istnieje."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Doppelter Feldname. Es existiert bereits ein Feld mit der Bezeichnung $1."; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールド名の重複。フィールド名 $1 はすでにあります。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "双重字段名称。已经存在一个字段名称 $1。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "雙重欄位名稱。已經有一個欄位名稱 $1 。"; Text[ arabic ] = " . $1."; Text[ dutch ] = "Dubbele veldnaam. Er bestaat reeds een veld met de naam $1."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "双重字段名称。已经存在一个字段名称 $1。"; Text[ greek ] = " . $1."; Text[ korean ] = "중복되는 필드 이름입니다. 이름이 $1인 필드가 이미 있습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "$1 isminde bir alan ad zaten var."; Text[ catalan ] = "Duplica el nom del camp. Ja existeix un camp anomenat $1."; Text[ finnish ] = "Samat kenttien nimet Kentt $1 on jo olemassa."; Text[ thai ] = "ทำชื่อเขตข้อมูลซ้ำ ชื่อเขตข้อมูล $1 มีอยู่แล้ว"; Text[ czech ] = "Duplicate field name. A field named $1 already exists."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדה בשם $1 כבר קיים.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "क्षेत्र नाम को दोहरा गया है । क्षेत्र का नाम $1 पहिले से अस्तित्व में है ।"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 6 { Text = "Abfrage_"; Text [ english_us ] = "Query_"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Consulta_"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ dutch ] = "Query_"; Text[ french ] = "Requte_"; Text[ spanish ] = "Consulta_"; Text[ italian ] = "Ricerca_"; Text[ danish ] = "Foresprgsel_"; Text[ swedish ] = "Skning_"; Text[ polish ] = "Kwerenda_"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abfrage_"; Text[ japanese ] = "クエリー_"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "查询_"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "查詢_"; Text[ arabic ] = "_"; Text[ dutch ] = "Query_"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "查询_"; Text[ greek ] = "_"; Text[ korean ] = "쿼리_"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu_"; Text[ catalan ] = "Consulta_"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kysely_"; Text[ thai ] = "แบบสอบถาม_"; Text[ czech ] = "Dotaz_"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שאילתה_‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "जानकारी_"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 7 { Text = "(kein)"; Text [ english_us ] = "(none)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "(nenhum)"; Text[ russian ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(geen)"; Text[ french ] = "(aucun)"; Text[ spanish ] = "(ninguno)"; Text[ italian ] = "(nessuno)"; Text[ danish ] = "(ingen)"; Text[ swedish ] = "(inget)"; Text[ polish ] = "(brak)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(kein)"; Text[ japanese ] = "(なし)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(无)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(無)"; Text[ arabic ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(geen)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(无)"; Text[ greek ] = "()"; Text[ korean ] = "(없음)"; Text[ turkish ] = "(hibiri)"; Text[ catalan ] = "(cap)"; Text[ finnish ] = "(ei mitn)"; Text[ thai ] = "(ไม่มี)"; Text[ czech ] = "(žádná)"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮(אין)‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "(कोई नहीं)"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 8 { Text = "leer"; Text [ english_us ] = "empty"; Text[ portuguese ] = "vazio"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "leeg"; Text[ french ] = "Vide"; Text[ spanish ] = "vaco"; Text[ italian ] = "vuoto"; Text[ danish ] = "tom"; Text[ swedish ] = "tom"; Text[ polish ] = "pusty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "leer"; Text[ japanese ] = "空白"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "空缺"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "空缺"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "leeg"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "空缺"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "비어있음"; Text[ turkish ] = "bo"; Text[ catalan ] = "buit"; Text[ finnish ] = "tyhj"; Text[ thai ] = "ว่าง"; Text[ czech ] = "Vyprázdnit"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ריק‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "खाली"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 9 { Text = "nicht leer"; Text [ english_us ] = "not empty"; Text[ portuguese ] = "no vazio"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "niet leeg"; Text[ french ] = "Non vide"; Text[ spanish ] = "no vaco"; Text[ italian ] = "non vuoto"; Text[ danish ] = "ikke tom"; Text[ swedish ] = "inte tom"; Text[ polish ] = "nie pusty"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "nicht leer"; Text[ japanese ] = "空白でない"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不空缺"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不空缺"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "niet leeg"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不空缺"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "비어있지 않음"; Text[ turkish ] = "bo deil"; Text[ catalan ] = "no buit"; Text[ finnish ] = "ei tyhj"; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ว่าง"; Text[ czech ] = "not empty"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ריק‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "खाली नहीं है"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 10 { Text = "wie"; Text [ english_us ] = "like"; Text[ portuguese ] = "como"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "als"; Text[ french ] = "Comme"; Text[ spanish ] = "como"; Text[ italian ] = "uguale"; Text[ danish ] = "som"; Text[ swedish ] = "som"; Text[ polish ] = "jak"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "wie"; Text[ japanese ] = "等しい"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "等同"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "如同"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "als"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "等同"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "같음"; Text[ turkish ] = "benzer"; Text[ catalan ] = "com"; Text[ finnish ] = "samanlainen kuin"; Text[ thai ] = "เหมือน"; Text[ czech ] = "like"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כמו‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सदृश"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 11 { Text = "nicht wie"; Text [ english_us ] = "not like"; Text[ portuguese ] = "diferente de"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "niet als"; Text[ french ] = "Diffrent de"; Text[ spanish ] = "no como"; Text[ italian ] = "non uguale"; Text[ danish ] = "ikke som"; Text[ swedish ] = "inte som"; Text[ polish ] = "nie jak"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "nicht wie"; Text[ japanese ] = "等しくない"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不同于"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不同於"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "niet als"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不同于"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "같지 않음"; Text[ turkish ] = "benzer olmayan"; Text[ catalan ] = "diferent"; Text[ finnish ] = "ei samanlainen kuin"; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่เหมือน"; Text[ czech ] = "not like"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא כמו‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सदृश नहीं है"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 12 { Text = "UND"; Text [ english_us ] = "AND"; Text[ portuguese ] = "E"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "EN"; Text[ french ] = "ET"; Text[ spanish ] = "Y"; Text[ italian ] = "E"; Text[ danish ] = "OG"; Text[ swedish ] = "OCH"; Text[ polish ] = "ORAZ"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "UND"; Text[ japanese ] = "かつ"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "和"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "EN"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "和"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "와(과)"; Text[ turkish ] = "VE"; Text[ catalan ] = "a "; Text[ finnish ] = "JA"; Text[ thai ] = "และ"; Text[ czech ] = "AND"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮וגם‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "और"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 13 { Text = "ODER"; Text [ english_us ] = "OR"; Text[ portuguese ] = "OU"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "OF"; Text[ french ] = "OU"; Text[ spanish ] = "O"; Text[ italian ] = "OPPURE"; Text[ danish ] = "ELLER"; Text[ swedish ] = "ELLER"; Text[ polish ] = "LUB"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "ODER"; Text[ japanese ] = "または"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "或"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "或"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "OF"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "或"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "또는"; Text[ turkish ] = "VEYA"; Text[ catalan ] = "O"; Text[ finnish ] = "TAI"; Text[ thai ] = "หรือ"; Text[ czech ] = "nebo"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮או‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "अथवा"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 14 { Text = ": Tabellenauswahl"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Table Selection"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de tabela"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Slection de table"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de tabla"; Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione tabella"; Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeludvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = ": tabellurval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr tabeli"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabellenauswahl"; Text[ japanese ] = ": テーブルの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择表格"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":選擇表格"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择表格"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 테이블 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo seimi"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de taula"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Taulukon valinta"; Text[ thai ] = ": เลือกตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr tabulky"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת טבלאות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": सारणी चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 15 { Text = ": Feldauswahl"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Slection de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = ": flturval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldauswahl"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フィールドの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":選擇欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 필드 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn valinta"; Text[ thai ] = ":เลือกเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr polí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת שדות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": क्षेत्र चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 16 { Text = ": Filterung"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Filter"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Filtragem"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": filteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Filtrage"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Filtro"; Text[ italian ] = ": Filtro"; Text[ danish ] = ": Filtrering"; Text[ swedish ] = ": filtrering"; Text[ polish ] = ": Filtrowanie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Filterung"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フィルタ"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":筛选"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":篩選"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": filteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":筛选"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 필터"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Szge"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = ": Filtre"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Suodatus"; Text[ thai ] = ": ตัวกรอง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Filter"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סינון:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": फ़िल्टर"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 17 { Text = ": Sortierung"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Sort Order"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Ordem"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": sorteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Tri"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Ordenar"; Text[ italian ] = ": Ordina"; Text[ danish ] = ": Sortering"; Text[ swedish ] = ": sortering"; Text[ polish ] = ": Sortowanie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Sortierung"; Text[ japanese ] = ": 並べ替え"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":排序"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":排序"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": sorteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":排序"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 정렬 순서"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Dosya Srala"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = ": Ordre"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Lajittelujrjestys"; Text[ thai ] = ": เรียง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Pořadí třídění"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סדר מיון‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": सोर्ट क्रम"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 18 { Text = ": Fertig stellen"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Create"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": voltooien"; Text[ french ] = " : Crer"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear"; Text[ italian ] = ": Crea"; Text[ danish ] = ": Udfr"; Text[ swedish ] = ": frdigstll"; Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Fertigstellen"; Text[ japanese ] = ": 完了"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":完成"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":完成"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": voltooien"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":完成"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 만들기"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Olutur"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = ": Crea"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Luo"; Text[ thai ] = ": สร้าง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Vytvořit"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮חדש:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": उत्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 19 { Text = "~Vorschau"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Preview"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Ver"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorbeeld"; Text[ french ] = "Aperu"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Previsualizacin"; Text[ italian ] = "~Anteprima"; Text[ danish ] = "~Eksempel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Frhands~visning"; Text[ polish ] = "~Podgld"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Vorschau"; Text[ japanese ] = "プレビュー(~P)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "预览(~P)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "預覽(~P)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorbeeld"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "预览(~P)"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "미리 보기(~P)"; Text[ turkish ] = "n ~zleme"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Previsualitza"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Esikatselu"; Text[ thai ] = "แ~สดงตัวอย่าง"; Text[ czech ] = "Náhled"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תצוגה מקדימה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~पूर्वदृश्य"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 20 { Text = "Datenq~uelle"; Text [ english_us ] = "Data source"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Fonte de dados"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; Text[ french ] = "Source de donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Fuente de datos"; Text[ italian ] = "Sorgente dati"; Text[ danish ] = "Datak~ilde"; Text[ swedish ] = "Dataklla"; Text[ polish ] = "rdo danych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datenq~uelle"; Text[ japanese ] = "データソース"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据源"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資料源"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据源"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "데이터 원본"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kayna"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Font de dades"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietolhde"; Text[ thai ] = "แหล่งข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Zdroj dat"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מקור הנתונים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "डॉटा मूल"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 21 { Text = "~Vorhandene Felder"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Existing fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; Text[ french ] = "Champs existants"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes"; Text[ italian ] = "Campi dis~ponibili"; Text[ danish ] = "~Eksisterende felter"; Text[ swedish ] = "E~xisterande flt"; Text[ polish ] = "~Istniejce pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Vorhandene Felder"; Text[ japanese ] = "既存フィールド(~E)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段(~E)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "現存的欄位(~E)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段(~E)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "기존 필드(~E)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Mevcut alanlar"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Camps existents"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Nykyiset kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูลที่มี~อยู่แล้ว"; Text[ czech ] = "Existující pole"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות קיימים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~अस्तित्व में रहनेवाला क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 22 { Text = "Felder in ~Abfrage"; Text [ english_us ] = "Fields in query"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos na ~consulta"; Text[ russian ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Velden in ~query"; Text[ french ] = "Champs de la requte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Campos de la consulta"; Text[ italian ] = "Campi nella ~ricerca"; Text[ danish ] = "Felter i ~foresprgsel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Flt i skning"; Text[ polish ] = "Pola w ~kwerendzie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Felder in ~Abfrage"; Text[ japanese ] = "クエリーのフィールド"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "查询之中的字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "查詢之中的欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Velden in ~query"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "查询之中的字段"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "쿼리의 필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgudaki alanlar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camps de la consulta"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kyselyn kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูลในแบบสอบถาม"; Text[ czech ] = "Pole použitá v dotazu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות בשאילתה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "जानकारी में रहनेवाला क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 23 { Text = "Filterung"; Text [ english_us ] = "Filter"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Filtragem"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Filtering"; Text[ french ] = "Filtrage"; Text[ spanish ] = "Filtro"; Text[ italian ] = "Filtro"; Text[ danish ] = "Filtrering"; Text[ swedish ] = "Filtrering"; Text[ polish ] = "Filtrowanie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Filterung"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィルタ"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "筛选"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "篩選"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Filtering"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "筛选"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "필터"; Text[ turkish ] = "Szge"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Filtre"; Text[ finnish ] = "Suodatus"; Text[ thai ] = "ตัวกรอง"; Text[ czech ] = "Filter"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סינון‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "फ़िल्टर"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 24 { Text = "Verknpfung"; Text [ english_us ] = "Link"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Ligao"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Koppeling"; Text[ french ] = "Lien"; Text[ spanish ] = "Vnculo"; Text[ italian ] = "Collegamento"; Text[ danish ] = "Kde"; Text[ swedish ] = "Lnk"; Text[ polish ] = "Poczenie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Verkn?fung"; Text[ japanese ] = "リンク"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "链接"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "捷徑"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Koppeling"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "链接"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "링크"; Text[ turkish ] = "Balant"; Text[ catalan ] = "Enlla"; Text[ finnish ] = "Linkki"; Text[ thai ] = "เชื่อมโยง"; Text[ czech ] = "Odkaz"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮קשר‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लिंक"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 25 { Text = "Feldname"; Text [ english_us ] = "Field name"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Nome do campo"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Veldnaam"; Text[ french ] = "Nom de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = "Nombre del campo"; Text[ italian ] = "Nome di campo"; Text[ danish ] = "Feltnavn"; Text[ swedish ] = "Fltnamn"; Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Feldname"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールド名"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段名称"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄位名稱"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Veldnaam"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段名称"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "필드 이름"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alan ad"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Nom del camp"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kentn nimi"; Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Název pole"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שם שדה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "क्षेत्र नाम"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 26 { Text = "Bedingung"; Text [ english_us ] = "Condition"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Condio"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Voorwaarde"; Text[ french ] = "Condition"; Text[ spanish ] = "Condicin"; Text[ italian ] = "Condizione"; Text[ danish ] = "Betingelse"; Text[ swedish ] = "Villkor"; Text[ polish ] = "Warunek"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bedingung"; Text[ japanese ] = "条件"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "条件"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "條件"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Voorwaarde"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "条件"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "조건"; Text[ turkish ] = "Durum"; Text[ catalan ] = "Condici"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ehto"; Text[ thai ] = "เงื่อนไข"; Text[ czech ] = "Podmínka"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תנאי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "शर्त"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 27 { Text = "Wert"; Text [ english_us ] = "Value"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Valor"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Waarde"; Text[ french ] = "Valeur"; Text[ spanish ] = "Valor"; Text[ italian ] = "Valore"; Text[ danish ] = "Vrdi"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vrde"; Text[ polish ] = "Warto"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Wert"; Text[ japanese ] = "数値"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数值"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "數值"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Waarde"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数值"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "값"; Text[ turkish ] = "Deer"; Text[ catalan ] = "Valor"; Text[ finnish ] = "Arvo"; Text[ thai ] = "ค่า"; Text[ czech ] = "Hodnota"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ערך‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "मूल्य"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 28 { Text = "Sortierung"; Text [ english_us ] = "Sort order"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Ordenar"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Sortering"; Text[ french ] = "Tri"; Text[ spanish ] = "Ordenar"; Text[ italian ] = "Ordina"; Text[ danish ] = "Sortering"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sortering"; Text[ polish ] = "Sortowanie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sortierung"; Text[ japanese ] = "並べ替え"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "排序"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "排序"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Sortering"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "排序"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "정렬 순서"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dosyalar srala"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Ordre"; Text[ finnish ] = "Lajittelujrjestys"; Text[ thai ] = "เรียงลำดับ"; Text[ czech ] = "pořadí řazení"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סדר מיון‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सोर्ट क्रम"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 29 { Text = "Abfrage~titel"; Text [ english_us ] = "Query title"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Ttulo da ~consulta"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Naam ~query"; Text[ french ] = "Titre de la requte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Ttulo de la consulta"; Text[ italian ] = "~Titolo ricerca"; Text[ danish ] = "Foresprgsels~titel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Namn p skning"; Text[ polish ] = "Tytu kwerendy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abfrage~titel"; Text[ japanese ] = "クエリーのタイトル"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "查询标题"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "查詢的標題"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Naam ~query"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "查询标题"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "쿼리 제목"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu bal"; Text[ catalan ] = "Ttol de consulta"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kyselyn otsikko"; Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อแบบสอบถาม"; Text[ czech ] = "Nadpis dotazu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כותרת שאילתה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "जानकारी का शीर्षक"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 30 { Text = "Nach der Fertigstellung..."; Text [ english_us ] = "After completion..."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Depois de pronto..."; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Na voltooiing..."; Text[ french ] = "Aprs gnration..."; Text[ spanish ] = "Despus de terminar..."; Text[ italian ] = "Dopo il completamento..."; Text[ danish ] = "Efter frdiggrelse..."; Text[ swedish ] = "Nr den r frdig..."; Text[ polish ] = "Po wykonaniu..."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nach der Fertigstellung..."; Text[ japanese ] = "完了後..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在完成之後..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Na voltooiing..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后..."; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = "완료 후..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Tamamlandktan sonra..."; Text[ catalan ] = "En acabar..."; Text[ finnish ] = "Valmistumisen jlkeen..."; Text[ thai ] = "หลังจากเสร็จสมบูรณ์..."; Text[ czech ] = "Po dokončení..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לאחר סיום...‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "समाप्ती के पश्चात..."; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 31 { Text = "Abfrage sofort ~durchfhren"; Text [ english_us ] = "Execute query immediately"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Executar consulta de imediato"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Query meteen ~uitvoeren"; Text[ french ] = "Excuter immdiatement la requte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Realizar la consulta inmediatamente"; Text[ italian ] = "Avvia subito la ricerca"; Text[ danish ] = "~Udfr straks foresprgsel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Utfr skning direkt"; Text[ polish ] = "Wykonaj ~kwerend od razu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abfrage sofort ~durchf?ren"; Text[ japanese ] = "クエリーをすぐに実行"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "立刻执行查询"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "立刻執行查詢"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Query meteen ~uitvoeren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "立刻执行查询"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "쿼리 즉시 실행"; Text[ turkish ] = "Hemen sorgulamay altr"; Text[ catalan ] = "Executa immediatament la consulta"; Text[ finnish ] = "Suorita kysely heti"; Text[ thai ] = "กระทำแบบสอบถามทันที"; Text[ czech ] = "Spustit dotaz okamžitě"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בצוע מיידי של השאילתה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "जानकारी को तुरंत चलाओ"; }; String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 32 { Text = "Abfrage ~ablegen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Save query"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Guardar consulta"; Text[ russian ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Query ~opslaan"; Text[ french ] = "Enregistrer la requte"; Text[ spanish ] = "Guardar la consulta"; Text[ italian ] = "Salva ricerca"; Text[ danish ] = "~Arkiver foresprgsel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Arkivera skning"; Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz ~kwerend"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abfrage ~ablegen"; Text[ japanese ] = "クエリーの格納"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘查询"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "儲存查詢"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Query ~opslaan"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘查询"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "쿼리 저장"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sorguyu kaydet"; Text[ catalan ] = "Desa la consulta"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tallenna kysely"; Text[ thai ] = "บันทึกแบบสอบถาม"; Text[ czech ] = "Uložit dotaz"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שמירת שאילתה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "जानकारी को संचित करो"; }; #endif // ============================================================================ String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 0 { Text = "AutoPilot Bericht"; Text [ english_us ] = "Report AutoPilot"; Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Relatrios"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Berichten"; Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'tat"; Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Informe"; Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - rapporto"; Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot Rapporter"; Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr rapporter"; Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot: Raport"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Assistente de Relatrios"; Text[ japanese ] = "オートパイロット レポート"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 报表"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動檔案助理 報表"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Berichten"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 报表"; Text[ greek ] = " - "; Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 보고서"; Text[ turkish ] = "AutoPilot Raporu"; Text[ catalan ] = "Informe de l'AutoPilot"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu raportin luominen"; Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องรายงานอัตโนมัติ "; Text[ czech ] = "Sestava průvodce"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮דו\"ח טייס האוטומטי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ओटोपैलट् रिपोर्ट"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 1 { Text = "Der Bericht konnte nicht im Explorer abgelegt werden."; Text [ english_us ] = "The report could not be saved in the Explorer."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel guardar o relatrio no Explorer."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Het bericht kan niet in de Explorer worden opgenomen."; Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'enregistrer l'tat dans l'Explorer !"; Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo guardar el informe en el Explorador."; Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile salvare il rapporto nell'Explorer."; Text[ danish ] = "Rapporten kunne ikke arkiveres i Explorer."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att arkivera rapporten i Explorer."; Text[ polish ] = "Zapisanie raportu w Eksploratorze nie powiodo si."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No foi possvel salvar o relatrio no Explorer."; Text[ japanese ] = "レポートはエクスプローラに格納できませんでした。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法在资源管理器内创建报告。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "報表無法存入檔案總管。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Het bericht kan niet in de Explorer worden opgenomen."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法在资源管理器内创建报告。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "보고서를 탐색기에 저장하지 못했습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor Explorer iinde kaydedilemeyecek."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut desar l'informe en l'Explorer."; Text[ finnish ] = "Raporttia ei voitu tallentaa resurssienhallintaan."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถบันทึกรายงานใน Explorer ได้"; Text[ czech ] = "Sestava nemohla být uložena v Exploreru."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן לשמור את הדו\"ח בסייר.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "The report could not be saved in the Explorer."; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 2 { Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Berichte starten zu knnen."; Text [ english_us ] = "A database has not been installed. There must be at least one database on the system so that the AutoPilot Report can be started."; Text[ portuguese ] = "No existe nenhuma base de dados instalada. necessria pelo menos uma base de dados para poder iniciar o AutoPiloto para relatrios."; Text[ russian ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor berichten te kunnen starten."; Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote d'tats."; Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el Piloto automtico de informes."; Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun database. necessario installare almeno un database per poter avviare il Pilota automatico per i rapporti."; Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret en database. Der krves mindst en database for at kunne starte AutoPiloten for rapporter."; Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr rapporter."; Text[ polish ] = "Nie zainstalowano adnej bazy danych. Aby uruchomi raporty AutoPilota, w systemie musi by co najmniej jedna baza danych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No existe banco de dados instalado. necessrio pelo menos um banco de dados para poder iniciar o Assistente de Relatrios."; Text[ japanese ] = "データベースがインストールされていません。オートパイロット レポートを開始するには、データベースが最低1つは必要です。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装数据库。要执行自动文件助理的报告功能您必须安装一个数据库。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "沒有安裝任何一個資料庫。因此無法執行自動檔案助理報表。"; Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor berichten te kunnen starten."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装数据库。要执行自动文件助理的报告功能您必须安装一个数据库。"; Text[ greek ] = " . AutoPilot ."; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 최소한 하나 이상의 데이터베이스가 있어야 자동 파일럿 보고서를 시작할 수 있습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Rapor OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr."; Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap base de dades instal.lada. En necessiteu una com a mnim per iniciar l'Autopilot Report."; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Jrjestelmss on oltava vhintn yksi tietokanta ennen kuin ohjattua raportin luomista voi kytt."; Text[ thai ] = "ยังไม่ได้ติดตั้งฐานข้อมูล ต้องมีอย่างน้อยที่สุดหนึ่งฐานข้อมูลบนระบบเพื่อสามารถเริ่มต้นการนำร่องรายงานอัตโนมัติ "; Text[ czech ] = "Není instalována žádná databáze. Pro spuštění průvodce musí být instalována alespoň jedna databáze."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אין מסד נתונים. נדרש להתקין לפחות מסד נתונים אחד על מנת להפעיל דו\"ח טייס אוטומטי.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय को प्रतिष्ठापन नहीं किया है । ओटोपैलट् रिपोर्ट को प्रारंभ करने से पहिले सिस्टम् में कम से कम एक लेखासंचय की रहना ज़रूरी है ।"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 3 { Text = "~Tabelle"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Table"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Tabela"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabel"; Text[ french ] = "~Table"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Tabla"; Text[ italian ] = "~Tabella"; Text[ danish ] = "Ta~bel"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Tabell"; Text[ polish ] = "~Tabela"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Tabela"; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブル(~T)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格(~T)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格(~T)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabel"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格(~T)"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "테이블(~T)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "~Taula"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tau~lukko:"; Text[ thai ] = "~ตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = "Tabulka"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טבלה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~सारणी"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 4 { Text = "~Spalten"; Text [ english_us ] = "Colu~mns"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Colunas"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolommen"; Text[ french ] = "~Colonnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Columnas"; Text[ italian ] = "Colonne"; Text[ danish ] = "~Kolonner"; Text[ swedish ] = "K~olumner"; Text[ polish ] = "Kolu~mny"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Colunas"; Text[ japanese ] = "列(~M)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列(~M)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄(~M)"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolommen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列(~M)"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "열(~M)"; Text[ turkish ] = "S~tunlar"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Colu~mnes"; Text[ finnish ] = "Sarak~keet"; Text[ thai ] = "คอลัม~น์"; Text[ czech ] = "Sloupce"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮עמודים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "स्त~म्भें"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 5 { Text = "~Gliederung A"; Text [ english_us ] = "Outline A"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Esquema A"; Text[ russian ] = " A"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Overzicht A"; Text[ french ] = "~Structure A"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Esquema A"; Text[ italian ] = "Struttura A"; Text[ danish ] = "~Disposition A"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Disposition A"; Text[ polish ] = "Konspekt A"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tpico A"; Text[ japanese ] = "アウトライン A"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "大纲 A"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "大綱 A"; Text[ arabic ] = " A"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Overzicht A"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "大纲 A"; Text[ greek ] = " A"; Text[ korean ] = "개요 A"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ana izgi A"; Text[ catalan ] = "Contorn A"; Text[ finnish ] = "Jsennys A"; Text[ thai ] = "เค้าร่าง A"; Text[ czech ] = "Osnova A"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שלד א'‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "बाहरी रूपरेखा A"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 6 { Text = "~Links A"; Text [ english_us ] = "Left A"; Text[ portuguese ] = "E~squerda A"; Text[ russian ] = " A"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Links A"; Text[ french ] = " ~gauche A"; Text[ spanish ] = "I~zquierda A"; Text[ italian ] = "Sinistra A"; Text[ danish ] = "~Kde A"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Vnster A"; Text[ polish ] = "Z lewej A"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Esquerda A"; Text[ japanese ] = "左 A"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左向 A"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向左 A"; Text[ arabic ] = " A"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Links A"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "左向 A"; Text[ greek ] = " A"; Text[ korean ] = "왼쪽 A"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sol A"; Text[ catalan ] = "Esquerra A"; Text[ finnish ] = "Vasen A"; Text[ thai ] = "ซ้าย A"; Text[ czech ] = "Vlevo A"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮קשרים א'‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "बायाँ A"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 7 { Text = "Bericht_"; Text [ english_us ] = "Report_"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Relatrio_"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht_"; Text[ french ] = "tat_"; Text[ spanish ] = "Informe_"; Text[ italian ] = "Rapporto_"; Text[ danish ] = "Rapport_"; Text[ swedish ] = "Rapport_"; Text[ polish ] = "Raport_"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Relatrio_"; Text[ japanese ] = "レポート_"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "报表_"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "報表_"; Text[ arabic ] = "_"; Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht_"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "报表_"; Text[ greek ] = "_"; Text[ korean ] = "보고서_"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor_"; Text[ catalan ] = "Informe_"; Text[ finnish ] = "Raportti_"; Text[ thai ] = "รายงาน_"; Text[ czech ] = "Sestava_"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮דו\"ח_‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "रिपोर्ट_"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 8 { Text = "-undefiniert-"; Text [ english_us ] = "- undefined -"; Text[ portuguese ] = "(nenhum)"; Text[ russian ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(geen)"; Text[ french ] = "- indfini -"; Text[ spanish ] = "- no definido -"; Text[ italian ] = "- non definito -"; Text[ danish ] = "(ingen)"; Text[ swedish ] = "-odefinierat-"; Text[ polish ] = "(brak)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(nenhum)"; Text[ japanese ] = "- 指定なし -"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "- 未定义 -"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "- 未定義 -"; Text[ arabic ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(geen)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "- 未定义 -"; Text[ greek ] = "()"; Text[ korean ] = "- 지정되지 않음 -"; Text[ turkish ] = "- belirsiz -"; Text[ catalan ] = "(cap)"; Text[ finnish ] = "(ei mitn)"; Text[ thai ] = "(ไม่มี)"; Text[ czech ] = "(žádná)"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮- לא מוגדר -‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "(कोई नहीं)"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 9 { Text = "~Felder im Bericht"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Fields in report"; Text[ french ] = "Champs de l'tat"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos del informe"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Flt i rapport"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Seleo de Tabela"; Text[ japanese ] = "レポートのフィールド"; Text[ korean ] = "보고서 내의 필드"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表单内的字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表單之中的欄位"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de tabela"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Taulukon valinta"; Text[ italian ] = "~Campi nel rapporto"; Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeludvalg"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr tabeli"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rapordalki ~alanlar"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de taula"; Text[ thai ] = ": เลือกตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr tabulky"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות בדו\"ח‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": सारणी चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 11 { Text = "Gruppierungen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Grouping"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Esquema"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": overzicht"; Text[ french ] = "Groupements"; Text[ spanish ] = "Agrupaciones"; Text[ italian ] = "Raggruppamenti"; Text[ danish ] = ": Disposition"; Text[ swedish ] = "Grupperingar"; Text[ polish ] = ": Struktura"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Estrutura"; Text[ japanese ] = "分類"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "编排"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "編排"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": overzicht"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "编排"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = "그룹화"; Text[ turkish ] = "Gruplama"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Estructura"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Rakenne"; Text[ thai ] = ": โครงสร้าง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Struktura"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮חלוקה לקבוצות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": बनावट"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 12 { Text = "Sortieroptionen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Sort Options"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Opes de ordem"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": sorteeropties"; Text[ french ] = "Options de tri"; Text[ spanish ] = "Opciones de orden"; Text[ italian ] = "Opzioni di ordine"; Text[ danish ] = ": Sorteringsindstillinger"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sorteringsalternativ"; Text[ polish ] = ": Opcje sortowania"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Opes de Ordenao"; Text[ japanese ] = "並べ替えオプション"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "排序选项"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "排序選項"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": sorteeropties"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "排序选项"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = "정렬 옵션"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sralama Seenekleri"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = ": Ordena per opcions"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Lajitteluvalinnat"; Text[ thai ] = ": เรียงตัวเลือก"; Text[ czech ] = ": Vlastnosti třídění"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אפשריות מיון‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": सोर्ट विकल्प"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 13 { Text = "Auswahl des Layouts"; Text [ english_us ] = "Choose Layout"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de estilo"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": stijl selecteren"; Text[ french ] = "Slection de la mise en page"; Text[ spanish ] = "Seleccin del diseo"; Text[ italian ] = "Selezione layout"; Text[ danish ] = ": Typografiudvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = "Layouturval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr stylu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Seleo de Estilo"; Text[ japanese ] = "レイアウトの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择风格"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選擇風格"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": stijl selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选择风格"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = "레이아웃 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yerleim Se"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Estil de seleccions"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Tyylin valinta"; Text[ thai ] = ": เลือกลักษณะ"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr stylu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת עיצוב פריסה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": शैली चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 14 { Text = "Bericht speichern"; Text [ english_us ] = "Save Report"; Text[ french ] = "Enregistrer l'tat"; Text[ spanish ] = "Guardar el informe"; Text[ italian ] = "Salva rapporto"; Text[ swedish ] = "Spara rapport"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Estilos"; Text[ japanese ] = "レポートの保存"; Text[ korean ] = "보고서 저장"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘报表"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "儲存報表"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Estilos"; Text[ russian ] = ":"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": opmaakprofielen"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Tyylit"; Text[ danish ] = ": Formattypografier"; Text[ polish ] = ": Style"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor Kaydet"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ catalan ] = ": Estils"; Text[ thai ] = ": ลักษณะ"; Text[ czech ] = ": Styly"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שמירת הדו\"ח‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": शैलियाँ"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 15 { Text = "Layout der Daten"; Text [ english_us ] = "Layout of data"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": voltooien"; Text[ french ] = "Mise en page des donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Diseo de los datos"; Text[ italian ] = "Layout dati"; Text[ danish ] = ": Udfr"; Text[ swedish ] = "Layout fr data"; Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Criar"; Text[ japanese ] = "データのレイアウト"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据的版式"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資料的版式"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": voltooien"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据的版式"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = "데이터 레이아웃"; Text[ turkish ] = "Verinin yerleimi"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Crea"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Luo"; Text[ thai ] = ": สร้าง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Vytvořit"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮עיצוב פריסת הנתונים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": उत्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 16 { Text = "Layout der Kopf- und Fuzeilen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Layout of headers and footers"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Fonte de dados"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; Text[ french ] = "Mise en page des en-ttes et pieds de page"; Text[ spanish ] = "Diseo de los encabezamientos y pies de pgina"; Text[ italian ] = "Layout della riga d'intestazione e pi di pagina"; Text[ danish ] = "Datak~ilde"; Text[ swedish ] = "Layout fr sidhuvuden och sidftter"; Text[ polish ] = "rdo danych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Fonte de dados"; Text[ japanese ] = "ヘッダとフッタのレイアウト"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉和页脚的版式"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "頁首及頁尾的版式"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "页眉和页脚的版式"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "머리글과 바닥글 레이아웃"; Text[ turkish ] = "Sayfa balklarnn ve dipnotlarn yerleimi"; Text[ catalan ] = "Font de dades"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietolhde"; Text[ thai ] = "แหล่งข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Zdroj dat"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮עיצוב כותרת עליונה ותחתונה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ड़ॉटा मूल"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 19 { Text = "Felder"; Text [ english_us ] = "Fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Estruturar ~campos"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Velden ~indelen"; Text[ french ] = "Champs"; Text[ spanish ] = "Campos"; Text[ italian ] = "Campi"; Text[ danish ] = "Felter ~Inddel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Flt"; Text[ polish ] = "Organizuj pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Organizar campos"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールド"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Velden ~indelen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alanlar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Organitza els camps"; Text[ finnish ] = "Jrjestele kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "จัดการเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Uspořádat pole"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "क्षेत्रों को व्यवस्था करो"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 20 { Text = "~Sortieren nach"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Sort by"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Ordenar"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Sortering"; Text[ french ] = "Trier selon"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Ordenar segn"; Text[ italian ] = "Ordina per"; Text[ danish ] = "~Sortering"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Sortera efter"; Text[ polish ] = "Kolejno ~sortowania"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Ordem de classificao"; Text[ japanese ] = "最優先キー"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "排序按照(~S)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "排序按照"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Sortering"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "排序按照(~S)"; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "정렬 기준"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Byle srala"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Ordre"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Lajittelujrjestys"; Text[ thai ] = "เ~รียง"; Text[ czech ] = "Pořadí třídění"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מיון לפי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~सोर्ट क्रम"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 21 { Text = "~Anschlieend nach"; Text [ english_us ] = "And then by"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Alinhamento"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Uitlijning"; Text[ french ] = "Puis selon"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Despus segn"; Text[ italian ] = "poi per"; Text[ danish ] = "~Justering"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sedan efter"; Text[ polish ] = "~Wyrwnanie"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Alinhamento"; Text[ japanese ] = "2番目に優先されるキー"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "然后按照"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "然後按照"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Uitlijning"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "然后按照"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "두번째 기준"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ve hazrlayan"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Alineaci"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Tasaus"; Text[ thai ] = "~จัดตำแหน่ง"; Text[ czech ] = "Zarovnání"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ואחר כך לפי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~पंक्तिकरण"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 22 { Text = "~Ausrichtung"; Text [ english_us ] = "Orientation"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Vertical"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Staand"; Text[ french ] = "Orientation"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Alineacin"; Text[ italian ] = "Allineamento"; Text[ danish ] = "~Stende"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Justering"; Text[ polish ] = "Orientacja ~pionowa"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Retrato"; Text[ japanese ] = "配置"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "纵向"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "對齊"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Staand"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "纵向"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "방향"; Text[ turkish ] = "stikamet"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Vertical"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Pysty"; Text[ thai ] = "แนว~ตั้ง"; Text[ czech ] = "Na výšku"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כיוון‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~पोरट्रैट"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 23 { Text = "H~ochformat"; Text [ english_us ] = "Portrait"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Horizontal"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Liggend"; Text[ french ] = "Portrait"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Vertical"; Text[ italian ] = "Verticale"; Text[ danish ] = "~Liggende"; Text[ swedish ] = "Stende"; Text[ polish ] = "~Poziomo"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Paisagem"; Text[ japanese ] = "縦"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "横向"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "縱向格式(~P)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Liggend"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "横向"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "세로"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dey"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Apaisat"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Vaaka"; Text[ thai ] = "แนว~นอน"; Text[ czech ] = "Na šířku"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לאורך הדף‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~लान्डस्केप"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 24 { Text = "~Querformat"; Text [ english_us ] = "Landscape"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Estilo"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Stijl"; Text[ french ] = "Paysage"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Horizontal"; Text[ italian ] = "Orizzontale"; Text[ danish ] = "Typ~e"; Text[ swedish ] = "Liggande"; Text[ polish ] = "~Styl"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Estilo"; Text[ japanese ] = "横"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "横向"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "橫向"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Stijl"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "横向"; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ korean ] = "가로"; Text[ turkish ] = "Yatay"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Estil"; Text[ finnish ] = "T~yyli"; Text[ thai ] = "~ลักษณะ"; Text[ czech ] = "Styl"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לרוחב הדף‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~शैली"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 28 { Text = "Welche Felder sollen in Ihrem Bericht erscheinen?"; Text [ english_us ] = "Which fields do you want to have in your report?"; Text[ french ] = "Champs de l'tat :"; Text[ spanish ] = "Qu campos desea que aparezcan en el informe?"; Text[ italian ] = "Quali campi volete visualizzare nel vostro rapporto?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vilka flt ska finnas med i din rapport?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "E~squerda B"; Text[ japanese ] = "どのフィールドを作成するレポートで表示させますか。"; Text[ korean ] = "어떤 필드를 보고서에 표시하시겠습니까?"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "报表之内应该包含的字段?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "報表之内應該包含的欄位?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "E~squerda B"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = "~ B"; Text[ dutch ] = "L~inks B"; Text[ finnish ] = "O~ikea B"; Text[ danish ] = "K~de B"; Text[ polish ] = "L~ewy B"; Text[ turkish ] = "Raporunuzda hangi alanlarn olmasn istiyorsunuz?"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ B"; Text[ catalan ] = "Esq~uerra B"; Text[ thai ] = "ซ้า~ย B"; Text[ czech ] = "Vlevo B"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮איזה שדות לכלול בדו\"ח?‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "बा~याँ B"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 29 { Text = "Mchten Sie Gruppierungen hinzufgen?"; Text [ english_us ] = "Do you want to add grouping levels?"; Text[ french ] = "Ajout de groupements :"; Text[ spanish ] = "Desea aadir niveles de agrupacin?"; Text[ italian ] = "Volete aggiungere livelli di raggruppamento?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vill du lgga till grupperingar?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Recuado"; Text[ japanese ] = "分類を追加しますか。"; Text[ korean ] = "그룹화 수준을 추가하시겠습니까?"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要加入分组?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "要加入群組?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Escalonado"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Trapsgewijs"; Text[ finnish ] = "Si~sennetty"; Text[ danish ] = "~Opdelt"; Text[ polish ] = "~Wcicie"; Text[ turkish ] = "Gruplama seviyeleri eklemek istiyor musunuz?"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Sagnat"; Text[ thai ] = "เ~ยื้อง"; Text[ czech ] = "Odsazený"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮האם להוסיף רמות של חלוקה לקבוצות?‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~इन्डेन्ट किया हुआ"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 30 { Text = "Nach welchen Feldern wollen Sie die Daten sortieren?"; Text [ english_us ] = "According to which fields do you want to sort the data?"; Text[ french ] = "Champs prendre en compte pour le tri des donnes :"; Text[ spanish ] = "Conforme a qu campos desea ordenar los datos?"; Text[ italian ] = "In base a quali campi volete ordinare i dati?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Efter vilka flt vill du sortera dina data?"; Text[ japanese ] = "データの並べ替えではどのフィールドを優先させますか。"; Text[ korean ] = "어떤 필드를 기준으로 데이터를 정렬하시겠습니까?"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据要按照哪些字段来对齐?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資料要按照哪些欄位對齊?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Justificado"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Uitgelijnd"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tas~attu"; Text[ danish ] = "~Justeret"; Text[ polish ] = "~Do lewej i prawej"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Justificado"; Text[ turkish ] = "Hangi alana gre veriyi sralamak istiyorsunuz?"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Justificat"; Text[ thai ] = "~ชิดขอบ"; Text[ czech ] = "Zarovnaný"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מיון הנתונים לפי איזה שדות?‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~व्यवस्था किया हुआ"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 31 { Text = "Wie soll Ihr Bericht aussehen?"; Text [ english_us ] = "How do you want your report to look?"; Text[ french ] = "Apparence de l'tat :"; Text[ spanish ] = "Qu aspecto desea darle al informe?"; Text[ italian ] = "Come volete formattare il vostro rapporto?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Hur ska din rapport se ut?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Estilos"; Text[ japanese ] = "どのスタイルを使用しますか。"; Text[ korean ] = "보고서의 모양을 어떻게 하시겠습니까? "; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您的报表版式?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您的報表版式?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Estilos"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Opmaakprofielen"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tyylit"; Text[ danish ] = "Format~typografier"; Text[ polish ] = "~Style"; Text[ turkish ] = "Raporunuzun nasl grnmesini istersiniz?"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ catalan ] = "Estils"; Text[ thai ] = "ลักษณะ"; Text[ czech ] = "Styly"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מה המראה הרצוי לד\"ח?‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "शैलियाँ"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 32 { Text = "Welche Art von Bericht mchten Sie erstellen?"; Text [ english_us ] = "Which type of report do you want?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Nome do relatrio"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Naam bericht"; Text[ french ] = "Type d'tat :"; Text[ spanish ] = "Qu tipo de informe desea crear?"; Text[ italian ] = "Che tipo di rapporto volete creare?"; Text[ danish ] = "Rapportens ~navn"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vilken typ av rapport vill du skapa?"; Text[ polish ] = "~Nazwa raportu"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Nome do relatrio"; Text[ japanese ] = "どんな種類のレポートを作成しますか。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新建的报表采用的类型?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "新增的報表採用的類型?"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Naam bericht"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新建的报表采用的类型?"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "어떤 종류의 보고서를 만드시겠습니까?"; Text[ turkish ] = "Netr bir rapor istersiniz?"; Text[ language_user1 ] = "EM2.Mai.01: Die gleiche bersetzung wie fr \"Nach der Fertigstellung...\"."; Text[ catalan ] = "~Nom de l'informe"; Text[ finnish ] = "Raportin ~nimi"; Text[ thai ] = "~ชื่อรายงาน"; Text[ czech ] = "Název sestavy"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮איזה סוג דו\"ח?‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "रिपोर्ट का ~नाम"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 33 { Text = "~Name des Berichts"; Text [ english_us ] = "Title of report"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Depois de ~pronto..."; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Na het ~beindigen..."; Text[ french ] = "Nom de l'tat"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Nombre del informe"; Text[ italian ] = "~Nome del rapporto"; Text[ danish ] = "Efter frdiggrelsen..."; Text[ swedish ] = "~Namn p rapport"; Text[ polish ] = "Po ~ukoczeniu..."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "De~pois da concluso..."; Text[ japanese ] = "レポート名"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "报告名称"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "報表名稱(~N)"; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Na het ~beindigen..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "报告名称"; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = "보고서 이름"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor bal"; Text[ catalan ] = "En acab~ar..."; Text[ finnish ] = "Valmistumisen ~jlkeen..."; Text[ thai ] = "หลังจากเสร็จสม~บูรณ์..."; Text[ czech ] = "Po dokončení..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כותרת הדו\"ח‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "समा~प्ती के पश्चात्..."; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 34 { Text = "Bericht an~zeigen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Display report"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Mostrar ~relatrio"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~weergeven"; Text[ french ] = "A~fficher l'tat"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Mostrar informe"; Text[ italian ] = "~Visualizza rapporto"; Text[ danish ] = "V~is rapport"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Visa rapport"; Text[ polish ] = "Wywietl raport"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Exibir relatrio"; Text[ japanese ] = "レポートを表示する"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示报表"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "顯示報表"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~weergeven"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示报表"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "보고서 표시"; Text[ turkish ] = "Raporu gster"; Text[ catalan ] = "visualitza l'informe"; Text[ finnish ] = "Nyt raportti"; Text[ thai ] = "แสดงผลรายงาน"; Text[ czech ] = "Zobrazit sestavu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הצגת הדו\"ח‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "रिपोर्ट दिखाओ"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 35 { Text = "Bericht ab~legen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Save report"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Guardar relatrio"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~opslaan"; Text[ french ] = "Enregistrer l'tat"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Guardar informe"; Text[ italian ] = "Salva ra~pporto"; Text[ danish ] = "Af~lg rapport"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Arkivera rapport"; Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz raport"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Salvar relatrio"; Text[ japanese ] = "レポートを格納"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘报表"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "儲存報表"; Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~opslaan"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "存盘报表"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "보고서 저장"; Text[ turkish ] = "Raporu kaydet"; Text[ catalan ] = "desa l'informe"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tallenna raportti"; Text[ thai ] = "บันทึกรายงาน"; Text[ czech ] = "Uložit sestavu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שמירת הדו\"ח‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "रिपोर्ट संचित करो"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 36 { Text = "A~ufsteigend"; Text [ english_us ] = "Ascending"; Text[ portuguese ] = "A;Z"; Text[ greek ] = "A;"; Text[ dutch ] = "A;Z"; Text[ french ] = "Croissant"; Text[ spanish ] = "A~scendente"; Text[ swedish ] = "Stigande"; Text[ russian ] = ";"; Text[ italian ] = "Crescente"; Text[ danish ] = "A;Z"; Text[ polish ] = "A;Z"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A;Z"; Text[ japanese ] = "昇順"; Text[ korean ] = "오름차순"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向上"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向上"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ turkish ] = "A;Z"; Text[ catalan ] = "A;Z"; Text[ finnish ] = "A;Z"; Text[ thai ] = "จาก~น้อยไปหามาก"; Text[ czech ] = "A;Z"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סדר עולה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "A;Z"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 37 { Text = "Abs~teigend"; Text [ english_us ] = "Descending"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Os nomes de relatrios s podem ter um mximo de 32 caracteres."; Text[ greek ] = " 32 ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Namen van berichten mogen maximaal 32 tekens lang zijn."; Text[ french ] = "Dcroissant"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Descendente"; Text[ swedish ] = "Fallande"; Text[ russian ] = " 32 ."; Text[ italian ] = "Decrescente"; Text[ danish ] = "Rapportnavne m hjst indeholde 32 tegn."; Text[ polish ] = "Nazwy raportw mog si skada z maksymalnie 32 znakw."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Os nomes de relatrios no podem ter mais de 32 caracteres."; Text[ japanese ] = "降順"; Text[ korean ] = "내림차순"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向下"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向下"; Text[ arabic ] = " 32 ."; Text[ turkish ] = "Azalan"; Text[ catalan ] = "Els noms d'informe no poden ser ms llargs de 32 carcters."; Text[ finnish ] = "Raporttien nimet eivt saa olla yli 32 merkin pituisia."; Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อรายงานต้องยาวไม่เกิน 32 ตัวอักขระ"; Text[ czech ] = "Názvy sestav nemohou být delší než 32 znaků."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סדר יורד‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "रिपोर्ट का नाम् 32 अक्षरों से अधिक नहीं हो सकता है ।"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 40 { Text = "Dynamische Berichtsvorlage"; Text [ english_us ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ russian ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ greek ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ dutch ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ french ] = "Modle d'tat dynamique"; Text[ spanish ] = "Plantilla dinmica de informe"; Text[ finnish ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ italian ] = "Modello dinamico per rapporto"; Text[ danish ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ swedish ] = "Dynamisk rapportmall"; Text[ polish ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ japanese ] = "ダイナミックなレポートテンプレート"; Text[ korean ] = "동적 보고서 서식 파일"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "可变式报表样式"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "可變式報表樣式"; Text[ turkish ] = "Dinamik rapor ablonu"; Text[ arabic ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ catalan ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ thai ] = "Dynamic report template"; Text[ czech ] = "Dynamická šablona reportu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תבנית דו\"ח דינמית‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Dynamic report template"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 41 { Text = "Berichtsvorlage sofort verwenden"; Text [ english_us ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ russian ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ greek ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ dutch ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ french ] = "Utiliser immdiatement le modle d'tat"; Text[ spanish ] = "Utilizar plantilla de informe ahora"; Text[ finnish ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ italian ] = "Utilizza subito il modello di rapporto"; Text[ danish ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ swedish ] = "Anvnd rapportmall direkt"; Text[ polish ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ japanese ] = "レポートテンプレートをすぐ使用する"; Text[ korean ] = "보고서 서식 파일 즉시 사용"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "立即使用报表样式"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "立即使用報表樣式"; Text[ turkish ] = "Hemen rapor ablonunu kullan"; Text[ arabic ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ catalan ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ thai ] = "Use report template immediately"; Text[ czech ] = "Ihned použít šablonu reportu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יישום מיידי של תבנית הדו\"ח‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Use report template immediately"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 42 { Text = "Berichtsvorlage weiter bearbeiten"; Text [ english_us ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ russian ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ greek ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ dutch ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ french ] = "diter le modle d'tat"; Text[ spanish ] = "Editar plantilla de informe"; Text[ finnish ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ italian ] = "Modifica il modello di rapporto"; Text[ danish ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ swedish ] = "Fortstt redigera rapportmall"; Text[ polish ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ japanese ] = "レポートテンプレートの編集を続ける"; Text[ korean ] = "보고서 서식 파일 수정"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "修改报表样式"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "修改報表樣式"; Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor ablonunu dzenle"; Text[ arabic ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ catalan ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ thai ] = "Modify report template"; Text[ czech ] = "Upravit šablonu reportu"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שינוי תבנית הדו\"ח‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Modify report template"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 43 { Text = "Statischer Bericht"; Text [ english_us ] = "Static report"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Static report"; Text[ russian ] = "Static report"; Text[ greek ] = "Static report"; Text[ dutch ] = "Static report"; Text[ french ] = "tat statique"; Text[ spanish ] = "Informe esttico"; Text[ finnish ] = "Static report"; Text[ italian ] = "Rapporto statico"; Text[ danish ] = "Static report"; Text[ swedish ] = "Statistisk rapport"; Text[ polish ] = "Static report"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Static report"; Text[ japanese ] = "スタティックなレポート"; Text[ korean ] = "정적 보고서"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "固定式报表"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "固定式報表"; Text[ turkish ] = "Statik rapor"; Text[ arabic ] = "Static report"; Text[ catalan ] = "Static report"; Text[ thai ] = "Static report"; Text[ czech ] = "Statická sestava"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮דו\"ח סטטי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Static report"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 44 { Text = "Speichern unter"; Text [ english_us ] = "Save as"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Guardar como"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Opslaan als"; Text[ french ] = "Enregistrer sous"; Text[ spanish ] = "Guardar como"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tallenna nimell"; Text[ italian ] = "Salva con nome"; Text[ danish ] = "Gem under"; Text[ swedish ] = "Spara som"; Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz jako"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Salvar como"; Text[ japanese ] = "名前を付けて保存"; Text[ korean ] = "다른 이름으로 저장"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "另存为"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "另存新檔"; Text[ turkish ] = "Farkl kaydet"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Anomena i desa"; Text[ thai ] = "บันทึกเป็น"; Text[ czech ] = "Uložit jako"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שמירה בשם‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Save as"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 45 { Text = "~Verknpfung zur Datenbank erstellen"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ russian ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ greek ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ french ] = "Crer un lien avec la base de donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Crear un vnculo con la base de datos"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ italian ] = "~Crea un collegamento con il database"; Text[ danish ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ swedish ] = "Skapa ~lnk till databas"; Text[ polish ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ japanese ] = "データベースへのリンクの作成"; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스로 링크 만들기"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "新建数据库的快捷方式(~C)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "新增資料庫的連結(~C)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veritabanna balant ~yarat"; Text[ arabic ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ thai ] = "~Create link to database"; Text[ czech ] = "Vytvořit propojení do databáze"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירת קשר למסד הנתונים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~Create link to database"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 50 { Text = "Gruppierungen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Groupings"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Groupings"; Text[ russian ] = "Groupings"; Text[ greek ] = "Groupings"; Text[ dutch ] = "Groupings"; Text[ french ] = "Groupements"; Text[ spanish ] = "Agrupaciones"; Text[ finnish ] = "Groupings"; Text[ italian ] = "Raggruppamenti"; Text[ danish ] = "Groupings"; Text[ swedish ] = "Grupperingar"; Text[ polish ] = ": Struktura"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Groupings"; Text[ japanese ] = "分類"; Text[ korean ] = "그룹화"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "分组"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "群組"; Text[ turkish ] = "Gruplamalar"; Text[ arabic ] = "Groupings"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Estructura"; Text[ thai ] = "Groupings"; Text[ czech ] = "Seskupení"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮חלוקה לקבוצות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Groupings"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 51 { Text = "Ans~chlieend nach"; Text [ english_us ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ portuguese ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ russian ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ greek ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ dutch ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ french ] = "Puis selon"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Despus segn"; Text[ finnish ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ italian ] = "poi per"; Text[ danish ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sedan efter"; Text[ polish ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ japanese ] = "2番目に優先されるキー"; Text[ korean ] = "두번째 기준"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "然后按照(~Y)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "然後按照"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ve ~hazrlayan"; Text[ arabic ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ catalan ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ thai ] = "And then b~y"; Text[ czech ] = "A potom podle"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ואחר כך לפי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "And then b~y"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 52 { Text = "Ansch~lieend nach"; Text [ english_us ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ portuguese ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ russian ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ greek ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ dutch ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ french ] = "Puis selon"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Despus segn"; Text[ finnish ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ italian ] = "poi per"; Text[ danish ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sedan efter"; Text[ polish ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ japanese ] = "3番目に優先されるキー"; Text[ korean ] = "세번째 기준"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "然后按照(~H)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "然後按照"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ve ~hazrlayan "; Text[ arabic ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ catalan ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ thai ] = "And ~then by"; Text[ czech ] = "A potom podle"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ואחר כך לפי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "And ~then by"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 53 { Text = "Au~fsteigend"; Text [ english_us ] = "Asc~ending"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Ascenden~te"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Oplope~nd"; Text[ french ] = "Croissant"; Text[ spanish ] = "A~scendente"; Text[ finnish ] = "N~ouseva"; Text[ italian ] = "Cre~scente"; Text[ danish ] = "Stigende"; Text[ swedish ] = "Stigande"; Text[ polish ] = "Rosnco"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Asc~ending"; Text[ japanese ] = "昇順"; Text[ korean ] = "오름차순"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向上(~E)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向上(~E)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ar~tan"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "A~scendent"; Text[ thai ] = "จากน้~อยไปหามาก"; Text[ czech ] = "Vzestupně"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סדר עולה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Asc~ending"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 54 { Text = "Aufstei~gend"; Text [ english_us ] = "Ascend~ing"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Ascendente"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "~Oplopend"; Text[ french ] = "Croissant"; Text[ spanish ] = "Ascende~nte"; Text[ finnish ] = "Nouseva"; Text[ italian ] = "Crescente"; Text[ danish ] = "Stigende"; Text[ swedish ] = "Sti~gande"; Text[ polish ] = "Rosnco"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ascend~ing"; Text[ japanese ] = "昇順"; Text[ korean ] = "오름차순"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向上(~I)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向上(~I)"; Text[ turkish ] = "Ar~tan"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Ascend~ing"; Text[ thai ] = "จากน้อยไปมาก"; Text[ czech ] = "Vzestupně"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סדר עולה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Ascend~ing"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 55 { Text = "Aufst~eigend"; Text [ english_us ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ russian ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ greek ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ dutch ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ french ] = "Croissant"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Ascendente"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ italian ] = "Crescente"; Text[ danish ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ swedish ] = "Stigande"; Text[ polish ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ japanese ] = "昇順"; Text[ korean ] = "오름차순"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向上(~G)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向上(~G)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Artan"; Text[ arabic ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ catalan ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ thai ] = "Ascendin~g"; Text[ czech ] = "Vzestupně"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סדר עולה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Ascendin~g"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 56 { Text = "Abste~igend"; Text [ english_us ] = "De~scending"; Text[ portuguese ] = "De~scending"; Text[ russian ] = "De~scending"; Text[ greek ] = "De~scending"; Text[ dutch ] = "De~scending"; Text[ french ] = "Dcroissant"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Descendente"; Text[ finnish ] = "De~scending"; Text[ italian ] = "Decrescente"; Text[ danish ] = "De~scending"; Text[ swedish ] = "Fallande"; Text[ polish ] = "De~scending"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "De~scending"; Text[ japanese ] = "降順"; Text[ korean ] = "내림차순"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向下(~S)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向下(~S)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Azalan"; Text[ arabic ] = "De~scending"; Text[ catalan ] = "De~scending"; Text[ thai ] = "De~scending"; Text[ czech ] = "Sestupně"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סדר יורד‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "De~scending"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 57 { Text = "Absteige~nd"; Text [ english_us ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ russian ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ greek ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ dutch ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ french ] = "Dcroissant"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Descendente"; Text[ finnish ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ italian ] = "Decrescente"; Text[ danish ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ swedish ] = "Fallande"; Text[ polish ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ japanese ] = "降順"; Text[ korean ] = "내림차순"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向下(~C)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向下(~C)"; Text[ turkish ] = "A~zalan"; Text[ arabic ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ catalan ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ thai ] = "Des~cending"; Text[ czech ] = "Sestupně"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סדר יורד‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "Des~cending"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 58 { Text = "Absteigen~d"; Text [ english_us ] = "De~scending"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Descendente"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "~Aflopend"; Text[ french ] = "Dcroissant"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Descendente"; Text[ finnish ] = "Laskeva"; Text[ italian ] = "Decrescente"; Text[ danish ] = "Faldende"; Text[ swedish ] = "Fallande"; Text[ polish ] = "Malejco"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "De~scending"; Text[ japanese ] = "降順"; Text[ korean ] = "내림차순"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "向下(~S)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "向下(~S)"; Text[ turkish ] = "A~zalan"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Desce~ndent"; Text[ thai ] = "จากมากไ~ปหาน้อย"; Text[ czech ] = "Sestupně"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סדר יורד‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "De~scending"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 60 { Text = "Binrfelder knnen nicht im Bericht angezeigt werden."; Text [ english_us ] = "Binary fields cannot be displayed in the report."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Binary Fields cannot be displayed in the report"; Text[ russian ] = "Binary Fields cannot be displayed in the report"; Text[ greek ] = "Binary Fields cannot be displayed in the report"; Text[ dutch ] = "Binary Fields cannot be displayed in the report"; Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'afficher les champs binaires dans l'tat !"; Text[ spanish ] = "Los campos binarios no se pueden mostrar en el informe. "; Text[ finnish ] = "Binary Fields cannot be displayed in the report"; Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile raffigurare i campi binari nel rapporto."; Text[ danish ] = "Binary Fields cannot be displayed in the report"; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gr inte att visa binra flt i rapporten."; Text[ polish ] = "Binary Fields cannot be displayed in the report"; Text[ japanese ] = "バイナリフィールドは、レポートでは表示できません。"; Text[ korean ] = "이진 필드를 보고서에 표시할 수 없습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法在报表之中显示二进制字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法在報表之中顯示二元欄位"; Text[ turkish ] = "kili alanlar raporda grntlenemez."; Text[ arabic ] = "Binary Fields cannot be displayed in the report"; Text[ czech ] = "Binární pole nelze v tomto reportu zobrazit."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן להציג שדות בינריים בדו\"ח.‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "Binary fields cannot be displayed in the report."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Binary fields cannot be displayed in the report."; Text[ thai ] = "Binary fields cannot be displayed in the report."; Text[ hindi ] = "Binary fields cannot be displayed in the report."; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 61 { Text = "Die Tabelle '' ist nicht vorhanden."; Text [ english_us ] = "The table '' does not exist."; Text[ portuguese ] = "The TextTable '' does not exist."; Text[ russian ] = "The TextTable '' does not exist."; Text[ greek ] = "The TextTable '' does not exist."; Text[ dutch ] = "The TextTable '' does not exist."; Text[ french ] = "La table '' n'existe pas."; Text[ spanish ] = "La tabla '' no existe. "; Text[ finnish ] = "The TextTable '' does not exist."; Text[ italian ] = "La tabella '' non esiste."; Text[ danish ] = "The TextTable '' does not exist."; Text[ swedish ] = "Tabellen '' finns inte."; Text[ polish ] = "The TextTable '' does not exist."; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブル '' はありません。"; Text[ korean ] = "'' 테이블이 없습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格 '' 不存在。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格 '' 不存在。"; Text[ turkish ] = "'' tablosu bulunmamaktadr."; Text[ arabic ] = "The TextTable '' does not exist."; Text[ czech ] = "Tabulka '' neexistuje."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הטבלה '' לא קיימת.‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "The table '' does not exist."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The table '' does not exist."; Text[ thai ] = "The table '' does not exist."; Text[ hindi ] = "The table '' does not exist."; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 62 { Text = "Bericht wird erstellt..."; Text [ english_us ] = "Creating Report..."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Report is created..."; Text[ russian ] = "Report is created..."; Text[ greek ] = "Report is created..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Report is created..."; Text[ french ] = "Cration de l'tat..."; Text[ spanish ] = "Creacin del informe..."; Text[ finnish ] = "Report is created..."; Text[ italian ] = "Creazione del rapporto..."; Text[ danish ] = "Report is created..."; Text[ swedish ] = "Rapport skapas..."; Text[ polish ] = "Report is created..."; Text[ japanese ] = "レポートを作成しています..."; Text[ korean ] = "보고서를 만드는 중..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正在建立报表..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "正在建立報表..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor Oluturuluyor..."; Text[ arabic ] = "Report is created..."; Text[ czech ] = "Vytváření reportu..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירת דו\"ח...‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "Creating Report..."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Creating Report..."; Text[ thai ] = "Creating Report..."; Text[ hindi ] = "Creating Report..."; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 63 { Text = "Anzahl der eingefgten Datenstze: "; Text [ english_us ] = "Number of records inserted: "; Text[ portuguese ] = "Number of inserted Records: "; Text[ russian ] = "Number of inserted Records: "; Text[ greek ] = "Number of inserted Records: "; Text[ dutch ] = "Number of inserted Records: "; Text[ french ] = "Nombre d'enregistrements insrs : "; Text[ spanish ] = "Nmero de registros insertados: "; Text[ finnish ] = "Number of inserted Records: "; Text[ italian ] = "Numero dei record inseriti: "; Text[ danish ] = "Number of inserted Records: "; Text[ swedish ] = "Antal dataposter som har infogats: "; Text[ polish ] = "Number of inserted Records: "; Text[ japanese ] = "挿入したレコードの数: "; Text[ korean ] = "삽입된 레코드 수: "; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "插入数据条目的数目:"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "插入項目的數目:"; Text[ turkish ] = "Eklenen tutanaklarn says: "; Text[ arabic ] = "Number of inserted Records: "; Text[ czech ] = "Počet vložených záznamů: "; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מספר רשומות שהתווספו הוא: ‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "Number of records inserted: "; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Number of records inserted: "; Text[ thai ] = "Number of records inserted: "; Text[ hindi ] = "Number of records inserted: "; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 64 { Text = "Das Formular '' existiert nicht."; Text [ english_us ] = "The form '' does not exist."; Text[ portuguese ] = "The form ''Number of inserted Records"; Text[ russian ] = "The form ''Number of inserted Records"; Text[ greek ] = "The form ''Number of inserted Records"; Text[ dutch ] = "The form ''Number of inserted Records"; Text[ french ] = "Le formulaire '' n'existe pas."; Text[ spanish ] = "El formulario '' no existe."; Text[ finnish ] = "The form ''Number of inserted Records"; Text[ italian ] = "Il formulario '' non esite."; Text[ danish ] = "The form ''Number of inserted Records"; Text[ swedish ] = "Formulret '' existerar inte."; Text[ polish ] = "The form ''Number of inserted Records"; Text[ japanese ] = "フォーム '' はありません。"; Text[ korean ] = "'' 양식이 없습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表单 '' 不存在。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表單 '' 不存在。"; Text[ turkish ] = "\n'' formu bulunamyor."; Text[ arabic ] = "The form ''Number of inserted Records"; Text[ czech ] = "Formulář '' neexistuje."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הטופס '' לא קיים.‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "The form '' does not exist."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The form '' does not exist."; Text[ thai ] = "The form '' does not exist."; Text[ hindi ] = "The form '' does not exist."; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 65 { Text = "Die Abfrage mit dem Ausdruck
konnte nicht ausgefhrt werden.
berprfen Sie Ihre Datenquelle."; Text [ english_us ] = "The query with the statement
could not be run.
Check your data source."; Text[ portuguese ] = "The query with the statement
could not be executed.
Verify your Datasource."; Text[ russian ] = "The query with the statement
could not be executed.
Verify your Datasource."; Text[ greek ] = "The query with the statement
could not be executed.
Verify your Datasource."; Text[ dutch ] = "The query with the statement
could not be executed.
Verify your Datasource."; Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'excuter la requte avec l'expression
Vrifiez la source de donnes."; Text[ spanish ] = "La consulta con la expresin
no se ha podido ejecutar.
Verifique su fuente de datos."; Text[ finnish ] = "The query with the statement
could not be executed.
Verify your Datasource."; Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile eseguire la ricerca con l'espressione
Verificate la sorgente dati."; Text[ danish ] = "The query with the statement
could not be executed.
Verify your Datasource."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att utfra skningen med uttrycket
Kontrollera din dataklla."; Text[ polish ] = "The query with the statement
could not be executed.
Verify your Datasource."; Text[ japanese ] = "命令文
'' を使ったクエリーは、
データソースを確認してください。"; Text[ korean ] = "
'' 문장의 쿼리를 실행할 수 없습니다.
데이터 원본을 검사해 보십시오."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法执行含有陈述
请检查所使用的数据源。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法執行含有陳述
請檢查所使用的資料源。"; Text[ turkish ] = "''
ifadeli sorgu altrlamad.
Veri kaynan kontrol edin."; Text[ arabic ] = "The query with the statement
could not be executed.
Verify your Datasource."; Text[ czech ] = "Dotaz s prvkem
nelze spustit.
Zkontrolujte si svůj zdroj dat."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן להפעיל את השאילתה עם המשפט
יש לבדוק את מקור הנתונים.‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "The query with the statement
could not be run.
Check your data source."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The query with the statement
could not be run.
Check your data source."; Text[ thai ] = "The query with the statement
could not be run.
Check your data source."; Text[ hindi ] = "The query with the statement
could not be run.
Check your data source."; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 66 { Text = "Folgendes versteckte Kontrollelement im Formular '' konnte nicht ausgelesen werden: ''."; Text [ english_us ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ portuguese ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ russian ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ greek ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ dutch ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ french ] = "Impossible de lire le contrle suivant masqu dans le formulaire '' : ''."; Text[ spanish ] = "No se ha podido leer el control siguiente oculto en el formulario '' : ''."; Text[ finnish ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ italian ] = "Impossibile leggere il controllo nascosto '': ''."; Text[ danish ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att lsa fljande dolda kontrollelement i formulret '': ''."; Text[ polish ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ japanese ] = "フォーム '' にある次の隠しコントロールは読み取れませんでした。''"; Text[ korean ] = "다음의 '' 양식 안에 숨겨진 컨트롤을 읽지 못했습니다: ''."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法读取以下隐藏在表单 '' 之内的控制项:''"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法存取下列隱藏在表單 '' 之内的控制:'' 。"; Text[ turkish ] = "'' formundaki gizli kontrol okunamyor: ''."; Text[ arabic ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ czech ] = "Následující skrytý ovládací prvek formuláře '' nelze přečíst: ''."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן לקראו את הפקד המוסתר: '' בטופס ''.‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ thai ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; Text[ hindi ] = "The following hidden control in the form '' could not be read: ''."; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 67 { Text = "Daten werden importiert..."; Text [ english_us ] = "Importing data..."; Text[ portuguese ] = "All the data is imported..."; Text[ russian ] = "All the data is imported..."; Text[ greek ] = "All the data is imported..."; Text[ dutch ] = "All the data is imported..."; Text[ french ] = "Import des donnes..."; Text[ spanish ] = "Importe de datos..."; Text[ finnish ] = "All the data is imported..."; Text[ italian ] = "Importazione dei dati..."; Text[ danish ] = "All the data is imported..."; Text[ swedish ] = "Data importeras..."; Text[ polish ] = "All the data is imported..."; Text[ japanese ] = "データをインポートしています..."; Text[ korean ] = "데이터를 가져오는 중..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "正在输入数据..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "正在匯入資料..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Veriler ie aktarlyor..."; Text[ arabic ] = "All the data is imported..."; Text[ czech ] = "Importování dat..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יבוא נתונים...‬"; Text[ catalan ] = "Importing data..."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Importing data..."; Text[ thai ] = "Importing data..."; Text[ hindi ] = "Importing data..."; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 68 { Text = "Felder beschriften"; Text [ english_us ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ russian ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ greek ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ dutch ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ french ] = "tiquetage des champs"; Text[ spanish ] = "Etiquetaje de los campos "; Text[ finnish ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ italian ] = "Campi dicitura"; Text[ danish ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ swedish ] = "Etikettera flt"; Text[ polish ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールドのラベル付け"; Text[ korean ] = "필드 입력"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "注明字段名称"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標籤欄位"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alan etiketlenmesi"; Text[ arabic ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ catalan ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ thai ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ czech ] = "Pojmenování polí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Labeling Fields"; Text[ hindi ] = "Labeling Fields"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 69 { Text = "Wie mchten Sie die Felder beschriften?"; Text [ english_us ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ russian ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ greek ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ dutch ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ french ] = "Type d'tiquetage des champs :"; Text[ spanish ] = "Tipo de etiquetaje de los campos:"; Text[ finnish ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ italian ] = "Volete indicare una dicitura ai campi?"; Text[ danish ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Hur vill du etikettera flten?"; Text[ polish ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールドのラベル付け方法を選択してください。"; Text[ korean ] = "어떻게 필드에 레이블을 붙이겠습니까?"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "您要如何注明字段名称?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您想使用何種欄位標籤?"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alanlar nasl etiketlemek istiyorsunuz?"; Text[ arabic ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ catalan ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ thai ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ czech ] = "Jak chcete pojmenovat pole?"; Text[ hebrew ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; Text[ hindi ] = "How do you want to label the fields?"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 70 { Text = "Beschriftung"; Text [ english_us ] = "Label"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Legenda"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Titel"; Text[ french ] = "tiquette"; Text[ spanish ] = "Etiqueta"; Text[ finnish ] = "Selite"; Text[ italian ] = "Dicitura"; Text[ danish ] = "Billedtekst"; Text[ swedish ] = "Etikett"; Text[ polish ] = "Etykieta"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Rtulo"; Text[ japanese ] = "ラベル"; Text[ korean ] = "레이블"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "标签"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "標籤"; Text[ turkish ] = "Etiket"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Etiqueta"; Text[ thai ] = "ป้ายชื่อ"; Text[ czech ] = "Jmenovka"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מדבקות‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेजन्ड"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 71 { Text = "Feld"; Text [ english_us ] = "Field"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Campo"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Veld"; Text[ french ] = "Champ"; Text[ spanish ] = "Campo"; Text[ finnish ] = "Field"; Text[ italian ] = "Campo"; Text[ danish ] = "Felt"; Text[ swedish ] = "Flt"; Text[ polish ] = "Field"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Field"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールド"; Text[ korean ] = "필드"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄位"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alan"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ catalan ] = "Field"; Text[ thai ] = "Field"; Text[ czech ] = "Pole"; Text[ hebrew ] = "Field"; Text[ hindi ] = "Field"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 72 { Text = "Es ist ein Fehler im Autopiloten aufgetreten.
Mglicherweise ist die Vorlage '%PATH' fehlerhaft.
Entweder die bentigten Bereiche bzw. Tabellen sind nicht vorhanden oder sie existiern unter einem falschen Namen.
Bitte schauen Sie in der Hilfe nach genaueren Hinweisen.
Bitte whlen Sie eine andere Dokumentvorlage aus."; Text [ english_us ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ portuguese ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ russian ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ greek ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ dutch ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ french ] = "Erreur dans l'AutoPilote :
Le modle '%PATH' a probablement un dfaut.
Soit les sections ou tables requises n'existent pas, soit elles existent sous un nom erron.
Pour plus de dtails, reportez-vous l'aide.
Slectionnez un autre modle."; Text[ spanish ] = "Se ha producido un error en el Piloto automtico.
La plantilla '%PATH' puede tener un defecto.
O bien las secciones o tablas necesarias no existen o existen con un nombre equivocado.
Consulte la Ayuda si desea informacin ms detallada.
Seleccione otra plantilla."; Text[ finnish ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ italian ] = "Si verificato un errore nel Pilota automatico.
Probabilmente il modello '%PATH' errato.
Possibile causa: le sezioni/tabelle richieste non esistono oppure esistono sotto un nome errato.
Per informazioni pi dettagliate consultate la Guida.
Selezionate un altro modello."; Text[ danish ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det har uppsttt ett fel i AutoPiloten.
Mallen '%PATH' kan vara felaktig.
Antingen finns inte de krvda omrdena resp. tabellerna eller s har de ett felaktigt namn.
Se hjlpen fr mer information.
Vlj en annan mall."; Text[ polish ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ japanese ] = "AutoPilot にエラーが発生しました。
別のテンプレートを選択してください。"; Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿에 오류가 발생했습니다.
'%PATH' 서식 파일의 오류일 수 있습니다.
요청된 구역 또는 테이블이 없거나 잘못된 이름으로 있을 수 있습니다.
여기에 관한 자세한 정보는 도움말을 참조하십시오.
다른 서식 파일을 선택해주십시오."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理发生了一个错误。
样式 '%PATH' 含有错误。
请选择另一个样式。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "AutoPilot 中發生錯誤。
樣式 '%PATH' 可能有錯誤。
請選取另一個樣式。"; Text[ turkish ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ arabic ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ catalan ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ thai ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ czech ] = "V průvodci došlo k chybě.
Šablona '%PATH' je pravděpodobně vadná.
Nahlédněte do nápovědy pro detailnější popis.
Prosíme, vyberte jinou šablonu."; Text[ hebrew ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; Text[ hindi ] = "An error occurred in the AutoPilot.
The template '%PATH' could be erroneous.
Either the required sections or tables do not exist or exist under the wrong name.
See the Help for more detailed information.
Please select another template."; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 73 { Text = "Es ist ein ungltiges Benutzerfeld in einer Tabelle vorhanden!"; Text [ english_us ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ portuguese ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ russian ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ greek ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ dutch ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ french ] = "La table contient un champ utilisateur non valide !"; Text[ spanish ] = "La tabla contiene un campo de usuario no vlido."; Text[ finnish ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ italian ] = "Campo utente nella tabella non valido."; Text[ danish ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det finns ett ogiltigt anvndarflt i en tabell."; Text[ polish ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルに無効なユーザーフィールドが存在します。"; Text[ korean ] = "잘못된 사용자 필드가 테이블 안에 있습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格之内存在一个无效的自订字段!"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格中有無效的使用者欄位。"; Text[ turkish ] = "Bunlar tablodaki geersiz kullanc alandr."; Text[ arabic ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ catalan ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ thai ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ czech ] = "V tabulce je neplatné uživatelem definované pole."; Text[ hebrew ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; Text[ hindi ] = "There is an invalid user field in a table."; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 74 { Text = "Das Sortierkriterium '' wurde zweimal ausgewhlt. Jedes Sortierkriterium kann nur einmal gewhlt werden."; Text [ english_us ] = "The sort criterium '' was chosen twice. Each criterium can only be chosen once."; Text[ french ] = "Le critre de filtre '' a t choisi deux fois. Les critres de filtre ne peuvent tre choisis qu'une seule fois."; Text[ spanish ] = "El criterio de orden '' se ha elegido dos veces. Cada criterio se puede elegir slo una vez."; Text[ italian ] = "Il criterio di ordinamento '' gi stato scelto. Ogni criterio pu essere scelto solo una volta."; Text[ swedish ] = "Sorteringskriteriet '' valdes tv gnger. Det gr bara att vlja varje sorteringskriterium en gng."; Text[ japanese ] = "並べ替え条件 '' は2回選択されました。条件はそれぞれ1回しか選択できません。"; Text[ korean ] = "'' 정렬 조건이 두 번 선택되었습니다. 조건은 한 번만 선택할 수 있습니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "排序方式 '' 已经选用两次。每个排序方式仅可以选用一次。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "排序方式 '' 已經選用兩次。每個排序方式僅能選用一次。"; }; String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 75 { Text = "Hinweis: Blindtext wird bei der Fertigstellung des Berichtes durch Datenbankinhalte ersetzt."; Text [ english_us ] = "Note: The dummy text will be replaced by data from the database when the report is created."; Text[ french ] = "Remarque : le texte factice sera remplac par les donnes de la base au moment de la cration de l'tat."; Text[ spanish ] = "Nota: El texto de ejemplo se sustituir por el contenido de la base de datos cuando se haya finalizado el informe."; Text[ italian ] = "Nota: il testo di esempio sar sostituito dai dati del database alla creazione del rapporto."; Text[ swedish ] = "Obs.: Utfyllnadstexten kommer att ersttas med data frn databasen nr rapporten skapas."; Text[ japanese ] = "注意: レポートを作成するときには、ダミーテキストがデータベースからのデータで置換されます。"; Text[ korean ] = "참고: 보고가 만들어지면 더미(dummy) 텍스트는 데이터베이스의 데이터로 대체됩니다."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "注意:在制作报表时示范文字会由数据库的文字内容取代。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "提示:在製作報表時示範文字會由資料庫的文字内容取代。"; }; // ============================================================================ #ifdef null String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 0 { Text = "AutoPilot Tabelle"; Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Table"; Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Tabela"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabel"; Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de table"; Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Tabla"; Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Tabella"; Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot Tabeller"; Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr tabeller"; Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot: Tabela"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoPilot Tabelle"; Text[ japanese ] = "オートパイロット テーブル"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 - 表格"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動檔案助理 - 表格"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabel"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 - 表格"; Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot"; Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 테이블"; Text[ turkish ] = "AutoPilot Tablosu"; Text[ catalan ] = "Taula de l'AutoPilot"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu taulukon luominen"; Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องตารางอัตโนมัติ"; Text[ czech ] = "Tabulka průvodce"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טבלאת טייס אוטומטי‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ओटोपैलट् टेबल्"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 1 { Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mind. eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Tabellen starten zu knnen."; Text [ english_us ] = "There is no database installed. You need at least one database to start the AutoPilot for tables."; Text[ portuguese ] = "No existe nenhuma base de dados instalada. necessria pelo menos uma base de dados para iniciar o AutoPiloto para tabelas."; Text[ russian ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft ten minste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor tabellen te kunnen starten."; Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de table."; Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el Piloto automtico de tablas."; Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun database. necessario installare almeno un database per poter avviare il Pilota automatico per le tabelle."; Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret nogen database. Mindst n database er ndvendig for at kunne starte AutoPilot til tabeller."; Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr tabeller."; Text[ polish ] = "Nie zainstalowano adnej bazy danych. Do uruchomienia AutoPilota tabeli potrzeba co najmniej jednej bazy danych."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie ben?igen mind. eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten f? Tabellen starten zu k?nen."; Text[ japanese ] = "データベースはインストールされていません。テーブルのオートパイロットを開始するには、データベースが最低1つは必要です。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装数据库。要执行自动文件助理的表格功能就须先建立一个数据库。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "沒有安裝資料庫。因此無法執行自動檔案助理的表格功能。"; Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft ten minste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor tabellen te kunnen starten."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "没有安装数据库。要执行自动文件助理的表格功能就须先建立一个数据库。"; Text[ greek ] = " . ."; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스가 설치되어 있지 않습니다. 테이블 자동 파일럿을 시작하기 위해서는 데이터베이스가 최소한 하나는 필요합니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Veritaban kurulu deil. AutoPilot tablosu iin en azndan bir veritaban gerekli."; Text[ catalan ] = "No hi ha cap base de dades instal.lada. N'hi ha d'haver una com a mnim per poder executar l'AutoPilot Table."; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa ei ole asennettu. Ohjattua taulukoiden luomista varten jrjestelmss on oltava mritettyn vhintn yksi tietokanta."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ได้ติดตั้งฐานข้อมูล คุณต้องการอย่างน้อยที่สุดหนึ่งฐานข้อมูลเพื่อเริ่มต้นการนำร่องตารางอัตโนมัติ"; Text[ czech ] = "Není instalována žádná databáze. Pro vytvoření tabulky musíte mít instalovánu alespoň jednu databázi."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮אין מסד נתונים. נדרש להתקין לפחות מסד נתונים אחד על מנת להפעיל את הטייס האוטומטי לטבלאות.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय को प्रतिष्ठापन नहीं किया है । ओटोपैलट् सारणी को प्रारंभ करने के लिए कम से कम एक लेखासंचय की ज़रूरत है ।"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 2 { Text = "Der Bezeichner $1 ist bereits in der Liste vorhanden."; Text [ english_us ] = "The identifier $1 already exists in the list."; Text[ portuguese ] = "O nome $1 j existe na lista."; Text[ russian ] = " $1 ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De naam $1 komt reeds voor in de lijst."; Text[ french ] = "L'intitul $1 existe dj dans la liste."; Text[ spanish ] = "El nombre $1 ya existe en la lista."; Text[ italian ] = "Il nome $1 gi presente nell'elenco."; Text[ danish ] = "Identifikatoren $1 findes allerede p listen."; Text[ swedish ] = "Identifieraren $1 finns redan i listan."; Text[ polish ] = "Identyfikator $1 znajduje si ju na licie."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Der Bezeichner $1 ist bereits in der Liste vorhanden."; Text[ japanese ] = "ID $1 はすでにリストにあります。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个名称 $1 已经在列单之中。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "清單內已經存在一個名稱 $1。"; Text[ arabic ] = " $1 ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De naam $1 komt reeds voor in de lijst."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "这个名称 $1 已经在列单之中。"; Text[ greek ] = " $1 ."; Text[ korean ] = "식별자 $1 은(는) 이미 목록에 있습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "$1 tanmlaycs nceden listede mevcut"; Text[ catalan ] = "L'identificador $1 ja existeix en la llista."; Text[ finnish ] = "Tunnus $1 on jo luettelossa."; Text[ thai ] = "ตัวระบุ $1 มีอยู่แล้วในรายการ"; Text[ czech ] = "Identifikátor $1 již v seznamu existuje."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮השם $1 כבר מופיע ברשימה.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "$1 अइड़ेन्टिफ़ैयर पहिले से ही सूची में है।"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 3 { Text = "Die Datenbank $1 konnte nicht geffnet werden."; Text [ english_us ] = "The database $1 could not be opened."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel abrir a base de dados $1."; Text[ russian ] = " $1."; Text[ dutch ] = "Database $1 kan niet worden geopend."; Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'ouvrir la base de donnes $1 !"; Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo abrir la base de datos $1."; Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile aprire il database $1."; Text[ danish ] = "Databasen $1 kunne ikke bnes."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att ppna databasen $1."; Text[ polish ] = "Otwarcie bazy danych $1 nie powiodo si."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Die Datenbank $1 konnte nicht ge?fnet werden."; Text[ japanese ] = "データベース $1 を開けませんでした。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法打开数据库 $1 。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法開啟資料庫 $1 。"; Text[ arabic ] = " $1."; Text[ dutch ] = "Database $1 kan niet worden geopend."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法打开数据库 $1 。"; Text[ greek ] = " $1."; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 $1 을(를) 열지 못했습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "$1 veritaban alamyor."; Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut obrir la base de dades $1."; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokantaa $1 ei voitu avata."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถเปิดฐานข้อมูล $1 ได้"; Text[ czech ] = "Databáze $1 nemůže být otevřena."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן לפתוח את מסד הנתונים $1.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "$1 लेखासंचय को नहीं खोल सकते है ।"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 4 { Text = "Die Tabelle wurde erstellt."; Text [ english_us ] = "The table has been created."; Text[ portuguese ] = "A tabela foi criada."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel is gemaakt."; Text[ french ] = "La table a t cre."; Text[ spanish ] = "Se ha creado la tabla."; Text[ italian ] = "La tabella stata creata."; Text[ danish ] = "Tabellen er oprettet."; Text[ swedish ] = "Tabellen har skapats."; Text[ polish ] = "Tabel utworzono."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Die Tabelle wurde erstellt."; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルは作成されました。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已经创建这个表格。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "已經製成表格。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel is gemaakt."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已经创建这个表格。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "테이블을 만들었습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Tablolar oluturuldu."; Text[ catalan ] = "S'ha creat la taula."; Text[ finnish ] = "Taulukko on luotu."; Text[ thai ] = "ยังไม่ได้สร้างตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = "Tabulka byla vytvořena."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הטבלה נוצרה.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सारणी को उत्पन्न किया है ।"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 5 { Text = "Die Tabelle konnte nicht erstellt werden."; Text [ english_us ] = "The table could not be created."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel criar a tabela."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel kan niet worden gemaakt."; Text[ french ] = "Impossible de crer la table !"; Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo crear la tabla."; Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile creare la tabella."; Text[ danish ] = "Tabellen kunne ikke oprettes."; Text[ swedish ] = "Det gick inte att skapa tabellen."; Text[ polish ] = "Utworzenie tabeli nie powiodo si."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Die Tabelle konnte nicht erstellt werden."; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルは作成できませんでした。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法创建这个表格。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "無法製作表格。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel kan niet worden gemaakt."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "无法创建这个表格。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "테이블을 만들지 못했습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo oluturulamad."; Text[ catalan ] = "No s'ha pogut crear la taula."; Text[ finnish ] = "Taulukkoa ei voitu luoda."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่สามารถสร้างตารางได้"; Text[ czech ] = "Tabulka nemohla být vytvořena."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא ניתן ליצור את הטבלה.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सारणी को उत्पन्न नहीं कर सकते है ।"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 6 { Text = ": Tabellentyp"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Table Type"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Tipo de tabela"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabeltype"; Text[ french ] = " : Type de table"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Tipo de tabla"; Text[ italian ] = ": Tipo tabella"; Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeltype"; Text[ swedish ] = ": tabelltyp"; Text[ polish ] = ": Typ tabeli"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabellentyp"; Text[ japanese ] = ": テーブルの種類"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":表格类型"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":表格類型"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabeltype"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":表格类型"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 테이블 유형"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo Tr"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Tipus de taula"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Taulukon tyyppi"; Text[ thai ] = ": ชนิดของตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Typ tabulky"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮קביעת סוג טבלה:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": सारणी वर्ग"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 7 { Text = ": Feldauswahl"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Slection de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = ": flturval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldauswahl"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フィールドの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":選擇欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 필드 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn valinta"; Text[ thai ] = ": เลือกเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr polí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת שדות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": क्षेत्र चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 8 { Text = ": Individualisierung"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Customization"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Personalizar"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": individualiseren"; Text[ french ] = " : Individualisation"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Personalizar"; Text[ italian ] = ": Personalizzato"; Text[ danish ] = ": Individualisering"; Text[ swedish ] = ": individualisering"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wasne ustawienia"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Individualisierung"; Text[ japanese ] = ": カスタマイズ"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":使用者自订"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":使用者自訂"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": individualiseren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":使用者自订"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 사용자 정의 설정"; Text[ turkish ] = ": zelletirme"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Personalitzaci"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Mukautus"; Text[ thai ] = ": กำหนดเอง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Úpravy"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮התאמה אישית:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": कस्टमैज़ेशन्"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 9 { Text = ": Tabelle Erstellen"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Table"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar tabela"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel maken"; Text[ french ] = " : Crer la table"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear tabla"; Text[ italian ] = ": Crea tabella"; Text[ danish ] = ": Opret tabel"; Text[ swedish ] = ": skapa tabell"; Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz tabel"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabelle Erstellen"; Text[ japanese ] = ": テーブルの作成"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作表格"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":製作表格"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel maken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作表格"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 테이블 만들기"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo Yarat"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Crea una taula"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Luo taulukko"; Text[ thai ] = ": สร้างตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Vytvořit tabulku"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירת טבלה:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": सारणी उत्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 10 { Text = "Datenbanken"; Text [ english_us ] = "Databases"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Bases de dados"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Databases"; Text[ french ] = "Bases de donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Bases de datos"; Text[ italian ] = "Database"; Text[ danish ] = "Databaser"; Text[ swedish ] = "Databaser"; Text[ polish ] = "Bazy danych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datenbanken"; Text[ japanese ] = "データベース"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資料庫"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Databases"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veriitabanlar"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Bases de dades"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokannat"; Text[ thai ] = "ฐานข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Databases"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מסדי נתונים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 11 { Text = "~Tabelle"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Table"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Tabela"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabel"; Text[ french ] = "Table"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Tabla"; Text[ italian ] = "~Tabella"; Text[ danish ] = "Ta~bel"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Tabell"; Text[ polish ] = "~Tabela"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Tabelle"; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブル(~T)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格(~T)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格(~T)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabel"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格(~T)"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "테이블(~T)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Taula"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tau~lukko:"; Text[ thai ] = "~ตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = "Tabulka"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טבלה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~सारणी"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 12 { Text = "~Feldvorschlge"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Proposed fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Campos propostos"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Veldvoorstellen"; Text[ french ] = "Propositions de champs"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos propuestos"; Text[ italian ] = "~Campi ~proposti"; Text[ danish ] = "~Feltforslag"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Fltfrslag"; Text[ polish ] = "~Proponowane pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Feldvorschl?ge"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールド候補(~P)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "建议字段(~P)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "建議的欄位(~P)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Veldvoorstellen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "建议字段(~P)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "필드 제안(~P)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~nerilen alanlar"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Camps proposats"; Text[ finnish ] = "~Ehdotetut kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เ~สนอเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Navrhovaná pole"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות מוצעים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~प्रस्तावित क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 13 { Text = "~bernommen"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Applied"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Aplicado"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Overgenomen"; Text[ french ] = "Champs appliqus"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Aplicado"; Text[ italian ] = "~Applicati"; Text[ danish ] = "~Anvendt"; Text[ swedish ] = "~vertagna"; Text[ polish ] = "~Zastosowano"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~?bernommen"; Text[ japanese ] = "適用(~A)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已经采用(~A)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "已經採用(~A)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Overgenomen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已经采用(~A)"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "적용됨(~A)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Uyguland"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Aplicats"; Text[ finnish ] = "K~ytss"; Text[ thai ] = "~ประยุกต์"; Text[ czech ] = "Aplikováno"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ייושם‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~लागू किया हुआ"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 14 { Text = "~Feldname"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Field name"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Nome de campo"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Veldnaam"; Text[ french ] = "Nom de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Nombre del campo"; Text[ italian ] = "~Nome campo"; Text[ danish ] = "~Feltnavn"; Text[ swedish ] = "~Fltnamn"; Text[ polish ] = "~Nazwa pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Feldname"; Text[ japanese ] = "フィールド名(~F)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段名称(~F)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "欄位名稱(~F)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Veldnaam"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "字段名称(~F)"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "필드 이름(~F)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Alan ismi"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Nom de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kentn ~nimi"; Text[ thai ] = "ชื่อเ~ขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Název pole"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שם שדה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~क्षेत्र नाम"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 15 { Text = "~bernehmen"; Text [ english_us ] = "~Apply"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Aplicar"; Text[ russian ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Overnemen"; Text[ french ] = "Appliquer"; Text[ spanish ] = "~Aplicar"; Text[ italian ] = "~Applica"; Text[ danish ] = "~Anvend"; Text[ swedish ] = "~verta"; Text[ polish ] = "~Zastosuj"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~?bernehmen"; Text[ japanese ] = "適用(~A)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "采用(~A)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "採用(~A)"; Text[ arabic ] = "~"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Overnemen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "采用(~A)"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "적용(~A)"; Text[ turkish ] = "~Uygula"; Text[ catalan ] = "~Aplica"; Text[ finnish ] = "K~yt"; Text[ thai ] = "ใ~ช้"; Text[ czech ] = "Aplikuj"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ישום‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "~लागू करो"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 16 { Text = "Nach dem Beenden..."; Text [ english_us ] = "After completion..."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Depois de pronto..."; Text[ russian ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Na het beindigen..."; Text[ french ] = "Aprs gnration..."; Text[ spanish ] = "Despus de terminar..."; Text[ italian ] = "Dopo il completamento..."; Text[ danish ] = "Efter frdiggrelsen..."; Text[ swedish ] = "Nr den r frdig..."; Text[ polish ] = "Po zakoczeniu..."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nach dem Beenden..."; Text[ japanese ] = "完了後..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后..."; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在完成之後..."; Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; Text[ dutch ] = "Na het beindigen..."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "完成之后..."; Text[ greek ] = " ..."; Text[ korean ] = "완료 후..."; Text[ turkish ] = "Tamamlamadan sonra..."; Text[ catalan ] = "En acabar..."; Text[ finnish ] = "Valmistumisen jlkeen..."; Text[ thai ] = "หลังจากเสร็จสมบูรณ์..."; Text[ czech ] = "Po dokončení..."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לאחר סיום...‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "समाप्ती के पश्चात..."; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 17 { Text = "~Daten in Tabelle eingeben"; Text [ english_us ] = "Enter data in the table"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Inserir dados na tabela"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevens invoeren in tabel"; Text[ french ] = "Saisir les donnes dans la table"; Text[ spanish ] = "Introducir los datos en la tabla"; Text[ italian ] = "Inserisci i dati nella tabella"; Text[ danish ] = "Indtast ~data i tabel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Mata in data i tabell"; Text[ polish ] = "~Wprowad dane do tabeli"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Daten in Tabelle eingeben"; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルにデータを入力する"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据输入表格之中"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "在表格內輸入數據"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevens invoeren in tabel"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据输入表格之中"; Text[ greek ] = " ~ "; Text[ korean ] = "테이블에 데이터 입력"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tablolara veri girin"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Introdueix les dades en la taula"; Text[ finnish ] = "Syt tiedot taulukkoon"; Text[ thai ] = "ใส่ข้อมูลในตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = "Zadejte data do tabulky"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הכנסת נתונים לטבלה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सारणी में ड़ॉटा प्रविष्ट करो"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 18 { Text = "Tabelle ~anzeigen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Show table"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Mostrar ~tabela"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel ~weergeven"; Text[ french ] = "Afficher la table"; Text[ spanish ] = "Mostrar la tabla"; Text[ italian ] = "Mostra tabella"; Text[ danish ] = "~Vis tabel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Visa tabell"; Text[ polish ] = "Poka tabel"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabelle ~anzeigen"; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルを表示する"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示表格"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "顯示表格"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel ~weergeven"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示表格"; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ korean ] = "테이블 표시"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tabloyu gster"; Text[ catalan ] = "mostra la taula"; Text[ finnish ] = "Nyt taulukko"; Text[ thai ] = "แสดงตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = "Zobrazit tabulku"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הצגת טבלה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सारणी दिखाओ"; }; String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 19 { Text = "Tabelle ~nicht anzeigen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Do not show table"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~No mostrar tabela"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel ~niet weergeven"; Text[ french ] = "Ne pas afficher la table"; Text[ spanish ] = "No mostrar la tabla"; Text[ italian ] = "Non mostrare tabella"; Text[ danish ] = "Vis ~ikke tabel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Visa inte tabell"; Text[ polish ] = "Nie pokazuj tabeli"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabelle ~nicht anzeigen"; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブルを表示しない"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不显示表格"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "不顯示表格"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel ~niet weergeven"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "不显示表格"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "테이블을 표시하지 않음"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tabloyu gsterme"; Text[ catalan ] = "No mostris la taula"; Text[ finnish ] = "l nyt taulukkoa"; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่แสดงตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = "Nezobrazovat tabulku"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ללא הצגת טבלה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सारणी को मत दिखाओ"; }; // ============================================================================ String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 0 { Text = "AutoPilot Tabellenelement"; Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Table Element"; Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de tabela"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabelelement"; Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'lment de table"; Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Elemento de tabla"; Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Elemento tabella"; Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot Tabelelement"; Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot fr tabellelement"; Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot: Element tabeli"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoPilot Tabellenelement"; Text[ japanese ] = "オートパイロット テーブル構成要素"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 - 表格单元"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動檔案助理 - 表格單元"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabelelement"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 - 表格单元"; Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot"; Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 테이블 요소"; Text[ turkish ] = "AutoPilot Tablo Elementi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Element de taula de l'AutoPilot"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu taulukkoelementin luominen"; Text[ thai ] = "นำร่ององค์ประกอบตารางอัตโนมัติ "; Text[ czech ] = "Průvodce tabulárním prvkem"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮פריט טייס אוטומטי עבור טבלה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ओटोपैलट् सारणी ऐलिमेन्ट्"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 1 { Text = "Tabellenelement erzeugen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Create table element"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Criar elemento de tabela"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabelelement maken"; Text[ french ] = "Crer un lment de table"; Text[ spanish ] = "Crear un elemento de tabla"; Text[ italian ] = "Crea elemento tabella"; Text[ danish ] = "Opret tabelelement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Skapa tabellelement"; Text[ polish ] = "Utwrz element tabeli"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabellenelement erzeugen"; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブル構成要素の作成"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成表格元件"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "製作表格元件"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabelelement maken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成表格元件"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "테이블 요소 만들기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo bileeni olutur"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Crea un element de taula"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luo taulukkoelementti"; Text[ thai ] = "สร้างองค์ประกอบตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = "Vytvořit prvek tabulky"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירת פריט טבלה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सारणी का ऐलिमेन्ट् उत्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 2 { Text = " (Datum)"; Text [ english_us ] = "(Date)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "(Data)"; Text[ russian ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(Datum)"; Text[ french ] = "(Date)"; Text[ spanish ] = "(Fecha)"; Text[ italian ] = "(Data)"; Text[ danish ] = " (Dato)"; Text[ swedish ] = "(Datum)"; Text[ polish ] = "(Data)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(Datum)"; Text[ japanese ] = "(日付)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(日期)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = " (日期)"; Text[ arabic ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(Datum)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(日期)"; Text[ greek ] = "()"; Text[ korean ] = "(날짜)"; Text[ turkish ] = "(Tarih]"; Text[ catalan ] = "(Data)"; Text[ finnish ] = "(Pivmr)"; Text[ thai ] = "(วันที่)"; Text[ czech ] = "(Date)"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮(תאריך)‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "(दिनांक)"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 3 { Text = " (Zeit)"; Text [ english_us ] = "(Time)"; Text[ portuguese ] = "(hora)"; Text[ russian ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(Tijd)"; Text[ french ] = "(Heure)"; Text[ spanish ] = "(Hora)"; Text[ italian ] = "(Ora)"; Text[ danish ] = " (Klokkeslt)"; Text[ swedish ] = "(Tid)"; Text[ polish ] = "(Godzina)"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(Zeit)"; Text[ japanese ] = "(時刻)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(时间)"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = " (時間)"; Text[ arabic ] = "()"; Text[ dutch ] = "(Tijd)"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(时间)"; Text[ greek ] = "()"; Text[ korean ] = "(시간)"; Text[ turkish ] = "(Zaman)"; Text[ catalan ] = "(Hora)"; Text[ finnish ] = "(Aika)"; Text[ thai ] = "(เวลา)"; Text[ czech ] = "(Čas)"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮(זמן)‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "(समय)"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 4 { Text = "Tabellenelement_"; Text [ english_us ] = "Table Element_"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Elemento de tabela_"; Text[ russian ] = " _"; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabelelement_"; Text[ french ] = "lment de table_"; Text[ spanish ] = "Elemento de tabla_"; Text[ italian ] = "Elemento tabella_"; Text[ danish ] = "Tabelelement_"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tabellelement_"; Text[ polish ] = "Element tabeli_"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabellenelement_"; Text[ japanese ] = "テーブル構成要素_"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格元件_"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "表格元件_"; Text[ arabic ] = " _"; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabelelement_"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "表格元件_"; Text[ greek ] = " _"; Text[ korean ] = "테이블 요소_"; Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo Eleman_"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Element_ de la taula"; Text[ finnish ] = "Taulukkoelementti_"; Text[ thai ] = "องค์ประกอบตาราง_"; Text[ czech ] = "Tabulkový prvek_"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮פריט טבלה_‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सारणी ऐलिमेन्ट्_"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 5 { Text = ": Tabellenauswahl"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Table Selection"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de tabela"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Slection de table"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de tabla"; Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione tabella"; Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeludvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = ": tabellurval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr tabeli"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabellenauswahl"; Text[ japanese ] = ": テーブルの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择表格"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":選擇表格"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择表格"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 테이블 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo seimi"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de taula"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Taulukon valinta"; Text[ thai ] = ": เลือกตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr tabulky"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת טבלאות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": सारणी चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 6 { Text = ": Feldauswahl"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Slection de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = ": flturval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldauswahl"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フィールドの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":選擇欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 필드 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn valinta"; Text[ thai ] = ": เลือกเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr polí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת שדות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": क्षेत्र चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 7 { Text = ": Feldausrichtung"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Alignment"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Alinhamento de campo"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld uitlijnen"; Text[ french ] = " : Alignement de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Alineacin de campo"; Text[ italian ] = ": Allineamento del campo"; Text[ danish ] = ": Feltjustering"; Text[ swedish ] = ": fltjustering"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wyrwnanie pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldausrichtung"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フィールドの配置"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":字段对齐"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":調整欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld uitlijnen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":字段对齐"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 필드 맞춤"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan Hizalama"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Alineaci de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn tasaus"; Text[ thai ] = ": จัดตำแหน่งเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Zarovnání polí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יישור שדות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": क्षेत्र पंक्तिकरण"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 8 { Text = ": Vorlagen"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Styles"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Estilos"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": opmaakprofielen"; Text[ french ] = " : Styles"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Estilos"; Text[ italian ] = ": Modelli"; Text[ danish ] = ": Typografier"; Text[ swedish ] = ": mallar"; Text[ polish ] = ": Style"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Vorlagen"; Text[ japanese ] = ": スタイル"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":样式"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":樣式"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": opmaakprofielen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":样式"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 스타일"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Biemler"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Estils"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Tyylit"; Text[ thai ] = ": ลักษณะ"; Text[ czech ] = ": Styles"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮סגנונות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": शैलियाँ"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 9 { Text = ": Formular erstellen"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Form"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar formulrio"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; Text[ french ] = " : Crer le formulaire"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear formulario"; Text[ italian ] = ": Crea formulario"; Text[ danish ] = ": Opret formular"; Text[ swedish ] = ": skapa formulr"; Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz formularz"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Formular erstellen"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フォームの作成"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作表单"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":製作表單"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作表单"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 양식 만들기"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Form Yarat"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Crea un formulari"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Luo lomake"; Text[ thai ] = ": สร้างแบบฟอร์ม"; Text[ czech ] = ": Vytvoření formuláře"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירת טופס:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": फ़ार्म उत्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 10 { Text = "Datenbank"; Text [ english_us ] = "Database"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Base de dados"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Database"; Text[ french ] = "Base de donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Base de datos"; Text[ italian ] = "Database"; Text[ danish ] = "Database"; Text[ swedish ] = "Databas"; Text[ polish ] = "Baza danych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datenbank"; Text[ japanese ] = "データベース"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資料庫"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Database"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数据库"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veritaban"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Base de dades"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tietokanta"; Text[ thai ] = "ฐานข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Database"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מסד נתונים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "लेखासंचय"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 11 { Text = "~Vorhandene Felder"; Text [ english_us ] = "Existing fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; Text[ french ] = "Champs existants"; Text[ spanish ] = "Campos existentes"; Text[ italian ] = "Campi disponibili"; Text[ danish ] = "~Eksisterende felter"; Text[ swedish ] = "Existerande flt"; Text[ polish ] = "~Istniejce pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Vorhandene Felder"; Text[ japanese ] = "既存フィールド"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "現有的欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "기존 필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Varolan alanlar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camps existents"; Text[ finnish ] = "Nykyiset kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูลที่มีอยู่แล้ว"; Text[ czech ] = "Existing fields"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות קיימים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "अस्तित्व में रहनेवाला क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 12 { Text = "~Ausgewhlte Felder"; Text [ english_us ] = "Selected fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Campos seleccionados"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Geselecteerde velden"; Text[ french ] = "Champs slectionns"; Text[ spanish ] = "Campos seleccionados"; Text[ italian ] = "Campi selezionati"; Text[ danish ] = "~Udvalgte felter"; Text[ swedish ] = "Utvalda flt"; Text[ polish ] = "~Wybrane pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Ausgew?hlte Felder"; Text[ japanese ] = "選択したフィールド"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已经选择的字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "選中的欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Geselecteerde velden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "已经选择的字段"; Text[ greek ] = "~ "; Text[ korean ] = "선택된 필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Seili alanlar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camps seleccionats"; Text[ finnish ] = "Valitut kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เลือกเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Vybraná pole"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות נבחרים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "चुने हुए क्षेत्र"; }; // ============================================================================ String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 0 { Text = "AutoPilot - Kombinationsfeld"; Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot - Combo Box"; Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Caixa de combinao"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot - Combinatieveld"; Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote - Zone combine"; Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Cuadro combinado"; Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Casella combinata"; Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - kombinationsboks"; Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot - kombinationsflt"; Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot: Pole kombi"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Option Group AutoPilot"; Text[ japanese ] = "オートパイロット コンボボックス"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 - 组合栏"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動檔案助理 - 組合欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot - Combinatieveld"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文件助理 - 组合栏"; Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot"; Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 - 콤보 상자"; Text[ turkish ] = "AutoPilot - Birleik Kutusu"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "AutoPilot - Quadre combinat"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu toiminto - yhdistelmruutu"; Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องอัตโนมัติ - กล่องคอมโบ้ "; Text[ czech ] = "Průvodce - rozbalovací seznam"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טייס אוטומטי - תיבה משולבת‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ओटोपैलट् - कॉम्बो बॉक्स"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 1 { Text = "AutoPilot - Listenfeld"; Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot - List Box"; Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto- Caixa de listagem"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot - Keuzelijst"; Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote - Zone de liste"; Text[ spanish ] = "Piloto automtico - Listado"; Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Casella di riepilogo"; Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - rulleliste"; Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot - listruta"; Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot: Pole listy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Create group"; Text[ japanese ] = "オートパイロット リストボックス"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文档助理 - 列单栏"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "自動檔案助理 - 清單方塊"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot - Keuzelijst"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "自动文档助理 - 列单栏"; Text[ greek ] = " - "; Text[ korean ] = "자동 파일럿 - 목록 상자"; Text[ turkish ] = "AutoPilot - Liste Kutusu"; Text[ catalan ] = "Auto Pilot - Camp de llista"; Text[ finnish ] = "Ohjattu toiminto - luetteloruutu"; Text[ thai ] = "นำร่องอัตโนมัติ - กล่องรายการ"; Text[ czech ] = "Průvodce - seznam"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טייס אוטומטי - רשימה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "ओटोपैलट् - सूची बॉक्स"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 2 { Text = "Kontrollfeld erzeugen"; Text [ english_us ] = "Create Control"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Criar controlo"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Controleveld maken"; Text[ french ] = "Crer un lment de contrle"; Text[ spanish ] = "Crear campo de control"; Text[ italian ] = "Crea controllo"; Text[ danish ] = "Opret kontrolelement"; Text[ swedish ] = "Skapa kontrollflt"; Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz pole kontrolne"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Select Table"; Text[ japanese ] = "コントロールの作成"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成控制"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "建立控制項"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Controleveld maken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "生成控制"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "컨트롤 만들기"; Text[ turkish ] = "Kontrol Olutur"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Crea un control"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luo ohjausobjekti"; Text[ thai ] = "สร้างตัวควบคุม"; Text[ czech ] = "Vytvořit ovládací prvek"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירת פקד‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "नियंत्रण उत्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 3 { Text = "KombinationsListfeld_"; Text [ english_us ] = "Combo Box Field_"; Text[ portuguese ] = "CaixaCombinadaLista_"; Text[ russian ] = "_"; Text[ dutch ] = "CombinatieKeuzelijst_"; Text[ french ] = "Zone de liste combine_"; Text[ spanish ] = "Campo de cuadro combinado_"; Text[ italian ] = "Campo casella combinata_"; Text[ danish ] = "KombinationsRulleliste_"; Text[ swedish ] = "Kombinationslistruta_"; Text[ polish ] = "Pole kombi_"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Select Option"; Text[ japanese ] = "コンボボックスフィールド_"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "组合列单字段_"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":組合清單欄位_"; Text[ arabic ] = " _"; Text[ dutch ] = "CombinatieKeuzelijst_"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "组合列单字段_"; Text[ greek ] = "_"; Text[ korean ] = "콤보 상자 필드_"; Text[ turkish ] = "Birleik Kutu Alan_"; Text[ catalan ] = "Combo Box Field_"; Text[ finnish ] = "Yhdistelmruudun kentt_"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูล กล่องคอมโบ้_"; Text[ czech ] = "Pole kombinovaného seznamu_"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדה קומבו בוקס_‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "कॉम्बो बॉक्स क्षेत्र_"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 4 { Text = ": Tabellenauswahl"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Table Selection"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de tabela"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Slection de table"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de tabla"; Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione tabella"; Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeludvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = ": tabellurval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr tabeli"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Select Default Option"; Text[ japanese ] = ": テーブルの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择表格"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":選擇表格"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择表格"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 테이블 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo seimi"; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de taula"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Taulukon valinta"; Text[ thai ] = ": เลือกตาราง"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr tabulky"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת טבלאות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": सारणी चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 5 { Text = ": Feldauswahl"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ french ] = " : Slection de champ"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; Text[ swedish ] = ": flturval"; Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Field Value"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フィールドの選択"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":選擇欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":选择字段"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 필드 선택"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Selecci de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Kentn valinta"; Text[ thai ] = ": เลือกเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Výběr polí"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮בחירת שדות:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": क्षेत्र चुनाव"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 6 { Text = ": Feldverknpfung"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Link"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Ligao de campo"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": velden koppelen"; Text[ french ] = " : Liaison de champs"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Vnculo de campo"; Text[ italian ] = ": Collegamento campo"; Text[ danish ] = ": Feltkde"; Text[ swedish ] = ": fltlnk"; Text[ polish ] = ": Poczenie pl"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Database Field"; Text[ japanese ] = ": フィールドへのリンク"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":字段链接"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":欄位捷徑"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": velden koppelen"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":字段链接"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 필드 링크"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan balants"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Enlla de camp"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Kenttlinkki"; Text[ thai ] = ": ตัวเชื่อมโยงเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Odkaz na pole"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮קשר עם שדה:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": क्षेत्र लिंक"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 7 { Text = ": Datenverarbeitung"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Data Processing"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Processamento de dados"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": gegevens verwerken"; Text[ french ] = " : Traitement des donnes"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Procesamiento de datos"; Text[ italian ] = ": Elaborazione dati"; Text[ danish ] = ": Databehandling"; Text[ swedish ] = ": databearbetning"; Text[ polish ] = ": Przetwarzanie danych"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Create Option Group"; Text[ japanese ] = ": データ処理"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":数据处理"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":處理資料"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": gegevens verwerken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":数据处理"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 데이터 처리"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Veri leme"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Processament de dades"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Tietojen ksittely"; Text[ thai ] = ": กำลังประมวลผลข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = ": Zpracování dat"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮עיבוד נתונים:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": डॉटा कार्यवाही हो रहा है"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 8 { Text = ": Formular erstellen"; Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Form"; Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar formulrio"; Text[ russian ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; Text[ french ] = " : Crer le formulaire"; Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear formulario"; Text[ italian ] = ": Crea formulario"; Text[ danish ] = ": Opret formular"; Text[ swedish ] = ": skapa formulr"; Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz formularz"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "In this dialog, you can specify all label names for the options."; Text[ japanese ] = ": フォームの作成"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作表单"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ":製作表單"; Text[ arabic ] = ": "; Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ":制作表单"; Text[ greek ] = ": "; Text[ korean ] = ": 양식 만들기"; Text[ turkish ] = ": Form Yarat"; Text[ catalan ] = ": Crea un formulari"; Text[ finnish ] = ": Luo lomake"; Text[ thai ] = ": สร้างแบบฟอร์ม"; Text[ czech ] = ": Vytvoření formuláře"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮יצירת טופס:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = ": फ़ार्म उत्पन्न करो"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 9 { Text = "~Wertetabelle"; Text [ english_us ] = "Table of Values"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Tabela de valores"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Waardentabel"; Text[ french ] = "Table des valeurs"; Text[ spanish ] = "Tabla de valores"; Text[ italian ] = "Tabella valori"; Text[ danish ] = "~Vrditabel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vrdetabell"; Text[ polish ] = "Tabela z wartociami"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Which label do you want for each option?"; Text[ japanese ] = "数値テーブル"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数值表格"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "數值表格"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Waardentabel"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "数值表格"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "값 테이블"; Text[ turkish ] = "Deerle Tablosu"; Text[ catalan ] = "Taula de valors"; Text[ finnish ] = "Arvoluettelo"; Text[ thai ] = "ตารางค่า"; Text[ czech ] = "Tabulka hodnot"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טבלת ערכים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "मूल्यों का टेबल्"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 10 { Text = "Tabelle fr ~Listeninhalt"; Text [ english_us ] = "Table for list content"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Tabela para ~contedo das listas"; Text[ russian ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel voor ~lijstinhoud"; Text[ french ] = "Table pour le contenu des listes"; Text[ spanish ] = "Tabla para el contenido de lista"; Text[ italian ] = "Tabella per contenuto elenco"; Text[ danish ] = "Tabel til ~listeindhold"; Text[ swedish ] = "Tabell fr listinnehll"; Text[ polish ] = "Tabela na zawarto listy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Option"; Text[ japanese ] = "リスト内容の表"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列单内容的表格"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "清單內容表格"; Text[ arabic ] = " ~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel voor ~lijstinhoud"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列单内容的表格"; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ korean ] = "목록 내용표 "; Text[ turkish ] = "Liste ierik tablosu"; Text[ catalan ] = "Taula per al contingut de la llista"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luettelon sislttaulukko"; Text[ thai ] = "ตารางรายการเนื้อหา"; Text[ czech ] = "Tabulka s obsahem pro seznam"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮טבלה עבור תוכן רשימה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सूची का विषय के लिए सारणी"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 11 { Text = "~Vorhandene Felder"; Text [ english_us ] = "Existing fields"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Bestaande ~velden"; Text[ french ] = "Champs existants"; Text[ spanish ] = "Campos existentes"; Text[ italian ] = "Campi disponibili"; Text[ danish ] = "~Eksisterende felter"; Text[ swedish ] = "Existerande flt"; Text[ polish ] = "Istniejce pola"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Should one option button be the default choice?"; Text[ japanese ] = "既存フィールド"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "現存的欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "Bestaande ~velden"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "现有的字段"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "기존 필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Mevcut alanlar"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camps existents"; Text[ finnish ] = "Nykyiset kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูลที่มีอยู่แล้ว"; Text[ czech ] = "Existing fields"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדות קיימים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "अस्तित्व में रहनेवाला क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 12 { Text = "~Anzeigefeld"; Text [ english_us ] = "Display field"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Campo de visualizao"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Weergaveveld"; Text[ french ] = "Champ d'affichage"; Text[ spanish ] = "Campo de visualizacin"; Text[ italian ] = "Campo di visualizzazione"; Text[ danish ] = "~Visningsfelt"; Text[ swedish ] = "Visningsflt:"; Text[ polish ] = "Pole wywietlania"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yes, the default choice is:"; Text[ japanese ] = "表示フィールド"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示栏"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "顯示欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; Text[ dutch ] = "~Weergaveveld"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "显示栏"; Text[ greek ] = " "; Text[ korean ] = "표시 필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Alan gster"; Text[ catalan ] = "Visualitza el camp"; Text[ finnish ] = "Nyt kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "แสดงผลเขตข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Zobrazit pole"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮הצגת שדה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "क्षेत्र दिखाओ"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 13 { Text = "Der Inhalt des ausgewhlten Feldes wird in der Liste des Kombinationsfeldes angezeigt."; Text [ english_us ] = "The contents of the field selected will be shown in the combo box list."; Text[ portuguese ] = "O contedo do campo seleccionado ser mostrado na lista da caixa de combinao."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de lijst onder het combinatieveld weergegeven.."; Text[ french ] = "Le contenu du champ slectionn sera affich dans la liste de la zone combine."; Text[ spanish ] = "El contenido del campo seleccionado se mostrar en la lista del cuadro combinado."; Text[ italian ] = "Il contenuto del campo selezionato viene mostrato nell'elenco della casella combinata."; Text[ danish ] = "Indholdet af det valgte felt vises p kombinationsfeltets liste."; Text[ swedish ] = "Innehllet i det valda fltet visas i kombinationsfltets lista."; Text[ polish ] = "Zawarto wybranego pola wywietlona zostanie na licie pola kombi."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No, no I don't want an option to be the default."; Text[ japanese ] = "選択したフィールドの内容は、コンボボックスのリストに表示されます。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选中的字段的内容会显示在组合栏的列单内。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "已經選中的欄位內容會顯示在組合欄位的清單方塊之中。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de lijst onder het combinatieveld weergegeven.."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "选中的字段的内容会显示在组合栏的列单内。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "선택된 필드의 내용이 콤보 상자의 목록에 표시됩니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Seilen alanlarn ierikleri bileim kutusunda gsterilecek."; Text[ catalan ] = "El contingut del camp seleccionat es mostrar a la llista del camp combinat."; Text[ finnish ] = "Valitun kentn sislt nytetn yhdistelmruudun luettelossa."; Text[ thai ] = "เนื้อหาของเขตข้อมูลที่เลือกจะถูกแสดงในรายการของกล่องคอมโบ้ "; Text[ czech ] = "Obsah vybraného pole bude zobrazen v rozbalovacím seznamu."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תוכן השדה הנבחר יוצג בקומבו בוקס.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "चुने हुए क्षेत्र का विषयों कॉम्बो बॉक्स सूची में दिखलाया जाएगा ।"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 14 { Text = "Der Inhalt des ausgewhlten Feldes wird in dem Listenfeld angezeigt, wenn die ver- knpften Felder berein- stimmen"; Text [ english_us ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown in the list box if the linked fields are identical."; Text[ portuguese ] = "O contedo do campo seleccionado ser mostrado na lista se os campos ligados coincidirem."; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de keuzelijst weergegeven als de gekoppelde velden overeenkomen."; Text[ french ] = "Le contenu du champ slectionn sera affich dans la zone de liste condition que les champs lis concident."; Text[ spanish ] = "El contenido del campo seleccionado se mostrar en el listado siempre y cuando los campos vinculados coincidan."; Text[ italian ] = "Il contenuto del campo selezionato verr mostrato nella casella di riepilogo se i campi collegati coincidono."; Text[ danish ] = "Indholdet af det valgte felt vises p rullelisten, nr de kdede felter stemmer overens"; Text[ swedish ] = "Innehllet i det valda fltet visas i listrutan om de lnkade flten stmmer verens."; Text[ polish ] = "Jeli poczone pola si zgadzaj, zawarto wybranego pola wywietlona zostanie w polu listy."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "If an option has been selected, a specific value will be assigned to the option group."; Text[ japanese ] = "選択したフィールドの内容は、リンクするフィールドと一致するときにリストボックスに表示されます。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "如果链接的字段相一致,选中的字段内容就会显示在列单栏内。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "如果連結的欄位相一致,被選中的欄位內容會顯示在清單方塊內。"; Text[ arabic ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de keuzelijst weergegeven als de gekoppelde velden overeenkomen."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "如果链接的字段相一致,选中的字段内容就会显示在列单栏内。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "연결된 필드가 일치하면 선택된 필드의 내용이 목록 상자에 표시됩니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Eer balantl alanlar e ise, seilen alann ierii liste kutusunda grntlenecektir."; Text[ catalan ] = "El contingut del camp seleccionat es mostrar en el llistat si coincideixen els camps enllaats."; Text[ finnish ] = "Valitun kentn sislt nytetn luetteloruudussa, jos linkitetyt kentt ovat identtiset."; Text[ thai ] = "เนื้อหาของเขตข้อมูลที่เลือกจะถูกแสดงในกล่องรายการถ้าเขตข้อมูลที่เชื่อมโยงเหมือนกัน"; Text[ czech ] = "Obsah vybraného pole bude zobrazen v rozbalovacím seznamu, pokud jsou propojená pole identická."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮תוכן השדה הנבחר יוצג בתיבת הרשימה בתנאי שהשדות המקושרים זהים.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "अगर लिंक किया हुआ क्षेत्र समान है ,तो चुने हुए क्षेत्र का विषयों सूची बॉक्स में दिखलाया जाएगा ।"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 15 { Text = "Info"; Text [ english_us ] = "Information"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Informao"; Text[ russian ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Info"; Text[ french ] = "Information"; Text[ spanish ] = "Informacin"; Text[ italian ] = "Info"; Text[ danish ] = "Info"; Text[ swedish ] = "Info"; Text[ polish ] = "Informacja"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Which value do you want to be assigned to each option?"; Text[ japanese ] = "情報"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "信息"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "資訊"; Text[ arabic ] = ""; Text[ dutch ] = "Info"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "信息"; Text[ greek ] = ""; Text[ korean ] = "정보"; Text[ turkish ] = "Bilgi"; Text[ catalan ] = "Informaci"; Text[ finnish ] = "Tiedot"; Text[ thai ] = "ข้อมูล"; Text[ czech ] = "Information"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮מידע‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सूचना"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 16 { Text = "Feld aus der ~Wertetabelle"; Text [ english_us ] = "Field from the values table"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Campo da ~tabela de valores"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~waardentabel"; Text[ french ] = "Champ de la table des valeurs"; Text[ spanish ] = "Campo de la tabla de valores"; Text[ italian ] = "Campo dalla tabella dei valori"; Text[ danish ] = "Felt fra ~vrditabel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Flt frn vrdetabellen"; Text[ polish ] = "Pole z tabeli wartoci"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "You can save the option group value in a database field or use it for a later action."; Text[ japanese ] = "数値テーブルからのフィールド"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "从数值表格生成字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "從數值表格產生欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~waardentabel"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "从数值表格生成字段"; Text[ greek ] = " ~ "; Text[ korean ] = "수치 테이블로부터의 필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Deerler tablosundan bir alan"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camp de la taula de valors"; Text[ finnish ] = "Arvotaulukon kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูลจากตารางค่า"; Text[ czech ] = "Pole z tabulky hodnot"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדה מטבלת הערכים‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "मूल्य सारणी का क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 17 { Text = "Feld aus der ~Listentabelle"; Text [ english_us ] = "Field from the list table"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Campo da ~tabela de listagem"; Text[ russian ] = " "; Text[ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~lijsttabel"; Text[ french ] = "Champ de la table de liste"; Text[ spanish ] = "Campo del listado"; Text[ italian ] = "Campo dalla tabella di elenco"; Text[ danish ] = "Felt fra ~listetabel"; Text[ swedish ] = "Flt frn listtabellen"; Text[ polish ] = "Pole z tabeli listy"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Do you want to save the value in a database field?"; Text[ japanese ] = "リストテーブルからのフィールド"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "从列单表格生成字段"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "從清單表格產生欄位"; Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; Text[ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~lijsttabel"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "从列单表格生成字段"; Text[ greek ] = " ~"; Text[ korean ] = "목록표로부터의 필드"; Text[ turkish ] = "Liste tablosundaki alan"; Text[ catalan ] = "Camp de la taula de llistes"; Text[ finnish ] = "Luettelotaulukon kentt"; Text[ thai ] = "เขตข้อมูลจากตารางรายการ"; Text[ czech ] = "Pole z tabulky pro seznam"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮שדה מטבלת הרשימה‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "सूची सारणी का क्षेत्र"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 18 { Text = "Sie knnen den Wert des Kombinationsfeldes entweder in einem Datenbankfeld speichern oder ihn nur zum Anzeigen verwenden."; Text [ english_us ] = "You can either save the value of the combo box in a database field or use it for display purposes."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Poder guardar o valor da caixa de combinao num campo da base de dados ou utiliz-lo apenas para visualizao."; Text[ russian ] = " ."; Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van het combinatieveld in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen weergeven."; Text[ french ] = "Vous pouvez soit enregistrer la valeur de la zone combine dans un champ de base de donnes, soit l'utiliser seulement pour l'affichage."; Text[ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del cuadro combinado en un campo de base de datos o utilizarlo slo para visualizarlo."; Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore della casella combinata in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo solo per visualizzarlo."; Text[ danish ] = "Vrdien fra kombinationsboksen kan enten gemmes i et databasefelt eller anvendes udelukkende til visning."; Text[ swedish ] = "Du kan antingen spara kombinationsfltets vrde i ett databasflt eller bara anvnda det fr visning."; Text[ polish ] = "Warto pola kombi mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej tylko do wywietlenia."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yes, in the following database:"; Text[ japanese ] = "コンボボックスの値は、データベースフィールドに保存するか、あるいは表示用でしか使用できません。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "组合栏之中的数值可以存入数据库字段或者用于显示。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您能夠將組合欄位的數值存入一個資料庫內或用於顯示這些數值。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ʡ ."; Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van het combinatieveld in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen weergeven."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "组合栏之中的数值可以存入数据库字段或者用于显示。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "콤보 상자의 값을 데이터베이스 필드에 저장하거나 표시용으로 사용할 수 있습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Ya veritabanndaki birleik kutudaki deerleri kaydedebilirsiniz, yada gstermak amac ile kullanabilrisiniz."; Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; Text[ catalan ] = "Podeu desar el valor dels quadres combinats a la base de dades o utilitzar-los noms per mostrar-los."; Text[ finnish ] = "Voit joko tallentaa yhdistelmruudun arvon tietokannan kenttn tai nytt sen."; Text[ thai ] = "คุณสามารถบันทึกค่าของกล่องคอมโบ้ ในเขตข้อมูลของฐานข้อมูลหรือไม่ก็ใช้มันเพื่อแสดงวัตถุประสงค์"; Text[ czech ] = "Buď můžete vybranou hodnotu uložit do pole v databázi a nebo ji použít k nějaké další akci."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ניתן לשמור את ערך הקומבו בוקס במסד הנתונים או להשתמש בו לתצוגה בלבד.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "आप कॉम्बो क्षेत्र का मूल्य को लेखासंचय क्षेत्र में संचित कर सकते है अथवा केवल दिखाने के लिए उपयोग कर सकते है ।"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 19 { Text = "Sie knnen den Wert des Listenfeldes entweder in einem Datenbankfeld speichern oder ihn nur zum Anzeigen verwenden."; Text [ english_us ] = "You can either save the value of the list field in a database field or use it for display purposes."; Text[ portuguese ] = "Poder guardar o valor da caixa de listagem num campo da base de dados ou utiliz-lo apenas para visualizao."; Text[ russian ] = " , ."; Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de keuzelijst in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen weergeven."; Text[ french ] = "Vous pouvez soit enregistrer la valeur de la zone de liste dans un champ de base de donnes, soit l'utiliser seulement pour l'affichage."; Text[ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del listado en un campo de base de datos o utilizarlo slo para visualizarlo."; Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore della casella di riepilogo in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo per visualizzarlo."; Text[ danish ] = "Vrdien fra rullelisten kan enten gemmes i et databasefelt eller anvendes udelukkende til visning."; Text[ swedish ] = "Du kan antingen spara listrutans vrde i ett databasflt eller bara anvnda det fr visning."; Text[ polish ] = "Warto pola listy mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej tylko do wywietlenia."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No, I want to save the value only in the form."; Text[ japanese ] = "リストフィールドの値は、データベースに保存するか、あるいは表示用でしか使用できません。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列单字段之中的数值可以存入数据库字段或者用于显示。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您能夠在資料庫內儲存一個數值或僅於顯示這個資料。"; Text[ arabic ] = " ʡ ."; Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de keuzelijst in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen weergeven."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "列单字段之中的数值可以存入数据库字段或者用于显示。"; Text[ greek ] = " ."; Text[ korean ] = "목록 필드의 값을 데이터베이스 필드에 저장하거나 표시용으로 사용할 수 있습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Liste alanndaki deeri bir veritaban alanna veya daha sonra grnm amal kullanmak iin kaydedebilirsiniz."; Text[ catalan ] = "Podeu desar el valor del llistat en un camp de la base de dades o utilitzar-lo noms per mostrar-lo."; Text[ finnish ] = "Voit joko tallentaa luettelokentn arvon tietokannan kenttn tai nytt sen."; Text[ thai ] = "คุณสามารถบันทึกค่าของเขตข้อมูลรายการในเขตข้อมูลของฐานข้อมูลหรือไม่ก็ใช้มันเพื่อแสดงวัตถุประสงค์"; Text[ czech ] = "Buď můžete vybranou hodnotu uložit do pole v databázi a nebo ji použít k nějaké další akci."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮ניתן לשמור את ערך שדה הרשימה במסד הנתונים או להשתמש בו לתצוגה בלבד.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "आप सूची क्षेत्र का मूल्य को लेखासंचय क्षेत्र में संचित कर सकते है अथवा केवल दिखाने के लिए उपयोग कर सकते है ।"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 20 { Text = "Mchten Sie den Wert in einem Datenbankfeld speichern?"; Text [ english_us ] = "Do you want to save the value in a database field?"; Text[ portuguese ] = "Guardar o valor num campo da base de dados?"; Text[ russian ] = " ?"; Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde in een databaseveld opslaan?"; Text[ french ] = "Enregistrer la valeur dans un champ de base de donnes ?"; Text[ spanish ] = "Desea guardar el valor en un campo de base de datos?"; Text[ italian ] = "Volete salvare il valore in un campo database?"; Text[ danish ] = "Vil du gemme vrdien i et databasefelt?"; Text[ swedish ] = "Vill du spara vrdet i ett databasflt?"; Text[ polish ] = "Czy zapisa warto w polu bazy danych?"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "What caption do you want for the option group ?"; Text[ japanese ] = "数値をデータベースフィールドに保存しますか。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要将这个数值存入数据库字段?"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "您要在一個資料庫內儲存這個數值?"; Text[ arabic ] = " ʿ"; Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde in een databaseveld opslaan?"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "要将这个数值存入数据库字段?"; Text[ greek ] = " ;"; Text[ korean ] = "데이터베이스 필드에 값을 저장하시겠습니까?"; Text[ turkish ] = "Veritabanna bu deerleri kaydetmek ister misiniz?"; Text[ catalan ] = "Voleu desar el valor en un camp de la base de dades?"; Text[ finnish ] = "Haluatko tallentaa arvon tietokannan kenttn?"; Text[ thai ] = "คุณต้องการบันทึกค่าในเขตข้อมูลของฐานข้อมูลหรือไม่?"; Text[ czech ] = "Chcete hodnotu uložit v databázovém poli?"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮האם לשמור את הערך בשדה במסד הנתונים?‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "आप विकल्प समूह का मूल्य को लेखासंचय में संचित करना चाहते है?"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 21 { Text = "~Ja, und zwar folgendem Datenbankfeld :"; Text [ english_us ] = "Yes, save in the following database field:"; Text[ portuguese ] = "~Sim, no seguinte:"; Text[ russian ] = ", :"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld: "; Text[ french ] = "Oui, dans le champ suivant :"; Text[ spanish ] = "S, en el siguiente campo:"; Text[ italian ] = "~S, il seguente campo database :"; Text[ danish ] = "~Ja, og det skal vre flgende databasefelt :"; Text[ swedish ] = "Ja, i fljande databasflt:"; Text[ polish ] = "Tak, w nastpujcym polu bazy danych :"; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "As all the information needed has been entered you can click the last button now."; Text[ japanese ] = "はい、次のデータベースフィールドに保存します。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是,在下列数据库字段:"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "是,以下的資料庫欄位:"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ :"; Text[ dutch ] = "~Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld: "; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "是,在下列数据库字段:"; Text[ greek ] = ", ~ :"; Text[ korean ] = "예, 다음 데이터베이스 필드에 저장하십시오:"; Text[ turkish ] = "Evet, belirtilen veritaban alannda kaydet:"; Text[ catalan ] = "S, desa-ho en el segent camp :"; Text[ finnish ] = "Kyll, tallenna arvo seuraavaan tietokannan kenttn:"; Text[ thai ] = "ใช่ บันทึกในเขตข้อมูลของฐานข้อมูลต่อไปนี้:"; Text[ czech ] = "Ano, uložit do tohoto pole:"; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮כן, יש לשמור את הערך בשדה מסד נתונים הבא:‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "हाँ, मूल्य को निम्नलिखित लेखासंचय क्षेत्र में संचित करो:"; }; String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 22 { Text = "~Nein, ich mchte den Wert nur zum Anzeigen verwenden."; Text [ english_us ] = "No, I only want to use the value for display purposes."; Text[ portuguese ] = "~No. Utilizar valor apenas para visualizao."; Text[ russian ] = "~, ."; Text[ dutch ] = "~Nee, ik wil de waarde alleen laten weergeven."; Text[ french ] = "Non, utiliser la valeur uniquement pour l'affichage"; Text[ spanish ] = "No, deseo utilizar el valor slo para la visualizacin."; Text[ italian ] = "~No, utilizza il valore solo per la visualizzazione."; Text[ danish ] = "~Nej, vrdierne skal kun vises."; Text[ swedish ] = "Nej, jag vill bara anvnda vrdet fr visning."; Text[ polish ] = "~Nie, chc uy tej wartoci tylko do wywietlenia."; Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Nein, ich m?hte den Wert nur zum Anzeigen verwenden."; Text[ japanese ] = "いいえ、数値は表示用にしか使用しません。"; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "否,我只要显示数值。"; Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "否,僅使用於顯示數值。"; Text[ arabic ] = "~ǡ ."; Text[ dutch ] = "~Nee, ik wil de waarde alleen laten weergeven."; Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "否,我只要显示数值。"; Text[ greek ] = ", ~ ."; Text[ korean ] = "아니오, 값은 화면 표시용으로만 사용하고 싶습니다."; Text[ turkish ] = "Hayr, ben sadece gsterim amal deerleri kullanmak istiyorum."; Text[ catalan ] = "No, noms el vull mostrar."; Text[ finnish ] = "Ei, haluan vain nytt arvon."; Text[ thai ] = "ไม่ใช่ ฉันต้องการใช้ค่าเพื่อแสดงวัตถุประสงค์เท่านั้น"; Text[ czech ] = "Ne, chci si jej schovat pro pozdější využití."; Text[ hebrew ] = "‮לא, הערך לתצוגה בלבד.‬"; Text[ hindi ] = "नहीं, मैं केवल मूल्य को दिखाने के लिए उपयोग करना चाहता हूँ ।"; }; #endif