from WWD_General import * from common.Configuration import Configuration from common.FileAccess import FileAccess from data.CGSettings import CGSettings from data.CGSessionName import CGSessionName from ui.event.ListModelBinder import ListModelBinder from ui.event.UnoDataAware import UnoDataAware from ui.event.RadioDataAware import RadioDataAware from data.CGDocument import CGDocument from ui.DocumentPreview import DocumentPreview from StylePreview import StylePreview from ui.event.DataAware import DataAware from import IllegalArgumentException ''' Web Wizard Dialog implementation : Startup. This class contains the startup implementation and session mounting methods.

Data Aware Concept

I use DataAware objects, which synchronize UI and Data. A DataAware object a kind of interface between a Value and a UI element.

A Value is either a JavaBean property with a Getter and a Setter or a public class Memeber.

When the UI Control changes, the Value changes correspondingly. This depends on WWD_General.settings a Listener which calls the updateData() method od the DataAware object. When the Value changes, the UI Control changes respopndingly. This also depends on WWD_General.settings a Listener which calls the updateUI method of the DataAware object.

here I use only UI Listeners, and keep calling the updateUI() method whenever I change the Value.

To contain the Data, I use the Configuration Data Objects which read themselfs out of the Configuration. they are all located under the data package.

Different groups of DataAware objects are grouped into vectors. Each group (all elements of a vector) uses the same DataObject, so when I change the underlying dataObject, I change the whole vector's DataObject, thus actualizing UI.
This is what happends when a session loads: I Load the session into a tree of DataObjects, and change the DataAware's DataObject.
One could also look at this as a kind of "View-Model" relationship. The controls are the View, The DataObjects are the Model, containing the Data rad directly from the configuration, and the DataAware objects are the controller inbetween. @author rpiterman ''' class WWD_Startup(WWD_General): selectedDoc = () ''' He - my constructor ! I call/do here in this order:
Check if ftp http proxy is set, and warn user he can not use ftp if it is.
draw NaviBar and steps 1 to 7, incl. Step X, which is the Layouts ImageList on step 3.
load the WWD_General.settings from the configuration.
set the default save session name to the first available one (sessionX or something like that).
set the Layouts ImageList ListModel, and call its "create()" method.
check the content (documents) specified in the default session.
fill the list boxes (saved sessions, styles, combobox save session).
make data aware.
updateUI (refreshes the display to crrespond to the data in the default session.)
fill the documents listbox.
if proxies are set, disable the ftp controls in step 7. ''' def __init__(self, xmsf): super(WWD_Startup, self).__init__(xmsf) self.sda = None self.docAware = [] self.designAware = [] self.genAware = [] self.pubAware = [] self.proxies = self.getOOProxies() soTemplateDir = FileAccess.getOfficePath2( xmsf, "Template", "share", "/wizard") exclamationURL = FileAccess.connectURLs( soTemplateDir, "../wizard/bitmap/caution_16.png") self.drawNaviBar() self.buildStep1() self.buildStep2() self.buildStep3() self.buildStep4() self.buildStep5() self.buildStep6() self.buildStep7(self.proxies, exclamationURL) self.buildStepX() self.xMSF = xmsf xDesktop = Desktop.getDesktop(xmsf) self.myFrame = OfficeDocument.createNewFrame(xmsf, self) doc = OfficeDocument.createNewDocument( self.myFrame, "swriter", False, True) self.loadSettings(doc) self.setSaveSessionName(WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession) self.ilLayouts.listModel = WWD_General.settings.cp_Layouts self.ilLayouts.create(self) #COMMENTED self.checkContent(WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content, None, self.xUnoDialog) #saved sessions, styles, combobox save session. # also set the chosen saved session... self.fillLists() self.makeDataAware() self.updateUI() # fill the documents listbox. self.fillDocumentList(self.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content) if self.proxies: self.setEnabled(btnFTP, False) self.setEnabled(chkFTP, False) ''' return true if http proxies or other proxies which do not enable ftp to function correctly are set. @return true if (http) proxies are on. @throws Exception ''' def getOOProxies(self): node = Configuration.getConfigurationRoot( self.xMSF, "org.openoffice.Inet/Settings", False) i = int(node.getByName("ooInetProxyType")) if i== 0: #no proxies return False elif i == 2: #http proxies return True else: return True ''' calculates the first available session name, and sets the current session name to it. The combobox text in step 7 will be updated automatically when updateUI() is called. ''' def setSaveSessionName(self, session): maxValue = 0 length = self.resources.resSessionName # traverse between the sessions and find the one that # has the biggest number. for i in xrange(WWD_General.settings.cp_SavedSessions.getSize()): sessionName = \ WWD_General.settings.cp_SavedSessions.getElementAt(i).cp_Name if sessionName.startswith(self.resources.resSessionName): maxValue = max(maxValue, int(sessionName[length:])) ''' fills the road map, and sets the necessary properties, like MaxStep, Complete, Interactive- Disables the finbihButton. ''' def addRoadMapItems(self): self.insertRoadMapItems( [True, True, False, False, False, False, False], [self.resources.resStep1, self.resources.resStep2, self.resources.resStep3, self.resources.resStep4, self.resources.resStep5, self.resources.resStep6, self.resources.resStep7]) self.setRoadmapInteractive(True) self.setRoadmapComplete(True) self.setCurrentRoadmapItemID(1) self.nMaxStep = 7 self.enableFinishButton(False) ''' This method goes through all the DataAware vectors and objects and calls their updateUI() method. In response, the UI is synchronized to the state of the corresponding data objects. ''' def updateUI(self): DataAware.updateUIs(self.designAware) DataAware.updateUIs(self.genAware) DataAware.updateUIs(self.pubAware) self.sessionNameDA.updateUI() self.checkPublish() ''' create the peer, add roadmap, add roadmap items, add style-preview, disable the steps 3 to 7 if no documents are on the list, and... show the dialog! ''' def show(self): try: xContainerWindow = self.myFrame.getComponentWindow() self.createWindowPeer(xContainerWindow) self.addRoadmap() self.addRoadMapItems() self.addStylePreview() self.checkSteps() self.executeDialogFromComponent(self.myFrame) self.removeTerminateListener() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() ''' initializes the style preview. ''' def addStylePreview(self): try: self.dpStylePreview = DocumentPreview(self.xMSF, self.imgPreview) self.stylePreview = StylePreview( self.xMSF, WWD_General.settings.workPath) self.stylePreview.refresh( WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.getStyle(), WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design.cp_BackgroundImage) self.dpStylePreview.setDocument( self.stylePreview.htmlFilename, DocumentPreview.PREVIEW_MODE) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() ''' Loads the web wizard WWD_General.settings from the registry. ''' def loadSettings(self, document): try: # instanciate WWD_General.settingsResources = \ [self.resources.resPages, self.resources.resSlides, self.resources.resCreatedTemplate, self.resources.resUpdatedTemplate, self.resources.resSizeTemplate] WWD_General.settings = CGSettings( self.xMSF, WWD_General.settingsResources, document) # get configuration view confRoot = Configuration.getConfigurationRoot( self.xMSF, CONFIG_PATH, False) # read WWD_General.settings.readConfiguration( confRoot, CONFIG_READ_PARAM) configSet = WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Publishing # now if path variables are used in publisher pathes, they # are getting replaced here... for i in xrange(configSet.getSize()): p = configSet.getElementAt(i) p.cp_URL = self.substitute(p.cp_URL) # initialize the WWD_General.settings. WWD_General.settings.configure(self.xMSF) # set resource needed for web page. # sort the styles alphabetically #COMMENTED WWD_General.settings.cp_Styles.sort(None) self.prepareSessionLists() if self.proxies: self.__ftp = self.getPublisher(FTP_PUBLISHER).cp_Publish self.getPublisher(FTP_PUBLISHER).cp_Publish = False except Exception: traceback.print_exc() def prepareSessionLists(self): # now copy the sessions list... sessions = WWD_General.settings.cp_SavedSessions.childrenList WWD_General.settings.savedSessions.clear() for index,item in enumerate(sessions): WWD_General.settings.savedSessions.add(index, item) # add an empty session to the saved session # list which apears in step 1 sn = CGSessionName() sn.cp_Name = self.resources.resSessionNameNone WWD_General.settings.cp_SavedSessions.add(0, sn) ''' fills the saved session list, the styles list, and save session combo box. Also set the selected "load" session to the last session which was saved. ''' def fillLists(self): # fill the saved session list. ListModelBinder.fillList(self.lstLoadSettings, WWD_General.settings.cp_SavedSessions.childrenList, None) # set the selected session to load. (step 1) self.selectSession() # fill the styles list. ListModelBinder.fillList(self.lstStyles, WWD_General.settings.cp_Styles.childrenList, None) # fill the save session combobox (step 7) ListModelBinder.fillComboBox(self.cbSaveSettings, WWD_General.settings.savedSessions.childrenList, None) def selectSession(self): selectedSession = 0 if WWD_General.settings.cp_LastSavedSession is not None \ and not WWD_General.settings.cp_LastSavedSession == "": ses = WWD_General.settings.cp_SavedSessions.getElement( settings.cp_LastSavedSession) if ses is not None: selectedSession = \ WWD_General.settings.cp_SavedSessions.getIndexOf(ses) Helper.setUnoPropertyValue( self.lstLoadSettings.Model, "SelectedItems", (selectedSession,)) ''' attaches to each ui-data-control (like checkbox, groupbox or textbox, no buttons though), a DataObject's JavaBean Property, or class member. ''' def makeDataAware(self): #page 1 ListModelBinder( self.lstLoadSettings, WWD_General.settings.cp_SavedSessions) #page 2 : document properties self.docListDA = UnoDataAware.attachListBox( self, "selectedDoc", self.lstDocuments, False) self.docListDA.disableObjects = \ [self.lnDocsInfo, self.btnRemoveDoc, self.lblDocTitle, self.txtDocTitle, self.lblDocInfo, self.txtDocInfo, self.lblDocAuthor, self.txtDocAuthor, self.lblDocExportFormat, self.lstDocTargetType] self.docListDA.updateUI() doc = CGDocument #dummy self.docsBinder = ListModelBinder(self.lstDocuments, WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents) self.docAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachEditControl( doc, "cp_Title", self.txtDocTitle, True)) self.docAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachEditControl( doc, "cp_Description", self.txtDocInfo, True)) self.docAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachEditControl( doc, "cp_Author", self.txtDocAuthor, True)) self.docAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachListBox( doc, "Exporter", self.lstDocTargetType, False)) #page 3 : Layout design = WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design #COMMENTED #self.sda = SimpleDataAware.SimpleDataAware_unknown(design, DataAware.PropertyValue ("Layout", design), ilLayouts, DataAware.PropertyValue ("Selected", ilLayouts)) #self.ilLayouts.addItemListener(None) #page 4 : layout 2 self.designAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox( design, "cp_DisplayDescription", self.chbDocDesc, True)) self.designAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox( design, "cp_DisplayAuthor", self.chbDocAuthor, True)) self.designAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox( design, "cp_DisplayCreateDate", self.chkDocCreated, True)) self.designAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox( design, "cp_DisplayUpdateDate", self.chkDocChanged, True)) self.designAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox( design, "cp_DisplayFilename", self.chkDocFilename, True)) self.designAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox( design, "cp_DisplayFileFormat", self.chkDocFormat, True)) self.designAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox( design, "cp_DisplayFormatIcon", self.chkDocFormatIcon, True)) self.designAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox( design, "cp_DisplayPages", self.chkDocPages, True)) self.designAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox( design, "cp_DisplaySize", self.chkDocSize, True)) self.designAware.append(RadioDataAware.attachRadioButtons( WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design, "cp_OptimizeDisplaySize", (self.optOptimize640x480, self.optOptimize800x600, self.optOptimize1024x768), True)) #page 5 : Style ''' note : on style change, i do not call here refresh ,but rather on a special method which will perform some display, background and Iconsets changes. ''' self.designAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachListBox( WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design, "cp_Style", self.lstStyles, False)) #page 6 : site general props self.genAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachEditControl( WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo, "cp_Title", self.txtSiteTitle, True)) self.genAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachEditControl( WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo, "cp_Description", self.txtSiteDesc, True)) self.genAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachDateControl( WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo, "cp_CreationDate", self.dateSiteCreated, False)) self.genAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachDateControl( WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo, "cp_UpdateDate", self.dateSiteUpdate, False)) self.genAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachEditControl( WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo, "cp_Email", self.txtEmail, True)) self.genAware.append(UnoDataAware.attachEditControl( WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_GeneralInfo, "cp_Copyright", self.txtCopyright, True)) #page 7 : publishing self.pubAware_( LOCAL_PUBLISHER, self.chkLocalDir, self.txtLocalDir, False) self.pubAware_( FTP_PUBLISHER, self.chkFTP, self.lblFTP, True) self.pubAware_( ZIP_PUBLISHER, self.chkZip, self.txtZip, False) self.sessionNameDA = UnoDataAware.attachEditControl( WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession, "cp_Name", self.cbSaveSettings, True) ''' A help method to attach a Checkbox and a TextBox to a CGPublish object properties/class members, @param publish @param checkbox @param textbox ''' def pubAware_(self, publish, checkbox, textbox, isLabel): p = WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Publishing.getElement(publish) uda = UnoDataAware.attachCheckBox(p, "cp_Publish", checkbox, True) uda.Inverse = True uda.disableObjects = [textbox] self.pubAware.append(uda) if isLabel: aux = UnoDataAware.attachLabel(p, "cp_URL", textbox, False) else: aux = UnoDataAware.attachEditControl(p, "cp_URL", textbox, False) self.pubAware.append(aux) ''' Session load methods (are used both on the start of the wizard and when the user loads a session) Is called when a new session/settings is loaded.
Checks the documents (validate), fills the documents listbox, and changes the DataAware data objects to the new session's objects.
Task advances 4 times in the mount method, and ??? times for each document in the session. ''' def mount(self, session, task, refreshStyle, xC): ''' This checks the documents. If the user chooses to cancel, the session is not loaded. ''' checkContent(session.cp_Content, task, xC) settings.cp_DefaultSession = session; mount(session.cp_Content) task.advance(True) mount(session.cp_Design, self.designAware) mount(session.cp_GeneralInfo, self.genAware) task.advance(True) mount(session.cp_Publishing.getElement(LOCAL_PUBLISHER), 0) mount(session.cp_Publishing.getElement(FTP_PUBLISHER), 1) mount(session.cp_Publishing.getElement(ZIP_PUBLISHER), 2) task.advance(True) self.sessionNameDA.setDataObject(session, True) Helper.setUnoPropertyValue( chkSaveSettings.Model, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STATE, 1) self.docListDA.updateUI() task.advance(True) if refreshStyle: self.refreshStylePreview() self.updateIconsetText() ''' used to mount the publishing objects. This is somehow cryptic - there are 6 DataAware objects, 2 for each Publishing Object (CGPublish). All 6 reside on one Vector (pubAware). Since, otherwise than other DataAware objects, different Objects on the same Vector need different DataObjectBinding, I use this method... @param data the CGPublish object @param i the number of the object (0 = local, 1 = ftp, 2 = zip) ''' def mountDataAware(self, data, i): self.pubAware.get(i * 2).setDataObject(data, True) self.pubAware.get(i * 2 + 1).setDataObject(data, True) ''' Fills the documents listbox. @param root the CGContent object that contains the documents (a ListModel) ''' def fillDocumentList(self, root): ListModelBinder.fillList(self.lstDocuments, root.cp_Documents.childrenList, None) #COMMENTED #self.docsBinder.setListModel(root.cp_Documents) self.disableDocUpDown() ''' changes the DataAwares Objects' (in the gioen list) DataObject to the @param data @param list ''' def mountList(self, data, _list): for i in _list: i.setDataObject(data, True) ''' Checks if the document specified by the given CGDocument object (cp_URL) exists. Calls also the validate(...) method of this document. If the document does not exist, it asks the user whether to specify a new URL, or forget about this document. @param doc the document to check. @param task while loading a session, a status is displayed, using the Task object to monitor progress. @return true if the document is ok (a file exists in the given url). ''' @classmethod def checkDocument(self,xmsf, doc, task, xC): doc.validate(xmsf, task) return True '''except IOError: relocate = SystemDialog.showMessageBox( self.xMSF, xC.Peer, "WarningBox", VclWindowPeerAttribute.YES_NO + VclWindowPeerAttribute.DEF_NO, getFileAccess().getPath(doc.cp_URL, "") + "\n\n" + \ self.resources.resSpecifyNewFileLocation) if relocate == 2: _file = getDocAddDialog().callOpenDialog( False, FileAccess.getParentDir(doc.cp_URL)) if _file is None: return False else: doc.cp_URL = _file[0] return checkDocument(doc, task, xC) else: return False except IllegalArgumentException, iaex: #file is a directory SystemDialog.showMessage( self.xMSF, xControl.Peer, self.resources.resErrIsDirectory.replace( "%FILENAME", getFileAccess().getPath(doc.cp_URL, "")), ErrorHandler.ERROR_PROCESS_FATAL) return False except Exception: #something went wrong. traceback.print_exc() SystemDialog.showMessage( self.xMSF, xControl.Peer, self.resources.resErrDocValidate.replace( "%FILENAME", getFileAccess().getPath(doc.cp_URL, "")), ErrorHandler.ERROR_PROCESS_FATAL) return False ''' ''' Checks the documents contained in this content. @param content @param task ''' def checkContent(self, content, task, xC): i = 0 while i < content.cp_Documents.getSize(): if not checkDocument(content.cp_Documents.getElementAt(i), task, xC): # I use here 'i--' since, when the document is removed # an index change accures content.cp_Documents.remove(i) i -= 1 i += 1 ''' Disables/enables the docUpDown buttons (step 2) according to the currently selected document (no doc selected - both disbaled, last doc selected, down disabled and so on...) ''' def disableDocUpDown(self): try: if len(WWD_Startup.selectedDoc) == 0: aux = False aux2 = False else: if WWD_Startup.selectedDoc[0] == 0: aux = False else: aux = True if WWD_Startup.selectedDoc[0] + 1 < \ WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents.getSize(): aux2 = True else: aux2 = False self.setEnabled(self.btnDocUp, aux) self.setEnabled(self.btnDocDown, aux2) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() def updateBackgroundText(self): bg = \ WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design.cp_BackgroundImage if bg is None or bg == "": bg = self.resources.resBackgroundNone else: bg = FileAccess.getPathFilename(getFileAccess().getPath(bg, None)) Helper.setUnoPropertyValue( self.txtBackground.Model, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL, bg) def updateIconsetText(self): iconset = WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design.cp_IconSet if iconset is None or iconset == "": iconsetName = self.resources.resIconsetNone else: IconSet = WWD_General.settings.cp_IconSets.getElement(iconset) if IconSet is None: iconsetName = self.resources.resIconsetNone else: iconsetName = IconSet.cp_Name Helper.setUnoPropertyValue( txtIconset.Model, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL, iconsetName) ''' refreshes the style preview. I also call here "updateBackgroundtext", because always when the background is changed, this method has to be called, so I am walking on the safe side here... ''' def refreshStylePreview(self): try: WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design.cp_Style = \ "style" + \ str(WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design.cp_Style) self.updateBackgroundText() self.stylePreview.refresh(WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.getStyle(), WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Design.cp_BackgroundImage) self.dpStylePreview.reload(self.xMSF) except Exception: traceback.print_exc()