from WebWizardDialog import * from common.SystemDialog import SystemDialog from ui.event.ListModelBinder import ListModelBinder ''' @author rpiterman This class implements general methods, used by different sub-classes (either WWD_Sturtup, or WWD_Events) or both. ''' class WWD_General(WebWizardDialog): settings = None def __init__(self, xmsf): super(WWD_General, self).__init__(xmsf) self.xStringSubstitution = SystemDialog.createStringSubstitution(xmsf) def getStatusDialog(self): statusDialog = StatusDialog( self.xMSF, StatusDialog.STANDARD_WIDTH, self.resources.resLoadingSession, False, [self.resources.prodName, "", "", "", "", ""], HelpIds.getHelpIdString(HID0_STATUS_DIALOG)) try: statusDialog.createWindowPeer(xControl.Peer) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return statusDialog ''' File Dialog methods ''' def getDocAddDialog(self): self.docAddDialog = SystemDialog.createOpenDialog(self.xMSF) for i in xrange(WWD_General.settings.cp_Filters.getSize()): f = WWD_General.settings.cp_Filters.getElementAt(i) if f is not None: self.docAddDialog.addFilter( f.cp_Name.replace("%PRODNAME", self.resources.prodName), f.cp_Filter, i == 0) return self.docAddDialog def getZipDialog(self): if self.zipDialog is None: self.zipDialog = SystemDialog.createStoreDialog(xMSF) self.zipDialog.addFilter(self.resources.resZipFiles, "*.zip", True) return self.zipDialog def getFTPDialog(self, pub): if self.ftpDialog is None: try: self.ftpDialog = FTPDialog.FTPDialog_unknown(xMSF, pub) self.ftpDialog.createWindowPeer(xControl.getPeer()) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return self.ftpDialog def showFolderDialog(self, title, description, dir): if self.folderDialog is None: self.folderDialog = SystemDialog.createFolderDialog(xMSF) return self.folderDialog.callFolderDialog(title, description, dir) ''' returns the document specified by the given short array. @param s @return ''' @classmethod def getDoc(self, s): if len(s) == 0: return None elif WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents.getSize() <= s[0]: return None else: return \ WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents.childrenList[s[0]] ''' how many documents are in the list? @return the number of documents in the docs list. ''' @classmethod def getDocsCount(self): return WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents.getSize() ''' fills the export listbox. @param listContent ''' def fillExportList(self, listContent): ListModelBinder.fillList(self.lstDocTargetType, listContent, None) ''' returns a publisher object for the given name @param name one of the WebWizardConst constants : FTP @return ''' def getPublisher(self, name): return WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Publishing.getElement(name) ''' @return true if the checkbox "save session" is checked. ''' def isSaveSession(self): return int(Helper.getUnoPropertyValue( chkSaveSettings.Model, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_STATE) == 1) ''' @return the name to save the session (step 7) ''' def getSessionSaveName(self): return Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(getModel(cbSaveSettings), "Text") ''' This method checks the status of the wizards and enables or disables the 'next' and the 'create' button. ''' def checkSteps(self): ''' first I check the document list. If it is empty, then step3 and on are disabled. ''' if self.checkDocList(): self.checkPublish() ''' enables/disables the steps 3 to 7) @param enabled true = enabled, false = disabled. ''' def enableSteps(self, enabled): if not enabled and not self.isStepEnabled(3): #disbale steps 3-7 return for i in xrange(3,8): self.setStepEnabled(i, enabled, True) ''' in this place i just disable the finish button. later, in the checkPublish, which is only performed if this one is true, it will be enabled (if the check is positive) ''' if not enabled: self.enableFinishButton(False) ''' Checks if the documents list is empty. If it is, disables the steps 3-7, and the create button. @return ''' def checkDocList(self): if WWD_General.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_Content.cp_Documents.getSize() \ == 0: self.enableSteps(False) return False else: self.enableSteps(True) return True ''' check if the save-settings input is ok. (eather the checkbox is unmarked, or, if it is marked, a session name exists. ''' def checkSaveSession(self): return (not isSaveSession() or not getSessionSaveName() == "") ''' @return false if this publisher is not active, or, if it active, returns true if the url is not empty... if the url is empty, throws an exception ''' def checkPublish2(self, s, text, _property): p = self.getPublisher(s) if p.cp_Publish: url = Helper.getUnoPropertyValue(text.Model, _property) if url is None or url == "": raise IllegalArgumentException () else: return True else: return False ''' @return false either if publishing input is wrong or there are no publishing targets chosen. returns true when at least one target is chosen, *and* all which are chosen are legal. If proxies are on, ftp publisher is ignored. ''' def checkPublish_(self): try: return \ self.checkPublish2(LOCAL_PUBLISHER, self.txtLocalDir, "Text") \ or (not self.proxies and self.checkPublish( FTP_PUBLISHER, lblFTP, PropertyNames.PROPERTY_LABEL) \ or self.checkPublish2(ZIP_PUBLISHER, self.txtZip, "Text")) \ and self.checkSaveSession() except IllegalArgumentException, ex: return False ''' This method checks if the publishing input is ok, and enables and disables the 'create' button. public because it is called from an event listener object. ''' def checkPublish(self): self.enableFinishButton(self.checkPublish_()) ''' shows a message box "Unexpected Error... " :-) @param ex ''' def unexpectedError(self, ex): ex.printStackTrace() peer = xControl.getPeer() AbstractErrorHandler.showMessage( self.xMSF, peer, self.resources.resErrUnexpected, ErrorHandler.ERROR_PROCESS_FATAL) ''' substitutes path variables with the corresponding values. @param path a path, which might contain OOo path variables. @return the path, after substituing path variables. ''' def substitute(self, path): try: return self.xStringSubstitution.substituteVariables(path, False) except Exception, ex: return path