# # This file is part of the LibreOffice project. # # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # # This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed # with this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache # License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file # except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of # the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . # import traceback from .ImageListDialog import ImageListDialog from .WWHID import HID_BG from .WebWizardConst import * from ..common.SystemDialog import SystemDialog from ..common.FileAccess import FileAccess from ..common.Configuration import Configuration from ..common.ListModel import ListModel from ..ui.ImageList import ImageList from com.sun.star.awt import Size class BackgroundsDialog(ImageListDialog): def __init__(self, xmsf, set_, resources): super(BackgroundsDialog, self).__init__(xmsf, HID_BG, (resources.resBackgroundsDialog, resources.resBackgroundsDialogCaption, resources.resOK, resources.resCancel, resources.resHelp, resources.resDeselect, resources.resOther, resources.resCounter)) self.sd = SystemDialog.createOpenDialog(xmsf) self.sd.addFilter( resources.resImages, "*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.gif", True) self.sd.addFilter(resources.resAllFiles, "*.*", False) self.settings = set_.root self.fileAccess = FileAccess(xmsf) #COMMENTED #self.il.setListModel(Model(set_)) self.il.listModel = self.Model(set_, self) self.il.imageSize = Size (40, 40) self.il.renderer = self.BGRenderer(0, self) self.build() ''' trigered when the user clicks the "other" button. opens a "file open" dialog, adds the selected image to the list and to the web wizard configuration, and then jumps to the new image, selecting it in the list. @see add(String) ''' def other(self): filename = self.sd.callOpenDialog( False, self.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_InDirectory) if filename is not None and filename.length > 0 and filename[0] is not None: self.settings.cp_DefaultSession.cp_InDirectory = \ FileAccess.getParentDir(filename[0]) i = self.add(filename[0]) il.setSelected(i) il.display(i) ''' adds the given image to the image list (to the model) and to the web wizard configuration. @param s @return ''' def add(self, s): #first i check the item does not already exists in the list... i = 0 while i < il.getListModel().getSize(): if il.getListModel().getElementAt(i) == s: return i i += 1 il.getListModel().addElement(s) try: configView = Configuration.getConfigurationRoot( self.xMSF, FileAccess.connectURLs( CONFIG_PATH, "BackgroundImages"), True) i = Configuration.getChildrenNames(configView).length + 1 o = Configuration.addConfigNode(configView, "" + i) Configuration.set(s, "Href", o) Configuration.commit(configView) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() return il.getListModel().getSize() - 1 ''' an ImageList Imagerenderer implemtation. The image URL is the object given from the list model. the image name, got from the "render" method is the filename portion of the url. @author rpiterman ''' class BGRenderer(ImageList.IImageRenderer): cut = 0 def __init__(self, cut_, parent): self.cut = cut_ self.parent = parent def getImageUrls(self, listItem): sRetUrls = [] if (listItem is not None): sRetUrls.append(listItem) return sRetUrls return None def render(self, obj): return "" if (obj is None) else FileAccess.getFilename(self.parent.fileAccess.getPath(obj, None)) ''' This is a list model for the image list of the backgrounds dialog. It takes the Backgrounds config set as an argument, and "parses" it to a list of files: It goes through each image in the set, and checks it: if it is a directory it lists all image files in this directory. if it is a file, it adds the file to the list. @author rpiterman ''' class Model(ListModel): parent = None listModel = [] ''' constructor.
see class description for a description of the handling of the given model @param model the configuration set of the background images. ''' def __init__(self, model, parent): self.parent = parent try: i = 0 while i < model.getSize(): image = model.getElementAt(i) path = parent.sd.xStringSubstitution.substituteVariables( image.cp_Href, False) if parent.fileAccess.exists(path, False): self.addDir(path) else: self.remove(model.getKey(image)) i += 1 except Exception: traceback.print_exc() ''' when instanciating the model, it checks if each image exists. If it doesnot, it will be removed from the configuration. This is what this method does... @param imageName ''' def remove(self, imageName): try: conf = Configuration.getConfigurationRoot( self.parent.xMSF, CONFIG_PATH + "/BackgroundImages", True) Configuration.removeNode(conf, imageName) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() ''' if the given url is a directory adds the images in the given directory, otherwise (if it is a file) adds the file to the list. @param url ''' def addDir(self, url): if self.parent.fileAccess.isDirectory(url): self.add(self.parent.fileAccess.listFiles(url, False)) else: self.add1(url) ''' adds the given filenames (urls) to the list @param filenames ''' def add(self, filenames): i = 0 while i < len(filenames): self.add1(filenames[i]) i += 1 ''' adds the given image url to the list. if and only if it ends with jpg, jpeg or gif (case insensitive) @param filename image url. ''' def add1(self, filename): lcase = filename.lower() if lcase.endswith("jpg") or lcase.endswith("jpeg") or \ lcase.endswith("gif"): self.listModel.append(filename) def getSize(self): return len(self.listModel) def getElementAt(self, arg0): return self.listModel[arg0]