import traceback from common.Properties import Properties from import WindowDescriptor from import Rectangle from import SIMPLE from import CLIPCHILDREN from import SHOW ''' @author rpiterman To change the template for this generated type comment go to Window>Preferences>Java>Code Generation>Code and Comments ''' class DocumentPreview(object): PREVIEW_MODE = 1 ''' create new frame with window inside load a component as preview into this frame ''' def __init__(self, xmsf, control): self.xControl = control self.createPreviewFrame(xmsf, self.xControl) def setDocument(self, url_, propNames, propValues=None): if propValues is None: if propNames == DocumentPreview.PREVIEW_MODE: self.setDocument(url_, ("Preview", "ReadOnly"), (True, True)) else: self.loadArgs = propNames self.xFrame.activate() self.xComponent = self.xFrame.loadComponentFromURL(url_, "_self", 0, tuple(self.loadArgs)) return self.xComponent else: self.url = url_ ps = Properties() for index,item in enumerate(propNames): ps[item] = propValues[index] return self.setDocument(self.url, ps.getProperties(ps)) def reload(self, xmsf): self.closeFrame() self.createPreviewFrame(xmsf, self.xControl) self.setDocument(self.url, self.loadArgs) def closeFrame(self): if self.xFrame is not None: self.xFrame.close(False) ''' create a new frame with a new container window inside, which isnt part of the global frame tree. Attention: a) This frame wont be destroyed by the office. It must be closed by you! Do so - please call XCloseable::close(). b) The container window is part of the frame. Dont hold it alive - nor try to kill it. It will be destroyed inside close(). ''' def createPreviewFrame(self, xmsf, xControl): controlPeer = xControl.Peer r = xControl.PosSize toolkit = xmsf.createInstance("") aDescriptor = WindowDescriptor() aDescriptor.Type = SIMPLE aDescriptor.WindowServiceName = "window" aDescriptor.ParentIndex = -1 aDescriptor.Parent = controlPeer #xWindowPeer; #argument ! aDescriptor.Bounds = Rectangle(0, 0, r.Width, r.Height) aDescriptor.WindowAttributes = CLIPCHILDREN | SHOW self.xWindow = toolkit.createWindow(aDescriptor) self.xFrame = xmsf.createInstance("") self.xFrame.initialize(self.xWindow) self.xWindow.setVisible(True) def dispose(self): try: self.closeFrame() except Exception: traceback.print_exc()