/* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ package com.sun.star.wizards.query; import com.sun.star.beans.PropertyValue; import com.sun.star.lang.XMultiServiceFactory; import com.sun.star.wizards.common.JavaTools; import com.sun.star.wizards.common.PropertyNames; import com.sun.star.wizards.common.Resource; import com.sun.star.wizards.db.FieldColumn; import com.sun.star.wizards.db.QueryMetaData; import com.sun.star.wizards.ui.FilterComponent; public class QuerySummary extends QueryMetaData { private String sSummary; private Resource oResource; private final String sSeparator; private final String sReturnChar; private final String sAnd; private final String sOr; public QuerySummary(XMultiServiceFactory _xMSF, Resource _oResource) { super(_xMSF); this.oResource = _oResource; sAnd = oResource.getResText("RID_QUERY_38"); sOr = oResource.getResText("RID_QUERY_39"); sSeparator = oResource.getResText("RID_QUERY_91"); sReturnChar = String.valueOf((char) 13) + String.valueOf((char) 13); } public void setSummaryString() { try { String sFieldNamesFraction = PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING; String sSortingFraction = PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING; String sFilterFraction = PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING; String sAggregateFraction = PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING; String sGroupByFraction = PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING; String sHavingFraction = PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING; sFieldNamesFraction = combineFieldNameFraction() + sReturnChar; sSortingFraction = combinePartString("RID_QUERY_51", getSortFieldNames(), "RID_QUERY_52", "RID_QUERY_93", new String[] { "", "" }) + sReturnChar; sFilterFraction = combineFilterNameFraction(this.getFilterConditions(), "RID_QUERY_53", "RID_QUERY_54") + sReturnChar; if (xDBMetaData.supportsGroupBy()) { sGroupByFraction = combinePartString("RID_QUERY_57", GroupFieldNames, "RID_QUERY_58") + sReturnChar; sHavingFraction = combineFilterNameFraction(getGroupByFilterConditions(), "RID_QUERY_59", "RID_QUERY_60"); } // TODO: remove the last return from the string sSummary = sFieldNamesFraction + sSortingFraction + sFilterFraction + sAggregateFraction + sGroupByFraction + sHavingFraction; sSummary = JavaTools.replaceSubString(sSummary, PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING, "~"); } catch (com.sun.star.uno.Exception exception) { exception.printStackTrace(System.err); } } public String getSummaryString() { return sSummary; } private String combineFilterNameFraction(PropertyValue[][] _filterconditions, String _InitResID, String _AlternativeResID) { if (_filterconditions != null && _filterconditions.length > 0) { String sconditions = PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING; String sStart = oResource.getResText(_InitResID); String BaseString = oResource.getResText("RID_QUERY_96"); if (_filterconditions.length == 1) { PropertyValue[] curfilterconditions = _filterconditions[0]; for (int i = 0; i < curfilterconditions.length; i++) { sconditions += FilterComponent.getDisplayCondition(BaseString, _filterconditions[0][i], this); sconditions = appendClauseSeparator(sconditions, PropertyNames.SPACE + sAnd + PropertyNames.SPACE, i, curfilterconditions.length); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < _filterconditions.length; i++) { sconditions += FilterComponent.getDisplayCondition(BaseString, _filterconditions[i][0], this); sconditions = appendClauseSeparator(sconditions, PropertyNames.SPACE + sOr + PropertyNames.SPACE, i, _filterconditions.length); } } return sStart + sconditions; } return oResource.getResText(_AlternativeResID); } private String combineFieldNameFraction() { String CurString = PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING; String sReturn = oResource.getResText("RID_QUERY_50"); String BaseString = oResource.getResText("RID_QUERY_92"); for (int i = 0; i < FieldColumns.length; i++) { CurString = BaseString; FieldColumn CurDBFieldColumn = super.getFieldColumnByDisplayName(FieldColumns[i].getDisplayFieldName()); int iAggregate = getAggregateIndex(FieldColumns[i].getFieldName()); if (iAggregate > -1) { String sAggregateDisplay = AggregateFieldNames[iAggregate][1] + "(" + AggregateFieldNames[iAggregate][0] + ")"; CurString = JavaTools.replaceSubString(CurString, sAggregateDisplay, ""); } else { CurString = JavaTools.replaceSubString(CurString, CurDBFieldColumn.getDisplayFieldName(), ""); } sReturn += JavaTools.replaceSubString(CurString, CurDBFieldColumn.getFieldTitle(), ""); sReturn = appendClauseSeparator(sReturn, sSeparator, i, FieldColumns.length); } return sReturn; } private String appendClauseSeparator(String _basestring, String _suffix, int _i, int _fieldcount) { if (_i < _fieldcount - 1) { _basestring += _suffix; } return _basestring; } // TODO: How can you merge the following two methods to a single one in a smarter way?? private String combinePartString(String _InitResID, String[] _FieldNames, String _AlternativeResID) { if (_FieldNames != null && _FieldNames.length > 0) { return ArrayFieldsToString(_InitResID, _FieldNames); } return oResource.getResText(_AlternativeResID); } private String ArrayFieldsToString(String _InitResID, String[] _FieldNames) { StringBuilder sReturn = new StringBuilder(oResource.getResText(_InitResID)); int FieldCount = _FieldNames.length; for (int i = 0; i < FieldCount; i++) { sReturn.append(this.getFieldColumnByDisplayName(_FieldNames[i]).getFieldTitle()); if (i < FieldCount - 1) { sReturn.append(sSeparator); } } return sReturn.toString(); } private String combinePartString(String _InitResID, String[][] _FieldNames, String _AlternativeResID, String _BaseStringID, String[] _ReplaceTags) { if (_FieldNames != null && _FieldNames.length > 0) { return ArrayFieldsToString(_InitResID, _FieldNames, _BaseStringID, _ReplaceTags); } return oResource.getResText(_AlternativeResID); } private String ArrayFieldsToString(String _InitResID, String[][] _FieldNames, String _BaseStringID, String[] _ReplaceTags) { String CurString = PropertyNames.EMPTY_STRING; StringBuilder sReturn = new StringBuilder(oResource.getResText(_InitResID)); int FieldCount = _FieldNames.length; if (FieldCount > 0) { int DimCount = _FieldNames[0].length; String BaseString = oResource.getResText(_BaseStringID); for (int i = 0; i < FieldCount; i++) { for (int a = 0; a < DimCount; a++) { if (a == 0) { int iAggregate = getAggregateIndex(this.getFieldColumnByDisplayName(_FieldNames[i][a]).getDisplayFieldName()); if (iAggregate > -1) { String sAggregateDisplay = AggregateFieldNames[iAggregate][1] + "(" + AggregateFieldNames[iAggregate][0] + ")"; CurString = JavaTools.replaceSubString(BaseString, sAggregateDisplay, _ReplaceTags[a]); } else { CurString = JavaTools.replaceSubString(BaseString, this.getFieldColumnByDisplayName(_FieldNames[i][a]).getFieldTitle(), _ReplaceTags[a]); } } else { CurString = JavaTools.replaceSubString(CurString, _FieldNames[i][a], _ReplaceTags[a]); } } sReturn.append(CurString); if (i < FieldCount - 1) { sReturn.append(sSeparator); } } } return sReturn.toString(); } }