/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: metaact.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:05:38 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #define _SV_METAACT_CXX #define ENABLE_BYTESTRING_STREAM_OPERATORS #include #ifndef _STREAM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VCOMPAT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_OUTDEV_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SALBTYPE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_METAACT_HXX #include #endif // ======================================================================== inline void ImplScalePoint( Point& rPt, double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { rPt.X() = FRound( fScaleX * rPt.X() ); rPt.Y() = FRound( fScaleY * rPt.Y() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void ImplScaleSize( Size& rSz, double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { rSz.Width() = FRound( fScaleX * rSz.Width() ); rSz.Height() = FRound( fScaleY * rSz.Height() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void ImplScaleRect( Rectangle& rRect, double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { Point aTL( rRect.TopLeft() ); Point aBR( rRect.BottomRight() ); ImplScalePoint( aTL, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScalePoint( aBR, fScaleX, fScaleY ); rRect = Rectangle( aTL, aBR ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void ImplScalePoly( Polygon& rPoly, double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { for( USHORT i = 0, nCount = rPoly.GetSize(); i < nCount; i++ ) ImplScalePoint( rPoly[ i ], fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ inline void ImplScaleLineInfo( LineInfo& rLineInfo, double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { if( !rLineInfo.IsDefault() ) { const double fScale = ( fScaleX + fScaleY ) * 0.5; rLineInfo.SetWidth( FRound( fScale * rLineInfo.GetWidth() ) ); rLineInfo.SetDashLen( FRound( fScale * rLineInfo.GetDashLen() ) ); rLineInfo.SetDotLen( FRound( fScale * rLineInfo.GetDotLen() ) ); rLineInfo.SetDistance( FRound( fScale * rLineInfo.GetDistance() ) ); } } // ======================================================================== #define COMPAT( _def_rIStm ) VersionCompat aCompat( ( _def_rIStm ), STREAM_READ ); #define COMPAT_VERSION() aCompat.GetVersion() #define WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( _def_rOStm, _def_nVer, _pWriteData ) \ MetaAction::Write( ( _def_rOStm ), _pWriteData ); \ VersionCompat aCompat( ( _def_rOStm ), STREAM_WRITE, ( _def_nVer ) ); // ======================================================================== MetaAction::MetaAction() : mnRefCount( 1 ), mnType( META_NULL_ACTION ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction::MetaAction( USHORT nType ) : mnRefCount( 1 ), mnType( nType ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction::~MetaAction() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaAction::Clone() { return new MetaAction; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* ) { rOStm << mnType; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { rIStm >> mnType; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaAction::ReadMetaAction( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* pData ) { MetaAction* pAction = NULL; UINT16 nType; rIStm >> nType; switch( nType ) { case( META_NULL_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaAction; break; case( META_PIXEL_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaPixelAction; break; case( META_POINT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaPointAction; break; case( META_LINE_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaLineAction; break; case( META_RECT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaRectAction; break; case( META_ROUNDRECT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaRoundRectAction; break; case( META_ELLIPSE_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaEllipseAction; break; case( META_ARC_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaArcAction; break; case( META_PIE_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaPieAction; break; case( META_CHORD_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaChordAction; break; case( META_POLYLINE_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaPolyLineAction; break; case( META_POLYGON_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaPolygonAction; break; case( META_POLYPOLYGON_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaPolyPolygonAction; break; case( META_TEXT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaTextAction; break; case( META_TEXTARRAY_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaTextArrayAction; break; case( META_STRETCHTEXT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaStretchTextAction; break; case( META_TEXTRECT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaTextRectAction; break; case( META_TEXTLINE_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaTextLineAction; break; case( META_BMP_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaBmpAction; break; case( META_BMPSCALE_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaBmpScaleAction; break; case( META_BMPSCALEPART_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaBmpScalePartAction; break; case( META_BMPEX_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaBmpExAction; break; case( META_BMPEXSCALE_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaBmpExScaleAction; break; case( META_BMPEXSCALEPART_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaBmpExScalePartAction; break; case( META_MASK_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaMaskAction; break; case( META_MASKSCALE_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaMaskScaleAction; break; case( META_MASKSCALEPART_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaMaskScalePartAction; break; case( META_GRADIENT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaGradientAction; break; case( META_GRADIENTEX_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaGradientExAction; break; case( META_HATCH_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaHatchAction; break; case( META_WALLPAPER_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaWallpaperAction; break; case( META_CLIPREGION_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaClipRegionAction; break; case( META_ISECTRECTCLIPREGION_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaISectRectClipRegionAction; break; case( META_ISECTREGIONCLIPREGION_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction; break; case( META_MOVECLIPREGION_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaMoveClipRegionAction; break; case( META_LINECOLOR_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaLineColorAction; break; case( META_FILLCOLOR_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaFillColorAction; break; case( META_TEXTCOLOR_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaTextColorAction; break; case( META_TEXTFILLCOLOR_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaTextFillColorAction; break; case( META_TEXTLINECOLOR_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaTextLineColorAction; break; case( META_TEXTALIGN_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaTextAlignAction; break; case( META_MAPMODE_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaMapModeAction; break; case( META_FONT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaFontAction; break; case( META_PUSH_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaPushAction; break; case( META_POP_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaPopAction; break; case( META_RASTEROP_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaRasterOpAction; break; case( META_TRANSPARENT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaTransparentAction; break; case( META_FLOATTRANSPARENT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaFloatTransparentAction; break; case( META_EPS_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaEPSAction; break; case( META_REFPOINT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaRefPointAction; break; case( META_COMMENT_ACTION ): pAction = new MetaCommentAction; break; default: { // Action ueberlesen durch Kombination Ctor/Dtor, // new/delete, weil Compiler sonst vielleicht wegoptimieren delete ( new VersionCompat( rIStm, STREAM_READ ) ); } break; } if( pAction ) pAction->Read( rIStm, pData ); return pAction; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Pixel, META_PIXEL_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaPixelAction::MetaPixelAction( const Point& rPt, const Color& rColor ) : MetaAction ( META_PIXEL_ACTION ), maPt ( rPt ), maColor ( rColor ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPixelAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawPixel( maPt, maColor ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaPixelAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaPixelAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPixelAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPixelAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPixelAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maPt; maColor.Write( rOStm, TRUE ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPixelAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maPt; maColor.Read( rIStm, TRUE ); } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Point, META_POINT_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaPointAction::MetaPointAction( const Point& rPt ) : MetaAction ( META_POINT_ACTION ), maPt ( rPt ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPointAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawPixel( maPt ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaPointAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaPointAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPointAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPointAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPointAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maPt; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPointAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maPt; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Line, META_LINE_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaLineAction::MetaLineAction( const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd ) : MetaAction ( META_LINE_ACTION ), maStartPt ( rStart ), maEndPt ( rEnd ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaLineAction::MetaLineAction( const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd, const LineInfo& rLineInfo ) : MetaAction ( META_LINE_ACTION ), maLineInfo ( rLineInfo ), maStartPt ( rStart ), maEndPt ( rEnd ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaLineAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { if( maLineInfo.IsDefault() ) pOut->DrawLine( maStartPt, maEndPt ); else pOut->DrawLine( maStartPt, maEndPt, maLineInfo ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaLineAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaLineAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaLineAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maStartPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); maEndPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaLineAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maStartPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScalePoint( maEndPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScaleLineInfo( maLineInfo, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaLineAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 2, pData ); rOStm << maStartPt << maEndPt; // Version 1 rOStm << maLineInfo; // Version 2 } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaLineAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); // Version 1 rIStm >> maStartPt >> maEndPt; // Version 2 if( aCompat.GetVersion() >= 2 ) { rIStm >> maLineInfo; } } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Rect, META_RECT_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaRectAction::MetaRectAction( const Rectangle& rRect ) : MetaAction ( META_RECT_ACTION ), maRect ( rRect ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRectAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawRect( maRect ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaRectAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaRectAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRectAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRectAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRectAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRect; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRectAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRect; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( RoundRect, META_ROUNDRECT_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaRoundRectAction::MetaRoundRectAction( const Rectangle& rRect, long nHorzRound, long nVertRound ) : MetaAction ( META_ROUNDRECT_ACTION ), maRect ( rRect ), mnHorzRound ( nHorzRound ), mnVertRound ( nVertRound ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRoundRectAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawRect( maRect, mnHorzRound, mnVertRound ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaRoundRectAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaRoundRectAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRoundRectAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRoundRectAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY ); mnHorzRound = FRound( mnHorzRound * fScaleX ); mnVertRound = FRound( mnVertRound * fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRoundRectAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRect << mnHorzRound << mnVertRound; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRoundRectAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRect >> mnHorzRound >> mnVertRound; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Ellipse, META_ELLIPSE_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaEllipseAction::MetaEllipseAction( const Rectangle& rRect ) : MetaAction ( META_ELLIPSE_ACTION ), maRect ( rRect ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaEllipseAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawEllipse( maRect ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaEllipseAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaEllipseAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaEllipseAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaEllipseAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaEllipseAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRect; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaEllipseAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRect; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Arc, META_ARC_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaArcAction::MetaArcAction( const Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd ) : MetaAction ( META_ARC_ACTION ), maRect ( rRect ), maStartPt ( rStart ), maEndPt ( rEnd ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaArcAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawArc( maRect, maStartPt, maEndPt ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaArcAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaArcAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaArcAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); maStartPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); maEndPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaArcAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScalePoint( maStartPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScalePoint( maEndPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaArcAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRect << maStartPt << maEndPt; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaArcAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRect >> maStartPt >> maEndPt; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Pie, META_PIE_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaPieAction::MetaPieAction( const Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd ) : MetaAction ( META_PIE_ACTION ), maRect ( rRect ), maStartPt ( rStart ), maEndPt ( rEnd ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPieAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawPie( maRect, maStartPt, maEndPt ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaPieAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaPieAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPieAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); maStartPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); maEndPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPieAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScalePoint( maStartPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScalePoint( maEndPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPieAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRect << maStartPt << maEndPt; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPieAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRect >> maStartPt >> maEndPt; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Chord, META_CHORD_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaChordAction::MetaChordAction( const Rectangle& rRect, const Point& rStart, const Point& rEnd ) : MetaAction ( META_CHORD_ACTION ), maRect ( rRect ), maStartPt ( rStart ), maEndPt ( rEnd ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaChordAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawChord( maRect, maStartPt, maEndPt ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaChordAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaChordAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaChordAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); maStartPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); maEndPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaChordAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScalePoint( maStartPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScalePoint( maEndPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaChordAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRect << maStartPt << maEndPt; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaChordAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRect >> maStartPt >> maEndPt; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( PolyLine, META_POLYLINE_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaPolyLineAction::MetaPolyLineAction( const Polygon& rPoly ) : MetaAction ( META_POLYLINE_ACTION ), maPoly ( rPoly ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaPolyLineAction::MetaPolyLineAction( const Polygon& rPoly, const LineInfo& rLineInfo ) : MetaAction ( META_POLYLINE_ACTION ), maLineInfo ( rLineInfo ), maPoly ( rPoly ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolyLineAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { if( maLineInfo.IsDefault() ) pOut->DrawPolyLine( maPoly ); else pOut->DrawPolyLine( maPoly, maLineInfo ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaPolyLineAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaPolyLineAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolyLineAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolyLineAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoly( maPoly, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScaleLineInfo( maLineInfo, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolyLineAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 2, pData ); rOStm << maPoly; // Version 1 rOStm << maLineInfo; // Version 2 } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolyLineAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); // Version 1 rIStm >> maPoly; // Version 2 if( aCompat.GetVersion() >= 2 ) { rIStm >> maLineInfo; } } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Polygon, META_POLYGON_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaPolygonAction::MetaPolygonAction( const Polygon& rPoly ) : MetaAction ( META_POLYGON_ACTION ), maPoly ( rPoly ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolygonAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawPolygon( maPoly ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaPolygonAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaPolygonAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolygonAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolygonAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoly( maPoly, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolygonAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maPoly; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolygonAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maPoly; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( PolyPolygon, META_POLYPOLYGON_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaPolyPolygonAction::MetaPolyPolygonAction( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly ) : MetaAction ( META_POLYPOLYGON_ACTION ), maPolyPoly ( rPolyPoly ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolyPolygonAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawPolyPolygon( maPolyPoly ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaPolyPolygonAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaPolyPolygonAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolyPolygonAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPolyPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolyPolygonAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { for( USHORT i = 0, nCount = maPolyPoly.Count(); i < nCount; i++ ) ImplScalePoly( maPolyPoly[ i ], fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolyPolygonAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maPolyPoly; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPolyPolygonAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maPolyPoly; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Text, META_TEXT_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaTextAction::MetaTextAction( const Point& rPt, const XubString& rStr, USHORT nIndex, USHORT nLen ) : MetaAction ( META_TEXT_ACTION ), maPt ( rPt ), maStr ( rStr ), mnIndex ( nIndex ), mnLen ( nLen ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawText( maPt, maStr, mnIndex, mnLen ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaTextAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaTextAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maPt; rOStm.WriteByteString( maStr, pData->meActualCharSet ); rOStm << mnIndex; rOStm << mnLen; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* pData ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maPt; rIStm.ReadByteString( maStr, pData->meActualCharSet ); rIStm >> mnIndex; rIStm >> mnLen; } // ======================================================================== MetaTextArrayAction::MetaTextArrayAction() : MetaAction ( META_TEXTARRAY_ACTION ), mpDXAry ( NULL ), mnIndex ( 0 ), mnLen ( 0 ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaTextArrayAction::MetaTextArrayAction( const MetaTextArrayAction& rAction ) : MetaAction ( META_TEXTARRAY_ACTION ), maStartPt ( rAction.maStartPt ), maStr ( rAction.maStr ), mnIndex ( rAction.mnIndex ), mnLen ( rAction.mnLen ) { if( rAction.mpDXAry ) { const ULONG nAryLen = mnLen - 1; mpDXAry = new long[ nAryLen ]; memcpy( mpDXAry, rAction.mpDXAry, nAryLen * sizeof( long ) ); } else mpDXAry = NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaTextArrayAction::MetaTextArrayAction( const Point& rStartPt, const XubString& rStr, const long* pDXAry, USHORT nIndex, USHORT nLen ) : MetaAction ( META_TEXTARRAY_ACTION ), maStartPt ( rStartPt ), maStr ( rStr ), mnIndex ( nIndex ), mnLen ( ( nLen == STRING_LEN ) ? rStr.Len() : nLen ) { const ULONG nAryLen = ( ( mnLen > 1 ) && pDXAry ) ? ( mnLen - 1 ) : 0UL; if( nAryLen ) { mpDXAry = new long[ nAryLen ]; memcpy( mpDXAry, pDXAry, nAryLen * sizeof( long ) ); } else mpDXAry = NULL; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaTextArrayAction::~MetaTextArrayAction() { delete[] mpDXAry; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextArrayAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawTextArray( maStartPt, maStr, mpDXAry, mnIndex, mnLen ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaTextArrayAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaTextArrayAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextArrayAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maStartPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextArrayAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maStartPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); if ( mpDXAry && mnLen ) { for ( USHORT i = 0, nCount = mnLen - 1; i < nCount; i++ ) mpDXAry[ i ] = FRound( mpDXAry[ i ] * fScaleX ); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextArrayAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { const ULONG nAryLen = ( ( mnLen > 1 ) && mpDXAry ) ? ( mnLen - 1 ) : 0UL; WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maStartPt; rOStm.WriteByteString( maStr, pData->meActualCharSet ); rOStm << mnIndex; rOStm << mnLen; rOStm << nAryLen; for( ULONG i = 0UL; i < nAryLen; i++ ) rOStm << mpDXAry[ i ]; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextArrayAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* pData ) { ULONG nAryLen; delete[] mpDXAry; COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maStartPt; rIStm.ReadByteString( maStr, pData->meActualCharSet ); rIStm >> mnIndex; rIStm >> mnLen; rIStm >> nAryLen; if( nAryLen ) { mpDXAry = new long[ nAryLen ]; for( ULONG i = 0UL; i < nAryLen; i++ ) rIStm >> mpDXAry[ i ]; } else mpDXAry = NULL; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( StretchText, META_STRETCHTEXT_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaStretchTextAction::MetaStretchTextAction( const Point& rPt, ULONG nWidth, const XubString& rStr, USHORT nIndex, USHORT nLen ) : MetaAction ( META_STRETCHTEXT_ACTION ), maPt ( rPt ), maStr ( rStr ), mnWidth ( nWidth ), mnIndex ( nIndex ), mnLen ( nLen ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaStretchTextAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawStretchText( maPt, mnWidth, maStr, mnIndex, mnLen ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaStretchTextAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaStretchTextAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaStretchTextAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaStretchTextAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); mnWidth = (ULONG)FRound( mnWidth * fScaleX ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaStretchTextAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maPt; rOStm.WriteByteString( maStr, pData->meActualCharSet ); rOStm << mnWidth; rOStm << mnIndex; rOStm << mnLen; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaStretchTextAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* pData ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maPt; rIStm.ReadByteString( maStr, pData->meActualCharSet ); rIStm >> mnWidth; rIStm >> mnIndex; rIStm >> mnLen; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( TextRect, META_TEXTRECT_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaTextRectAction::MetaTextRectAction( const Rectangle& rRect, const XubString& rStr, USHORT nStyle ) : MetaAction ( META_TEXTRECT_ACTION ), maRect ( rRect ), maStr ( rStr ), mnStyle ( nStyle ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextRectAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawText( maRect, maStr, mnStyle ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaTextRectAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaTextRectAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextRectAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextRectAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextRectAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRect; rOStm.WriteByteString( maStr, pData->meActualCharSet ); rOStm << mnStyle; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextRectAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* pData ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRect; rIStm.ReadByteString( maStr, pData->meActualCharSet ); rIStm >> mnStyle; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( TextLine, META_TEXTLINE_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaTextLineAction::MetaTextLineAction( const Point& rPos, long nWidth, FontStrikeout eStrikeout, FontUnderline eUnderline ) : MetaAction ( META_TEXTLINE_ACTION ), maPos ( rPos ), mnWidth ( nWidth ), meStrikeout ( eStrikeout ), meUnderline ( eUnderline ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextLineAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawTextLine( maPos, mnWidth, meStrikeout, meUnderline ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaTextLineAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*)new MetaTextLineAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextLineAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPos.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextLineAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPos, fScaleX, fScaleY ); mnWidth = FRound( mnWidth * fScaleX ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextLineAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 2, pData ); rOStm << maPos; rOStm << mnWidth; rOStm << (ULONG)meStrikeout; rOStm << (ULONG)meUnderline; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextLineAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); ULONG nTemp; rIStm >> maPos; rIStm >> mnWidth; rIStm >> nTemp; meStrikeout = (FontStrikeout)nTemp; rIStm >> nTemp; meUnderline = (FontUnderline)nTemp; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Bmp, META_BMP_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaBmpAction::MetaBmpAction( const Point& rPt, const Bitmap& rBmp ) : MetaAction ( META_BMP_ACTION ), maBmp ( rBmp ), maPt ( rPt ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawBitmap( maPt, maBmp ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaBmpAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaBmpAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { if( !!maBmp ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maBmp << maPt; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maBmp >> maPt; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( BmpScale, META_BMPSCALE_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaBmpScaleAction::MetaBmpScaleAction( const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const Bitmap& rBmp ) : MetaAction ( META_BMPSCALE_ACTION ), maBmp ( rBmp ), maPt ( rPt ), maSz ( rSz ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpScaleAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawBitmap( maPt, maSz, maBmp ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaBmpScaleAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaBmpScaleAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpScaleAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpScaleAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScaleSize( maSz, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpScaleAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { if( !!maBmp ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maBmp << maPt << maSz; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpScaleAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maBmp >> maPt >> maSz; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( BmpScalePart, META_BMPSCALEPART_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaBmpScalePartAction::MetaBmpScalePartAction( const Point& rDstPt, const Size& rDstSz, const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSrcSz, const Bitmap& rBmp ) : MetaAction ( META_BMPSCALEPART_ACTION ), maBmp ( rBmp ), maDstPt ( rDstPt ), maDstSz ( rDstSz ), maSrcPt ( rSrcPt ), maSrcSz ( rSrcSz ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpScalePartAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawBitmap( maDstPt, maDstSz, maSrcPt, maSrcSz, maBmp ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaBmpScalePartAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaBmpScalePartAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpScalePartAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maDstPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpScalePartAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maDstPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScaleSize( maDstSz, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpScalePartAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { if( !!maBmp ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maBmp << maDstPt << maDstSz << maSrcPt << maSrcSz; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpScalePartAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maBmp >> maDstPt >> maDstSz >> maSrcPt >> maSrcSz; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( BmpEx, META_BMPEX_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaBmpExAction::MetaBmpExAction( const Point& rPt, const BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) : MetaAction ( META_BMPEX_ACTION ), maBmpEx ( rBmpEx ), maPt ( rPt ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawBitmapEx( maPt, maBmpEx ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaBmpExAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaBmpExAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { if( !!maBmpEx.GetBitmap() ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maBmpEx << maPt; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maBmpEx >> maPt; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( BmpExScale, META_BMPEXSCALE_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaBmpExScaleAction::MetaBmpExScaleAction( const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) : MetaAction ( META_BMPEXSCALE_ACTION ), maBmpEx ( rBmpEx ), maPt ( rPt ), maSz ( rSz ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExScaleAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawBitmapEx( maPt, maSz, maBmpEx ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaBmpExScaleAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaBmpExScaleAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExScaleAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExScaleAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScaleSize( maSz, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExScaleAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { if( !!maBmpEx.GetBitmap() ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maBmpEx << maPt << maSz; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExScaleAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maBmpEx >> maPt >> maSz; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( BmpExScalePart, META_BMPEXSCALEPART_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaBmpExScalePartAction::MetaBmpExScalePartAction( const Point& rDstPt, const Size& rDstSz, const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSrcSz, const BitmapEx& rBmpEx ) : MetaAction ( META_BMPEXSCALEPART_ACTION ), maBmpEx ( rBmpEx ), maDstPt ( rDstPt ), maDstSz ( rDstSz ), maSrcPt ( rSrcPt ), maSrcSz ( rSrcSz ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExScalePartAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawBitmapEx( maDstPt, maDstSz, maSrcPt, maSrcSz, maBmpEx ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaBmpExScalePartAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaBmpExScalePartAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExScalePartAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maDstPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExScalePartAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maDstPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScaleSize( maDstSz, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExScalePartAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { if( !!maBmpEx.GetBitmap() ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maBmpEx << maDstPt << maDstSz << maSrcPt << maSrcSz; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaBmpExScalePartAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maBmpEx >> maDstPt >> maDstSz >> maSrcPt >> maSrcSz; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Mask, META_MASK_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaMaskAction::MetaMaskAction( const Point& rPt, const Bitmap& rBmp, const Color& rColor ) : MetaAction ( META_MASK_ACTION ), maBmp ( rBmp ), maColor ( rColor ), maPt ( rPt ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawMask( maPt, maBmp, maColor ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaMaskAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaMaskAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { if( !!maBmp ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maBmp << maPt; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maBmp >> maPt; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( MaskScale, META_MASKSCALE_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaMaskScaleAction::MetaMaskScaleAction( const Point& rPt, const Size& rSz, const Bitmap& rBmp, const Color& rColor ) : MetaAction ( META_MASKSCALE_ACTION ), maBmp ( rBmp ), maColor ( rColor ), maPt ( rPt ), maSz ( rSz ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskScaleAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawMask( maPt, maSz, maBmp, maColor ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaMaskScaleAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaMaskScaleAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskScaleAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskScaleAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScaleSize( maSz, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskScaleAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { if( !!maBmp ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maBmp << maPt << maSz; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskScaleAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maBmp >> maPt >> maSz; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( MaskScalePart, META_MASKSCALEPART_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaMaskScalePartAction::MetaMaskScalePartAction( const Point& rDstPt, const Size& rDstSz, const Point& rSrcPt, const Size& rSrcSz, const Bitmap& rBmp, const Color& rColor ) : MetaAction ( META_MASKSCALEPART_ACTION ), maBmp ( rBmp ), maColor ( rColor ), maDstPt ( rDstPt ), maDstSz ( rDstSz ), maSrcPt ( rSrcPt ), maSrcSz ( rSrcSz ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskScalePartAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawMask( maDstPt, maDstSz, maSrcPt, maSrcSz, maBmp, maColor ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaMaskScalePartAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaMaskScalePartAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskScalePartAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maDstPt.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskScalePartAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maDstPt, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScaleSize( maDstSz, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskScalePartAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { if( !!maBmp ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maBmp; maColor.Write( rOStm, TRUE ); rOStm << maDstPt << maDstSz << maSrcPt << maSrcSz; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMaskScalePartAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maBmp; maColor.Read( rIStm, TRUE ); rIStm >> maDstPt >> maDstSz >> maSrcPt >> maSrcSz; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Gradient, META_GRADIENT_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaGradientAction::MetaGradientAction( const Rectangle& rRect, const Gradient& rGradient ) : MetaAction ( META_GRADIENT_ACTION ), maRect ( rRect ), maGradient ( rGradient ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaGradientAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawGradient( maRect, maGradient ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaGradientAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaGradientAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaGradientAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaGradientAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaGradientAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRect << maGradient; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaGradientAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRect >> maGradient; } // ======================================================================== MetaGradientExAction::MetaGradientExAction() : MetaAction ( META_GRADIENTEX_ACTION ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaGradientExAction::MetaGradientExAction( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Gradient& rGradient ) : MetaAction ( META_GRADIENTEX_ACTION ), maPolyPoly ( rPolyPoly ), maGradient ( rGradient ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaGradientExAction::~MetaGradientExAction() { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaGradientExAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { if( pOut->GetConnectMetaFile() ) pOut->GetConnectMetaFile()->AddAction( Clone() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaGradientExAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaGradientExAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaGradientExAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPolyPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaGradientExAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { for( USHORT i = 0, nCount = maPolyPoly.Count(); i < nCount; i++ ) ImplScalePoly( maPolyPoly[ i ], fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaGradientExAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maPolyPoly << maGradient; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaGradientExAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maPolyPoly >> maGradient; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Hatch, META_HATCH_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaHatchAction::MetaHatchAction( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, const Hatch& rHatch ) : MetaAction ( META_HATCH_ACTION ), maPolyPoly ( rPolyPoly ), maHatch ( rHatch ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaHatchAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawHatch( maPolyPoly, maHatch ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaHatchAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaHatchAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaHatchAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPolyPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaHatchAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { for( USHORT i = 0, nCount = maPolyPoly.Count(); i < nCount; i++ ) ImplScalePoly( maPolyPoly[ i ], fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaHatchAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maPolyPoly << maHatch; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaHatchAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maPolyPoly >> maHatch; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Wallpaper, META_WALLPAPER_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaWallpaperAction::MetaWallpaperAction( const Rectangle& rRect, const Wallpaper& rPaper ) : MetaAction ( META_WALLPAPER_ACTION ), maRect ( rRect ), maWallpaper ( rPaper ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaWallpaperAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawWallpaper( maRect, maWallpaper ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaWallpaperAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaWallpaperAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaWallpaperAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaWallpaperAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaWallpaperAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maWallpaper; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaWallpaperAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maWallpaper; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( ClipRegion, META_CLIPREGION_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaClipRegionAction::MetaClipRegionAction( const Region& rRegion, BOOL bClip ) : MetaAction ( META_CLIPREGION_ACTION ), maRegion ( rRegion ), mbClip ( bClip ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaClipRegionAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { if( mbClip ) pOut->SetClipRegion( maRegion ); else pOut->SetClipRegion(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaClipRegionAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaClipRegionAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaClipRegionAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRegion.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaClipRegionAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { maRegion.Scale( fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaClipRegionAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRegion << mbClip; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaClipRegionAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRegion >> mbClip; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( ISectRectClipRegion, META_ISECTRECTCLIPREGION_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::MetaISectRectClipRegionAction( const Rectangle& rRect ) : MetaAction ( META_ISECTRECTCLIPREGION_ACTION ), maRect ( rRect ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->IntersectClipRegion( maRect ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaISectRectClipRegionAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRect.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScaleRect( maRect, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRect; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaISectRectClipRegionAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRect; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( ISectRegionClipRegion, META_ISECTREGIONCLIPREGION_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction( const Region& rRegion ) : MetaAction ( META_ISECTREGIONCLIPREGION_ACTION ), maRegion ( rRegion ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->IntersectClipRegion( maRegion ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maRegion.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { maRegion.Scale( fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRegion; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaISectRegionClipRegionAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRegion; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( MoveClipRegion, META_MOVECLIPREGION_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaMoveClipRegionAction::MetaMoveClipRegionAction( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) : MetaAction ( META_MOVECLIPREGION_ACTION ), mnHorzMove ( nHorzMove ), mnVertMove ( nVertMove ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMoveClipRegionAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->MoveClipRegion( mnHorzMove, mnVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaMoveClipRegionAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaMoveClipRegionAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMoveClipRegionAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { mnHorzMove = FRound( mnHorzMove * fScaleX ); mnVertMove = FRound( mnVertMove * fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMoveClipRegionAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << mnHorzMove << mnVertMove; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMoveClipRegionAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> mnHorzMove >> mnVertMove; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( LineColor, META_LINECOLOR_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaLineColorAction::MetaLineColorAction( const Color& rColor, BOOL bSet ) : MetaAction ( META_LINECOLOR_ACTION ), maColor ( rColor ), mbSet ( bSet ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaLineColorAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { if( mbSet ) pOut->SetLineColor( maColor ); else pOut->SetLineColor(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaLineColorAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaLineColorAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaLineColorAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); maColor.Write( rOStm, TRUE ); rOStm << mbSet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaLineColorAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); maColor.Read( rIStm, TRUE ); rIStm >> mbSet; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( FillColor, META_FILLCOLOR_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaFillColorAction::MetaFillColorAction( const Color& rColor, BOOL bSet ) : MetaAction ( META_FILLCOLOR_ACTION ), maColor ( rColor ), mbSet ( bSet ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFillColorAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { if( mbSet ) pOut->SetFillColor( maColor ); else pOut->SetFillColor(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaFillColorAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaFillColorAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFillColorAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); maColor.Write( rOStm, TRUE ); rOStm << mbSet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFillColorAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); maColor.Read( rIStm, TRUE ); rIStm >> mbSet; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( TextColor, META_TEXTCOLOR_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaTextColorAction::MetaTextColorAction( const Color& rColor ) : MetaAction ( META_TEXTCOLOR_ACTION ), maColor ( rColor ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextColorAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->SetTextColor( maColor ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaTextColorAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaTextColorAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextColorAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); maColor.Write( rOStm, TRUE ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextColorAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); maColor.Read( rIStm, TRUE ); } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( TextFillColor, META_TEXTFILLCOLOR_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaTextFillColorAction::MetaTextFillColorAction( const Color& rColor, BOOL bSet ) : MetaAction ( META_TEXTFILLCOLOR_ACTION ), maColor ( rColor ), mbSet ( bSet ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextFillColorAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { if( mbSet ) pOut->SetTextFillColor( maColor ); else pOut->SetTextFillColor(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaTextFillColorAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaTextFillColorAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextFillColorAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); maColor.Write( rOStm, TRUE ); rOStm << mbSet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextFillColorAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); maColor.Read( rIStm, TRUE ); rIStm >> mbSet; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( TextLineColor, META_TEXTLINECOLOR_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaTextLineColorAction::MetaTextLineColorAction( const Color& rColor, BOOL bSet ) : MetaAction ( META_TEXTLINECOLOR_ACTION ), maColor ( rColor ), mbSet ( bSet ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextLineColorAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { if( mbSet ) pOut->SetTextLineColor( maColor ); else pOut->SetTextLineColor(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaTextLineColorAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaTextLineColorAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextLineColorAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); maColor.Write( rOStm, TRUE ); rOStm << mbSet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextLineColorAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); maColor.Read( rIStm, TRUE ); rIStm >> mbSet; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( TextAlign, META_TEXTALIGN_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaTextAlignAction::MetaTextAlignAction( TextAlign aAlign ) : MetaAction ( META_TEXTALIGN_ACTION ), maAlign ( aAlign ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextAlignAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->SetTextAlign( maAlign ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaTextAlignAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaTextAlignAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextAlignAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << (UINT16) maAlign; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTextAlignAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { UINT16 nTmp16; COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> nTmp16; maAlign = (TextAlign) nTmp16; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( MapMode, META_MAPMODE_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaMapModeAction::MetaMapModeAction( const MapMode& rMapMode ) : MetaAction ( META_MAPMODE_ACTION ), maMapMode ( rMapMode ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMapModeAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->SetMapMode( maMapMode ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaMapModeAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaMapModeAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMapModeAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { Point aPoint( maMapMode.GetOrigin() ); ImplScalePoint( aPoint, fScaleX, fScaleY ); maMapMode.SetOrigin( aPoint ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMapModeAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maMapMode; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaMapModeAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maMapMode; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Font, META_FONT_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaFontAction::MetaFontAction( const Font& rFont ) : MetaAction ( META_FONT_ACTION ), maFont ( rFont ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFontAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->SetFont( maFont ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaFontAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaFontAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFontAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { Size aSize( maFont.GetSize() ); ImplScaleSize( aSize, fScaleX, fScaleY ); maFont.SetSize( aSize ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFontAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maFont; pData->meActualCharSet = maFont.GetCharSet(); if ( pData->meActualCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ) pData->meActualCharSet = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFontAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* pData ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maFont; pData->meActualCharSet = maFont.GetCharSet(); if ( pData->meActualCharSet == RTL_TEXTENCODING_DONTKNOW ) pData->meActualCharSet = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding(); } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Push, META_PUSH_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaPushAction::MetaPushAction( USHORT nFlags ) : MetaAction ( META_PUSH_ACTION ), mnFlags ( nFlags ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPushAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->Push( mnFlags ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaPushAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaPushAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPushAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << mnFlags; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPushAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> mnFlags; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Pop, META_POP_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPopAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->Pop(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaPopAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaPopAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPopAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaPopAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( RasterOp, META_RASTEROP_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaRasterOpAction::MetaRasterOpAction( RasterOp eRasterOp ) : MetaAction ( META_RASTEROP_ACTION ), meRasterOp ( eRasterOp ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRasterOpAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->SetRasterOp( meRasterOp ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaRasterOpAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaRasterOpAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRasterOpAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << (UINT16) meRasterOp; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRasterOpAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { UINT16 nTmp16; COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> nTmp16; meRasterOp = (RasterOp) nTmp16; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( Transparent, META_TRANSPARENT_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaTransparentAction::MetaTransparentAction( const PolyPolygon& rPolyPoly, USHORT nTransPercent ) : MetaAction ( META_TRANSPARENT_ACTION ), maPolyPoly ( rPolyPoly ), mnTransPercent ( nTransPercent ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTransparentAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawTransparent( maPolyPoly, mnTransPercent ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaTransparentAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaTransparentAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTransparentAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPolyPoly.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTransparentAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { for( USHORT i = 0, nCount = maPolyPoly.Count(); i < nCount; i++ ) ImplScalePoly( maPolyPoly[ i ], fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTransparentAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maPolyPoly; rOStm << mnTransPercent; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaTransparentAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maPolyPoly; rIStm >> mnTransPercent; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( FloatTransparent, META_FLOATTRANSPARENT_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaFloatTransparentAction::MetaFloatTransparentAction( const GDIMetaFile& rMtf, const Point& rPos, const Size& rSize, const Gradient& rGradient ) : MetaAction ( META_FLOATTRANSPARENT_ACTION ), maMtf ( rMtf ), maPoint ( rPos ), maSize ( rSize ), maGradient ( rGradient ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFloatTransparentAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawTransparent( maMtf, maPoint, maSize, maGradient ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaFloatTransparentAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaFloatTransparentAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFloatTransparentAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPoint.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFloatTransparentAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPoint, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScaleSize( maSize, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFloatTransparentAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maMtf << maPoint << maSize << maGradient; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaFloatTransparentAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maMtf >> maPoint >> maSize >> maGradient; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( EPS, META_EPS_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaEPSAction::MetaEPSAction( const Point& rPoint, const Size& rSize, const GfxLink& rGfxLink, const GDIMetaFile& rSubst ) : MetaAction ( META_EPS_ACTION ), maGfxLink ( rGfxLink ), maSubst ( rSubst ), maPoint ( rPoint ), maSize ( rSize ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaEPSAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { pOut->DrawEPS( maPoint, maSize, maGfxLink, &maSubst ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaEPSAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaEPSAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaEPSAction::Move( long nHorzMove, long nVertMove ) { maPoint.Move( nHorzMove, nVertMove ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaEPSAction::Scale( double fScaleX, double fScaleY ) { ImplScalePoint( maPoint, fScaleX, fScaleY ); ImplScaleSize( maSize, fScaleX, fScaleY ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaEPSAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maGfxLink; rOStm << maPoint; rOStm << maSize; rOStm << maSubst; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaEPSAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maGfxLink; rIStm >> maPoint; rIStm >> maSize; rIStm >> maSubst; } // ======================================================================== IMPL_META_ACTION( RefPoint, META_REFPOINT_ACTION ) // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaRefPointAction::MetaRefPointAction( const Point& rRefPoint, BOOL bSet ) : MetaAction ( META_REFPOINT_ACTION ), maRefPoint ( rRefPoint ), mbSet ( bSet ) { } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRefPointAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { if( mbSet ) pOut->SetRefPoint( maRefPoint ); else pOut->SetRefPoint(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaRefPointAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaRefPointAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRefPointAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maRefPoint << mbSet; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaRefPointAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maRefPoint >> mbSet; } // ======================================================================== MetaCommentAction::MetaCommentAction( long nValue ) : MetaAction ( META_COMMENT_ACTION ), mnValue ( nValue ) { ImplInitDynamicData( NULL, 0UL ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaCommentAction::MetaCommentAction( const MetaCommentAction& rAct ) : MetaAction ( META_COMMENT_ACTION ), maComment ( rAct.maComment ), mnValue ( rAct.mnValue ) { ImplInitDynamicData( rAct.mpData, rAct.mnDataSize ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaCommentAction::MetaCommentAction( const ByteString& rComment, long nValue, const BYTE* pData, ULONG nDataSize ) : MetaAction ( META_COMMENT_ACTION ), maComment ( rComment ), mnValue ( nValue ) { ImplInitDynamicData( pData, nDataSize ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaCommentAction::MetaCommentAction( const BYTE* pData, ULONG nDataSize ) : MetaAction ( META_COMMENT_ACTION ), mnValue ( 0L ) { ImplInitDynamicData( pData, nDataSize ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaCommentAction::~MetaCommentAction() { if ( mpData ) delete[] mpData; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaCommentAction::ImplInitDynamicData( const BYTE* pData, ULONG nDataSize ) { if ( nDataSize && pData ) { mnDataSize = nDataSize, mpData = new BYTE[ mnDataSize ]; HMEMCPY( mpData, pData, mnDataSize ); } else { mnDataSize = 0; mpData = NULL; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaCommentAction::Execute( OutputDevice* pOut ) { if ( pOut->GetConnectMetaFile() ) pOut->GetConnectMetaFile()->AddAction( Clone() ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MetaAction* MetaCommentAction::Clone() { MetaAction* pClone = (MetaAction*) new MetaCommentAction( *this ); pClone->ResetRefCount(); return pClone; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaCommentAction::Write( SvStream& rOStm, ImplMetaWriteData* pData ) { WRITE_BASE_COMPAT( rOStm, 1, pData ); rOStm << maComment << mnValue << mnDataSize; if ( mnDataSize ) rOStm.Write( mpData, mnDataSize ); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------ void MetaCommentAction::Read( SvStream& rIStm, ImplMetaReadData* ) { COMPAT( rIStm ); rIStm >> maComment >> mnValue >> mnDataSize; if( mpData ) delete[] mpData; if( mnDataSize ) { mpData = new BYTE[ mnDataSize ]; rIStm.Read( mpData, mnDataSize ); } else mpData = NULL; }