/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: salgdi3.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:05:34 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #define INCL_GRE_STRINGS #include #include #include #include #define _SV_SALGDI3_CXX #ifndef _DEBUG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SALDATA_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SALGDI_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_OUTFONT_HXX #include #endif // ----------- // - Defines - // ----------- #define SAL_DRAWTEXT_STACKBUF 128 #define FONTTAB_FACTOR_PRINTER 18 #define FONTTAB_FACTOR_DISPLAY 9 static unsigned char aFontCharTab32[32] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31 }; // ======================================================================= static PM_USHORT ImplSalToCharSet( CharSet eCharSet ) { // !!! Fuer DBCS-Systeme muss dieser Code auskommentiert werden und 0 // !!! zurueckgegeben werden, solange die DBCS-Charsets nicht // !!! durchgereicht werden switch ( eCharSet ) { case CHARSET_IBMPC_437: return 437; case CHARSET_IBMPC_850: return 850; case CHARSET_IBMPC_860: return 860; case CHARSET_IBMPC_861: return 861; case CHARSET_IBMPC_863: return 863; case CHARSET_IBMPC_865: return 865; case CHARSET_ANSI: return 1004; case CHARSET_SYMBOL: return 65400; } return 0; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static CharSet ImplCharSetToSal( PM_USHORT usCodePage ) { switch ( usCodePage ) { case 437: return CHARSET_IBMPC_437; case 850: return CHARSET_IBMPC_850; case 860: return CHARSET_IBMPC_860; case 861: return CHARSET_IBMPC_861; case 863: return CHARSET_IBMPC_863; case 865: return CHARSET_IBMPC_865; case 1004: return CHARSET_ANSI; case 65400: return CHARSET_SYMBOL; } return CHARSET_DONTKNOW; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static FontWeight ImplWeightToSal( PM_USHORT nWeight ) { // Falls sich jemand an die alte Doku gehalten hat if ( nWeight > 999 ) nWeight /= 1000; switch ( nWeight ) { case 1: return WEIGHT_THIN; case 2: return WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT; case 3: return WEIGHT_LIGHT; case 4: return WEIGHT_SEMILIGHT; case 5: return WEIGHT_NORMAL; case 6: return WEIGHT_SEMIBOLD; case 7: return WEIGHT_BOLD; case 8: return WEIGHT_ULTRABOLD; case 9: return WEIGHT_BLACK; } return WEIGHT_DONTKNOW; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- static XubString ImpStyleNameToSal( const xub_Unicode* pFamilyName, const xub_Unicode* pFaceName, USHORT nLen ) { if ( !nLen ) nLen = WSstrlen( pFamilyName ); // FamilyName gegebenenfalls abschneiden if ( WSstrncmp( pFamilyName, pFaceName, nLen ) == 0 ) { USHORT nFaceLen = (USHORT)WSstrlen( pFaceName+nLen ); // Ist Facename laenger, schneiden wir den FamilyName ab if ( nFaceLen > 1 ) return XubString( pFaceName+(nLen+1), nFaceLen-1 ); else return XubString(); } else return XubString( pFaceName ); } // ======================================================================= void SalGraphics::SetTextColor( SalColor nSalColor ) { CHARBUNDLE cb; cb.lColor = RGBCOLOR( SALCOLOR_RED( nSalColor ), SALCOLOR_GREEN( nSalColor ), SALCOLOR_BLUE( nSalColor ) ); // set default color attributes GpiSetAttrs( maGraphicsData.mhPS, PRIM_CHAR, CBB_COLOR, 0, &cb ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- USHORT SalGraphics::SetFont( ImplFontSelectData* pFont ) { ImplFontData* pFontData = pFont->mpFontData; FATTRS aFAttrs; BOOL bOutline; memset( &aFAttrs, 0, sizeof( FATTRS ) ); aFAttrs.usRecordLength = sizeof( FATTRS ); aFAttrs.usCodePage = ImplSalToCharSet( pFont->meCharSet ); aFAttrs.lMaxBaselineExt = pFont->mnHeight; aFAttrs.lAveCharWidth = pFont->mnWidth; // do we have a pointer to the FONTMETRICS of the selected font? -> use it! if ( pFontData ) { PFONTMETRICS pFontMetric = (PFONTMETRICS)pFontData->mpSysData; strcpy( (char*)(aFAttrs.szFacename), pFontMetric->szFacename ); aFAttrs.lMatch = pFontMetric->lMatch; aFAttrs.idRegistry = pFontMetric->idRegistry; bOutline = (pFontMetric->fsDefn & FM_DEFN_OUTLINE) != 0; maGraphicsData.mbFontIsFixed = (pFontMetric->fsType & FM_TYPE_FIXED) != 0; if ( bOutline ) { aFAttrs.fsFontUse |= FATTR_FONTUSE_OUTLINE; if ( pFont->mnOrientation ) aFAttrs.fsFontUse |= FATTR_FONTUSE_TRANSFORMABLE; } else { aFAttrs.lMaxBaselineExt = pFontData->mnHeight; aFAttrs.lAveCharWidth = pFontData->mnWidth; } if ( (pFont->mpFontData->meItalic == ITALIC_NONE) && (pFont->meItalic != ITALIC_NONE) ) aFAttrs.fsSelection |= FATTR_SEL_ITALIC; if ( ((short)pFont->meWeight - (short)pFont->mpFontData->meWeight >= 2) ) aFAttrs.fsSelection |= FATTR_SEL_BOLD; } else { String aName = pFont->maName.GetToken( 0 ); strncpy( (char*)(aFAttrs.szFacename), aName, sizeof( aFAttrs.szFacename ) ); bOutline = FALSE; maGraphicsData.mbFontIsFixed = FALSE; if ( pFont->meItalic != ITALIC_NONE ) aFAttrs.fsSelection |= FATTR_SEL_ITALIC; if ( pFont->meWeight > WEIGHT_MEDIUM ) aFAttrs.fsSelection |= FATTR_SEL_BOLD; } if ( GpiCreateLogFont( maGraphicsData.mhPS, NULL, 10, &aFAttrs ) == GPI_ERROR ) return SAL_SETFONT_REMOVEANDMATCHNEW; CHARBUNDLE aBundle; PM_ULONG nAttrsDefault = 0; PM_ULONG nAttrs = CBB_SET; aBundle.usSet = 10; nAttrs |= CBB_BOX; if ( bOutline ) { aBundle.sizfxCell.cy = MAKEFIXED( pFont->mnHeight, 0 ); if ( !pFont->mnWidth ) { LONG nXFontRes; LONG nYFontRes; LONG nHeight; // Auf die Aufloesung achten, damit das Ergebnis auch auf // Drucken mit 180*360 DPI stimmt. Ausserdem muss gerundet // werden, da auf meinem OS2 beispielsweise als // Bildschirmaufloesung 3618*3622 PixelPerMeter zurueck- // gegeben wird DevQueryCaps( maGraphicsData.mhDC, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION, 1, &nXFontRes ); DevQueryCaps( maGraphicsData.mhDC, CAPS_VERTICAL_RESOLUTION, 1, &nYFontRes ); nHeight = pFont->mnHeight; nHeight *= nXFontRes; nHeight += nYFontRes/2; nHeight /= nYFontRes; aBundle.sizfxCell.cx = MAKEFIXED( nHeight, 0 ); } else aBundle.sizfxCell.cx = MAKEFIXED( pFont->mnWidth, 0 ); } else nAttrsDefault |= CBB_BOX; // set orientation for outlinefonts nAttrs |= CBB_ANGLE; if ( pFont->mnOrientation ) { if ( bOutline ) { double alpha = (double)(pFont->mnOrientation); alpha *= 0.0017453292; // *PI / 1800 maGraphicsData.mnOrientationY = (long) (1000.0 * sin( alpha )); maGraphicsData.mnOrientationX = (long) (1000.0 * cos( alpha )); aBundle.ptlAngle.x = maGraphicsData.mnOrientationX; aBundle.ptlAngle.y = maGraphicsData.mnOrientationY; } else { nAttrsDefault |= CBB_ANGLE; maGraphicsData.mnOrientationX = 1; maGraphicsData.mnOrientationY = 0; } } else { nAttrsDefault |= CBB_ANGLE; maGraphicsData.mnOrientationX = 1; maGraphicsData.mnOrientationY = 0; } GpiSetAttrs( maGraphicsData.mhPS, PRIM_CHAR, nAttrs, nAttrsDefault, &aBundle ); // save info about font maGraphicsData.mbFontIsOutline = bOutline; return SAL_SETFONT_USEDRAWTEXTARRAY; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- long SalGraphics::GetCharWidth( USHORT nChar1, USHORT nChar2, long* pWidthAry ) { POINTL aNullPt = { 0, 0 }; POINTL aFontCharPtBuf[33]; unsigned char aFontCharTabBuf[FONTTAB_FACTOR_PRINTER]; long nFontTabFactor = maGraphicsData.mbPrinter ? FONTTAB_FACTOR_PRINTER : FONTTAB_FACTOR_DISPLAY; // Orientation? -> rotate to 0 degree! if ( (maGraphicsData.mnOrientationY != 0) && (maGraphicsData.mnOrientationX != 1) ) { CHARBUNDLE aBundle; aBundle.ptlAngle.x = 1; aBundle.ptlAngle.y = 0; GpiSetAttrs( maGraphicsData.mhPS, PRIM_CHAR, CBB_ANGLE, 0, &aBundle ); } // Fixed-Font und Fontbreitentabelle bestimmen // Wir benutzen GpiQueryCharStringPos() (und nicht GpiQueryWidthTable()) // um die Genauigkeit zu erhoehen. In dem String stehen bis auf die // ersten 32-Zeichen FONTATB_FACTOR* in der Tabelle um die Genauigkeit // um den Faktor FONTTAB_FACTOR (9 bzw. 18) zu steigern. Dies muessen wir tun, // da auf einen ganzen String die Genauigkeit der Zeichenbreiten // groesser als Pixel ist. Somit muessen die Werte, die in der Tabelle // abgefragt werden durch FONTTAB_FACTOR dividiert werden. USHORT i = 0; if ( maGraphicsData.mbFontIsFixed ) { // Bei FixedFonts brauchen wir nicht soviele Zeichen // uebergeben, da alle gleich breit sind memset( aFontCharTabBuf, 'x', nFontTabFactor ); GpiQueryCharStringPosAt( maGraphicsData.mhPS, &aNullPt, 0, nFontTabFactor, (PCH)aFontCharTabBuf, NULL, aFontCharPtBuf ); long nWidth = aFontCharPtBuf[nFontTabFactor].x - aFontCharPtBuf[0].x; long nFontTabFactor2 = nFontTabFactor/2; // Breite auf ganze Pixel alignen, damit Schriftbild besser aussieht nWidth = (nWidth+nFontTabFactor2)/nFontTabFactor; for ( ; i < 256; i++ ) pWidthAry[i] = nWidth; nFontTabFactor = 1; } else { // Die ersten 32 Zeichen haben nur eine einfache Genauigkeit, damit // wir nicht soviele Werte abfragen muessen GpiQueryCharStringPosAt( maGraphicsData.mhPS, &aNullPt, 0, 32, (PCH)aFontCharTab32, NULL, aFontCharPtBuf ); for ( ; i < 32; i++ ) pWidthAry[ i ] = (aFontCharPtBuf[i+1].x - aFontCharPtBuf[i].x) * nFontTabFactor; // Die restlichen Zeichen mit (fast) genauer Aufloesung for ( ; i < 256; i++ ) { memset( aFontCharTabBuf, i, nFontTabFactor ); GpiQueryCharStringPosAt( maGraphicsData.mhPS, &aNullPt, 0, nFontTabFactor, (PCH)aFontCharTabBuf, NULL, aFontCharPtBuf ); pWidthAry[ i ] = aFontCharPtBuf[nFontTabFactor].x - aFontCharPtBuf[0].x; } } // Orientation? -> rotate back! if ( (maGraphicsData.mnOrientationY != 0) && (maGraphicsData.mnOrientationX != 1) ) { CHARBUNDLE aBundle; aBundle.ptlAngle.x = maGraphicsData.mnOrientationX; aBundle.ptlAngle.y = maGraphicsData.mnOrientationY; GpiSetAttrs( maGraphicsData.mhPS, PRIM_CHAR, CBB_ANGLE, 0, &aBundle ); } return nFontTabFactor; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SalGraphics::GetFontMetric( ImplFontMetricData* pMetric ) { FONTMETRICS aOS2Metric; GpiQueryFontMetrics( maGraphicsData.mhPS, sizeof( aOS2Metric ), &aOS2Metric ); pMetric->maName = aOS2Metric.szFamilyname; pMetric->maStyleName = ImpStyleNameToSal( aOS2Metric.szFamilyname, aOS2Metric.szFacename, strlen( aOS2Metric.szFamilyname ) ); pMetric->meCharSet = ImplCharSetToSal( aOS2Metric.usCodePage ); pMetric->meWeight = ImplWeightToSal( aOS2Metric.usWeightClass ); if ( aOS2Metric.panose.bFamilyType == 3 ) pMetric->meFamily = FAMILY_SCRIPT; else pMetric->meFamily = FAMILY_DONTKNOW; if ( aOS2Metric.fsType & FM_TYPE_FIXED ) pMetric->mePitch = PITCH_FIXED; else pMetric->mePitch = PITCH_VARIABLE; if ( aOS2Metric.fsSelection & FM_SEL_ITALIC ) pMetric->meItalic = ITALIC_NORMAL; else pMetric->meItalic = ITALIC_NONE; if ( aOS2Metric.fsDefn & FM_DEFN_OUTLINE ) { pMetric->meType = TYPE_SCALABLE; pMetric->mnWidth = aOS2Metric.lEmInc; } else { pMetric->meType = TYPE_RASTER; pMetric->mnWidth = aOS2Metric.lAveCharWidth; pMetric->mnOrientation = 0; } if ( aOS2Metric.fsDefn & FM_DEFN_GENERIC ) pMetric->mbDevice = FALSE; else pMetric->mbDevice = TRUE; pMetric->mnAscent = aOS2Metric.lMaxAscender; pMetric->mnDescent = aOS2Metric.lMaxDescender; pMetric->mnLeading = aOS2Metric.lInternalLeading; pMetric->mnSlant = 0; pMetric->mnFirstChar = aOS2Metric.sFirstChar; pMetric->mnLastChar = aOS2Metric.sLastChar; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG SalGraphics::GetKernPairs( ULONG nPairs, ImplKernPairData* pKernPairs ) { if ( !nPairs || !pKernPairs ) { FONTMETRICS aOS2Metric; GpiQueryFontMetrics( maGraphicsData.mhPS, sizeof( aOS2Metric ), &aOS2Metric ); return aOS2Metric.sKerningPairs; } DBG_ASSERT( sizeof( KERNINGPAIRS ) == sizeof( ImplKernPairData ), "SalGraphics::GetKernPairs(): KERNINGPAIRS != ImplKernPairData" ); // Einige Treiber liefern weniger Kerning-Paare, als wir mit // GpiQueryFontMetrics() ermittelt haben. Deshalb hier den Rueckgabewert // anpassen, damit der unabhaengige Teil entsprechend darauf reagieren // kann nPairs = GpiQueryKerningPairs( maGraphicsData.mhPS, nPairs, (KERNINGPAIRS*)pKernPairs ); return nPairs; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SalGraphics::GetDevFontList( ImplDevFontList* pList ) { PFONTMETRICS pFontMetrics; ULONG nFontMetricCount; SalData* pSalData; if ( !maGraphicsData.mbPrinter ) { // Bei Bildschirm-Devices cachen wir die Liste global, da // dies im unabhaengigen Teil auch so gemacht wird und wir // ansonsten auf geloeschten Systemdaten arbeiten koennten pSalData = GetSalData(); nFontMetricCount = pSalData->mnFontMetricCount; pFontMetrics = pSalData->mpFontMetrics; // Bei Bildschirm-Devices holen wir uns die Fontliste jedesmal neu if ( pFontMetrics ) { delete pFontMetrics; pFontMetrics = NULL; nFontMetricCount = 0; } } else { nFontMetricCount = maGraphicsData.mnFontMetricCount; pFontMetrics = maGraphicsData.mpFontMetrics; } // do we have to create the cached font list first? if ( !pFontMetrics ) { // query the number of fonts available LONG nTemp = 0; nFontMetricCount = GpiQueryFonts( maGraphicsData.mhPS, QF_PUBLIC | QF_PRIVATE, NULL, &nTemp, sizeof( FONTMETRICS ), NULL ); // procede only if at least one is available! if ( nFontMetricCount ) { // allocate memory for font list pFontMetrics = new FONTMETRICS[nFontMetricCount]; // query font list GpiQueryFonts( maGraphicsData.mhPS, QF_PUBLIC | QF_PRIVATE, NULL, (PLONG)&nFontMetricCount, (LONG) sizeof( FONTMETRICS ), pFontMetrics ); } if ( !maGraphicsData.mbPrinter ) { pSalData->mnFontMetricCount = nFontMetricCount; pSalData->mpFontMetrics = pFontMetrics; } else { maGraphicsData.mnFontMetricCount = nFontMetricCount; maGraphicsData.mpFontMetrics = pFontMetrics; } } // copy data from the font list for( ULONG i = 0; i < nFontMetricCount; i++ ) { PFONTMETRICS pFontMetric = &pFontMetrics[i]; // Bildschirm-Bitmap-Font's werden nicht fuer den Drucker angeboten if ( maGraphicsData.mbPrinter ) { if ( (pFontMetric->fsDefn & (FM_DEFN_OUTLINE | FM_DEFN_GENERIC)) == FM_DEFN_GENERIC ) // Font nicht aufnehmen continue; } // create new font list element ImplFontData* pData = new ImplFontData; pData->maName = pFontMetric->szFamilyname; pData->maStyleName = ImpStyleNameToSal( pFontMetric->szFamilyname, pFontMetric->szFacename, strlen( pFontMetric->szFamilyname) ); pData->mpSysData = (void*)pFontMetric; pData->meCharSet = ImplCharSetToSal( pFontMetric->usCodePage ); pData->meWeight = ImplWeightToSal( pFontMetric->usWeightClass ); pData->meWidthType = WIDTH_DONTKNOW; if ( pFontMetric->panose.bFamilyType == 3 ) pData->meFamily = FAMILY_SCRIPT; else pData->meFamily = FAMILY_DONTKNOW; if ( pFontMetric->fsType & FM_TYPE_FIXED ) pData->mePitch = PITCH_FIXED; else pData->mePitch = PITCH_VARIABLE; if ( pFontMetric->fsSelection & FM_SEL_ITALIC ) pData->meItalic = ITALIC_NORMAL; else pData->meItalic = ITALIC_NONE; if ( pFontMetric->fsDefn & FM_DEFN_OUTLINE ) pData->meType = TYPE_SCALABLE; else pData->meType = TYPE_RASTER; if ( pFontMetric->fsDefn & FM_DEFN_GENERIC ) pData->mbDevice = FALSE; else pData->mbDevice = TRUE; if ( pData->meType != TYPE_RASTER ) { pData->mnWidth = 0; pData->mnHeight = 0; pData->mbOrientation = TRUE; } else { pData->mnWidth = pFontMetric->lAveCharWidth; pData->mnHeight = pFontMetric->lMaxBaselineExt; pData->mbOrientation = FALSE; } pData->mnQuality = 0; // add font list element to font list pList->Add( pData ); } } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SalGraphics::DrawText( long nX, long nY, const xub_Unicode* pStr, USHORT nLen ) { DBG_ERROR( "SalGraphics::DrawText called!" ); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SalGraphics::DrawTextArray( long nX, long nY, const xub_Unicode* pStr, USHORT nLen, const long* pDXAry ) { POINTL aPt; LONG aStackAry[ SAL_DRAWTEXT_STACKBUF ]; LONG* pOS2DXAry; if ( nLen <= SAL_DRAWTEXT_STACKBUF ) pOS2DXAry = aStackAry; else pOS2DXAry = new LONG[nLen]; aPt.x = nX; aPt.y = maGraphicsData.mnHeight - nY; pOS2DXAry[0] = (LONG)pDXAry[0]; for ( USHORT i = 1; i < nLen-1; i++ ) pOS2DXAry[i] = (LONG)pDXAry[i]-pDXAry[i-1]; pOS2DXAry[nLen-1] = 0; // OS2 kann max. 512-Zeichen lange Strings ausgeben, deshalb kuerzen // wir den String auf eine Laenge von 512-Zeichen if ( nLen > 512 ) { // Wir versuchen links die Zeichen zu ueberspringen, die evtl. im // nicht sichtbaren Bereich liegen LONG nWidth = 0; LONG nCharWidth; while ( nLen > 512 ) { nCharWidth = *pOS2DXAry; if ( (aPt.x+nWidth+nCharWidth) >= -999 ) break; nWidth += nCharWidth; pStr++; pOS2DXAry++; nLen--; } if ( nLen > 512 ) nLen = 512; aPt.x = aPt.x + nWidth; } GpiCharStringPosAt( maGraphicsData.mhPS, &aPt, NULL, CHS_VECTOR, nLen, (PCH)pStr, pOS2DXAry ); if ( pOS2DXAry != aStackAry ) delete pOS2DXAry; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL SalGraphics::GetGlyphBoundRect( xub_Unicode cChar, long* pX, long* pY, long* pWidth, long* pHeight ) { return FALSE; } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ///---------------------------- PUBLIC ROUTINE ------------------------------- // Using the following macro in PMDDIM.H you can use a GRE call to get the char outline // of system outline fonts. This call does not work for system bitmap fonts or device fonts. // Truetype fonts should also work however the data returned for truetype fonts will be mostly // scanline data until you install the latest fixpak ("31 or 32" I Think). The fix pak will improve // the data returned for truetype fonts to include curves. This call was // implemented in merlin and should be in fix pak 26 for Warp as well. // // #define GreQueryCharOutline(a,b,c,d,e) // (LONG)Gre32Entry7((HDC)(a),(ULONG)(b),(ULONG)(PBYTE)(c),(ULONG)(d),(ULONG)(e),0L,0x00004256L) // #define NGreQueryCharOutline 0x00004256L // // LONG APIENTRY QueryCharOutline32 (HDC hdc, ULONG ulCode, PBYTE pBuffer, // ULONG ulLen, ULONG fl, ULONG hddc, // ULONG ulFunN) // // This function returns outline data information of the specified // character glyph // // Parameters: hdc Device context handle // ulCode Code point // pBuffer Pointer to outline data to be returned // ulLen Length in bytes of pBuffer // fl Options flags // QCO_FORMAT_GOCA // QCO_FORMAT_IFI // QCO_NO_TRANSFORM // hddc // ulFunN // Returns: // The number of bytes needed to store character outline // GPI_ALTERROR // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ULONG SalGraphics::GetGlyphOutline( xub_Unicode cChar, USHORT** ppPolySizes, SalPoint** ppPoints, BYTE** ppFlags ) { return 0; }