Welcome to the Visual Class Libraries (vcl) code source/ + the main cross-platform chunk of source inc/ + cross-platform abstraction headers / definition vcl/ + external headers generic/ + shared helper code for backends, actually built into vcl headless/ + a backend renderer that draws to bitmaps aqua/ + OS/X backend ios/ + skeleton Android backend win/ + windows backend unx/ + unix specific platform backend code and its' sub-platforms plugadapt/ + pluggable framework to select correct unx backend gtk/ + gtk2 support gtk3/ + gtk3.2+ support kde/ + kde3 support kde4/ + kde4 support generic/ + raw X support How the platform abstraction works + InitVCL calls 'CreateSalInstance' + ths is implemented by the compiled-in platform backend + it stores various bits of global state in the 'SalData' (inc/saldatabasic.hxx) structure but: + the SalInstance vtable is the primary outward facing gateway API for platform backends + It is a factory for: SalFrames, SalVirtualDevices, SalPrinters, Timers, the SolarMutexe, Drag&Drop and other objects, as well as the primary event loop wrapper.