'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************** ' DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. ' ' Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. ' ' OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite ' ' This file is part of OpenOffice.org. ' ' OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ' it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 ' only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. ' ' OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ' but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ' MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ' GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details ' (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). ' ' You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License ' version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see ' ' for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. ' '/************************************************************************ '* '* owner : helge.delfs@sun.com '* '* short description : Test of textframe - 1 '* '\*********************************************************************** sub w_textframes1 Call tTextframes_1 'Test Insert Frame with four ways Call tTextframes_2 'Test check Autosize Call tTextframes_3 'Test Uncheck Autosize Call tTextframes_4 'Test Uncheck Keep ratio Call tTextframes_5 'Test check Keep ratio Call tTextframes_6 'Test Anchor to page - frame doesn't move with text Call tTextframes_7 'Test Anchor to paragraph - text entered ahead of the paragraph ,the frame has to move with its paragraph Call tTextframes_8 'Test Anchor to Character - the frame follows the vertical position of the character it is anchored to Call tTextframes_9 'Test Anchor as Character - frame behaves as a character, moves with each text insertion ahead of it Call tTextframes_10 'Test Anchor in gathering pages&columns test. Call tTextframes_11 'Test Anchor in gathering paragraph test. Call tTextframes_12 'Horizontal should not be available when frame is anchored as Character Call tTextframes_13 'Test Horizontal Call tTextframes_14 'Test Vertical Call tTextframes_15 'Frame name can be actualized in Navigator - solution 1 Call tTextframes_16 'Frame name can be actualized in Navigator - solution 2 end sub '--------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_1 printlog "- Insert / Frame" '/// Test Insert Frame Call hNewDocument '/// 1. Insert a Frame (with Menu) InsertFrame Kontext try Active.Setpage TabType Kontext "TabType" TabType.Ok Wait 500 catch Warnlog "Unable to insert a frame (Dialog is not up)!" endcatch try Call fFormatFrame("TabType") TabType.Cancel catch Warnlog "Frame has not been inserted correct with menu!" endcatch Call hCloseDocument '/// 2. Insert a frame over Toolbox / Insert / Frame Call hNewDocument Call wDocSetContext Call gMouseClick (30, 50) Call hToolbarSelect("INSERT", true ) Sleep 1 Kontext "Insertbar" Rahmen.Click Sleep 1 Call gMouseDown ( 30,50 ) Call gMouseMove ( 30,50,30,60 ) Call gMouseUp ( 30,60 ) Call gMouseClick ( 50,70 ) Sleep 1 'set focus to the frame Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 2 try Call fFormatFrame("TabType") TabType.Cancel catch Warnlog "Frame has not been inserted correct over toolbox !" endcatch Call hCloseDocument '/// Create Multi-Column frames over toolbox is not possible with testtool '/// 3. Paste a frame from clipboard Call hNewDocument '/// -- insert a frame first Call wInsertFrame '/// -- Copy frame to clipboard try EditCopy catch Warnlog "Unable to access 'Edit / Copy'. Maybe disabled !" Call hCloseDocument goto endsub endcatch Call hCloseDocument Call hNewDocument '/// -- Paste Frame into document from clipboard EditPaste Sleep 1 try Call fFormatFrame("TabType") TabType.Cancel catch Warnlog "Frame has not been pasted via clipboard !" endcatch Call hCloseDocument '/// 4. Insert a frame via 'Insert / File ' Call hNewDocument InsertFileWriter Kontext "OeffnenDlg" Dateiname.Settext Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\textframe\frame.sxw") Oeffnen.Click Wait 500 'set focus to the frame Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Wait 500 try Call fFormatFrame("TabType") TabType.Cancel catch Warnlog "Frame has not been inserted via insert/file !" endcatch Call hCloseDocument endcase '--------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_2 Dim sText as String Dim sHeight as String Dim sSpacing as String sText = "ABCDEFG" sSpacing = "0" printlog "- Test check Autosize" '/// Test check Autosize Call hNewDocument '/// insert/frame / Type , Check Autosize InsertFrame Kontext Active.SetPage TabType Kontext "TabType" AutoHoehe.Check Sleep 1 TabType.OK '/// A return on a selected frame points cursor into frame Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 '/// Input text full of frame Call wTypeKeys sText Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 EditCopy Wait 500 ' Choosed Text length because selected text depends on selected font if Len(GetClipboardText) = Len(sText) then Warnlog "Don't get expected text ! Autosize doesn't seem to work properly" Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_3 Dim sText as String Dim sExpect as String Dim sHeight as String Dim sSpacing as String sText = "ABCDEFG" sExpect = "ABCDEFG" sSpacing = "0" printlog "- Test Uncheck Autosize" '/// Test Uncheck Autosize Call hNewDocument '/// insert/frame / Type , UnCheck Autosize InsertFrame Kontext Active.SetPage TabType Kontext "TabType" AutoHoehe.UnCheck Sleep 1 TabType.OK '/// A return on a selected frame points cursor into frame Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 '/// Input text full of frame Call wTypeKeys sText Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 EditCopy Wait 500 if GetClipboardText <> sExpect then QAerrorlog "#i31690# - Don't get expected text ! Hope to get " + sExpect + " but get " + GetClipboardText Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_4 Dim sWidth as String Dim sHeight as String Dim sWidthNew1 as String Dim sHeightNew1 as String Dim sWidthNew2 as String Dim sHeightNew2 as String sWidth = "2"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sHeight = "1"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sWidthNew1 = "4"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sHeightNew1 = "1"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sWidthNew2 = "4"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sHeightNew2 = "3"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit printlog "- Test Uncheck Keep ratio" '/// Test Uncheck Keep ratio Call hNewDocument '/// insert a frame Call wInsertFrame '/// Format / Frame / Type Call fFormatFrame("TabType") '/// + UnCheck Keep ratio KeepRatio.UnCheck '/// + Set width and height Width.SetText sWidth Sleep 1 Height.SetText sHeight Sleep 1 if Width.GetText <> sWidth then Warnlog "Keep ration(Uncheck) doesn't work - width!" if Height.GetText <> sHeight then Warnlog "Keep ration(Uncheck) doesn't work - heigth!" '/// Check if height is changed after width is changed. Width.SetText sWidthNew1 Sleep 1 if Width.GetText <> sWidthNew1 then Warnlog "Keep ration(Uncheck) doesn't work - widthNew1 !" if Height.GetText <> sHeightNew1 then Warnlog "Keep ration(Uncheck) doesn't work - heigthNew1 !" '/// Check if width is changed after height is changed. Height.SetText sHeightNew2 Sleep 1 if Width.GetText <> sWidthNew2 then Warnlog "Keep ration(Uncheck) doesn't work - widthNew2 !" if Height.GetText <> sHeightNew2 then Warnlog "Keep ration(Uncheck) doesn't work - heigthNew2 !" TabType.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_5 Dim sWidth as String Dim sHeight as String Dim sWidthNew1 as String Dim sHeightNew1 as String Dim sWidthNew2 as String Dim sHeightNew2 as String sWidth = "2"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sHeight = "1"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sWidthNew1 = "4"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sHeightNew1 = "2"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sWidthNew2 = "6"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit sHeightNew2 = "3"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit printlog "- Test check Keep ratio" '/// Test check Keep ratio Call hNewDocument '/// insert a frame Call wInsertFrame '/// Format / Frame / Type Call fFormatFrame("TabType") '/// + UnCheck Keep ratio KeepRatio.UnCheck '/// + Set width and height Width.SetText sWidth Sleep 1 Height.SetText sHeight Sleep 1 '/// + Check Keep ratio KeepRatio.Check Sleep 1 '/// Check if height is changed after width is changed. Width.SetText sWidthNew1 Sleep 1 if Width.GetText <> sWidthNew1 then Warnlog "Keep ration(check) doesn't work - widthNew1 !" if Height.GetText <> sHeightNew1 then Warnlog "Keep ration(check) doesn't work - heigthNew1 !" '/// Check if width is changed after height is changed. Height.SetText sHeightNew2 Sleep 1 if Width.GetText <> sWidthNew2 then Warnlog "Keep ration(check) doesn't work - widthNew2 !" if Height.GetText <> sHeightNew2 then Warnlog "Keep ration(check) doesn't work - heigthNew2 !" TabType.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_6 Dim sTestFile as String Dim sTestText as String sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\textframe\AnchorToPage.sxw") sTestText = "Bottom" printlog "- Test Anchor to page - frame doesn't move with text" '/// Test Anchor to page - frame doesn't move with text '/// Open a test file '/// + This test file is designed for Anchor To Page test. '/// + There are 2 pages in the file , and the frame is in '/// + the bottom of first page Call hFileOpen(sTestFile,false) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable Check1: EditSearchAndReplace Kontext "FindAndReplace" SearchFor.SetText sTestText Wait 500 SearchAll.Click Sleep 1 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists then if Active.GetRT = 304 then try Active.Ok catch Active.No endcatch end if end if Kontext "FindAndReplace" FindAndReplace.Cancel Kontext "Navigator" if Not Navigator.Exists then ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then fCloseNavigator Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 Goto Check1 end if fCloseNavigator Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" '/// Press Return before "bottom" , now the "bottom" '/// + should be in the second page Call wTypeKeys "" , 15 Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 EditCopy if GetClipboardText <> sTestText then Warnlog "The test text isn't right !" Kontext "Navigator" if Not Navigator.Exists then ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "2" then Warnlog "The test text should be in second page !" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 '/// Set focus to the frame , the frame should be '/// + still in the first page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Kontext "Navigator" if Not Navigator.Exists then ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then Warnlog "The test frame should be still in first page !" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 printlog " Close active document " Do Until GetDocumentCount = 0 Call hCloseDocument Loop endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_7 Dim sTestFile as String Dim sDummy as String sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\textframe\AnchorToParagraph.sxw") sDummy = "She heard" printlog "- Test Anchor to paragraph - text entered ahead of the paragraph ,the frame has to move with its paragraph" '/// Test Anchor to paragraph - text entered ahead of the paragraph ,the frame has to move with its paragraph '/// Open a test file '/// + This test file is designed for Anchor To Paragraph test. '/// + There are 2 paragraphs in the file , and the head of 2nd '/// + paragraph is in the bottom of the first page . '/// + The frame is in the first line of 2nd paragraph Call hFileOpen(sTestFile,false) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable '/// check if the frame is in the first page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Check: Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then fCloseNavigator Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" EditSearchAndReplace Kontext "FindAndReplace" SearchFor.SetText sDummy Wait 500 SearchAll.Click Sleep 1 FindAndReplace.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Goto Check else fCloseNavigator Wait 500 end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" '/// Press Return before the second paragraph Call wTypeKeys "" , 3 Wait 500 '/// Set focus to the frame , the frame should be in the second page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "2" then Warnlog "The test frame should be in second page !" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 printlog " Close active document " Do Until GetDocumentCount = 0 Call hCloseDocument Loop endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_8 Dim sTestFile as String Dim sDummy as String sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\textframe\AnchorToCharacter.sxw") sDummy = "He heard" printlog "- Test Anchor to Character - the frame follows the vertical position of the character it is anchored to" '/// Test Anchor to Character - the frame follows the vertical position of the character it is anchored to '/// Open a test file '/// + This test file is designed for Anchor To Character test. '/// + The frame is anchored to the character 't' of That . '/// + The frame is in the bottom of the first page Call hFileOpen(sTestFile,false) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable '/// check if the frame is in the first page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Check1: Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then fCloseNavigator Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" EditSearchAndReplace Kontext "FindAndReplace" SearchFor.SetText sDummy Wait 500 SearchAll.Click Sleep 1 FindAndReplace.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Goto Check1 else fCloseNavigator Wait 500 end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" '/// Press Return behind the character which the frame is anchored. Call wTypeKeys "" , 8 Wait 500 '/// Set focus to the frame , the frame should be still in the first page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then Warnlog "The test frame should be in first page !" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 Call hCloseDocument Call hFileOpen(sTestFile,false) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Check2: Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then fCloseNavigator Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" EditSearchAndReplace Kontext "FindAndReplace" SearchFor.SetText sDummy Wait 500 SearchAll.Click Sleep 1 FindAndReplace.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Goto Check2 else fCloseNavigator Wait 500 end if '/// Press Return in front of the character which the frame is anchored. Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" , 8 Wait 500 '/// Set focus to the frame , the frame should be in the second page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "2" then Warnlog "The test frame should be in second page !" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 printlog " Close active document " Do Until GetDocumentCount = 0 Call hCloseDocument Loop endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_9 Dim sTestFile as String Dim sDummy as String sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\textframe\AnchorAsCharacter.sxw") sDummy = "He heard" printlog "- Test Anchor as Character - frame behaves as a character, moves with each text insertion ahead of it" '/// Test Anchor as Character - frame behaves as a character, moves with each text insertion ahead of it '/// Open a test file '/// + This test file is designed for Anchor as Character test. '/// + The frame is anchored as the character. '/// + The frame is in the right and bottom of the first page Call hFileOpen(sTestFile,false) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable 'check if the frame is in the first page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Check1: Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then fCloseNavigator Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" EditSearchAndReplace Kontext "FindAndReplace" SearchFor.SetText sDummy Wait 500 SearchAll.Click Sleep 1 FindAndReplace.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Goto Check1 else fCloseNavigator Wait 500 end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" '/// Press Return behind the the frame. Call wTypeKeys "" , 8 Wait 500 '/// Set focus to the frame , the frame should be still in the first page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then Warnlog "The test frame should be in first page !" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 Call hCloseDocument Call hFileOpen(sTestFile,false) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable Check2: Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then fCloseNavigator Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" EditSearchAndReplace Kontext "FindAndReplace" SearchFor.SetText sDummy Wait 500 SearchAll.Click Sleep 1 FindAndReplace.Cancel Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Goto Check2 else fCloseNavigator Wait 500 end if '/// Press Return in front of the frame Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" , 8 Wait 500 '/// Set focus to the frame , the frame should be in the second page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "2" then Warnlog "The test frame should be in second page !" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 printlog " Close active document " Do Until GetDocumentCount = 0 Call hCloseDocument Loop endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_10 Dim sColumn1 as String Dim sColumn2 as String Dim sTestFile1 as String Dim sTestFile2 as String sColumn1 = "1" sColumn2 = "2" sTestFile1 = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\textframe\pageColumn1.sxw") sTestFile2 = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\textframe\pageColumn2.sxw") printlog "- Test Anchor in gathering pages&columns test." '/// Test Anchor in gathering pages&columns test. '/// Open a test file '/// + This test file is designed for Anchor in gathering pages&columns test. '/// + There are 2 columns in the page. And the frame is in the second column. Call hFileOpen(sTestFile1,false) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable 'Press return to ensure the frame is in 2nd column Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" , 8 Sleep 1 '/// Set the column to 1 fFormatPageWriter("TabSpalten") Anzahl.SetText sColumn1 Sleep 1 TabSpalten.OK '/// Check if the frame is in the second page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "2" then Warnlog "The test frame should be in second page -1!" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 Call hCloseDocument printlog "- Test Anchor in seperating pages&columns test" '/// Test Anchor in seperating pages&columns test '/// Open a test file2 '/// + This test file is designed for Anchor in seperating '/// + pages&columns test. '/// + There are 2 pages. And the frame is in the second page. Call hFileOpen(sTestFile2,false) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable 'check if the frame is in the 2nd page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "2" then Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" , 8 Sleep 1 end if fCloseNavigator Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 '/// Set the column to 2 fFormatPageWriter("TabSpalten") Anzahl.SetText sColumn2 Sleep 1 TabSpalten.OK '/// Check if the frame is in the first page Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 Kontext ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then Warnlog "The test frame should be in first page ! -2" fCloseNavigator Wait 500 printlog " Close active document " Do Until GetDocumentCount = 0 Call hCloseDocument Loop endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_11 Dim sTestFile as String Dim sDummy1 as String Dim sDummy2 as String sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\textframe\pageParagraph.sxw") sDummy1 = "He heard" sDummy2 = "after he" printlog "- Test Anchor in gathering paragraph test" '/// Test Anchor in gathering paragraph test '/// Open a test file '/// + This test file is designed for Anchor in gathering paragraph test. '/// + There are 2 paragraph in the file . '/// + The 1st paragraph is in 1st page and the 2nd paragraph is in 2nd page '/// + Two paragraphs, a frame is anchored to the second one. When deleting the paragraph mark, the anchor of the frame has to move the the first paragraph. Call hFileOpen(sTestFile,false) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable Check1: 'First check EditSearchAndReplace Kontext "FindAndReplace" SearchFor.SetText sDummy1 Wait 500 SearchAll.Click Sleep 1 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists then if Active.GetRT = 304 then try Active.Ok catch Active.No endcatch end if end if Kontext "FindAndReplace" FindAndReplace.Cancel Kontext "Navigator" if Not Navigator.Exists then ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then fCloseNavigator Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 Goto Check1 end if fCloseNavigator Wait 500 Check2: 'Second check EditSearchAndReplace Kontext "FindAndReplace" SearchFor.SetText sDummy2 Wait 500 SearchAll.Click Sleep 1 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists then if Active.GetRT = 304 then try Active.Ok catch Active.No endcatch end if end if Kontext "FindAndReplace" FindAndReplace.Close Kontext "Navigator" if Not Navigator.Exists then ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "2" then fCloseNavigator Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 Goto Check2 end if fCloseNavigator Wait 500 '/// Delete the 1st paragraph mark Call wTypeKeys "" Wait 500 Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) Sleep 1 '/// Check if frame is in 1st page Kontext "Navigator" if Not Navigator.Exists then ViewNavigator Kontext "NavigatorWriter" Sleep 1 if Seitennummer.GetText <> "1" then Warnlog "The test frame should be in the first page! " end if fCloseNavigator Wait 500 printlog " Close active document " Do Until GetDocumentCount = 0 Call hCloseDocument Loop endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_12 printlog "- Horizontal should not be available when frame is anchored as Character" '/// Horizontal should not be available when frame is anchored as Character Call hNewDocument '/// insert a frame Call wInsertFrame '/// format / frame / type Call fFormatFrame("TabType") '/// + Check Anchor as Character AnchorAsCharacter.Check wait 500 '/// + Check if Horizontal is available try Horizontal.Select 1 Warnlog "Horizontal Should NOT be available when anchor as Character!" catch endcatch try HorizontalBy.SetText "1" Warnlog "HorizontalBy Should NOT be available when anchor as Character!" catch endcatch try HorizontalTo.Select 1 Warnlog "HorizontalTo Should NOT be available when anchor as Character!" catch endcatch TabType.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_13 Dim sHorizontalBy as String Dim iHorizontalLeft as Integer Dim iHorizontalRight as Integer Dim iHorizontalCenter as Integer Dim iHorizontalFromLeft as Integer sHorizontalBy = "1"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit iHorizontalLeft = 1 iHorizontalRight = 2 iHorizontalCenter = 3 iHorizontalFromLeft = 4 printlog "Test Horizontal" '/// Test Horizontal Call hNewDocument '/// insert a frame Call wInsertFrame '/// format / frame / type Call fFormatFrame("TabType") '/// + Select Horizontal as Left printlog "- Horizontal as Left" Horizontal.Select iHorizontalLeft try HorizontalBy.SetText sHorizontalBy Warnlog "HorizontalBy Should NOT be available !" catch endcatch HorizontalTo.Select 1 wait 500 TabType.OK Call fFormatFrame("TabType") if Horizontal.GetSelIndex <> iHorizontalLeft then Warnlog "Horizontal option is not correct !" if HorizontalTo.GetSelIndex <> 1 then Warnlog "HorizontalTo option is not correct !" TabType.Cancel '/// + Select Horizontal as Right printlog "- Horizontal as Right" Call fFormatFrame("TabType") Horizontal.Select iHorizontalRight try HorizontalBy.SetText sHorizontalBy Warnlog "HorizontalBy Should NOT be available !" catch endcatch HorizontalTo.Select 2 TabType.OK Call fFormatFrame("TabType") if Horizontal.GetSelIndex <> iHorizontalRight then Warnlog "Horizontal option is not correct !" if HorizontalTo.GetSelIndex <> 2 then Warnlog "HorizontalTo option is not correct !" TabType.Cancel Call fFormatFrame("TabType") '/// + Select Horizontal as Center printlog "- Horizontal as Center" Horizontal.Select iHorizontalCenter try HorizontalBy.SetText sHorizontalBy Warnlog "HorizontalBy Should NOT be available !" catch endcatch HorizontalTo.Select 3 TabType.OK Call fFormatFrame("TabType") if Horizontal.GetSelIndex <> iHorizontalCenter then Warnlog "Horizontal option is not correct !" if HorizontalTo.GetSelIndex <> 3 then Warnlog "HorizontalTo option is not correct !" TabType.Cancel Call fFormatFrame("TabType") '/// + Select Horizontal as From left printlog "- Horizontal as From left " Horizontal.Select iHorizontalFromLeft try HorizontalBy.SetText sHorizontalBy catch Warnlog "HorizontalBy Should be available !" endcatch HorizontalTo.Select 3 wait 500 TabType.OK Call fFormatFrame("TabType") if Horizontal.GetSelIndex <> iHorizontalFromLeft then Warnlog "Horizontal option is not correct !" if HorizontalBy.GetText <> sHorizontalBy then Warnlog "HorizontalBy option is not correct !" if HorizontalTo.GetSelIndex <> 3 then Warnlog "HorizontalTo option is not correct !" TabType.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_14 Dim sVerticalBy as String Dim iVerticalTop as Integer Dim iVerticalBottom as Integer Dim iVerticalCenter as Integer Dim iVerticalFromTop as Integer sVerticalBy = "1"+ gSeperator + "00" + gMeasurementUnit iVerticalTop = 1 iVerticalBottom = 2 iVerticalCenter = 3 iVerticalFromTop = 4 printlog "Test Vertical" '/// Test Vertical Call hNewDocument '/// insert a frame Call wInsertFrame '/// format / frame / type Call fFormatFrame("TabType") '/// + Select Vertical as Top printlog "- Vertical as Top" Vertical.Select iVerticalTop try VerticalBy.SetText sVerticalBy Warnlog "VerticalBy Should NOT be available !" catch endcatch VerticalTo.Select 1 wait 500 TabType.OK Call fFormatFrame("TabType") if Vertical.GetSelIndex <> iVerticalTop then Warnlog "Vertical option is not correct !" if VerticalTo.GetSelIndex <> 1 then Warnlog "VerticalTo option is not correct !" TabType.Cancel '/// + Select Vertical as Right printlog "- Vertical as Right" Call fFormatFrame("TabType") Vertical.Select iVerticalBottom try VerticalBy.SetText sVerticalBy Warnlog "VerticalBy Should NOT be available !" catch endcatch VerticalTo.Select 2 TabType.OK Call fFormatFrame("TabType") if Vertical.GetSelIndex <> iVerticalBottom then Warnlog "Vertical option is not correct !" if VerticalTo.GetSelIndex <> 2 then Warnlog "VerticalTo option is not correct !" TabType.Cancel Call fFormatFrame("TabType") '/// + Select Vertical as Center printlog "- Vertical as Center" Vertical.Select iVerticalCenter try VerticalBy.SetText sVerticalBy Warnlog "VerticalBy Should NOT be available !" catch endcatch VerticalTo.Select 1 TabType.OK Call fFormatFrame("TabType") if Vertical.GetSelIndex <> iVerticalCenter then Warnlog "Vertical option is not correct !" if VerticalTo.GetSelIndex <> 1 then Warnlog "VerticalTo option is not correct !" TabType.Cancel Call fFormatFrame("TabType") '/// + Select Vertical as From top printlog "- Vertical as From top" Vertical.Select iVerticalFromTop try VerticalBy.SetText sVerticalBy catch Warnlog "VerticalBy Should be available !" endcatch VerticalTo.Select 2 wait 500 TabType.OK Call fFormatFrame("TabType") if Vertical.GetSelIndex <> iVerticalFromTop then Warnlog "Vertical option is not correct !" if VerticalBy.GetText <> sVerticalBy then Warnlog "VerticalBy option is not correct !" if VerticalTo.GetSelIndex <> 2 then Warnlog "VerticalTo option is not correct !" TabType.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_15 Dim sOriginalName as String Dim sNewName as String sOriginalName = "TEST1" sNewName = "TEST2" printlog "- Frame name can be actualized in Navigator - solution 1" '/// Frame name can be actualized in Navigator - solution 1 Call hNewDocument '/// insert a frame and name as "TEST1" Call wInsertFrame Call fFormatFrame("TabZusaetze") ObjektName.SetText sOriginalName TabZusaetze.OK '/// Open Navigator, Call fStartupNavigator("TextFrame" , 1) Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "" Auswahlliste.OpenContextMenu '/// + ContextMenu TextFrame / Edit, Call hMenuSelectNr(4) Sleep 2 Call hMenuSelectNr(1) Sleep 1 Kontext "TabZusaetze" '/// + Change the frame name in the opened dialogue , try ObjektName.SetText sNewName TabZusaetze.OK catch Warnlog "format/grame dialogue isn't opened correctly!" Call fCloseNavigator goto endsub endcatch '/// + close the navigator Call fCloseNavigator Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) '/// Check if the name is changed correctly Call fFormatFrame("TabZusaetze") if ObjektName.GetText <> sNewName then Warnlog "frame name isn't renamed correctly!" TabZusaetze.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '--------------------------------------------------- testcase tTextframes_16 Dim sOriginalName as String Dim sNewName as String sOriginalName = "TEST1" sNewName = "TEST2" printlog "- Frame name can be actualized in Navigator - solution 2" '/// Frame name can be actualized in Navigator - solution 2 Call hNewDocument '/// insert a frame and name as "TEST1" Call wInsertFrame Call fFormatFrame("TabZusaetze") ObjektName.SetText sOriginalName TabZusaetze.OK '/// + Open Navigator , Call fStartupNavigator("TextFrame" , 1) Auswahlliste.TypeKeys "" Auswahlliste.OpenContextMenu '/// + ContextMenu TextFrame / Rename Call hMenuSelectNr(4) Sleep 2 Call hMenuSelectNr(3) Sleep 1 Kontext "ObjekteUmbenennen" '/// + Change the frame name in the opened dialogue , try ObjektName.SetText sNewName ObjekteUmbenennen.OK catch Warnlog "Frame rename dialogue isn't opened correctly!" Call fCloseNavigator goto endsub endcatch '/// + close navigaotr Call fCloseNavigator Call wTypeKeys ( "" ) '/// Check if the name is changed correctly Call fFormatFrame("TabZusaetze") if ObjektName.GetText <> sNewName then Warnlog "frame name isn't renamed correctly!" TabZusaetze.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '---------------------------------------------------