'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************** * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * '/************************************************************************ '* '* owner : helge.delfs@sun.com '* '* short description : Doc Information Test '* '\*********************************************************************** sub w_fields4 Call tDocInformationTitle Call tDocInformationSubject Call tDocInformationKeywords Call tDocInformationDescription Call tDocInformationUserDefined Call tDocInformationCreated Call tDocInformationModified Call tDocInformationModifiedSavefile Call tDocInformationPrinted Call tDocInformationRevisionnumber Call tDocInformationTotaleditingtime end sub '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDocInformationTitle Dim sTitle as String Dim sTestFile as String Dim sVarResult as String Dim sFixResult as String sTitle = "Title Test" sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\fields_docinfos.sxw") sVarResult = sTitle sFixResult = "This is the title" printlog "Doc Information - Title" '/// Doc Information - Title Call hNewDocument '/// Open test file fields_docinfos.sxw Call hFileOpen(sTestFile) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable '/// File / Properties / Description , input some '/// + new text in Title Call fFileProperties("TabBeschreibung") Titel.Settext sTitle TabBeschreibung.OK '/// Check if the title is changed in the document '/// It should be changed in Var '/// It should NOT be changed in Fix Call fFindWord ("Title") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sVarResult then Warnlog "Should get " & sVarResult & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDocInformationSubject Dim sSubject as String Dim sTestFile as String Dim sVarResult as String Dim sFixResult as String sSubject = "Subject Test" sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\fields_docinfos.sxw") sVarResult = sSubject sFixResult = "This is the subject" printlog "Doc Information - Subject" '/// Doc Information - Subject Call hNewDocument '/// Open test file fields_docinfos.sxw Call hFileOpen(sTestFile) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable '/// File / Properties / Description , input some '/// + text in Subject Call fFileProperties("TabBeschreibung") Thema.Settext sSubject TabBeschreibung.OK '/// Check if the Subject is changed in the document '/// It should be changed in Var '/// It should NOT be changed in Fix Call fFindWord ("Subject") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sVarResult then Warnlog "Should get " & sVarResult & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDocInformationKeywords Dim sKeywords as String Dim sTestFile as String Dim sVarResult as String Dim sFixResult as String sKeywords = "Keywords Test" sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\fields_docinfos.sxw") sVarResult = sKeywords sFixResult = "This are keywords" printlog "Doc Information - Keywords" '/// Doc Information - Keywords Call hNewDocument '/// Open test file fields_docinfos.sxw Call hFileOpen(sTestFile) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable '/// File / Properties / Description , input some '/// + text in Keywords Call fFileProperties("TabBeschreibung") Schluesselwoerter.Settext sKeywords TabBeschreibung.OK '/// Check if the Keywords is changed in the document '/// It should be changed in Var '/// It should NOT be changed in Fix Call fFindWord ("Keywords") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sVarResult then Warnlog "Should get " & sVarResult & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDocInformationDescription Dim sDescription as String Dim sTestFile as String Dim sVarResult as String Dim sFixResult as String sDescription = "Description Test" sTestFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\fields_docinfos.sxw") sVarResult = sDescription sFixResult = "This is the description" printlog "Doc Information - Description" '/// Doc Information - Description Call hNewDocument '/// Open test file fields_docinfos.sxw Call hFileOpen(sTestFile) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable '/// File / Properties / Description , input some '/// + text in Description Call fFileProperties("TabBeschreibung") Beschreibung.Settext sDescription Schluesselwoerter.Gettext '<--This command is useless , but important ! :-) TabBeschreibung.OK '/// Check if the Description is changed in the document '/// It should be changed in Var '/// It should NOT be changed in Fix Call fFindWord ("Description") Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" , 4 Call wTypeKeys "" , 2 Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sVarResult then Warnlog "Due to i31893 , should get " & sVarResult & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDocInformationUserDefined qaerrorlog "#i93906# - Testcase outcommented due to bug. 'Copied field-content not pastable outside Office'" goto endsub Dim sTestFile as String Dim sOriginalFile as string Dim sVarResult() as String Dim sFixResult() as String Dim i as integer Dim j as Integer j = UBound(sVarResult) sTestFile = Convertpath (gOfficepath + "user\work\fields_docinfos.sxw") sOriginalFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\fields_docinfos.sxw") ' document has to be copied to local file system to avoid opening a read-only file ' because all field data gets lost if documents write-protection is removed via 'sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable' FileCopy (sOriginalFile, sTestFile) if hFileExists ( sTestFile ) = false then Warnlog "Test document couldn't be copied to local file system. Test aborted!" goto endsub end if sVarResult = Array( _ "A1" , _ "B2" , _ "C3" , _ "D4" , _ ) sFixResult = Array( _ "Lennon" , _ "McCartney" , _ "Harrison" , _ "Star" , _ ) printlog "Doc Information - User Defined" Call hNewDocument '/// Open test file fields_docinfos.sxw Call hFileOpen(sTestFile) '/// File / Properties / Description , input some '/// + text in Description Call fFileProperties("TabDokument") Info0.Settext sVarResult(0) Info1.Settext sVarResult(1) Info2.Settext sVarResult(2) Info3.Settext sVarResult(3) TabBenutzer.OK '/// Check if the User defined is changed in the document '/// It should be changed in Var '/// It should NOT be changed in Fix Call fFindWord ("Info fields") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 for i= 0 to UBound(sVarResult) Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sVarResult(i) then Warnlog "Should get " & sVarResult(i) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult(i) then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult(i) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" next i Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDocInformationCreated Dim sTestFile as String Dim sOriginalFile as String Dim sFirstName as String Dim sLastName as String Dim sFirstName1 as String Dim sLastName1 as String Dim sVarResult(3) as String Dim sFixResult(3) as String Dim i as Integer sFirstName1 = "Test1" : sLastName1 = "Test2" sTestFile = Convertpath (gOfficePath + "user\work\fields_docinfos.sxw") sOriginalFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\fields_docinfos.sxw") ' document has to be copied to local file system to avoid opening a read-only file ' because all field data gets lost if documents write-protection is removed via 'sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable' FileCopy (sOriginalFile, sTestFile) if hFileExists ( sTestFile ) = false then Warnlog "Test document couldn't be copied to local file system. Test aborted!" goto endsub end if sVarResult(0) = sFirstName1 + " " + sLastName1 sVarResult(1) = fGetDate1(Date) sFixResult(0) = "Éric Savary" sFixResult(1) = "07/20/2000" sFixResult(2) = "11:41:21" printlog "Doc Information - Created" '/// Doc Information - Created Call hNewDocument '/// Open test file fields_docinfos.sxw Call hFileOpen(sTestFile) Call sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable Call fFindWord ("Created") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" sVarResult(2)= fGetFieldContent() Call wTypeKeys "" , 3 '/// Change author to author :Test2 Test1 ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("STAROFFICE","USERDATA") sFirstName = VorName.GetText sLastName = ZuName.GetText VorName.SetText sFirstName1 ZuName.SetText sLastName1 Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK '/// File / Properties / General , check "Apply user '/// + data" , click "delete" button Call fFileProperties("TabDokument") BenutzerdatenVerwenden.Check Sleep 1 Loeschen.Click Sleep 1 TabDokument.OK '/// Check if the Created field is changed in the document '/// It should be changed in Var '/// It should NOT be changed in Fix Call fFindWord ("Created") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 for i = 0 to 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sVarResult(i) then Warnlog "Should get " & sVarResult(i) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult(i) then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult(i) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" next i Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() = sVarResult(2) then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult(2) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult(2) then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult(2) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if 'Recover author to default ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("STAROFFICE","USERDATA") VorName.SetText sFirstName ZuName.SetText sLastName Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDocInformationModified Dim sTestFile as String Dim sOriginalFile as String Dim sSaveasFile as String Dim sFirstName as String Dim sLastName as String Dim sFirstName1 as String Dim sLastName1 as String Dim sVarResult(3) as String Dim sFixResult(3) as String Dim i as Integer sFirstName1 = "Test1" : sLastName1 = "Test2" sTestFile = Convertpath (gOfficePath + "user\work\fields_docinfos.sxw") sOriginalFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\fields_docinfos.sxw") ' document has to be copied to local file system to avoid opening a read-only file ' because all field data gets lost if documents write-protection is removed via 'sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable' FileCopy (sOriginalFile, sTestFile) if hFileExists ( sTestFile ) = false then Warnlog "Test document couldn't be copied to local file system. Test aborted!" goto endsub end if sSaveasFile = ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\fields_docinfos1.sxw" ) sVarResult(0) = sFirstName1 + " " + sLastName1 sVarResult(1) = fGetDate1(Date) sFixResult(0) = "Éric Savary" sFixResult(1) = "08/18/2000" sFixResult(2) = "11:40:11" printlog "Doc Information - Modified" '/// Doc Information - Modified if hFileExists ( sSaveAsFile ) then app.kill ( sSaveAsFile ) Call hNewDocument '/// Open test file fields_docinfos.sxw Call hFileOpen(sTestFile) Call hFileSaveAsKill (sSaveAsFile) Call fFindWord ("Modified") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" sVarResult(2)= fGetFieldContent() Call wTypeKeys "" , 3 '/// Change author to author : Test2 Test1 ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("STAROFFICE","USERDATA") sFirstName = VorName.GetText sLastName = ZuName.GetText VorName.SetText sFirstName1 ZuName.SetText sLastName1 Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK '/// File / Properties / General , check "Apply user '/// + data" , click "delete" button Call fFileProperties("TabDokument") BenutzerdatenVerwenden.Check Sleep 1 Loeschen.Click Sleep 1 TabDokument.OK FileSave try Kontext "Active" Active.Yes catch endcatch Sleep 3 '/// Check if the Modified field is changed in the document '/// It should be changed in Var '/// It should NOT be changed in Fix Call fFindWord ("Modified") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 for i = 0 to 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sVarResult(i) then Warnlog "Should get " & sVarResult(i) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult(i) then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult(i) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" next i Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() = sVarResult(2) then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult(2) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult(2) then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult(2) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if 'Recover author to default ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("STAROFFICE","USERDATA") VorName.SetText sFirstName ZuName.SetText sLastName Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK FileClose Sleep 1 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists(2) then try Active.Yes catch endcatch end if if hFileExists ( sSaveAsFile ) then app.kill ( sSaveAsFile ) endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDocInformationModifiedSavefile QaErrorLog "#i102792# - tDocInformationModifiedSavefile outcommented due to issue." goto endsub Dim sTestFile as String Dim sOriginalFile as string Dim sSaveasFile as String Dim sFirstName as String Dim sLastName as String Dim sFirstName1 as String Dim sLastName1 as String Dim sVarResult(3) as String Dim sFixResult(3) as String Dim i as Integer sFirstName1 = "Test1" : sLastName1 = "Test2" sTestFile = Convertpath (gOfficePath + "user\work\fields_docinfos.sxw") sOriginalFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\fields_docinfos.sxw") ' document has to be copied to local file system to avoid opening a read-only file ' because all field data gets lost if documents write-protection is removed via 'sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable' FileCopy (sOriginalFile, sTestFile) if hFileExists ( sTestFile ) = false then Warnlog "Test document couldn't be copied to local file system. Test aborted!" goto endsub end if sSaveasFile = ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\fields_docinfos1.sxw" ) sVarResult(0) = sFirstName1 + " " + sLastName1 sVarResult(1) = fGetDate1(Date) sFixResult(0) = "Éric Savary" sFixResult(1) = "08/18/2000" sFixResult(2) = "11:40:11" if hFileExists ( sSaveAsFile ) then app.kill ( sSaveAsFile ) printlog "Doc Information - Modified (save file)" '/// Doc Information - Modified (save file) Call hNewDocument '/// Open test file fields_docinfos.sxw Call hFileOpen(sTestFile) Call fFindWord ("Modified") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" sVarResult(2)= fGetFieldContent() Call wTypeKeys "" , 3 '/// Change author to author : Test2 Test1 ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("STAROFFICE","USERDATA") sFirstName = VorName.GetText sLastName = ZuName.GetText VorName.SetText sFirstName1 ZuName.SetText sLastName1 Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK '/// Save the file as another file Call hFileSaveAsKill(sSaveAsFile) '/// Check if the Modified field is changed in the document '/// It should be changed in Var '/// It should NOT be changed in Fix Call fFindWord ("Modified") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 for i = 0 to 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sVarResult(i) then QAErrorlog "#i41327# Should get " & sVarResult(i) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult(i) then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult(i) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" next i Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() = sVarResult(2) then QAErrorlog "#i41327# Should get " & sFixResult(2) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult(2) then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult(2) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if 'Recover author to default ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("STAROFFICE","USERDATA") VorName.SetText sFirstName ZuName.SetText sLastName Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK FileClose Sleep 1 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists(2) then try Active.Yes catch endcatch end if if hFileExists ( sSaveAsFile ) then app.kill ( sSaveAsFile ) endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDocInformationPrinted Dim sTestFile as String Dim sOriginalFile as String Dim sFirstName as String Dim sLastName as String Dim sFirstName1 as String Dim sLastName1 as String Dim sVarResult(3) as String Dim sFixResult(3) as String Dim i as Integer sFirstName1 = "Test1" : sLastName1 = "Test2" sTestFile = Convertpath (gOfficePath + "user\work\fields_docinfos.sxw") sOriginalFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\fields_docinfos.sxw") ' document has to be copied to local file system to avoid opening a read-only file ' because all field data gets lost if documents write-protection is removed via 'sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable' FileCopy (sOriginalFile, sTestFile) if hFileExists ( sTestFile ) = false then Warnlog "Test document couldn't be copied to local file system. Test aborted!" goto endsub end if sVarResult(0) = sFirstName1 + " " + sLastName1 sVarResult(1) = fGetDate1(Date) sFixResult(0) = "Éric Savary" sFixResult(1) = "08/11/2004" sFixResult(2) = "11:46:06" printlog "Doc Information - Printed" '/// Doc Information - Printed Call hNewDocument '/// Open test file fields_docinfos.sxw Call hFileOpen(sTestFile) Call fFindWord ("Last printed") Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 sVarResult(2)= fGetFieldContent() Call wTypeKeys "" , 3 '/// Change author to author : Test2 Test1 ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("STAROFFICE","USERDATA") sFirstName = VorName.GetText sLastName = ZuName.GetText VorName.SetText sFirstName1 ZuName.SetText sLastName1 Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK '/// Print file FilePrint Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists then if Active.GetRT = 304 then Active.Ok QAErrorLog "No Default-Printer! The testcase isn't tested !" Kontext "Printing" Sleep 1 Printing.Cancel goto NoTest end if else Kontext "Printing" Sleep 1 Printing.OK kontext "active" if active.exists(5) then QaErrorLog "Error Printing..." Active.ok end if end if '/// Check if the Printed field is changed in the document '/// It should be changed in Var '/// It should NOT be changed in Fix Call fFindWord ("Last printed") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 for i = 0 to 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sVarResult(i) then Warnlog "Should get " & sVarResult(i) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult(i) then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult(i) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" next i Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() = sVarResult(2) then Warnlog "Should NOT get " & sFixResult(2) end if Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult(2) then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult(2) & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if 'Recover author to default ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("STAROFFICE","USERDATA") VorName.SetText sFirstName ZuName.SetText sLastName Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK NoTest: Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDocInformationRevisionnumber Dim sTestFile as String Dim sOriginalFile as string Dim sSaveasFile as String Dim sFirstName as String Dim sLastName as String Dim sFirstName1 as String Dim sLastName1 as String Dim sVarResult as String Dim sFixResult as String sFirstName1 = "Test1" : sLastName1 = "Test2" sVarResult = "17" : sFixResult = "4" sTestFile = Convertpath (gOfficePath + "user\work\fields_docinfos.sxw") sOriginalFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\fields_docinfos.sxw") ' document has to be copied to local file system to avoid opening a read-only file ' because all field data gets lost if documents write-protection is removed via 'sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable' FileCopy (sOriginalFile, sTestFile) if hFileExists ( sTestFile ) = false then Warnlog "Test document couldn't be copied to local file system. Test aborted!" goto endsub end if sSaveasFile = ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\tDocInformationRevisionnumber.sxw" ) if hFileExists ( sSaveAsFile ) then app.kill ( sSaveAsFile ) printlog "Doc Information - Revision number" '/// Doc Information - Revision number Call hNewDocument '/// Open test file fields_docinfos.sxw Call hFileOpen(sTestFile) '/// Change author to author : Test2 Test1 ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("STAROFFICE","USERDATA") sFirstName = VorName.GetText sLastName = ZuName.GetText VorName.SetText sFirstName1 ZuName.SetText sLastName1 Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK '/// Save the file as another file Call hFileSaveAsKill(sSaveAsFile) '/// Press F9 Call wTypeKeys "" '/// Save the file FileSave try Kontext "Active" Active.Yes catch endcatch Sleep 3 '/// Check if the Revision number field is changed in the document '/// It should be changed in Var '/// It should NOT be changed in Fix Call fFindWord ("Version") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sVarResult then Warnlog "Should get " & sVarResult & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if 'Recover author to default ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("STAROFFICE","USERDATA") VorName.SetText sFirstName ZuName.SetText sLastName Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK FileClose Sleep 1 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists(2) then try Active.Yes catch endcatch end if if hFileExists ( sSaveAsFile ) then app.kill ( sSaveAsFile ) endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDocInformationTotaleditingtime Dim sTestFile as String Dim sOriginalFile as string Dim sSaveasFile as String Dim sVarResult as String Dim sFixResult as String sFixResult = "00:29:05" sTestFile = Convertpath (gOfficePath + "user\work\fields_docinfos.sxw") sOriginalFile = Convertpath (gTesttoolpath + "writer\optional\input\fields\fields_docinfos.sxw") ' document has to be copied to local file system to avoid opening a read-only file ' because all field data gets lost if documents write-protection is removed via 'sMakeReadOnlyDocumentEditable' FileCopy (sOriginalFile, sTestFile) if hFileExists ( sTestFile ) = false then Warnlog "Test document couldn't be copied to local file system. Test aborted!" goto endsub end if sSaveasFile = ConvertPath (gOfficePath + "user\work\tDocInformationRevisionnumber.sxw" ) if hFileExists ( sSaveAsFile ) then app.kill ( sSaveAsFile ) printlog "Doc Information - Tatal editing time" '/// Doc Information - Tatal editing time Call hNewDocument '/// Open test file fields_docinfos.sxw Call hFileOpen(sTestFile) '/// Save the file as another file Call hFileSaveAsKill(sSaveAsFile) '/// Press F9 Call wTypeKeys "" Call fFindWord ("Accessed") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" sVarResult = fGetFieldContent() Call wTypeKeys "" , 3 '/// Save the file FileSave try Kontext "Active" Active.Yes catch endcatch Sleep 3 '/// Check if the tatal editing time field is changed in the document '/// It should be changed in Var '/// It should NOT be changed in Fix Call fFindWord ("Accessed") Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() = sVarResult then Warnlog "Should NOT get " & sVarResult end if Call wTypeKeys "" Sleep 1 Call wTypeKeys "" if fGetFieldContent() <> sFixResult then Warnlog "Should get " & sFixResult & " but get " & fGetFieldContent() end if FileClose Sleep 1 Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists(2) then try Active.Yes catch endcatch end if if hFileExists ( sSaveAsFile ) then app.kill ( sSaveAsFile ) endcase '-----------------------------------------------------------------