'encoding UTF-8 Do not remove or change this line! '************************************************************************** * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * '/************************************************************************ '* '* owner : helge.delfs@sun.com '* '* short description : Chinese Translation test '* '************************************************************************ '* ' #1 tDefaultSetting_1 'Default settings for different Chinese language ' #1 tDefaultSetting_2 'Default settings ' #1 tDefaultSetting_3 'Cursor's position ' #1 tChineseTranslate_1 'Translation for selected text ' #1 tChineseTranslate_2 'Translation for NO-selected document ' #1 tChineseTranslate_3 'Translation direction : T Chinese to S Chinese ' #1 tChineseTranslate_4 'Translation direction : S Chinese to T Chinese ' #1 tChineseTranslate_5 ''Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR...'s statue ' #0 fSetAsian '* '\*********************************************************************** testcase tDefaultSetting_1 printlog "Default settings for different Chinese language" Call hNewDocument printlog " Set default language(asian) for document is 'Simplified Chinese'" fSetAsian(fGetLanguageName(86)) printlog " Tools/language / Chinese translation" ToolsLanguageChineseTranslation Kontext "ChineseTranslation" printlog " 'Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese' should be Checked by default" if NOT TChineseToSChinese.IsChecked then Warnlog "'Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese' should be Checked by default !" end if ChineseTranslation.Cancel printlog " Set default language(asian) for document is 'Traditional Chinese'" fSetAsian(fGetLanguageName(88)) printlog " Tools/language / Chinese translation" ToolsLanguageChineseTranslation Kontext "ChineseTranslation" printlog " 'Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese' should be Checked by default" if NOT SChineseToTChinese.IsChecked then QAErrorlog "#i96768# 'Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese' should be Checked by default !" end if ChineseTranslation.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDefaultSetting_2 printlog "Default settings " Call hNewDocument fSetAsian(fGetLanguageName(86)) printlog " Tools/language / Chinese translation" ToolsLanguageChineseTranslation Kontext "ChineseTranslation" ' printlog " Use Taiwan,Hongkong SAR , and Macao SAR character variants" ' printlog " + should NOT be Checked by default" ' if UseSARCharacter.IsChecked then ' Warnlog "'Use Taiwan,Hongkong SAR , and Macao SAR character variants' should NOT be Checked by default !" ' end if printlog " 'Common Terms' should NOT be Checked by default" if TranslateCommonTerms.IsChecked then Warnlog "'Common Terms' should NOT be Checked by default !" end if printlog " Click 'Edit terms' button" EditTerms.Click Kontext "ChineseDictionary" printlog " 'Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese' should be Checked by default" if NOT TChineseToSChinese.IsChecked then Warnlog "'Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese' should be Checked by default !" end if printlog " 'Reverse mapping' should NOT be Checked by default" if ReverseMapping.IsChecked then Warnlog "'Reverse mapping' should NOT be Checked by default !" end if printlog " 'Property' should be 'other' by default" if Property.GetSelIndex <> 1 then Warnlog "'Property' should be 'Other' by default !" end if ChineseDictionary.Cancel Kontext "ChineseTranslation" ChineseTranslation.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tDefaultSetting_3 Dim sChinese as String Dim sExpect as String sChinese = "红上蓝国" sExpect = "紅" printlog "Cursor position" Call hNewDocument fSetAsian(fGetLanguageName(86)) printlog " Input some chinese and set cursor in the beginning" Call wTypeKeys sChinese Call wTypeKeys "" printlog " Tools/language / Chinese translation , check" printlog " + 'Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese', press OK" ToolsLanguageChineseTranslation Kontext "ChineseTranslation" SChineseToTChinese.Check ChineseTranslation.OK printlog " Check if the cursor's position is changed -- Should NOT" Call wTypeKeys "" try EditCopy if GetClipboardText <> sExpect then Warnlog "Hope to get " & sExpect & " but get " & GetClipboardText end if catch Warnlog "Cursor's position is changed - 117787" endcatch Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tChineseTranslate_1 Dim sChinese as String Dim sExpect as String sChinese = "红上蓝国" sExpect = "紅上蓝国" printlog "Translation for selected text" Call hNewDocument fSetAsian(fGetLanguageName(86)) printlog " Input some chinese and select part of input" Call wTypeKeys sChinese Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" , 2 printlog " Tools/language / Chinese translation , check" printlog " + 'Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese', press OK" ToolsLanguageChineseTranslation Kontext "ChineseTranslation" SChineseToTChinese.Check ChineseTranslation.OK printlog " Check if the only selected text is translated -- Should be" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if GetClipboardText <> sExpect then Warnlog "Hope to get " & sExpect & " but get " & GetClipboardText end if Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tChineseTranslate_2 Dim sChinese as String Dim sExpect as String sChinese = "红上蓝国" sExpect = "紅上藍國" printlog "Translation for NO-selected document" Call hNewDocument fSetAsian(fGetLanguageName(86)) printlog " Input some chinese" Call wTypeKeys sChinese printlog " Tools/language / Chinese translation , check" printlog " + 'Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese' , press OK" ToolsLanguageChineseTranslation Kontext "ChineseTranslation" SChineseToTChinese.Check ChineseTranslation.OK printlog " Check if all document is translated -- Should" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if GetClipboardText <> sExpect then Warnlog "Hope to get " & sExpect & " but get " & GetClipboardText end if Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tChineseTranslate_3 Dim sChinese as String Dim sExpect as String sChinese = "红上藍國" sExpect = "红上蓝国" printlog "Translation direction : T Chinese to S Chinese" Call hNewDocument fSetAsian(fGetLanguageName(88)) printlog " Input some chinese , include some" printlog " + tradition chinese and simplified chinese" Call wTypeKeys sChinese printlog " Tools/language / Chinese translation , check" printlog " + 'Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese' , press OK" ToolsLanguageChineseTranslation Kontext "ChineseTranslation" TChineseToSChinese.Check ChineseTranslation.OK printlog " Check if only traditional chinese is translated -- Should" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if GetClipboardText <> sExpect then Warnlog "Hope to get " & sExpect & " but get " & GetClipboardText end if Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tChineseTranslate_4 Dim sChinese as String Dim sExpect as String sChinese = "红上藍國" sExpect = "紅上藍國" printlog "Translation direction : S Chinese to T Chinese" Call hNewDocument fSetAsian(fGetLanguageName(86)) printlog " Input some chinese , include some" printlog " + tradition chinese and simplified chinese" Call wTypeKeys sChinese printlog " Tools/language / Chinese translation , check" printlog " + 'Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese' , press OK" ToolsLanguageChineseTranslation Kontext "ChineseTranslation" SChineseToTChinese.Check ChineseTranslation.OK printlog " Check if only simplified chinese is translated -- Should" Call wTypeKeys "" Call wTypeKeys "" EditCopy if GetClipboardText <> sExpect then Warnlog "Hope to get " & sExpect & " but get " & GetClipboardText end if Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tChineseTranslate_5 if bAsianLan <> True then 'This testcase might only run with 'Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR...'s status. QaErrorLog "Testing with Asian languages only" goto endsub end if printlog "'Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR...'s statue" Call hNewDocument fSetAsian(fGetLanguageName(88)) printlog " Tools/language / Chinese translation" printlog " Check Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese" printlog " + 'Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR...' should be disabled" ToolsLanguageChineseTranslation Kontext "ChineseTranslation" TChineseToSChinese.Check try UseSARCharacter.Check Warnlog "'Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR and ...' should be disabled !" catch endcatch printlog " Check Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese" printlog " + 'Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR...' should be enabled" SChineseToTChinese.Check try UseSARCharacter.Check catch Warnlog "'Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR and ...' should be enabled !" endcatch printlog " UnCheck 'Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR...'" UseSARCharacter.UnCheck printlog " Check Translate Common Terms" TranslateCommonTerms.Check printlog " 'Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR...' should be checked automatically" if NOT UseSARCharacter.IsChecked then Warnlog "'Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR and ...' should be checked !" end if ChineseTranslation.OK printlog " Close the dialog and reopen it" printlog " 'Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR...' and 'Translate Common Terms'" printlog " + should be checked" ToolsLanguageChineseTranslation Kontext "ChineseTranslation" if NOT UseSARCharacter.IsChecked then Warnlog "'Use Taiwan , Hongkong SAR and ...' should be checked ! - 117802 " end if if NOT TranslateCommonTerms.IsChecked then Warnlog "'Translate common terms' should be checked ! - 117802 " end if ChineseTranslation.Cancel Call hCloseDocument endcase '----------------------------------------------------------------- function fSetAsian(sAsian as String) as String 'This function is set CJK language in Tools/Options/Language Settings / Languages ToolsOptions Call hToolsOptions("LANGUAGESETTINGS","LANGUAGES") fSetAsian = Asiatisch.GetSelText if sAsian = "Null" then Asiatisch.Select 1 goto GoON else Asiatisch.Select sAsian end if GoON: Kontext "ExtrasOptionenDlg" ExtrasOptionenDlg.OK end function