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' '/****************************************************************************** '* '* Owner : wolfram.garten@oracle.com '* '* short description : Graphics Export A-tests '* '\****************************************************************************** testcase tEPS dim x as integer dim i as integer const sFilter = "EPS - Encapsulated PostScript (.eps)" const sExt = ".eps" printlog "open the document" hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." + ExtensionString ) if ( hCallExport ( OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) ) then Kontext "EPSOptions" if ( EPSOptions.Exists( 2 ) ) then printlog "check if all properties have the right count, and depend on each other" Level1.Check if Color.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-(" if Greyscale.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-(" if LZWEncoding.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-(" if NoneCompression.IsEnabled then warnlog " :-(" Level2.Check if (Color.IsEnabled <> TRUE) then warnlog " :-(" if (Greyscale.IsEnabled <> TRUE) then warnlog " :-(" if (LZWEncoding.IsEnabled <> TRUE) then warnlog " :-(" if (NoneCompression.IsEnabled <> TRUE) then warnlog " :-(" printlog "leave dialog with cancel -> there has to be no file created!" hCloseDialog( EPSOptions, "cancel" ) if ( FileExists( OutputGrafikTBO+sExt ) ) then ' inspired by bug #99932 Graphic is exported though cancel is pressed warnlog "Dialog was canceled, but file got saved, too :-( - i35177" endif else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) end if Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists(2) then Warnlog "'" + sFilter + "' has a problem" Active.OK end if end if printlog( "Save the file" ) if ( hCallExport( OutputGrafikTBO, sFilter ) ) then Kontext "EPSOptions" if ( EPSOptions.Exists( 2 ) ) then hCloseDialog( EPSOptions, "ok" ) else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif printlog( "Close file and re-insert graphics into new document" ) hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( OutputGrafikTBO + sExt ) ' local helper function, see bottom of this file endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tEPS '------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tPCT dim x as integer dim i as integer dim iWaitIndex as integer dim bTemp as boolean dim sX as string dim sY as string dim sx1 as string dim sX2 as string dim sY2 as string dim sDocument as string dim sOutputFile as string const FILE_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 200 ' seconds const sFilter = "PCT - Mac Pict (.pct;.pict)" const sExt = ".pct" printlog "open the document" sDocument = convertpath( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." + ExtensionString ) hFileOpen( sDocument ) printlog "----------1st: Trying export and canceling it." if ( hCallExport( OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) ) then Kontext "PCTOptions" printlog( "Export options dialog" ) if PCTOptions.Exists(2) then printlog "leave dialog with cancel -> there has to be no file created!" hCloseDialog( PCTOptions, "cancel" ) if ( FileExists( OutputGrafikTBO + sExt ) ) then warnlog( "#i35177# - dialog canceled, still the file was saved" ) endif else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) end if Kontext "Active" if Active.Exists(2) then Warnlog " '" + sFilter + "' has a problem" Active.OK end if end if printlog "----------2nd: now save it really and load the file afterwards" if ( hCallExport( OutputGrafikTBO, sFilter ) ) then Kontext "PCTOptions" printlog( "Export options dialog" ) if ( PCTOptions.Exists( 2 ) ) then hCloseDialog( PCTOptions, "ok" ) else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif sOutputFile = OutputGrafikTBO+sExt if ( hWaitForOutputFile( sOutputFile ) ) then printlog "Close file and re-insert graphics into new document" hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( sOutputFile ) ' local helper function, see bottom of this file else warnlog( "File was not saved: " & sOutputFile ) endif endif hFileReOpen( sDocument ) printlog "check if the document is writable" if ( not fIsDocumentWritable ) then printlog( "Document is write protected, changing state" ) if ( not fMakeDocumentWritable ) then warnlog "The document can't be make writeable. Test stopped." goto endsub endif endif printlog "----------3rd: exporting part of the picture and inserting into new file." hTypeKeys ("") fGetSizeXY sx1, sY, TRUE if ( hCallExport( OutputGrafikTBO + "1", sFilter, TRUE ) ) then Kontext "PCTOptions" printlog( "Export options dialog" ) if ( PCTOptions.Exists( 2 ) ) then hCloseDialog( PCTOptions, "ok" ) else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif sOutputFile = OutputGrafikTBO + "1" + sExt if ( hWaitForOutputFile( sOutputFile ) ) then printlog( "Close file and re-insert graphics into new document" ) hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( sOutputFile ) ' local helper function, see bottom of this file else warnlog( "File was not saved: " & sOutputFile ) endif bTemp = fGetSizeXY( sx1, sY, bTemp ) if (bTemp = FALSE) then warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-(" endif endif hFileReOpen( "" ) printlog "----------4th: exporting rectangle and reload file." hRechteckErstellen ( 10, 10, 30, 40 ) if ( hCallExport( OutputGrafikTBO + "2" , sFilter, TRUE ) ) then Kontext "PCTOptions" printlog( "Export options dialog" ) if ( PCTOptions.Exists( 2 ) ) then Exportwidth.SetText "9" if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ """" printlog "sx1= " & sx1 else sx1 = (Exportwidth.GetText)+ "cm" endif if Exportmeasurement.GetSelText = "inches" then sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ """" printlog "sY= " & sY else sY = (Exportheight.GetText)+ "cm" endif hCloseDialog( PCTOptions, "ok" ) else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif sOutputFile = OutputGrafikTBO + "2" + sExt if ( not hWaitForOutputFile( sOutputFile ) ) then warnlog( "File was not saved: " & sOutputFile ) endif printlog( "Reload file if it exists. Warn if not" ) hFileReOpen( sOutputFile ) kontext "DocumentDraw" DocumentDraw.TypeKeys ("") ContextOriginalSize bTemp = fGetSizeXY( sx1, sY, bTemp ) if ( not bTemp ) then warnlog "Selected original size NOT OK :-(" endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tPCT '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tPBM const sFilter = "PBM - Portable Bitmap (.pbm)" const sExt = ".pbm" printlog "Open the document" hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport."+ExtensionString ) printlog "Save it" if ( hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) ) then Kontext "PBMOptions" if ( PBMOptions.Exists( 2 ) ) then QualityBinary.Check QualityText.Check hCloseDialog( PBMOptions, "ok" ) else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif printlog( "Close file and re-insert graphics into new document" ) sleep (1) hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( OutputGrafikTBO + sExt ) ' local helper function, see bottom of this file endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tPBM '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tPGM const sFilter = "PGM - Portable Graymap (.pgm)" const sExt = ".pgm" printlog "Open the document" hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." + ExtensionString ) printlog "Save it" if ( hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) ) then Kontext "PGMOptions" if ( PGMOptions.Exists( 2 ) ) then QualityBinary.Check QualityText.Check hCloseDialog( PGMOptions, "ok" ) else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif printlog( "Close file and re-insert graphics into new document" ) hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( OutputGrafikTBO + sExt ) ' local helper function, see bottom of this file endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tPGM '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tPPM const sFilter = "PPM - Portable Pixelmap (.ppm)" const sExt = ".ppm" printlog "Open the document" hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." + ExtensionString ) printlog "Save it" if ( hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) ) then Kontext "PPMOptions" if ( PPMOptions.Exists( 2 ) ) then QualityBinary.Check QualityText.Check hCloseDialog( PPMOptions, "ok" ) else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif printlog( "Close file and re-insert graphics into new document" ) hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( OutputGrafikTBO + sExt ) ' local helper function, see bottom of this file endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tPPM '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testcase tRAS const sFilter = "RAS - Sun Raster Image (.ras)" const sExt = ".ras" printlog "Open the document" hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." + ExtensionString ) printlog "Save it" if ( hCallExport( OutputGrafikTBO, sFilter ) ) then printlog( "Close file and re-insert graphics into new document" ) hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( OutputGrafikTBO + sExt ) ' local helper function, see bottom of this file else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tRAS '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testcase tTIFF dim x as integer dim i as integer const sFilter = "TIFF - Tagged Image File Format (.tif;.tiff)" const sExt = ".tif" printlog "Open the document" hFileOpen (ConvertPath ( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport."+ExtensionString )) printlog "Save it" if ( hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) ) then printlog( "Close file and re-insert graphics into new document" ) hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( OutputGrafikTBO + sExt ) ' local helper function, see bottom of this file else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tTIFF '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ testcase tXPM const sFilter = "XPM - X PixMap (.xpm)" const sExt = ".xpm" printlog "Open the document" hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." + ExtensionString ) printlog "save it" if hCallExport (OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) = TRUE then printlog( "Close file and re-insert graphics into new document" ) hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( OutputGrafikTBO + sExt ) ' local helper function, see bottom of this file else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tXPM '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tGIF const sFilter = "GIF - Graphics Interchange Format (.gif)" const sExt = ".gif" printlog "open the document" hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." + ExtensionString ) printlog "save it" if ( hCallExport( OutputGrafikTBO, sFilter ) ) then Kontext "GIFOptions" if GIFOptions.Exists (2) then Interlaced.Uncheck Transparency.UnCheck hCloseDialog( GIFOptions, "ok" ) else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif printlog( "Close file and re-insert graphics into new document" ) sleep (1) hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( OutputGrafikTBO + sExt ) ' local helper function, see bottom of this file endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tGIF '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- testcase tJPEG const sFilter = "JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group (.jpg;.jpeg;.jfif;.jif;.jpe)" const sExt = ".jpg" printlog "Open the document" hFileOpen( gTesttoolPath + "graphics\required\input\graphicexport." + ExtensionString ) printlog " save it " if ( hCallExport( OutputGrafikTBO , sFilter ) ) then Kontext "JPGOptions" if ( JPGOptions.Exists( 2 ) ) then Quality.ToMin hCloseDialog( JPGOptions, "ok" ) else warnlog( "No export options dialog was displayed" ) endif printlog( "Close file and re-insert graphics into new document" ) hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( OutputGrafikTBO + sExt ) ' local helper function, see bottom of this file endif call hCloseDocument endcase 'tJPEG '******************************************************************************* function hInsertGraphicsToNewFile( sOutputFile as string ) sleep (1) if ( FileExists( sOutputFile ) ) then hFileReOpen( "" ) Call hGrafikEinfuegen( sOutputFile ) else warnlog( "File not saved: " & sOutputFile ) endif end function '******************************************************************************* function hFileReOpen( cFile as string ) as boolean dim iDocumentCount as integer : iDocumentCount = getDocumentCount hFileReopen() = false hCloseDocument() if ( cFile = "" ) then hNewDocument() else if ( FileExists( cFile ) ) then hFileOpen( cFile ) else warnlog( "hFileReOpen(): File does not exist: " & cFile ) endif endif if ( getDocumentCount = iDocumentCount ) then hFileReOpen() = true end function '******************************************************************************* function hWaitForOutputFile( sOutputFile as string ) as boolean const FILE_WRITE_TIMEOUT = 30 dim iWait as integer : iWait = 0 for iWait = 1 to FILE_WRITE_TIMEOUT ' File found if ( FileExists( sOutputFile ) ) then hWaitForOutputFile() = true exit function endif ' Timeout if ( iWait = FILE_WRITE_TIMEOUT ) then hWaitForOutputFile() = false exit function endif wait( 1000 ) next iWait end function