#************************************************************************* # # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite # # $RCSfile: makefile.mk,v $ # # $Revision: 1.14 $ # # last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2006-11-08 11:55:36 $ # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to # the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. # # # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # ============================================= # Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # #************************************************************************* PRJ=..$/.. PRJNAME=sysui TARGET=desktopshare # --- Settings ----------------------------------------------------- .INCLUDE : settings.mk # --- Product Version Information ---------------------------------- .INCLUDE : ../productversion.mk .INCLUDE : packtools.mk # --- Files -------------------------------------------------------- # gnome-vfs treats everything behind the last '.' as an icon extension, # even though the "icon_filename" in '.keys' is specified as filename # without extension. Since it alos does not know how to handle "9-writer" # type icons :-), we are stripping all '.' for now. ICONPREFIX = $(UNIXFILENAME:s/.//g) .IF "$(WITH_LANG)"!="" ULFDIR:=$(COMMONMISC)$/$(TARGET) .ELSE # "$(WITH_LANG)"!="" ULFDIR:=. .ENDIF # "$(WITH_LANG)"!="" ULFFILES= \ documents.ulf \ launcher_comment.ulf \ launcher_name.ulf LAUNCHERLIST = writer calc draw impress math base printeradmin qstart LAUNCHERDEPN = ../menus/{$(LAUNCHERLIST)}.desktop LAUNCHERFLAGFILE = $(COMMONMISC)/$(TARGET)/xdg.flag MIMEINFO = $(COMMONMISC)/$(TARGET)/openoffice.org.xml .IF "$(PKGFORMAT)"!="$(PKGFORMAT:s/rpm//)" SPECFILES = \ $(MISC)/redhat-menus.spec \ $(MISC)/suse-menus.spec \ $(MISC)/freedesktop-menus.spec \ $(MISC)/mandriva-menus.spec .ENDIF # --- Targets ------------------------------------------------------ .INCLUDE : target.mk .IF "$(GUI)"=="UNX" ALLTAR : $(LAUNCHERFLAGFILE) $(MIMEINFO) $(SPECFILES) .ENDIF # "$(GUI)"=="UNIX" # # Copy/patch the .desktop files to the output tree and # merge-in the translations. # $(LAUNCHERFLAGFILE) : $(LAUNCHERDEPN) ../productversion.mk brand.pl translate.pl $(ULFDIR)$/launcher_name.ulf $(ULFDIR)$/launcher_comment.ulf @$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:db).$(INPATH) @echo Creating desktop entries .. @echo --------------------------------- @$(PERL) brand.pl -p "$(LONGPRODUCTNAME)" -u $(UNIXFILENAME) --iconprefix "$(ICONPREFIX)-" $(LAUNCHERDEPN) $(@:db).$(INPATH) @$(PERL) translate.pl -p "$(LONGPRODUCTNAME)" -d $(@:db).$(INPATH) --ext "desktop" --key "Name" $(ULFDIR)$/launcher_name.ulf @$(PERL) translate.pl -p "$(LONGPRODUCTNAME)" -d $(@:db).$(INPATH) --ext "desktop" --key "Comment" $(ULFDIR)$/launcher_comment.ulf .IF "$(WITH_LIBSN)"=="YES" @noop x$(foreach,i,$(LAUNCHERLIST) $(shell +echo "StartupNotify=true" >> $(@:db).$(INPATH)/$i.desktop))x .ENDIF @mv -f $(@:db).$(INPATH)/* $(@:d) @touch $@ # # Create shared mime info xml file # $(MIMEINFO) : $(shell ls ../mimetypes/*.desktop) create_mime_xml.pl $(MIMEINFO) : $(ULFDIR)$/documents.ulf @echo Create shared mime info xml file .. @echo --------------------------------- @$(PERL) create_mime_xml.pl $< > $(@).$(INPATH) @mv -f $(@).$(INPATH) $@ .IF "$(PKGFORMAT)"!="$(PKGFORMAT:s/rpm//)" $(SPECFILES) : add_specfile_triggers.sed symlink_triggers $(SPECFILES) : ../$$(@:b:s/-menus//)/$$(@:f) @sed -f ../share/add_specfile_triggers.sed $< | tr -d "\015" >$@ .ENDIF # # Install section # %.xml : $(COMMONMISC)/$(TARGET)/$$(@:f) @$(MKDIRHIER) $(@:d) @$(COPY) $< $@ # @chmod 0544 $@