/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: wview.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.3 $ * * last change: $Author: tbe $ $Date: 2000-11-10 15:55:23 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "ui_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #include "itemdef.hxx" #ifndef _SVX_SRCHITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_TEMPLDLG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SRCHDLG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SBX_SBXOBJECT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _UIVWIMP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_FMSHELL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SWMODULE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _UNOTXVW_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include "swtypes.hxx" #include "cmdid.h" #include "globals.hrc" #include "wrtsh.hxx" #include "edtwin.hxx" #include "wgrfsh.hxx" #include "wfrmsh.hxx" #include "wolesh.hxx" #include "wtabsh.hxx" #include "wlistsh.hxx" #include "wformsh.hxx" #include "wtextsh.hxx" #include "barcfg.hxx" #include "doc.hxx" // EIGENTLICH nicht moeglich !! #include "beziersh.hxx" #include "drawsh.hxx" #include "drwtxtsh.hxx" #include "wview.hxx" #include "wdocsh.hxx" #include "web.hrc" #include "shells.hrc" #define SwWebView #define SearchAttributes #define ReplaceAttributes #define SearchSettings #define _ExecSearch ExecSearch #define _StateSearch StateSearch #define Frames #define Graphics #define OLEObjects #define Controls #define Text #define Frame #define Graphic #define Object #define Draw #define DrawText #define TextInTable #define ListInText #define ListInTable #define Page #include #include "swslots.hxx" SFX_IMPL_VIEWFACTORY(SwWebView, SW_RES(STR_NONAME)) { SFX_VIEW_REGISTRATION(SwWebDocShell); } SFX_IMPL_INTERFACE( SwWebView, SwView, SW_RES(RID_WEBTOOLS_TOOLBOX) ) { SFX_CHILDWINDOW_REGISTRATION(SfxTemplateDialogWrapper::GetChildWindowId()); SFX_CHILDWINDOW_REGISTRATION(SvxSearchDialogWrapper::GetChildWindowId()); SFX_OBJECTBAR_REGISTRATION( SFX_OBJECTBAR_TOOLS| SFX_VISIBILITY_STANDARD|SFX_VISIBILITY_SERVER, SW_RES(RID_WEBTOOLS_TOOLBOX) ); } TYPEINIT1(SwWebView,SwView) /*-----------------22.01.97 14.27------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwWebView::SwWebView(SfxViewFrame* pFrame, SfxViewShell* pShell) : SwView(pFrame, pShell) { } /*-----------------22.01.97 14.27------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwWebView::~SwWebView() { } /*-----------------23.01.97 09.01------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwWebView::SelectShell() { // Entscheidung, ob UpdateTable gerufen werden muss BOOL bUpdateTable = FALSE; const SwFrmFmt* pCurTableFmt = GetWrtShell().GetTableFmt(); if(pCurTableFmt && pCurTableFmt != GetLastTblFrmFmt()) { bUpdateTable = TRUE; // kann erst spaeter ausgefuehrt werden } SetLastTblFrmFmt(pCurTableFmt); //SEL_TBL und SEL_TBL_CELLS koennen verodert sein! int nNewSelectionType = (GetWrtShell().GetSelectionType() & ~SwWrtShell::SEL_TBL_CELLS); int nSelectionType = GetSelectionType(); if ( nNewSelectionType == nSelectionType ) { GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().InvalidateAll( FALSE ); if ( nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_OLE || nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_GRF ) //Fuer Grafiken und OLE kann sich natuerlich das Verb aendern! ImpSetVerb( nNewSelectionType ); } else { // DELETEZ(pxSelectionObj); //Selektionsobjekt loeschen SfxDispatcher &rDispatcher = *GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher(); SwToolbarConfigItem *pBarCfg = SW_MOD()->GetWebToolbarConfig(); if( GetCurShell() ) { rDispatcher.Flush(); // alle gecachten Shells wirklich loeschen //Zur alten Selektion merken welche Toolbar sichtbar war USHORT nId = rDispatcher.GetObjectBarId( SFX_OBJECTBAR_OBJECT ); if ( nId ) pBarCfg->SetTopToolbar( nSelectionType, nId ); SfxShell *pSfxShell; USHORT i; for ( i = 0; TRUE; ++i ) { pSfxShell = rDispatcher.GetShell( i ); if ( !(pSfxShell->ISA( SwBaseShell ) || pSfxShell->ISA( SwDrawTextShell )) ) break; } pSfxShell = rDispatcher.GetShell( --i ); ASSERT( pSfxShell, "My Shell ist lost in space" ); rDispatcher.Pop( *pSfxShell, SFX_SHELL_POP_UNTIL | SFX_SHELL_POP_DELETE); } FASTBOOL bInitFormShell = FALSE; if( !GetFormShell() ) { bInitFormShell = TRUE; SetFormShell( new FmFormShell( this ) ); rDispatcher.Push( *GetFormShell() ); } FASTBOOL bSetExtInpCntxt = FALSE; nSelectionType = nNewSelectionType; SetSelectionType( nSelectionType ); ShellModes eShellMode; if ( nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_OLE ) { eShellMode = SEL_OBJECT; SetShell( new SwWebOleShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } else if ( nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_FRM || nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_GRF) { eShellMode = SEL_FRAME; SetShell( new SwWebFrameShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); if(nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_GRF ) { eShellMode = SEL_GRAPHIC; SetShell( new SwWebGrfShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } } else if ( nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_FRM ) { eShellMode = SEL_FRAME; SetShell( new SwWebFrameShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } else if ( nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_DRW ) { eShellMode = SEL_DRAW; SetShell( new SwDrawShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); if ( nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_BEZ ) { eShellMode = SEL_BEZIER; SetShell( new SwBezierShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } } else if ( nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_DRW_FORM ) { eShellMode = SEL_DRAW_FORM; SetShell( new SwWebDrawFormShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } else if ( nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_DRW_TXT ) { eShellMode = SEL_DRAWTEXT; rDispatcher.Push( *(new SwBaseShell( *this )) ); SetShell( new SwDrawTextShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } else { bSetExtInpCntxt = TRUE; eShellMode = SEL_TEXT; if ( nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_NUM ) { eShellMode = SEL_LIST_TEXT; SetShell( new SwWebListShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } SetShell( new SwWebTextShell(*this)); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); if ( nSelectionType & SwWrtShell::SEL_TBL ) { eShellMode = eShellMode == SEL_LIST_TEXT ? SEL_TABLE_LIST_TEXT : SEL_TABLE_TEXT; SetShell( new SwWebTableShell( *this )); rDispatcher.Push( *GetCurShell() ); } } ImpSetVerb( nSelectionType ); GetViewImpl()->SetShellMode(eShellMode); if( !GetDocShell()->IsReadOnly() ) { if( bSetExtInpCntxt && GetWrtShell().HasReadonlySel() ) bSetExtInpCntxt = FALSE; InputContext aCntxt( GetEditWin().GetInputContext() ); aCntxt.SetOptions( bSetExtInpCntxt ? (aCntxt.GetOptions() | ( INPUTCONTEXT_TEXT | INPUTCONTEXT_EXTTEXTINPUT )) : (aCntxt.GetOptions() & ~ ( INPUTCONTEXT_TEXT | INPUTCONTEXT_EXTTEXTINPUT )) ); GetEditWin().SetInputContext( aCntxt ); } //Zur neuen Selektion die Toolbar aktivieren, die auch beim letzten Mal //aktiviert war //Vorher muss ein Flush() sein, betrifft aber lt. MBA nicht das UI und ist //kein Performance-Problem rDispatcher.Flush(); USHORT nId = pBarCfg->GetTopToolbar( nSelectionType ); if ( USHRT_MAX != nId ) rDispatcher.ShowObjectBar( nId ); Point aPnt = GetEditWin().GetPointerPosPixel(); aPnt = GetEditWin().PixelToLogic(aPnt); GetEditWin().UpdatePointer(aPnt); if ( bInitFormShell && GetWrtShell().GetDrawView() ) GetFormShell()->SetView( PTR_CAST( FmFormView, GetWrtShell().GetDrawView())); } GetViewImpl()->GetUNOObject_Impl()->NotifySelChanged(); //Guenstiger Zeitpunkt fuer die Kommunikation mit OLE-Objekten? if ( GetDocShell()->GetDoc()->IsOLEPrtNotifyPending() ) GetDocShell()->GetDoc()->PrtOLENotify( FALSE ); //jetzt das Tabellen-Update if(bUpdateTable) GetWrtShell().UpdateTable(); } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.2 2000/10/23 10:54:54 tbe idetemp.hxx include removed Revision 2000/09/18 17:14:51 hr initial import Revision 1.45 2000/09/18 16:06:20 willem.vandorp OpenOffice header added. Revision 1.44 2000/09/07 15:59:35 os change: SFX_DISPATCHER/SFX_BINDINGS removed Revision 1.43 2000/09/04 11:46:58 tbe basicide, isetbrw, si, vcdlged moved from svx to basctl Revision 1.42 2000/08/08 13:47:37 os #77423# separate graphic shell Revision 1.41 2000/05/10 11:54:44 os Basic API removed Revision 1.40 1999/09/10 13:19:16 os Chg: resource types removed Revision 1.39 1999/08/05 17:25:16 JP have to change: FmFormShell Rev 1.38 05 Aug 1999 19:25:16 JP have to change: FmFormShell Rev 1.37 05 May 1999 11:23:30 OS #63790# Tabellen-Update nur bei Bedarf rufen Rev 1.36 08 Mar 1999 13:39:02 MA #62792# OLE-Printer-Benachrichtigung vervollstaendigt Rev 1.35 08 Feb 1999 12:51:58 OS #61377# falsche DBG_ERRORs entsorgt Rev 1.34 02 Feb 1999 13:16:28 JP Bug #61335#: Schnistelle zu SwView geaendert Rev 1.33 21 Oct 1998 11:40:00 OS #58243# Objectbar aus der richtigen Konfiguration lesen Rev 1.32 30 Jun 1998 13:02:08 MA das war wohl grad etwas zu gruendlich Rev 1.30 09 Jun 1998 15:33:32 OM VC-Controls entfernt Rev 1.29 08 Jun 1998 18:09:42 OM Forms im HTML-Mode Rev 1.28 12 May 1998 19:00:54 MA schon mal Praeventiv die FormShell pushen Rev 1.27 02 Apr 1998 10:07:18 MA new: ToolbarCfg Rev 1.26 11 Feb 1998 10:34:04 MA #47035# und CopyCtor entfernt Rev 1.25 16 Dec 1997 12:11:26 OS Impl-Pointer fuer UNO Rev 1.24 28 Nov 1997 14:46:38 MA includes Rev 1.23 21 Nov 1997 11:33:20 MA includes Rev 1.22 03 Nov 1997 14:00:14 MA precomp entfernt Rev 1.21 18 Sep 1997 14:02:04 OS Pointer::GetPosPixel fuer VCL ersetzt Rev 1.20 05 Sep 1997 12:36:00 MH chg: header Rev 1.19 03 Sep 1997 14:52:36 MBA Neue WebShells Rev 1.18 03 Sep 1997 10:51:30 MBA swslots.hxx statt wswslots.hxx Rev 1.17 05 Aug 1997 16:41:48 TJ include svx/srchitem.hxx Rev 1.16 08 Jul 1997 12:08:06 OM Draw-Selektionsmodi aufgeraeumt Rev 1.15 25 Jun 1997 13:35:52 OM #40966# DrawBaseShell-Ptr wieder eingefuehrt Rev 1.14 19 Jun 1997 16:39:24 MA fix: reste vom DrawText-Umbau Rev 1.13 18 Jun 1997 17:27:36 HJS alte segmentierung raus Rev 1.12 17 Jun 1997 15:43:12 MA DrawTxtShell nicht von BaseShell ableiten + Opts Rev 1.11 14 Apr 1997 16:18:00 OS Search/ReplaceAttributes Rev 1.10 10 Apr 1997 10:18:58 TRI includes Rev 1.9 09 Apr 1997 08:15:38 MA includes Rev 1.8 23 Feb 1997 15:06:26 OS GetIcon ueberladen Rev 1.7 03 Feb 1997 15:03:36 MA chg: ListShell nach unten Rev 1.6 31 Jan 1997 13:35:16 OS neu: SwWebFrameShell Rev 1.5 30 Jan 1997 11:07:24 OS erweiterter View-Ctor Rev 1.4 29 Jan 1997 12:52:18 OS SelectShell: DrawCtrlShell nachgetragen Rev 1.3 24 Jan 1997 14:54:28 OS RID_WEBTOOLS_TOOLBOX Rev 1.2 23 Jan 1997 17:37:24 OS GetDispatcher nicht an der SwView aufrufen Rev 1.1 23 Jan 1997 17:25:20 OS Cast fuer SetDrawBaseShell Rev 1.0 23 Jan 1997 16:17:26 OS Initial revision. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/