/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: tautofmt.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.8 $ * * last change: $Author: dr $ $Date: 2001-11-19 13:23:44 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "ui_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _EDIT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _ZFORLIST_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_LANG_XMULTISERVICEFACTORY_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COMPHELPER_PROCESSFACTORY_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _SVTOOLS_SCRIPTEDTEXT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UIPARAM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWTYPES_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VIEW_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _WRTSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TBLAFMT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TAUTOFMT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SHELLRES_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _BREAKIT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TAUTOFMT_HRC #include #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star::lang; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; #define FRAME_OFFSET 4 //======================================================================== class AutoFmtPreview : public Window { public: AutoFmtPreview( Window* pParent, const ResId& rRes ); ~AutoFmtPreview(); void NotifyChange( const SwTableAutoFmt& rNewData ); protected: virtual void Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ); private: SwTableAutoFmt aCurData; VirtualDevice aVD; SvtScriptedTextHelper aScriptedText; BOOL bFitWidth; static BYTE aFmtMap[25]; // Zuordnung: Zelle->Format Rectangle aCellArray[25]; // Position und Groesse der Zellen SvxBoxItem* aLinePtrArray[49]; // LinienAttribute Size aPrvSize; const USHORT nLabelColWidth; const USHORT nDataColWidth1; const USHORT nDataColWidth2; const USHORT nRowHeight; const String aStrJan; const String aStrFeb; const String aStrMar; const String aStrNorth; const String aStrMid; const String aStrSouth; const String aStrSum; SvNumberFormatter* pNumFmt; //------------------------------------------- void Init (); void DoPaint ( const Rectangle& rRect ); void CalcCellArray ( BOOL bFitWidth ); void CalcLineMap (); void PaintCells (); void DrawBackground ( BYTE nIndex ); void DrawFrame ( BYTE nIndex ); void DrawString ( BYTE nIndex ); void MakeFonts ( BYTE nIndex, Font& rFont, Font& rCJKFont, Font& rCTLFont ); String MakeNumberString( String cellString, BOOL bAddDec ); void DrawFrameLine ( const SvxBorderLine& rLineD, Point from, Point to, BOOL bHorizontal, const SvxBorderLine& rLineLT, const SvxBorderLine& rLineL, const SvxBorderLine& rLineLB, const SvxBorderLine& rLineRT, const SvxBorderLine& rLineR, const SvxBorderLine& rLineRB ); void CheckPriority ( USHORT nCurLine, AutoFmtLine eLine, SvxBorderLine& rLine ); void GetLines ( BYTE nIndex, AutoFmtLine eLine, SvxBorderLine& rLineD, SvxBorderLine& rLineLT, SvxBorderLine& rLineL, SvxBorderLine& rLineLB, SvxBorderLine& rLineRT, SvxBorderLine& rLineR, SvxBorderLine& rLineRB ); }; //======================================================================== struct SwLineStruct { short nLeft; //Breite der linken Linie short nMiddle;//Breite des Zwischenraums short nRight; //Breite der rechten Linie }; void lcl_SwLinkLine( const SwLineStruct& dLine, const SwLineStruct& ltLine, const SwLineStruct& lLine, const SwLineStruct& lbLine, const SwLineStruct& rtLine, const SwLineStruct& rLine, const SwLineStruct& rbLine, short* dxArr); //SC-Produkt! BOOL lcl_HasPriority( const SvxBorderLine* pThis, const SvxBorderLine* pOther ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------ class SwStringInputDlg : public ModalDialog { public: SwStringInputDlg( Window* pParent, const String& rTitle, const String& rEditTitle, const String& rDefault ); ~SwStringInputDlg(); void GetInputString( String& rString ) const; private: Edit aEdInput; // Edit erhaelt so den Focus FixedText aFtEditTitle; OKButton aBtnOk; CancelButton aBtnCancel; }; BYTE AutoFmtPreview::aFmtMap[] = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 3, // Zuordnung: 4, 5, 6, 5, 7, // Zelle->Format 8, 9, 10, 9, 11, 4, 5, 6, 5, 7, 12, 13, 14, 13, 15 }; SwStringInputDlg::SwStringInputDlg( Window* pParent, const String& rTitle, const String& rEditTitle, const String& rDefault ) : ModalDialog ( pParent, SW_RES( DLG_SWDLG_STRINPUT ) ), // aEdInput ( this, SW_RES( ED_INPUT ) ), aBtnOk ( this, SW_RES( BTN_OK ) ), aBtnCancel ( this, SW_RES( BTN_CANCEL ) ), aFtEditTitle ( this, SW_RES( FT_LABEL ) ) { SetText( rTitle ); aFtEditTitle.SetText( rEditTitle ); aEdInput.SetText( rDefault ); //------------- FreeResource(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SwStringInputDlg::GetInputString( String& rString ) const { rString = aEdInput.GetText(); } __EXPORT SwStringInputDlg::~SwStringInputDlg() { } //======================================================================== // AutoFormat-Dialog: SwAutoFormatDlg::SwAutoFormatDlg( Window* pParent, SwWrtShell* pWrtShell, BOOL bSetAutoFormat, const SwTableAutoFmt* pSelFmt ) : SfxModalDialog( pParent, SW_RES( DLG_AUTOFMT_TABLE ) ), // aFlFormat ( this, SW_RES( FL_FORMAT ) ), aLbFormat ( this, SW_RES( LB_FORMAT ) ), pWndPreview ( new AutoFmtPreview( this, SW_RES( WND_PREVIEW ) ) ), aBtnNumFormat ( this, SW_RES( BTN_NUMFORMAT ) ), aBtnBorder ( this, SW_RES( BTN_BORDER ) ), aBtnFont ( this, SW_RES( BTN_FONT ) ), aBtnPattern ( this, SW_RES( BTN_PATTERN ) ), aBtnAlignment ( this, SW_RES( BTN_ALIGNMENT ) ), aFlFormats ( this, SW_RES( FL_FORMATS ) ), aBtnOk ( this, SW_RES( BTN_OK ) ), aBtnCancel ( this, SW_RES( BTN_CANCEL ) ), aBtnHelp ( this, SW_RES( BTN_HELP ) ), aBtnAdd ( this, SW_RES( BTN_ADD ) ), aBtnRemove ( this, SW_RES( BTN_REMOVE ) ), aBtnMore ( this, SW_RES( BTN_MORE ) ), aBtnRename ( this, SW_RES( BTN_RENAME ) ), aStrTitle ( SW_RES( STR_ADD_TITLE ) ), aStrLabel ( SW_RES( STR_ADD_LABEL ) ), aStrClose ( SW_RES( STR_BTN_CLOSE ) ), aStrDelTitle ( SW_RES( STR_DEL_TITLE ) ), aStrDelMsg ( SW_RES( STR_DEL_MSG ) ), aStrRenameTitle ( SW_RES( STR_RENAME_TITLE ) ), aStrInvalidFmt ( SW_RES( STR_INVALID_AFNAME )), // nIndex ( 0 ), nDfltStylePos ( 0 ), bCoreDataChanged( FALSE ), bSetAutoFmt ( bSetAutoFormat ), pShell ( pWrtShell ) { pTableTbl = new SwTableAutoFmtTbl; pTableTbl->Load(); Init( pSelFmt ); //------------- > FreeResource(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ __EXPORT SwAutoFormatDlg::~SwAutoFormatDlg() { delete pWndPreview; if( bCoreDataChanged ) pTableTbl->Save(); delete pTableTbl; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SwAutoFormatDlg::Init( const SwTableAutoFmt* pSelFmt ) { Link aLk( LINK( this, SwAutoFormatDlg, CheckHdl ) ); aBtnBorder.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aBtnFont.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aBtnPattern.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aBtnAlignment.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aBtnNumFormat.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aBtnAdd.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwAutoFormatDlg, AddHdl ) ); aBtnRemove.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwAutoFormatDlg, RemoveHdl ) ); aBtnRename.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwAutoFormatDlg, RenameHdl ) ); aBtnOk.SetClickHdl ( LINK( this, SwAutoFormatDlg, OkHdl ) ); aLbFormat.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SwAutoFormatDlg, SelFmtHdl ) ); aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnNumFormat ); aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnBorder ); aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnFont ); aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnPattern ); aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnAlignment ); aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aFlFormats ); aBtnMore.AddWindow( &aBtnRename ); aBtnAdd.Enable( bSetAutoFmt ); nIndex = 0; if( !bSetAutoFmt ) { // dann muss die Liste um den Eintrag erweitert werden. aLbFormat.InsertEntry( ViewShell::GetShellRes()->aStrNone ); nDfltStylePos = 1; nIndex = 255; } for( BYTE i = 0, nCount = (BYTE)pTableTbl->Count(); i < nCount; i++ ) { SwTableAutoFmt* pFmt = (*pTableTbl)[ i ]; aLbFormat.InsertEntry( pFmt->GetName() ); if( pSelFmt && pFmt->GetName() == pSelFmt->GetName() ) nIndex = i; } aLbFormat.SelectEntryPos( 255 != nIndex ? (nDfltStylePos + nIndex) : 0 ); SelFmtHdl( 0 ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SwAutoFormatDlg::UpdateChecks( const SwTableAutoFmt& rFmt, BOOL bEnable ) { aBtnNumFormat.Enable( bEnable ); aBtnNumFormat.Check( rFmt.IsValueFormat() ); aBtnBorder.Enable( bEnable ); aBtnBorder.Check( rFmt.IsFrame() ); aBtnFont.Enable( bEnable ); aBtnFont.Check( rFmt.IsFont() ); aBtnPattern.Enable( bEnable ); aBtnPattern.Check( rFmt.IsBackground() ); aBtnAlignment.Enable( bEnable ); aBtnAlignment.Check( rFmt.IsJustify() ); } void SwAutoFormatDlg::FillAutoFmtOfIndex( SwTableAutoFmt*& rToFill ) const { if( 255 != nIndex ) { if( rToFill ) *rToFill = *(*pTableTbl)[ nIndex ]; else rToFill = new SwTableAutoFmt( *(*pTableTbl)[ nIndex ] ); } else if( rToFill ) delete rToFill, rToFill = 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ Handler: ---------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwAutoFormatDlg, CheckHdl, Button *, pBtn ) { SwTableAutoFmtPtr pData = (*pTableTbl)[nIndex]; BOOL bCheck = ((CheckBox*)pBtn)->IsChecked(), bDataChgd = TRUE; if( pBtn == &aBtnNumFormat ) pData->SetValueFormat( bCheck ); else if ( pBtn == &aBtnBorder ) pData->SetFrame( bCheck ); else if ( pBtn == &aBtnFont ) pData->SetFont( bCheck ); else if ( pBtn == &aBtnPattern ) pData->SetBackground( bCheck ); else if ( pBtn == &aBtnAlignment ) pData->SetJustify( bCheck ); // else if ( pBtn == &aBtnAdjust ) // pData->SetIncludeWidthHeight( bCheck ); else bDataChgd = FALSE; if( bDataChgd ) { if( !bCoreDataChanged ) { aBtnCancel.SetText( aStrClose ); bCoreDataChanged = TRUE; } pWndPreview->NotifyChange( *pData ); } return 0; } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwAutoFormatDlg, AddHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { BOOL bOk = FALSE, bFmtInserted = FALSE; while( !bOk ) { SwStringInputDlg* pDlg = new SwStringInputDlg( this, aStrTitle, aStrLabel, aEmptyStr ); if( RET_OK == pDlg->Execute() ) { String aFormatName; pDlg->GetInputString( aFormatName ); if( aFormatName.Len() > 0 ) { for( USHORT n = 0; n < pTableTbl->Count(); ++n ) if( (*pTableTbl)[n]->GetName() == aFormatName ) break; if( n >= pTableTbl->Count() ) { // Format mit dem Namen noch nicht vorhanden, also // aufnehmen SwTableAutoFmtPtr pNewData = new SwTableAutoFmt( aFormatName ); pShell->GetTableAutoFmt( *pNewData ); // Sortiert einfuegen!! for( n = 1; n < pTableTbl->Count(); ++n ) if( (*pTableTbl)[ n ]->GetName() > aFormatName ) break; pTableTbl->Insert( pNewData, n ); aLbFormat.InsertEntry( aFormatName, nDfltStylePos + n ); aLbFormat.SelectEntryPos( nDfltStylePos + n ); bFmtInserted = TRUE; aBtnAdd.Enable( FALSE ); if ( !bCoreDataChanged ) { aBtnCancel.SetText( aStrClose ); bCoreDataChanged = TRUE; } SelFmtHdl( 0 ); bOk = TRUE; } } if( !bFmtInserted ) { bOk = RET_CANCEL == ErrorBox( this, WinBits( WB_OK_CANCEL | WB_DEF_OK), aStrInvalidFmt ).Execute(); } } else bOk = TRUE; delete pDlg; } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK( SwAutoFormatDlg, RemoveHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { String aMessage = aStrDelMsg ; aMessage.AppendAscii("\n\n"); aMessage += aLbFormat.GetSelectEntry() ; aMessage += '\n'; MessBox* pBox = new MessBox( this, WinBits( WB_OK_CANCEL ), aStrDelTitle, aMessage); if ( pBox->Execute() == RET_OK ) { aLbFormat.RemoveEntry( nDfltStylePos + nIndex ); aLbFormat.SelectEntryPos( nDfltStylePos + nIndex-1 ); pTableTbl->DeleteAndDestroy( nIndex ); nIndex--; if( !nIndex ) { aBtnRemove.Enable(FALSE); aBtnRename.Enable(FALSE); } if( !bCoreDataChanged ) { aBtnCancel.SetText( aStrClose ); bCoreDataChanged = TRUE; } } delete pBox; SelFmtHdl( 0 ); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( SwAutoFormatDlg, RenameHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { BOOL bOk = FALSE; while( !bOk ) { SwStringInputDlg* pDlg = new SwStringInputDlg( this, aStrRenameTitle, aLbFormat.GetSelectEntry(), aEmptyStr ); if( pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK ) { BOOL bFmtRenamed = FALSE; String aFormatName; pDlg->GetInputString( aFormatName ); if ( aFormatName.Len() > 0 ) { for( USHORT n = 0; n < pTableTbl->Count(); ++n ) if ((*pTableTbl)[n]->GetName() == aFormatName) break; if( n >= pTableTbl->Count() ) { // Format mit dem Namen noch nicht vorhanden, also // umbenennen aLbFormat.RemoveEntry( nDfltStylePos + nIndex ); SwTableAutoFmtPtr p = (*pTableTbl)[ nIndex ]; pTableTbl->Remove( nIndex ); p->SetName( aFormatName ); // Sortiert einfuegen!! for( n = 1; n < pTableTbl->Count(); ++n ) if( (*pTableTbl)[ n ]->GetName() > aFormatName ) break; pTableTbl->Insert( p, n ); aLbFormat.InsertEntry( aFormatName, nDfltStylePos + n ); aLbFormat.SelectEntryPos( nDfltStylePos + n ); if ( !bCoreDataChanged ) { aBtnCancel.SetText( aStrClose ); bCoreDataChanged = TRUE; } SelFmtHdl( 0 ); bOk = TRUE; bFmtRenamed = TRUE; } } if( !bFmtRenamed ) { bOk = RET_CANCEL == ErrorBox( this, WinBits( WB_OK_CANCEL | WB_DEF_OK), aStrInvalidFmt ).Execute(); } } else bOk = TRUE; delete pDlg; } return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK( SwAutoFormatDlg, SelFmtHdl, void *, EMPTYARG ) { BOOL bBtnEnable = FALSE; BYTE nSelPos = (BYTE) aLbFormat.GetSelectEntryPos(), nOldIdx = nIndex; if( nSelPos >= nDfltStylePos ) { nIndex = nSelPos - nDfltStylePos; pWndPreview->NotifyChange( *(*pTableTbl)[nIndex] ); bBtnEnable = 0 != nIndex; UpdateChecks( *(*pTableTbl)[nIndex], TRUE ); } else { nIndex = 255; SwTableAutoFmt aTmp( ViewShell::GetShellRes()->aStrNone ); aTmp.SetFont( FALSE ); aTmp.SetJustify( FALSE ); aTmp.SetFrame( FALSE ); aTmp.SetBackground( FALSE ); aTmp.SetValueFormat( FALSE ); aTmp.SetWidthHeight( FALSE ); if( nOldIdx != nIndex ) pWndPreview->NotifyChange( aTmp ); UpdateChecks( aTmp, FALSE ); } aBtnRemove.Enable( bBtnEnable ); aBtnRename.Enable( bBtnEnable ); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwAutoFormatDlg, OkHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) { if( bSetAutoFmt ) pShell->SetTableAutoFmt( *(*pTableTbl)[ nIndex ] ); EndDialog( RET_OK ); return TRUE; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwAutoFormatDlg, OkHdl, Button *, EMPTYARG ) //======================================================================== // AutoFmtPreview //------------------------------------------------------------------------ AutoFmtPreview::AutoFmtPreview( Window* pParent, const ResId& rRes ) : Window ( pParent, rRes ), aVD ( *this ), aScriptedText ( aVD ), aCurData ( aEmptyStr ), bFitWidth ( FALSE ), aStrJan ( SW_RES( STR_JAN ) ), aStrFeb ( SW_RES( STR_FEB ) ), aStrMar ( SW_RES( STR_MAR ) ), aStrNorth ( SW_RES( STR_NORTH ) ), aStrMid ( SW_RES( STR_MID ) ), aStrSouth ( SW_RES( STR_SOUTH ) ), aStrSum ( SW_RES( STR_SUM ) ), aPrvSize ( GetSizePixel().Width() - 6, GetSizePixel().Height() - 30 ), nLabelColWidth ( (USHORT)(((aPrvSize.Width()-4)/4)-12) ), nDataColWidth1 ( (USHORT)(((aPrvSize.Width()-4)-(nLabelColWidth*2)) / 3) ), nDataColWidth2 ( (USHORT)(((aPrvSize.Width()-4)-(nLabelColWidth*2)) / 4) ), nRowHeight ( (USHORT)((aPrvSize.Height()-4) / 5) ) { Reference< XMultiServiceFactory > xMSF = ::comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(); pNumFmt = new SvNumberFormatter( xMSF, LANGUAGE_SYSTEM ); Init(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ __EXPORT AutoFmtPreview::~AutoFmtPreview() { for ( USHORT i=0; i<=35; i++ ) { delete aLinePtrArray[i]; } delete pNumFmt; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void lcl_AssignLine( SvxBorderLine& dest, const SvxBorderLine* src ) { if( src ) { dest.SetColor( src->GetColor() ); dest.SetOutWidth( src->GetOutWidth() ); dest.SetInWidth( src->GetInWidth() ); dest.SetDistance( src->GetDistance() ); } else { dest.SetColor( Color( COL_WHITE ) ); dest.SetOutWidth ( 0 ); dest.SetInWidth ( 0 ); dest.SetDistance ( 0 ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void lcl_GetLineStruct( SwLineStruct& rLine, const SvxBorderLine& rBoxLine ) { if ( rBoxLine.GetOutWidth() > 0 ) { rLine.nLeft = rBoxLine.GetOutWidth(); rLine.nMiddle = rBoxLine.GetDistance(); rLine.nRight = rBoxLine.GetInWidth(); /* Linienstaerke auf dick/duenn abbilden: * * (in TWIPS, 1pt = 20 TWIPS = duenn) * alles was <=0 ist -> (0,0,0) * alles was <=20 ist -> (1,0,0)/(1,1,1) * alles andere -> (3,0,0)/(2,1,2) */ if ( rLine.nMiddle == 0 ) // einfache Linie? { rLine.nRight = 0; // sicher ist sicher if ( rLine.nLeft <= 20 ) { rLine.nLeft = 1; } else if ( rLine.nLeft > 20 ) { rLine.nLeft = 3; } } else // doppelte Linie { rLine.nMiddle = 1; if ( rLine.nLeft <= 20 ) { rLine.nLeft = rLine.nRight = 1; } else if ( rLine.nLeft > 20 ) { rLine.nLeft = rLine.nRight = 2; } } } else { rLine.nLeft = 0; rLine.nMiddle = 0; rLine.nRight = 0; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AutoFmtPreview::CheckPriority( USHORT nCurLine, AutoFmtLine eLine, SvxBorderLine& rLine ) { const SvxBorderLine* pDrawLine; USHORT nOther = 0; switch ( eLine ) { case TOP_LINE: { lcl_AssignLine( rLine, aLinePtrArray[nCurLine]->GetTop() ); nOther = nCurLine-7; pDrawLine = aLinePtrArray[nOther]->GetBottom(); if ( lcl_HasPriority( pDrawLine, &rLine ) ) lcl_AssignLine( rLine, pDrawLine ); } break; case BOTTOM_LINE: { lcl_AssignLine( rLine, aLinePtrArray[nCurLine]->GetBottom() ); nOther = nCurLine+7; pDrawLine = aLinePtrArray[nOther]->GetTop(); if ( lcl_HasPriority( pDrawLine, &rLine ) ) lcl_AssignLine( rLine, pDrawLine ); } break; case LEFT_LINE: { lcl_AssignLine( rLine, aLinePtrArray[nCurLine]->GetLeft() ); nOther = nCurLine-1; pDrawLine = aLinePtrArray[nOther]->GetRight(); if ( lcl_HasPriority( pDrawLine, &rLine ) ) lcl_AssignLine( rLine, pDrawLine ); } break; case RIGHT_LINE: { lcl_AssignLine( rLine, aLinePtrArray[nCurLine]->GetRight() ); nOther = nCurLine+1; pDrawLine = aLinePtrArray[nOther]->GetLeft(); if ( lcl_HasPriority( pDrawLine, &rLine ) ) lcl_AssignLine( rLine, pDrawLine ); } break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AutoFmtPreview::GetLines( BYTE nIndex, AutoFmtLine eLine, SvxBorderLine& rLineD, SvxBorderLine& rLineLT, SvxBorderLine& rLineL, SvxBorderLine& rLineLB, SvxBorderLine& rLineRT, SvxBorderLine& rLineR, SvxBorderLine& rLineRB ) { { SvxBorderLine aNullLine; lcl_AssignLine( rLineD, &aNullLine); lcl_AssignLine( rLineLT, &aNullLine); lcl_AssignLine( rLineL, &aNullLine); lcl_AssignLine( rLineLB, &aNullLine); lcl_AssignLine( rLineRT, &aNullLine); lcl_AssignLine( rLineR, &aNullLine); lcl_AssignLine( rLineRB, &aNullLine); } USHORT nCurLine = nIndex + 8 + ((nIndex/5)*2); USHORT nOther = 0; switch ( eLine ) { case TOP_LINE: { // obere Linien werden nur in der // ersten Zeile gemalt: if ( (nIndex >= 0) && (nIndex <= 4) ) { // links CheckPriority( nCurLine, eLine, rLineD ); nOther = nCurLine-7; CheckPriority( nOther, LEFT_LINE, rLineLT ); nOther = nCurLine-1; CheckPriority( nOther, TOP_LINE, rLineL ); CheckPriority( nCurLine, LEFT_LINE, rLineLB ); // rechts nOther = nCurLine-7; CheckPriority( nOther, RIGHT_LINE, rLineRT ); nOther = nCurLine+1; CheckPriority( nOther, TOP_LINE, rLineR ); CheckPriority( nCurLine, RIGHT_LINE, rLineRB ); } } break; case BOTTOM_LINE: { // links CheckPriority( nCurLine, eLine, rLineD ); CheckPriority( nCurLine, LEFT_LINE, rLineLT ); nOther = nCurLine-1; CheckPriority( nOther, BOTTOM_LINE, rLineL ); nOther = nCurLine+7; CheckPriority( nOther, LEFT_LINE, rLineLB ); // rechts CheckPriority( nCurLine, RIGHT_LINE, rLineRT ); nOther = nCurLine+1; CheckPriority( nOther, BOTTOM_LINE, rLineR ); nOther = nCurLine+7; CheckPriority( nOther, RIGHT_LINE, rLineRB ); } break; case LEFT_LINE: { // linke Linien werden nur in der // ersten Spalte gemalt: if ( (nIndex%5) == 0 ) { // oben CheckPriority( nCurLine, eLine, rLineD ); CheckPriority( nCurLine, TOP_LINE, rLineLT ); nOther = nCurLine-7; CheckPriority( nOther, LEFT_LINE, rLineL ); nOther = nCurLine-1; CheckPriority( nOther, TOP_LINE, rLineLB ); // unten CheckPriority( nCurLine, BOTTOM_LINE, rLineRT ); nOther = nCurLine+7; CheckPriority( nOther, LEFT_LINE, rLineR ); nOther = nCurLine-1; CheckPriority( nOther, BOTTOM_LINE, rLineRB ); } } break; case RIGHT_LINE: { // oben CheckPriority( nCurLine, eLine, rLineD ); nOther = nCurLine+1; CheckPriority( nOther, TOP_LINE, rLineLT ); nOther = nCurLine-7; CheckPriority( nOther, RIGHT_LINE, rLineL ); CheckPriority( nCurLine, TOP_LINE, rLineLB ); // unten nOther = nCurLine+1; CheckPriority( nOther, BOTTOM_LINE, rLineRT ); nOther = nCurLine+7; CheckPriority( nOther, RIGHT_LINE, rLineR ); CheckPriority( nCurLine, BOTTOM_LINE, rLineRB ); } break; } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AutoFmtPreview::DrawFrameLine( const SvxBorderLine& rLineD, Point from, Point to, BOOL bHorizontal, const SvxBorderLine& rLineLT, const SvxBorderLine& rLineL, const SvxBorderLine& rLineLB, const SvxBorderLine& rLineRT, const SvxBorderLine& rLineR, const SvxBorderLine& rLineRB ) { SwLineStruct dLine; SwLineStruct ltLine; SwLineStruct lLine; SwLineStruct lbLine; SwLineStruct rtLine; SwLineStruct rLine; SwLineStruct rbLine; short dxArr[4]; lcl_GetLineStruct( dLine, rLineD ); lcl_GetLineStruct( ltLine, rLineLT ); lcl_GetLineStruct( lLine, rLineL ); lcl_GetLineStruct( lbLine, rLineLB ); lcl_GetLineStruct( rtLine, rLineRT ); lcl_GetLineStruct( rLine, rLineR ); lcl_GetLineStruct( rbLine, rLineRB ); if ( dLine.nLeft > 0 ) { Color oldColor = aVD.GetLineColor(); aVD.SetLineColor( Color(COL_TRANSPARENT) ); Color oldFillColor = aVD.GetFillColor(); aVD.SetFillColor( rLineD.GetColor() ); USHORT nHeight = dLine.nLeft + dLine.nMiddle + dLine.nRight; Point from2 = from; Point to2 = to; lcl_SwLinkLine( dLine, ltLine, lLine, lbLine, rtLine, rLine, rbLine, dxArr ); if ( bHorizontal ) { from.Y() -= nHeight/2; to.Y() -= nHeight/2; to.Y() += (dLine.nLeft-1); from.X() += dxArr[0]; to.X() += dxArr[2]; aVD.DrawRect( Rectangle( from, to ) ); // noch eine zweite Linie zu malen? if ( dLine.nRight != 0 ) { from2.Y() -= nHeight/2; from2.Y() += dLine.nLeft+dLine.nMiddle; to2.Y() -= nHeight/2; to2.Y() += dLine.nMiddle+dLine.nLeft; to2.Y() += (dLine.nRight-1); from2.X() += dxArr[1]; to2.X() += dxArr[3]; aVD.DrawRect( Rectangle( from2, to2 ) ); } } else { from.X() += nHeight/2; from.X() -= (dLine.nLeft-1); to.X() += nHeight/2; from.Y() += dxArr[0]; to.Y() += dxArr[2]; aVD.DrawRect( Rectangle( from, to ) ); // noch eine zweite Linie zu malen? if ( dLine.nRight != 0 ) { from2.X() -= nHeight/2; to2.X() -= nHeight/2; to2.X() += (dLine.nRight-1); from2.Y() += dxArr[1]; to2.Y() += dxArr[3]; aVD.DrawRect( Rectangle( from2, to2 ) ); } } aVD.SetFillColor( oldFillColor ); aVD.SetLineColor( oldColor ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AutoFmtPreview::DrawFrame( BYTE nIndex ) { //---------------------- // Malen des Zellrahmens //---------------------- SvxBorderLine aLineD; SvxBorderLine aLineLT; SvxBorderLine aLineL; SvxBorderLine aLineLB; SvxBorderLine aLineRT; SvxBorderLine aLineR; SvxBorderLine aLineRB; Rectangle& cellRect = aCellArray[nIndex]; //--------- // TopLine --------------------------------------------- //--------- GetLines( nIndex, TOP_LINE, aLineD, aLineLT, aLineL, aLineLB, aLineRT, aLineR, aLineRB ); DrawFrameLine( aLineD, cellRect.TopLeft(), cellRect.TopRight(), TRUE, aLineLT, aLineL, aLineLB, aLineRT, aLineR, aLineRB ); //------------ // BottomLine ------------------------------------------ //------------ GetLines( nIndex, BOTTOM_LINE, aLineD, aLineLT, aLineL, aLineLB, aLineRT, aLineR, aLineRB ); DrawFrameLine( aLineD, cellRect.BottomLeft(), cellRect.BottomRight(), TRUE, aLineLT, aLineL, aLineLB, aLineRT, aLineR, aLineRB ); //---------- // LeftLine -------------------------------------------- //---------- GetLines( nIndex, LEFT_LINE, aLineD, aLineLT, aLineL, aLineLB, aLineRT, aLineR, aLineRB ); DrawFrameLine( aLineD, cellRect.TopLeft(), cellRect.BottomLeft(), FALSE, aLineLT, aLineL, aLineLB, aLineRT, aLineR, aLineRB ); //----------- // RightLine ------------------------------------------- //----------- GetLines( nIndex, RIGHT_LINE, aLineD, aLineLT, aLineL, aLineLB, aLineRT, aLineR, aLineRB ); DrawFrameLine( aLineD, cellRect.TopRight(), cellRect.BottomRight(), FALSE, aLineLT, aLineL, aLineLB, aLineRT, aLineR, aLineRB ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void lcl_SetFontProperties( Font& rFont, const SvxFontItem& rFontItem, const SvxWeightItem& rWeightItem, const SvxPostureItem& rPostureItem ) { rFont.SetFamily ( rFontItem.GetFamily() ); rFont.SetName ( rFontItem.GetFamilyName() ); rFont.SetStyleName ( rFontItem.GetStyleName() ); rFont.SetCharSet ( rFontItem.GetCharSet() ); rFont.SetPitch ( rFontItem.GetPitch() ); rFont.SetWeight ( (FontWeight)rWeightItem.GetValue() ); rFont.SetItalic ( (FontItalic)rPostureItem.GetValue() ); } #define SETONALLFONTS( MethodName, Value ) \ rFont.MethodName( Value ); \ rCJKFont.MethodName( Value ); \ rCTLFont.MethodName( Value ); void AutoFmtPreview::MakeFonts( BYTE nIndex, Font& rFont, Font& rCJKFont, Font& rCTLFont ) { const SwBoxAutoFmt& rBoxFmt = aCurData.GetBoxFmt( nIndex ); rFont = rCJKFont = rCTLFont = GetFont(); Size aFontSize( rFont.GetSize().Width(), 10 ); lcl_SetFontProperties( rFont, rBoxFmt.GetFont(), rBoxFmt.GetWeight(), rBoxFmt.GetPosture() ); lcl_SetFontProperties( rCJKFont, rBoxFmt.GetCJKFont(), rBoxFmt.GetCJKWeight(), rBoxFmt.GetCJKPosture() ); lcl_SetFontProperties( rCTLFont, rBoxFmt.GetCTLFont(), rBoxFmt.GetCTLWeight(), rBoxFmt.GetCTLPosture() ); SETONALLFONTS( SetUnderline, (FontUnderline)rBoxFmt.GetUnderline().GetValue() ); SETONALLFONTS( SetStrikeout, (FontStrikeout)rBoxFmt.GetCrossedOut().GetValue() ); SETONALLFONTS( SetOutline, rBoxFmt.GetContour().GetValue() ); SETONALLFONTS( SetShadow, rBoxFmt.GetShadowed().GetValue() ); SETONALLFONTS( SetColor, rBoxFmt.GetColor().GetValue() ); SETONALLFONTS( SetSize, aFontSize ); SETONALLFONTS( SetTransparent, TRUE ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AutoFmtPreview::DrawString( BYTE nIndex ) { //------------------------ // Ausgabe des Zelltextes: //------------------------ ULONG nNum; double nVal; String cellString; switch( nIndex ) { case 1: cellString = aStrJan; break; case 2: cellString = aStrFeb; break; case 3: cellString = aStrMar; break; case 5: cellString = aStrNorth; break; case 10: cellString = aStrMid; break; case 15: cellString = aStrSouth; break; case 4: case 20: cellString = aStrSum; break; case 6: case 8: case 16: case 18: nVal = nIndex; nNum = 5; goto MAKENUMSTR; case 17: case 7: nVal = nIndex; nNum = 6; goto MAKENUMSTR; case 11: case 12: case 13: nVal = nIndex; nNum = 12 == nIndex ? 10 : 9; goto MAKENUMSTR; case 9: nVal = 21; nNum = 7; goto MAKENUMSTR; case 14: nVal = 36; nNum = 11; goto MAKENUMSTR; case 19: nVal = 51; nNum = 7; goto MAKENUMSTR; case 21: nVal = 33; nNum = 13; goto MAKENUMSTR; case 22: nVal = 36; nNum = 14; goto MAKENUMSTR; case 23: nVal = 39; nNum = 13; goto MAKENUMSTR; case 24: nVal = 108; nNum = 15; goto MAKENUMSTR; MAKENUMSTR: if( aCurData.IsValueFormat() ) { String sFmt; LanguageType eLng, eSys; aCurData.GetBoxFmt( (BYTE)nNum ).GetValueFormat( sFmt, eLng, eSys ); ULONG nKey = 0; if ( eLng == LANGUAGE_SYSTEM && eSys != ::GetAppLanguage() ) { // #53381# wenn System beim Speichern etwas anderes war, // muss konvertiert werden (geht nur mit eingebauten Formaten) ULONG nOrig = pNumFmt->GetEntryKey( sFmt, eSys ); if ( nOrig != NUMBERFORMAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND ) nKey = pNumFmt->GetFormatForLanguageIfBuiltIn( nOrig, ::GetAppLanguage() ); } else // sonst einfach suchen oder anlegen { nKey = pNumFmt->GetEntryKey( sFmt, eLng ); if( NUMBERFORMAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND == nKey ) { xub_StrLen nCheckPos; short nType; pNumFmt->PutEntry( sFmt, nCheckPos, nType, nKey, eLng ); } } Color* pDummy; pNumFmt->GetOutputString( nVal, nKey, cellString, &pDummy ); } else cellString = String::CreateFromInt32(nVal); break; } if( cellString.Len() ) { Size aStrSize; BYTE nFmtIndex = (BYTE) aFmtMap[nIndex]; Rectangle& cellRect = aCellArray[nIndex]; Point aPos = aCellArray[nIndex].TopLeft(); USHORT nRightX = 0; // BOOL bJustify = aCurData.IsJustify(); // ScHorJustifyAttr aHorJustifyItem; // CellHorJustify eJustification; Size theMaxStrSize( cellRect.GetWidth() - FRAME_OFFSET, cellRect.GetHeight() - FRAME_OFFSET ); if( aCurData.IsFont() ) { Font aFont, aCJKFont, aCTLFont; MakeFonts( nFmtIndex, aFont, aCJKFont, aCTLFont ); aScriptedText.SetFonts( &aFont, &aCJKFont, &aCTLFont ); } else aScriptedText.SetDefaultFont(); aScriptedText.SetText( cellString, pBreakIt->xBreak ); aStrSize = aScriptedText.GetTextSize(); if( aCurData.IsFont() && theMaxStrSize.Height() < aStrSize.Height() ) { // wenn der String in diesem Font nicht // in die Zelle passt, wird wieder der // Standard-Font genommen: aScriptedText.SetDefaultFont(); aStrSize = aScriptedText.GetTextSize(); } while( theMaxStrSize.Width() <= aStrSize.Width() && cellString.Len() > 1 ) { // if( eJustification == SVX_HOR_JUSTIFY_RIGHT ) // cellString.Erase( 0, 1 ); // else cellString.Erase( cellString.Len() - 1 ); aScriptedText.SetText( cellString, pBreakIt->xBreak ); aStrSize = aScriptedText.GetTextSize(); } nRightX = (USHORT)( cellRect.GetWidth() - aStrSize.Width() - FRAME_OFFSET ); //------------- // Ausrichtung: //------------- /* if ( bJustify ) { aCurData.GetHorJustify( nFmtIndex, aHorJustifyItem ); eJustification = (CellHorJustify)aHorJustifyItem.GetValue(); } else { eJustification = SC_HOR_JUSTIFY_STANDARD; }*/ //----------------------------- // vertikal (immer zentrieren): //----------------------------- aPos.Y() += (nRowHeight - (USHORT)aStrSize.Height()) / 2; //----------- // horizontal //----------- /* if ( eJustification != SC_HOR_JUSTIFY_STANDARD )*/ if (aCurData.IsJustify()) { USHORT nHorPos = (USHORT) ((cellRect.GetWidth()-aStrSize.Width())/2); const SvxAdjustItem& rAdj = aCurData.GetBoxFmt(nFmtIndex).GetAdjust(); switch ( rAdj.GetAdjust() ) { case SVX_ADJUST_LEFT: aPos.X() += FRAME_OFFSET; break; case SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT: aPos.X() += nRightX; break; default: aPos.X() += nHorPos; break; } } else { //--------------------- // Standardausrichtung: //--------------------- if ( ((nIndex%5) == 0) || (nIndex == 4) ) { // Text-Label links oder Summe linksbuendig aPos.X() += FRAME_OFFSET; } else { // Zahlen/Datum rechtsbuendig aPos.X() += nRightX; } } //------------------------------- aScriptedText.DrawText( aPos ); //------------------------------- } } #undef FRAME_OFFSET //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AutoFmtPreview::DrawBackground( BYTE nIndex ) { SvxBrushItem aBrushItem( aCurData.GetBoxFmt( aFmtMap[nIndex]) .GetBackground() ); Color oldColor = aVD.GetLineColor(); aVD.SetLineColor( Color(COL_TRANSPARENT) ); Color oldFillColor = aVD.GetFillColor(); aVD.SetFillColor( aBrushItem.GetColor() ); //----------------------- aVD.DrawRect( aCellArray[nIndex] ); //----------------------- aVD.SetLineColor( oldColor ); aVD.SetFillColor( oldFillColor ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AutoFmtPreview::PaintCells() { BYTE i = 0; //--------------- // 1. Hintergrund //--------------- if ( aCurData.IsBackground() ) { for ( i=0; i<=24; i++ ) { DrawBackground( i ); } } //---------- // 2. Rahmen //---------- if ( aCurData.IsFrame() ) { for ( i=0; i<=24; i++ ) { DrawFrame( i ); } } //--------- // 3. Werte //--------- for ( i = 0; i<=24; i++ ) { DrawString( i ); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void __EXPORT AutoFmtPreview::Init() { SvxBoxItem aEmptyBoxItem; aEmptyBoxItem.SetLine ( NULL, BOX_LINE_TOP ); aEmptyBoxItem.SetLine ( NULL, BOX_LINE_BOTTOM ); aEmptyBoxItem.SetLine ( NULL, BOX_LINE_LEFT ); aEmptyBoxItem.SetLine ( NULL, BOX_LINE_RIGHT ); aEmptyBoxItem.SetDistance( 0 ); //------------------------ // Linienattribut-Feld mit // Null-BoxItems fuellen //------------------------ for ( USHORT i=0; i<=48; i++ ) { aLinePtrArray[i] = new SvxBoxItem( aEmptyBoxItem ); } CalcCellArray( FALSE ); CalcLineMap(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AutoFmtPreview::CalcCellArray( BOOL bFitWidth ) { // Initialisieren des Zellfeldes (5x5 Zellen). // Rectangles enthalten Position und Groesse einer Zelle. // abhaengig, ob Zellbreite an Format angepasst werden soll (bFitWidth) USHORT nRow; USHORT nDataColWidth = (bFitWidth) ? nDataColWidth2 : nDataColWidth1; for ( nRow=0; nRow<=4; nRow++ ) { Point topLeftPos ( 2, (nRowHeight * nRow) + 2 ); Size rectSize ( 0, nRowHeight ); USHORT nCell; USHORT nFirst = nRow*5; USHORT nLast = nFirst+4; for ( nCell=nFirst; nCell<=nLast; nCell++ ) { //-------------------- // Position berechnen: //-------------------- if ( nCell == 0 ) { // erste Zelle benoetigt keine Sonderbehandlung } else if ( (nCell <= 4) && (nCell != 0) ) { // Zelle aus der ersten Zeile topLeftPos = aCellArray[nCell-1].TopRight(); } else { topLeftPos = aCellArray[nCell-5].BottomLeft(); } //------------------- // Groesse berechnen: //------------------- if ( (nCell == nFirst) || (nCell == nLast) ) rectSize.Width() = nLabelColWidth; else rectSize.Width() = nDataColWidth; aCellArray[nCell] = Rectangle( topLeftPos, rectSize ); } } aPrvSize.Width() = aCellArray[24].BottomRight().X() + 3; aPrvSize.Height() = aCellArray[24].BottomRight().Y() + 3; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AutoFmtPreview::CalcLineMap() { //---------------------------------------------------- // Initialisieren des Linenattributfeldes (7x7 Zellen) // Ein Eintrag dieses Feldes enthaelt einen Verweis // auf die Linienattribute des zugehoerigen Feldes. // Dieses Feld "umschliesst" das Zellfeld mit einer // Reihe "leerer" Zellen. //---------------------------------------------------- SvxBoxItem aFrameItem; BYTE nRow; for ( nRow=0; nRow<=4; nRow++ ) { USHORT nLine; BYTE nCell; BYTE nFirst = (nRow * 5); BYTE nLast = nFirst+4; for ( nCell=nFirst; nCell<=nLast; nCell++ ) { nLine = nCell + 8 + ((nCell/5)*2); aFrameItem = aCurData.GetBoxFmt( aFmtMap[nCell]).GetBox(); *(aLinePtrArray[nLine]) = aFrameItem; } } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AutoFmtPreview::NotifyChange( const SwTableAutoFmt& rNewData ) { aCurData = rNewData; bFitWidth = aCurData.IsJustify();//TRUE; //??? CalcCellArray( bFitWidth ); CalcLineMap(); DoPaint( Rectangle( Point(0,0), GetSizePixel() ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void AutoFmtPreview::DoPaint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { Bitmap thePreview; Point aCenterPos; Size theWndSize = GetSizePixel(); Size thePrevSize; Color oldColor; Font aFont; aFont = aVD.GetFont(); aFont.SetTransparent( TRUE ); aVD.SetFont ( aFont ); aVD.SetLineColor ( Color(COL_TRANSPARENT)); aVD.SetFillColor ( Color( COL_WHITE ) ); aVD.SetOutputSizePixel ( aPrvSize ); //-------------------------------- // Zellen auf virtual Device malen // und Ergebnis sichern //-------------------------------- PaintCells(); thePreview = aVD.GetBitmap( Point(0,0), aPrvSize ); //-------------------------------------- // Rahmen malen und Vorschau zentrieren: // (virtual Device fuer Fensterausgabe) //-------------------------------------- aVD.SetOutputSizePixel( theWndSize ); oldColor = aVD.GetLineColor(); aVD.SetLineColor( Color( COL_BLACK ) ); aVD.DrawRect( Rectangle( Point(0,0), theWndSize ) ); SetLineColor( oldColor ); aCenterPos = Point( (theWndSize.Width() - aPrvSize.Width() ) / 2, (theWndSize.Height() - aPrvSize.Height()) / 2 ); aVD.DrawBitmap( aCenterPos, thePreview ); //---------------------------- // Ausgabe im Vorschaufenster: //---------------------------- DrawBitmap( Point(0,0), aVD.GetBitmap( Point(0,0), theWndSize ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void __EXPORT AutoFmtPreview::Paint( const Rectangle& rRect ) { DoPaint( rRect ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOL lcl_HasPriority( const SvxBorderLine* pThis, const SvxBorderLine* pOther ) { if (!pThis) return FALSE; if (!pOther) return TRUE; USHORT nThisSize = pThis->GetOutWidth() + pThis->GetDistance() + pThis->GetInWidth(); USHORT nOtherSize = pOther->GetOutWidth() + pOther->GetDistance() + pOther->GetInWidth(); if (nThisSize > nOtherSize) return TRUE; else if (nThisSize < nOtherSize) return FALSE; else { if ( pOther->GetInWidth() && !pThis->GetInWidth() ) return TRUE; else if ( pThis->GetInWidth() && !pOther->GetInWidth() ) return FALSE; else { return TRUE; //! ??? } } } void lcl_SwLinkLine(const SwLineStruct& dLine, const SwLineStruct& ltLine, const SwLineStruct& lLine, const SwLineStruct& lbLine, const SwLineStruct& rtLine, const SwLineStruct& rLine, const SwLineStruct& rbLine, short* dxArr) { short nDx; short nDxDx; short nltW = ltLine.nLeft + ltLine.nMiddle + ltLine.nRight; short nlbW = lbLine.nLeft + lbLine.nMiddle + lbLine.nRight; short nrtW = rtLine.nLeft + rtLine.nMiddle + rtLine.nRight; short nrbW = rbLine.nLeft + rbLine.nMiddle + rbLine.nRight; if (dLine.nRight == 0) // einfache Linie { dxArr[1] = 0; dxArr[3] = 0; // Linker Teil if ((lLine.nLeft != 0) && (lLine.nRight == 0)) // links einfache Linie dxArr[0] = 0; else { nDx = Max(nltW, nlbW) / 2; nDxDx = (Max(nltW, nlbW) + 1) % 2; if ((nDx == 0) || (ltLine.nRight == 0) || (lbLine.nRight == 0)) { if (lLine.nLeft == 0) dxArr[0] = nDxDx - nDx; else dxArr[0] = nDxDx + nDx; } else dxArr[0] = nDxDx + nDx; } // Rechter Teil if ((rLine.nLeft != 0) && (rLine.nRight == 0)) // rechts keine Linie dxArr[2] = 0; else { nDx = Max(nrtW, nrbW) / 2; if ((nDx == 0) || (rtLine.nRight == 0) || (rbLine.nRight == 0)) { if (rLine.nLeft == 0) dxArr[2] = nDx; else dxArr[2] = -nDx; } else dxArr[2] = -nDx; } } else { // Linker oberer Teil if ((nltW == 0) || (ltLine.nRight == 0)) // Links oben keine oder einfache Linie { nDx = (nlbW + 1) / 2; nDxDx = (nlbW + 1) % 2; if (nDx == 0) dxArr[0] = nDxDx + nDx; else dxArr[0] = nDxDx - (nlbW / 2) + ltLine.nLeft; } else { nDx = (nltW + 1) / 2; nDxDx = (nltW + 1) % 2; if (nDx == 0) dxArr[0] = nDxDx - nDx; else dxArr[0] = nDxDx + nDx - ltLine.nRight; } // Linker unterer Teil if ((nlbW == 0) || (lbLine.nRight == 0)) // Links unten keine oder einfache Linie { nDx = (nltW + 1) / 2; nDxDx = (nltW + 1) % 2; if (nDx == 0) dxArr[1] = nDxDx + nDx; else dxArr[1] = nDxDx - (nltW / 2) + lbLine.nLeft; } else { nDx = (nlbW + 1) / 2; nDxDx = (nlbW + 1) % 2; if (nDx == 0) dxArr[1] = nDxDx - nDx; else dxArr[1] = nDxDx + nDx - lbLine.nRight; } // Rechter oberer Teil if ((nrtW == 0) || (rtLine.nRight == 0)) // Rechts oben keine oder einfache Linie { nDx = (nrbW + 1) / 2; if (nDx == 0) dxArr[2] = -nDx; else dxArr[2] = (nrbW / 2) - rtLine.nLeft; } else { nDx = (nrtW + 1) / 2; if (nDx == 0) dxArr[2] = nDx; else dxArr[2] = -nDx + rtLine.nLeft; } // Rechter unterer Teil if ((nrbW == 0) || (rbLine.nRight == 0)) // Rechts unten keine oder einfache Linie { nDx = (nrtW + 1) / 2; if (nDx == 0) dxArr[3] = -nDx; else dxArr[3] = (nrtW / 2) - rbLine.nLeft; } else { nDx = (nrbW + 1) / 2; if (nDx == 0) dxArr[3] = nDx; else dxArr[3] = -nDx + rbLine.nLeft; } } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.7 2001/09/27 17:22:30 jp Task #91873#: remove usage of GetSystemLanguage and other system realted methods Revision 1.6 2001/06/14 17:21:51 fme Fix: #86988#: Redesign of dialogs Revision 1.5 2001/06/01 11:14:10 fme Fix #86988#: Redesign of dialogs Revision 1.4 2001/01/26 15:15:40 os #83247# CreateFromInt32 Revision 1.3 2000/10/20 14:18:06 os use comphelper methods Revision 1.2 2000/10/20 09:51:34 os change: use SvNumberFormatter ctor using XMultiServiceFactory Revision 2000/09/18 17:14:48 hr initial import Revision 1.46 2000/09/18 16:06:09 willem.vandorp OpenOffice header added. Revision 1.45 2000/06/08 09:48:50 os using UCB Revision 1.44 2000/05/16 17:31:14 jp Changes for Unicode Revision 1.43 2000/05/16 14:32:29 jp Changes for Unicode Revision 1.42 2000/04/19 11:22:12 os UNICODE Revision 1.41 2000/03/03 15:17:03 os StarView remainders removed Revision 1.40 2000/02/11 14:59:03 hr #70473# changes for unicode ( patched by automated patchtool ) Revision 1.39 1998/09/29 08:15:38 NN #53381# wenn noetig, Zahlformat in Sprache konvertieren Rev 1.38 29 Sep 1998 10:15:38 NN #53381# wenn noetig, Zahlformat in Sprache konvertieren Rev 1.37 07 Jul 1998 13:20:36 JP Bug #52273#: Anzeige des Nummernformates berichtigt Rev 1.36 02 Jun 1998 10:37:40 JP TabellenAutoFormat: Load/Save ohne Stream - erzeugen diesen selbst Rev 1.35 29 May 1998 19:07:08 JP aufgeraeumnt Rev 1.34 14 May 1998 15:15:44 JP neu: Numberformat vom Boxen unterstuetzen Rev 1.33 12 May 1998 23:42:46 JP neu: InserTable/TextToTable mit optionalen AutoFormat Rev 1.32 29 Apr 1998 07:59:08 OS sAutoTblFmtName allg. verfuegbar Rev 1.31 24 Nov 1997 15:52:20 MA includes Rev 1.30 12 Sep 1997 10:40:16 OS ITEMID_* definiert Rev 1.29 05 Sep 1997 12:20:02 MH chg: header Rev 1.28 01 Sep 1997 13:17:26 OS DLL-Umstellung Rev 1.27 23 May 1997 10:10:02 OS Ableitung von SfxModalDialog Rev 1.26 02 May 1997 20:28:36 NF includes... Rev 1.25 23 Apr 1997 14:29:18 OS ResId const Rev 1.24 17 Apr 1997 23:22:06 JP Umbenennen von AutoFormaten Rev 1.23 14 Feb 1997 11:54:58 JP Bug #35729#: sortiert einfuegen Rev 1.22 09 Feb 1997 19:00:52 JP Bug #35729#, #35740#: Formate sortiert, Ueberschreibmeldung Rev 1.21 11 Nov 1996 11:20:40 MA ResMgr Rev 1.20 02 Oct 1996 19:06:06 MA Umstellung Enable/Disable Rev 1.19 23 Sep 1996 18:44:50 mk includes fuer Unix raus Rev 1.18 21 Mar 1996 14:08:18 OM Umstellung 311 Rev 1.17 06 Feb 1996 15:21:28 JP Link Umstellung 305 Rev 1.16 01 Dec 1995 12:30:02 sv SwTableAutoFmt* -> SwTableAutoFmtPtr Rev 1.15 24 Nov 1995 16:59:00 OM PCH->PRECOMPILED Rev 1.14 13 Nov 1995 10:59:22 OM static entfernt Rev 1.13 08 Nov 1995 13:34:36 OS Change => Set Rev 1.12 31 Oct 1995 18:41:20 OM GetActive... entfernt Rev 1.11 21 Aug 1995 08:56:16 mk hintids.hxx und svxitems.hxx fuer UNX wieder included (MDA) Rev 1.10 09 Aug 1995 21:57:10 ER ! static data _vor_ seg_eofglobals Rev 1.9 24 Jul 1995 11:21:00 JP aufgeraeumt, CTOR/DTOR: Autoformattabelle ist nicht mehr static, sondern wird geladen und ggfs. gespeichert Rev 1.8 20 Jul 1995 19:40:36 JP Autoformatdatei umbenannt und wird jetzt im Config-Verzeichnis erwartet Rev 1.7 27 Apr 1995 10:07:54 OS Reihenfolge im Ctor Rev 1.6 20 Apr 1995 17:02:22 OS Delete-Message Rev 1.5 19 Apr 1995 18:07:38 OS BugFix Delete-Box Rev 1.4 06 Mar 1995 06:05:28 JP neu: mit Laden und Speichern Rev 1.3 06 Mar 1995 05:00:18 JP jetzt auch mit Umrandung Rev 1.2 06 Mar 1995 04:08:30 JP Optimierung Rev 1.1 06 Mar 1995 00:54:48 OS funktioniert fast Rev 1.0 05 Mar 1995 19:34:02 OS Initial revision. Rev 1.2 04 Mar 1995 23:29:36 ER add: hintids, svxitems Rev 1.1 04 Mar 1995 20:52:58 OS ein wenig weniger Kommentar Rev 1.0 04 Mar 1995 15:00:08 OS Initial revision. ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/