/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: tabsh.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.2 $ * * last change: $Author: jp $ $Date: 2000-10-06 13:36:37 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "ui_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _UIPARAM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _HINTIDS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _ZFORLIST_HXX #define _ZFORLIST_DECLARE_TABLE #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSTRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_WHITER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_RULRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _OFF_APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SRCHITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_LRSPITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_ULSPITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_BRSHITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_BOXITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SHADITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SPLTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_LANGITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_KEEPITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_BOLNITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_COLRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_NUMINF_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _ZFORMAT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_BINDINGS_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _MSGBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXREQUEST_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXDISPATCH_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXOBJFACE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTORNT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTCLDS_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTTSPLT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTFSIZE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SWMODULE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _WRTSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _WVIEW_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FRMATR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UITOOL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _INPUTWIN_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UIITEMS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _USRPREF_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TABSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TABLEDLG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TABLEMGR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TAUTOFMT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CELLATR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FRMFMT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _ROWHT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SPLIT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _INSRC_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWUNDO_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWTABLE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TBLNUMFM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DOCSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SPLITTBL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _MERGETBL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TBLSEL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _POPUP_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _SHELLS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _TABLE_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _CMDID_H #include #endif #ifndef _GLOBALS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _HELPID_H #include #endif #define SwTableShell #ifndef _ITEMDEF_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWSLOTS_HXX #include #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL lcl_IsNumeric(const String& rStr) { for(xub_StrLen i = 0; i < rStr.Len(); i++) { sal_Unicode c = rStr.GetChar(i); if((c < '0') || (c > '9')) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } SFX_IMPL_INTERFACE(SwTableShell, SwBaseShell, SW_RES(STR_SHELLNAME_TABLE)) { SFX_POPUPMENU_REGISTRATION(SW_RES(MN_TAB_POPUPMENU)); SFX_OBJECTBAR_REGISTRATION(SFX_OBJECTBAR_OBJECT, SW_RES(RID_TABLE_TOOLBOX)); SFX_OBJECTMENU_REGISTRATION(SID_OBJECTMENU0, SW_RES(MN_OBJECTMENU_TABLE)); } TYPEINIT1(SwTableShell,SwBaseShell) /************************************************************************/ const USHORT __FAR_DATA aUITableAttrRange[] = { FN_PARAM_TABLE_NAME, FN_PARAM_TABLE_NAME, FN_PARAM_TABLE_HEADLINE, FN_PARAM_TABLE_HEADLINE, FN_PARAM_TABLE_SPACE, FN_PARAM_TABLE_SPACE, FN_TABLE_REP, FN_TABLE_REP, SID_RULER_BORDERS, SID_RULER_BORDERS, RES_LR_SPACE, RES_UL_SPACE, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, SID_ATTR_BORDER_SHADOW, RES_BOX, RES_SHADOW, RES_BACKGROUND, RES_BACKGROUND, SID_BACKGRND_DESTINATION, SID_BACKGRND_DESTINATION, SID_HTML_MODE, SID_HTML_MODE, SID_ATTR_BRUSH_ROW, SID_ATTR_BRUSH_TABLE, RES_PAGEDESC, RES_BREAK, RES_KEEP, RES_KEEP, RES_LAYOUT_SPLIT, RES_LAYOUT_SPLIT, FN_TABLE_SET_VERT_ALIGN, FN_TABLE_SET_VERT_ALIGN, 0 }; void lcl_SetAttr( SwWrtShell &rSh, const SfxPoolItem &rItem ) { SfxItemSet aSet( rSh.GetView().GetPool(), rItem.Which(), rItem.Which(), 0); aSet.Put( rItem ); rSh.SetTblAttr( aSet ); } /************************************************************************/ SwTableRep* lcl_TableParamToItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet, SwWrtShell &rSh ) { SwFrmFmt *pFmt = rSh.GetTableFmt(); SwTabCols aCols; rSh.GetTabCols( aCols ); //Ersteinmal die einfachen Attribute besorgen. rSet.Put( SfxStringItem( FN_PARAM_TABLE_NAME, pFmt->GetName())); rSet.Put( SfxBoolItem( FN_PARAM_TABLE_HEADLINE, rSh.IsHeadlineRepeat()) ); rSet.Put( pFmt->GetShadow() ); rSet.Put(SfxUInt16Item(FN_TABLE_SET_VERT_ALIGN, rSh.GetBoxAlign())); SvxULSpaceItem aULSpace( pFmt->GetULSpace() ); rSet.Put( aULSpace ); USHORT nBackgroundDestination = rSh.GetViewOptions()->GetTblDest(); rSet.Put(SwBackgroundDestinationItem(SID_BACKGRND_DESTINATION, nBackgroundDestination )); SvxBrushItem aBrush( RES_BACKGROUND ); // rSh.GetBoxBackground(aBrush); // rSet.Put( aBrush ); rSh.GetRowBackground(aBrush); rSet.Put( aBrush, SID_ATTR_BRUSH_ROW ); rSh.GetTabBackground(aBrush); rSet.Put( aBrush, SID_ATTR_BRUSH_TABLE ); FASTBOOL bTableSel = rSh.IsTableMode(); if(!bTableSel) { rSh.StartAllAction(); rSh.Push(); rSh.GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( FN_TABLE_SELECT_ALL, FALSE ); } SvxBoxInfoItem aBoxInfo; // Tabellenvariante, wenn mehrere Tabellenzellen selektiert rSh.GetCrsr(); //Damit GetCrsrCnt() auch das Richtige liefert aBoxInfo.SetTable (rSh.IsTableMode() && rSh.GetCrsrCnt() > 1 || !bTableSel); // Abstandsfeld immer anzeigen aBoxInfo.SetDist ((BOOL) TRUE); // Minimalgroesse in Tabellen und Absaetzen setzen aBoxInfo.SetMinDist( !bTableSel || rSh.IsTableMode() || rSh.GetSelectionType() & (SwWrtShell::SEL_TXT | SwWrtShell::SEL_TBL)); // Default-Abstand immer setzen aBoxInfo.SetDefDist (MIN_BORDER_DIST); // Einzelne Linien koennen nur in Tabellen DontCare-Status haben aBoxInfo.SetValid( VALID_DISABLE, !bTableSel || !rSh.IsTableMode() ); rSet.Put(aBoxInfo); rSh.GetTabBorders( rSet ); if(!bTableSel) { rSh.ClearMark(); rSh.Pop(FALSE); rSh.EndAllAction(); } SwTabCols aTabCols; rSh.GetTabCols( aTabCols ); SvxColumnItem aColItem; // Pointer wird nach der Dialogausfuehrung geloescht SwTableRep* pRep = new SwTableRep( aTabCols, rSh.IsTblComplex()); pRep->SetSpace(aCols.GetRightMax()); USHORT nPercent = 0; long nWidth = ::GetTableWidth(pFmt, aCols, &nPercent, &rSh ); // Die Tabellenbreite ist fuer relative Angaben nicht korrekt if(nPercent) nWidth = pRep->GetSpace() * nPercent / 100; USHORT nAlign = pFmt->GetHoriOrient().GetHoriOrient(); pRep->SetAlign(nAlign); SvxLRSpaceItem aLRSpace( pFmt->GetLRSpace() ); SwTwips nLeft = aLRSpace.GetLeft(); SwTwips nRight = aLRSpace.GetRight(); SwTwips nDiff = pRep->GetSpace() - nRight - nLeft - nWidth; if(nAlign != HORI_FULL && Abs(nDiff) > 2) { SwTwips nLR = pRep->GetSpace() - nWidth; switch ( nAlign ) { case HORI_CENTER: nLeft = nRight = nLR / 2; break; case HORI_LEFT: nRight = nLR; nLeft = 0; break; case HORI_RIGHT: nLeft = nLR, nRight = 0; break; case HORI_LEFT_AND_WIDTH: nRight = nLR - nLeft; break; case HORI_NONE: if(!nPercent) nWidth = pRep->GetSpace() - nLeft - nRight; break; } } pRep->SetLeftSpace(nLeft); pRep->SetRightSpace(nRight); pRep->SetWidth(nWidth); pRep->SetWidthPercent(nPercent); // sind einzelne Zeilen/Zellen selektiert, wird die Spaltenbearbeitung veraendert pRep->SetLineSelected(bTableSel && ! rSh.HasWholeTabSelection()); rSet.Put(SwPtrItem(FN_TABLE_REP, pRep)); return pRep; } /************************************************************************/ void lcl_ItemSetToTableParam( const SfxItemSet& rSet, SwWrtShell &rSh ) { rSh.StartAllAction(); rSh.StartUndo( UNDO_TABLE_ATTR ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; SwViewOption aUsrPref( *rSh.GetViewOptions() ); USHORT nBackgroundDestination = aUsrPref.GetTblDest(); if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(SID_BACKGRND_DESTINATION, FALSE, &pItem)) { nBackgroundDestination = ((SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue(); aUsrPref.SetTblDest((BYTE)nBackgroundDestination); SW_MOD()->ApplyUsrPref(aUsrPref, &rSh.GetView()); } FASTBOOL bBorder = ( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_BOX ) || SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER ) ); pItem = 0; BOOL bBackground = SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( RES_BACKGROUND, FALSE, &pItem ); const SfxPoolItem* pRowItem = 0, *pTableItem = 0; bBackground |= SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_BRUSH_ROW, FALSE, &pRowItem ); bBackground |= SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_BRUSH_TABLE, FALSE, &pTableItem ); if( bBackground || bBorder) { /* Die Umrandung wird auf die vorliegende Selektion angewendet Liegt keine Selektion vor, wird die Tabelle vollstaendig selektiert. Der Hintergrund wird immer auf den aktuellen Zustand angewendet. */ FASTBOOL bTableSel = rSh.IsTableMode(); rSh.StartAllAction(); if(bBackground) { if(pItem) rSh.SetBoxBackground( *(const SvxBrushItem*)pItem ); if(pRowItem) { SvxBrushItem aBrush(*(const SvxBrushItem*)pRowItem); aBrush.SetWhich(RES_BACKGROUND); rSh.SetRowBackground(aBrush); } if(pTableItem) { SvxBrushItem aBrush(*(const SvxBrushItem*)pTableItem); aBrush.SetWhich(RES_BACKGROUND); rSh.SetTabBackground( aBrush ); } } if(bBorder) { rSh.Push(); if(!bTableSel) { rSh.GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetDispatcher()->Execute( FN_TABLE_SELECT_ALL ); } rSh.SetTabBorders( rSet ); if(!bTableSel) { rSh.ClearMark(); } rSh.Pop(FALSE); } rSh.EndAllAction(); } SwTabCols aTabCols; BOOL bTabCols = FALSE; BOOL bSingleLine = FALSE; SwTableRep* pRep = 0; SwFrmFmt *pFmt = rSh.GetTableFmt(); SfxItemSet aSet( rSh.GetAttrPool(), RES_FRMATR_BEGIN, RES_FRMATR_END-1 ); if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_TABLE_REP, FALSE, &pItem )) { pRep = (SwTableRep*)((const SwPtrItem*)pItem)->GetValue(); const SwTwips nWidth = pRep->GetWidth(); if ( HORI_FULL == (SwHoriOrient)pRep->GetAlign() ) { SwFmtHoriOrient aAttr( pFmt->GetHoriOrient() ); aAttr.SetHoriOrient( HORI_FULL ); aSet.Put( aAttr ); } else { SwFmtFrmSize aSz( ATT_VAR_SIZE, nWidth ); if(pRep->GetWidthPercent()) { aSz.SetWidthPercent( (BYTE)pRep->GetWidthPercent() ); } aSet.Put(aSz); } SvxLRSpaceItem aLRSpace( RES_LR_SPACE ); aLRSpace.SetLeft(pRep->GetLeftSpace()); aLRSpace.SetRight(pRep->GetRightSpace()); aSet.Put( aLRSpace ); SwHoriOrient eOrient = (SwHoriOrient)pRep->GetAlign(); SwFmtHoriOrient aAttr( 0, eOrient ); aSet.Put( aAttr ); // Damit beim recording die Ausrichtung nicht durch die Abstaende ueberschrieben // wird, darf das Item nur bei manueller Ausrichtung aufgez. werden if(eOrient != HORI_NONE) ((SfxItemSet&)rSet).ClearItem( SID_ATTR_LRSPACE ); if(pRep->HasColsChanged()) { bTabCols = TRUE; } } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_TABLE_HEADLINE, FALSE, &pItem)) rSh.SetHeadlineRepeat( ((SfxBoolItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_TABLE_SET_VERT_ALIGN, FALSE, &pItem)) rSh.SetBoxAlign(((SfxUInt16Item*)(pItem))->GetValue()); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_TABLE_NAME, FALSE, &pItem )) rSh.SetTableName( *pFmt, ((const SfxStringItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); // kopiere die ausgesuchten Attribute in den ItemSet static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aIds[] = { RES_PAGEDESC, RES_BREAK, RES_KEEP, RES_LAYOUT_SPLIT, RES_UL_SPACE, RES_SHADOW, 0 }; for( const USHORT* pIds = aIds; *pIds; ++pIds ) if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( *pIds, FALSE, &pItem)) aSet.Put( *pItem ); if( aSet.Count() ) rSh.SetTblAttr( aSet ); if(bTabCols) { rSh.GetTabCols( aTabCols ); bSingleLine = pRep->FillTabCols( aTabCols ); rSh.SetTabCols( aTabCols, bSingleLine ); } rSh.EndUndo( UNDO_TABLE_ATTR ); rSh.EndAllAction(); } /************************************************************************/ void lcl_TabGetMaxLineWidth(const SvxBorderLine* pBorderLine, SvxBorderLine& rBorderLine) { if(pBorderLine->GetInWidth() > rBorderLine.GetInWidth()) rBorderLine.SetInWidth(pBorderLine->GetInWidth()); if(pBorderLine->GetOutWidth() > rBorderLine.GetOutWidth()) rBorderLine.SetOutWidth(pBorderLine->GetOutWidth()); if(pBorderLine->GetDistance() > rBorderLine.GetDistance()) rBorderLine.SetDistance(pBorderLine->GetDistance()); rBorderLine.SetColor(pBorderLine->GetColor()); } void SwTableShell::Execute(SfxRequest &rReq) { const SfxItemSet* pArgs = rReq.GetArgs(); SwWrtShell &rSh = GetShell(); //Erstmal die Slots, die keinen FrmMgr benoetigen. BOOL bMore = FALSE; const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; USHORT nSlot = rReq.GetSlot(); if(pArgs) pArgs->GetItemState(GetPool().GetWhich(nSlot), FALSE, &pItem); switch ( nSlot ) { case SID_ATTR_BORDER: { /* BOOL bPopCrsr = FALSE; if ( !rReq.IsAPI() ) { //Keine Tabellenselektion -> Aenderung wird auf die gesamte //Tabelle. if ( !rSh.IsTableMode() ) { rSh.StartAction(); bPopCrsr = TRUE; rSh.Push(); rSh.EnterStdMode(); rSh.MoveTable( fnTableCurr, fnTableStart ); rSh.SttSelect(); rSh.MoveTable( fnTableCurr, fnTableEnd ); rSh.EndSelect(); } }*/ if(!pArgs) break; //Items erzeugen, weil wir sowieso nacharbeiten muessen SvxBoxItem aBox; SfxItemSet aCoreSet( GetPool(), RES_BOX, RES_BOX, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, 0); SvxBoxInfoItem aCoreInfo; aCoreSet.Put(aCoreInfo); rSh.GetTabBorders( aCoreSet ); const SvxBoxItem& rCoreBox = (const SvxBoxItem&) aCoreSet.Get(RES_BOX); const SfxPoolItem *pItem = 0; if ( pArgs->GetItemState(RES_BOX, TRUE, &pItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET ) { aBox = *(SvxBoxItem*)pItem; if ( !rReq.IsAPI() ) aBox.SetDistance( Max(rCoreBox.GetDistance(),USHORT(55)) ); else if ( aBox.GetDistance() < MIN_BORDER_DIST ) aBox.SetDistance( Max(rCoreBox.GetDistance(),(USHORT)MIN_BORDER_DIST) ); } else {ASSERT( !this, "Wo ist das Box-Item?" )} SvxBoxInfoItem aInfo; if (pArgs->GetItemState(SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, TRUE, &pItem) == SFX_ITEM_SET) aInfo = *(SvxBoxInfoItem*)pItem; aInfo.SetTable( TRUE ); aInfo.SetValid( VALID_DISABLE, FALSE ); // Die Attribute aller Linien werden gelesen und das staerkste gewinnt const SvxBorderLine* pBorderLine; SvxBorderLine aBorderLine; if ((pBorderLine = rCoreBox.GetTop()) != NULL) lcl_TabGetMaxLineWidth(pBorderLine, aBorderLine); if ((pBorderLine = rCoreBox.GetBottom()) != NULL) lcl_TabGetMaxLineWidth(pBorderLine, aBorderLine); if ((pBorderLine = rCoreBox.GetLeft()) != NULL) lcl_TabGetMaxLineWidth(pBorderLine, aBorderLine); if ((pBorderLine = rCoreBox.GetRight()) != NULL) lcl_TabGetMaxLineWidth(pBorderLine, aBorderLine); if ((pBorderLine = aCoreInfo.GetHori()) != NULL) lcl_TabGetMaxLineWidth(pBorderLine, aBorderLine); if ((pBorderLine = aCoreInfo.GetVert()) != NULL) lcl_TabGetMaxLineWidth(pBorderLine, aBorderLine); if(aBorderLine.GetOutWidth() == 0) { aBorderLine.SetInWidth(0); aBorderLine.SetOutWidth(DEF_LINE_WIDTH_0); } BOOL bLine = FALSE; if ( (pBorderLine = aBox.GetTop()) != NULL) aBox.SetLine(&aBorderLine, BOX_LINE_TOP), bLine |= TRUE; if ((pBorderLine = aBox.GetBottom()) != NULL) aBox.SetLine(&aBorderLine, BOX_LINE_BOTTOM), bLine |= TRUE; if ((pBorderLine = aBox.GetLeft()) != NULL) aBox.SetLine(&aBorderLine, BOX_LINE_LEFT), bLine |= TRUE; if ((pBorderLine = aBox.GetRight()) != NULL) aBox.SetLine(&aBorderLine, BOX_LINE_RIGHT), bLine |= TRUE; if ((pBorderLine = aInfo.GetHori()) != NULL) aInfo.SetLine(&aBorderLine, BOXINFO_LINE_HORI), bLine |= TRUE; if ((pBorderLine = aInfo.GetVert()) != NULL) aInfo.SetLine(&aBorderLine, BOXINFO_LINE_VERT), bLine |= TRUE; // if ( bPopCrsr && !bLine ) // aBox.SetDistance( 0 ); aCoreSet.Put( aBox ); aCoreSet.Put( aInfo ); rSh.SetTabBorders( aCoreSet ); /* if ( bPopCrsr ) { rSh.KillPams(); rSh.Pop(FALSE); rSh.EndAction(); }*/ } break; case SID_ATTR_BRUSH: if(pItem) rSh.SetBoxBackground( *(SvxBrushItem*)pItem ); break; case FN_INSERT_TABLE: case FN_FORMAT_TABLE_DLG: { SfxItemSet aCoreSet( GetPool(), aUITableAttrRange); SwTableRep* pTblRep = ::lcl_TableParamToItemSet( aCoreSet, rSh ); SwTableTabDlg* pDlg = new SwTableTabDlg( GetView().GetWindow(), GetPool(), &aCoreSet, &rSh); aCoreSet.Put(SfxUInt16Item(SID_HTML_MODE, ::GetHtmlMode(GetView().GetDocShell()))); rSh.GetTblAttr(aCoreSet); // GetTblAttr buegelt den Background ueber! SvxBrushItem aBrush( RES_BACKGROUND ); rSh.GetBoxBackground(aBrush); aCoreSet.Put( aBrush ); if ( pDlg->Execute() == RET_OK ) { const SfxItemSet* pOutSet = pDlg->GetOutputItemSet(); ::lcl_ItemSetToTableParam( *pOutSet, rSh ); } delete pDlg; delete pTblRep; SfxBindings& rBindings = GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetBindings(); rBindings.Update(SID_RULER_BORDERS); rBindings.Update(SID_ATTR_TABSTOP); } break; case FN_NUM_FORMAT_TABLE_DLG: { SwView* pView = GetActiveView(); if(pView) { FieldUnit eMetric = ::GetDfltMetric(0 != PTR_CAST(SwWebView, pView)); SW_MOD()->PutItem(SfxUInt16Item(SID_ATTR_METRIC, eMetric)); SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = rSh.GetNumberFormatter(); SfxItemSet aCoreSet( GetPool(), SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_VALUE, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_VALUE, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_INFO, SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_INFO, 0 ); SfxItemSet aBoxSet( *aCoreSet.GetPool(), RES_BOXATR_FORMAT, RES_BOXATR_FORMAT, RES_BOXATR_VALUE, RES_BOXATR_VALUE, 0 ); rSh.GetTblBoxFormulaAttrs( aBoxSet ); SfxItemState eState = aBoxSet.GetItemState(RES_BOXATR_FORMAT); if(eState == SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT) { aCoreSet.Put( SfxUInt32Item( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_VALUE, pFormatter->GetFormatIndex(NF_TEXT, LANGUAGE_SYSTEM))); } else aCoreSet.Put( SfxUInt32Item( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_VALUE, ((SwTblBoxNumFormat&)aBoxSet.Get( RES_BOXATR_FORMAT )).GetValue() )); aCoreSet.Put( SvxNumberInfoItem( pFormatter, ((SwTblBoxValue&)aBoxSet.Get( RES_BOXATR_VALUE)).GetValue(), SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_INFO )); SwNumFmtDlg* pDlg = new SwNumFmtDlg(GetView().GetWindow(), aCoreSet); if (RET_OK == pDlg->Execute()) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem = GetView().GetDocShell()-> GetItem( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_INFO ); if( pItem && 0 != ((SvxNumberInfoItem*)pItem)->GetDelCount() ) { const ULONG* pDelArr = ((SvxNumberInfoItem*) pItem)->GetDelArray(); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < ((SvxNumberInfoItem*)pItem)->GetDelCount(); i++ ) ((SvxNumberInfoItem*)pItem)-> GetNumberFormatter()->DeleteEntry( pDelArr[i] ); } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pDlg->GetOutputItemSet()->GetItemState( SID_ATTR_NUMBERFORMAT_VALUE, FALSE, &pItem )) { SfxItemSet aBoxSet( *aCoreSet.GetPool(), RES_BOXATR_FORMAT, RES_BOXATR_FORMAT ); aBoxSet.Put( SwTblBoxNumFormat( ((SfxUInt32Item*)pItem)->GetValue() )); rSh.SetTblBoxFormulaAttrs( aBoxSet ); } } delete pDlg; } } break; case FN_CALC_TABLE: rSh.UpdateTable(); break; case FN_TABLE_OPTIMAL_HEIGHT: { const SwFmtFrmSize aSz; rSh.SetRowHeight( aSz ); } break; case FN_TABLE_DELETE_COL: if ( rSh.DeleteCol() && rSh.HasSelection() ) rSh.EnterStdMode(); break; case FN_END_TABLE: rSh.MoveTable( fnTableCurr, fnTableEnd ); break; case FN_START_TABLE: rSh.MoveTable( fnTableCurr, fnTableStart ); break; case FN_TABLE_DELETE_ROW: if ( rSh.DeleteRow() && rSh.HasSelection() ) rSh.EnterStdMode(); break; case FN_TABLE_MERGE_CELLS: if ( rSh.IsTableMode() ) switch ( rSh.MergeTab() ) { case TBLMERGE_OK: case TBLMERGE_NOSELECTION: break; case TBLMERGE_TOOCOMPLEX: { InfoBox aInfoBox( GetView().GetWindow(), SW_RES( MSG_ERR_TABLE_MERGE ) ); aInfoBox.Execute(); break; } default: ASSERT( !this, "unbekannter Returnwert MergeTab."); } break; case FN_TABLE_ADJUST_CELLS: if ( rSh.IsAdjustCellWidthAllowed() ) rSh.AdjustCellWidth(); break; case FN_TABLE_BALANCE_CELLS: if ( rSh.IsAdjustCellWidthAllowed(TRUE) ) rSh.AdjustCellWidth(TRUE); break; case FN_TABLE_BALANCE_ROWS: if ( rSh.BalanceRowHeight(TRUE) ) rSh.BalanceRowHeight(FALSE); break; case FN_TABLE_SELECT_ALL: rSh.EnterStdMode(); rSh.MoveTable( fnTableCurr, fnTableStart ); rSh.SttSelect(); rSh.MoveTable( fnTableCurr, fnTableEnd ); rSh.EndSelect(); break; case FN_TABLE_SELECT_COL: rSh.EnterStdMode(); rSh.SelectTableCol(); break; case FN_TABLE_SELECT_ROW: rSh.EnterStdMode(); rSh.SelectTableRow(); break; case FN_TABLE_SET_READ_ONLY_CELLS: rSh.ProtectCells(); rSh.ResetSelect( 0, FALSE ); break; case FN_TABLE_UNSET_READ_ONLY_CELLS: rSh.UnProtectCells(); break; case SID_AUTOFORMAT: { SwAutoFormatDlg* pDlg = new SwAutoFormatDlg( &GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetWindow(), &rSh ); pDlg->Execute(); delete pDlg; } break; case FN_TABLE_SET_ROW_HEIGHT: { SwTableHeightDlg *pDlg = new SwTableHeightDlg( GetView().GetWindow(), rSh ); pDlg->Execute(); delete pDlg; } break; case FN_NUMBER_BULLETS: case FN_NUM_BULLET_ON: ASSERT( !this, "Funktion darf zur Zeit nicht gerufen werden." ); break; case FN_TABLE_INSERT_COL: case FN_TABLE_INSERT_ROW: { BOOL bColumn = rReq.GetSlot() == FN_TABLE_INSERT_COL; USHORT nCount = 0; BOOL bAfter = TRUE; if (pItem) { nCount = ((const SfxInt16Item* )pItem)->GetValue(); if(SFX_ITEM_SET == pArgs->GetItemState(FN_PARAM_INSERT_AFTER, TRUE, &pItem)) bAfter = ((const SfxBoolItem* )pItem)->GetValue(); } else if( !rReq.IsAPI() ) ++nCount; if( nCount ) { if( bColumn ) rSh.InsertCol( nCount, bAfter ); else if ( !rSh.IsInRepeatedHeadline() ) rSh.InsertRow( nCount, bAfter ); break; } nSlot = bColumn ? FN_TABLE_INSERT_COL_DLG : FN_TABLE_INSERT_ROW_DLG; } // kein break; bei Count = 0 kommt der Dialog case FN_TABLE_INSERT_COL_DLG: case FN_TABLE_INSERT_ROW_DLG: { if ( FN_TABLE_INSERT_ROW_DLG != nSlot || !rSh.IsInRepeatedHeadline()) { SwInsRowColDlg *pDlg = new SwInsRowColDlg( GetView(), FN_TABLE_INSERT_COL_DLG == nSlot ); pDlg->Execute(); delete pDlg; } } break; case FN_TABLE_SPLIT_CELLS: { SwSplitTableDlg *pDlg = new SwSplitTableDlg( GetView().GetWindow(), rSh ); pDlg->Execute(); delete pDlg; } break; case FN_TABLE_SPLIT_TABLE: { SwSplitTblDlg *pDlg = new SwSplitTblDlg( GetView().GetWindow(), rSh ); pDlg->Execute(); delete pDlg; } break; case FN_TABLE_MERGE_TABLE: { BOOL bPrev = rSh.CanMergeTable( TRUE ); BOOL bNext = rSh.CanMergeTable( FALSE ); if( bPrev && bNext ) { // Dialog: welche denn? SwMergeTblDlg* pDlg = new SwMergeTblDlg( GetView().GetWindow(), bPrev ); if( RET_OK != pDlg->Execute() ) bPrev = bNext = FALSE; delete pDlg; } if( bPrev || bNext ) rSh.MergeTable( bPrev ); } break; case FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX : case FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX_PROP : case FN_TABLE_MODE_VARIABLE : { rSh.SetTblChgMode( ( FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX == nSlot ? TBLFIX_CHGABS : FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX_PROP == nSlot ? TBLFIX_CHGPROP : TBLVAR_CHGABS ) ); SfxBindings& rBind = GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetBindings(); static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aInva[] = { FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX, FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX_PROP, FN_TABLE_MODE_VARIABLE, 0 }; rBind.Invalidate( aInva ); } break; case FN_TABLE_AUTOSUM: { SfxViewFrame* pVFrame = GetView().GetViewFrame(); pVFrame->GetDispatcher()->Execute(FN_EDIT_FORMULA, SFX_CALLMODE_SYNCHRON); const USHORT nId = SwInputChild::GetChildWindowId(); SwInputChild* pChildWin = (SwInputChild*)pVFrame-> GetChildWindow( nId ); String sSum; GetShell().GetAutoSum(sSum); if( pChildWin ) pChildWin->SetFormula( sSum ); } break; default: bMore = TRUE; } if ( !bMore ) { return; } else bMore = FALSE; //Jetzt die Slots, die direkt auf dem TableFmt arbeiten. SwFrmFmt *pFmt = rSh.GetTableFmt(); switch ( nSlot ) { case SID_ATTR_ULSPACE: { if(pItem) { SvxULSpaceItem aULSpace( *(const SvxULSpaceItem*)pItem ); aULSpace.SetWhich( RES_UL_SPACE ); ::lcl_SetAttr( rSh, aULSpace ); } } break; case SID_ATTR_LRSPACE: { if(pItem) { SfxItemSet aSet( GetPool(), RES_LR_SPACE, RES_LR_SPACE, RES_HORI_ORIENT, RES_HORI_ORIENT, 0 ); SvxLRSpaceItem aLRSpace( *(const SvxLRSpaceItem*)pItem ); aLRSpace.SetWhich( RES_LR_SPACE ); aSet.Put( aLRSpace ); SwFmtHoriOrient aHori( pFmt->GetHoriOrient() ); aHori.SetHoriOrient( HORI_NONE ); aSet.Put( aLRSpace ); rSh.SetTblAttr( aSet ); } } break; // der letzte case-Zweig der noch einen TabellenManager braucht!! case FN_TABLE_SET_COL_WIDTH: { SwTableFUNC aMgr( &rSh, FALSE); aMgr.ColWidthDlg(GetView().GetWindow()); } break; case FN_TABLE_VERT_NONE: case FN_TABLE_VERT_CENTER: case FN_TABLE_VERT_BOTTOM: { USHORT nAlign = nSlot == FN_TABLE_VERT_NONE ? VERT_NONE : nSlot == FN_TABLE_VERT_CENTER ? VERT_CENTER : VERT_BOTTOM; rSh.SetBoxAlign(nAlign); } break; case SID_ATTR_PARA_SPLIT: if ( pItem ) { SwFmtLayoutSplit aSplit( ((const SvxFmtSplitItem*)pItem)->GetValue()); SfxItemSet aSet(GetPool(), RES_LAYOUT_SPLIT, RES_LAYOUT_SPLIT, 0 ); aSet.Put(aSplit); rSh.SetTblAttr(aSet); } break; case SID_ATTR_PARA_KEEP: if ( pItem ) { SvxFmtKeepItem aKeep( *(const SvxFmtKeepItem*)pItem ); aKeep.SetWhich( RES_KEEP ); SfxItemSet aSet(GetPool(), RES_KEEP, RES_KEEP, 0 ); aSet.Put(aKeep); rSh.SetTblAttr(aSet); } break; default: ASSERT( !this, "falscher Dispatcher" ); return; } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTableShell::GetState(SfxItemSet &rSet) { SfxWhichIter aIter( rSet ); SwWrtShell &rSh = GetShell(); SwFrmFmt *pFmt = rSh.GetTableFmt(); USHORT nSlot = aIter.FirstWhich(); while ( nSlot ) { switch ( nSlot ) { case FN_TABLE_MERGE_CELLS: if ( !rSh.IsTableMode() ) rSet.DisableItem(FN_TABLE_MERGE_CELLS); break; case FN_TABLE_ADJUST_CELLS: if ( !rSh.IsAdjustCellWidthAllowed() ) rSet.DisableItem(FN_TABLE_ADJUST_CELLS); break; case FN_TABLE_BALANCE_CELLS: if ( !rSh.IsAdjustCellWidthAllowed(TRUE) ) rSet.DisableItem(FN_TABLE_BALANCE_CELLS); break; case FN_TABLE_BALANCE_ROWS: if ( !rSh.BalanceRowHeight(TRUE) ) rSet.DisableItem(FN_TABLE_BALANCE_ROWS); break; case SID_INSERT_DIAGRAM: if ( !SFX_APP()->HasFeature( SFX_FEATURE_SMATH ) || rSh.IsTblComplexForChart() ) rSet.DisableItem(nSlot); break; case FN_INSERT_TABLE: // Irgendeinen Wert "putten", damit Controller enabled bleibt. // Statt "Insert:Table" erscheint dann "Format:Table". rSet.Put(SfxUInt16Item(nSlot, 1)); break; case FN_TABLE_OPTIMAL_HEIGHT: { //Disablen wenn bereits auto-Hoehe eingestellt ist. SwFmtFrmSize *pSz; rSh.GetRowHeight( pSz ); if ( pSz ) { if ( ATT_VAR_SIZE == pSz->GetSizeType() ) rSet.DisableItem( nSlot ); delete pSz; } } break; case FN_TABLE_INSERT_ROW: case FN_TABLE_INSERT_ROW_DLG: { if ( rSh.IsInRepeatedHeadline() ) rSet.DisableItem( nSlot ); } break; case RES_LR_SPACE: rSet.Put(pFmt->GetLRSpace()); break; case RES_UL_SPACE: rSet.Put(pFmt->GetULSpace()); break; case FN_TABLE_VERT_NONE: case FN_TABLE_VERT_CENTER: case FN_TABLE_VERT_BOTTOM: { USHORT nAlign = rSh.GetBoxAlign(); BOOL bSet = nSlot == FN_TABLE_VERT_NONE && nAlign == VERT_NONE|| nSlot == FN_TABLE_VERT_CENTER && nAlign == VERT_CENTER || nSlot == FN_TABLE_VERT_BOTTOM && nAlign == VERT_BOTTOM; rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(nSlot, bSet)); } break; case FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX : case FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX_PROP : case FN_TABLE_MODE_VARIABLE : { USHORT nMode = rSh.GetTblChgMode(); BOOL bSet = nSlot == FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX && nMode == TBLFIX_CHGABS || nSlot == FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX_PROP && nMode == TBLFIX_CHGPROP || nSlot == FN_TABLE_MODE_VARIABLE && nMode == TBLVAR_CHGABS; rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(nSlot, bSet)); } break; case SID_ATTR_PARA_SPLIT: rSet.Put( pFmt->GetKeep() ); break; case SID_ATTR_PARA_KEEP: rSet.Put( pFmt->GetLayoutSplit() ); break; case FN_TABLE_SPLIT_TABLE: { if ( rSh.IsInHeadline() ) rSet.DisableItem( nSlot ); } break; case FN_TABLE_MERGE_TABLE: { BOOL bAsk; if( !rSh.CanMergeTable( TRUE, &bAsk )) rSet.DisableItem( nSlot ); } break; case FN_TABLE_DELETE_ROW: { SwSelBoxes aBoxes; ::GetTblSel( rSh, aBoxes, TBLSEARCH_ROW ); if( ::HasProtectedCells( aBoxes )) rSet.DisableItem( nSlot ); } break; case FN_TABLE_DELETE_COL: { SwSelBoxes aBoxes; ::GetTblSel( rSh, aBoxes, TBLSEARCH_COL ); if( ::HasProtectedCells( aBoxes )) rSet.DisableItem( nSlot ); } break; } nSlot = aIter.NextWhich(); } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwTableShell::SwTableShell(SwView &rView) : SwBaseShell(rView) { SetName(String::CreateFromAscii("Table")); SetHelpId(SW_TABSHELL); } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTableShell::GetFrmBorderState(SfxItemSet &rSet) { SfxItemSet aCoreSet( GetPool(), RES_BOX, RES_BOX, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, 0 ); SvxBoxInfoItem aBoxInfo; aCoreSet.Put( aBoxInfo ); GetShell().GetTabBorders( aCoreSet ); rSet.Put( aCoreSet ); rSet.Put(SfxUInt16Item(SID_ATTR_BORDER, FALSE)); // Rahmencontroller: letzte Zeile ausklappen } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: --------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTableShell::ExecTableStyle(SfxRequest& rReq) { SwWrtShell &rSh = GetShell(); const SfxItemSet *pArgs = rReq.GetArgs(); if(pArgs) switch ( rReq.GetSlot() ) { case SID_FRAME_LINESTYLE: case SID_FRAME_LINECOLOR: { /* Tabellenselektion ist abgeschafft BOOL bPopCrsr = FALSE; if ( !rReq.IsAPI() ) { //Keine Tabellenselektion -> Aenderung wird auf die gesamte //Tabelle. if ( !rSh.IsTableMode() ) { bPopCrsr = TRUE; rSh.Push(); rSh.StartAction(); rSh.EnterStdMode(); rSh.MoveTable( fnTableCurr, fnTableStart ); rSh.SttSelect(); rSh.MoveTable( fnTableCurr, fnTableEnd ); rSh.EndSelect(); } }*/ if ( rReq.GetSlot() == SID_FRAME_LINESTYLE ) { const SvxLineItem &rLineItem = (const SvxLineItem&)pArgs-> Get( SID_FRAME_LINESTYLE ); const SvxBorderLine* pBorderLine = rLineItem.GetLine(); rSh.SetTabLineStyle( 0, TRUE, pBorderLine); } else { const SvxColorItem &rNewColorItem = (const SvxColorItem&)pArgs-> Get( SID_FRAME_LINECOLOR ); rSh.SetTabLineStyle( &rNewColorItem.GetValue() ); } /* if ( bPopCrsr ) { rSh.KillPams(); rSh.Pop(FALSE); rSh.EndAction(); }*/ break; } } } void SwTableShell::GetLineStyleState(SfxItemSet &rSet) { SfxItemSet aCoreSet( GetPool(), RES_BOX, RES_BOX, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, SID_ATTR_BORDER_INNER, 0); SvxBoxInfoItem aCoreInfo; aCoreSet.Put(aCoreInfo); GetShell().GetTabBorders( aCoreSet ); const SvxBoxItem& rBoxItem = (const SvxBoxItem&)aCoreSet.Get( RES_BOX ); const SvxBorderLine* pLine = rBoxItem.GetTop(); rSet.Put( SvxColorItem( pLine ? pLine->GetColor() : Color(), SID_FRAME_LINECOLOR ) ); SvxLineItem aLine( SID_FRAME_LINESTYLE ); aLine.SetLine(pLine); rSet.Put( aLine ); } void SwTableShell::ExecNumberFormat(SfxRequest& rReq) { const SfxItemSet* pArgs = rReq.GetArgs(); SwWrtShell &rSh = GetShell(); //Erstmal die Slots, die keinen FrmMgr benoetigen. const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; USHORT nSlot = rReq.GetSlot(); if(pArgs) pArgs->GetItemState(GetPool().GetWhich(nSlot), FALSE, &pItem); // Sprache immer von Cursorposition besorgen SfxItemSet aSet( rSh.GetAttrPool(), RES_CHRATR_LANGUAGE, RES_CHRATR_LANGUAGE ); rSh.GetAttr( aSet ); LanguageType eLang = ((const SvxLanguageItem&)aSet.Get( RES_CHRATR_LANGUAGE )).GetLanguage(); SvNumberFormatter* pFormatter = rSh.GetNumberFormatter(); ULONG nNumberFormat = NUMBERFORMAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; USHORT nFmtType = 0, nOffset = 0; switch ( nSlot ) { case FN_NUMBER_FORMAT: if( pItem ) { // Index fuer String bestimmen String aCode( ((const SfxStringItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); nNumberFormat = pFormatter->GetEntryKey( aCode, eLang ); if( NUMBERFORMAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND == nNumberFormat ) { // neu eintragen xub_StrLen nErrPos; short nType; if( !pFormatter->PutEntry( aCode, nErrPos, nType, nNumberFormat, eLang )) nNumberFormat = NUMBERFORMAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND; } } break; case FN_NUMBER_STANDARD: nFmtType = NUMBERFORMAT_NUMBER; break; case FN_NUMBER_SCIENTIFIC: nFmtType = NUMBERFORMAT_SCIENTIFIC; break; case FN_NUMBER_DATE: nFmtType = NUMBERFORMAT_DATE; break; case FN_NUMBER_TIME: nFmtType = NUMBERFORMAT_TIME; break; case FN_NUMBER_CURRENCY: nFmtType = NUMBERFORMAT_CURRENCY; break; case FN_NUMBER_PERCENT: nFmtType = NUMBERFORMAT_PERCENT; break; case FN_NUMBER_TWODEC: // #.##0,00 nFmtType = NUMBERFORMAT_NUMBER; nOffset = NF_NUMBER_1000DEC2; break; default: ASSERT(FALSE, falscher Dispatcher); return; } if( nFmtType ) nNumberFormat = pFormatter->GetStandardFormat( nFmtType, eLang ) + nOffset; if( NUMBERFORMAT_ENTRY_NOT_FOUND != nNumberFormat ) { SfxItemSet aBoxSet( *aSet.GetPool(), RES_BOXATR_FORMAT, RES_BOXATR_FORMAT ); aBoxSet.Put( SwTblBoxNumFormat( nNumberFormat )); rSh.SetTblBoxFormulaAttrs( aBoxSet ); } } /*------------------------------------------------------------------------ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 2000/09/18 17:14:47 hr initial import Revision 1.246 2000/09/18 16:06:05 willem.vandorp OpenOffice header added. Revision 1.245 2000/09/08 08:12:52 os Change: Set/Toggle/Has/Knows/Show/GetChildWindow Revision 1.244 2000/09/07 15:59:30 os change: SFX_DISPATCHER/SFX_BINDINGS removed Revision 1.243 2000/08/25 09:02:38 os negative margins enabled Revision 1.242 2000/07/03 20:02:16 jp Bug #70403#: dont delete protected cells Revision 1.241 2000/05/26 07:21:32 os old SW Basic API Slots removed Revision 1.240 2000/05/18 08:37:25 os lcl_IsNumeric Revision 1.239 2000/05/16 14:32:51 jp Changes for Unicode Revision 1.238 2000/05/10 11:53:02 os Basic API removed Revision 1.237 2000/04/20 12:51:52 os GetName() returns String& Revision 1.236 2000/04/18 14:58:24 os UNICODE Revision 1.235 2000/02/11 14:57:39 hr #70473# changes for unicode ( patched by automated patchtool ) Revision 1.234 2000/02/03 15:10:42 os #72601# record deleting of rows or column prior to execution Revision 1.233 1999/08/23 07:49:02 OS #61218# correct handling of left_and_width oriented tables Rev 1.232 23 Aug 1999 09:49:02 OS #61218# correct handling of left_and_width oriented tables Rev 1.231 21 Jul 1999 13:29:58 JP WhichId-Ranges of SfxItemSets: EndId is inclusive Rev 1.230 09 Jun 1999 19:33:58 JP have to change: no cast from GetpApp to SfxApp/OffApp, SfxShell only subclass of SfxApp Rev 1.229 11 May 1999 21:51:40 JP Task #66127#: ueberfluessigen Code entfernt Rev 1.228 05 May 1999 11:23:18 OS #63790# Tabellen-Update nur bei Bedarf rufen Rev 1.227 28 Apr 1999 22:41:34 JP Bug #65545#: lcl_TableParamToItemSet - umgebene spaltige Bereiche beachten Rev 1.226 18 Mar 1999 14:40:48 OS #61169# #61489# Masseinheiten fuer Text u. HTML am Module setzen, nicht an der App Rev 1.225 22 Feb 1999 11:50:32 JP fuer Bug #61545#: Code optimiert Rev 1.224 17 Feb 1999 21:14:20 JP Task #61764#: neu: Tabellen zusammenfassen Rev 1.223 27 Nov 1998 14:52:54 AMA Fix #59951#59825#: Unterscheiden zwischen Rahmen-,Seiten- und Bereichsspalten Rev 1.222 05 Oct 1998 15:36:02 OM Vernuenftiges Standardformat verwenden Rev 1.221 15 Sep 1998 11:20:36 JP Bug #56201#: GoNextCell - per Flag das anhaengen von Lines steuern Rev 1.220 08 Sep 1998 17:03:00 OS #56134# Metric fuer Text und HTML getrennt Rev 1.219 30 Jul 1998 10:58:18 OS Tabellenbreit ergibt sich fuer HORI-NONE aus verfuegbarer Breite - Raender #54030# Rev 1.218 20 Jul 1998 10:44:52 MA #53013# Nach Anweisung abgeklemmt Rev 1.217 26 Jun 1998 17:36:06 OS SwBGDestItem mit Which #51751# Rev 1.216 18 Jun 1998 18:18:46 OS SwBackgroundDestinationItem Rev 1.215 02 Jun 1998 10:53:16 JP aUITableAttrRange sollte ein const Array sein Rev 1.214 29 May 1998 19:08:26 JP SS vom SwTableReq geaendert Rev 1.213 12 May 1998 23:44:08 JP neu: InserTable/TextToTable mit optionalen AutoFormat Rev 1.212 28 Apr 1998 09:16:18 OS GetTableWidth() verschoben Rev 1.211 18 Mar 1998 19:44:20 MA State fuer Split Rev 1.210 17 Mar 1998 16:20:42 OS Tabelle auftrennen Rev 1.209 17 Mar 1998 14:12:06 OS Border-Slot auch ohne Argumente ueberleben #48169# Rev 1.208 16 Mar 1998 23:21:04 JP SplitTable: zusaetzlich einen Modus angeben - Headline kopieren/Attr. Kopieren/Border korrigieren Rev 1.207 02 Mar 1998 14:19:34 OS Zahlenformat statt Default auf Text einstellen#46574# Rev 1.206 25 Feb 1998 12:53:52 MA new: SplitTable Rev 1.205 29 Nov 1997 15:53:00 MA includes Rev 1.204 24 Nov 1997 09:47:06 MA includes Rev 1.203 11 Nov 1997 10:49:08 OS Parameter fuer Split und ColumnWidth richtig pruefen Rev 1.202 03 Nov 1997 13:55:48 MA precomp entfernt Rev 1.201 01 Sep 1997 13:23:08 OS DLL-Umstellung Rev 1.200 15 Aug 1997 11:48:50 OS chartar/frmatr/txtatr aufgeteilt Rev 1.199 12 Aug 1997 14:43:10 MH chg: header Rev 1.198 11 Aug 1997 15:42:10 JP Bugfix #42478#: ueber die DocShell die geloeschten Formate besorgen Rev 1.198 11 Aug 1997 15:41:44 JP Bugfix #42478#: ueber die DocShell die geloeschten Formate besorgen Rev 1.197 11 Aug 1997 08:48:54 OS paraitem/frmitems/textitem aufgeteilt Rev 1.196 08 Aug 1997 17:28:52 OM Headerfile-Umstellung ------------------------------------------------------------------------*/