/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: optpage.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-18 17:14:33 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "ui_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _HINTIDS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UIPARAM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CMDID_H #include #endif #ifndef _SVSTDARR_HXX #define _SVSTDARR_STRINGSDTOR #include #endif #ifndef _SFXENUMITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_HTMLMODE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_PRINTER_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFX_BINDINGS_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _XTABLE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _OFF_APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_FONTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_DLGUTIL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SYSTEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_WALL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FMTCOL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _CHARATR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWTYPES_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VIEW_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _DOCSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWMODULE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _WRTSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UITOOL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWATRSET_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _OPTDLG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CFGITEMS_HXX #include //Items fuer Sw-Seiten #endif #ifndef _FMTCOL_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _POOLFMT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UIITEMS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _INITUI_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _OPTPAGE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWPRTOPT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _FONTCFG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _MODCFG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SRCVCFG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SRCVIEW_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SRCEDTW_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CRSTATE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _GLOBALS_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _CONFIG_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _REDLOPT_HRC #include #endif #ifndef _OPTDLG_HRC #include #endif #define C2S(cChar) String::CreateFromAscii(cChar) /******************************************************* ******************************************************/ /*-----------------31.08.96 10.16------------------- TabPage Anzeige/Inhalt --------------------------------------------------*/ SwContentOptPage::SwContentOptPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet ) : SfxTabPage( pParent, SW_RES( TP_CONTENT_OPT ), rCoreSet ), aDispBox ( this, SW_RES( GB_DISP ) ), aGrfCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_GRF ) ), aTblCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_TBL ) ), aDrwCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_DRWFAST ) ), aFldNameCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_FIELD ) ), aPostItCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_POSTIT ) ), aUnprintBox ( this, SW_RES( GB_NOPRINT ) ), aParaCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_PARA ) ), aSHyphCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_SHYPH ) ), aSpacesCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_SPACE ) ), aHSpacesCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_HSPACE ) ), aTabCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_TAB ) ), aBreakCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_BREAK ) ), aHiddenCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_HIDDEN ) ), aHiddenParaCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_HIDDEN_PARA ) ), aBackBox ( this, SW_RES( GB_BACK ) ), aIdxEntryCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_IDX_ENTRY ) ), aIdxBackCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_INDEX ) ), aFootBackCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_FOOTBACK ) ), aFldBackCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_FLDBACK ) ) { FreeResource(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rCoreSet.GetItemState(SID_HTML_MODE, FALSE, &pItem ) && ((SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue() & HTMLMODE_ON) { aFootBackCB .Hide(); aIdxEntryCB .Hide(); aIdxBackCB.Hide(); aTabCB .Hide(); aHiddenCB .Hide(); aHiddenParaCB.Hide(); aFldBackCB.SetPosPixel(aIdxEntryCB.GetPosPixel()); aBreakCB.SetPosPixel(aTabCB.GetPosPixel()); } } #undef _INIT /*-----------------31.08.96 13.58------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwContentOptPage::~SwContentOptPage() { } /*-----------------31.08.96 13.58------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SfxTabPage* SwContentOptPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet) { return new SwContentOptPage(pParent, rAttrSet); } /*-----------------31.08.96 13.58------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwContentOptPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet& rSet) { const SwDocDisplayItem* pDocDisplayAttr = 0; rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_DOCDISP, FALSE, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pDocDisplayAttr ); if(pDocDisplayAttr) { aParaCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bParagraphEnd ); aTabCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bTab ); aSpacesCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bSpace ); aHSpacesCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bNonbreakingSpace ); aSHyphCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bSoftHyphen ); aHiddenCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bHiddenText ); aHiddenParaCB.Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bShowHiddenPara ); aBreakCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bManualBreak ); aIdxEntryCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bIndexEntry ); aIdxBackCB.Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bIndexBackground ); aFootBackCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bFootnoteBackground ); aFldBackCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bField ); aTblCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bTable ); aGrfCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bGraphic ); aDrwCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bDrawing ); aFldNameCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bFieldName ); aPostItCB .Check (pDocDisplayAttr->bNotes ); // bHtmlMode } } /*-----------------31.08.96 13.58------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SwContentOptPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet& rSet) { const SwDocDisplayItem* pOldAttr = (const SwDocDisplayItem*) GetOldItem(GetItemSet(), FN_PARAM_DOCDISP); SwDocDisplayItem aDisp; if(pOldAttr) aDisp = *pOldAttr; aDisp.bParagraphEnd = aParaCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bTab = aTabCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bSpace = aSpacesCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bNonbreakingSpace = aHSpacesCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bSoftHyphen = aSHyphCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bHiddenText = aHiddenCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bShowHiddenPara = aHiddenParaCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bManualBreak = aBreakCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bIndexEntry = aIdxEntryCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bIndexBackground = aIdxBackCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bFootnoteBackground = aFootBackCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bField = aFldBackCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bTable = aTblCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bGraphic = aGrfCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bDrawing = aDrwCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bFieldName = aFldNameCB .IsChecked(); aDisp.bNotes = aPostItCB .IsChecked(); BOOL bRet = !pOldAttr || aDisp != *pOldAttr; if(bRet) bRet = 0 != rSet.Put(aDisp); return bRet; } /*-----------------31.08.96 10.30------------------- TabPage Anzeige/Layout --------------------------------------------------*/ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SwLayoutOptPage::SwLayoutOptPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet ) : SfxTabPage( pParent, SW_RES( TP_LAYOUT_OPT ), rCoreSet ), aLineGB ( this, SW_RES( GB_LINE ) ), aTxtbegCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_TXTBEG ) ), aTblbegCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_TABBEG ) ), aSectBoundsCB( this, SW_RES( CB_SECT_BOUNDS ) ), aCrossCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_CROSS ) ), aSolidHandleCB( this, SW_RES( CB_HANDLE ) ), aBigHandleCB ( this, SW_RES( CB_BIGHANDLE) ), aWindowGB ( this, SW_RES( GB_WINDOW ) ), aHScrollBox ( this, SW_RES( CB_HSCROLL ) ), aVScrollBox ( this, SW_RES( CB_VSCROLL ) ), aHRulerCBox ( this, SW_RES( CB_HRULER ) ), aVRulerCBox ( this, SW_RES( CB_VRULER ) ), aSmoothCBox ( this, SW_RES( CB_SMOOTH_SCROLL ) ), aMetricLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_METRIC ) ), aMetricGB ( this, SW_RES( GB_METRIC ) ), aTabGB ( this, SW_RES( GB_TAB ) ), aTabMF ( this, SW_RES( MF_TAB ) ), aMetricArr ( SW_RES( ST_METRIC ) ), nLastTab(0) { FreeResource(); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < aMetricArr.Count(); ++i ) { String sMetric = aMetricArr.GetStringByPos( i ); FieldUnit eFUnit = (FieldUnit)aMetricArr.GetValue( i ); switch ( eFUnit ) { case FUNIT_MM: case FUNIT_CM: case FUNIT_POINT: case FUNIT_PICA: case FUNIT_INCH: { // nur diese Metriken benutzen USHORT nPos = aMetricLB.InsertEntry( sMetric ); aMetricLB.SetEntryData( nPos, (void*)(long)eFUnit ); } } } aMetricLB.SetSelectHdl(LINK(this, SwLayoutOptPage, MetricHdl)); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rCoreSet.GetItemState(SID_HTML_MODE, FALSE, &pItem ) && ((SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue() & HTMLMODE_ON) { aTabGB.Hide(); aTabMF.Hide(); } } #undef _INIT /*-----------------31.08.96 13.58------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwLayoutOptPage::~SwLayoutOptPage() { } /*-----------------31.08.96 13.58------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SfxTabPage* SwLayoutOptPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet) { return new SwLayoutOptPage(pParent, rAttrSet); } /*-----------------31.08.96 13.58------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwLayoutOptPage::Reset(const SfxItemSet& rSet) { const SwElemItem* pElemAttr = 0; rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_ELEM , FALSE, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pElemAttr ); if(pElemAttr) { aTxtbegCB .Check( pElemAttr->bBounds ); aTblbegCB .Check( pElemAttr->bTableBounds ); aSectBoundsCB.Check( pElemAttr->bSectionBounds ); aCrossCB .Check( pElemAttr->bCrosshair ); aSolidHandleCB.Check( !pElemAttr->bHandles ); aBigHandleCB.Check(pElemAttr->bBigHandles ); aHScrollBox.Check( pElemAttr->bHorzScrollbar ); aVScrollBox.Check( pElemAttr->bVertScrollbar ); aHRulerCBox.Check( pElemAttr->bHorzRuler ); aVRulerCBox.Check( pElemAttr->bVertRuler ); aSmoothCBox.Check( pElemAttr->bSmoothScroll ); } aMetricLB.SetNoSelection(); if ( rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_METRIC ) >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE ) { const SfxUInt16Item& rItem = (SfxUInt16Item&)rSet.Get( SID_ATTR_METRIC ); FieldUnit eFieldUnit = (FieldUnit)rItem.GetValue(); for ( USHORT i = 0; i < aMetricLB.GetEntryCount(); ++i ) { if ( (int)aMetricLB.GetEntryData( i ) == (int)eFieldUnit ) { aMetricLB.SelectEntryPos( i ); break; } } ::SetFieldUnit(aTabMF, eFieldUnit); } aMetricLB.SaveValue(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(SID_ATTR_DEFTABSTOP, FALSE, &pItem)) { nLastTab = ((SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue(); aTabMF.SetValue(aTabMF.Normalize(nLastTab), FUNIT_TWIP); } // in FrameDocs koennen Scrollbars nicht sinnvoll eingestellt werden if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(FN_VIEW_IN_FRAME, FALSE, &pItem) && ((const SfxBoolItem*)pItem)->GetValue()) { aHScrollBox.Enable(FALSE); aVScrollBox.Enable(FALSE); } aTabMF.SaveValue(); } /*-----------------31.08.96 13.58------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SwLayoutOptPage::FillItemSet(SfxItemSet& rSet) { const SwElemItem* pOldAttr = (const SwElemItem*) GetOldItem(GetItemSet(), FN_PARAM_ELEM); SwElemItem aElem; if(pOldAttr) aElem = *pOldAttr; aElem.bBounds = aTxtbegCB .IsChecked(); aElem.bTableBounds = aTblbegCB .IsChecked(); aElem.bSectionBounds = aSectBoundsCB.IsChecked(); aElem.bCrosshair = aCrossCB .IsChecked(); aElem.bHandles = !aSolidHandleCB.IsChecked(); aElem.bBigHandles = aBigHandleCB.IsChecked(); aElem.bHorzScrollbar = aHScrollBox.IsChecked(); aElem.bVertScrollbar = aVScrollBox.IsChecked(); aElem.bHorzRuler = aHRulerCBox.IsChecked(); aElem.bVertRuler = aVRulerCBox.IsChecked(); aElem.bSmoothScroll = aSmoothCBox.IsChecked(); BOOL bRet = !pOldAttr || aElem != *pOldAttr; if(bRet) bRet = 0 != rSet.Put(aElem); const USHORT nMPos = aMetricLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if ( nMPos != aMetricLB.GetSavedValue() ) { // Doppel-Cast fuer VA3.0 USHORT nFieldUnit = (USHORT)(long)aMetricLB.GetEntryData( nMPos ); bRet |= 0 != rSet.Put( SfxUInt16Item( SID_ATTR_METRIC, (UINT16)nFieldUnit ) ); } if(aTabMF.IsVisible() && aTabMF.GetText() != aTabMF.GetSavedValue()) bRet |= 0 != rSet.Put(SfxUInt16Item(SID_ATTR_DEFTABSTOP, (USHORT)aTabMF.Denormalize(aTabMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP)))); return bRet; } /*-----------------13.01.97 14.44------------------- Metric des Deftabstops umschalten --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK(SwLayoutOptPage, MetricHdl, ListBox*, EMPTYARG) { const USHORT nMPos = aMetricLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if(nMPos != USHRT_MAX) { // Doppel-Cast fuer VA3.0 FieldUnit eFieldUnit = (FieldUnit)(long)aMetricLB.GetEntryData( nMPos ); BOOL bModified = aTabMF.IsModified(); long nVal = bModified ? aTabMF.Denormalize( aTabMF.GetValue( FUNIT_TWIP ) ) : nLastTab; ::SetFieldUnit( aTabMF, eFieldUnit ); aTabMF.SetValue( aTabMF.Normalize( nVal ), FUNIT_TWIP ); if(!bModified) aTabMF.ClearModifyFlag(); } return 0; } /*----------------- OS 27.01.95 ----------------------- TabPage Drucker Zusatzeinstellungen -------------------------------------------------------*/ // makro fuers init ------------------------------------------------------ #define _INIT \ aGrfCB (this, SW_RES(CB_PGRF)), \ aTabCB (this, SW_RES(CB_PTAB)), \ aDrawCB (this, SW_RES(CB_PDRAW)), \ aCtrlFldCB (this, SW_RES(CB_CTRLFLD)), \ aBackgroundCB (this, SW_RES(CB_BACKGROUND)),\ aBlackFontCB (this, SW_RES(CB_BLACK_FONT)),\ aGroup1 (this, SW_RES(GRP_1)), \ aLeftPageCB (this, SW_RES(CB_LEFTP)),\ aRightPageCB (this, SW_RES(CB_RIGHTP)),\ aReverseCB (this, SW_RES(CB_REVERSE)),\ aProspectCB (this, SW_RES(CB_PROSPECT)),\ aGroup2 (this, SW_RES(GRP_2)), \ aNoRB (this, SW_RES(RB_NO)), \ aOnlyRB (this, SW_RES(RB_ONLY)), \ aEndRB (this, SW_RES(RB_END)), \ aEndPageRB (this, SW_RES(RB_PAGEEND)),\ aGroup3 (this, SW_RES(GRP_3)), \ aPaperFromSetupCB(this, SW_RES(CB_PAPERFROMSETUP)),\ aGroup5 (this, SW_RES(GRP_5)), \ aSingleJobsCB (this, SW_RES(CB_SINGLEJOBS)),\ aGroup4 (this, SW_RES(GRP_4)), \ aFaxLB (this, SW_RES(LB_FAX)), \ aFaxGB (this, SW_RES(GB_FAX)), \ bAttrModified( FALSE ) // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- SwAddPrinterTabPage::SwAddPrinterTabPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet) : SfxTabPage( pParent, SW_RES( TP_OPTPRINT_PAGE ), rCoreSet), bPreview ( FALSE ), _INIT { Init(); FreeResource(); Link aLk = LINK( this, SwAddPrinterTabPage, AutoClickHdl); aGrfCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aRightPageCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aLeftPageCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aTabCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aDrawCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aCtrlFldCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aBackgroundCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aBlackFontCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aReverseCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aProspectCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aPaperFromSetupCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aEndPageRB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aEndRB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aOnlyRB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aNoRB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aSingleJobsCB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aFaxLB.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, SwAddPrinterTabPage, SelectHdl ) ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rCoreSet.GetItemState(SID_HTML_MODE, FALSE, &pItem ) && ((SfxUInt16Item*)pItem)->GetValue() & HTMLMODE_ON) { aDrawCB .Hide(); aLeftPageCB .Hide(); aRightPageCB .Hide(); aReverseCB.SetPosPixel(aLeftPageCB .GetPosPixel()); aProspectCB.SetPosPixel(aRightPageCB .GetPosPixel()); aBlackFontCB.SetPosPixel(aBackgroundCB.GetPosPixel()); aBackgroundCB.SetPosPixel(aCtrlFldCB.GetPosPixel()); aCtrlFldCB.SetPosPixel(aDrawCB.GetPosPixel()); } } #undef _INIT //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SwAddPrinterTabPage::SetPreview(BOOL bPrev) { bPreview = bPrev; if (bPreview) { aLeftPageCB.Disable(); aRightPageCB.Disable(); aProspectCB.Disable(); aGroup3.Disable(); aNoRB.Disable(); aOnlyRB.Disable(); aEndRB.Disable(); aEndPageRB.Disable(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ SfxTabPage* SwAddPrinterTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet ) { return ( new SwAddPrinterTabPage( pParent, rAttrSet ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOL SwAddPrinterTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rCoreSet ) { if ( bAttrModified ) { SwAddPrinterItem aAddPrinterAttr (FN_PARAM_ADDPRINTER); aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintGraphic = aGrfCB.IsChecked(); aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintTable = aTabCB.IsChecked(); aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintDrawing = aDrawCB.IsChecked(); aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintControl = aCtrlFldCB.IsChecked(); aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintPageBackground = aBackgroundCB.IsChecked(); aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintBlackFont = aBlackFontCB.IsChecked(); aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintLeftPage = aLeftPageCB.IsChecked(); aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintRightPage = aRightPageCB.IsChecked(); aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintReverse = aReverseCB.IsChecked(); aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintProspect = aProspectCB.IsChecked(); aAddPrinterAttr.bPaperFromSetup = aPaperFromSetupCB.IsChecked(); aAddPrinterAttr.bPrintSingleJobs = aSingleJobsCB.IsChecked(); if (aNoRB.IsChecked()) aAddPrinterAttr.nPrintPostIts = POSTITS_NONE; if (aOnlyRB.IsChecked()) aAddPrinterAttr.nPrintPostIts = POSTITS_ONLY; if (aEndRB.IsChecked()) aAddPrinterAttr.nPrintPostIts = POSTITS_ENDDOC; if (aEndPageRB.IsChecked()) aAddPrinterAttr.nPrintPostIts = POSTITS_ENDPAGE; aAddPrinterAttr.sFaxName = aFaxLB.GetSelectEntry(); rCoreSet.Put(aAddPrinterAttr); } return bAttrModified; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SwAddPrinterTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& ) { const SfxItemSet& rSet = GetItemSet(); const SwAddPrinterItem* pAddPrinterAttr = 0; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_ADDPRINTER , FALSE, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pAddPrinterAttr )) { aGrfCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintGraphic); aTabCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintTable); aDrawCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintDrawing); aCtrlFldCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintControl); aBackgroundCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintPageBackground); aBlackFontCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintBlackFont); aLeftPageCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintLeftPage); aRightPageCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintRightPage); aReverseCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintReverse); aPaperFromSetupCB.Check(pAddPrinterAttr->bPaperFromSetup); aProspectCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintProspect); aSingleJobsCB.Check( pAddPrinterAttr->bPrintSingleJobs); aNoRB.Check (pAddPrinterAttr->nPrintPostIts== POSTITS_NONE ) ; aOnlyRB.Check (pAddPrinterAttr->nPrintPostIts== POSTITS_ONLY ) ; aEndRB.Check (pAddPrinterAttr->nPrintPostIts== POSTITS_ENDDOC ) ; aEndPageRB.Check (pAddPrinterAttr->nPrintPostIts== POSTITS_ENDPAGE ) ; aFaxLB.SelectEntry( pAddPrinterAttr->sFaxName ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------- //----------------------------------------------------------------------- void SwAddPrinterTabPage::Init() { } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwAddPrinterTabPage, AutoClickHdl, CheckBox *, EMPTYARG ) { bAttrModified = TRUE; return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwAddPrinterTabPage, AutoClickHdl, CheckBox *, EMPTYARG ) //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SwAddPrinterTabPage::SetFax( const SvStringsDtor& rFaxLst ) { for ( USHORT i = 0; i < rFaxLst.Count(); ++i ) aFaxLB.InsertEntry( *rFaxLst.GetObject(i) ); aFaxLB.SelectEntryPos( 0 ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwAddPrinterTabPage, SelectHdl, ListBox *, EMPTYARG ) { bAttrModified=TRUE; return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwAddPrinterTabPage, SelectHdl, ListBox *, EMPTYARG ) /*-----------------03.09.96 11.53------------------- Tabpage Standardfonts --------------------------------------------------*/ SwStdFontTabPage::SwStdFontTabPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) : SfxTabPage( pParent, SW_RES( TP_STD_FONT ), rSet), aStandardLbl(this, SW_RES(FT_STANDARD)), aStandardBox(this, SW_RES(LB_STANDARD)), aTitleLbl (this, SW_RES(FT_TITLE )), aTitleBox (this, SW_RES(LB_TITLE )), aListLbl (this, SW_RES(FT_LIST )), aListBox (this, SW_RES(LB_LIST )), aLabelLbl (this, SW_RES(FT_LABEL )), aLabelBox (this, SW_RES(LB_LABEL )), aIdxLbl (this, SW_RES(FT_IDX )), aIdxBox (this, SW_RES(LB_IDX )), aStdChrFrm (this, SW_RES(GB_STDCHR )), aDocOnlyCB (this, SW_RES(CB_DOCONLY )), aStandardPB (this, SW_RES(PB_STANDARD)), pPrt(0), pFontConfig(0), pWrtShell(0), bListDefault(FALSE), bLabelDefault(FALSE), bSetListDefault(TRUE), bSetLabelDefault(TRUE), bSetIdxDefault(TRUE), bIdxDefault(FALSE), bDeletePrinter(FALSE) { FreeResource(); aStandardPB.SetClickHdl(LINK(this, SwStdFontTabPage, StandardHdl)); aStandardBox.SetModifyHdl( LINK(this, SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHdl)); aListBox .SetModifyHdl( LINK(this, SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHdl)); aLabelBox .SetModifyHdl( LINK(this, SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHdl)); aIdxBox .SetModifyHdl( LINK(this, SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHdl)); aDocOnlyCB.Check(SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig()->IsDefaultFontInCurrDocOnly()); } /*-----------------03.09.96 11.53------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwStdFontTabPage::~SwStdFontTabPage() { if(bDeletePrinter) delete pPrt; } /*-----------------03.09.96 11.53------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SfxTabPage* SwStdFontTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet ) { return new SwStdFontTabPage(pParent, rAttrSet); } /*-----------------03.09.96 11.53------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void lcl_SetColl(SwWrtShell* pWrtShell, USHORT nType, SfxPrinter* pPrt, const String& rStyle) { BOOL bDelete = FALSE; const SfxFont* pFnt = pPrt ? pPrt->GetFontByName(rStyle): 0; if(!pFnt) { pFnt = new SfxFont(FAMILY_DONTKNOW, rStyle); bDelete = TRUE; } SwTxtFmtColl *pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(nType); pColl->SetAttr(SvxFontItem(pFnt->GetFamily(), pFnt->GetName(), aEmptyStr, pFnt->GetPitch(), pFnt->GetCharSet())); if(bDelete) { delete (SfxFont*) pFnt; bDelete = FALSE; } } /*-----------------03.09.96 11.53------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SwStdFontTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { BOOL bNotDocOnly = !aDocOnlyCB.IsChecked(); SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig()->SetDefaultFontInCurrDocOnly(!bNotDocOnly); String sStandard = aStandardBox.GetText(); String sTitle = aTitleBox .GetText(); String sList = aListBox .GetText(); String sLabel = aLabelBox .GetText(); String sIdx = aIdxBox .GetText(); String sStandardBak = aStandardBox.GetSavedValue(); String sTitleBak = aTitleBox .GetSavedValue(); String sListBak = aListBox .GetSavedValue(); String sLabelBak = aLabelBox .GetSavedValue(); String sIdxBak = aIdxBox .GetSavedValue(); if(bNotDocOnly) { if(sStandard != sStandardBak) pFontConfig->SetFontStandard(sStandard); if(sTitle != sTitleBak ) pFontConfig->SetFontOutline(sTitle); if(sList != sListBak ) pFontConfig->SetFontList(sList); if(sLabel != sLabelBak ) pFontConfig->SetFontCaption(sLabel); if(sIdx != sIdxBak ) pFontConfig->SetFontIndex(sIdx); } if(pWrtShell) { pWrtShell->StartAllAction(); SfxPrinter* pPrt = pWrtShell->GetPrt(); BOOL bMod = FALSE; if(sStandard != sShellStd) { BOOL bDelete = FALSE; const SfxFont* pFnt = pPrt ? pPrt->GetFontByName(sStandard): 0; if(!pFnt) { pFnt = new SfxFont(FAMILY_DONTKNOW, sStandard); bDelete = TRUE; } pWrtShell->SetDefault(SvxFontItem(pFnt->GetFamily(), pFnt->GetName(), aEmptyStr, pFnt->GetPitch(), pFnt->GetCharSet())); SwTxtFmtColl *pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD); pColl->ResetAttr(RES_CHRATR_FONT); if(bDelete) { delete (SfxFont*) pFnt; bDelete = FALSE; } // lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD, pPrt, sStandard); bMod = TRUE; } if(sTitle != sShellTitle ) { lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_HEADLINE_BASE, pPrt, sTitle); bMod = TRUE; } if(sList != sShellList && (!bListDefault || !bSetListDefault )) { lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_NUMBUL_BASE, pPrt, sList); bMod = TRUE; } if(sLabel != sShellLabel && (!bLabelDefault || !bSetLabelDefault)) { lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL, pPrt, sLabel); bMod = TRUE; } if(sIdx != sShellIndex && (!bIdxDefault || !bSetIdxDefault)) { lcl_SetColl(pWrtShell, RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_BASE, pPrt, sIdx); bMod = TRUE; } if ( bMod ) pWrtShell->SetModified(); pWrtShell->EndAllAction(); } return FALSE; } /*-----------------03.09.96 11.53------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwStdFontTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(FN_PARAM_PRINTER, FALSE, &pItem)) { pPrt = (SfxPrinter*)((const SwPtrItem*)pItem)->GetValue(); } else { SfxItemSet* pSet = new SfxItemSet( *rSet.GetPool(), SID_PRINTER_NOTFOUND_WARN, SID_PRINTER_NOTFOUND_WARN, SID_PRINTER_CHANGESTODOC, SID_PRINTER_CHANGESTODOC, 0 ); pPrt = new SfxPrinter(pSet); bDeletePrinter = TRUE; } const USHORT nCount = pPrt->GetFontCount(); for (USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { const String &rString = pPrt->GetFont(i)->GetName(); aStandardBox.InsertEntry( rString ); aTitleBox .InsertEntry( rString ); aListBox .InsertEntry( rString ); aLabelBox .InsertEntry( rString ); aIdxBox .InsertEntry( rString ); } if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(FN_PARAM_STDFONTS, FALSE, &pItem)) { pFontConfig = (SwStdFontConfig*)((const SwPtrItem*)pItem)->GetValue(); } if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(FN_PARAM_WRTSHELL, FALSE, &pItem)) { pWrtShell = (SwWrtShell*)((const SwPtrItem*)pItem)->GetValue(); } String sStdBackup; String sOutBackup; String sListBackup; String sCapBackup; String sIdxBackup; if(!pWrtShell) { sStdBackup = pFontConfig->GetFontStandard(); sOutBackup = pFontConfig->GetFontOutline(); sListBackup= pFontConfig->GetFontList(); sCapBackup = pFontConfig->GetFontCaption(); sIdxBackup = pFontConfig->GetFontIndex(); aDocOnlyCB.Enable(FALSE); } else { SwTxtFmtColl *pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD); sShellStd = sStdBackup = pColl->GetFont().GetFamilyName(); pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_HEADLINE_BASE); sShellTitle = sOutBackup = pColl->GetFont().GetFamilyName(); pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_NUMBUL_BASE); bListDefault = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT == pColl->GetAttrSet().GetItemState(RES_CHRATR_FONT, FALSE); sShellList = sListBackup = pColl->GetFont().GetFamilyName(); pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_LABEL); bLabelDefault = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT == pColl->GetAttrSet().GetItemState(RES_CHRATR_FONT, FALSE); sShellLabel = sCapBackup = pColl->GetFont().GetFamilyName(); pColl = pWrtShell->GetTxtCollFromPool(RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_BASE); bIdxDefault = SFX_ITEM_DEFAULT == pColl->GetAttrSet().GetItemState(RES_CHRATR_FONT, FALSE); sShellIndex = sIdxBackup = pColl->GetFont().GetFamilyName(); } aStandardBox.SetText(sStdBackup ); aTitleBox .SetText(sOutBackup ); aListBox .SetText(sListBackup); aLabelBox .SetText(sCapBackup ); aIdxBox .SetText(sIdxBackup ); aStandardBox.SaveValue(); aTitleBox .SaveValue(); aListBox .SaveValue(); aLabelBox .SaveValue(); aIdxBox .SaveValue(); } /*-----------------07.09.96 12.28------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwStdFontTabPage, StandardHdl, PushButton *, EMPTYARG ) { aStandardBox.SetText(SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultFor(FONT_STANDARD)); aTitleBox .SetText(SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultFor(FONT_OUTLINE)); aListBox .SetText(SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultFor(FONT_LIST)); aLabelBox .SetText(SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultFor(FONT_CAPTION)); aIdxBox .SetText(SwStdFontConfig::GetDefaultFor(FONT_INDEX)); aStandardBox.SaveValue(); aTitleBox .SaveValue(); aListBox .SaveValue(); aLabelBox .SaveValue(); aIdxBox .SaveValue(); return 0; } /*-----------------17.01.97 15.43------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwStdFontTabPage, ModifyHdl, ComboBox*, pBox ) { if(pBox == &aStandardBox) { String sEntry = pBox->GetText(); if(bSetListDefault && bListDefault) aListBox.SetText(sEntry); if(bSetLabelDefault && bLabelDefault) aLabelBox.SetText(sEntry); if(bSetIdxDefault && bIdxDefault) aIdxBox.SetText(sEntry); } else if(pBox == &aListBox) { bSetListDefault = FALSE; } else if(pBox == &aLabelBox) { bSetLabelDefault = FALSE; } else if(pBox == &aIdxBox) { bSetIdxDefault = FALSE; } return 0; } #undef _INIT /*-----------------18.01.97 12.14------------------- Optionen Tabelle --------------------------------------------------*/ SwTableOptionsTabPage::SwTableOptionsTabPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) : SfxTabPage(pParent, SW_RES(TP_OPTTABLE_PAGE), rSet), aMoveGB( this, ResId(GB_MOVE )), aRowMoveFT( this, ResId(FT_ROWMOVE )), aRowMoveMF( this, ResId(MF_ROWMOVE )), aColMoveFT( this, ResId(FT_COLMOVE )), aColMoveMF( this, ResId(MF_COLMOVE )), aInsertGB( this, ResId(GB_INSERT )), aRowInsertFT( this, ResId(FT_ROWINSERT)), aRowInsertMF( this, ResId(MF_ROWINSERT)), aColInsertFT( this, ResId(FT_COLINSERT)), aColInsertMF( this, ResId(MF_COLINSERT)), aHandlingGB( this, ResId(GB_HANDLING )), aFixRB( this, ResId(RB_FIX )), aFixFT( this, ResId(FT_FIX )), aFixPropRB( this, ResId(RB_FIXPROP )), aFixPropFT( this, ResId(FT_FIXPROP )), aVarRB( this, ResId(RB_VAR )), aVarFT( this, ResId(FT_VAR )), aDescFT( this, ResId(FT_DESC )), pWrtShell(0) { FreeResource(); } /*-----------------18.01.97 12.43------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwTableOptionsTabPage::~SwTableOptionsTabPage() { } /*-----------------18.01.97 12.43------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SfxTabPage* SwTableOptionsTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet ) { return new SwTableOptionsTabPage(pParent, rAttrSet ); } /*-----------------18.01.97 12.42------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SwTableOptionsTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; SwModuleOptions* pModOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig(); if(aRowMoveMF.IsModified()) pModOpt->SetTblHMove( (USHORT)aRowMoveMF.Denormalize( aRowMoveMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP))); if(aColMoveMF.IsModified()) pModOpt->SetTblVMove( (USHORT)aColMoveMF.Denormalize( aColMoveMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP))); if(aRowInsertMF.IsModified()) pModOpt->SetTblHInsert((USHORT)aRowInsertMF.Denormalize( aRowInsertMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP))); if(aColInsertMF.IsModified()) pModOpt->SetTblVInsert((USHORT)aColInsertMF.Denormalize( aColInsertMF.GetValue(FUNIT_TWIP))); TblChgMode eMode; if(aFixRB.IsChecked()) eMode = TBLFIX_CHGABS; else if(aFixPropRB.IsChecked()) eMode = TBLFIX_CHGPROP; else eMode = TBLVAR_CHGABS; if(eMode != pModOpt->GetTblMode()) { pModOpt->SetTblMode(eMode); // der Tabellen-Tastatur-Modus hat sich geaendert, das soll // jetzt auch die aktuelle Tabelle erfahren if(pWrtShell && SwWrtShell::SEL_TBL & pWrtShell->GetSelectionType()) { pWrtShell->SetTblChgMode(eMode); } static USHORT __READONLY_DATA aInva[] = { FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX, FN_TABLE_MODE_FIX_PROP, FN_TABLE_MODE_VARIABLE, 0 }; pWrtShell->GetView().GetViewFrame()->GetBindings().Invalidate( aInva ); bRet = TRUE; } return bRet; } /*-----------------18.01.97 12.42------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTableOptionsTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet) { const SwModuleOptions* pModOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig(); if ( rSet.GetItemState( SID_ATTR_METRIC ) >= SFX_ITEM_AVAILABLE ) { const SfxUInt16Item& rItem = (SfxUInt16Item&)rSet.Get( SID_ATTR_METRIC ); FieldUnit eFieldUnit = (FieldUnit)rItem.GetValue(); ::SetFieldUnit( aRowMoveMF, eFieldUnit ); ::SetFieldUnit( aColMoveMF, eFieldUnit ); ::SetFieldUnit( aRowInsertMF, eFieldUnit ); ::SetFieldUnit( aColInsertMF, eFieldUnit ); } aRowMoveMF .SetValue(aRowMoveMF.Normalize(pModOpt->GetTblHMove()), FUNIT_TWIP); aColMoveMF .SetValue(aColMoveMF.Normalize(pModOpt->GetTblVMove()), FUNIT_TWIP); aRowInsertMF.SetValue(aRowInsertMF.Normalize(pModOpt->GetTblHInsert()), FUNIT_TWIP); aColInsertMF.SetValue(aColInsertMF.Normalize(pModOpt->GetTblVInsert()), FUNIT_TWIP); switch(pModOpt->GetTblMode()) { case TBLFIX_CHGABS: aFixRB.Check(); break; case TBLFIX_CHGPROP: aFixPropRB.Check(); break; case TBLVAR_CHGABS: aVarRB.Check(); break; } } /*-----------------19.04.97 13:20------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwSourceViewOptionsTabPage::SwSourceViewOptionsTabPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) : SfxTabPage(pParent, SW_RES(TP_OPTSRCVIEW), rSet), aColorGB(this, ResId(GB_COLOR )), aSGMLFT(this, ResId(FT_SGML )), aSGMLLB(this, ResId(LB_SGML )), aCommentFT(this, ResId(FT_COMMENT)), aCommentLB(this, ResId(LB_COMMENT)), aKeywdFT(this, ResId(FT_KEYWD )), aKeywdLB(this, ResId(LB_KEYWD )), aUnknownFT(this, ResId(FT_UNKNOWN)), aUnknownLB(this, ResId(LB_UNKNOWN)) { FreeResource(); String sSGML ; String sComment ; String sKeywd ; String sUnknown ; XColorTable* pColorTbl = OFF_APP()->GetStdColorTable(); SwSrcViewConfig* pSrcVwCfg = SW_MOD()->GetSourceViewConfig(); USHORT nCount = (USHORT)pColorTbl->Count(); aSGMLLB .SetUpdateMode(FALSE); aCommentLB .SetUpdateMode(FALSE); aKeywdLB .SetUpdateMode(FALSE); aUnknownLB .SetUpdateMode(FALSE); Color aTmpColSGML(pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_SGML)); Color aTmpColComment(pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_COMMENT)); Color aTmpColKey(pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_KEYWRD)); Color aTmpColUnknown(pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_UNKNOWN)); for(USHORT i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { XColorEntry* pEntry = pColorTbl->Get(i); Color aColor = pEntry->GetColor(); String sName = pEntry->GetName(); if(aColor == aTmpColSGML ) sSGML = sName; if(aColor == aTmpColComment ) sComment = sName; if(aColor == aTmpColKey ) sKeywd = sName; if(aColor == aTmpColUnknown ) sUnknown = sName; aSGMLLB .InsertEntry(aColor, sName); aCommentLB .InsertEntry(aColor, sName); aKeywdLB .InsertEntry(aColor, sName); aUnknownLB .InsertEntry(aColor, sName); } aSGMLLB .SetUpdateMode(TRUE); aCommentLB .SetUpdateMode(TRUE); aKeywdLB .SetUpdateMode(TRUE); aUnknownLB .SetUpdateMode(TRUE); aSGMLLB .SelectEntry(sSGML ); aCommentLB .SelectEntry(sComment ); aKeywdLB .SelectEntry(sKeywd ); aUnknownLB .SelectEntry(sUnknown ); } /*-----------------19.04.97 13:22------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SwSourceViewOptionsTabPage::~SwSourceViewOptionsTabPage() { } /*-----------------19.04.97 13:22------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ SfxTabPage* SwSourceViewOptionsTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet ) { return new SwSourceViewOptionsTabPage(pParent, rAttrSet); } /*-----------------19.04.97 13:23------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SwSourceViewOptionsTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { SwSrcViewConfig* pSrcVwCfg = SW_MOD()->GetSourceViewConfig(); BOOL bModified = FALSE; if(aSGMLLB.GetSelectEntry().Len() && !aSGMLLB.GetSelectEntryColor().IsRGBEqual(pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_SGML))) { bModified = TRUE; pSrcVwCfg->SetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_SGML, aSGMLLB.GetSelectEntryColor()); } if(aCommentLB.GetSelectEntry().Len() && !aCommentLB.GetSelectEntryColor().IsRGBEqual(pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_COMMENT))) { bModified = TRUE; pSrcVwCfg->SetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_COMMENT, aCommentLB.GetSelectEntryColor()); } if(aKeywdLB.GetSelectEntry().Len() && !aKeywdLB.GetSelectEntryColor().IsRGBEqual(pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_KEYWRD))) { bModified = TRUE; pSrcVwCfg->SetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_KEYWRD, aKeywdLB.GetSelectEntryColor()); } if(aUnknownLB.GetSelectEntry().Len() && !aUnknownLB.GetSelectEntryColor().IsRGBEqual(pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_UNKNOWN))) { bModified = TRUE; pSrcVwCfg->SetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_UNKNOWN, aUnknownLB.GetSelectEntryColor()); } if(bModified) { TypeId aType(TYPE(SwSrcView)); SfxViewShell* pShell = SfxViewShell::GetFirst(&aType); while( pShell ) { ((SwSrcView*)pShell)->GetEditWin().SyntaxColorsChanged(); pShell = SfxViewShell::GetNext(*pShell, &aType); } } return FALSE; } /*-----------------19.04.97 13:23------------------- --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwSourceViewOptionsTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { SwSrcViewConfig* pSrcVwCfg = SW_MOD()->GetSourceViewConfig(); aSGMLLB .SelectEntry( pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_SGML) ); aCommentLB .SelectEntry( pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_COMMENT) ); aKeywdLB .SelectEntry( pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_KEYWRD) ); aUnknownLB .SelectEntry( pSrcVwCfg->GetSyntaxColor(SRC_SYN_UNKNOWN) ); } /* */ /*-----------------31.10.97 17:55------------------- TabPage fuer ShadowCrsr --------------------------------------------------*/ SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage::SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) : SfxTabPage(pParent, SW_RES(TP_OPTSHDWCRSR), rSet), aFlagGB( this, SW_RES( GB_SHDWCRSFLAG )), aOnOffCB( this, SW_RES( CB_SHDWCRSONOFF )), aFillModeFT( this, SW_RES( FT_SHDWCRSFILLMODE )), aFillMarginRB( this, SW_RES( RB_SHDWCRSFILLMARGIN )), aFillIndentRB( this, SW_RES( RB_SHDWCRSFILLINDENT )), aFillTabRB( this, SW_RES( RB_SHDWCRSFILLTAB )), aFillSpaceRB( this, SW_RES( RB_SHDWCRSFILLSPACE )), // aColorGB( this, SW_RES( GB_SHDWCRSCOLOR )), aColorFT( this, SW_RES( FT_SHDWCRSCOLOR )), aColorLB( this, SW_RES( LB_SHDWCRSCOLOR )), aCrsrOptGB ( this, SW_RES( GB_CRSR_OPT)), aCrsrInProtCB( this, SW_RES( CB_ALLOW_IN_PROT )) { FreeResource(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; SwShadowCursorItem aOpt; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_SHADOWCURSOR, FALSE, &pItem )) aOpt = *(SwShadowCursorItem*)pItem; aOnOffCB.Check( aOpt.IsOn() ); BYTE eMode = aOpt.GetMode(); aFillIndentRB.Check( FILL_INDENT == eMode ); aFillMarginRB.Check( FILL_MARGIN == eMode ); aFillTabRB.Check( FILL_TAB == eMode ); aFillSpaceRB.Check( FILL_SPACE == eMode ); const Color& rShdwCol = aOpt.GetColor(); String sColor; aColorLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE); XColorTable* pColorTbl = OFF_APP()->GetStdColorTable(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < pColorTbl->Count(); ++i ) { XColorEntry* pEntry = pColorTbl->Get( i ); Color aColor = pEntry->GetColor(); String sName = pEntry->GetName(); if( aColor == rShdwCol ) sColor = sName; aColorLB.InsertEntry( aColor, sName ); } aColorLB.SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); aColorLB.SelectEntry( sColor ); } SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage::~SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage() { } SfxTabPage* SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { return new SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage( pParent, rSet ); } BOOL SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { SwShadowCursorItem aOpt; aOpt.SetOn( aOnOffCB.IsChecked() ); BYTE eMode; if( aFillIndentRB.IsChecked() ) eMode= FILL_INDENT; else if( aFillMarginRB.IsChecked() ) eMode = FILL_MARGIN; else if( aFillTabRB.IsChecked() ) eMode = FILL_TAB; else eMode = FILL_SPACE; aOpt.SetMode( eMode ); aOpt.SetColor( aColorLB.GetSelectEntryColor() ); BOOL bRet = FALSE; const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; if( SFX_ITEM_SET != rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_SHADOWCURSOR, FALSE, &pItem ) || ((SwShadowCursorItem&)*pItem) != aOpt ) { rSet.Put( aOpt ); bRet = TRUE; } if( aCrsrInProtCB.IsChecked() != aCrsrInProtCB.GetSavedValue()) { rSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(FN_PARAM_CRSR_IN_PROTECTED, aCrsrInProtCB.IsChecked())); bRet |= TRUE; } return bRet; } void SwShdwCrsrOptionsTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; SwShadowCursorItem aOpt; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_SHADOWCURSOR, FALSE, &pItem )) aOpt = *(SwShadowCursorItem*)pItem; aOnOffCB.Check( aOpt.IsOn() ); BYTE eMode = aOpt.GetMode(); aFillIndentRB.Check( FILL_INDENT == eMode ); aFillMarginRB.Check( FILL_MARGIN == eMode ); aFillTabRB.Check( FILL_TAB == eMode ); aFillSpaceRB.Check( FILL_SPACE == eMode ); aColorLB.SelectEntry( aOpt.GetColor() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_CRSR_IN_PROTECTED, FALSE, &pItem )) aCrsrInProtCB.Check(((const SfxBoolItem*)pItem)->GetValue()); aCrsrInProtCB.SaveValue(); } /*-----------------31.10.97 17:55------------------- TabPage fuer Redlining --------------------------------------------------*/ struct CharAttr { USHORT nItemId; USHORT nAttr; }; // Editieren entspricht Einfuegen-Attributen static CharAttr __FAR_DATA aInsertAttr[] = { SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_NOT_MAPPED, SID_ATTR_CHAR_WEIGHT, WEIGHT_BOLD, SID_ATTR_CHAR_POSTURE, ITALIC_NORMAL, SID_ATTR_CHAR_UNDERLINE, UNDERLINE_SINGLE, SID_ATTR_CHAR_UNDERLINE, UNDERLINE_DOUBLE, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_VERSALIEN, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_GEMEINE, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_KAPITAELCHEN, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_TITEL, SID_ATTR_BRUSH, 0, }; static CharAttr __FAR_DATA aDeletedAttr[] = { SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_NOT_MAPPED, SID_ATTR_CHAR_WEIGHT, WEIGHT_BOLD, SID_ATTR_CHAR_POSTURE, ITALIC_NORMAL, SID_ATTR_CHAR_STRIKEOUT, STRIKEOUT_SINGLE, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_VERSALIEN, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_GEMEINE, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_KAPITAELCHEN, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_TITEL, SID_ATTR_BRUSH, 0, }; static CharAttr __FAR_DATA aChangedAttr[] = { SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_NOT_MAPPED, SID_ATTR_CHAR_WEIGHT, WEIGHT_BOLD, SID_ATTR_CHAR_POSTURE, ITALIC_NORMAL, SID_ATTR_CHAR_UNDERLINE, UNDERLINE_SINGLE, SID_ATTR_CHAR_UNDERLINE, UNDERLINE_DOUBLE, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_VERSALIEN, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_GEMEINE, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_KAPITAELCHEN, SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP, SVX_CASEMAP_TITEL, SID_ATTR_BRUSH, 0, }; /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: Markierungsvorschau -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwMarkPreview::SwMarkPreview( Window *pParent, const ResId& rResID ) : Window(pParent, rResID), aTransColor (COL_TRANSPARENT), aMarkColor (COL_LIGHTRED), nMarkPos(0) { SetMapMode(MAP_PIXEL); const Size aSz(GetOutputSizePixel()); // Seite aPage.SetSize(Size(aSz.Width() - 3, aSz.Height() - 3)); ULONG nOutWPix = aPage.GetWidth(); ULONG nOutHPix = aPage.GetHeight(); // PrintArea ULONG nLBorder = 8; ULONG nRBorder = 8; ULONG nTBorder = 4; ULONG nBBorder = 4; aLeftPagePrtArea = Rectangle(Point(nLBorder, nTBorder), Point((nOutWPix - 1) - nRBorder, (nOutHPix - 1) - nBBorder)); USHORT nWidth = (USHORT)aLeftPagePrtArea.GetWidth(); USHORT nKorr = (nWidth & 1) != 0 ? 0 : 1; aLeftPagePrtArea.SetSize(Size(nWidth / 2 - (nLBorder + nRBorder) / 2 + nKorr, aLeftPagePrtArea.GetHeight())); aRightPagePrtArea = aLeftPagePrtArea; aRightPagePrtArea.Move(aLeftPagePrtArea.GetWidth() + nLBorder + nRBorder + 1, 0); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwMarkPreview::~SwMarkPreview() { } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwMarkPreview::Paint(const Rectangle &rRect) { // Schatten zeichnen Rectangle aShadow(aPage); aShadow += Point(3, 3); DrawRect(aShadow, Color(COL_GRAY), aTransColor); // Seite zeichnen DrawRect(aPage, Color(COL_WHITE), Color(COL_BLACK)); // Separator zeichnen Rectangle aPageSeparator(aPage); aPageSeparator.SetSize(Size(2, aPageSeparator.GetHeight())); aPageSeparator.Move(aPage.GetWidth() / 2 - 1, 0); DrawRect(aPageSeparator, Color(COL_BLACK), aTransColor); PaintPage(aLeftPagePrtArea); PaintPage(aRightPagePrtArea); Rectangle aLeftMark(Point(aPage.Left() + 2, aLeftPagePrtArea.Top() + 4), Size(aLeftPagePrtArea.Left() - 4, 2)); Rectangle aRightMark(Point(aRightPagePrtArea.Right() + 2, aRightPagePrtArea.Bottom() - 6), Size(aLeftPagePrtArea.Left() - 4, 2)); switch (nMarkPos) { case 1: // Links aRightMark.SetPos(Point(aRightPagePrtArea.Left() - 2 - aRightMark.GetWidth(), aRightMark.Top())); break; case 2: // Rechts aLeftMark.SetPos(Point(aLeftPagePrtArea.Right() + 2, aLeftMark.Top())); break; case 3: // Aussen break; case 4: // Innen aLeftMark.SetPos(Point(aLeftPagePrtArea.Right() + 2, aLeftMark.Top())); aRightMark.SetPos(Point(aRightPagePrtArea.Left() - 2 - aRightMark.GetWidth(), aRightMark.Top())); break; case 0: // Keine default: return; } DrawRect(aLeftMark, aMarkColor, aTransColor); DrawRect(aRightMark, aMarkColor, aTransColor); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwMarkPreview::PaintPage(const Rectangle &rRect) { // PrintArea zeichnen DrawRect(rRect, aTransColor, Color(COL_GRAY)); // Testabsatz zeichnen ULONG nLTxtBorder = 4; ULONG nRTxtBorder = 4; ULONG nTTxtBorder = 4; Rectangle aTextLine = rRect; aTextLine.SetSize(Size(aTextLine.GetWidth(), 2)); aTextLine.Left() += nLTxtBorder; aTextLine.Right() -= nRTxtBorder; aTextLine.Move(0, nTTxtBorder); USHORT nStep, nLines; const long nTxtLineHeight = aTextLine.GetHeight(); nStep = aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2; nLines = (USHORT)(rRect.GetHeight() / (aTextLine.GetHeight() + 2)) - 1; // Text simulieren // for (USHORT i = 0; i < nLines; ++i) { if (i == (nLines - 1)) aTextLine.SetSize(Size(aTextLine.GetWidth() / 2, aTextLine.GetHeight())); if (aPage.IsInside(aTextLine)) DrawRect(aTextLine, Color(COL_GRAY), aTransColor); aTextLine.Move(0, nStep); } aTextLine.Move(0, -nStep); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwMarkPreview::DrawRect(const Rectangle &rRect, const Color &rFillColor, const Color &rLineColor) { SetFillColor(rFillColor); SetLineColor(rLineColor); Window::DrawRect(rRect); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwRedlineOptionsTabPage::SwRedlineOptionsTabPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) : SfxTabPage(pParent, SW_RES(TP_REDLINE_OPT), rSet), aInsertRB ( this, SW_RES( RB_INSERT )), aDeletedRB ( this, SW_RES( RB_DELETED )), aChangedRB ( this, SW_RES( RB_CHANGED )), aInsertFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_TE_ATTRIB )), aInsertLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_TE_ATTRIB )), aDeletedLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_TL_ATTRIB )), aChangedLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_TC_ATTRIB )), aInsertColorFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_TE_COL )), aInsertColorLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_TE_COL )), aDeletedColorLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_TL_COL )), aChangedColorLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_TC_COL )), aAttribPreviewWN ( this, SW_RES( WIN_TE )), aInsertGB ( this, SW_RES( GB_TE )), aMarkPosFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_MARKPOS )), aMarkPosLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_MARKPOS )), aMarkColorFT ( this, SW_RES( FT_LC_COL )), aMarkColorLB ( this, SW_RES( LB_LC_COL )), aMarkPreviewWN ( this, SW_RES( WIN_MARK )), aChangedGB ( this, SW_RES( GB_LC )), sAuthor ( SW_RES( STR_AUTHOR )), sNone ( SW_RES( STR_NOTHING )) { FreeResource(); Link aLk = LINK(this, SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, RadioHdl); aInsertRB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aDeletedRB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aChangedRB.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aLk = LINK(this, SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, AttribHdl); aInsertLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk ); aDeletedLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk ); aChangedLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk ); aLk = LINK(this, SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, ColorHdl); aInsertColorLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk ); aDeletedColorLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk ); aChangedColorLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk ); aLk = LINK(this, SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, ChangedMaskPrevHdl); aMarkPosLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk ); aMarkColorLB.SetSelectHdl( aLk ); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SwRedlineOptionsTabPage::~SwRedlineOptionsTabPage() { } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SfxTabPage* SwRedlineOptionsTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { return new SwRedlineOptionsTabPage( pParent, rSet ); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ BOOL SwRedlineOptionsTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rSet ) { CharAttr *pAttr; SwModuleOptions *pOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig(); AuthorCharAttr aInsertAttr; AuthorCharAttr aDeletedAttr; AuthorCharAttr aChangedAttr; AuthorCharAttr aOldInsertAttr(pOpt->GetInsertAuthorAttr()); AuthorCharAttr aOldDeletedAttr(pOpt->GetDeletedAuthorAttr()); AuthorCharAttr aOldChangedAttr(pOpt->GetFormatAuthorAttr()); ULONG nOldMarkColor = pOpt->GetMarkAlignColor().GetColor(); USHORT nOldMarkMode = pOpt->GetMarkAlignMode(); USHORT nPos = aInsertLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if (nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { pAttr = (CharAttr *)aInsertLB.GetEntryData(nPos); aInsertAttr.nItemId = pAttr->nItemId; aInsertAttr.nAttr = pAttr->nAttr; nPos = aInsertColorLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); switch (nPos) { case 0: aInsertAttr.nColor = COL_NONE; break; case 1: case LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND: aInsertAttr.nColor = COL_TRANSPARENT; break; default: aInsertAttr.nColor = aInsertColorLB.GetEntryColor(nPos).GetColor(); break; } pOpt->SetInsertAuthorAttr(aInsertAttr); } nPos = aDeletedLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if (nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { pAttr = (CharAttr *)aDeletedLB.GetEntryData(nPos); aDeletedAttr.nItemId = pAttr->nItemId; aDeletedAttr.nAttr = pAttr->nAttr; nPos = aDeletedColorLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); switch (nPos) { case 0: aDeletedAttr.nColor = COL_NONE; break; case 1: case LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND: aDeletedAttr.nColor = COL_TRANSPARENT; break; default: aDeletedAttr.nColor = aDeletedColorLB.GetEntryColor(nPos).GetColor(); break; } pOpt->SetDeletedAuthorAttr(aDeletedAttr); } nPos = aChangedLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); if (nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { pAttr = (CharAttr *)aChangedLB.GetEntryData(nPos); aChangedAttr.nItemId = pAttr->nItemId; aChangedAttr.nAttr = pAttr->nAttr; nPos = aChangedColorLB.GetSelectEntryPos(); switch (nPos) { case 0: aChangedAttr.nColor = COL_NONE; break; case 1: case LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND: aChangedAttr.nColor = COL_TRANSPARENT; break; default: aChangedAttr.nColor = aChangedColorLB.GetEntryColor(nPos).GetColor(); break; } pOpt->SetFormatAuthorAttr(aChangedAttr); } nPos = 0; switch (aMarkPosLB.GetSelectEntryPos()) { case 0: nPos = HORI_NONE; break; case 1: nPos = HORI_LEFT; break; case 2: nPos = HORI_RIGHT; break; case 3: nPos = HORI_OUTSIDE; break; case 4: nPos = HORI_INSIDE; break; } pOpt->SetMarkAlignMode(nPos); pOpt->SetMarkAlignColor(aMarkColorLB.GetSelectEntryColor()); if (!(aInsertAttr == aOldInsertAttr) || !(aDeletedAttr == aOldDeletedAttr) || !(aChangedAttr == aOldChangedAttr) || nOldMarkColor != pOpt->GetMarkAlignColor().GetColor() || nOldMarkMode != pOpt->GetMarkAlignMode()) { // Alle Dokumente aktualisieren TypeId aType(TYPE(SwDocShell)); SwDocShell* pDocShell = (SwDocShell*)SfxObjectShell::GetFirst(&aType); while( pDocShell ) { pDocShell->GetWrtShell()->UpdateRedlineAttr(); pDocShell = (SwDocShell*)SfxObjectShell::GetNext(*pDocShell, &aType); } } return FALSE; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwRedlineOptionsTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& rSet ) { const SwModuleOptions *pOpt = SW_MOD()->GetModuleConfig(); const AuthorCharAttr &rInsertAttr = pOpt->GetInsertAuthorAttr(); const AuthorCharAttr &rDeletedAttr = pOpt->GetDeletedAuthorAttr(); const AuthorCharAttr &rChangedAttr = pOpt->GetFormatAuthorAttr(); // Preview initialisieren InitFontStyle(aAttribPreviewWN); // Farblistboxen initialisieren String sColor; aInsertColorLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE); aDeletedColorLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE); aChangedColorLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE); aMarkColorLB.SetUpdateMode(FALSE); aInsertColorLB.InsertEntry(sNone); aDeletedColorLB.InsertEntry(sNone); aChangedColorLB.InsertEntry(sNone); aInsertColorLB.InsertEntry(sAuthor); aDeletedColorLB.InsertEntry(sAuthor); aChangedColorLB.InsertEntry(sAuthor); XColorTable* pColorTbl = OFF_APP()->GetStdColorTable(); for( USHORT i = 0; i < pColorTbl->Count(); ++i ) { XColorEntry* pEntry = pColorTbl->Get( i ); Color aColor = pEntry->GetColor(); String sName = pEntry->GetName(); aInsertColorLB.InsertEntry( aColor, sName ); aDeletedColorLB.InsertEntry( aColor, sName ); aChangedColorLB.InsertEntry( aColor, sName ); aMarkColorLB.InsertEntry( aColor, sName ); } aInsertColorLB.SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); aDeletedColorLB.SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); aChangedColorLB.SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); aMarkColorLB.SetUpdateMode( TRUE ); ULONG nColor = rInsertAttr.nColor; switch (nColor) { case COL_TRANSPARENT: aInsertColorLB.SelectEntryPos(1); break; case COL_NONE: aInsertColorLB.SelectEntryPos(0); break; default: aInsertColorLB.SelectEntry(Color(nColor)); } nColor = rDeletedAttr.nColor; switch (nColor) { case COL_TRANSPARENT: aDeletedColorLB.SelectEntryPos(1); break; case COL_NONE: aDeletedColorLB.SelectEntryPos(0); break; default: aDeletedColorLB.SelectEntry(Color(nColor)); } nColor = rChangedAttr.nColor; switch (nColor) { case COL_TRANSPARENT: aChangedColorLB.SelectEntryPos(1); break; case COL_NONE: aChangedColorLB.SelectEntryPos(0); break; default: aChangedColorLB.SelectEntry(Color(nColor)); } aMarkColorLB.SelectEntry(pOpt->GetMarkAlignColor()); // Attributlistboxen initialisieren USHORT nNum = sizeof(aInsertAttr) / sizeof(CharAttr); for (i = 0; i < nNum; i++) { aInsertLB.SetEntryData(i, &aInsertAttr[i]); if (aInsertAttr[i].nItemId == rInsertAttr.nItemId && aInsertAttr[i].nAttr == rInsertAttr.nAttr) aInsertLB.SelectEntryPos(i); } nNum = sizeof(aDeletedAttr) / sizeof(CharAttr); for (i = 0; i < nNum; i++) { aDeletedLB.SetEntryData(i, &aDeletedAttr[i]); if (aDeletedAttr[i].nItemId == rDeletedAttr.nItemId && aDeletedAttr[i].nAttr == rDeletedAttr.nAttr) aDeletedLB.SelectEntryPos(i); } nNum = sizeof(aChangedAttr) / sizeof(CharAttr); for (i = 0; i < nNum; i++) { aChangedLB.SetEntryData(i, &aChangedAttr[i]); if (aChangedAttr[i].nItemId == rChangedAttr.nItemId && aChangedAttr[i].nAttr == rChangedAttr.nAttr) aChangedLB.SelectEntryPos(i); } USHORT nPos = 0; switch (pOpt->GetMarkAlignMode()) { case HORI_NONE: nPos = 0; break; case HORI_LEFT: nPos = 1; break; case HORI_RIGHT: nPos = 2; break; case HORI_OUTSIDE: nPos = 3; break; case HORI_INSIDE: nPos = 4; break; } aMarkPosLB.SelectEntryPos(nPos); // Einstellungen in Preview anzeigen AttribHdl(&aInsertLB); ColorHdl(&aInsertColorLB); ChangedMaskPrevHdl(); } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, AttribHdl, ListBox *, pLB ) { SvxFontPrevWindow *pPrev = &aAttribPreviewWN; ColorListBox *pColorLB; if (pLB == &aInsertLB) pColorLB = &aInsertColorLB; else if (pLB == &aDeletedLB) pColorLB = &aDeletedColorLB; else pColorLB = &aChangedColorLB; SvxFont& rFont = pPrev->GetFont(); rFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL); rFont.SetItalic(ITALIC_NONE); rFont.SetUnderline(UNDERLINE_NONE); rFont.SetStrikeout(STRIKEOUT_NONE); rFont.SetCaseMap(SVX_CASEMAP_NOT_MAPPED); pPrev->SetColor(Color(COL_WHITE)); USHORT nPos = pColorLB->GetSelectEntryPos(); switch (nPos) { case 0: rFont.SetColor(Color(COL_BLACK)); break; case 1: case LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND: rFont.SetColor(Color(COL_RED)); break; default: rFont.SetColor(pColorLB->GetEntryColor(nPos)); break; } nPos = pLB->GetSelectEntryPos(); if (nPos == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) nPos = 0; CharAttr *pAttr = (CharAttr *)pLB->GetEntryData(nPos); switch (pAttr->nItemId) { case SID_ATTR_CHAR_WEIGHT: rFont.SetWeight((FontWeight)pAttr->nAttr); break; case SID_ATTR_CHAR_POSTURE: rFont.SetItalic((FontItalic)pAttr->nAttr); break; case SID_ATTR_CHAR_UNDERLINE: rFont.SetUnderline((FontUnderline)pAttr->nAttr); break; case SID_ATTR_CHAR_STRIKEOUT: rFont.SetStrikeout((FontStrikeout)pAttr->nAttr); break; case SID_ATTR_CHAR_CASEMAP: rFont.SetCaseMap((SvxCaseMap)pAttr->nAttr); break; case SID_ATTR_BRUSH: { nPos = pColorLB->GetSelectEntryPos(); if (nPos) { pPrev->SetColor(pColorLB->GetSelectEntryColor()); } else { pPrev->SetColor(Color(COL_LIGHTGRAY)); } rFont.SetColor(Color(COL_BLACK)); } break; } pPrev->Invalidate(); return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, ColorHdl, ColorListBox *, pColorLB ) { SvxFontPrevWindow *pPrev = &aAttribPreviewWN; ListBox *pLB; if (pColorLB == &aInsertColorLB) pLB = &aInsertLB; else if (pColorLB == &aDeletedColorLB) pLB = &aDeletedLB; else pLB = &aChangedLB; SvxFont& rFont = pPrev->GetFont(); USHORT nPos = pLB->GetSelectEntryPos(); if (nPos == LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) nPos = 0; CharAttr *pAttr = (CharAttr *)pLB->GetEntryData(nPos); if (pAttr->nItemId == SID_ATTR_BRUSH) { rFont.SetColor(Color(COL_BLACK)); nPos = pColorLB->GetSelectEntryPos(); if (nPos && nPos != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND) { pPrev->SetColor(pColorLB->GetSelectEntryColor()); } else { pPrev->SetColor(Color(COL_LIGHTGRAY)); } } else { nPos = pColorLB->GetSelectEntryPos(); switch (nPos) { case 0: rFont.SetColor(Color(COL_BLACK)); break; case 1: case LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND: rFont.SetColor(Color(COL_RED)); break; default: rFont.SetColor(pColorLB->GetEntryColor(nPos)); break; } } pPrev->Invalidate(); return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, ChangedMaskPrevHdl, ListBox *, pLB ) { aMarkPreviewWN.SetMarkPos(aMarkPosLB.GetSelectEntryPos()); aMarkPreviewWN.SetColor(aMarkColorLB.GetSelectEntryColor().GetColor()); aMarkPreviewWN.Invalidate(); return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IMPL_LINK( SwRedlineOptionsTabPage, RadioHdl, RadioButton *, pRB ) { BOOL bInsert = FALSE, bDeleted = FALSE, bChanged = FALSE; if (pRB == &aInsertRB) { AttribHdl(&aInsertLB); bInsert = TRUE; } else if (pRB == &aDeletedRB) { AttribHdl(&aDeletedLB); bDeleted = TRUE; } else if (pRB == &aChangedRB) { AttribHdl(&aChangedLB); bChanged = TRUE; } aInsertLB.Show(bInsert); aInsertColorLB.Show(bInsert); aDeletedLB.Show(bDeleted); aDeletedColorLB.Show(bDeleted); aChangedLB.Show(bChanged); aChangedColorLB.Show(bChanged); return 0; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------- Beschreibung: -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void SwRedlineOptionsTabPage::InitFontStyle(SvxFontPrevWindow& rExampleWin) { SvxFont& rFont = rExampleWin.GetFont(); Font aFont; aFont.SetCharSet( gsl_getSystemTextEncoding() ); aFont.SetSize( Size( 0, 12 ) ); aFont.SetPitch( PITCH_VARIABLE ); aFont.SetName( C2S("Times") ); aFont.SetFamily( FAMILY_ROMAN ); // Font aFont = System::GetStandardFont(STDFONT_ROMAN); aFont.SetFillColor(Color(COL_WHITE)); aFont.SetWeight(WEIGHT_NORMAL); rFont = aFont; const Size aLogSize( rExampleWin.GetOutputSize() ); rFont.SetSize(Size(0, aLogSize.Height() * 2 / 3)); rExampleWin.SetFont(rFont); rExampleWin.UseResourceText(); Color aWhiteColor = COL_WHITE; Wallpaper aWall(aWhiteColor); // Wallpaper aWall(Color( COL_WHITE )); rExampleWin.SetBackground(aWall); rExampleWin.Invalidate(); } #ifndef PRODUCT /******************************************************* ******************************************************/ /*----------------- OS 11.01.95 ----------------------- TabPage Testeinstellungen -------------------------------------------------------*/ void lcl_SetPosSize(Window& rWin, Point aPos, Size aSize) { aPos = rWin.LogicToPixel(aPos, MAP_APPFONT); aSize = rWin.OutputDevice::LogicToPixel(aSize, MAP_APPFONT); rWin.SetPosSizePixel(aPos, aSize); } SwTestTabPage::SwTestTabPage( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rCoreSet) : SfxTabPage( pParent, WB_HIDE, rCoreSet), aTestGBox ( this, WB_GROUP ), aTest1CBox ( this, 0 ), aTest2CBox ( this, 0 ), aTest3CBox ( this, 0 ), aTest4CBox ( this, 0 ), aTest5CBox ( this, 0 ), aTest6CBox ( this, 0 ), aTest7CBox ( this, 0 ), aTest8CBox ( this, 0 ), aTest9CBox ( this, 0 ), aTest10CBox ( this, 0 ), bAttrModified( FALSE ) { lcl_SetPosSize(*this, Point(0,0), Size(260 , 135)); lcl_SetPosSize(aTestGBox, Point(6,2), Size(209,126)); lcl_SetPosSize(aTest1CBox , Point(12 , 14), Size(74 , 10)); lcl_SetPosSize(aTest2CBox , Point(12 , 27), Size(74 , 10)); lcl_SetPosSize(aTest3CBox , Point(12 , 40), Size(74 , 10)); lcl_SetPosSize(aTest4CBox , Point(12 , 53), Size(74 , 10)); lcl_SetPosSize(aTest5CBox , Point(12 , 66), Size(74 , 10)); lcl_SetPosSize(aTest6CBox , Point(116, 14), Size(74 , 10)); lcl_SetPosSize(aTest7CBox , Point(116, 27), Size(74 , 10)); lcl_SetPosSize(aTest8CBox , Point(116, 40), Size(74 , 10)); lcl_SetPosSize(aTest9CBox , Point(116, 53), Size(74 , 10)); lcl_SetPosSize(aTest10CBox , Point(116, 66), Size(74 , 10)); aTestGBox.SetText( String(ByteString("Einstellungen nur für Testzwecke" ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252)); aTest1CBox .SetText( C2S("Layout not loading")); aTest2CBox .SetText( C2S("dynamic")); aTest3CBox .SetText( C2S("No calm" )); aTest4CBox .SetText( C2S("WYSIWYG debug" )); aTest5CBox .SetText( C2S("No idle format" )); aTest6CBox .SetText( C2S("No screen adj" )); aTest7CBox .SetText( C2S("win format" )); aTest8CBox .SetText( C2S("No Scroll" )); aTest9CBox .SetText( C2S("DrawingLayerNotLoading")); aTest10CBox.SetText( C2S("AutoFormat by Input" )); aTestGBox.Show(); aTest1CBox .Show(); aTest2CBox .Show(); aTest3CBox .Show(); aTest4CBox .Show(); aTest5CBox .Show(); aTest6CBox .Show(); aTest7CBox .Show(); aTest8CBox .Show(); aTest9CBox .Show(); aTest10CBox.Show(); Init(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ SfxTabPage* SwTestTabPage::Create( Window* pParent, const SfxItemSet& rAttrSet ) { return ( new SwTestTabPage( pParent, rAttrSet ) ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ BOOL SwTestTabPage::FillItemSet( SfxItemSet& rCoreSet ) { if ( bAttrModified ) { SwTestItem aTestItem(FN_PARAM_SWTEST); aTestItem.bTest1=aTest1CBox.IsChecked(); aTestItem.bTest2=aTest2CBox.IsChecked(); aTestItem.bTest3=aTest3CBox.IsChecked(); aTestItem.bTest4=aTest4CBox.IsChecked(); aTestItem.bTest5=aTest5CBox.IsChecked(); aTestItem.bTest6=aTest6CBox.IsChecked(); aTestItem.bTest7=aTest7CBox.IsChecked(); aTestItem.bTest8=aTest8CBox.IsChecked(); aTestItem.bTest9=aTest9CBox.IsChecked(); aTestItem.bTest10=aTest10CBox.IsChecked(); rCoreSet.Put(aTestItem); } return bAttrModified; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SwTestTabPage::Reset( const SfxItemSet& ) { const SfxItemSet& rSet = GetItemSet(); const SwTestItem* pTestAttr = 0; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( FN_PARAM_SWTEST , FALSE, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pTestAttr )) { aTest1CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest1); aTest2CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest2); aTest3CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest3); aTest4CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest4); aTest5CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest5); aTest6CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest6); aTest7CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest7); aTest8CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest8); aTest9CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest9); aTest10CBox.Check(pTestAttr->bTest10); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ void SwTestTabPage::Init() { // handler Link aLk = LINK( this, SwTestTabPage, AutoClickHdl ); aTest1CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aTest2CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aTest3CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aTest4CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aTest5CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aTest6CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aTest7CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aTest8CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aTest9CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk ); aTest10CBox.SetClickHdl( aLk ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPL_LINK_INLINE_START( SwTestTabPage, AutoClickHdl, CheckBox *, EMPTYARG ) { bAttrModified = TRUE; return 0; } IMPL_LINK_INLINE_END( SwTestTabPage, AutoClickHdl, CheckBox *, EMPTYARG ) #undef _INIT #endif /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- Source Code Control System - Header $Header: /zpool/svn/migration/cvs_rep_09_09_08/code/sw/source/ui/config/optpage.cxx,v 2000-09-18 17:14:33 hr Exp $ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.123 2000/09/18 16:05:17 willem.vandorp OpenOffice header added. Revision 1.122 2000/09/08 15:11:56 os use configuration service Revision 1.121 2000/09/07 15:59:21 os change: SFX_DISPATCHER/SFX_BINDINGS removed Revision 1.120 2000/09/07 08:26:30 os FaxName now in SwPrintOptions Revision 1.119 2000/06/27 07:59:40 obo #65293 Revision 1.118 2000/06/13 13:22:43 os #75770# Doc only flag in standard font TabPage now persistent Revision 1.117 2000/05/23 13:16:41 os wrong CreateFromAscii corrected Revision 1.116 2000/04/11 08:02:23 os UNICODE Revision 1.115 2000/03/03 15:16:58 os StarView remainders removed Revision 1.114 2000/02/24 17:26:00 hr 43447#: gcc Revision 1.113 2000/02/11 14:44:06 hr #70473# changes for unicode ( patched by automated patchtool ) Revision 1.112 2000/01/06 14:46:58 os #71448# no differences between PRODUCT and NONPRODUCT resources Revision 1.111 1999/12/14 14:31:36 jp Bug #69595#: print can create single Jobs Revision 1.110 1999/10/21 17:47:33 jp have to change - SearchFile with SfxIniManager, dont use SwFinder for this Revision 1.109 1999/09/22 12:37:43 os big handles Revision 1.108 1999/06/09 11:20:58 OS index background Rev 1.107 09 Jun 1999 13:20:58 OS index background Rev 1.106 10 May 1999 13:11:14 OS #64976# Tabulatorwert fuer Metricumstellung merken Rev 1.105 29 Mar 1999 09:17:00 OS #63971# kein TabStop putten, wenn Control unsichtbar Rev 1.104 19 Mar 1999 15:32:04 OS #63750# Tabellenmode auch wieder an der akt. Tabelle setzen Rev 1.103 15 Feb 1999 09:22:02 OS #61890# StdFontTabTage legt Drucker jetzt bei Bedarf selbst an Rev 1.102 27 Jan 1999 10:04:00 OS #58677# Cursor in Readonly-Bereichen Rev 1.101 11 Jan 1999 13:36:18 OS #60139# Set/UseDefault jetzt richtig Rev 1.100 16 Nov 1998 10:38:50 OS #59455# Grundschrifte auch nach Standard im Doc richtig setzen Rev 1.99 08 Sep 1998 16:49:54 OS #56134# Metric fuer Text und HTML getrennt Rev 1.98 06 Jul 1998 13:03:54 MH add: SfxBoolItem header Rev 1.97 03 Jul 1998 18:15:34 OS ScrollBar-CheckBoxen per Item disablen Rev 1.96 24 Jun 1998 16:16:56 OM #51575# Printoptionen auch in Seitenvorschau beachten Rev 1.95 24 Mar 1998 17:46:50 OM Formataenderung anzeigen Rev 1.94 10 Mar 1998 16:11:34 OM Gegen rottige Config abgesichert Rev 1.93 05 Mar 1998 14:34:08 OM Redline-Attribute in Module-Cfg speichern Rev 1.92 24 Feb 1998 15:32:24 OM Redline-Darstellungsoptionen setzen Rev 1.91 23 Feb 1998 12:40:44 OM Redlining-Optionen Rev 1.90 20 Feb 1998 14:45:52 OM Markierungs-Preview Rev 1.89 19 Feb 1998 15:26:24 OM Redlining-Optionen Rev 1.88 18 Feb 1998 09:46:54 OM Redlining Optionen Rev 1.87 18 Feb 1998 09:10:22 OM Redlining-Optionen Rev 1.86 28 Nov 1997 15:22:22 MA includes Rev 1.85 24 Nov 1997 17:58:50 MA include Rev 1.84 14 Nov 1997 17:13:34 OS TRUE returnen, wenn TblChgMode veraendert wurde #45521# Rev 1.83 03 Nov 1997 16:12:18 JP neu: Optionen/-Page/Basic-Schnittst. fuer ShadowCursor Rev 1.82 09 Oct 1997 14:40:40 OS UpdateMode fuer ColorListBoxen abschalten #44451# Rev 1.81 09 Sep 1997 11:38:50 OS includes Rev 1.80 15 Aug 1997 11:45:22 OS chartar/frmatr/txtatr aufgeteilt Rev 1.79 09 Aug 1997 12:50:22 OS paraitem/frmitems/textitem aufgeteilt Rev 1.78 08 Aug 1997 17:37:30 OM Headerfile-Umstellung Rev 1.77 08 Jul 1997 14:07:30 OS ConfigItems von der App ans Module Rev 1.76 12 Jun 1997 10:11:04 MA Option fuer Smooth Rev 1.75 06 Jun 1997 12:44:10 MA chg: versteckte Absaetze ausblenden Rev 1.74 05 May 1997 14:15:18 OS Grundschrift fuer Standard als Pool-Default setzen Rev 1.73 23 Apr 1997 14:20:36 OS GetEntryData von void* auf USHORT ueber long wg. IBM VA3.0 Rev 1.72 21 Apr 1997 13:48:20 OS SEXPORT -> __EXPORT Rev 1.71 21 Apr 1997 11:01:42 OS Quelltextkonfiguration Rev 1.70 16 Apr 1997 12:30:38 OS SEXPORT Rev 1.69 25 Feb 1997 10:21:16 OS farbige Handles Rev 1.68 23 Feb 1997 10:34:12 OS zusaetzlicher Hilfstext fuer Tabellen Rev 1.67 03 Feb 1997 12:20:16 OS Hor. Scrollbar nicht mehr Browse-abhaengig Rev 1.66 03 Feb 1997 12:10:34 OS Pages fuer Html umgruppieren Rev 1.65 22 Jan 1997 11:36:30 MA Umstellung Put Rev 1.64 18 Jan 1997 15:12:16 OS Dialog Tabellenoptionen Rev 1.63 18 Jan 1997 11:14:46 OS Defaulteinstellungen fuer Grundschriften beruecksichtigen Rev 1.62 15 Jan 1997 16:21:54 MA #35010# Modified setzen Rev 1.61 14 Jan 1997 08:57:50 MA includes Rev 1.60 13 Jan 1997 16:54:54 OS TabStop auf der LayoutPage Rev 1.59 20 Dec 1996 13:38:28 OS auf SFX_ITEM_SET pruefen Rev 1.58 12 Dec 1996 08:44:16 OS keine Defaults suchen Rev 1.57 11 Dec 1996 14:12:48 OS Metric auf der Layout-Page Rev 1.56 10 Dec 1996 17:00:04 OS Warnungen von der OFA Rev 1.55 04 Dec 1996 23:02:42 MH chg: header Rev 1.54 03 Dec 1996 17:01:30 AMA Chg: Der Drucker wird nur im !Browsemodus angelegt. Rev 1.53 28 Nov 1996 15:20:26 OS neu: Schwarz drucken Rev 1.52 11 Nov 1996 09:22:10 MA ResMgr Rev 1.51 24 Oct 1996 13:14:58 OS Grundschriften nur nach Veraenderung im Doc auch in die Applikation eintragen Rev 1.50 23 Oct 1996 13:49:16 JP SVMEM -> SVSTDARR Umstellung Rev 1.49 02 Oct 1996 18:31:00 MA Umstellung Enable/Disable Rev 1.48 23 Sep 1996 19:28:28 HJS const nach nicht-const gecastet Rev 1.47 21 Sep 1996 15:56:42 OS Grundschriften in Comboboxen, damit nicht vorhandene Schriften gesetzt werden koennen; CheckBox fuer reine Dokumenteinstellung Rev 1.46 07 Sep 1996 14:04:28 OS Standard-Button fuer Grundschriften Rev 1.45 06 Sep 1996 14:32:06 OS Postits beruecksichtigen Rev 1.44 04 Sep 1996 08:09:12 OS neu: Grundschriften-Tabpage Rev 1.43 03 Sep 1996 16:56:24 OS Tabpage Standardfonts Rev 1.42 31 Aug 1996 17:14:00 OS neue Optionendialoge Rev 1.41 26 Aug 1996 16:57:54 MA chg: Lineale auch im BrowseMode Rev 1.40 17 Jul 1996 11:13:48 OS neu: Checkbox fuer Hintergrunddruck Rev 1.39 16 Jul 1996 20:19:50 MA includes Rev 1.38 24 May 1996 14:58:16 OS FN_STAT_MODIFIED -> SID_DOC_MODIFIED Rev 1.37 30 Apr 1996 14:03:10 OS Ansichts-Controls fuer Preview disablen Rev 1.36 25 Apr 1996 16:23:58 OS Im Browse-Mode Lineale und HScroll disablen Rev 1.35 15 Mar 1996 15:28:18 JP TestFlags erweitert Rev 1.34 07 Mar 1996 16:54:42 JP AddPrintItem um weiters Flag erweitert Rev 1.33 06 Feb 1996 15:18:42 JP Link Umstellung 305 Rev 1.32 28 Nov 1995 23:37:36 JP uisys.hxx gibt es nicht mehr --------------------------------------------------------------------*/