/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* * This file is part of the LibreOffice project. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice: * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed * with this work for additional information regarding copyright * ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache * License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "css1kywd.hxx" #include "parcss1.hxx" // Loop-Check: Um Endlos-Schleifen zu vermeiden, wird in jeder // Schalife geprueft, ob ein Fortschritt in der Eingabe-Position // stattgefunden hat #define LOOP_CHECK #ifdef LOOP_CHECK #define LOOP_CHECK_DECL \ sal_Int32 nOldInPos = SAL_MAX_INT32; #define LOOP_CHECK_RESTART \ nOldInPos = SAL_MAX_INT32; #define LOOP_CHECK_CHECK( where ) \ OSL_ENSURE( nOldInPos!=nInPos || cNextCh==(sal_Unicode)EOF, where ); \ if( nOldInPos==nInPos && cNextCh!=(sal_Unicode)EOF ) \ break; \ else \ nOldInPos = nInPos; #else #define LOOP_CHECK_DECL #define LOOP_CHECK_RESTART #define LOOP_CHECK_CHECK( where ) #endif const sal_Int32 MAX_LEN = 1024; void CSS1Parser::InitRead( const OUString& rIn ) { nlLineNr = 0; nlLinePos = 0; bWhiteSpace = sal_True; // Wenn noch nichts gelesen wurde ist das wie WS bEOF = sal_False; eState = CSS1_PAR_WORKING; nValue = 0.; aIn = rIn; nInPos = 0; cNextCh = GetNextChar(); nToken = GetNextToken(); } sal_Unicode CSS1Parser::GetNextChar() { if( nInPos >= aIn.getLength() ) { bEOF = sal_True; return (sal_Unicode)EOF; } sal_Unicode c = aIn[nInPos]; nInPos++; if( c == '\n' ) { IncLineNr(); SetLinePos( 1L ); } else IncLinePos(); return c; } // Diese Funktion realisiert den in // // http://www.w3.orh/pub/WWW/TR/WD-css1.html // bzw. http://www.w3.orh/pub/WWW/TR/WD-css1-960220.html // // beschriebenen Scanner fuer CSS1. Es handelt sich um eine direkte // Umsetzung der dort beschriebenen Lex-Grammatik // CSS1Token CSS1Parser::GetNextToken() { CSS1Token nRet = CSS1_NULL; aToken = ""; do { // Merken, ob davor White-Space gelesen wurde sal_Bool bPrevWhiteSpace = bWhiteSpace; bWhiteSpace = sal_False; sal_Bool bNextCh = sal_True; switch( cNextCh ) { case '/': // COMMENT | '/' { cNextCh = GetNextChar(); if( '*' == cNextCh ) { // COMMENT cNextCh = GetNextChar(); sal_Bool bAsterisk = sal_False; while( !(bAsterisk && '/'==cNextCh) && !IsEOF() ) { bAsterisk = ('*'==cNextCh); cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } } else { // '/' bNextCh = sal_False; nRet = CSS1_SLASH; } } break; case '@': // '@import' | '@XXX' { cNextCh = GetNextChar(); if (comphelper::string::isalphaAscii(cNextCh)) { // den naechsten Identifer scannen OUStringBuffer sTmpBuffer( 32L ); do { sTmpBuffer.append( cNextCh ); cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } while( (comphelper::string::isalnumAscii(cNextCh) || '-' == cNextCh) && !IsEOF() ); aToken += sTmpBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); // und schauen, ob wir ihn kennen switch( aToken[0] ) { case 'i': case 'I': if( aToken.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "import" ) ) nRet = CSS1_IMPORT_SYM; break; // /Feature: PrintExt case 'p': case 'P': if( aToken.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "page" ) ) nRet = CSS1_PAGE_SYM; break; // /Feature: PrintExt } // Fehlerbehandlung: '@ident' und alles bis // zu einem Semikolon der dem Ende des folgenden // Blocks ignorieren if( CSS1_NULL==nRet ) { aToken = ""; sal_uInt16 nBlockLvl = 0; sal_Unicode cQuoteCh = 0; sal_Bool bDone = sal_False, bEscape = sal_False; while( !bDone && !IsEOF() ) { sal_Bool bOldEscape = bEscape; bEscape = sal_False; switch( cNextCh ) { case '{': if( !cQuoteCh && !bOldEscape ) nBlockLvl++; break; case ';': if( !cQuoteCh && !bOldEscape ) bDone = nBlockLvl==0; break; case '}': if( !cQuoteCh && !bOldEscape ) bDone = --nBlockLvl==0; break; case '\"': case '\'': if( !bOldEscape ) { if( cQuoteCh ) { if( cQuoteCh == cNextCh ) cQuoteCh = 0; } else { cQuoteCh = cNextCh; } } break; case '\\': if( !bOldEscape ) bEscape = sal_True; break; } cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } } bNextCh = sal_False; } } break; case '!': // '!' 'legal' | '!' 'important' | syntax error { // White Space ueberlesen cNextCh = GetNextChar(); while( ( ' ' == cNextCh || (cNextCh >= 0x09 && cNextCh <= 0x0d) ) && !IsEOF() ) { bWhiteSpace = sal_True; cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } if( 'i'==cNextCh || 'I'==cNextCh) { // den naechsten Identifer scannen OUStringBuffer sTmpBuffer( 32L ); do { sTmpBuffer.append( cNextCh ); cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } while( (comphelper::string::isalnumAscii(cNextCh) || '-' == cNextCh) && !IsEOF() ); aToken += sTmpBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); if( ( 'i'==aToken[0] || 'I'==aToken[0] ) && aToken.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "important" ) ) { // '!' 'important' nRet = CSS1_IMPORTANT_SYM; } else { // Fehlerbehandlung: '!' ignorieren, IDENT nicht nRet = CSS1_IDENT; } bWhiteSpace = sal_False; bNextCh = sal_False; } else { // Fehlerbehandlung: '!' ignorieren bNextCh = sal_False; } } break; case '\"': case '\'': // STRING { // \... geht noch nicht!!! sal_Unicode cQuoteChar = cNextCh; cNextCh = GetNextChar(); OUStringBuffer sTmpBuffer( MAX_LEN ); do { sTmpBuffer.append( cNextCh ); cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } while( cQuoteChar != cNextCh && !IsEOF() ); aToken += sTmpBuffer.toString(); nRet = CSS1_STRING; } break; case '0': case '1': case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': // NUMBER | PERCENTAGE | LENGTH { // die aktuelle Position retten sal_Size nInPosSave = nInPos; sal_Unicode cNextChSave = cNextCh; sal_uInt32 nlLineNrSave = nlLineNr; sal_uInt32 nlLinePosSave = nlLinePos; sal_Bool bEOFSave = bEOF; // erstmal versuchen eine Hex-Zahl zu scannen OUStringBuffer sTmpBuffer( 16 ); do { sTmpBuffer.append( cNextCh ); cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } while( sTmpBuffer.getLength() < 7 && ( ('0'<=cNextCh && '9'>=cNextCh) || ('A'<=cNextCh && 'F'>=cNextCh) || ('a'<=cNextCh && 'f'>=cNextCh) ) && !IsEOF() ); if( sTmpBuffer.getLength()==6 ) { // wir haben eine hexadezimale Farbe gefunden aToken += sTmpBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); nRet = CSS1_HEXCOLOR; bNextCh = sal_False; break; } // sonst versuchen wir es mit einer Zahl nInPos = nInPosSave; cNextCh = cNextChSave; nlLineNr = nlLineNrSave; nlLinePos = nlLinePosSave; bEOF = bEOFSave; // erstmal die Zahl scannen sTmpBuffer.setLength( 0L ); do { sTmpBuffer.append( cNextCh ); cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } while( (('0'<=cNextCh && '9'>=cNextCh) || '.'==cNextCh) && !IsEOF() ); aToken += sTmpBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); nValue = aToken.toDouble(); // White Space ueberlesen while( ( ' ' == cNextCh || (cNextCh >= 0x09 && cNextCh <= 0x0d) ) && !IsEOF() ) { bWhiteSpace = sal_True; cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } // und nun Schauen, ob es eine Einheit gibt switch( cNextCh ) { case '%': // PERCENTAGE bWhiteSpace = sal_False; nRet = CSS1_PERCENTAGE; break; case 'c': case 'C': // LENGTH cm | LENGTH IDENT case 'e': case 'E': // LENGTH (em | ex) | LENGTH IDENT case 'i': case 'I': // LENGTH inch | LENGTH IDENT case 'p': case 'P': // LENGTH (pt | px | pc) | LENGTH IDENT case 'm': case 'M': // LENGTH mm | LENGTH IDENT { // die aktuelle Position retten sal_Int32 nInPosOld = nInPos; sal_Unicode cNextChOld = cNextCh; sal_uLong nlLineNrOld = nlLineNr; sal_uLong nlLinePosOld = nlLinePos; sal_Bool bEOFOld = bEOF; // den naechsten Identifer scannen OUString aIdent; OUStringBuffer sTmpBuffer2( 64L ); do { sTmpBuffer2.append( cNextCh ); cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } while( (comphelper::string::isalnumAscii(cNextCh) || '-' == cNextCh) && !IsEOF() ); aIdent += sTmpBuffer2.makeStringAndClear(); // Ist es eine Einheit? const sal_Char *pCmp1 = 0, *pCmp2 = 0, *pCmp3 = 0; double nScale1 = 1., nScale2 = 1.; CSS1Token nToken1 = CSS1_LENGTH, nToken2 = CSS1_LENGTH, nToken3 = CSS1_LENGTH; switch( aIdent[0] ) { case 'c': case 'C': pCmp1 = "cm"; nScale1 = (72.*20.)/2.54; // twip break; case 'e': case 'E': pCmp1 = "em"; nToken1 = CSS1_EMS; pCmp2 = "ex"; nToken2 = CSS1_EMX; break; case 'i': case 'I': pCmp1 = "in"; nScale1 = 72.*20.; // twip break; case 'm': case 'M': pCmp1 = "mm"; nScale1 = (72.*20.)/25.4; // twip break; case 'p': case 'P': pCmp1 = "pt"; nScale1 = 20.; // twip pCmp2 = "pc"; nScale2 = 12.*20.; // twip pCmp3 = "px"; nToken3 = CSS1_PIXLENGTH; break; } double nScale = 0.0; OSL_ENSURE( pCmp1, "Wo kommt das erste Zeichen her?" ); if( aIdent.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( pCmp1 ) ) { nScale = nScale1; nRet = nToken1; } else if( pCmp2 && aIdent.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( pCmp2 ) ) { nScale = nScale2; nRet = nToken2; } else if( pCmp3 && aIdent.equalsIgnoreAsciiCaseAscii( pCmp3 ) ) { nScale = 1.; // nScale3 nRet = nToken3; } else { nRet = CSS1_NUMBER; } if( CSS1_LENGTH==nRet && nScale!=1.0 ) nValue *= nScale; if( nRet == CSS1_NUMBER ) { nInPos = nInPosOld; cNextCh = cNextChOld; nlLineNr = nlLineNrOld; nlLinePos = nlLinePosOld; bEOF = bEOFOld; } else { bWhiteSpace = sal_False; } bNextCh = sal_False; } break; default: // NUMBER IDENT bNextCh = sal_False; nRet = CSS1_NUMBER; break; } } break; case ':': // ':' // link/visited/active abfangen !!! nRet = CSS1_COLON; break; case '.': // DOT_W_WS | DOT_WO_WS nRet = bPrevWhiteSpace ? CSS1_DOT_W_WS : CSS1_DOT_WO_WS; break; case '+': // '+' nRet = CSS1_PLUS; break; case '-': // '-' nRet = CSS1_MINUS; break; case '{': // '{' nRet = CSS1_OBRACE; break; case '}': // '}' nRet = CSS1_CBRACE; break; case ';': // ';' nRet = CSS1_SEMICOLON; break; case ',': // ',' nRet = CSS1_COMMA; break; case '#': // '#' cNextCh = GetNextChar(); if( ('0'<=cNextCh && '9'>=cNextCh) || ('a'<=cNextCh && 'f'>=cNextCh) || ('A'<=cNextCh && 'F'>=cNextCh) ) { // die aktuelle Position retten sal_Int32 nInPosSave = nInPos; sal_Unicode cNextChSave = cNextCh; sal_uLong nlLineNrSave = nlLineNr; sal_uLong nlLinePosSave = nlLinePos; sal_Bool bEOFSave = bEOF; // erstmal versuchen eine Hex-Zahl zu scannen OUStringBuffer sTmpBuffer( 6L ); do { sTmpBuffer.append( cNextCh ); cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } while( sTmpBuffer.getLength() < 7 && ( ('0'<=cNextCh && '9'>=cNextCh) || ('A'<=cNextCh && 'F'>=cNextCh) || ('a'<=cNextCh && 'f'>=cNextCh) ) && !IsEOF() ); if( sTmpBuffer.getLength()==6 || sTmpBuffer.getLength()==3 ) { // wir haben eine hexadezimale Farbe gefunden aToken += sTmpBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); nRet = CSS1_HEXCOLOR; bNextCh = sal_False; break; } // sonst versuchen wir es mit einer Zahl nInPos = nInPosSave; cNextCh = cNextChSave; nlLineNr = nlLineNrSave; nlLinePos = nlLinePosSave; bEOF = bEOFSave; } nRet = CSS1_HASH; bNextCh = sal_False; break; case ' ': case '\t': case '\r': case '\n': // White-Space bWhiteSpace = sal_True; break; case (sal_Unicode)EOF: if( IsEOF() ) { eState = CSS1_PAR_ACCEPTED; bNextCh = sal_False; break; } // kein break; default: // IDENT | syntax error if (comphelper::string::isalphaAscii(cNextCh)) { // IDENT sal_Bool bHexColor = sal_True; // den naechsten Identifer scannen OUStringBuffer sTmpBuffer( 64L ); do { sTmpBuffer.append( cNextCh ); if( bHexColor ) { bHexColor = sTmpBuffer.getLength()<7 && ( ('0'<=cNextCh && '9'>=cNextCh) || ('A'<=cNextCh && 'F'>=cNextCh) || ('a'<=cNextCh && 'f'>=cNextCh) ); } cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } while( (comphelper::string::isalnumAscii(cNextCh) || '-' == cNextCh) && !IsEOF() ); aToken += sTmpBuffer.makeStringAndClear(); if( bHexColor && sTmpBuffer.getLength()==6 ) { bNextCh = sal_False; nRet = CSS1_HEXCOLOR; break; } if( '('==cNextCh && ( (('u'==aToken[0] || 'U'==aToken[0]) && aToken.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "url" )) || (('r'==aToken[0] || 'R'==aToken[0]) && aToken.equalsIgnoreAsciiCase( "rgb" )) ) ) { sal_uInt16 nNestCnt = 0; OUStringBuffer sTmpBuffer2( 64L ); do { sTmpBuffer2.append( cNextCh ); switch( cNextCh ) { case '(': nNestCnt++; break; case ')': nNestCnt--; break; } cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } while( (nNestCnt>1 || ')'!=cNextCh) && !IsEOF() ); sTmpBuffer2.append( cNextCh ); aToken += sTmpBuffer2.makeStringAndClear(); bNextCh = sal_True; nRet = 'u'==aToken[0] || 'U'==aToken[0] ? CSS1_URL : CSS1_RGB; } else { bNextCh = sal_False; nRet = CSS1_IDENT; } } // Fehlerbehandlung: Zeichen ignorieren break; } if( bNextCh ) cNextCh = GetNextChar(); } while( CSS1_NULL==nRet && IsParserWorking() ); return nRet; } // Dies folegenden Funktionen realisieren den in // // http://www.w3.orh/pub/WWW/TR/WD-css1.html // bzw. http://www.w3.orh/pub/WWW/TR/WD-css1-960220.html // // beschriebenen Parser fuer CSS1. Es handelt sich um eine direkte // Umsetzung der dort beschriebenen Grammatik // stylesheet // : import* rule* // // import // : IMPORT_SYM url // // url // : STRING // void CSS1Parser::ParseStyleSheet() { LOOP_CHECK_DECL // import* sal_Bool bDone = sal_False; while( !bDone && IsParserWorking() ) { LOOP_CHECK_CHECK( "Endlos-Schleife in ParseStyleSheet()/import *" ) switch( nToken ) { case CSS1_IMPORT_SYM: // IMPORT_SYM url // url ueberspringen wir ungeprueft nToken = GetNextToken(); break; case CSS1_IDENT: // Look-Aheads case CSS1_DOT_W_WS: case CSS1_HASH: // /Feature: PrintExt case CSS1_PAGE_SYM: // /Feature: PrintExt // rule bDone = sal_True; break; default: // Fehlerbehandlung: ueberlesen break; } if( !bDone ) nToken = GetNextToken(); } LOOP_CHECK_RESTART // rule * while( IsParserWorking() ) { LOOP_CHECK_CHECK( "Endlos-Schleife in ParseStyleSheet()/rule *" ) switch( nToken ) { case CSS1_IDENT: // Look-Aheads case CSS1_DOT_W_WS: case CSS1_HASH: // /Feature: PrintExt case CSS1_PAGE_SYM: // /Feature: PrintExt // rule ParseRule(); break; default: // Fehlerbehandlung: ueberlesen nToken = GetNextToken(); break; } } } // rule // : selector [ ',' selector ]* // '{' declaration [ ';' declaration ]* '}' // void CSS1Parser::ParseRule() { // selector CSS1Selector *pSelector = ParseSelector(); if( !pSelector ) return; // Selektor verarbeiten if( SelectorParsed( pSelector, sal_True ) ) delete pSelector; LOOP_CHECK_DECL // [ ',' selector ]* while( CSS1_COMMA==nToken && IsParserWorking() ) { LOOP_CHECK_CHECK( "Endlos-Schleife in ParseRule()/selector *" ) // ',' ueberelesen nToken = GetNextToken(); // selector pSelector = ParseSelector(); if( !pSelector ) return; // Selektor verarbeiten if( SelectorParsed( pSelector, sal_False ) ) delete pSelector; } // '{' if( CSS1_OBRACE != nToken ) return; nToken = GetNextToken(); // declaration OUString aProperty; CSS1Expression *pExpr = ParseDeclaration( aProperty ); if( !pExpr ) return; // expression verarbeiten if( DeclarationParsed( aProperty, pExpr ) ) delete pExpr; LOOP_CHECK_RESTART // [ ';' declaration ]* while( CSS1_SEMICOLON==nToken && IsParserWorking() ) { LOOP_CHECK_CHECK( "Endlos-Schleife in ParseRule()/declaration *" ) // ';' nToken = GetNextToken(); // declaration if( CSS1_IDENT == nToken ) { CSS1Expression *pExp = ParseDeclaration( aProperty ); if( pExp ) { // expression verarbeiten if( DeclarationParsed( aProperty, pExp ) ) delete pExp; } } } // '}' if( CSS1_CBRACE == nToken ) nToken = GetNextToken(); } // selector // : simple_selector+ [ ':' pseudo_element ]? // // simple_selector // : element_name [ DOT_WO_WS class ]? // | DOT_W_WS class // | id_selector // // element_name // : IDENT // // class // : IDENT // // id_selector // : '#' IDENT // // pseude_element // : IDENT // CSS1Selector *CSS1Parser::ParseSelector() { CSS1Selector *pRoot = 0, *pLast = 0; sal_Bool bDone = sal_False; CSS1Selector *pNew = 0; LOOP_CHECK_DECL // simple_selector+ while( !bDone && IsParserWorking() ) { LOOP_CHECK_CHECK( "Endlos-Schleife in ParseSelector()" ) sal_Bool bNextToken = sal_True; switch( nToken ) { case CSS1_IDENT: { // element_name [ DOT_WO_WS class ]? // element_name OUString aElement = aToken; CSS1SelectorType eType = CSS1_SELTYPE_ELEMENT; nToken = GetNextToken(); if( CSS1_DOT_WO_WS == nToken ) { // DOT_WO_WS nToken = GetNextToken(); // class if( CSS1_IDENT == nToken ) { aElement += "." + aToken; eType = CSS1_SELTYPE_ELEM_CLASS; } else { // class fehlt return pRoot; } } else { // das war jetzt ein Look-Ahead bNextToken = sal_False; } pNew = new CSS1Selector( eType, aElement ); } break; case CSS1_DOT_W_WS: // DOT_W_WS class // DOT_W_WS nToken = GetNextToken(); if( CSS1_IDENT==nToken ) { // class pNew = new CSS1Selector( CSS1_SELTYPE_CLASS, aToken ); } else { // class fehlt return pRoot; } break; case CSS1_HASH: // '#' id_selector // '#' nToken = GetNextToken(); if( CSS1_IDENT==nToken ) { // id_selector pNew = new CSS1Selector( CSS1_SELTYPE_ID, aToken ); } else { // id_selector fehlt return pRoot; } break; // /Feature: PrintExt case CSS1_PAGE_SYM: { // @page pNew = new CSS1Selector( CSS1_SELTYPE_PAGE, aToken ); } break; // /Feature: PrintExt default: // wir wissen nicht was kommt, also aufhoehren bDone = sal_True; break; } // falls ein Selektor angelegt wurd, ihn speichern if( pNew ) { OSL_ENSURE( (pRoot!=0) == (pLast!=0), "Root-Selektor, aber kein Last" ); if( pLast ) pLast->SetNext( pNew ); else pRoot = pNew; pLast = pNew; pNew = 0; } if( bNextToken && !bDone ) nToken = GetNextToken(); } if( !pRoot ) { // simple_selector fehlt return pRoot; } // [ ':' pseudo_element ]? if( CSS1_COLON==nToken && IsParserWorking() ) { // ':' pseudo element nToken = GetNextToken(); if( CSS1_IDENT==nToken ) { pLast->SetNext( new CSS1Selector(CSS1_SELTYPE_PSEUDO,aToken) ); nToken = GetNextToken(); } else { // pseudo_element fehlt return pRoot; } } return pRoot; } // declaration // : property ':' expr prio? // | /* empty */ // // expression // : term [ operator term ]* // // term // : unary_operator? // [ NUMBER | STRING | PERCENTAGE | LENGTH | EMS | EXS | IDENT | // HEXCOLOR | URL | RGB ] // // operator // : '/' | ',' | /* empty */ // // unary_operator // : '-' | '+' // // property // : ident // // das Vorzeichen wird nur fuer numerische Werte (ausser PERCENTAGE) // beruecksichtigt und wird auf nValue angewendet! CSS1Expression *CSS1Parser::ParseDeclaration( OUString& rProperty ) { CSS1Expression *pRoot = 0, *pLast = 0; // property if( CSS1_IDENT != nToken ) { // property fehlt return pRoot; } rProperty = aToken; nToken = GetNextToken(); // ':' if( CSS1_COLON != nToken ) { // ':' fehlt return pRoot; } nToken = GetNextToken(); // term [operator term]* // hier sind wir sehr lax, was die Syntax angeht, sollte aber kein // Problem sein sal_Bool bDone = sal_False; sal_Unicode cSign = 0, cOp = 0; CSS1Expression *pNew = 0; LOOP_CHECK_DECL while( !bDone && IsParserWorking() ) { LOOP_CHECK_CHECK( "Endlos-Schleife in ParseDeclaration()" ) switch( nToken ) { case CSS1_MINUS: cSign = '-'; break; case CSS1_PLUS: cSign = '+'; break; case CSS1_NUMBER: case CSS1_LENGTH: case CSS1_PIXLENGTH: case CSS1_EMS: case CSS1_EMX: if( '-'==cSign ) nValue = -nValue; case CSS1_STRING: case CSS1_PERCENTAGE: case CSS1_IDENT: case CSS1_URL: case CSS1_RGB: case CSS1_HEXCOLOR: pNew = new CSS1Expression( nToken, aToken, nValue, cOp ); nValue = 0; // sonst landet das auch im naechsten Ident cSign = 0; cOp = 0; break; case CSS1_SLASH: cOp = '/'; cSign = 0; break; case CSS1_COMMA: cOp = ','; cSign = 0; break; default: bDone = sal_True; break; } // falls ein Expression angelegt wurde, diesen speichern if( pNew ) { OSL_ENSURE( (pRoot!=0) == (pLast!=0), "Root-Selektor, aber kein Last" ); if( pLast ) pLast->SetNext( pNew ); else pRoot = pNew; pLast = pNew; pNew = 0; } if( !bDone ) nToken = GetNextToken(); } if( !pRoot ) { // term fehlt return pRoot; } // prio? if( CSS1_IMPORTANT_SYM==nToken ) { // IMPORTANT_SYM nToken = GetNextToken(); } return pRoot; } CSS1Parser::CSS1Parser() : nValue(0) , eState(CSS1_PAR_ACCEPTED) , nToken(CSS1_NULL) { } CSS1Parser::~CSS1Parser() { } sal_Bool CSS1Parser::ParseStyleSheet( const OUString& rIn ) { OUString aTmp( rIn ); sal_Unicode c; while( !aTmp.isEmpty() && ( ' '==(c=aTmp[0]) || '\t'==c || '\r'==c || '\n'==c ) ) aTmp = aTmp.copy( 1, aTmp.getLength() - 1 ); while( !aTmp.isEmpty() && ( ' '==(c=aTmp[aTmp.getLength()-1]) || '\t'==c || '\r'==c || '\n'==c ) ) aTmp = aTmp.copy( 0, aTmp.getLength()-1 ); // SGML-Kommentare entfernen if( aTmp.getLength() >= 4 && aTmp.startsWith( "") ) aTmp = aTmp.copy( 0, aTmp.getLength() - 3 ); if( aTmp.isEmpty() ) return sal_True; InitRead( aTmp ); ParseStyleSheet(); return sal_True; } sal_Bool CSS1Parser::ParseStyleOption( const OUString& rIn ) { if( rIn.isEmpty() ) return sal_True; InitRead( rIn ); // fdo#41796: skip over spurious semicolons while (CSS1_SEMICOLON == nToken) { nToken = GetNextToken(); } OUString aProperty; CSS1Expression *pExpr = ParseDeclaration( aProperty ); if( !pExpr ) { return sal_False; } // expression verarbeiten if( DeclarationParsed( aProperty, pExpr ) ) delete pExpr; LOOP_CHECK_DECL // [ ';' declaration ]* while( CSS1_SEMICOLON==nToken && IsParserWorking() ) { LOOP_CHECK_CHECK( "Endlos-Schleife in ParseStyleOption()" ) nToken = GetNextToken(); if( CSS1_IDENT==nToken ) { CSS1Expression *pExp = ParseDeclaration( aProperty ); if( pExp ) { // expression verarbeiten if( DeclarationParsed( aProperty, pExp ) ) delete pExp; } } } return sal_True; } bool CSS1Parser::SelectorParsed( CSS1Selector* /* pSelector */, bool /*bFirst*/ ) { // Selektor loeschen return true; } sal_Bool CSS1Parser::DeclarationParsed( const OUString& /*rProperty*/, const CSS1Expression * /* pExpr */ ) { // Deklaration loeschen return sal_True; } CSS1Selector::~CSS1Selector() { delete pNext; } CSS1Expression::~CSS1Expression() { delete pNext; } sal_Bool CSS1Expression::GetURL( OUString& rURL ) const { OSL_ENSURE( CSS1_URL==eType, "CSS1-Ausruck ist keine Farbe URL" ); OSL_ENSURE( aValue.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( "url" ) && aValue.getLength() > 5 && '(' == aValue[3] && ')' == aValue[aValue.getLength()-1], "keine gueltiges URL(...)" ); sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if( aValue.getLength() > 5 ) { rURL = aValue.copy( 4, aValue.getLength() - 5 ); rURL = comphelper::string::strip(rURL, ' '); bRet = sal_True; } return bRet; } sal_Bool CSS1Expression::GetColor( Color &rColor ) const { OSL_ENSURE( CSS1_IDENT==eType || CSS1_RGB==eType || CSS1_HEXCOLOR==eType || CSS1_STRING==eType, "CSS1-Ausruck kann keine Farbe sein" ); sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; sal_uInt32 nColor = SAL_MAX_UINT32; switch( eType ) { case CSS1_RGB: { sal_uInt8 aColors[3] = { 0, 0, 0 }; OSL_ENSURE( aValue.startsWithIgnoreAsciiCase( "rgb" ) && aValue.getLength() > 5 && '(' == aValue[3] && ')' == aValue[aValue.getLength()-1], "keine gueltiges RGB(...)" ); OUString aColorStr( aValue.copy( 4, aValue.getLength()-1 ) ); sal_Int32 nPos = 0; sal_uInt16 nCol = 0; while( nCol < 3 && nPos < aColorStr.getLength() ) { sal_Unicode c; while( nPos < aColorStr.getLength() && ((c=aColorStr[nPos]) == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n' || c== '\r' ) ) nPos++; sal_Int32 nEnd = aColorStr.indexOf( ',', nPos ); OUString aNumber; if( nEnd == -1 ) { aNumber = aColorStr.copy(nPos); nPos = aColorStr.getLength(); } else { aNumber = aColorStr.copy( nPos, nEnd-nPos ); nPos = nEnd+1; } sal_uInt16 nNumber = (sal_uInt16)aNumber.toInt32(); if( aNumber.indexOf('%') >= 0 ) { if( nNumber > 100 ) nNumber = 100; nNumber *= 255; nNumber /= 100; } else if( nNumber > 255 ) nNumber = 255; aColors[nCol] = (sal_uInt8)nNumber; nCol ++; } rColor.SetRed( aColors[0] ); rColor.SetGreen( aColors[1] ); rColor.SetBlue( aColors[2] ); bRet = sal_True; // etwas anderes als eine Farbe kann es nicht sein } break; case CSS1_IDENT: case CSS1_STRING: { OUString aTmp( aValue.toAsciiUpperCase() ); nColor = GetHTMLColor( aTmp ); bRet = nColor != SAL_MAX_UINT32; } if( bRet || CSS1_STRING != eType || aValue.isEmpty() || aValue[0] != '#' ) break; case CSS1_HEXCOLOR: { // HACK fuer MS-IE: DIe Farbe kann auch in einem String stehen sal_Int32 nOffset = CSS1_STRING==eType ? 1 : 0; sal_Bool bDouble = aValue.getLength()-nOffset == 3; sal_Int32 i = nOffset, nEnd = (bDouble ? 3 : 6) + nOffset; nColor = 0; for( ; i= '0' && c <= '9' ) c -= 48; else if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'F' ) c -= 55; else if( c >= 'a' && c <= 'f' ) c -= 87; else c = 16; nColor *= 16; if( c<16 ) nColor += c; if( bDouble ) { nColor *= 16; if( c<16 ) nColor += c; } } bRet = sal_True; } break; default: ; } if( bRet && nColor!=SAL_MAX_UINT32 ) { rColor.SetRed( (sal_uInt8)((nColor & 0x00ff0000UL) >> 16) ); rColor.SetGreen( (sal_uInt8)((nColor & 0x0000ff00UL) >> 8) ); rColor.SetBlue( (sal_uInt8)(nColor & 0x000000ffUL) ); } return bRet; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */