/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: scrrect.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-19 00:08:29 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "core_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _VIEWIMP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VIEWSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VIEWOPT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_WINDOW_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SCRRECT_HXX #include // SwScrollRect, SwScrollRects #endif #ifndef _TOOLS_DEBUG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _CURSOR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_VIRDEV_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _TXTFRM_HXX #include #endif #include "crsrsh.hxx" #include "rootfrm.hxx" #include "pagefrm.hxx" #include "doc.hxx" DBG_NAME(RefreshTimer); //TODO: Why BRUSH_SIZE? #define SW_SV_BRUSH_SIZE 8 SV_IMPL_VARARR(SwStripeArr,SwStripe); SV_IMPL_OP_PTRARR_SORT(SwScrollStripes, SwStripesPtr); SV_IMPL_OP_PTRARR_SORT(SScrAreas, SwScrollAreaPtr); /***************************************************************************** |* |* ViewShell::AddScrollRect() |* |* Creation MA 07. Mar. 94 |* Last change AMA 20. July 00 |* |* Description |* ViewShell::AddScrollRect(..) passes a registration from a scrolling frame or |* rectangle to all ViewShells and SwViewImps respectively. |* ******************************************************************************/ void ViewShell::AddScrollRect( const SwFrm *pFrm, const SwRect &rRect, long nOfs ) { ASSERT( pFrm, "Where is my friend, the frame?" ); BOOL bScrollOn = TRUE; #ifdef NOSCROLL //Auch im Product per speziellem Compilat abschaltbar. bScrollOn = FALSE; #endif if( bScrollOn && Imp()->IsScroll() && nOfs <= SHRT_MAX && nOfs >= SHRT_MIN ) { ViewShell *pSh = this; do { pSh->Imp()->AddScrollRect( pFrm, rRect, nOfs ); pSh = (ViewShell*)pSh->GetNext(); } while ( pSh != this ); } else AddPaintRect( rRect ); } /****************************************************************************** |* |* ViewShell::Scroll() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 07. Mar. 94 |* Last change AMA 21. July 00 |* |* Description |* ViewShell::Scroll() scrolls all rectangles in the pScrollRects-list and |* transfers the critical lines by calling SwViewImp::MoveScrollArea(..). |* ******************************************************************************/ void ViewShell::Scroll() { SwScrollAreas *pScrollRects = Imp()->GetScrollRects(); if ( pScrollRects ) { bPaintWorks = FALSE; ASSERT( pScrollRects->Count(), "ScrollRects ohne ScrollRects." ); //Abgleichen der Region mit den Scroll-Bereichen!!! //Wenn eines der Scroll-Rechtecke ungueltig wird, so muss //der PaintMode wahrscheinlich auf PAINT_BACKGROUND umgeschaltet //werden. //Auf die Richtung kommt es an: //- Bei einem pos. Ofst muss von hinten nach vorn gescrollt werden. //- Bei einem neg. Ofst muss von vorn nach hinten gescrollt werden. const BOOL bPositive = (*pScrollRects)[0]->GetOffs() > 0; int i = bPositive ? pScrollRects->Count()-1 : 0; for ( ; bPositive ? i >= 0 : i < (int)pScrollRects->Count(); bPositive ? --i : ++i ) { const SwScrollArea &rScroll = *(*pScrollRects)[i]; if( rScroll.Count() ) { int j = bPositive ? rScroll.Count()-1 : 0; for ( ; bPositive ? j >= 0 : j < (int)rScroll.Count(); bPositive ? --j : ++j ) { const SwStripes& rStripes = *rScroll[j]; Rectangle aRectangle( rStripes.GetMin(), rStripes.GetY() - rScroll.GetOffs(), rStripes.GetRight(), rStripes.GetBottom() - rScroll.GetOffs() ); GetWin()->Scroll( 0, rScroll.GetOffs(), aRectangle, SCROLL_CHILDREN); SwRect aRect( aRectangle ); Imp()->ScrolledRect( aRect, rScroll.GetOffs() ); if ( bPositive ) aRect.Bottom( aRect.Top() + rScroll.GetOffs()-1 ); else aRect.Top( aRect.Bottom() + rScroll.GetOffs() ); Imp()->AddPaintRect( aRect ); } } } if ( !Imp()->IsScrolled() ) Imp()->SetScrolled(); Imp()->MoveScrollArea(); bPaintWorks = TRUE; } } /****************************************************************************** |* |* ViewShell::SetNoNextScroll() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 08. Mar. 94 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 08. Mar. 94 |* ******************************************************************************/ void ViewShell::SetNoNextScroll() { ViewShell *pSh = this; do { pSh->Imp()->ResetNextScroll(); pSh = (ViewShell*)pSh->GetNext(); } while ( pSh != this ); } /****************************************************************************** |* |* SwViewImp::AddScrollRect() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 07. Mar. 94 |* Last change AMA 21. July 00 |* |* Adds a scrollable rectangle and his critical lines to the list. |* ******************************************************************************/ void SwViewImp::AddScrollRect( const SwFrm *pFrm, const SwRect &rRect, long nOffs ) { ASSERT( nOffs != 0, "Scrollen ohne Ofst." ); SwRect aRect( rRect ); aRect.Pos().Y() -= nOffs; if( aRect.IsOver( pSh->VisArea() ) ) { ASSERT( pSh->GetWin(), "Scrolling without outputdevice" ); aRect._Intersection( pSh->VisArea() ); aRect.Pos().Y() += nOffs; SwStripes *pStripes = new SwStripes( aRect ); if( pFrm->IsTxtFrm() ) ((SwTxtFrm*)pFrm)->CriticalLines(*pSh->GetWin(), *pStripes, nOffs); else pStripes->Insert( SwStripe( aRect.Top(), aRect.Height() ), 0 ); if ( !pScrollRects ) pScrollRects = new SwScrollAreas; pScrollRects->InsertCol( SwScrollColumn(pFrm->Frm(),nOffs), pStripes ); } else AddPaintRect( rRect ); } /****************************************************************************** |* |* SwViewImp::MoveScrollArea() |* |* Creation AMA 10. July 00 |* Last change AMA 21. July 00 |* |* Transfers the areas after scrolling to the scrolled list, but only those |* parts with critical lines. |* ******************************************************************************/ void SwViewImp::MoveScrollArea() { if( !pScrolledArea ) pScrolledArea = new SwScrollAreas; for( long nIdx = 0; nIdx < pScrollRects->Count(); ++nIdx ) { SwScrollArea *pScr = (*pScrollRects)[ nIdx ]; if( pScr->Compress() ) delete pScr; else { USHORT nIdx; if( pScrolledArea->Seek_Entry( pScr, &nIdx ) ) pScrolledArea->GetObject(nIdx)->Add( pScr ); else pScrolledArea->Insert( pScr ); } } delete pScrollRects; pScrollRects = NULL; } /****************************************************************************** |* |* SwViewImp::FlushScrolledArea() |* |* Creation AMA 10. July 00 |* Last change AMA 21. July 00 |* |* Flushes the scrolled critical lines, that is transfer them to AddPaintRect() |* and remove them from the list. |* ******************************************************************************/ void SwViewImp::FlushScrolledArea() { long nCount = pScrolledArea->Count(); while( nCount ) { SwScrollArea* pScroll = (*pScrolledArea)[--nCount]; long nCnt = pScroll->Count(); while( nCnt ) { SwStripes* pStripes = (*pScroll)[--nCnt]; SwRect aRect( pStripes->GetMin(), 0, pStripes->GetWidth(), 0 ); for( long i = 0; i < pStripes->Count(); ++i ) { aRect.Top( (*pStripes)[i].GetY() ); aRect.Height( (*pStripes)[i].GetHeight() ); AddPaintRect( aRect ); } pScroll->Remove( nCnt ); delete pStripes; } pScrolledArea->Remove( nCount ); delete pScroll; } delete pScrolledArea; pScrolledArea = NULL; } /****************************************************************************** |* |* SwViewImp::_FlushScrolledArea(..) |* |* Creation AMA 10. July 00 |* Last change AMA 21. July 00 |* |* The critical lines, which overlaps with the given rectangle, will be united |* with the rectangle and removed from the list. |* ******************************************************************************/ BOOL SwViewImp::_FlushScrolledArea( SwRect& rRect ) { long nCount = pScrolledArea->Count(); BOOL bRet = FALSE; for( long i = pScrolledArea->Count(); i; ) { SwScrollArea* pScroll = (*pScrolledArea)[--i]; for( long j = pScroll->Count(); j; ) { SwStripes* pStripes = (*pScroll)[--j]; if( pStripes->Count() ) { SwRect aRect( pStripes->GetMin(), pStripes->GetY(), pStripes->GetWidth(), pStripes->GetHeight() ); if( rRect.IsOver( aRect ) ) { for( long nI = pStripes->Count(); nI; ) { aRect.Top( (*pStripes)[--nI].GetY() ); aRect.Height( (*pStripes)[nI].GetHeight() ); if( rRect.IsOver( aRect ) ) { rRect.Union( aRect ); bRet = TRUE; pStripes->Remove( nI ); nI = pStripes->Count(); } } } } if( !pStripes->Count() ) { pScroll->Remove( j ); delete pStripes; } } if( !pScroll->Count() ) { pScrolledArea->Remove( pScroll ); delete pScroll; } } if( !pScrolledArea->Count() ) { DELETEZ( pScrolledArea ); SetNextScroll(); } return bRet; } /****************************************************************************** |* |* SwViewImp::RefreshScrolledHdl(..) |* |* Creation MA 06. Oct. 94 |* Last change AMA 21. July 00 |* |* Every timerstop one of the critical lines will be painted. |* ******************************************************************************/ IMPL_LINK( SwViewImp, RefreshScrolledHdl, Timer *, EMPTYARG ) { DBG_PROFSTART( RefreshTimer ); if ( !IsScrolled() ) { DBG_PROFSTOP( RefreshTimer ); return 0; } SET_CURR_SHELL( GetShell() ); //Kein Refresh wenn eine Selektion besteht. if ( GetShell()->IsA( TYPE(SwCrsrShell) ) && (((SwCrsrShell*)GetShell())->HasSelection() || ((SwCrsrShell*)GetShell())->GetCrsrCnt() > 1)) { DBG_PROFSTOP( RefreshTimer ); return 0; } if( pScrolledArea ) { BOOL bFound = FALSE; const SwRect aRect( GetShell()->VisArea() ); BOOL bNoRefresh = GetShell()->IsA( TYPE(SwCrsrShell) ) && ( ((SwCrsrShell*)GetShell())->HasSelection() || ((SwCrsrShell*)GetShell())->GetCrsrCnt() > 1 ); if( pScrolledArea->Count() ) { SwScrollArea* pScroll = pScrolledArea->GetObject(0); ASSERT( pScroll->Count(), "Empty scrollarea" ); SwStripes* pStripes = pScroll->GetObject(0); ASSERT( pStripes->Count() > 1, "Empty scrollstripes" ); const SwStripe &rStripe = pStripes->GetObject(1); SwRect aTmpRect( pScroll->GetX(), rStripe.GetY(), pScroll->GetWidth(), rStripe.GetHeight() ); if( aTmpRect.IsOver( aRect ) ) { SwSaveHdl aSaveHdl( this ); if( !bNoRefresh ) _RefreshScrolledArea( aTmpRect ); } pStripes->Remove( 1 ); if( pStripes->Count() < 2 ) { pScroll->Remove( USHORT(0) ); delete pStripes; } if( !pScroll->Count() ) { pScrolledArea->Remove( pScroll ); delete pScroll; } } if( !pScrolledArea->Count() ) { delete pScrolledArea; pScrolledArea = 0; } } //All done? if( !pScrolledArea || !pScrolledArea->Count() ) { ResetScrolled(); SetNextScroll(); aScrollTimer.Stop(); } DBG_PROFSTOP( RefreshTimer ); return 0; } /****************************************************************************** |* |* SwViewImp::_ScrolledRect(..) |* |* Creation AMA 20. July 00 |* Last change AMA 21. July 00 |* |* handles the problem of scrolled criticals lines, when they are a part of |* a scrolling area again. In this case, their rectangle has to move to the |* right position. |* ******************************************************************************/ void SwViewImp::_ScrolledRect( const SwRect& rRect, long nOffs ) { for( long i = pScrolledArea->Count(); i; ) { SwScrollArea* pScroll = (*pScrolledArea)[--i]; ASSERT( pScroll->Count() == 1, "Missing scrollarea compression 1" ); SwStripes* pStripes = (*pScroll)[0]; if( pStripes->Count() ) { SwRect aRect( pStripes->GetMin(), pStripes->GetY(), pStripes->GetWidth(), pStripes->GetHeight() ); if( rRect.IsOver( aRect ) ) { BOOL bRecalc = FALSE; for( long nI = pStripes->Count(); nI; ) { aRect.Top( (*pStripes)[--nI].GetY() ); aRect.Height( (*pStripes)[nI].GetHeight() ); if( rRect.IsInside( aRect ) ) { (*pStripes)[nI].Y() += nOffs; bRecalc = TRUE; } } if( bRecalc ) pStripes->Recalc(); } } } } /****************************************************************************** |* |* SwViewImp::_RefreshScrolledArea() |* ******************************************************************************/ //Berechnen der Hoehe fuer das virtuelle Device, Breite und maximaler //Speicherbedarf sind vorgegeben. #define MAXKB 180L void lcl_CalcVirtHeight( OutputDevice *pOut, Size &rSz ) { char nBytes; const ULONG nColorCount = pOut->GetColorCount(); if( 256 >= nColorCount ) // 2^8 nBytes = 1; else if( USHRT_MAX >= nColorCount ) // 2^16 nBytes = 2; else if( 16777216 >= nColorCount ) // 2^24 nBytes = 3; else nBytes = 4; // 2^n rSz = pOut->LogicToPixel( rSz ); long nKB = MAXKB * 1000; nKB /= nBytes; rSz.Height() = nKB / rSz.Width(); rSz = pOut->PixelToLogic( rSz ); } void SwViewImp::_RefreshScrolledArea( const SwRect &rRect ) { SwRect aScRect( rRect ); aScRect.Intersection( GetShell()->VisArea() ); if( aScRect.IsEmpty() ) return; BOOL bShowCrsr = FALSE; Window *pWin = GetShell()->GetWin(); if ( pWin && pWin->GetCursor() && pWin->GetCursor()->IsVisible() ) { bShowCrsr = TRUE; pWin->GetCursor()->Hide(); } //Virtuelles Device erzeugen und einstellen. OutputDevice *pOld = GetShell()->GetOut(); VirtualDevice *pVout = new VirtualDevice( *pOld ); MapMode aMapMode( pOld->GetMapMode() ); pVout->SetMapMode( aMapMode ); Size aSize( aScRect.Width(), 0 ); lcl_CalcVirtHeight( pOld, aSize ); if ( aSize.Height() > aScRect.Height() ) aSize.Height() = aScRect.Height() + 50; //unten in der Schleife lassen wir die Rechtecke ein wenig ueberlappen, //das muss auch bei der Groesse beruecksichtigt werden. aSize = pOld->LogicToPixel( aSize ); aSize.Width() += SW_SV_BRUSH_SIZE + 4; aSize.Height() += SW_SV_BRUSH_SIZE + 4; aSize = pOld->PixelToLogic( aSize ); const SwRootFrm* pLayout = GetShell()->GetLayout(); if( pVout->SetOutputSize( aSize ) ) { pVout->SetLineColor( pOld->GetLineColor() ); pVout->SetFillColor( pOld->GetFillColor() ); //Virtuelles Device in die ViewShell 'selektieren' GetShell()->pOut = pVout; const SwFrm *pPg = GetFirstVisPage(); do { SwRect aRect( pPg->Frm() ); if ( aRect.IsOver( aScRect ) ) { aRect._Intersection( aScRect ); do { Rectangle aTmp( aRect.SVRect() ); long nTmp = aTmp.Top() + aSize.Height(); if ( aTmp.Bottom() > nTmp ) aTmp.Bottom() = nTmp; aTmp = pOld->LogicToPixel( aTmp ); aTmp.Top() -= 2; aTmp.Bottom() += 2; aTmp.Left() -= 2; aTmp.Right() += 2; aTmp.Left() -= aTmp.Left() % SW_SV_BRUSH_SIZE; aTmp.Top() -= aTmp.Top() % SW_SV_BRUSH_SIZE; aTmp = pOld->PixelToLogic( aTmp ); SwRect aTmp2( aTmp ); Point aOrigin( aTmp2.Pos() ); aOrigin.X() = -aOrigin.X(); aOrigin.Y() = -aOrigin.Y(); aMapMode.SetOrigin( aOrigin ); pVout->SetMapMode( aMapMode ); pLayout->Paint( aTmp2 ); pOld->DrawOutDev( aTmp2.Pos(), aTmp2.SSize(), aTmp2.Pos(), aTmp2.SSize(), *pVout ); aRect.Top( aRect.Top() + aSize.Height() ); aScRect.Top( aRect.Top() ); } while ( aRect.Height() > 0 ); } pPg = pPg->GetNext(); } while ( pPg && pPg->Frm().IsOver( GetShell()->VisArea() ) ); GetShell()->pOut = pOld; delete pVout; if( GetShell()->GetViewOptions()->IsControl() ) PaintLayer( GetShell()->GetDoc()->GetControlsId(), aScRect ); } else { delete pVout; pLayout->Paint( aScRect ); } if ( bShowCrsr ) pWin->GetCursor()->Show(); } /****************************************************************************** |* |* SwViewImp::RefreshScrolledArea() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 06. Oct. 94 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 19. Apr. 95 |* ******************************************************************************/ void SwViewImp::RefreshScrolledArea( SwRect &rRect ) { //1. Wird auch von der CrsrShell gerufen, um ggf. den Bereich, in den der //Crsr gesetzt wird (Absatz, ganze Zeile bei einer Tabelle) aufzufrischen. //Allerdings kann es dann natuerlich sein, dass das Rechteck ueberhaupt //nicht mit aufzufrischenden Bereichen ueberlappt. //2. Kein Refresh wenn eine Selektion besteht. if( (GetShell()->IsA( TYPE(SwCrsrShell) ) && (((SwCrsrShell*)GetShell())->HasSelection() || ((SwCrsrShell*)GetShell())->GetCrsrCnt() > 1))) { return; } if( pScrolledArea && pScrolledArea->Count() && !( ( GetShell()->IsA( TYPE(SwCrsrShell) ) && ( ((SwCrsrShell*)GetShell())->HasSelection() || ((SwCrsrShell*)GetShell())->GetCrsrCnt() > 1) ) ) ) { for( long i = pScrolledArea->Count(); i; ) { SwScrollArea* pScroll = (*pScrolledArea)[--i]; for( long j = pScroll->Count(); j; ) { SwStripes* pStripes = (*pScroll)[--j]; if( pStripes->Count() ) { SwRect aRect( pStripes->GetMin(), pStripes->GetY(), pStripes->GetWidth(), pStripes->GetHeight() ); if( rRect.IsOver( aRect ) ) { for( long nI = pStripes->Count(); nI; ) { aRect.Top( (*pStripes)[--nI].GetY() ); aRect.Height( (*pStripes)[nI].GetHeight() ); if( rRect.IsOver( aRect ) ) { pStripes->Remove( nI ); _RefreshScrolledArea( aRect ); } } } } if( !pStripes->Count() ) { pScroll->Remove( j ); delete pStripes; } } if( !pScroll->Count() ) { pScrolledArea->Remove( pScroll ); delete pScroll; } //Ist da jemand ungeduldig? //Nur Mouse und Keyboard, weil wir sonst von jeder billigen //Uhr unterbrochen werden. if( GetpApp()->AnyInput( INPUT_MOUSEANDKEYBOARD ) ) break; } } //All done? if( !pScrolledArea || !pScrolledArea->Count() ) { ResetScrolled(); SetNextScroll(); aScrollTimer.Stop(); } } SwStripes& SwStripes::operator+=( const SwStripes& rOther ) { if( !Count() ) { Insert( &rOther, 0 ); SetMin( rOther.GetMin() ); SetMax( rOther.GetMax() ); return *this; } long nCnt = rOther.Count(); if( nCnt ) { ChkMin( rOther.GetMin() ); ChkMax( rOther.GetMax() ); USHORT nStart = 0; for( long nIdx = 0; nIdx < nCnt; ++nIdx ) { const SwStripe& rAdd = rOther[ nIdx ]; long nBottom = rAdd.GetY() + rAdd.GetHeight(); USHORT nCount = Count(); USHORT nY = nStart; while( nY < nCount ) { SwStripe& rChk = GetObject( nY ); if( rChk.GetY() + rChk.GetHeight() > rAdd.GetY() ) break; else ++nY; } USHORT nB = nY; while( nB < nCount ) { const SwStripe& rChk = GetObject( nB ); if( rChk.GetY() >= nBottom ) break; else ++nB; } nStart = nY; if( nY == nB ) Insert( rAdd, nY ); else { long nChkBottom = rAdd.GetY() + rAdd.GetHeight();; const SwStripe& rChkB = GetObject( nB - 1 ); long nTmp = rChkB.GetY() + rChkB.GetHeight(); if( nTmp > nChkBottom ) nChkBottom = nTmp; SwStripe& rChk = GetObject( nY ); if( rAdd.GetY() < rChk.GetY() ) rChk.Y() = rAdd.GetY(); rChk.Height() = nChkBottom - rChk.GetY(); nChkBottom = nB - nY - 1; if( nChkBottom ) Remove( nY + 1, nChkBottom ); } } } return *this; } BOOL SwStripes::Recalc() { if( !Count() ) return TRUE; Y() = GetObject(0).GetY(); long nTmpMax = GetObject(0).GetY() + GetObject(0).Height(); for( long nIdx = 1; nIdx < Count(); ) { const SwStripe& rStr = GetObject(nIdx++); if( GetY() > rStr.GetY() ) Y() = rStr.GetY(); if( nTmpMax < rStr.GetY() + rStr.GetHeight() ) nTmpMax = rStr.GetY() + rStr.GetHeight(); } Height() = nTmpMax - GetY(); return FALSE; } BOOL SwScrollArea::Compress() { if( !Count() ) return TRUE; for( long nIdx = Count() - 1; nIdx > 0; --nIdx ) { *GetObject(0) += *GetObject(nIdx); delete GetObject( nIdx ); Remove( nIdx, 1 ); } ClrOffs(); return GetObject(0)->Recalc(); } void SwScrollArea::Add( SwScrollArea *pScroll ) { ASSERT( pScroll->Count() == 1, "Missing scrollarea compression 2" ); ASSERT( Count() == 1, "Missing scrollarea compression 3" ); *GetObject(0) += *pScroll->GetObject(0); GetObject(0)->Recalc(); delete pScroll->GetObject( 0 ); pScroll->Remove( (USHORT)0, 1 ); delete pScroll; } /****************************************************************************** |* |* SwScrollAreas::Insert(..) |* ******************************************************************************/ void SwScrollAreas::InsertCol( const SwScrollColumn &rCol, SwStripes *pStripes ) { SwScrollArea *pTmp = new SwScrollArea( rCol, pStripes ); USHORT nIdx; if( Seek_Entry( pTmp, &nIdx ) ) GetObject( nIdx )->SmartInsert( pStripes ); else Insert( pTmp ); } void SwScrollArea::SmartInsert( SwStripes* pStripes ) { ASSERT( pStripes, "Insert empty scrollstripe?" ); BOOL bNotInserted = TRUE; for( long nIdx = 0; nIdx < Count() && bNotInserted; ) { SwStripes* pTmp = GetObject( nIdx++ ); if( pTmp->GetY() + pTmp->GetHeight() == pStripes->GetY() ) { pTmp->Height() += pStripes->GetHeight(); pTmp->ChkMin( pStripes->GetMin() ); pTmp->ChkMax( pStripes->GetMax() ); if( pStripes->Count() ) pTmp->Insert( (SwStripeArr*)pStripes, pTmp->Count(), 0 ); bNotInserted = FALSE; } else if( pTmp->GetY() == pStripes->GetY() + pStripes->GetHeight() ) { pTmp->Height() += pStripes->GetHeight(); pTmp->Y() = pStripes->GetY(); pTmp->ChkMin( pStripes->GetMin() ); pTmp->ChkMax( pStripes->GetMax() ); if( pStripes->Count() ) pTmp->Insert( (SwStripeArr*)pStripes, 0, 0 ); bNotInserted = FALSE; } } if( !bNotInserted || !Insert( pStripes ) ) delete pStripes; } /************************************************************************ $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ Revision 1.10 2000/09/18 16:04:37 willem.vandorp OpenOffice header added. Revision 1.9 2000/09/05 08:07:52 ama Fix: Wrong insert position Revision 1.8 2000/09/04 13:58:17 ama Fix: some paint problems with negative indents Revision 1.7 2000/09/01 15:02:04 ama Opt.: Scrolling, paints and negative indents Revision 1.6 2000/08/17 11:26:05 ama Fix #77608#: Scrolling bugs Revision 1.5 2000/07/21 11:47:53 ama Opt: some comment may be helpful Revision 1.4 2000/07/20 15:09:13 ama Fix #77064#: Wrong paintarea Revision 1.3 2000/07/18 15:17:13 ama Fix: InsertCol instead insert Revision 1.2 2000/07/18 14:37:51 ama Fix: Scrolling of scrolled critical areas Revision 1.1 2000/07/17 10:32:09 ama Opt: Smarter scrolling for RVP *************************************************************************/