/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_sw.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "unoevent.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "ccoll.hxx" #include "unocore.hrc" #include #define STYLE_FAMILY_COUNT 5 // we have 5 style families #define TYPE_BOOL 0 #define TYPE_SIZE 1 #define TYPE_BRUSH 2 #define TYPE_ULSPACE 3 #define TYPE_SHADOW 4 #define TYPE_LRSPACE 5 #define TYPE_BOX 6 const unsigned short aStyleByIndex[] = { SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE , SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME , SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO }; // Already implemented autostyle families: 3 #define AUTOSTYLE_FAMILY_COUNT 3 const IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily aAutoStyleByIndex[] = { IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR, IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_RUBY, IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_PARA }; using namespace ::com::sun::star; using ::rtl::OUString; //convert FN_... to RES_ in header and footer itemset sal_uInt16 lcl_ConvertFNToRES(sal_uInt16 nFNId) { sal_uInt16 nRes = USHRT_MAX; switch(nFNId) { case FN_UNO_FOOTER_ON: case FN_UNO_HEADER_ON: break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BACKGROUND: case FN_UNO_HEADER_BACKGROUND: nRes = RES_BACKGROUND; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BOX: case FN_UNO_HEADER_BOX: nRes = RES_BOX; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_LR_SPACE: case FN_UNO_HEADER_LR_SPACE: nRes = RES_LR_SPACE; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_SHADOW: case FN_UNO_HEADER_SHADOW: nRes = RES_SHADOW; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BODY_DISTANCE: case FN_UNO_HEADER_BODY_DISTANCE: nRes = RES_UL_SPACE; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_IS_DYNAMIC_DISTANCE: case FN_UNO_HEADER_IS_DYNAMIC_DISTANCE: nRes = SID_ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_SHARE_CONTENT: case FN_UNO_HEADER_SHARE_CONTENT: nRes = SID_ATTR_PAGE_SHARED; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_HEIGHT: case FN_UNO_HEADER_HEIGHT: nRes = SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_EAT_SPACING: case FN_UNO_HEADER_EAT_SPACING: nRes = RES_HEADER_FOOTER_EAT_SPACING; break; } return nRes; } SwGetPoolIdFromName lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( SfxStyleFamily eFamily ) { switch ( eFamily ) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: return nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_CHRFMT; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: return nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_TXTCOLL; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME: return nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_FRMFMT; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: return nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_PAGEDESC; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: return nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_NUMRULE; default: DBG_ASSERT(sal_False, "someone asking for all styles in unostyle.cxx!" ); return nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_CHRFMT; } } class SwAutoStylesEnumImpl { std::vector mAutoStyles; std::vector::iterator aIter; SwDoc* pDoc; IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFamily; public: SwAutoStylesEnumImpl( SwDoc* pInitDoc, IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFam ); ::sal_Bool hasMoreElements() { return aIter != mAutoStyles.end(); } SfxItemSet_Pointer_t nextElement() { return *(aIter++); } IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily getFamily() const { return eFamily; } SwDoc* getDoc() const { return pDoc; } }; /****************************************************************** * SwXStyleFamilies ******************************************************************/ OUString SwXStyleFamilies::getImplementationName(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return C2U("SwXStyleFamilies"); } sal_Bool SwXStyleFamilies::supportsService(const OUString& rServiceName) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return C2U("com.sun.star.style.StyleFamilies") == rServiceName; } uno::Sequence< OUString > SwXStyleFamilies::getSupportedServiceNames(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { uno::Sequence< OUString > aRet(1); OUString* pArray = aRet.getArray(); pArray[0] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.StyleFamilies"); return aRet; } SwXStyleFamilies::SwXStyleFamilies(SwDocShell& rDocShell) : SwUnoCollection(rDocShell.GetDoc()), pDocShell(&rDocShell), pxCharStyles(0), pxParaStyles(0), pxFrameStyles(0), pxPageStyles(0), pxNumberingStyles(0) { } SwXStyleFamilies::~SwXStyleFamilies() { delete pxCharStyles; delete pxParaStyles; delete pxFrameStyles; delete pxPageStyles; delete pxNumberingStyles; } uno::Any SAL_CALL SwXStyleFamilies::getByName(const OUString& Name) throw( container::NoSuchElementException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; // der Index kommt aus const unsigned short aStyleByIndex[] = uno::Any aRet; if(!IsValid()) throw uno::RuntimeException(); if(Name.compareToAscii("CharacterStyles") == 0 ) aRet = getByIndex(0); else if(Name.compareToAscii("ParagraphStyles") == 0) aRet = getByIndex(1); else if(Name.compareToAscii("FrameStyles") == 0 ) aRet = getByIndex(3); else if(Name.compareToAscii("PageStyles") == 0 ) aRet = getByIndex(2); else if(Name.compareToAscii("NumberingStyles") == 0 ) aRet = getByIndex(4); else throw container::NoSuchElementException(); return aRet; } uno::Sequence< OUString > SwXStyleFamilies::getElementNames(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames(STYLE_FAMILY_COUNT); OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray(); pNames[0] = C2U("CharacterStyles"); pNames[1] = C2U("ParagraphStyles"); pNames[2] = C2U("FrameStyles"); pNames[3] = C2U("PageStyles"); pNames[4] = C2U("NumberingStyles"); return aNames; } sal_Bool SwXStyleFamilies::hasByName(const OUString& Name) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { if( Name.compareToAscii("CharacterStyles") == 0 || Name.compareToAscii("ParagraphStyles") == 0 || Name.compareToAscii("FrameStyles") == 0 || Name.compareToAscii("PageStyles") == 0 || Name.compareToAscii("NumberingStyles") == 0 ) return sal_True; else return sal_False; } sal_Int32 SwXStyleFamilies::getCount(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return STYLE_FAMILY_COUNT; } uno::Any SwXStyleFamilies::getByIndex(sal_Int32 nIndex) throw( lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Any aRet; if(nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= STYLE_FAMILY_COUNT) throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); if(IsValid()) { uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > aRef; sal_uInt16 nType = aStyleByIndex[nIndex]; switch( nType ) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: { if(!pxCharStyles) { ((SwXStyleFamilies*)this)->pxCharStyles = new uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > (); *pxCharStyles = new SwXStyleFamily(pDocShell, nType); } aRef = *pxCharStyles; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: { if(!pxParaStyles) { ((SwXStyleFamilies*)this)->pxParaStyles = new uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > (); *pxParaStyles = new SwXStyleFamily(pDocShell, nType); } aRef = *pxParaStyles; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE : { if(!pxPageStyles) { ((SwXStyleFamilies*)this)->pxPageStyles = new uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > (); *pxPageStyles = new SwXStyleFamily(pDocShell, nType); } aRef = *pxPageStyles; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME : { if(!pxFrameStyles) { ((SwXStyleFamilies*)this)->pxFrameStyles = new uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > (); *pxFrameStyles = new SwXStyleFamily(pDocShell, nType); } aRef = *pxFrameStyles; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: { if(!pxNumberingStyles) { ((SwXStyleFamilies*)this)->pxNumberingStyles = new uno::Reference< container::XNameContainer > (); *pxNumberingStyles = new SwXStyleFamily(pDocShell, nType); } aRef = *pxNumberingStyles; } break; } aRet.setValue(&aRef, ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference*)0)); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); return aRet; } uno::Type SwXStyleFamilies::getElementType(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference*)0); } sal_Bool SwXStyleFamilies::hasElements(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return sal_True; } void SwXStyleFamilies::loadStylesFromURL(const OUString& rURL, const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >& aOptions) throw( io::IOException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; sal_Bool bLoadStyleText = sal_True; sal_Bool bLoadStylePage = sal_True; sal_Bool bLoadStyleOverwrite = sal_True; sal_Bool bLoadStyleNumbering = sal_True; sal_Bool bLoadStyleFrame = sal_True; if(IsValid() && rURL.getLength()) { const uno::Any* pVal; int nCount = aOptions.getLength(); const beans::PropertyValue* pArray = aOptions.getConstArray(); for(int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) if( ( pVal = &pArray[i].Value)->getValueType() == ::getBooleanCppuType() ) { String sName = pArray[i].Name; sal_Bool bVal = *(sal_Bool*)pVal->getValue(); if( sName.EqualsAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_OVERWRITE_STYLES ))) bLoadStyleOverwrite = bVal; else if( sName.EqualsAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_LOAD_NUMBERING_STYLES ))) bLoadStyleNumbering = bVal; else if( sName.EqualsAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_LOAD_PAGE_STYLES ))) bLoadStylePage = bVal; else if( sName.EqualsAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_LOAD_FRAME_STYLES ))) bLoadStyleFrame = bVal; else if( sName.EqualsAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_LOAD_TEXT_STYLES ))) bLoadStyleText = bVal; } SwgReaderOption aOpt; aOpt.SetFrmFmts( bLoadStyleFrame ); aOpt.SetTxtFmts( bLoadStyleText ); aOpt.SetPageDescs( bLoadStylePage ); aOpt.SetNumRules( bLoadStyleNumbering ); aOpt.SetMerge( !bLoadStyleOverwrite ); sal_uLong nErr = pDocShell->LoadStylesFromFile( rURL, aOpt, sal_True ); if( nErr ) throw io::IOException(); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > SwXStyleFamilies::getStyleLoaderOptions(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aSeq(5); beans::PropertyValue* pArray = aSeq.getArray(); uno::Any aVal; sal_Bool bTemp = sal_True; aVal.setValue(&bTemp, ::getCppuBooleanType()); pArray[0] = beans::PropertyValue(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_LOAD_TEXT_STYLES)), -1, aVal, beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE); aVal.setValue(&bTemp, ::getCppuBooleanType()); pArray[1] = beans::PropertyValue(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_LOAD_FRAME_STYLES)), -1, aVal, beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE); aVal.setValue(&bTemp, ::getCppuBooleanType()); pArray[2] = beans::PropertyValue(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_LOAD_PAGE_STYLES)), -1, aVal, beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE); aVal.setValue(&bTemp, ::getCppuBooleanType()); pArray[3] = beans::PropertyValue(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_LOAD_NUMBERING_STYLES)), -1, aVal, beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE); aVal.setValue(&bTemp, ::getCppuBooleanType()); pArray[4] = beans::PropertyValue(rtl::OUString::createFromAscii(SW_PROP_NAME_STR(UNO_NAME_OVERWRITE_STYLES)), -1, aVal, beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE); return aSeq; } /****************************************************************** * SwXStyleFamily ******************************************************************/ OUString SwXStyleFamily::getImplementationName(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return C2U("SwXStyleFamily"); } sal_Bool SwXStyleFamily::supportsService(const OUString& rServiceName) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return C2U("com.sun.star.style.StyleFamily") == rServiceName; } uno::Sequence< OUString > SwXStyleFamily::getSupportedServiceNames(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { uno::Sequence< OUString > aRet(1); OUString* pArray = aRet.getArray(); pArray[0] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.StyleFamily"); return aRet; } SwXStyleFamily::SwXStyleFamily(SwDocShell* pDocSh, sal_uInt16 nFamily) : eFamily((SfxStyleFamily)nFamily), pBasePool(pDocSh->GetStyleSheetPool()), pDocShell(pDocSh) { StartListening(*pBasePool); } SwXStyleFamily::~SwXStyleFamily() { } sal_Int32 lcl_GetCountOrName ( const SwDoc &rDoc, SfxStyleFamily eFamily, String *pString, sal_uInt16 nIndex = USHRT_MAX ) { sal_Int32 nCount = 0; switch( eFamily ) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: { sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = RES_POOLCHR_HTML_END - RES_POOLCHR_HTML_BEGIN + RES_POOLCHR_NORMAL_END - RES_POOLCHR_NORMAL_BEGIN; nIndex = nIndex - nBaseCount; const sal_uInt16 nArrLen = rDoc.GetCharFmts()->Count(); for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nArrLen; i++ ) { SwCharFmt* pFmt = (*rDoc.GetCharFmts())[ i ]; if( pFmt->IsDefault() && pFmt != rDoc.GetDfltCharFmt() ) continue; if ( IsPoolUserFmt ( pFmt->GetPoolFmtId() ) ) { if ( nIndex == nCount ) { // the default character format needs to be set to "Default!" if(rDoc.GetDfltCharFmt() == pFmt) SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName( RES_POOLCOLL_STANDARD, *pString ); else *pString = pFmt->GetName(); break; } nCount++; } } nCount += nBaseCount; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: { sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_END - RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_DOC_END - RES_POOLCOLL_DOC_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_END - RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_END - RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_END - RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN; nIndex = nIndex - nBaseCount; const sal_uInt16 nArrLen = rDoc.GetTxtFmtColls()->Count(); for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nArrLen; i++ ) { SwTxtFmtColl * pColl = (*rDoc.GetTxtFmtColls())[i]; if ( pColl->IsDefault() ) continue; if ( IsPoolUserFmt ( pColl->GetPoolFmtId() ) ) { if ( nIndex == nCount ) { *pString = pColl->GetName(); break; } nCount++; } } nCount += nBaseCount; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME: { sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = RES_POOLFRM_END - RES_POOLFRM_BEGIN; nIndex = nIndex - nBaseCount; const sal_uInt16 nArrLen = rDoc.GetFrmFmts()->Count(); for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nArrLen; i++ ) { SwFrmFmt* pFmt = (*rDoc.GetFrmFmts())[ i ]; if(pFmt->IsDefault() || pFmt->IsAuto()) continue; if ( IsPoolUserFmt ( pFmt->GetPoolFmtId() ) ) { if ( nIndex == nCount ) { *pString = pFmt->GetName(); break; } nCount++; } } nCount += nBaseCount; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: { sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = RES_POOLPAGE_END - RES_POOLPAGE_BEGIN; nIndex = nIndex - nBaseCount; const sal_uInt16 nArrLen = rDoc.GetPageDescCnt(); for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nArrLen; ++i) { const SwPageDesc& rDesc = rDoc.GetPageDesc(i); if ( IsPoolUserFmt ( rDesc.GetPoolFmtId() ) ) { if ( nIndex == nCount ) { *pString = rDesc.GetName(); break; } nCount++; } } nCount += nBaseCount; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: { sal_uInt16 nBaseCount = RES_POOLNUMRULE_END - RES_POOLNUMRULE_BEGIN; nIndex = nIndex - nBaseCount; const SwNumRuleTbl& rNumTbl = rDoc.GetNumRuleTbl(); for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < rNumTbl.Count(); ++i) { const SwNumRule& rRule = *rNumTbl[ i ]; if( rRule.IsAutoRule() ) continue; if ( IsPoolUserFmt ( rRule.GetPoolFmtId() ) ) { if ( nIndex == nCount ) { *pString = rRule.GetName(); break; } nCount++; } } nCount += nBaseCount; } break; default: ; } return nCount; } sal_Int32 SwXStyleFamily::getCount(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; return lcl_GetCountOrName ( *pDocShell->GetDoc(), eFamily, NULL ); } uno::Any SwXStyleFamily::getByIndex(sal_Int32 nTempIndex) throw( lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Any aRet; if ( nTempIndex >= 0 && nTempIndex < USHRT_MAX ) { sal_uInt16 nIndex = static_cast < sal_uInt16 > ( nTempIndex ); if(pBasePool) { String sStyleName; switch( eFamily ) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: { if ( nIndex < ( RES_POOLCHR_NORMAL_END - RES_POOLCHR_NORMAL_BEGIN ) ) SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName ( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(RES_POOLCHR_NORMAL_BEGIN + nIndex), sStyleName ); else if ( nIndex < ( RES_POOLCHR_HTML_END - RES_POOLCHR_HTML_BEGIN + RES_POOLCHR_NORMAL_END - RES_POOLCHR_NORMAL_BEGIN ) ) SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName ( RES_POOLCHR_HTML_BEGIN - RES_POOLCHR_NORMAL_END + RES_POOLCHR_NORMAL_BEGIN + nIndex, sStyleName ); } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: { if ( nIndex < ( RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN ) ) SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName ( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN + nIndex), sStyleName ); else if ( nIndex < ( RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_END - RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN ) ) SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName ( RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END + RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN + nIndex, sStyleName ); else if ( nIndex < ( RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_END - RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_END - RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN ) ) SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName ( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_END + RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END + RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN + nIndex), sStyleName ); else if ( nIndex < ( RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_END - RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_END - RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_END - RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN ) ) SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName ( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_END + RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_END + RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END + RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN + nIndex), sStyleName ); else if ( nIndex < ( RES_POOLCOLL_DOC_END - RES_POOLCOLL_DOC_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_END - RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_END - RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_END - RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN ) ) SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName ( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(RES_POOLCOLL_DOC_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_END + RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_END + RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_END + RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END + RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN + nIndex), sStyleName ); else if ( nIndex < ( RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_END - RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_DOC_END - RES_POOLCOLL_DOC_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_END - RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_END - RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_END - RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN + RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN ) ) SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName ( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(RES_POOLCOLL_HTML_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_DOC_END + RES_POOLCOLL_DOC_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_END + RES_POOLCOLL_REGISTER_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_END + RES_POOLCOLL_EXTRA_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_END + RES_POOLCOLL_LISTS_BEGIN - RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_END + RES_POOLCOLL_TEXT_BEGIN + nIndex), sStyleName ); } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME: { if ( nIndex < ( RES_POOLFRM_END - RES_POOLFRM_BEGIN ) ) { SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName ( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(RES_POOLFRM_BEGIN + nIndex), sStyleName ); } } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: { if ( nIndex < ( RES_POOLPAGE_END - RES_POOLPAGE_BEGIN ) ) { SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName ( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(RES_POOLPAGE_BEGIN + nIndex), sStyleName ); } } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: { if ( nIndex < ( RES_POOLNUMRULE_END - RES_POOLNUMRULE_BEGIN ) ) { SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName ( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(RES_POOLNUMRULE_BEGIN + nIndex), sStyleName ); } } break; default: ; } if ( !sStyleName.Len() ) lcl_GetCountOrName ( *pDocShell->GetDoc(), eFamily, &sStyleName, nIndex ); if ( sStyleName.Len() ) { SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find( sStyleName, eFamily ); if(pBase) { uno::Reference< style::XStyle > xStyle = _FindStyle(sStyleName); if(!xStyle.is()) { xStyle = eFamily == SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE ? new SwXPageStyle(*pBasePool, pDocShell, eFamily, sStyleName) : eFamily == SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME ? new SwXFrameStyle(*pBasePool, pDocShell->GetDoc(), pBase->GetName()): new SwXStyle(*pBasePool, eFamily, pDocShell->GetDoc(), sStyleName); } aRet.setValue(&xStyle, ::getCppuType((uno::Reference*)0)); } else throw container::NoSuchElementException(); } else throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } else throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); return aRet; } uno::Any SwXStyleFamily::getByName(const OUString& rName) throw( container::NoSuchElementException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Any aRet; String sStyleName; SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName(rName, sStyleName, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True ); if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); if(pBase) { uno::Reference< style::XStyle > xStyle = _FindStyle(sStyleName); if(!xStyle.is()) { xStyle = eFamily == SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE ? new SwXPageStyle(*pBasePool, pDocShell, eFamily, sStyleName) : eFamily == SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME ? new SwXFrameStyle(*pBasePool, pDocShell->GetDoc(), pBase->GetName()): new SwXStyle(*pBasePool, eFamily, pDocShell->GetDoc(), sStyleName); } aRet.setValue(&xStyle, ::getCppuType((uno::Reference*)0)); } else throw container::NoSuchElementException(); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); return aRet; } uno::Sequence< OUString > SwXStyleFamily::getElementNames(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Sequence< OUString > aRet; if(pBasePool) { SfxStyleSheetIterator* pIterator = pBasePool->CreateIterator(eFamily, 0xffff); sal_uInt16 nCount = pIterator->Count(); aRet.realloc(nCount); OUString* pArray = aRet.getArray(); String aString; for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { SwStyleNameMapper::FillProgName((*pIterator)[i]->GetName(), aString, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True ); pArray[i] = OUString ( aString ); } delete pIterator; } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); return aRet; } sal_Bool SwXStyleFamily::hasByName(const OUString& rName) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if(pBasePool) { String sStyleName; SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName(rName, sStyleName, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True ); pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); bRet = 0 != pBase; } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); return bRet; } uno::Type SwXStyleFamily::getElementType(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference*)0); } sal_Bool SwXStyleFamily::hasElements(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { if(!pBasePool) throw uno::RuntimeException(); return sal_True; } void SwXStyleFamily::insertByName(const OUString& rName, const uno::Any& rElement) throw( lang::IllegalArgumentException, container::ElementExistException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; if(pBasePool) { String sStyleName; SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName(rName, sStyleName, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True); pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); SfxStyleSheetBase* pUINameBase = pBasePool->Find( sStyleName ); if(pBase || pUINameBase) throw container::ElementExistException(); else { if(rElement.getValueType().getTypeClass() == uno::TypeClass_INTERFACE) { uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > * pxRef = (uno::Reference< uno::XInterface > *)rElement.getValue(); uno::Reference xStyleTunnel( *pxRef, uno::UNO_QUERY); SwXStyle* pNewStyle = 0; if(xStyleTunnel.is()) { pNewStyle = reinterpret_cast< SwXStyle * >( sal::static_int_cast< sal_IntPtr >( xStyleTunnel->getSomething( SwXStyle::getUnoTunnelId()) )); } if(!pNewStyle || !pNewStyle->IsDescriptor() || pNewStyle->GetFamily() != eFamily) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); if(pNewStyle) { sal_uInt16 nMask = 0xffff; if(eFamily == SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA && !pNewStyle->IsConditional()) nMask &= ~SWSTYLEBIT_CONDCOLL; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 SfxStyleSheetBase& rNewBase = #endif pBasePool->Make(sStyleName, eFamily, nMask); pNewStyle->SetDoc(pDocShell->GetDoc(), pBasePool); pNewStyle->SetStyleName(sStyleName); String sParentStyleName(pNewStyle->GetParentStyleName()); if(sParentStyleName.Len()) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); SfxStyleSheetBase* pParentBase = pBasePool->Find(sParentStyleName); if(pParentBase && pParentBase->GetFamily() == eFamily && &pParentBase->GetPool() == pBasePool) pBasePool->SetParent( eFamily, sStyleName, sParentStyleName ); } #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 (void)rNewBase; #endif //so, jetzt sollten noch die Properties des Descriptors angewandt werden pNewStyle->ApplyDescriptorProperties(); } else throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } else throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } void SwXStyleFamily::replaceByName(const OUString& rName, const uno::Any& rElement) throw( lang::IllegalArgumentException, container::NoSuchElementException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(rName); //Ersetzung geht nur fuer benutzerdefinierte Styles if(!pBase) throw container::NoSuchElementException(); if(!pBase->IsUserDefined()) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); //if theres an object available to this style then it must be invalidated uno::Reference< style::XStyle > xStyle = _FindStyle(pBase->GetName()); if(xStyle.is()) { uno::Reference xTunnel( xStyle, uno::UNO_QUERY); if(xTunnel.is()) { SwXStyle* pStyle = reinterpret_cast< SwXStyle * >( sal::static_int_cast< sal_IntPtr >( xTunnel->getSomething( SwXStyle::getUnoTunnelId()) )); pStyle->Invalidate(); } } pBasePool->Remove(pBase); insertByName(rName, rElement); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } void SwXStyleFamily::removeByName(const OUString& rName) throw( container::NoSuchElementException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); String aString; SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName(rName, aString, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True ); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find( aString ); if(pBase) pBasePool->Remove(pBase); else throw container::NoSuchElementException(); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > SAL_CALL SwXStyleFamily::getPropertySetInfo( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { OSL_FAIL( "###unexpected!" ); return uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo >(); } void SAL_CALL SwXStyleFamily::setPropertyValue( const ::rtl::OUString&, const uno::Any& ) throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { OSL_FAIL( "###unexpected!" ); } uno::Any SAL_CALL SwXStyleFamily::getPropertyValue( const ::rtl::OUString& sPropertyName ) throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Any aRet; if ( sPropertyName.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("DisplayName") ) ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; sal_uInt32 nResId = 0; switch ( eFamily ) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: nResId = STR_STYLE_FAMILY_CHARACTER; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: nResId = STR_STYLE_FAMILY_PARAGRAPH; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME: nResId = STR_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: nResId = STR_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: nResId = STR_STYLE_FAMILY_NUMBERING; break; default: OSL_FAIL( "SwXStyleFamily::getPropertyValue(): invalid family" ); } if ( nResId > 0 ) { OUString sDisplayName( String( SW_RES( nResId ) ) ); aRet = uno::makeAny( sDisplayName ); } } else { throw beans::UnknownPropertyException( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("unknown property: ") ) + sPropertyName, static_cast(this) ); } return aRet; } void SAL_CALL SwXStyleFamily::addPropertyChangeListener( const ::rtl::OUString&, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& ) throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { OSL_FAIL( "###unexpected!" ); } void SAL_CALL SwXStyleFamily::removePropertyChangeListener( const ::rtl::OUString&, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& ) throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { OSL_FAIL( "###unexpected!" ); } void SAL_CALL SwXStyleFamily::addVetoableChangeListener( const ::rtl::OUString&, const uno::Reference< beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& ) throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { OSL_FAIL( "###unexpected!" ); } void SAL_CALL SwXStyleFamily::removeVetoableChangeListener( const ::rtl::OUString&, const uno::Reference< beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& ) throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { OSL_FAIL( "###unexpected!" ); } void SwXStyleFamily::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) { SfxSimpleHint *pHint = PTR_CAST( SfxSimpleHint, &rHint ); if( pHint && ( pHint->GetId() & SFX_HINT_DYING ) ) { pBasePool = 0; pDocShell = 0; EndListening(rBC); } } SwXStyle* SwXStyleFamily::_FindStyle(const String& rStyleName)const { sal_uInt16 nLCount = pBasePool->GetListenerCount(); SfxListener* pListener = 0; for( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nLCount; i++) { pListener = pBasePool->GetListener( i ); SwXStyle* pTempStyle = dynamic_cast( pListener ); if(pTempStyle && pTempStyle->GetFamily() == eFamily && pTempStyle->GetStyleName() == rStyleName) { return pTempStyle; } } return 0; } class SwStyleProperties_Impl { const PropertyEntryVector_t aPropertyEntries; uno::Any** pAnyArr; sal_uInt32 nArrLen; public: SwStyleProperties_Impl(const SfxItemPropertyMap* _pMap); ~SwStyleProperties_Impl(); sal_Bool SetProperty(const ::rtl::OUString& rName, uno::Any aVal); sal_Bool GetProperty(const ::rtl::OUString& rName, uno::Any*& rpAny); sal_Bool ClearProperty( const ::rtl::OUString& rPropertyName ); void ClearAllProperties( ); void GetProperty(const ::rtl::OUString &rPropertyName, const uno::Reference < beans::XPropertySet > &rxPropertySet, uno::Any& rAny ); const PropertyEntryVector_t& GetPropertyVector() const {return aPropertyEntries; } }; SwStyleProperties_Impl::SwStyleProperties_Impl(const SfxItemPropertyMap* pMap) : aPropertyEntries( pMap->getPropertyEntries() ), nArrLen(0) { nArrLen = aPropertyEntries.size(); pAnyArr = new uno::Any* [nArrLen]; for ( sal_uInt32 i =0 ; i < nArrLen; i++ ) pAnyArr[i] = 0; } SwStyleProperties_Impl::~SwStyleProperties_Impl() { for ( sal_uInt16 i =0 ; i < nArrLen; i++ ) delete pAnyArr[i]; delete[] pAnyArr; } sal_Bool SwStyleProperties_Impl::SetProperty(const ::rtl::OUString& rName, uno::Any aVal) { sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; PropertyEntryVector_t::const_iterator aIt = aPropertyEntries.begin(); while( aIt != aPropertyEntries.end() ) { if(rName == aIt->sName) { delete pAnyArr[nPos]; pAnyArr[nPos] = new uno::Any ( aVal ); bRet = sal_True; break; } ++nPos; ++aIt; } return bRet; } sal_Bool SwStyleProperties_Impl::ClearProperty( const OUString& rName ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; PropertyEntryVector_t::const_iterator aIt = aPropertyEntries.begin(); while( aIt != aPropertyEntries.end() ) { if( rName == aIt->sName ) { delete pAnyArr[nPos]; pAnyArr[ nPos ] = 0; bRet = sal_True; break; } ++nPos; ++aIt; } return bRet; } void SwStyleProperties_Impl::ClearAllProperties( ) { for ( sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nArrLen; i++ ) { delete pAnyArr[i]; pAnyArr[ i ] = 0; } } sal_Bool SwStyleProperties_Impl::GetProperty(const ::rtl::OUString& rName, uno::Any*& rpAny ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nPos = 0; PropertyEntryVector_t::const_iterator aIt = aPropertyEntries.begin(); while( aIt != aPropertyEntries.end() ) { if( rName == aIt->sName ) { rpAny = pAnyArr[nPos]; bRet = sal_True; break; } ++nPos; ++aIt; } return bRet; } void SwStyleProperties_Impl::GetProperty( const OUString &rPropertyName, const uno::Reference < beans::XPropertySet > &rxPropertySet, uno::Any & rAny ) { rAny = rxPropertySet->getPropertyValue( rPropertyName ); } const uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > & SwXStyle::getUnoTunnelId() { static uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq = ::CreateUnoTunnelId(); return aSeq; } sal_Int64 SAL_CALL SwXStyle::getSomething( const uno::Sequence< sal_Int8 >& rId ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { if( rId.getLength() == 16 && 0 == rtl_compareMemory( getUnoTunnelId().getConstArray(), rId.getConstArray(), 16 ) ) { return sal::static_int_cast< sal_Int64 >( reinterpret_cast< sal_IntPtr >(this) ); } return 0; } TYPEINIT1(SwXStyle, SfxListener); OUString SwXStyle::getImplementationName(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return C2U("SwXStyle"); } sal_Bool SwXStyle::supportsService(const OUString& rServiceName) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { sal_Bool bRet = C2U("com.sun.star.style.Style") == rServiceName; if(!bRet && SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR == eFamily) bRet = !rServiceName.compareToAscii("com.sun.star.style.CharacterStyle")|| !rServiceName.compareToAscii("com.sun.star.style.CharacterProperties")|| !rServiceName.compareToAscii("com.sun.star.style.CharacterPropertiesAsian")|| !rServiceName.compareToAscii("com.sun.star.style.CharacterPropertiesComplex"); if(!bRet && SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA == eFamily) bRet = (C2U("com.sun.star.style.ParagraphStyle") == rServiceName)|| (C2U("com.sun.star.style.ParagraphProperties") == rServiceName) || (C2U("com.sun.star.style.ParagraphPropertiesAsian") == rServiceName) || (C2U("com.sun.star.style.ParagraphPropertiesComplex") == rServiceName); if(!bRet && SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE == eFamily) bRet = (C2U("com.sun.star.style.PageStyle") == rServiceName)|| (C2U("com.sun.star.style.PageProperties") == rServiceName); return bRet; } uno::Sequence< OUString > SwXStyle::getSupportedServiceNames(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { long nCount = 1; if(SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA == eFamily) { nCount = 5; if(bIsConditional) nCount++; } else if(SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR == eFamily) nCount = 5; else if(SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE == eFamily) nCount = 3; uno::Sequence< OUString > aRet(nCount); OUString* pArray = aRet.getArray(); pArray[0] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.Style"); switch(eFamily) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: pArray[1] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.CharacterStyle"); pArray[2] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.CharacterProperties"); pArray[3] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.CharacterPropertiesAsian"); pArray[4] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.CharacterPropertiesComplex"); break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: pArray[1] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.PageStyle"); pArray[2] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.PageProperties"); break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: pArray[1] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.ParagraphStyle"); pArray[2] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.ParagraphProperties"); pArray[3] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.ParagraphPropertiesAsian"); pArray[4] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.ParagraphPropertiesComplex"); if(bIsConditional) pArray[5] = C2U("com.sun.star.style.ConditionalParagraphStyle"); break; default: ; } return aRet; } SwXStyle::SwXStyle( SwDoc *pDoc, SfxStyleFamily eFam, sal_Bool bConditional) : m_pDoc( pDoc ), pBasePool(0), eFamily(eFam), bIsDescriptor(sal_True), bIsConditional(bConditional) { // Register ourselves as a listener to the document (via the page descriptor) pDoc->GetPageDescFromPool(RES_POOLPAGE_STANDARD)->Add(this); // get the property set for the default style data // First get the model uno::Reference < frame::XModel > xModel = pDoc->GetDocShell()->GetBaseModel(); // Ask the model for it's family supplier interface uno::Reference < style::XStyleFamiliesSupplier > xFamilySupplier ( xModel, uno::UNO_QUERY ); // Get the style families uno::Reference < container::XNameAccess > xFamilies = xFamilySupplier->getStyleFamilies(); uno::Any aAny; sal_uInt16 nMapId = PROPERTY_MAP_NUM_STYLE; switch( eFamily ) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: { nMapId = PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_STYLE; aAny = xFamilies->getByName ( OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "CharacterStyles" ) ) ); // Get the Frame family (and keep it for later) aAny >>= mxStyleFamily; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: { nMapId = bIsConditional ? PROPERTY_MAP_CONDITIONAL_PARA_STYLE : PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_STYLE; aAny = xFamilies->getByName ( OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "ParagraphStyles" ) ) ); // Get the Frame family (and keep it for later) aAny >>= mxStyleFamily; aAny = mxStyleFamily->getByName ( OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Standard" ) ) ); aAny >>= mxStyleData; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: { nMapId = PROPERTY_MAP_PAGE_STYLE; aAny = xFamilies->getByName ( OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "PageStyles" ) ) ); // Get the Frame family (and keep it for later) aAny >>= mxStyleFamily; aAny = mxStyleFamily->getByName ( OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Standard" ) ) ); aAny >>= mxStyleData; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME : { nMapId = PROPERTY_MAP_FRAME_STYLE; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: { nMapId = PROPERTY_MAP_NUM_STYLE; } break; default: ; } pPropImpl = new SwStyleProperties_Impl(aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nMapId)->getPropertyMap()); } SwXStyle::SwXStyle(SfxStyleSheetBasePool& rPool, SfxStyleFamily eFam, SwDoc* pDoc, const String& rStyleName) : m_pDoc(pDoc), sStyleName(rStyleName), pBasePool(&rPool), eFamily(eFam), bIsDescriptor(sal_False), bIsConditional(sal_False), pPropImpl(0) { StartListening(rPool); if(eFam == SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); DBG_ASSERT(pBase, "where is the style?" ); if(pBase) { const sal_uInt16 nId = SwStyleNameMapper::GetPoolIdFromUIName(sStyleName, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_TXTCOLL); if(nId != USHRT_MAX) bIsConditional = ::IsConditionalByPoolId( nId ); else bIsConditional = RES_CONDTXTFMTCOLL == ((SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase)->GetCollection()->Which(); } } } SwXStyle::~SwXStyle() { if(pBasePool) EndListening(*pBasePool); delete pPropImpl; } void SwXStyle::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNew) { ClientModify(this, pOld, pNew); if(!GetRegisteredIn()) { m_pDoc = 0; mxStyleData.clear(); mxStyleFamily.clear(); } } OUString SwXStyle::getName(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; String aString; if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); DBG_ASSERT(pBase, "where is the style?" ); if(!pBase) throw uno::RuntimeException(); SwStyleNameMapper::FillProgName(pBase->GetName(), aString, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True); } else aString = sStyleName; return OUString (aString); } void SwXStyle::setName(const OUString& rName) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); DBG_ASSERT(pBase, "where is the style?" ); sal_Bool bExcept = sal_True; if(pBase && pBase->IsUserDefined()) { rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > xTmp( new SwDocStyleSheet( *(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase ) ); bExcept = !xTmp->SetName(rName); if(!bExcept) sStyleName = String(rName); } if(bExcept) throw uno::RuntimeException(); } else sStyleName = String(rName); } sal_Bool SwXStyle::isUserDefined(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); //if it is not found it must be non user defined if(pBase) bRet = pBase->IsUserDefined(); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); return bRet; } sal_Bool SwXStyle::isInUse(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_USED); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); if(pBase) bRet = pBase->IsUsed(); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); return bRet; } OUString SwXStyle::getParentStyle(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; String aString; if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); if(pBase) aString = pBase->GetParent(); } else if(bIsDescriptor) aString = sParentStyleName; else throw uno::RuntimeException(); SwStyleNameMapper::FillProgName(aString, aString, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True ); return OUString ( aString ); } void SwXStyle::setParentStyle(const OUString& rParentStyle) throw( container::NoSuchElementException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; String sParentStyle; SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName(rParentStyle, sParentStyle, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True ); if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily); sal_Bool bExcept = sal_False; SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); if(pBase) { rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > xBase( new SwDocStyleSheet(*(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase) ); //make it a 'real' style - necessary for pooled styles xBase->GetItemSet(); if(xBase->GetParent() != sParentStyle) { bExcept = !xBase->SetParent(sParentStyle); } } else bExcept = sal_True; if(bExcept) throw uno::RuntimeException(); } else if(bIsDescriptor) { sParentStyleName = String(sParentStyle); try { uno::Any aAny = mxStyleFamily->getByName ( sParentStyle ); aAny >>= mxStyleData; } catch ( container::NoSuchElementException& ) { } catch ( lang::WrappedTargetException& ) { } catch ( uno::RuntimeException& ) { } } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > lcl_getPropertySetInfo( SfxStyleFamily eFamily, sal_Bool bIsConditional ) { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xRet; switch( eFamily ) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: { static uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xCharRef; if(!xCharRef.is()) { xCharRef = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_STYLE)->getPropertySetInfo(); } xRet = xCharRef; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: { static uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xParaRef; if(!xParaRef.is()) { sal_uInt16 nMapId = bIsConditional ? PROPERTY_MAP_CONDITIONAL_PARA_STYLE : PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_STYLE; xParaRef = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nMapId)->getPropertySetInfo(); } xRet = xParaRef; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE : { static uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xPageRef; if(!xPageRef.is()) { xPageRef = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(PROPERTY_MAP_PAGE_STYLE)->getPropertySetInfo(); } xRet = xPageRef; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME : { static uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xFrameRef; if(!xFrameRef.is()) { xFrameRef = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(PROPERTY_MAP_FRAME_STYLE)->getPropertySetInfo(); } xRet = xFrameRef; } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: { static uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xNumRef; if(!xNumRef.is()) { xNumRef = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(PROPERTY_MAP_NUM_STYLE)->getPropertySetInfo(); } xRet = xNumRef; } break; default: ; } return xRet; } uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > SwXStyle::getPropertySetInfo(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return lcl_getPropertySetInfo( eFamily, bIsConditional ); } void SwXStyle::ApplyDescriptorProperties() { bIsDescriptor = sal_False; mxStyleData.clear(); mxStyleFamily.clear(); const PropertyEntryVector_t& rPropertyVector = pPropImpl->GetPropertyVector(); PropertyEntryVector_t::const_iterator aIt = rPropertyVector.begin(); while(aIt != rPropertyVector.end()) { uno::Any* pAny; pPropImpl->GetProperty(aIt->sName, pAny); if(pAny) setPropertyValue(aIt->sName, *pAny); ++aIt; } } struct SwStyleBase_Impl { SwDoc& rDoc; const SwPageDesc* pOldPageDesc; rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > mxNewBase; SfxItemSet* pItemSet; const String& rStyleName; sal_uInt16 nPDescPos; SwStyleBase_Impl(SwDoc& rSwDoc, const String& rName) : rDoc(rSwDoc), pOldPageDesc(0), pItemSet(0), rStyleName(rName), nPDescPos(0xffff) {} ~SwStyleBase_Impl(){ delete pItemSet; } sal_Bool HasItemSet() {return mxNewBase.is();} SfxItemSet& GetItemSet() { DBG_ASSERT(mxNewBase.is(), "no SwDocStyleSheet available"); if(!pItemSet) pItemSet = new SfxItemSet(mxNewBase->GetItemSet()); return *pItemSet; } const SwPageDesc& GetOldPageDesc(); }; const SwPageDesc& SwStyleBase_Impl::GetOldPageDesc() { if(!pOldPageDesc) { sal_uInt16 i; sal_uInt16 nPDescCount = rDoc.GetPageDescCnt(); for(i = 0; i < nPDescCount; i++) { const SwPageDesc& rDesc = const_cast(rDoc).GetPageDesc( i ); if(rDesc.GetName() == rStyleName) { pOldPageDesc = & rDesc; nPDescPos = i; break; } } if(!pOldPageDesc) { for(i = RC_POOLPAGEDESC_BEGIN; i <= STR_POOLPAGE_LANDSCAPE; ++i) { const String aFmtName(SW_RES(i)); if(aFmtName == rStyleName) { pOldPageDesc = rDoc.GetPageDescFromPool( static_cast< sal_uInt16 >(RES_POOLPAGE_BEGIN + i - RC_POOLPAGEDESC_BEGIN) ); break; } } for(i = 0; i < nPDescCount + 1; i++) { const SwPageDesc& rDesc = const_cast(rDoc).GetPageDesc( i ); if(rDesc.GetName() == rStyleName) { nPDescPos = i; break; } } } } return *pOldPageDesc; } void lcl_SetStyleProperty(const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry& rEntry, const SfxItemPropertySet& rPropSet, const uno::Any& rValue, SwStyleBase_Impl& rBase, SfxStyleSheetBasePool* pBasePool, SwDoc* pDoc, SfxStyleFamily eFamily) throw(beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { switch(rEntry.nWID) { case RES_PAPER_BIN: { SfxPrinter *pPrinter = pDoc->getPrinter( true ); OUString sTmp; sal_uInt16 nBin = USHRT_MAX; if ( !( rValue >>= sTmp ) ) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); if ( sTmp.equalsAsciiL ( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM ( "[From printer settings]" ) ) ) nBin = USHRT_MAX-1; else if ( pPrinter ) { for (sal_uInt16 i=0, nEnd = pPrinter->GetPaperBinCount(); i < nEnd; i++ ) { if (sTmp == OUString ( pPrinter->GetPaperBinName ( i ) ) ) { nBin = i; break; } } } if ( nBin == USHRT_MAX ) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); else { SfxItemSet& rStyleSet = rBase.GetItemSet(); SfxItemSet aSet(*rStyleSet.GetPool(), rEntry.nWID, rEntry.nWID); aSet.SetParent(&rStyleSet); rPropSet.setPropertyValue(rEntry, uno::makeAny ( static_cast < sal_Int8 > ( nBin == USHRT_MAX-1 ? -1 : nBin ) ), aSet); rStyleSet.Put(aSet); } } break; case FN_UNO_NUM_RULES: //Sonderbehandlung fuer das SvxNumRuleItem: { if(rValue.getValueType() == ::getCppuType((uno::Reference< container::XIndexReplace>*)0) ) { uno::Reference< container::XIndexReplace > * pxRulesRef = (uno::Reference< container::XIndexReplace > *)rValue.getValue(); uno::Reference xNumberTunnel( *pxRulesRef, uno::UNO_QUERY); SwXNumberingRules* pSwXRules = 0; if(xNumberTunnel.is()) { pSwXRules = reinterpret_cast< SwXNumberingRules * >( sal::static_int_cast< sal_IntPtr >(xNumberTunnel->getSomething( SwXNumberingRules::getUnoTunnelId()) )); } if(pSwXRules) { const String* pCharStyleNames = pSwXRules->GetNewCharStyleNames(); const String* pBulletFontNames = pSwXRules->GetBulletFontNames(); SwNumRule aSetRule(*pSwXRules->GetNumRule()); const SwCharFmts* pFmts = pDoc->GetCharFmts(); sal_uInt16 nChCount = pFmts->Count(); for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < MAXLEVEL; i++) { const SwNumFmt* pFmt = aSetRule.GetNumFmt( i ); if(pFmt) { SwNumFmt aFmt(*pFmt); if( pCharStyleNames[i] != SwXNumberingRules::GetInvalidStyle() && ((pCharStyleNames[i].Len() && !pFmt->GetCharFmt()) || (pCharStyleNames[i].Len() && pFmt->GetCharFmt()->GetName() != pCharStyleNames[i]) )) { SwCharFmt* pCharFmt = 0; if(pCharStyleNames[i].Len()) { for(sal_uInt16 j = 0; j< nChCount; j++) { SwCharFmt* pTmp = (*pFmts)[j]; if(pTmp->GetName() == pCharStyleNames[i]) { pCharFmt = pTmp; break; } } if(!pCharFmt) { SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase; pBase = ((SfxStyleSheetBasePool*)pBasePool)->Find(pCharStyleNames[i], SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR); if(!pBase) pBase = &pBasePool->Make(pCharStyleNames[i], SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR); pCharFmt = ((SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase)->GetCharFmt(); } aFmt.SetCharFmt( pCharFmt ); } } //jetzt nochmal fuer Fonts if(pBulletFontNames[i] != SwXNumberingRules::GetInvalidStyle() && ((pBulletFontNames[i].Len() && !pFmt->GetBulletFont()) || (pBulletFontNames[i].Len() && pFmt->GetBulletFont()->GetName() != pBulletFontNames[i]) )) { const SvxFontListItem* pFontListItem = (const SvxFontListItem* )pDoc->GetDocShell() ->GetItem( SID_ATTR_CHAR_FONTLIST ); const FontList* pList = pFontListItem->GetFontList(); FontInfo aInfo = pList->Get( pBulletFontNames[i],WEIGHT_NORMAL, ITALIC_NONE); Font aFont(aInfo); aFmt.SetBulletFont(&aFont); } aSetRule.Set( i, &aFmt ); } } rBase.mxNewBase->SetNumRule(aSetRule); } } else throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } break; case RES_PARATR_OUTLINELEVEL: { sal_Int16 nLevel = 0; rValue >>= nLevel; if( 0 <= nLevel && nLevel <= MAXLEVEL) rBase.mxNewBase->GetCollection()->SetAttrOutlineLevel( nLevel ); } break; case FN_UNO_FOLLOW_STYLE: { OUString sTmp; rValue >>= sTmp; String aString; SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName(sTmp, aString, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True ) ; rBase.mxNewBase->SetFollow( aString ); } break; case RES_PAGEDESC : if( MID_PAGEDESC_PAGEDESCNAME != rEntry.nMemberId) goto put_itemset; { // Sonderbehandlung RES_PAGEDESC if(rValue.getValueType() != ::getCppuType((const OUString*)0)) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); SfxItemSet& rStyleSet = rBase.GetItemSet(); SwFmtPageDesc* pNewDesc = 0; const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rStyleSet.GetItemState( RES_PAGEDESC, sal_True, &pItem ) ) { pNewDesc = new SwFmtPageDesc(*((SwFmtPageDesc*)pItem)); } if(!pNewDesc) pNewDesc = new SwFmtPageDesc(); OUString uDescName; rValue >>= uDescName; String sDescName; SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName(uDescName, sDescName, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_PAGEDESC, sal_True ); if(!pNewDesc->GetPageDesc() || pNewDesc->GetPageDesc()->GetName() != sDescName) { sal_Bool bPut = sal_False; if(sDescName.Len()) { SwPageDesc* pPageDesc = ::GetPageDescByName_Impl(*pDoc, sDescName); if(pPageDesc) { pNewDesc->RegisterToPageDesc( *pPageDesc ); bPut = sal_True; } else { throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } } if(!bPut) { rStyleSet.ClearItem(RES_BREAK); rStyleSet.Put(SwFmtPageDesc()); } else rStyleSet.Put(*pNewDesc); } delete pNewDesc; } break; case FN_UNO_IS_AUTO_UPDATE: { sal_Bool bAuto = *(sal_Bool*)rValue.getValue(); if(SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA == eFamily) rBase.mxNewBase->GetCollection()->SetAutoUpdateFmt(bAuto); else if(SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME == eFamily) rBase.mxNewBase->GetFrmFmt()->SetAutoUpdateFmt(bAuto); } break; case FN_UNO_PARA_STYLE_CONDITIONS: { uno::Sequence< beans::NamedValue > aSeq; if (!(rValue >>= aSeq)) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); DBG_ASSERT(COND_COMMAND_COUNT == 28, "invalid size of comman count?"); const beans::NamedValue *pSeq = aSeq.getConstArray(); sal_Int32 nLen = aSeq.getLength(); sal_Bool bFailed = sal_False; SwCondCollItem aCondItem; for(sal_uInt16 i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { OUString aTmp; if ((pSeq[i].Value >>= aTmp)) { // get UI style name from programmatic style name String aStyleName; SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName( aTmp, aStyleName, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True ); // // check for correct context and style name // sal_Int16 nIdx = GetCommandContextIndex( pSeq[i].Name ); pBasePool->SetSearchMask( SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); sal_Bool bStyleFound = sal_False; const SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->First(); while (pBase && !bStyleFound) { if(pBase->GetName() == aStyleName) bStyleFound = sal_True; pBase = pBasePool->Next(); } if (nIdx == -1 || !bStyleFound) { bFailed = sal_True; break; } aCondItem.SetStyle( &aStyleName, nIdx); } else bFailed = sal_True; } if (bFailed) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); rBase.GetItemSet().Put( aCondItem ); } break; case FN_UNO_CATEGORY: { if(!rBase.mxNewBase->IsUserDefined()) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); short nSet = 0; rValue >>= nSet; sal_uInt16 nId; switch( nSet ) { case style::ParagraphStyleCategory::TEXT: nId = SWSTYLEBIT_TEXT; break; case style::ParagraphStyleCategory::CHAPTER: nId = SWSTYLEBIT_CHAPTER; break; case style::ParagraphStyleCategory::LIST: nId = SWSTYLEBIT_LIST; break; case style::ParagraphStyleCategory::INDEX: nId = SWSTYLEBIT_IDX; break; case style::ParagraphStyleCategory::EXTRA: nId = SWSTYLEBIT_EXTRA; break; case style::ParagraphStyleCategory::HTML: nId = SWSTYLEBIT_HTML; break; default: throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } rBase.mxNewBase->SetMask( nId|SFXSTYLEBIT_USERDEF ); } break; case SID_SWREGISTER_COLLECTION: { OUString sName; rValue >>= sName; SwRegisterItem aReg( sName.getLength() != 0); aReg.SetWhich(SID_SWREGISTER_MODE); rBase.GetItemSet().Put(aReg); String aString; SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName(sName, aString, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_TXTCOLL, sal_True); rBase.GetItemSet().Put(SfxStringItem(SID_SWREGISTER_COLLECTION, aString ) ); } break; case RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY: if(MID_RUBY_CHARSTYLE == rEntry.nMemberId ) { OUString sTmp; if(rValue >>= sTmp) { SfxItemSet& rStyleSet = rBase.GetItemSet(); SwFmtRuby* pRuby = 0; const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rStyleSet.GetItemState( RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY, sal_True, &pItem ) ) pRuby = new SwFmtRuby(*((SwFmtRuby*)pItem)); if(!pRuby) pRuby = new SwFmtRuby(aEmptyStr); String sStyle; SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName(sTmp, sStyle, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_CHRFMT, sal_True ); pRuby->SetCharFmtName( sTmp ); pRuby->SetCharFmtId( 0 ); if(sTmp.getLength()) { sal_uInt16 nId = SwStyleNameMapper::GetPoolIdFromUIName( sTmp, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_CHRFMT ); pRuby->SetCharFmtId(nId); } rStyleSet.Put(*pRuby); delete pRuby; } else throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } goto put_itemset; case RES_PARATR_DROP: { if( MID_DROPCAP_CHAR_STYLE_NAME == rEntry.nMemberId) { if(rValue.getValueType() == ::getCppuType((const OUString*)0)) { SfxItemSet& rStyleSet = rBase.GetItemSet(); SwFmtDrop* pDrop = 0; const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rStyleSet.GetItemState( RES_PARATR_DROP, sal_True, &pItem ) ) pDrop = new SwFmtDrop(*((SwFmtDrop*)pItem)); if(!pDrop) pDrop = new SwFmtDrop(); OUString uStyle; rValue >>= uStyle; String sStyle; SwStyleNameMapper::FillUIName(uStyle, sStyle, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_CHRFMT, sal_True ); SwDocStyleSheet* pStyle = (SwDocStyleSheet*)pDoc->GetDocShell()->GetStyleSheetPool()->Find(sStyle, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR); if(pStyle) pDrop->SetCharFmt(pStyle->GetCharFmt()); else throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); rStyleSet.Put(*pDrop); delete pDrop; } else throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); break; } } //no break! default: put_itemset: { SfxItemSet& rStyleSet = rBase.GetItemSet(); SfxItemSet aSet(*rStyleSet.GetPool(), rEntry.nWID, rEntry.nWID); aSet.SetParent(&rStyleSet); rPropSet.setPropertyValue(rEntry, rValue, aSet); rStyleSet.Put(aSet); // #i70223# if ( SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA == eFamily && rEntry.nWID == RES_PARATR_NUMRULE && rBase.mxNewBase.is() && rBase.mxNewBase->GetCollection() && rBase.mxNewBase->GetCollection()->IsAssignedToListLevelOfOutlineStyle() ) { OUString sNewNumberingRuleName; rValue >>= sNewNumberingRuleName; String sTmp( sNewNumberingRuleName ); if ( sNewNumberingRuleName.getLength() == 0 || sTmp != pDoc->GetOutlineNumRule()->GetName() ) { rBase.mxNewBase->GetCollection()->DeleteAssignmentToListLevelOfOutlineStyle(); } } } } } void SAL_CALL SwXStyle::SetPropertyValues_Impl( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& rPropertyNames, const uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& rValues ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { if ( !m_pDoc ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); sal_Int8 nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_STYLE; switch(eFamily) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA : nPropSetId = bIsConditional ? PROPERTY_MAP_CONDITIONAL_PARA_STYLE : PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_STYLE; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_FRAME_STYLE ;break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_PAGE_STYLE ;break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_NUM_STYLE ;break; default: ; } const SfxItemPropertySet* pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nPropSetId); const SfxItemPropertyMap *pMap = pPropSet->getPropertyMap(); if(rPropertyNames.getLength() != rValues.getLength()) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); const OUString* pNames = rPropertyNames.getConstArray(); const uno::Any* pValues = rValues.getConstArray(); SwStyleBase_Impl aBaseImpl(*m_pDoc, sStyleName); if(pBasePool) { sal_uInt16 nSaveMask = pBasePool->GetSearchMask(); pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, nSaveMask ); DBG_ASSERT(pBase, "where is the style?" ); if(pBase) aBaseImpl.mxNewBase = new SwDocStyleSheet(*(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase); else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } for(sal_Int16 nProp = 0; nProp < rPropertyNames.getLength(); nProp++) { const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = pMap->getByName( pNames[nProp]); if(!pEntry || (!bIsConditional && pNames[nProp].equalsAsciiL(SW_PROP_NAME(UNO_NAME_PARA_STYLE_CONDITIONS)))) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Unknown property: " ) ) + pNames[nProp], static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); if ( pEntry->nFlags & beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY) throw beans::PropertyVetoException ( OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Property is read-only: " ) ) + pNames[nProp], static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); if(aBaseImpl.mxNewBase.is()) { lcl_SetStyleProperty(*pEntry, *pPropSet, pValues[nProp], aBaseImpl, pBasePool, m_pDoc, eFamily); } else if(bIsDescriptor) { if(!pPropImpl->SetProperty(pNames[nProp], pValues[nProp])) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } if(aBaseImpl.HasItemSet()) aBaseImpl.mxNewBase->SetItemSet(aBaseImpl.GetItemSet()); } void SwXStyle::setPropertyValues( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& rPropertyNames, const uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& rValues ) throw(beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; // workaround for bad designed API try { SetPropertyValues_Impl( rPropertyNames, rValues ); } catch (beans::UnknownPropertyException &rException) { // wrap the original (here not allowed) exception in // a lang::WrappedTargetException that gets thrown instead. lang::WrappedTargetException aWExc; aWExc.TargetException <<= rException; throw aWExc; } } uno::Any lcl_GetStyleProperty(const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry& rEntry, const SfxItemPropertySet& rPropSet, SwStyleBase_Impl& rBase, SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase, SfxStyleFamily eFamily, SwDoc *pDoc) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Any aRet; if(FN_UNO_IS_PHYSICAL == rEntry.nWID) { sal_Bool bPhys = pBase != 0; if(pBase) { bPhys = ((SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase)->IsPhysical(); // The standard character format is not existing physically if( bPhys && SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR == eFamily && ((SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase)->GetCharFmt() && ((SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase)->GetCharFmt()->IsDefault() ) bPhys = sal_False; } aRet.setValue(&bPhys, ::getBooleanCppuType()); } else if(pBase) { if(!rBase.mxNewBase.is()) rBase.mxNewBase = new SwDocStyleSheet( *(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase ); switch(rEntry.nWID) { case RES_PAPER_BIN: { SfxItemSet& rSet = rBase.GetItemSet(); rPropSet.getPropertyValue(rEntry, rSet, aRet); sal_Int8 nBin = 0; aRet >>= nBin; if ( nBin == -1 ) aRet <<= OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "[From printer settings]" ) ); else { SfxPrinter *pPrinter = pDoc->getPrinter( false ); OUString sTmp; if (pPrinter ) sTmp = pPrinter->GetPaperBinName ( nBin ); aRet <<= sTmp; } } break; case FN_UNO_NUM_RULES: //Sonderbehandlung fuer das SvxNumRuleItem: { const SwNumRule* pRule = rBase.mxNewBase->GetNumRule(); DBG_ASSERT(pRule, "Wo ist die NumRule?"); uno::Reference< container::XIndexReplace > xRules = new SwXNumberingRules(*pRule); aRet.setValue(&xRules, ::getCppuType((uno::Reference*)0)); } break; case RES_PARATR_OUTLINELEVEL: { DBG_ASSERT( SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA == eFamily, "only paras" ); int nLevel = rBase.mxNewBase->GetCollection()->GetAttrOutlineLevel(); aRet <<= static_cast( nLevel ); } break; case FN_UNO_FOLLOW_STYLE: { String aString; SwStyleNameMapper::FillProgName(rBase.mxNewBase->GetFollow(), aString, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True); aRet <<= OUString( aString ); } break; case RES_PAGEDESC : if( MID_PAGEDESC_PAGEDESCNAME != rEntry.nMemberId) goto query_itemset; { // Sonderbehandlung RES_PAGEDESC const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rBase.GetItemSet().GetItemState( RES_PAGEDESC, sal_True, &pItem ) ) { const SwPageDesc* pDesc = ((const SwFmtPageDesc*)pItem)->GetPageDesc(); if(pDesc) { String aString; SwStyleNameMapper::FillProgName(pDesc->GetName(), aString, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_PAGEDESC, sal_True ); aRet <<= OUString( aString ); } } } break; case FN_UNO_IS_AUTO_UPDATE: { sal_Bool bAuto = sal_False; if(SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA == eFamily) bAuto = rBase.mxNewBase->GetCollection()->IsAutoUpdateFmt(); else if(SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME == eFamily) bAuto = rBase.mxNewBase->GetFrmFmt()->IsAutoUpdateFmt(); aRet.setValue(&bAuto, ::getBooleanCppuType()); } break; case FN_UNO_DISPLAY_NAME: { OUString sName(rBase.mxNewBase->GetDisplayName()); aRet <<= sName; } break; case FN_UNO_PARA_STYLE_CONDITIONS: { DBG_ASSERT(COND_COMMAND_COUNT == 28, "invalid size of comman count?"); uno::Sequence< beans::NamedValue > aSeq(COND_COMMAND_COUNT); beans::NamedValue *pSeq = aSeq.getArray(); SwFmt *pFmt = ((SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase)->GetCollection(); const CommandStruct *pCmds = SwCondCollItem::GetCmds(); for (sal_uInt16 n = 0; n < COND_COMMAND_COUNT; ++n) { String aStyleName; const SwCollCondition* pCond = 0; if( pFmt && RES_CONDTXTFMTCOLL == pFmt->Which() && 0 != ( pCond = ((SwConditionTxtFmtColl*)pFmt)-> HasCondition( SwCollCondition( 0, pCmds[n].nCnd, pCmds[n].nSubCond ) ) ) && pCond->GetTxtFmtColl() ) { // get programmatic style name from UI style name aStyleName = pCond->GetTxtFmtColl()->GetName(); SwStyleNameMapper::FillProgName(aStyleName, aStyleName, lcl_GetSwEnumFromSfxEnum ( eFamily ), sal_True); } pSeq[n].Name = GetCommandContextByIndex(n); pSeq[n].Value <<= rtl::OUString( aStyleName ); } aRet <<= aSeq; } break; case FN_UNO_CATEGORY: { sal_uInt16 nPoolId = rBase.mxNewBase->GetCollection()->GetPoolFmtId(); short nRet = -1; switch ( COLL_GET_RANGE_BITS & nPoolId ) { case COLL_TEXT_BITS: nRet = style::ParagraphStyleCategory::TEXT; break; case COLL_DOC_BITS: nRet = style::ParagraphStyleCategory::CHAPTER; break; case COLL_LISTS_BITS: nRet = style::ParagraphStyleCategory::LIST; break; case COLL_REGISTER_BITS: nRet = style::ParagraphStyleCategory::INDEX; break; case COLL_EXTRA_BITS: nRet = style::ParagraphStyleCategory::EXTRA; break; case COLL_HTML_BITS: nRet = style::ParagraphStyleCategory::HTML; break; } aRet <<= nRet; } break; case SID_SWREGISTER_COLLECTION: { const SwPageDesc *pPageDesc = rBase.mxNewBase->GetPageDesc(); const SwTxtFmtColl* pCol = 0; String aString; if( pPageDesc ) pCol = pPageDesc->GetRegisterFmtColl(); if( pCol ) SwStyleNameMapper::FillProgName( pCol->GetName(), aString, nsSwGetPoolIdFromName::GET_POOLID_TXTCOLL, sal_True ); aRet <<= OUString ( aString ); } break; default: query_itemset: { SfxItemSet& rSet = rBase.GetItemSet(); rPropSet.getPropertyValue(rEntry, rSet, aRet); } } } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); return aRet; } uno::Sequence< uno::Any > SAL_CALL SwXStyle::GetPropertyValues_Impl( const uno::Sequence< OUString > & rPropertyNames ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { if ( !m_pDoc ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); sal_Int8 nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_STYLE; switch(eFamily) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA : nPropSetId = bIsConditional ? PROPERTY_MAP_CONDITIONAL_PARA_STYLE : PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_STYLE; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_FRAME_STYLE ;break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_PAGE_STYLE ;break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_NUM_STYLE ;break; default: ; } const SfxItemPropertySet* pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nPropSetId); const SfxItemPropertyMap *pMap = pPropSet->getPropertyMap(); const OUString* pNames = rPropertyNames.getConstArray(); uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aRet(rPropertyNames.getLength()); uno::Any* pRet = aRet.getArray(); SwStyleBase_Impl aBase(*m_pDoc, sStyleName); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = 0; for(sal_Int32 nProp = 0; nProp < rPropertyNames.getLength(); nProp++) { const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = pMap->getByName( pNames[nProp]); if(!pEntry || (!bIsConditional && pNames[nProp].equalsAsciiL(SW_PROP_NAME(UNO_NAME_PARA_STYLE_CONDITIONS)))) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Unknown property: " ) ) + pNames[nProp], static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); if(pBasePool) { if(!pBase) { sal_uInt16 nSaveMask = pBasePool->GetSearchMask(); pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily, nSaveMask ); } pRet[nProp] = lcl_GetStyleProperty(*pEntry, *pPropSet, aBase, pBase, eFamily, GetDoc() ); } else if(bIsDescriptor) { uno::Any *pAny = 0; pPropImpl->GetProperty ( pNames[nProp], pAny ); if( !pAny ) { sal_Bool bExcept = sal_False; switch( eFamily ) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: bExcept = sal_True; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: pPropImpl->GetProperty ( pNames[nProp], mxStyleData, pRet[ nProp ] ); break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME : { if (pEntry->nWID >= POOLATTR_BEGIN && pEntry->nWID < RES_UNKNOWNATR_END ) { SwFmt * pFmt; if ( eFamily == SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ) pFmt = m_pDoc->GetDfltCharFmt(); else pFmt = m_pDoc->GetDfltFrmFmt(); const SwAttrPool * pPool = pFmt->GetAttrSet().GetPool(); const SfxPoolItem & rItem = pPool->GetDefaultItem ( pEntry->nWID ); rItem.QueryValue ( pRet[nProp], pEntry->nMemberId ); } else bExcept = sal_True; } break; default: ; } if (bExcept ) { uno::RuntimeException aExcept; aExcept.Message = OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "No default value for: " ) ) + pNames[nProp]; throw aExcept; } } else pRet [ nProp ] = *pAny; } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } return aRet; } uno::Sequence< uno::Any > SwXStyle::getPropertyValues( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& rPropertyNames ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aValues; // workaround for bad designed API try { aValues = GetPropertyValues_Impl( rPropertyNames ); } catch (beans::UnknownPropertyException &) { throw uno::RuntimeException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Unknown property exception caught" ) ), static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); } catch (lang::WrappedTargetException &) { throw uno::RuntimeException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "WrappedTargetException caught" ) ), static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); } return aValues; } void SwXStyle::addPropertiesChangeListener( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& /*aPropertyNames*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { } void SwXStyle::removePropertiesChangeListener( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { } void SwXStyle::firePropertiesChangeEvent( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& /*aPropertyNames*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { } void SwXStyle::setPropertyValue(const OUString& rPropertyName, const uno::Any& rValue) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; const uno::Sequence aProperties(&rPropertyName, 1); const uno::Sequence aValues(&rValue, 1); SetPropertyValues_Impl( aProperties, aValues ); } uno::Any SwXStyle::getPropertyValue(const OUString& rPropertyName) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; const uno::Sequence aProperties(&rPropertyName, 1); return GetPropertyValues_Impl(aProperties).getConstArray()[0]; } void SwXStyle::addPropertyChangeListener(const OUString& /*rPropertyName*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertyChangeListener > & /*xListener*/) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { DBG_WARNING("not implemented"); } void SwXStyle::removePropertyChangeListener(const OUString& /*rPropertyName*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertyChangeListener > & /*xListener*/) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { DBG_WARNING("not implemented"); } void SwXStyle::addVetoableChangeListener(const OUString& /*rPropertyName*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XVetoableChangeListener > & /*xListener*/) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { DBG_WARNING("not implemented"); } void SwXStyle::removeVetoableChangeListener(const OUString& /*rPropertyName*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XVetoableChangeListener > & /*xListener*/) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { DBG_WARNING("not implemented"); } beans::PropertyState SwXStyle::getPropertyState(const OUString& rPropertyName) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames(1); OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray(); pNames[0] = rPropertyName; uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyState > aStates = getPropertyStates(aNames); return aStates.getConstArray()[0]; } uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyState > SwXStyle::getPropertyStates( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& rPropertyNames) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyState > aRet(rPropertyNames.getLength()); beans::PropertyState* pStates = aRet.getArray(); if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily ); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); DBG_ASSERT(pBase, "where is the style?" ); if(pBase) { const OUString* pNames = rPropertyNames.getConstArray(); rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > xStyle( new SwDocStyleSheet( *(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase ) ); sal_Int8 nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_STYLE; switch(eFamily) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA : nPropSetId = bIsConditional ? PROPERTY_MAP_CONDITIONAL_PARA_STYLE : PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_STYLE; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_FRAME_STYLE ;break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_PAGE_STYLE; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_NUM_STYLE ;break; default: ; } const SfxItemPropertySet* pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nPropSetId); const SfxItemPropertyMap *pMap = pPropSet->getPropertyMap(); SfxItemSet aSet = xStyle->GetItemSet(); for(sal_Int32 i = 0; i < rPropertyNames.getLength(); i++) { const String& rPropName = pNames[i]; const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = pMap->getByName( rPropName); if(!pEntry) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Unknown property: " ) ) + rPropName, static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); if( FN_UNO_NUM_RULES == pEntry->nWID || FN_UNO_FOLLOW_STYLE == pEntry->nWID ) { pStates[i] = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE; } else if(SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE == eFamily && (rPropName.EqualsAscii("Header", 0, 6) || rPropName.EqualsAscii("Footer", 0, 6))) { sal_uInt16 nResId = lcl_ConvertFNToRES(pEntry->nWID); sal_Bool bFooter = rPropName.EqualsAscii("Footer", 0, 6); const SvxSetItem* pSetItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == aSet.GetItemState( bFooter ? SID_ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERSET : SID_ATTR_PAGE_HEADERSET, sal_False, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pSetItem)) { const SfxItemSet& rSet = pSetItem->GetItemSet(); SfxItemState eState = rSet.GetItemState(nResId, sal_False); if(SFX_ITEM_SET == eState) pStates[i] = beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE; else pStates[i] = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE; } else pStates[i] = beans::PropertyState_AMBIGUOUS_VALUE; } else { pStates[i] = pPropSet->getPropertyState(*pEntry, aSet); if( SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE == eFamily && SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE == pEntry->nWID && beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE == pStates[i] ) { const SvxSizeItem& rSize = static_cast < const SvxSizeItem& >( aSet.Get(SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE) ); sal_uInt8 nMemberId = pEntry->nMemberId & 0x7f; if( ( LONG_MAX == rSize.GetSize().Width() && (MID_SIZE_WIDTH == nMemberId || MID_SIZE_SIZE == nMemberId ) ) || ( LONG_MAX == rSize.GetSize().Height() && MID_SIZE_HEIGHT == nMemberId ) ) { pStates[i] = beans::PropertyState_DEFAULT_VALUE; } } } } } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); return aRet; } void SwXStyle::setPropertyToDefault(const OUString& rPropertyName) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException ) { const uno::Sequence < OUString > aSequence ( &rPropertyName, 1 ); setPropertiesToDefault ( aSequence ); } void SAL_CALL SwXStyle::setPropertiesToDefault( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyNames ) throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; SwFmt *pTargetFmt = 0; if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); DBG_ASSERT(pBase, "Where is the style?"); if(pBase) { rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > xStyle( new SwDocStyleSheet( *(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase ) ); switch(eFamily) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR: pTargetFmt = xStyle->GetCharFmt(); break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA: pTargetFmt = xStyle->GetCollection(); break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME: pTargetFmt = xStyle->GetFrmFmt(); break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: { sal_uInt16 nPgDscPos = USHRT_MAX; SwPageDesc *pDesc = m_pDoc->FindPageDescByName( xStyle->GetPageDesc()->GetName(), &nPgDscPos ); if( pDesc ) pTargetFmt = &pDesc->GetMaster(); } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: break; default: ; } } } sal_Int8 nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_STYLE; switch(eFamily) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA : nPropSetId = bIsConditional ? PROPERTY_MAP_CONDITIONAL_PARA_STYLE : PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_STYLE; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_FRAME_STYLE; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_PAGE_STYLE; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_NUM_STYLE; break; default: ; } const SfxItemPropertySet* pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nPropSetId); const SfxItemPropertyMap *pMap = pPropSet->getPropertyMap(); const OUString* pNames = aPropertyNames.getConstArray(); if ( pTargetFmt ) { for( sal_Int32 nProp = 0, nEnd = aPropertyNames.getLength(); nProp < nEnd; nProp++ ) { const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = pMap->getByName( pNames[nProp] ); if( !pEntry ) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException ( OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Property is unknown: " ) ) + pNames[nProp], static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); if ( pEntry->nWID == FN_UNO_FOLLOW_STYLE || pEntry->nWID == FN_UNO_NUM_RULES ) throw uno::RuntimeException ( OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Cannot reset: " ) ) + pNames[nProp], static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); if ( pEntry->nFlags & beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY ) throw uno::RuntimeException( OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "setPropertiesToDefault: property is read-only: " ) ) + pNames[nProp], static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); if( pEntry->nWID == RES_PARATR_OUTLINELEVEL ) static_cast(pTargetFmt)->DeleteAssignmentToListLevelOfOutlineStyle(); else pTargetFmt->ResetFmtAttr( pEntry->nWID ); } } else if ( bIsDescriptor ) { for( sal_Int32 nProp = 0, nEnd = aPropertyNames.getLength(); nProp < nEnd; nProp++ ) pPropImpl->ClearProperty ( pNames[ nProp ] ); } } void SAL_CALL SwXStyle::setAllPropertiesToDefault( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; if(pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); DBG_ASSERT(pBase, "where is the style, you fiend!?"); if(pBase) { rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > xStyle( new SwDocStyleSheet( *(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase ) ); SwFmt *pTargetFmt = 0; sal_uInt16 nPgDscPos = USHRT_MAX; switch( eFamily ) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR : pTargetFmt = xStyle->GetCharFmt(); break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA : { pTargetFmt = xStyle->GetCollection(); if ( xStyle->GetCollection() ) xStyle->GetCollection()->DeleteAssignmentToListLevelOfOutlineStyle(); } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME: pTargetFmt = xStyle->GetFrmFmt(); break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE: { SwPageDesc *pDesc = m_pDoc->FindPageDescByName( xStyle->GetPageDesc()->GetName(), &nPgDscPos ); if( pDesc ) { pTargetFmt = &pDesc->GetMaster(); pDesc->SetUseOn ( nsUseOnPage::PD_ALL ); } } break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: break; default: ; } if( pTargetFmt ) { if( USHRT_MAX != nPgDscPos ) { SwPageDesc& rPageDesc = m_pDoc->_GetPageDesc(nPgDscPos); rPageDesc.ResetAllMasterAttr(); SvxLRSpaceItem aLR(RES_LR_SPACE); sal_Int32 nSize = GetMetricVal ( CM_1) * 2; aLR.SetLeft ( nSize ); aLR.SetLeft ( nSize ); SvxULSpaceItem aUL( RES_UL_SPACE ); aUL.SetUpper ( static_cast < sal_uInt16 > ( nSize ) ); aUL.SetLower ( static_cast < sal_uInt16 > ( nSize ) ); pTargetFmt->SetFmtAttr( aLR ); pTargetFmt->SetFmtAttr( aUL ); SwPageDesc* pStdPgDsc = m_pDoc->GetPageDescFromPool( RES_POOLPAGE_STANDARD ); SwFmtFrmSize aFrmSz( ATT_FIX_SIZE ); if( RES_POOLPAGE_STANDARD == rPageDesc.GetPoolFmtId() ) { if( m_pDoc->getPrinter( false ) ) { const Size aPhysSize( SvxPaperInfo::GetPaperSize( static_cast( m_pDoc->getPrinter( false ) )) ); aFrmSz.SetSize( aPhysSize ); } else aFrmSz.SetSize( SvxPaperInfo::GetDefaultPaperSize() ); } else { aFrmSz = pStdPgDsc->GetMaster().GetFrmSize(); } if( pStdPgDsc->GetLandscape() ) { SwTwips nTmp = aFrmSz.GetHeight(); aFrmSz.SetHeight( aFrmSz.GetWidth() ); aFrmSz.SetWidth( nTmp ); } pTargetFmt->SetFmtAttr( aFrmSz ); } else pTargetFmt->ResetAllFmtAttr(); if( USHRT_MAX != nPgDscPos ) m_pDoc->ChgPageDesc( nPgDscPos, const_cast(m_pDoc) ->GetPageDesc(nPgDscPos) ); } } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } else if ( bIsDescriptor ) pPropImpl->ClearAllProperties(); else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } uno::Sequence< uno::Any > SAL_CALL SwXStyle::getPropertyDefaults( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& aPropertyNames ) throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; sal_Int32 nCount = aPropertyNames.getLength(); uno::Sequence < uno::Any > aRet ( nCount ); if ( nCount ) { if( pBasePool) { pBasePool->SetSearchMask(eFamily); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = pBasePool->Find(sStyleName); DBG_ASSERT(pBase, "Doesn't seem to be a style!"); if(pBase) { rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > xStyle( new SwDocStyleSheet( *(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase ) ); sal_Int8 nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_STYLE; switch(eFamily) { case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PARA : nPropSetId = bIsConditional ? PROPERTY_MAP_CONDITIONAL_PARA_STYLE : PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_STYLE; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_FRAME_STYLE; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_PAGE_STYLE; break; case SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PSEUDO: nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_NUM_STYLE; break; default: ; } const SfxItemPropertySet* pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nPropSetId); const SfxItemPropertyMap* pMap = pPropSet->getPropertyMap(); const SfxItemSet &rSet = xStyle->GetItemSet(), *pParentSet = rSet.GetParent(); const OUString *pNames = aPropertyNames.getConstArray(); uno::Any *pRet = aRet.getArray(); for ( sal_Int32 i = 0 ; i < nCount; i++) { const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = pMap->getByName( pNames[i] ); if ( !pEntry ) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException ( OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Unknown property: " ) ) + pNames[i], static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); if( pParentSet ) aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nPropSetId)->getPropertyValue(pNames[i], *pParentSet, pRet[i]); else if( pEntry->nWID != rSet.GetPool()->GetSlotId(pEntry->nWID) ) { const SfxPoolItem& rItem = rSet.GetPool()->GetDefaultItem(pEntry->nWID); rItem.QueryValue(pRet[i], pEntry->nMemberId); } } } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } return aRet; } uno::Any SwXStyle::getPropertyDefault(const OUString& rPropertyName) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { const uno::Sequence < OUString > aSequence ( &rPropertyName, 1 ); return getPropertyDefaults ( aSequence ).getConstArray()[0]; } void SwXStyle::Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) { SfxSimpleHint *pHint = PTR_CAST( SfxSimpleHint, &rHint ); if( pHint ) { if(( pHint->GetId() & SFX_HINT_DYING ) || ( pHint->GetId() & SFX_STYLESHEET_ERASED)) { pBasePool = 0; EndListening(rBC); } else if( pHint->GetId() &(SFX_STYLESHEET_CHANGED|SFX_STYLESHEET_ERASED) ) { ((SfxStyleSheetBasePool&)rBC).SetSearchMask(eFamily); SfxStyleSheetBase* pOwnBase = ((SfxStyleSheetBasePool&)rBC).Find(sStyleName); if(!pOwnBase) { EndListening(rBC); Invalidate(); } } } } void SwXStyle::Invalidate() { sStyleName.Erase(); pBasePool = 0; m_pDoc = 0; mxStyleData.clear(); mxStyleFamily.clear(); } /****************************************************************** * SwXPageStyle ******************************************************************/ SwXPageStyle::SwXPageStyle(SfxStyleSheetBasePool& rPool, SwDocShell* pDocSh, SfxStyleFamily eFam, const String& rStyleName): SwXStyle(rPool, eFam, pDocSh->GetDoc(), rStyleName), pDocShell(pDocSh) { } SwXPageStyle::SwXPageStyle(SwDocShell* pDocSh) : SwXStyle(pDocSh->GetDoc(), SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_PAGE), pDocShell(pDocSh) { } SwXPageStyle::~SwXPageStyle() { } void SAL_CALL SwXPageStyle::SetPropertyValues_Impl( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& rPropertyNames, const uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& rValues ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { if(!GetDoc()) throw uno::RuntimeException(); if(rPropertyNames.getLength() != rValues.getLength()) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); const OUString* pNames = rPropertyNames.getConstArray(); const uno::Any* pValues = rValues.getConstArray(); const SfxItemPropertySet* pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(PROPERTY_MAP_PAGE_STYLE); const SfxItemPropertyMap* pMap = pPropSet->getPropertyMap(); SwStyleBase_Impl aBaseImpl(*GetDoc(), GetStyleName()); if(GetBasePool()) { sal_uInt16 nSaveMask = GetBasePool()->GetSearchMask(); GetBasePool()->SetSearchMask(GetFamily()); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = GetBasePool()->Find(GetStyleName()); GetBasePool()->SetSearchMask(GetFamily(), nSaveMask ); DBG_ASSERT(pBase, "where is the style?" ); if(pBase) aBaseImpl.mxNewBase = new SwDocStyleSheet(*(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase); else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } for(sal_Int16 nProp = 0; nProp < rPropertyNames.getLength(); nProp++) { const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = pMap->getByName( pNames[nProp] ); if (!pEntry) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Unknown property: " ) ) + pNames[nProp], static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); if ( pEntry->nFlags & beans::PropertyAttribute::READONLY) throw beans::PropertyVetoException ( OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Property is read-only: " ) ) + pNames[nProp], static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); if(GetBasePool()) { switch(pEntry->nWID) { case FN_UNO_HEADER_ON: case FN_UNO_HEADER_BACKGROUND: case FN_UNO_HEADER_BOX: case FN_UNO_HEADER_LR_SPACE: case FN_UNO_HEADER_SHADOW: case FN_UNO_HEADER_BODY_DISTANCE: case FN_UNO_HEADER_IS_DYNAMIC_DISTANCE: case FN_UNO_HEADER_SHARE_CONTENT: case FN_UNO_HEADER_HEIGHT: case FN_UNO_HEADER_EAT_SPACING: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_ON: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BACKGROUND: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BOX: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_LR_SPACE: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_SHADOW: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BODY_DISTANCE: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_IS_DYNAMIC_DISTANCE: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_SHARE_CONTENT: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_HEIGHT: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_EAT_SPACING: { sal_Bool bFooter = sal_False; sal_uInt16 nItemType = TYPE_BOOL; sal_uInt16 nRes = 0; switch(pEntry->nWID) { case FN_UNO_FOOTER_ON: bFooter = sal_True; //kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_ON: nRes = SID_ATTR_PAGE_ON; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BACKGROUND: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_BACKGROUND: nRes = RES_BACKGROUND; nItemType = TYPE_BRUSH; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BOX: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_BOX: nRes = RES_BOX; nItemType = TYPE_BOX; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_LR_SPACE: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_LR_SPACE: nRes = RES_LR_SPACE;nItemType = TYPE_LRSPACE; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_SHADOW: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_SHADOW: nRes = RES_SHADOW;nItemType = TYPE_SHADOW; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BODY_DISTANCE: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_BODY_DISTANCE: nRes = RES_UL_SPACE;nItemType = TYPE_ULSPACE; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_IS_DYNAMIC_DISTANCE: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_IS_DYNAMIC_DISTANCE: nRes = SID_ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_SHARE_CONTENT: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_SHARE_CONTENT: nRes = SID_ATTR_PAGE_SHARED; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_HEIGHT: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_HEIGHT: nRes = SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE;nItemType = TYPE_SIZE; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_EAT_SPACING: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_EAT_SPACING: nRes = RES_HEADER_FOOTER_EAT_SPACING;nItemType = TYPE_SIZE; break; } const SvxSetItem* pSetItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == aBaseImpl.GetItemSet().GetItemState( bFooter ? SID_ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERSET : SID_ATTR_PAGE_HEADERSET, sal_False, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pSetItem)) { SvxSetItem* pNewSetItem = (SvxSetItem*)pSetItem->Clone(); SfxItemSet& rSetSet = pNewSetItem->GetItemSet(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; SfxPoolItem* pNewItem = 0; rSetSet.GetItemState(nRes, sal_True, &pItem); if(!pItem && nRes != rSetSet.GetPool()->GetSlotId(nRes)) pItem = &rSetSet.GetPool()->GetDefaultItem(nRes); if(pItem) { pNewItem = pItem->Clone(); } else { switch(nItemType) { case TYPE_BOOL: pNewItem = new SfxBoolItem(nRes); break; case TYPE_SIZE: pNewItem = new SvxSizeItem(nRes); break; case TYPE_BRUSH: pNewItem = new SvxBrushItem(nRes); break; case TYPE_ULSPACE: pNewItem = new SvxULSpaceItem(nRes); break; case TYPE_SHADOW : pNewItem = new SvxShadowItem(nRes); break; case TYPE_LRSPACE: pNewItem = new SvxLRSpaceItem(nRes); break; case TYPE_BOX: pNewItem = new SvxBoxItem(nRes); break; } } pNewItem->PutValue(pValues[nProp], pEntry->nMemberId); rSetSet.Put(*pNewItem); aBaseImpl.GetItemSet().Put(*pNewSetItem); delete pNewItem; delete pNewSetItem; } else if(SID_ATTR_PAGE_ON == nRes ) { sal_Bool bVal = *(sal_Bool*)pValues[nProp].getValue(); if(bVal) { SfxItemSet aTempSet(*aBaseImpl.GetItemSet().GetPool(), RES_BACKGROUND, RES_SHADOW, RES_LR_SPACE, RES_UL_SPACE, nRes, nRes, SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, SID_ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC, SID_ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC, SID_ATTR_PAGE_SHARED, SID_ATTR_PAGE_SHARED, 0 ); aTempSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(nRes, sal_True)); aTempSet.Put(SvxSizeItem(SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE, Size(MM50, MM50))); aTempSet.Put(SvxLRSpaceItem(RES_LR_SPACE)); aTempSet.Put(SvxULSpaceItem(RES_UL_SPACE)); aTempSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_ATTR_PAGE_SHARED, sal_True)); aTempSet.Put(SfxBoolItem(SID_ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC, sal_True)); SvxSetItem aNewSetItem( bFooter ? SID_ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERSET : SID_ATTR_PAGE_HEADERSET, aTempSet); aBaseImpl.GetItemSet().Put(aNewSetItem); } } } break; case FN_PARAM_FTN_INFO : { const SfxPoolItem& rItem = aBaseImpl.GetItemSet().Get(FN_PARAM_FTN_INFO); SfxPoolItem* pNewFtnItem = rItem.Clone(); sal_Bool bPut = pNewFtnItem->PutValue(pValues[nProp], pEntry->nMemberId); aBaseImpl.GetItemSet().Put(*pNewFtnItem); delete pNewFtnItem; if(!bPut) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } break; case FN_UNO_HEADER : case FN_UNO_HEADER_LEFT : case FN_UNO_HEADER_RIGHT : case FN_UNO_FOOTER : case FN_UNO_FOOTER_LEFT : case FN_UNO_FOOTER_RIGHT : throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); //break; default: lcl_SetStyleProperty(*pEntry, *pPropSet, pValues[nProp], aBaseImpl, GetBasePool(), GetDoc(), GetFamily()); } } else if(IsDescriptor()) { if(!GetPropImpl()->SetProperty(pNames[nProp], pValues[nProp])) throw lang::IllegalArgumentException(); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } if(aBaseImpl.HasItemSet()) { ::sw::UndoGuard const undoGuard(GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo()); if (undoGuard.UndoWasEnabled()) { // Fix i64460: as long as Undo of page styles with header/footer causes trouble... GetDoc()->GetIDocumentUndoRedo().DelAllUndoObj(); } aBaseImpl.mxNewBase->SetItemSet(aBaseImpl.GetItemSet()); } } void SwXPageStyle::setPropertyValues( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& rPropertyNames, const uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& rValues ) throw(beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; // workaround for bad designed API try { SetPropertyValues_Impl( rPropertyNames, rValues ); } catch (beans::UnknownPropertyException &rException) { // wrap the original (here not allowed) exception in // a lang::WrappedTargetException that gets thrown instead. lang::WrappedTargetException aWExc; aWExc.TargetException <<= rException; throw aWExc; } } static uno::Reference lcl_makeHeaderFooter( const sal_uInt16 nRes, const bool bHeader, SwFrmFmt const*const pFrmFmt) { if (!pFrmFmt) { return 0; } const SfxItemSet& rSet = pFrmFmt->GetAttrSet(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if (SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState(nRes, sal_True, &pItem)) { SwFrmFmt *const pHeadFootFmt = (bHeader) ? static_cast(const_cast(pItem))-> GetHeaderFmt() : static_cast(const_cast(pItem))-> GetFooterFmt(); if (pHeadFootFmt) { return SwXHeadFootText::CreateXHeadFootText(*pHeadFootFmt, bHeader); } } return 0; } uno::Sequence< uno::Any > SAL_CALL SwXPageStyle::GetPropertyValues_Impl( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& rPropertyNames ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { if(!GetDoc()) throw uno::RuntimeException(); sal_Int32 nLength = rPropertyNames.getLength(); const OUString* pNames = rPropertyNames.getConstArray(); uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aRet ( nLength ); uno::Any* pRet = aRet.getArray(); const SfxItemPropertySet* pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(PROPERTY_MAP_PAGE_STYLE); const SfxItemPropertyMap* pMap = pPropSet->getPropertyMap(); SwStyleBase_Impl aBase(*GetDoc(), GetStyleName()); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase = 0; for(sal_Int32 nProp = 0; nProp < nLength; nProp++) { const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = pMap->getByName( pNames[nProp] ); if (!pEntry) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Unknown property: " ) ) + pNames[nProp], static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); if(GetBasePool()) { if(!pBase) { sal_uInt16 nSaveMask = GetBasePool()->GetSearchMask(); GetBasePool()->SetSearchMask(GetFamily(), SFXSTYLEBIT_ALL ); pBase = GetBasePool()->Find(GetStyleName()); GetBasePool()->SetSearchMask(GetFamily(), nSaveMask ); } sal_uInt16 nRes = 0; bool bHeader = false; sal_Bool bLeft = sal_False; switch(pEntry->nWID) { case FN_UNO_HEADER_ON: case FN_UNO_HEADER_BACKGROUND: case FN_UNO_HEADER_BOX: case FN_UNO_HEADER_LR_SPACE: case FN_UNO_HEADER_SHADOW: case FN_UNO_HEADER_BODY_DISTANCE: case FN_UNO_HEADER_IS_DYNAMIC_DISTANCE: case FN_UNO_HEADER_SHARE_CONTENT: case FN_UNO_HEADER_HEIGHT: case FN_UNO_HEADER_EAT_SPACING: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_ON: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BACKGROUND: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BOX: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_LR_SPACE: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_SHADOW: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BODY_DISTANCE: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_IS_DYNAMIC_DISTANCE: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_SHARE_CONTENT: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_HEIGHT: case FN_UNO_FOOTER_EAT_SPACING: { SfxStyleSheetBasePool* pBasePool2 = ((SwXPageStyle*)this)->GetBasePool(); pBasePool2->SetSearchMask(GetFamily()); SfxStyleSheetBase* pBase2 = pBasePool2->Find(GetStyleName()); if(pBase2) { rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > xStyle( new SwDocStyleSheet( *(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase ) ); const SfxItemSet& rSet = xStyle->GetItemSet(); sal_Bool bFooter = sal_False; switch(pEntry->nWID) { case FN_UNO_FOOTER_ON: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break! case FN_UNO_HEADER_ON: { //falls das SetItem nicht da ist, dann ist der Wert sal_False sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; pRet[nProp].setValue(&bRet, ::getCppuBooleanType()); nRes = SID_ATTR_PAGE_ON; } break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BACKGROUND: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_BACKGROUND: nRes = RES_BACKGROUND; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BOX: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_BOX: nRes = RES_BOX; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_LR_SPACE: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_LR_SPACE: nRes = RES_LR_SPACE; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_SHADOW: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_SHADOW: nRes = RES_SHADOW; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_BODY_DISTANCE: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_BODY_DISTANCE: nRes = RES_UL_SPACE; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_IS_DYNAMIC_DISTANCE: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_IS_DYNAMIC_DISTANCE: nRes = SID_ATTR_PAGE_DYNAMIC; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_SHARE_CONTENT: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_SHARE_CONTENT: nRes = SID_ATTR_PAGE_SHARED; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_HEIGHT: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_HEIGHT: nRes = SID_ATTR_PAGE_SIZE; break; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_EAT_SPACING: bFooter = sal_True; // kein break; case FN_UNO_HEADER_EAT_SPACING: nRes = RES_HEADER_FOOTER_EAT_SPACING; break; } const SvxSetItem* pSetItem; if(SFX_ITEM_SET == rSet.GetItemState( bFooter ? SID_ATTR_PAGE_FOOTERSET : SID_ATTR_PAGE_HEADERSET, sal_False, (const SfxPoolItem**)&pSetItem)) { const SfxItemSet& rTmpSet = pSetItem->GetItemSet(); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = 0; rTmpSet.GetItemState(nRes, sal_True, &pItem); if(!pItem && nRes != rTmpSet.GetPool()->GetSlotId(nRes)) pItem = &rTmpSet.GetPool()->GetDefaultItem(nRes); if(pItem) pItem->QueryValue(pRet[nProp], pEntry->nMemberId); } } } break; case FN_UNO_HEADER : goto Header; case FN_UNO_HEADER_LEFT : bLeft = sal_True; goto Header; case FN_UNO_HEADER_RIGHT : goto Header; Header: bHeader = true; nRes = RES_HEADER; goto MakeObject; case FN_UNO_FOOTER : goto Footer; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_LEFT : bLeft = sal_True; goto Footer; case FN_UNO_FOOTER_RIGHT : Footer: nRes = RES_FOOTER; MakeObject: { const SwPageDesc& rDesc = aBase.GetOldPageDesc(); const SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt = 0; sal_Bool bShare = (bHeader && rDesc.IsHeaderShared())|| (!bHeader && rDesc.IsFooterShared()); // TextLeft returns the left content if there is one, // Text and TextRight return the master content. // TextRight does the same as Text and is for // comptability only. if( bLeft && !bShare ) { pFrmFmt = &rDesc.GetLeft(); } else { pFrmFmt = &rDesc.GetMaster(); } const uno::Reference< text::XText > xRet = lcl_makeHeaderFooter(nRes, bHeader, pFrmFmt); if (xRet.is()) { pRet[nProp] <<= xRet; } } break; case FN_PARAM_FTN_INFO : { rtl::Reference< SwDocStyleSheet > xStyle( new SwDocStyleSheet( *(SwDocStyleSheet*)pBase ) ); const SfxItemSet& rSet = xStyle->GetItemSet(); const SfxPoolItem& rItem = rSet.Get(FN_PARAM_FTN_INFO); rItem.QueryValue(pRet[nProp], pEntry->nMemberId); } break; default: pRet[nProp] = lcl_GetStyleProperty(*pEntry, *pPropSet, aBase, pBase, GetFamily(), GetDoc() ); } } else if(IsDescriptor()) { uno::Any* pAny = 0; GetPropImpl()->GetProperty(pNames[nProp], pAny); if ( !pAny ) GetPropImpl()->GetProperty ( pNames[nProp], mxStyleData, pRet[ nProp ] ); else pRet[nProp] = *pAny; } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); } return aRet; } uno::Sequence< uno::Any > SwXPageStyle::getPropertyValues( const uno::Sequence< OUString >& rPropertyNames ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aValues; // workaround for bad designed API try { aValues = GetPropertyValues_Impl( rPropertyNames ); } catch (beans::UnknownPropertyException &) { throw uno::RuntimeException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Unknown property exception caught" ) ), static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); } catch (lang::WrappedTargetException &) { throw uno::RuntimeException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "WrappedTargetException caught" ) ), static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); } return aValues; } uno::Any SwXPageStyle::getPropertyValue(const OUString& rPropertyName) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; const uno::Sequence aProperties(&rPropertyName, 1); return GetPropertyValues_Impl(aProperties).getConstArray()[0]; } void SwXPageStyle::setPropertyValue(const OUString& rPropertyName, const uno::Any& rValue) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; const uno::Sequence aProperties(&rPropertyName, 1); const uno::Sequence aValues(&rValue, 1); SetPropertyValues_Impl( aProperties, aValues ); } SwXFrameStyle::SwXFrameStyle ( SwDoc *pDoc ) : SwXStyle ( pDoc, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_FRAME, sal_False) { } SwXFrameStyle::~SwXFrameStyle() { } uno::Sequence< uno::Type > SwXFrameStyle::getTypes( ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Sequence< uno::Type > aTypes = SwXStyle::getTypes(); sal_Int32 nLen = aTypes.getLength(); aTypes.realloc(nLen + 1); aTypes.getArray()[nLen] = ::getCppuType((uno::Reference*)0); return aTypes; } uno::Any SwXFrameStyle::queryInterface( const uno::Type& rType ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Any aRet; if(rType == ::getCppuType((uno::Reference*)0)) aRet <<= uno::Reference(this); else aRet = SwXStyle::queryInterface(rType); return aRet; } uno::Reference< container::XNameReplace > SwXFrameStyle::getEvents( ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { return new SwFrameStyleEventDescriptor( *this ); } SwXAutoStyles::SwXAutoStyles(SwDocShell& rDocShell) : SwUnoCollection(rDocShell.GetDoc()), pDocShell( &rDocShell ) { } SwXAutoStyles::~SwXAutoStyles() { } sal_Int32 SwXAutoStyles::getCount(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { return AUTOSTYLE_FAMILY_COUNT; } uno::Any SwXAutoStyles::getByIndex(sal_Int32 nIndex) throw( lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Any aRet; if(nIndex < 0 || nIndex >= AUTOSTYLE_FAMILY_COUNT) throw lang::IndexOutOfBoundsException(); if(IsValid()) { uno::Reference< style::XAutoStyleFamily > aRef; IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily nType = aAutoStyleByIndex[nIndex]; switch( nType ) { case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR: { if(!xAutoCharStyles.is()) xAutoCharStyles = new SwXAutoStyleFamily(pDocShell, nType); aRef = xAutoCharStyles; } break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_RUBY: { if(!xAutoRubyStyles.is()) xAutoRubyStyles = new SwXAutoStyleFamily(pDocShell, nType ); aRef = xAutoRubyStyles; } break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_PARA: { if(!xAutoParaStyles.is()) xAutoParaStyles = new SwXAutoStyleFamily(pDocShell, nType ); aRef = xAutoParaStyles; } break; default: ; } aRet.setValue(&aRef, ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference*)0)); } else throw uno::RuntimeException(); return aRet; } uno::Type SwXAutoStyles::getElementType( ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { return ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference*)0); } sal_Bool SwXAutoStyles::hasElements( ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { return sal_True; } uno::Any SwXAutoStyles::getByName(const rtl::OUString& Name) throw( container::NoSuchElementException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { uno::Any aRet; if(Name.compareToAscii("CharacterStyles") == 0 ) aRet = getByIndex(0); else if(Name.compareToAscii("RubyStyles") == 0 ) aRet = getByIndex(1); else if(Name.compareToAscii("ParagraphStyles") == 0 ) aRet = getByIndex(2); else throw container::NoSuchElementException(); return aRet; } uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString > SwXAutoStyles::getElementNames(void) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames(AUTOSTYLE_FAMILY_COUNT); OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray(); pNames[0] = C2U("CharacterStyles"); pNames[1] = C2U("RubyStyles"); pNames[2] = C2U("ParagraphStyles"); return aNames; } sal_Bool SwXAutoStyles::hasByName(const rtl::OUString& Name) throw( uno::RuntimeException ) { if( Name.compareToAscii("CharacterStyles") == 0 || Name.compareToAscii("RubyStyles") == 0 || Name.compareToAscii("ParagraphStyles") == 0 ) return sal_True; else return sal_False; } SwXAutoStyleFamily::SwXAutoStyleFamily(SwDocShell* pDocSh, IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily nFamily) : pDocShell( pDocSh ), eFamily(nFamily) { // Register ourselves as a listener to the document (via the page descriptor) pDocSh->GetDoc()->GetPageDescFromPool(RES_POOLPAGE_STANDARD)->Add(this); } SwXAutoStyleFamily::~SwXAutoStyleFamily() { } void SwXAutoStyleFamily::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNew) { ClientModify(this, pOld, pNew); if(!GetRegisteredIn()) pDocShell = 0; } uno::Reference< style::XAutoStyle > SwXAutoStyleFamily::insertStyle( const uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue >& Values ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { if( !pDocShell ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); const sal_uInt16* pRange = 0; const SfxItemPropertySet* pPropSet = 0; switch( eFamily ) { case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR: { pRange = aCharAutoFmtSetRange; pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_AUTO_STYLE); } break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_RUBY: { pRange = 0;//aTxtNodeSetRange; pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(PROPERTY_MAP_RUBY_AUTO_STYLE); } break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_PARA: { pRange = aTxtNodeSetRange; pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_AUTO_STYLE); } break; default: ; } SwAttrSet aSet( pDocShell->GetDoc()->GetAttrPool(), pRange ); const beans::PropertyValue* pSeq = Values.getConstArray(); sal_Int32 nLen = Values.getLength(); for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLen; ++i ) { try { pPropSet->setPropertyValue( pSeq[i].Name, pSeq[i].Value, aSet ); } catch (beans::UnknownPropertyException &) { OSL_FAIL( "Unknown property" ); } catch (lang::IllegalArgumentException &) { OSL_FAIL( "Illegal argument" ); } } SfxItemSet_Pointer_t pSet = pDocShell->GetDoc()->GetIStyleAccess().cacheAutomaticStyle( aSet, eFamily ); uno::Reference xRet = new SwXAutoStyle(pDocShell->GetDoc(), pSet, eFamily); return xRet; } uno::Reference< container::XEnumeration > SwXAutoStyleFamily::createEnumeration( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { if( !pDocShell ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); return uno::Reference< container::XEnumeration > (new SwXAutoStylesEnumerator( pDocShell->GetDoc(), eFamily )); } uno::Type SwXAutoStyleFamily::getElementType( ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { return ::getCppuType((const uno::Reference*)0); } sal_Bool SwXAutoStyleFamily::hasElements( ) throw(uno::RuntimeException) { return sal_False; } SwAutoStylesEnumImpl::SwAutoStylesEnumImpl( SwDoc* pInitDoc, IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFam ) : pDoc( pInitDoc ), eFamily( eFam ) { // special case for ruby auto styles: if ( IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_RUBY == eFam ) { std::set< std::pair< sal_uInt16, sal_uInt16 > > aRubyMap; SwAttrPool& rAttrPool = pDoc->GetAttrPool(); sal_uInt32 nCount = rAttrPool.GetItemCount2( RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY ); for ( sal_uInt32 nI = 0; nI < nCount; ++nI ) { const SwFmtRuby* pItem = static_cast(rAttrPool.GetItem2( RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY, nI )); if ( pItem && pItem->GetTxtRuby() ) { std::pair< sal_uInt16, sal_uInt16 > aPair( pItem->GetPosition(), pItem->GetAdjustment() ); if ( aRubyMap.find( aPair ) == aRubyMap.end() ) { aRubyMap.insert( aPair ); SfxItemSet_Pointer_t pItemSet( new SfxItemSet( rAttrPool, RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY, RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY ) ); pItemSet->Put( *pItem ); mAutoStyles.push_back( pItemSet ); } } } } else { pDoc->GetIStyleAccess().getAllStyles( mAutoStyles, eFamily ); } aIter = mAutoStyles.begin(); } SwXAutoStylesEnumerator::SwXAutoStylesEnumerator( SwDoc* pDoc, IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFam ) : pImpl( new SwAutoStylesEnumImpl( pDoc, eFam ) ) { // Register ourselves as a listener to the document (via the page descriptor) pDoc->GetPageDescFromPool(RES_POOLPAGE_STANDARD)->Add(this); } SwXAutoStylesEnumerator::~SwXAutoStylesEnumerator() { delete pImpl; } void SwXAutoStylesEnumerator::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNew) { ClientModify(this, pOld, pNew); if(!GetRegisteredIn()) { delete pImpl; pImpl = 0; } } ::sal_Bool SwXAutoStylesEnumerator::hasMoreElements( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { if( !pImpl ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); return pImpl->hasMoreElements(); } uno::Any SwXAutoStylesEnumerator::nextElement( ) throw (container::NoSuchElementException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { if( !pImpl ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); uno::Any aRet; if( pImpl->hasMoreElements() ) { SfxItemSet_Pointer_t pNextSet = pImpl->nextElement(); uno::Reference< style::XAutoStyle > xAutoStyle = new SwXAutoStyle(pImpl->getDoc(), pNextSet, pImpl->getFamily()); aRet.setValue(&xAutoStyle, ::getCppuType((uno::Reference*)0)); } return aRet; } SwXAutoStyle::SwXAutoStyle( SwDoc* pDoc, SfxItemSet_Pointer_t pInitSet, IStyleAccess::SwAutoStyleFamily eFam ) : pSet( pInitSet ), eFamily( eFam ) { // Register ourselves as a listener to the document (via the page descriptor) pDoc->GetPageDescFromPool(RES_POOLPAGE_STANDARD)->Add(this); } SwXAutoStyle::~SwXAutoStyle() { } void SwXAutoStyle::Modify( const SfxPoolItem* pOld, const SfxPoolItem *pNew) { ClientModify(this, pOld, pNew); if(!GetRegisteredIn()) pSet.reset(); } uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > SwXAutoStyle::getPropertySetInfo( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xRet; switch( eFamily ) { case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR: { static uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xCharRef; if(!xCharRef.is()) { xCharRef = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_AUTO_STYLE)->getPropertySetInfo(); } xRet = xCharRef; } break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_RUBY: { static uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xRubyRef; if(!xRubyRef.is()) { sal_uInt16 nMapId = PROPERTY_MAP_RUBY_AUTO_STYLE; xRubyRef = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nMapId)->getPropertySetInfo(); } xRet = xRubyRef; } break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_PARA: { static uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySetInfo > xParaRef; if(!xParaRef.is()) { sal_uInt16 nMapId = PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_AUTO_STYLE; xParaRef = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nMapId)->getPropertySetInfo(); } xRet = xParaRef; } break; default: ; } return xRet; } void SwXAutoStyle::setPropertyValue( const OUString& /*rPropertyName*/, const uno::Any& /*rValue*/ ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { } uno::Any SwXAutoStyle::getPropertyValue( const OUString& rPropertyName ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; const uno::Sequence aProperties(&rPropertyName, 1); return GetPropertyValues_Impl(aProperties).getConstArray()[0]; } void SwXAutoStyle::addPropertyChangeListener( const OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { } void SwXAutoStyle::removePropertyChangeListener( const OUString& /*aPropertyName*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& /*aListener*/ ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { } void SwXAutoStyle::addVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& /*PropertyName*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& /*aListener*/ ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { } void SwXAutoStyle::removeVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& /*PropertyName*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& /*aListener*/ ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { } void SwXAutoStyle::setPropertyValues( const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& /*aPropertyNames*/, const uno::Sequence< uno::Any >& /*aValues*/ ) throw (beans::PropertyVetoException, lang::IllegalArgumentException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { } uno::Sequence< uno::Any > SwXAutoStyle::GetPropertyValues_Impl( const uno::Sequence< OUString > & rPropertyNames ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException ) { if( !pSet.get() ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); // query_item sal_Int8 nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_AUTO_STYLE; switch(eFamily) { case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_AUTO_STYLE; break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_RUBY : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_RUBY_AUTO_STYLE; break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_PARA : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_AUTO_STYLE; break; default: ; } const SfxItemPropertySet* pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nPropSetId); const SfxItemPropertyMap *pMap = pPropSet->getPropertyMap(); const OUString* pNames = rPropertyNames.getConstArray(); sal_Int32 nLen = rPropertyNames.getLength(); uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aRet( nLen ); uno::Any* pValues = aRet.getArray(); SfxItemSet& rSet = *pSet.get(); for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < nLen; ++i ) { const String& rPropName = pNames[i]; const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = pMap->getByName(rPropName); if(!pEntry) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Unknown property: " ) ) + rPropName, static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); else if ( RES_TXTATR_AUTOFMT == pEntry->nWID || RES_AUTO_STYLE == pEntry->nWID ) { OUString sName(StylePool::nameOf( pSet )); pValues[i] <<= sName; } else pPropSet->getPropertyValue( *pEntry, rSet, pValues[i] ); } return aRet; } uno::Sequence< uno::Any > SwXAutoStyle::getPropertyValues ( const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aValues; // workaround for bad designed API try { aValues = GetPropertyValues_Impl( rPropertyNames ); } catch (beans::UnknownPropertyException &) { throw uno::RuntimeException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Unknown property exception caught" ) ), static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); } catch (lang::WrappedTargetException &) { throw uno::RuntimeException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "WrappedTargetException caught" ) ), static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); } return aValues; } void SwXAutoStyle::addPropertiesChangeListener( const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& /*aPropertyNames*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { } void SwXAutoStyle::removePropertiesChangeListener( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { } void SwXAutoStyle::firePropertiesChangeEvent( const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& /*aPropertyNames*/, const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertiesChangeListener >& /*xListener*/ ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { } beans::PropertyState SwXAutoStyle::getPropertyState( const OUString& rPropertyName ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException) { SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Sequence< OUString > aNames(1); OUString* pNames = aNames.getArray(); pNames[0] = rPropertyName; uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyState > aStates = getPropertyStates(aNames); return aStates.getConstArray()[0]; } void SwXAutoStyle::setPropertyToDefault( const OUString& /*PropertyName*/ ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException ) { } uno::Any SwXAutoStyle::getPropertyDefault( const OUString& rPropertyName ) throw( beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { const uno::Sequence < OUString > aSequence ( &rPropertyName, 1 ); return getPropertyDefaults ( aSequence ).getConstArray()[0]; } uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyState > SwXAutoStyle::getPropertyStates( const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& rPropertyNames ) throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException) { if( !pSet.get() ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); SolarMutexGuard aGuard; uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyState > aRet(rPropertyNames.getLength()); beans::PropertyState* pStates = aRet.getArray(); const OUString* pNames = rPropertyNames.getConstArray(); sal_Int8 nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_AUTO_STYLE; switch(eFamily) { case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_AUTO_STYLE; break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_RUBY : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_RUBY_AUTO_STYLE; break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_PARA : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_AUTO_STYLE; break; default: ; } const SfxItemPropertySet* pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nPropSetId); const SfxItemPropertyMap *pMap = pPropSet->getPropertyMap(); SfxItemSet& rSet = *pSet.get(); for(sal_Int32 i = 0; i < rPropertyNames.getLength(); i++) { const String& rPropName = pNames[i]; const SfxItemPropertySimpleEntry* pEntry = pMap->getByName(rPropName); if(!pEntry) throw beans::UnknownPropertyException(OUString ( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ( "Unknown property: " ) ) + rPropName, static_cast < cppu::OWeakObject * > ( this ) ); pStates[i] = pPropSet->getPropertyState(*pEntry, rSet ); } return aRet; } void SwXAutoStyle::setAllPropertiesToDefault( ) throw (uno::RuntimeException) { } void SwXAutoStyle::setPropertiesToDefault( const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& /*aPropertyNames*/ ) throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, uno::RuntimeException) { } uno::Sequence< uno::Any > SwXAutoStyle::getPropertyDefaults( const uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& /*aPropertyNames*/ ) throw (beans::UnknownPropertyException, lang::WrappedTargetException, uno::RuntimeException) { uno::Sequence< uno::Any > aRet(0); return aRet; } uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > SwXAutoStyle::getProperties() throw (uno::RuntimeException) { if( !pSet.get() ) throw uno::RuntimeException(); SolarMutexGuard aGuard; std::vector< beans::PropertyValue > aPropertyVector; sal_Int8 nPropSetId = 0; switch(eFamily) { case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_CHAR : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_CHAR_AUTO_STYLE; break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_RUBY : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_RUBY_AUTO_STYLE; break; case IStyleAccess::AUTO_STYLE_PARA : nPropSetId = PROPERTY_MAP_PARA_AUTO_STYLE; break; default: ; } const SfxItemPropertySet* pPropSet = aSwMapProvider.GetPropertySet(nPropSetId); const SfxItemPropertyMap *pMap = pPropSet->getPropertyMap(); PropertyEntryVector_t aPropVector = pMap->getPropertyEntries(); SfxItemSet& rSet = *pSet.get(); SfxItemIter aIter(rSet); const SfxPoolItem* pItem = aIter.FirstItem(); while ( pItem ) { const sal_uInt16 nWID = pItem->Which(); // TODO: Optimize - and fix! the old iteration filled each WhichId // only once but there are more properties than WhichIds PropertyEntryVector_t::const_iterator aIt = aPropVector.begin(); while( aIt != aPropVector.end() ) { if ( aIt->nWID == nWID ) { beans::PropertyValue aPropertyValue; aPropertyValue.Name = aIt->sName; pItem->QueryValue( aPropertyValue.Value, aIt->nMemberId ); aPropertyVector.push_back( aPropertyValue ); } ++aIt; } pItem = aIter.NextItem(); } const sal_Int32 nCount = aPropertyVector.size(); uno::Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aRet( nCount ); beans::PropertyValue* pProps = aRet.getArray(); for ( int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i, pProps++ ) { *pProps = aPropertyVector[i]; } return aRet; } /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */