/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: swfont.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2000-09-19 00:08:27 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "core_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #include "hintids.hxx" #ifndef _SYSTEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_BRSHITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_WRLMITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_BLNKITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_NHYPITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_KERNITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_CMAPITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_LANGITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_ESCPITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_AKRNITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_SHDDITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_CNTRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_COLRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_CSCOITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_CRSDITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_UDLNITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_WGHTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_POSTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_FHGTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_FONTITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _CHARATR_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWATRSET_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _APP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _OUTDEV_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include "viewsh.hxx" // Bildschirmabgleich #include "swfont.hxx" #include "fntcache.hxx" // FontCache #include "drawfont.hxx" // SwDrawTextInfo #if defined(WIN) || defined(WNT) || defined(PM2) #define FNT_LEADING_HACK #endif #if defined(WIN) || defined(WNT) #define FNT_ATM_HACK #endif #ifndef PRODUCT // globale Variable SvStatistics aSvStat; #endif /************************************************************************ * Hintergrundbrush setzen, z.B. bei Zeichenvorlagen ***********************************************************************/ void SwFont::SetBackColor( Color* pNewColor ) { delete pBackColor; pBackColor = pNewColor; bFntChg = TRUE; aSub[SW_LATIN].pMagic = aSub[SW_CJK].pMagic = aSub[SW_CTL].pMagic = 0; } /************************************************************************ * Hintergrundbrush setzen, * die alte Brush wird _nicht_ destruiert, sondern ist der Rueckgabewert. ***********************************************************************/ Color* SwFont::XChgBackColor( Color* pNewColor ) { Color* pRet = pBackColor; pBackColor = pNewColor; bFntChg = TRUE; aSub[SW_LATIN].pMagic = aSub[SW_CJK].pMagic = aSub[SW_CTL].pMagic = 0; return pRet; } /************************************************************************* Escapement: frEsc: Fraction, Grad des Escapements Esc = resultierendes Escapement A1 = Original-Ascent (nOrgAscent) A2 = verkleinerter Ascent (nEscAscent) Ax = resultierender Ascent (GetAscent()) H1 = Original-Hoehe (nOrgHeight) H2 = verkleinerter Hoehe (nEscHeight) Hx = resultierender Hoehe (GetHeight()) Bx = resultierende Baseline fuer die Textausgabe (CalcPos()) (Vorsicht: Y - A1!) Escapement: Esc = H1 * frEsc; Hochstellung: Ax = A2 + Esc; Hx = H2 + Esc; Bx = A1 - Esc; Tiefstellung: Ax = A1; Hx = A1 + Esc + (H2 - A2); Bx = A1 + Esc; *************************************************************************/ /************************************************************************* * SwSubFont::CalcEscAscent( const USHORT nOldAscent ) *************************************************************************/ // nEsc ist der Prozentwert USHORT SwSubFont::CalcEscAscent( const USHORT nOldAscent ) const { if( DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUPER != GetEscapement() && DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUB != GetEscapement() ) { const long nAscent = nOldAscent + ( (long) nOrgHeight * GetEscapement() ) / 100L; if ( nAscent>0 ) return ( Max( USHORT (nAscent), nOrgAscent )); } return nOrgAscent; } /************************************************************************* * SwSubFont::SetFnt() *************************************************************************/ void SwSubFont::SetFnt( const SvxFont &rFont ) { *((SvxFont*)this) = rFont; if ( 100 == GetPropr() ) aSize = Font::GetSize(); else aSize = Size( (long) Font::GetSize().Width() * 100L / GetPropr(), (long) Font::GetSize().Height() * 100L / GetPropr() ); pMagic = 0; ASSERT( IsTransparent(), "SwSubFont: Transparent revolution" ); } /************************************************************************* * SwFont::SetFnt() *************************************************************************/ void SwFont::SetFnt( const SwAttrSet *pAttrSet ) { if( pAttrSet ) { { // Latin const SvxFontItem& rFont = pAttrSet->GetFont(); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetFamily( rFont.GetFamily() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetName( rFont.GetFamilyName() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetStyleName( rFont.GetStyleName() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetPitch( rFont.GetPitch() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetCharSet( rFont.GetCharSet() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].SvxFont::SetPropr( 100 ); aSub[SW_LATIN].aSize = aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::GetSize(); Size aTmpSize = aSub[SW_LATIN].aSize; aTmpSize.Height() = pAttrSet->GetSize().GetHeight(); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetSize( aTmpSize ); aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetItalic( pAttrSet->GetPosture().GetPosture() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetWeight( pAttrSet->GetWeight().GetWeight() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetLanguage( pAttrSet->GetLanguage().GetLanguage() ); } { // CJK const SvxFontItem& rFont = pAttrSet->GetCJKFont(); aSub[SW_CJK].SetFamily( rFont.GetFamily() ); aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetName( rFont.GetFamilyName() ); aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetStyleName( rFont.GetStyleName() ); aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetPitch( rFont.GetPitch() ); aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetCharSet( rFont.GetCharSet() ); aSub[SW_CJK].SvxFont::SetPropr( 100 ); aSub[SW_CJK].aSize = aSub[SW_CJK].Font::GetSize(); Size aTmpSize = aSub[SW_CJK].aSize; aTmpSize.Height() = pAttrSet->GetCJKSize().GetHeight(); aSub[SW_CJK].SetSize( aTmpSize ); aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetItalic( pAttrSet->GetCJKPosture().GetPosture() ); aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetWeight( pAttrSet->GetCJKWeight().GetWeight() ); aSub[SW_CJK].SetLanguage( pAttrSet->GetCJKLanguage().GetLanguage() ); } { // CTL const SvxFontItem& rFont = pAttrSet->GetCTLFont(); aSub[SW_CTL].SetFamily( rFont.GetFamily() ); aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetName( rFont.GetFamilyName() ); aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetStyleName( rFont.GetStyleName() ); aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetPitch( rFont.GetPitch() ); aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetCharSet( rFont.GetCharSet() ); aSub[SW_CTL].SvxFont::SetPropr( 100 ); aSub[SW_CTL].aSize = aSub[SW_CTL].Font::GetSize(); Size aTmpSize = aSub[SW_CTL].aSize; aTmpSize.Height() = pAttrSet->GetCTLSize().GetHeight(); aSub[SW_CTL].SetSize( aTmpSize ); aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetItalic( pAttrSet->GetCTLPosture().GetPosture() ); aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetWeight( pAttrSet->GetCTLWeight().GetWeight() ); aSub[SW_CTL].SetLanguage( pAttrSet->GetCTLLanguage().GetLanguage() ); } SetUnderline( pAttrSet->GetUnderline().GetUnderline() ); SetStrikeout( pAttrSet->GetCrossedOut().GetStrikeout() ); SetColor( pAttrSet->GetColor().GetValue() ); SetTransparent( TRUE ); SetAlign( ALIGN_BASELINE ); SetOutline( pAttrSet->GetContour().GetValue() ); SetShadow( pAttrSet->GetShadowed().GetValue() ); SetAutoKern( pAttrSet->GetAutoKern().GetValue() ); SetWordLineMode( pAttrSet->GetWordLineMode().GetValue() ); const SvxEscapementItem &rEsc = pAttrSet->GetEscapement(); SetEscapement( rEsc.GetEsc() ); if( aSub[SW_LATIN].IsEsc() ) SetProportion( rEsc.GetProp() ); SetCaseMap( pAttrSet->GetCaseMap().GetCaseMap() ); SetFixKerning( pAttrSet->GetKerning().GetValue() ); bNoHyph = pAttrSet->GetNoHyphenHere().GetValue(); bBlink = pAttrSet->GetBlink().GetValue(); } else { aSub[SW_LATIN].pMagic = aSub[SW_CJK].pMagic = aSub[SW_CTL].pMagic = 0; Invalidate(); bNoHyph = FALSE; bBlink = FALSE; } bPaintBlank = FALSE; bPaintWrong = FALSE; bURL = bGreyWave = bNoColReplace = FALSE; ASSERT( aSub[SW_LATIN].IsTransparent(), "SwFont: Transparent revolution" ); } /************************************************************************* * SwFont::SetFnt() *************************************************************************/ void SwFont::SetDiffFnt( const SfxItemSet *pAttrSet ) { if( pAttrSet ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_FONT, TRUE, &pItem )) { const SvxFontItem *pFont = (const SvxFontItem *)pItem; aSub[SW_LATIN].SetFamily( pFont->GetFamily() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetName( pFont->GetFamilyName() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetStyleName( pFont->GetStyleName() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetPitch( pFont->GetPitch() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetCharSet( pFont->GetCharSet() ); } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_FONTSIZE, TRUE, &pItem )) { const SvxFontHeightItem *pHeight = (const SvxFontHeightItem *)pItem; aSub[SW_LATIN].SvxFont::SetPropr( 100 ); aSub[SW_LATIN].aSize = aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::GetSize(); Size aTmpSize = aSub[SW_LATIN].aSize; aTmpSize.Height() = pHeight->GetHeight(); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetSize( aTmpSize ); } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_POSTURE, TRUE, &pItem )) aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetItalic( ((SvxPostureItem*)pItem)->GetPosture() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_WEIGHT, TRUE, &pItem )) aSub[SW_LATIN].Font::SetWeight( ((SvxWeightItem*)pItem)->GetWeight() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_LANGUAGE, TRUE, &pItem )) aSub[SW_LATIN].SetLanguage( ((SvxLanguageItem*)pItem)->GetLanguage() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CJK_FONT, TRUE, &pItem )) { const SvxFontItem *pFont = (const SvxFontItem *)pItem; aSub[SW_CJK].SetFamily( pFont->GetFamily() ); aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetName( pFont->GetFamilyName() ); aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetStyleName( pFont->GetStyleName() ); aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetPitch( pFont->GetPitch() ); aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetCharSet( pFont->GetCharSet() ); } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CJK_FONTSIZE, TRUE, &pItem )) { const SvxFontHeightItem *pHeight = (const SvxFontHeightItem *)pItem; aSub[SW_CJK].SvxFont::SetPropr( 100 ); aSub[SW_CJK].aSize = aSub[SW_CJK].Font::GetSize(); Size aTmpSize = aSub[SW_CJK].aSize; aTmpSize.Height() = pHeight->GetHeight(); aSub[SW_CJK].SetSize( aTmpSize ); } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CJK_POSTURE, TRUE, &pItem )) aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetItalic( ((SvxPostureItem*)pItem)->GetPosture() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CJK_WEIGHT, TRUE, &pItem )) aSub[SW_CJK].Font::SetWeight( ((SvxWeightItem*)pItem)->GetWeight() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CJK_LANGUAGE, TRUE, &pItem )) aSub[SW_CJK].SetLanguage( ((SvxLanguageItem*)pItem)->GetLanguage() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CTL_FONT, TRUE, &pItem )) { const SvxFontItem *pFont = (const SvxFontItem *)pItem; aSub[SW_CTL].SetFamily( pFont->GetFamily() ); aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetName( pFont->GetFamilyName() ); aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetStyleName( pFont->GetStyleName() ); aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetPitch( pFont->GetPitch() ); aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetCharSet( pFont->GetCharSet() ); } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CTL_FONTSIZE, TRUE, &pItem )) { const SvxFontHeightItem *pHeight = (const SvxFontHeightItem *)pItem; aSub[SW_CTL].SvxFont::SetPropr( 100 ); aSub[SW_CTL].aSize = aSub[SW_CTL].Font::GetSize(); Size aTmpSize = aSub[SW_CTL].aSize; aTmpSize.Height() = pHeight->GetHeight(); aSub[SW_CTL].SetSize( aTmpSize ); } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CTL_POSTURE, TRUE, &pItem )) aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetItalic( ((SvxPostureItem*)pItem)->GetPosture() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CTL_WEIGHT, TRUE, &pItem )) aSub[SW_CTL].Font::SetWeight( ((SvxWeightItem*)pItem)->GetWeight() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CTL_LANGUAGE, TRUE, &pItem )) aSub[SW_CTL].SetLanguage( ((SvxLanguageItem*)pItem)->GetLanguage() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_UNDERLINE, TRUE, &pItem )) SetUnderline( ((SvxUnderlineItem*)pItem)->GetUnderline() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CROSSEDOUT, TRUE, &pItem )) SetStrikeout( ((SvxCrossedOutItem*)pItem)->GetStrikeout() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_COLOR, TRUE, &pItem )) SetColor( ((SvxColorItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); SetTransparent( TRUE ); SetAlign( ALIGN_BASELINE ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CONTOUR, TRUE, &pItem )) SetOutline( ((SvxContourItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_SHADOWED, TRUE, &pItem )) SetShadow( ((SvxShadowedItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_AUTOKERN, TRUE, &pItem )) SetAutoKern( ((SvxAutoKernItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_WORDLINEMODE, TRUE, &pItem )) SetWordLineMode( ((SvxWordLineModeItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_ESCAPEMENT, TRUE, &pItem )) { const SvxEscapementItem *pEsc = (const SvxEscapementItem *)pItem; SetEscapement( pEsc->GetEsc() ); if( aSub[SW_LATIN].IsEsc() ) SetProportion( pEsc->GetProp() ); } if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_CASEMAP, TRUE, &pItem )) SetCaseMap( ((SvxCaseMapItem*)pItem)->GetCaseMap() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_KERNING, TRUE, &pItem )) SetFixKerning( ((SvxKerningItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_NOHYPHEN, TRUE, &pItem )) SetNoHyph( ((SvxNoHyphenItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_BLINK, TRUE, &pItem )) SetBlink( ((SvxBlinkItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ); } else { Invalidate(); bNoHyph = FALSE; bBlink = FALSE; } bPaintBlank = FALSE; bPaintWrong = FALSE; ASSERT( aSub[SW_LATIN].IsTransparent(), "SwFont: Transparent revolution" ); } /************************************************************************* * class SwFont *************************************************************************/ SwFont::SwFont( const SwFont &rFont ) { aSub[SW_LATIN] = rFont.aSub[SW_LATIN]; aSub[SW_CJK] = rFont.aSub[SW_CJK]; aSub[SW_CTL] = rFont.aSub[SW_CTL]; nActual = rFont.nActual; pBackColor = rFont.pBackColor ? new Color( *rFont.pBackColor ) : NULL; nToxCnt = nRefCnt = 0; bFntChg = rFont.bFntChg; bOrgChg = rFont.bOrgChg; bPaintBlank = rFont.bPaintBlank; bPaintWrong = FALSE; bURL = rFont.bURL; bGreyWave = rFont.bGreyWave; bNoColReplace = rFont.bNoColReplace; bNoHyph = rFont.bNoHyph; bBlink = rFont.bBlink; } SwFont::SwFont( const SwAttrSet* pAttrSet ) { nActual = SW_LATIN; nToxCnt = nRefCnt = 0; bPaintBlank = FALSE; bPaintWrong = FALSE; bURL = FALSE; bGreyWave = FALSE; bNoColReplace = FALSE; bNoHyph = pAttrSet->GetNoHyphenHere().GetValue(); bBlink = pAttrSet->GetBlink().GetValue(); { const SvxFontItem& rFont = pAttrSet->GetFont(); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetFamily( rFont.GetFamily() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetName( rFont.GetFamilyName() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetStyleName( rFont.GetStyleName() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetPitch( rFont.GetPitch() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetCharSet( rFont.GetCharSet() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].SvxFont::SetPropr( 100 ); // 100% der FontSize Size aTmpSize = aSub[SW_LATIN].aSize; aTmpSize.Height() = pAttrSet->GetSize().GetHeight(); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetSize( aTmpSize ); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetItalic( pAttrSet->GetPosture().GetPosture() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetWeight( pAttrSet->GetWeight().GetWeight() ); aSub[SW_LATIN].SetLanguage( pAttrSet->GetLanguage().GetLanguage() ); } { const SvxFontItem& rFont = pAttrSet->GetCJKFont(); aSub[SW_CJK].SetFamily( rFont.GetFamily() ); aSub[SW_CJK].SetName( rFont.GetFamilyName() ); aSub[SW_CJK].SetStyleName( rFont.GetStyleName() ); aSub[SW_CJK].SetPitch( rFont.GetPitch() ); aSub[SW_CJK].SetCharSet( rFont.GetCharSet() ); aSub[SW_CJK].SvxFont::SetPropr( 100 ); // 100% der FontSize Size aTmpSize = aSub[SW_CJK].aSize; aTmpSize.Height() = pAttrSet->GetCJKSize().GetHeight(); aSub[SW_CJK].SetSize( aTmpSize ); aSub[SW_CJK].SetItalic( pAttrSet->GetCJKPosture().GetPosture() ); aSub[SW_CJK].SetWeight( pAttrSet->GetCJKWeight().GetWeight() ); aSub[SW_CJK].SetLanguage( pAttrSet->GetCJKLanguage().GetLanguage() ); } { const SvxFontItem& rFont = pAttrSet->GetCJKFont(); aSub[SW_CTL].SetFamily( rFont.GetFamily() ); aSub[SW_CTL].SetName( rFont.GetFamilyName() ); aSub[SW_CTL].SetStyleName( rFont.GetStyleName() ); aSub[SW_CTL].SetPitch( rFont.GetPitch() ); aSub[SW_CTL].SetCharSet( rFont.GetCharSet() ); aSub[SW_CTL].SvxFont::SetPropr( 100 ); // 100% der FontSize Size aTmpSize = aSub[SW_CTL].aSize; aTmpSize.Height() = pAttrSet->GetCJKSize().GetHeight(); aSub[SW_CTL].SetSize( aTmpSize ); aSub[SW_CTL].SetItalic( pAttrSet->GetCJKPosture().GetPosture() ); aSub[SW_CTL].SetWeight( pAttrSet->GetCJKWeight().GetWeight() ); aSub[SW_CTL].SetLanguage( pAttrSet->GetCJKLanguage().GetLanguage() ); } SetUnderline( pAttrSet->GetUnderline().GetUnderline() ); SetStrikeout( pAttrSet->GetCrossedOut().GetStrikeout() ); SetColor( pAttrSet->GetColor().GetValue() ); SetTransparent( TRUE ); SetAlign( ALIGN_BASELINE ); SetOutline( pAttrSet->GetContour().GetValue() ); SetShadow( pAttrSet->GetShadowed().GetValue() ); SetAutoKern( pAttrSet->GetAutoKern().GetValue() ); SetWordLineMode( pAttrSet->GetWordLineMode().GetValue() ); const SvxEscapementItem &rEsc = pAttrSet->GetEscapement(); SetEscapement( rEsc.GetEsc() ); if( aSub[SW_LATIN].IsEsc() ) SetProportion( rEsc.GetProp() ); SetCaseMap( pAttrSet->GetCaseMap().GetCaseMap() ); SetFixKerning( pAttrSet->GetKerning().GetValue() ); const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pAttrSet->GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_BACKGROUND, TRUE, &pItem )) pBackColor = new Color( ((SvxBrushItem*)pItem)->GetColor() ); else pBackColor = NULL; } SwSubFont& SwSubFont::operator=( const SwSubFont &rFont ) { SvxFont::operator=( rFont ); pMagic = rFont.pMagic; nFntIndex = rFont.nFntIndex; nOrgHeight = rFont.nOrgHeight; nOrgAscent = rFont.nOrgAscent; aSize = rFont.aSize; return *this; } SwFont& SwFont::operator=( const SwFont &rFont ) { aSub[SW_LATIN] = rFont.aSub[SW_LATIN]; aSub[SW_CJK] = rFont.aSub[SW_CJK]; aSub[SW_CTL] = rFont.aSub[SW_CTL]; nActual = rFont.nActual; delete pBackColor; pBackColor = rFont.pBackColor ? new Color( *rFont.pBackColor ) : NULL; nToxCnt = nRefCnt = 0; bFntChg = rFont.bFntChg; bOrgChg = rFont.bOrgChg; bPaintBlank = rFont.bPaintBlank; bPaintWrong = FALSE; bURL = rFont.bURL; bGreyWave = rFont.bGreyWave; bNoColReplace = rFont.bNoColReplace; bNoHyph = rFont.bNoHyph; bBlink = rFont.bBlink; return *this; } /************************************************************************* * SwFont::GoMagic() *************************************************************************/ void SwFont::GoMagic( ViewShell *pSh, BYTE nWhich ) { SwFntAccess aFntAccess( aSub[nWhich].pMagic, aSub[nWhich].nFntIndex, &aSub[nWhich], pSh, TRUE ); } /************************************************************************* * SwSubFont::IsSymbol() *************************************************************************/ BOOL SwSubFont::IsSymbol( ViewShell *pSh ) { SwFntAccess aFntAccess( pMagic, nFntIndex, this, pSh, FALSE ); return aFntAccess.Get()->IsSymbol(); } /************************************************************************* * SwFont::SetSystemLang() *************************************************************************/ LanguageType GetSystemLang( ) { // Hier wird bei LANGUAGE_SYSTEM die Sprache ermittelt. // 1.Versuch: Was sagt die Applikation? LanguageType eTmp = GetpApp()->GetAppInternational().GetLanguage(); if ( ( eTmp == LANGUAGE_SYSTEM ) && // Was sagt die Systemumgebung? ( (eTmp = ::GetSystemLanguage()) == LANGUAGE_SYSTEM ) ) eTmp = LANGUAGE_DONTKNOW; // also unbekannt return eTmp; } /************************************************************************* * SwSubFont::ChgFnt() *************************************************************************/ BOOL SwSubFont::ChgFnt( ViewShell *pSh, OutputDevice *pOut ) { if ( pLastFont ) pLastFont->Unlock(); SwFntAccess aFntAccess( pMagic, nFntIndex, this, pSh, TRUE ); SV_STAT( nChangeFont ); pLastFont = aFntAccess.Get(); pLastFont->SetDevFont( pSh, pOut ); pLastFont->Lock(); return UNDERLINE_NONE != GetUnderline() || STRIKEOUT_NONE != GetStrikeout(); } /************************************************************************* * SwFont::ChgPhysFnt() *************************************************************************/ void SwFont::ChgPhysFnt( ViewShell *pSh, OutputDevice *pOut ) { ASSERT( pOut, "SwFont:;ChgPhysFnt, not OutDev." ); if( bOrgChg && aSub[nActual].IsEsc() ) { const BYTE nOldProp = aSub[nActual].GetPropr(); SetProportion( 100 ); ChgFnt( pSh, pOut ); SwFntAccess aFntAccess( aSub[nActual].pMagic, aSub[nActual].nFntIndex, &aSub[nActual], pSh ); aSub[nActual].nOrgHeight = aFntAccess.Get()->GetHeight( pSh, pOut ); aSub[nActual].nOrgAscent = aFntAccess.Get()->GetAscent( pSh, pOut ); SetProportion( nOldProp ); bOrgChg = FALSE; } if( bFntChg ) { ChgFnt( pSh, pOut ); bFntChg = bOrgChg; } } /************************************************************************* * SwFont::CalcEscHeight() * Height = MaxAscent + MaxDescent * MaxAscent = Max (T1_ascent, T2_ascent + (Esc * T1_height) ); * MaxDescent = Max (T1_height-T1_ascent, * T2_height-T2_ascent - (Esc * T1_height) *************************************************************************/ USHORT SwSubFont::CalcEscHeight( const USHORT nOldHeight, const USHORT nOldAscent ) const { if( DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUPER != GetEscapement() && DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUB != GetEscapement() ) { long nDescent = nOldHeight - nOldAscent - ( (long) nOrgHeight * GetEscapement() ) / 100L; const USHORT nDesc = ( nDescent>0 ) ? Max ( USHORT(nDescent), USHORT(nOrgHeight - nOrgAscent) ) : nOrgHeight - nOrgAscent; return ( nDesc + CalcEscAscent( nOldAscent ) ); } return nOrgHeight; } short SwSubFont::_CheckKerning( ) { #ifdef DEBUG static nTst = 6; short nKernx = - short( Font::GetSize().Height() / nTst ); #else short nKernx = - short( Font::GetSize().Height() / 6 ); #endif if ( nKernx < GetFixKerning() ) return GetFixKerning(); return nKernx; } /************************************************************************* * SwFont::GetLeading() *************************************************************************/ USHORT SwFont::GetLeading( ViewShell *pSh, const OutputDevice *pOut ) { if( OUTDEV_PRINTER != pOut->GetOutDevType() ) return 0; else { SwFntAccess aFntAccess( aSub[nActual].pMagic, aSub[nActual].nFntIndex, &aSub[nActual], pSh ); return aFntAccess.Get()->GetLeading(); } } /************************************************************************* * SwSubFont::GetAscent() *************************************************************************/ USHORT SwSubFont::GetAscent( ViewShell *pSh, const OutputDevice *pOut ) { register USHORT nAscent; SwFntAccess aFntAccess( pMagic, nFntIndex, this, pSh ); nAscent = aFntAccess.Get()->GetAscent( pSh, pOut ); if( GetEscapement() ) nAscent = CalcEscAscent( nAscent ); return nAscent; } /************************************************************************* * SwSubFont::GetHeight() *************************************************************************/ USHORT SwSubFont::GetHeight( ViewShell *pSh, const OutputDevice *pOut ) { SV_STAT( nGetTextSize ); SwFntAccess aFntAccess( pMagic, nFntIndex, this, pSh ); const USHORT nHeight = aFntAccess.Get()->GetHeight( pSh, pOut ); if ( GetEscapement() ) { const USHORT nAscent = aFntAccess.Get()->GetAscent( pSh, pOut ); return CalcEscHeight( nHeight, nAscent ); // + nLeading; } return nHeight; // + nLeading; } /************************************************************************* * SwSubFont::_GetTxtSize() *************************************************************************/ Size SwSubFont::_GetTxtSize( ViewShell *pSh, const OutputDevice *pOut, const XubString &rTxt, const xub_StrLen nIdx, const xub_StrLen nLen ) { // Robust: Eigentlich sollte der Font bereits eingestellt sein, aber // sicher ist sicher ... if ( !pLastFont || pLastFont->GetOwner()!=pMagic || !IsSameInstance( pOut->GetFont() ) ) ChgFnt( pSh, (OutputDevice *)pOut ); Size aTxtSize; xub_StrLen nLn = ( nLen==STRING_LEN ? rTxt.Len() : nLen ); if( IsCapital() && nLn ) aTxtSize = GetCapitalSize( pSh, pOut, rTxt, nIdx, nLn ); else { SV_STAT( nGetTextSize ); if ( !IsCaseMap() ) aTxtSize = pLastFont->GetTextSize( pSh, pOut, rTxt, nIdx, nLn, CheckKerning() ); else aTxtSize = pLastFont->GetTextSize( pSh, pOut, CalcCaseMap( rTxt ), nIdx, nLn, CheckKerning() ); // 15142: Ein Wort laenger als eine Zeile, beim Zeilenumbruch // hochgestellt, muss seine effektive Hoehe melden. if( GetEscapement() ) { const USHORT nAscent = pLastFont->GetAscent( pSh, pOut ); aTxtSize.Height() = (long)CalcEscHeight( (USHORT)aTxtSize.Height(), nAscent); } } return aTxtSize; } /************************************************************************* * SwFont::GetTxtBreak() *************************************************************************/ xub_StrLen SwFont::GetTxtBreak( ViewShell *pSh, const OutputDevice *pOut, const XubString &rTxt, long nTextWidth, const xub_StrLen nIdx, const xub_StrLen nLen ) { ChgFnt( pSh, (OutputDevice *)pOut ); USHORT nTxtBreak = 0; USHORT nLn = ( nLen == STRING_LEN ? rTxt.Len() : nLen ); if( aSub[nActual].IsCapital() && nLn ) nTxtBreak = GetCapitalBreak( pSh, pOut, rTxt, nTextWidth, 0, nIdx, nLn ); else { if ( !aSub[nActual].IsCaseMap() ) nTxtBreak = pOut->GetTextBreak( rTxt, nTextWidth, nIdx, nLn, CheckKerning() ); else nTxtBreak = pOut->GetTextBreak( aSub[nActual].CalcCaseMap( rTxt ), nTextWidth, nIdx, nLn, CheckKerning() ); } return nTxtBreak; } /************************************************************************* * SwFont::GetTxtBreak() *************************************************************************/ xub_StrLen SwFont::GetTxtBreak( ViewShell *pSh, const OutputDevice *pOut, const XubString &rTxt, long nTextWidth, xub_StrLen& rExtraCharPos, const xub_StrLen nIdx, const xub_StrLen nLen) { // Robust ... if ( !pLastFont || pLastFont->GetOwner()!= aSub[nActual].pMagic ) ChgFnt( pSh, (OutputDevice *)pOut ); xub_StrLen nTxtBreak = 0; xub_StrLen nLn = ( nLen == STRING_LEN ? rTxt.Len() : nLen ); if( aSub[nActual].IsCapital() && nLn ) nTxtBreak = GetCapitalBreak( pSh, pOut, rTxt, nTextWidth, &rExtraCharPos, nIdx, nLn ); else { if ( !aSub[nActual].IsCaseMap() ) nTxtBreak = pOut->GetTextBreak( rTxt, nTextWidth, '-', rExtraCharPos, nIdx, nLn, CheckKerning() ); else nTxtBreak = pOut->GetTextBreak( aSub[nActual].CalcCaseMap( rTxt ), nTextWidth, '-', rExtraCharPos, nIdx, nLn, CheckKerning() ); } return nTxtBreak; } /************************************************************************* * SwSubFont::_DrawText() *************************************************************************/ void SwSubFont::_DrawText( SwDrawTextInfo &rInf, const BOOL bGrey ) { rInf.SetGreyWave( bGrey ); xub_StrLen nLn = rInf.GetText().Len(); if( !rInf.GetLen() || !nLn ) return; if( STRING_LEN == rInf.GetLen() ) rInf.SetLen( nLn ); FontUnderline nOldUnder; if( rInf.GetSpecialUnderline() ) { nOldUnder = GetUnderline(); SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_NONE ); } if( !pLastFont || pLastFont->GetOwner()!=pMagic ) ChgFnt( rInf.GetShell(), rInf.GetpOut() ); Point aPos( rInf.GetPos() ); const Point &rOld = rInf.GetPos(); rInf.SetPos( aPos ); if( GetEscapement() ) { if( DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUB == GetEscapement() ) aPos.Y() += nOrgHeight - nOrgAscent - pLastFont->GetHeight( rInf.GetShell(), rInf.GetpOut() ) + pLastFont->GetAscent( rInf.GetShell(), rInf.GetpOut() ); else if( DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUPER == GetEscapement() ) { aPos.Y() += pLastFont->GetAscent( rInf.GetShell(), rInf.GetpOut() ); aPos.Y() -= nOrgAscent; } else aPos.Y() -= short( ((long)nOrgHeight * GetEscapement()) / 100L ); } rInf.SetKern( CheckKerning() + rInf.GetSperren() ); if( IsCapital() ) DrawCapital( rInf ); else { SV_STAT( nDrawText ); if ( !IsCaseMap() ) pLastFont->DrawText( rInf ); else { XubString aString( CalcCaseMap( rInf.GetText() ) ); const XubString &rOldStr = rInf.GetText(); rInf.SetText( aString ); pLastFont->DrawText( rInf ); rInf.SetText( rOldStr ); } } rInf.SetPos( rOld ); if( rInf.GetSpecialUnderline() ) { static sal_Char __READONLY_DATA sDoubleSpace[] = " "; Size aSize = _GetTxtSize( rInf.GetShell(), rInf.GetpOut(), rInf.GetText(), rInf.GetIdx(), rInf.GetLen() ); const XubString &rOldStr = rInf.GetText(); XubString aStr( sDoubleSpace, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 ); short nOldEsc = GetEscapement(); BYTE nOldProp = GetPropr(); BOOL bOldWord = IsWordLineMode(); SetWordLineMode( FALSE ); xub_StrLen nOldIdx = rInf.GetIdx(); xub_StrLen nOldLen = rInf.GetLen(); long nSpace = 0; if( rInf.GetSpace() ) { xub_StrLen nTmpEnd = nOldIdx + nOldLen; if( nTmpEnd > rOldStr.Len() ) nTmpEnd = rOldStr.Len(); for( xub_StrLen nTmp = nOldIdx; nTmp < nTmpEnd; ++nTmp ) if( CH_BLANK == rOldStr.GetChar( nTmp ) ) ++nSpace; nSpace *= rInf.GetSpace(); } rInf.SetText( aStr ); rInf.SetIdx( 0 ); rInf.SetLen( 2 ); SetProportion( 100 ); SetEscapement( 0 ); SetUnderline( nOldUnder ); rInf.SetWidth( USHORT(aSize.Width() + nSpace) ); rInf.SetSpecialUnderline( FALSE ); _DrawStretchText( rInf ); rInf.SetSpecialUnderline( TRUE ); rInf.SetText( rOldStr ); SetProportion( nOldProp ); SetEscapement( nOldEsc ); rInf.SetIdx( nOldIdx ); rInf.SetLen( nOldLen ); SetWordLineMode( bOldWord ); } } void SwSubFont::_DrawStretchText( SwDrawTextInfo &rInf ) { if( !rInf.GetLen() || !rInf.GetText().Len() ) return; FontUnderline nOldUnder; if( rInf.GetSpecialUnderline() ) { nOldUnder = GetUnderline(); SetUnderline( UNDERLINE_NONE ); } if ( !pLastFont || pLastFont->GetOwner() != pMagic ) ChgFnt( rInf.GetShell(), rInf.GetpOut() ); Point aPos( rInf.GetPos() ); if( GetEscapement() ) { if( DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUB == GetEscapement() ) aPos.Y() += nOrgHeight - nOrgAscent - pLastFont->GetHeight( rInf.GetShell(), rInf.GetpOut() ) + pLastFont->GetAscent( rInf.GetShell(), rInf.GetpOut() ); else if( DFLT_ESC_AUTO_SUPER == GetEscapement() ) aPos.Y() += pLastFont->GetAscent( rInf.GetShell(), rInf.GetpOut())- nOrgAscent; else aPos.Y() -= short( ((long)nOrgHeight * GetEscapement()) / 100L ); } rInf.SetKern( CheckKerning() + rInf.GetSperren() ); if( IsCapital() ) { const Point &rOld = rInf.GetPos(); rInf.SetPos( aPos ); DrawStretchCapital( rInf ); rInf.SetPos( rOld ); } else { SV_STAT( nDrawStretchText ); if ( !IsCaseMap() ) rInf.GetOut().DrawStretchText( aPos, rInf.GetWidth(), rInf.GetText(), rInf.GetIdx(), rInf.GetLen() ); else rInf.GetOut().DrawStretchText( aPos, rInf.GetWidth(), CalcCaseMap( rInf.GetText() ), rInf.GetIdx(), rInf.GetLen() ); } if( rInf.GetSpecialUnderline() ) { static sal_Char __READONLY_DATA sDoubleSpace[] = " "; const XubString &rOldStr = rInf.GetText(); XubString aStr( sDoubleSpace, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 ); short nOldEsc = GetEscapement(); BYTE nOldProp = GetPropr(); BOOL bOldWord = IsWordLineMode(); SetWordLineMode( FALSE ); xub_StrLen nOldIdx = rInf.GetIdx(); xub_StrLen nOldLen = rInf.GetLen(); rInf.SetText( aStr ); rInf.SetIdx( 0 ); rInf.SetLen( 2 ); SetProportion( 100 ); SetEscapement( 0 ); SetUnderline( nOldUnder ); rInf.SetSpecialUnderline( FALSE ); _DrawStretchText( rInf ); rInf.SetSpecialUnderline( TRUE ); rInf.SetText( rOldStr ); SetProportion( nOldProp ); SetEscapement( nOldEsc ); rInf.SetIdx( nOldIdx ); rInf.SetLen( nOldLen ); SetWordLineMode( bOldWord ); } } /************************************************************************* * SwSubFont::_GetCrsrOfst() *************************************************************************/ xub_StrLen SwSubFont::_GetCrsrOfst( ViewShell *pSh, OutputDevice *pOut, const XubString &rTxt, const USHORT nOfst, const xub_StrLen nIdx, const xub_StrLen nLen, const short nSpaceAdd ) { if ( !pLastFont || pLastFont->GetOwner()!=pMagic ) ChgFnt( pSh, pOut ); xub_StrLen nLn = ( nLen==STRING_LEN ? rTxt.Len() : nLen ); xub_StrLen nCrsr = 0; if( IsCapital() && nLn ) nCrsr = GetCapitalCrsrOfst( pSh, pOut, rTxt, nOfst, nIdx, nLn, nSpaceAdd ); else { SV_STAT( nGetTextSize ); if ( !IsCaseMap() ) nCrsr = pLastFont->GetCrsrOfst( pOut, rTxt, nOfst, nIdx, nLn, CheckKerning(), nSpaceAdd ); else nCrsr = pLastFont->GetCrsrOfst( pOut, CalcCaseMap( rTxt ), nOfst, nIdx, nLn, CheckKerning(), nSpaceAdd ); } return nCrsr; }