/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: fmtatr2.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * * last change: $Author: jp $ $Date: 2000-11-16 21:31:21 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "core_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #include "hintids.hxx" #include "unomid.h" #ifndef __SBX_SBXVARIABLE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXMACITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SFXSTRITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FCHRFMT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTINFMT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _TXTATR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTRUBY_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CHARFMT_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _HINTS_HXX #include // SwUpdateAttr #endif #ifndef _DOC_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _UNOSTYLE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _CMDID_H #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UNO_ANY_H_ #include #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::rtl; /************************************************************************* |* |* class SwFmtCharFmt |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung JP 23.11.90 |* Letzte Aenderung JP 09.08.94 |* *************************************************************************/ SwFmtCharFmt::SwFmtCharFmt( SwCharFmt *pFmt ) : SfxPoolItem( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT ), SwClient(pFmt), pTxtAttr( 0 ) { } SwFmtCharFmt::SwFmtCharFmt( const SwFmtCharFmt& rAttr ) : SfxPoolItem( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT ), SwClient( rAttr.GetCharFmt() ), pTxtAttr( 0 ) { } SwFmtCharFmt::~SwFmtCharFmt() {} int SwFmtCharFmt::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const { ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rAttr ), "keine gleichen Attribute" ); return GetCharFmt() == ((SwFmtCharFmt&)rAttr).GetCharFmt(); } SfxPoolItem* SwFmtCharFmt::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const { return new SwFmtCharFmt( *this ); } // weiterleiten an das TextAttribut void SwFmtCharFmt::Modify( SfxPoolItem* pOld, SfxPoolItem* pNew ) { if( pTxtAttr ) pTxtAttr->Modify( pOld, pNew ); } // weiterleiten an das TextAttribut BOOL SwFmtCharFmt::GetInfo( SfxPoolItem& rInfo ) const { return pTxtAttr ? pTxtAttr->GetInfo( rInfo ) : FALSE; } BOOL SwFmtCharFmt::QueryValue( uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMemberId ) const { XubString sCharFmtName; if(GetCharFmt()) sCharFmtName = SwXStyleFamilies::GetProgrammaticName(GetCharFmt()->GetName(), SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ); rVal <<= OUString( sCharFmtName ); return TRUE; } BOOL SwFmtCharFmt::PutValue( const uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMemberId ) { DBG_ERROR("Zeichenvorlage kann mit PutValue nicht gesetzt werden!") return FALSE; } /************************************************************************* |* |* class SwFmtINetFmt |* Beschreibung |* Ersterstellung AMA 02.08.96 |* Letzte Aenderung AMA 02.08.96 |* *************************************************************************/ SwFmtINetFmt::SwFmtINetFmt( const XubString& rURL, const XubString& rTarget ) : SfxPoolItem( RES_TXTATR_INETFMT ), aURL( rURL ), aTargetFrame( rTarget ), pTxtAttr( 0 ), pMacroTbl( 0 ), nINetId( 0 ), nVisitedId( 0 ) { } SwFmtINetFmt::SwFmtINetFmt( const SwFmtINetFmt& rAttr ) : SfxPoolItem( RES_TXTATR_INETFMT ), aURL( rAttr.GetValue() ), aName( rAttr.aName ), aTargetFrame( rAttr.aTargetFrame ), aINetFmt( rAttr.aINetFmt ), aVisitedFmt( rAttr.aVisitedFmt ), pTxtAttr( 0 ), pMacroTbl( 0 ), nINetId( rAttr.nINetId ), nVisitedId( rAttr.nVisitedId ) { if( rAttr.GetMacroTbl() ) pMacroTbl = new SvxMacroTableDtor( *rAttr.GetMacroTbl() ); } SwFmtINetFmt::~SwFmtINetFmt() { delete pMacroTbl; } int SwFmtINetFmt::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const { ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rAttr ), "keine gleichen Attribute" ); BOOL bRet = SfxPoolItem::operator==( (SfxPoolItem&) rAttr ) && aURL == ((SwFmtINetFmt&)rAttr).aURL && aName == ((SwFmtINetFmt&)rAttr).aName && aTargetFrame == ((SwFmtINetFmt&)rAttr).aTargetFrame && aINetFmt == ((SwFmtINetFmt&)rAttr).aINetFmt && aVisitedFmt == ((SwFmtINetFmt&)rAttr).aVisitedFmt && nINetId == ((SwFmtINetFmt&)rAttr).nINetId && nVisitedId == ((SwFmtINetFmt&)rAttr).nVisitedId; if( !bRet ) return FALSE; const SvxMacroTableDtor* pOther = ((SwFmtINetFmt&)rAttr).pMacroTbl; if( !pMacroTbl ) return ( !pOther || !pOther->Count() ); if( !pOther ) return 0 == pMacroTbl->Count(); const SvxMacroTableDtor& rOwn = *pMacroTbl; const SvxMacroTableDtor& rOther = *pOther; // Anzahl unterschiedlich => auf jeden Fall ungleich if( rOwn.Count() != rOther.Count() ) return FALSE; // einzeln vergleichen; wegen Performance ist die Reihenfolge wichtig for( USHORT nNo = 0; nNo < rOwn.Count(); ++nNo ) { const SvxMacro *pOwnMac = rOwn.GetObject(nNo); const SvxMacro *pOtherMac = rOther.GetObject(nNo); if ( rOwn.GetKey(pOwnMac) != rOther.GetKey(pOtherMac) || pOwnMac->GetLibName() != pOtherMac->GetLibName() || pOwnMac->GetMacName() != pOtherMac->GetMacName() ) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } SfxPoolItem* SwFmtINetFmt::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const { return new SwFmtINetFmt( *this ); } void SwFmtINetFmt::SetMacroTbl( const SvxMacroTableDtor* pNewTbl ) { if( pNewTbl ) { if( pMacroTbl ) *pMacroTbl = *pNewTbl; else pMacroTbl = new SvxMacroTableDtor( *pNewTbl ); } else if( pMacroTbl ) delete pMacroTbl, pMacroTbl = 0; } void SwFmtINetFmt::SetMacro( USHORT nEvent, const SvxMacro& rMacro ) { if( !pMacroTbl ) pMacroTbl = new SvxMacroTableDtor; SvxMacro *pOldMacro; if( 0 != ( pOldMacro = pMacroTbl->Get( nEvent )) ) { delete pOldMacro; pMacroTbl->Replace( nEvent, new SvxMacro( rMacro ) ); } else pMacroTbl->Insert( nEvent, new SvxMacro( rMacro ) ); } const SvxMacro* SwFmtINetFmt::GetMacro( USHORT nEvent ) const { const SvxMacro* pRet = 0; if( pMacroTbl && pMacroTbl->IsKeyValid( nEvent ) ) pRet = pMacroTbl->Get( nEvent ); return pRet; } BOOL SwFmtINetFmt::QueryValue( uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMemberId ) const { BOOL bRet = TRUE; XubString sVal; switch(nMemberId) { case MID_URL_URL: sVal = aURL; break; case MID_URL_TARGET: sVal = aTargetFrame; break; case MID_URL_HYPERLINKNAME: sVal = aName; break; case MID_URL_VISITED_FMT: sVal = SwXStyleFamilies::GetProgrammaticName( aVisitedFmt, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ); break; case MID_URL_UNVISITED_FMT: sVal = SwXStyleFamilies::GetProgrammaticName( aINetFmt, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ); break; default: bRet = FALSE; } rVal <<= OUString(sVal); return bRet; } BOOL SwFmtINetFmt::PutValue( const uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMemberId ) { BOOL bRet = TRUE; if(rVal.getValueType() != ::getCppuType((rtl::OUString*)0)) return FALSE; XubString sVal = *(rtl::OUString*)rVal.getValue(); switch(nMemberId) { case MID_URL_URL: aURL = sVal; break; case MID_URL_TARGET: aTargetFrame = sVal; break; case MID_URL_HYPERLINKNAME: aName = sVal; break; case MID_URL_VISITED_FMT: { aVisitedFmt = SwXStyleFamilies::GetUIName( sVal, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ); nVisitedId = SwDoc::GetPoolId( aVisitedFmt, GET_POOLID_CHRFMT ); } break; case MID_URL_UNVISITED_FMT: { aINetFmt = SwXStyleFamilies::GetUIName( sVal, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ); nINetId = SwDoc::GetPoolId( aINetFmt, GET_POOLID_CHRFMT ); } break; default: bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; } /************************************************************************* |* class SwFmtRuby *************************************************************************/ SwFmtRuby::SwFmtRuby( const String& rRubyTxt ) : SfxPoolItem( RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY ), sRubyTxt( rRubyTxt ), nCharFmtId( 0 ), nPosition( 0 ), nAdjustment( 0 ), pTxtAttr( 0 ) { } SwFmtRuby::SwFmtRuby( const SwFmtRuby& rAttr ) : SfxPoolItem( RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY ), sRubyTxt( rAttr.sRubyTxt ), sCharFmtName( rAttr.sCharFmtName ), nCharFmtId( rAttr.nCharFmtId), nPosition( rAttr.nPosition ), nAdjustment( rAttr.nAdjustment ), pTxtAttr( 0 ) { } SwFmtRuby::~SwFmtRuby() { } int SwFmtRuby::operator==( const SfxPoolItem& rAttr ) const { ASSERT( SfxPoolItem::operator==( rAttr ), "keine gleichen Attribute" ); return sRubyTxt == ((SwFmtRuby&)rAttr).sRubyTxt && sCharFmtName == ((SwFmtRuby&)rAttr).sCharFmtName && nCharFmtId == ((SwFmtRuby&)rAttr).nCharFmtId && nPosition == ((SwFmtRuby&)rAttr).nPosition && nAdjustment == ((SwFmtRuby&)rAttr).nAdjustment; } SfxPoolItem* SwFmtRuby::Clone( SfxItemPool* ) const { return new SwFmtRuby( *this ); } BOOL SwFmtRuby::QueryValue( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMemberId ) const { BOOL bRet = TRUE; XubString sVal; switch( nMemberId ) { /* case MID_URL_URL: sVal = aURL; break; case MID_URL_TARGET: sVal = aTargetFrame; break; case MID_URL_HYPERLINKNAME: sVal = aName; break; case MID_URL_VISITED_FMT: sVal = SwXStyleFamilies::GetProgrammaticName( aVisitedFmt, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ); break; case MID_URL_UNVISITED_FMT: sVal = SwXStyleFamilies::GetProgrammaticName( aINetFmt, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ); break; */ default: bRet = FALSE; break; } rVal <<= OUString(sVal); return bRet; } BOOL SwFmtRuby::PutValue( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rVal, BYTE nMemberId ) { BOOL bRet; if( rVal.getValueType() == ::getCppuType((rtl::OUString*)0) ) { bRet = TRUE; XubString sVal = *(rtl::OUString*)rVal.getValue(); switch( nMemberId ) { /* case MID_URL_URL: aURL = sVal; break; case MID_URL_TARGET: aTargetFrame = sVal; break; case MID_URL_HYPERLINKNAME: aName = sVal; break; case MID_URL_VISITED_FMT: aVisitedFmt = SwXStyleFamilies::GetUIName( sVal, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ); nVisitedId = USHRT_MAX; break; case MID_URL_UNVISITED_FMT: aINetFmt = SwXStyleFamilies::GetUIName( sVal, SFX_STYLE_FAMILY_CHAR ); nINetId = USHRT_MAX; break; */ default: bRet = FALSE; break; } } else bRet = FALSE; return bRet; }