/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: pormulti.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.23 $ * * last change: $Author: ama $ $Date: 2001-02-28 08:44:47 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "core_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #ifndef _HINTIDS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_I18N_SCRIPTTYPE_HDL_ #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_TWOLINESITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_CHARROTATEITEM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TXATBASE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTRUBY_HXX #include // SwFmtRuby #endif #ifndef _TXTATR_HXX #include // SwTxtRuby #endif #ifndef _CHARFMT_HXX // SwCharFmt #include #endif #ifndef _TXTINET_HXX // SwTxtINetFmt #include #endif #ifndef _FCHRFMT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _LAYFRM_HXX #include // GetUpper() #endif #ifndef _PORMULTI_HXX #include // SwMultiPortion #endif #ifndef _INFTXT_HXX #include // SwTxtSizeInfo #endif #ifndef _ITRPAINT_HXX #include // SwTxtPainter #endif #ifndef _VIEWOPT_HXX #include // SwViewOptions #endif #ifndef _ITRFORM2_HXX #include // SwTxtFormatter #endif #ifndef _PORFLD_HXX #include // SwFldPortion #endif #ifndef _PORGLUE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _BREAKIT_HXX #include #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star; /*-----------------10.10.00 15:23------------------- * class SwMultiPortion * * A SwMultiPortion is not a simple portion, * it's a container, which contains almost a SwLineLayoutPortion. * This SwLineLayout could be followed by other textportions via pPortion * and by another SwLineLayout via pNext to realize a doubleline portion. * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwMultiPortion::~SwMultiPortion() { delete pFldRest; } void SwMultiPortion::Paint( const SwTxtPaintInfo &rInf ) const { ASSERT( FALSE, "Don't try SwMultiPortion::Paint, try SwTxtPainter::PaintMultiPortion" ); } /*-----------------13.10.00 16:21------------------- * Summarize the internal lines to calculate the (external) size. * The internal line has to calculate first. * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwMultiPortion::CalcSize( SwTxtFormatter& rLine, SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { Width( 0 ); Height( 0 ); SetAscent( 0 ); SetFlyInCntnt( sal_False ); SwLineLayout *pLay = &GetRoot(); do { pLay->CalcLine( rLine, rInf ); if( rLine.IsFlyInCntBase() ) SetFlyInCntnt( sal_True ); if( IsRuby() && ( OnTop() == ( pLay == &GetRoot() ) ) ) { // An empty phonetic line don't need an ascent or a height. if( !pLay->Width() ) { pLay->SetAscent( 0 ); pLay->Height( 0 ); } if( OnTop() ) SetAscent( GetAscent() + pLay->Height() ); } else SetAscent( GetAscent() + pLay->GetAscent() ); Height( Height() + pLay->Height() ); if( Width() < pLay->Width() ) Width( pLay->Width() ); pLay = pLay->GetNext(); } while ( pLay ); if( HasBrackets() ) { KSHORT nTmp = ((SwDoubleLinePortion*)this)->GetBrackets()->nHeight; if( nTmp > Height() ) { KSHORT nAdd = ( nTmp - Height() ) / 2; GetRoot().SetAscent( GetRoot().GetAscent() + nAdd ); GetRoot().Height( GetRoot().Height() + nAdd ); Height( nTmp ); } nTmp = ((SwDoubleLinePortion*)this)->GetBrackets()->nAscent; if( nTmp > GetAscent() ) SetAscent( nTmp ); } } long SwMultiPortion::CalcSpacing( short nSpaceAdd, const SwTxtSizeInfo &rInf ) const { return 0; } /*-----------------01.11.00 14:21------------------- * SwMultiPortion::ActualizeTabulator() * sets the tabulator-flag, if there's any tabulator-portion inside. * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwMultiPortion::ActualizeTabulator() { SwLinePortion* pPor = GetRoot().GetFirstPortion(); // First line for( bTab1 = bTab2 = sal_False; pPor; pPor = pPor->GetPortion() ) if( pPor->InTabGrp() ) SetTab1( sal_True ); if( GetRoot().GetNext() ) { // Second line pPor = GetRoot().GetNext()->GetFirstPortion(); do { if( pPor->InTabGrp() ) SetTab2( sal_True ); pPor = pPor->GetPortion(); } while ( pPor ); } } /*-----------------16.02.01 12:07------------------- * SwRotatedPortion::SwRotatedPortion(..) * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwRotatedPortion::SwRotatedPortion( const SwMultiCreator& rCreate, xub_StrLen nEnd ) : SwMultiPortion( nEnd ) { const SvxCharRotateItem* pRot = (SvxCharRotateItem*)rCreate.pItem; if( !pRot ) { const SwTxtAttr& rAttr = *rCreate.pAttr; if( RES_CHRATR_ROTATE == rAttr.Which() ) pRot = &rAttr.GetCharRotate(); else { SwCharFmt* pFmt = NULL; if( RES_TXTATR_INETFMT == rAttr.Which() ) pFmt = ((SwTxtINetFmt&)rAttr).GetCharFmt(); else if( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == rAttr.Which() ) pFmt = rAttr.GetCharFmt().GetCharFmt(); if ( pFmt ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pFmt->GetAttrSet(). GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_ROTATE, TRUE, &pItem ) ) pRot = (SvxCharRotateItem*)pItem; } } } if( pRot ) SetDirection( pRot->IsBottomToTop() ? 1 : 3 ); } /*-----------------01.11.00 14:22------------------- * SwDoubleLinePortion::SwDoubleLinePortion(..) * This constructor is for the continuation of a doubleline portion * in the next line. * It takes the same brackets and if the original has no content except * brackets, these will be deleted. * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwDoubleLinePortion::SwDoubleLinePortion( SwDoubleLinePortion& rDouble, xub_StrLen nEnd ) : SwMultiPortion( nEnd ), pBracket( 0 ) { SetDouble(); if( rDouble.GetBrackets() ) { SetBrackets( rDouble ); // An empty multiportion needs no brackets. // Notice: GetLen() might be zero, if the multiportion contains // the second part of a field and the width might be zero, if // it contains a note only. In this cases the brackets are okay. // But if the length and the width are both zero, the portion // is really empty. if( rDouble.Width() == rDouble.BracketWidth() ) rDouble.ClearBrackets(); } } /*-----------------01.11.00 14:22------------------- * SwDoubleLinePortion::SwDoubleLinePortion(..) * This constructor uses the textattribut to get the right brackets. * The textattribut could be a 2-line-attribute or a character- or * internetstyle, which contains the 2-line-attribute. * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwDoubleLinePortion::SwDoubleLinePortion( const SwMultiCreator& rCreate, xub_StrLen nEnd ) : SwMultiPortion( nEnd ), pBracket( new SwBracket() ) { SetDouble(); const SvxTwoLinesItem* pTwo = (SvxTwoLinesItem*)rCreate.pItem; if( pTwo ) pBracket->nStart = 0; else { const SwTxtAttr& rAttr = *rCreate.pAttr; pBracket->nStart = *rAttr.GetStart(); if( RES_CHRATR_TWO_LINES == rAttr.Which() ) pTwo = &rAttr.Get2Lines(); else { SwCharFmt* pFmt = NULL; if( RES_TXTATR_INETFMT == rAttr.Which() ) pFmt = ((SwTxtINetFmt&)rAttr).GetCharFmt(); else if( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == rAttr.Which() ) pFmt = rAttr.GetCharFmt().GetCharFmt(); if ( pFmt ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pFmt->GetAttrSet(). GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_TWO_LINES, TRUE, &pItem ) ) pTwo = (SvxTwoLinesItem*)pItem; } } } if( pTwo ) { pBracket->cPre = pTwo->GetStartBracket(); pBracket->cPost = pTwo->GetEndBracket(); } else { pBracket->cPre = 0; pBracket->cPost = 0; } BYTE nTmp = SW_SCRIPTS; if( pBracket->cPre ) { String aTxt( pBracket->cPre ); USHORT nScript = pBreakIt->xBreak->getScriptType( aTxt, 0 ); switch ( nScript ) { case i18n::ScriptType::LATIN : nTmp = SW_LATIN; break; case i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN : nTmp = SW_CJK; break; case i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX : nTmp = SW_CTL; break; } } pBracket->nPreScript = nTmp; nTmp = SW_SCRIPTS; if( pBracket->cPost ) { String aTxt( pBracket->cPost ); USHORT nScript = pBreakIt->xBreak->getScriptType( aTxt, 0 ); switch ( nScript ) { case i18n::ScriptType::LATIN : nTmp = SW_LATIN; break; case i18n::ScriptType::ASIAN : nTmp = SW_CJK; break; case i18n::ScriptType::COMPLEX : nTmp = SW_CTL; break; } } pBracket->nPostScript = nTmp; if( !pBracket->cPre && !pBracket->cPost ) { delete pBracket; pBracket = 0; } } /*-----------------25.10.00 09:51------------------- * SwMultiPortion::PaintBracket paints the wished bracket, * if the multiportion has surrounding brackets. * The X-position of the SwTxtPaintInfo will be modified: * the open bracket sets position behind itself, * the close bracket in front of itself. * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwDoubleLinePortion::PaintBracket( SwTxtPaintInfo &rInf, short nSpaceAdd, sal_Bool bOpen ) const { sal_Unicode cCh = bOpen ? pBracket->cPre : pBracket->cPost; if( !cCh ) return; KSHORT nChWidth = bOpen ? PreWidth() : PostWidth(); if( !nChWidth ) return; if( !bOpen ) rInf.X( rInf.X() + Width() - PostWidth() + ( nSpaceAdd > 0 ? CalcSpacing( nSpaceAdd, rInf ) : 0 ) ); SwBlankPortion aBlank( cCh, sal_True ); aBlank.SetAscent( pBracket->nAscent ); aBlank.Width( nChWidth ); aBlank.Height( pBracket->nHeight ); { SwFont* pTmpFnt = new SwFont( *rInf.GetFont() ); BYTE nAct = bOpen ? pBracket->nPreScript : pBracket->nPostScript; if( SW_SCRIPTS > nAct ) pTmpFnt->SetActual( nAct ); pTmpFnt->SetProportion( 100 ); SwFontSave aSave( rInf, pTmpFnt ); aBlank.Paint( rInf ); delete pTmpFnt; } if( bOpen ) rInf.X( rInf.X() + PreWidth() ); } /*-----------------25.10.00 16:26------------------- * SwDoubleLinePortion::SetBrackets creates the bracket-structur * and fills it, if not both characters are 0x00. * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwDoubleLinePortion::SetBrackets( const SwDoubleLinePortion& rDouble ) { if( rDouble.pBracket ) { pBracket = new SwBracket; pBracket->cPre = rDouble.pBracket->cPre; pBracket->cPost = rDouble.pBracket->cPost; pBracket->nPreScript = rDouble.pBracket->nPreScript; pBracket->nPostScript = rDouble.pBracket->nPostScript; pBracket->nStart = rDouble.pBracket->nStart; } } /*-----------------25.10.00 16:29------------------- * SwDoubleLinePortion::FormatBrackets * calculates the size of the brackets => pBracket, * reduces the nMaxWidth-parameter ( minus bracket-width ) * and moves the rInf-x-position behind the opening bracket. * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwDoubleLinePortion::FormatBrackets( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf, SwTwips& nMaxWidth ) { nMaxWidth -= rInf.X(); SwFont* pTmpFnt = new SwFont( *rInf.GetFont() ); pTmpFnt->SetProportion( 100 ); pBracket->nAscent = 0; pBracket->nHeight = 0; if( pBracket->cPre ) { String aStr( pBracket->cPre ); BYTE nActualScr = pTmpFnt->GetActual(); if( SW_SCRIPTS > pBracket->nPreScript ) pTmpFnt->SetActual( pBracket->nPreScript ); SwFontSave aSave( rInf, pTmpFnt ); SwPosSize aSize = rInf.GetTxtSize( aStr ); pBracket->nAscent = rInf.GetAscent(); pBracket->nHeight = aSize.Height(); pTmpFnt->SetActual( nActualScr ); if( nMaxWidth > aSize.Width() ) { pBracket->nPreWidth = aSize.Width(); nMaxWidth -= aSize.Width(); rInf.X( rInf.X() + aSize.Width() ); } else { pBracket->nPreWidth = 0; nMaxWidth = 0; } } else pBracket->nPreWidth = 0; if( pBracket->cPost ) { String aStr( pBracket->cPost ); if( SW_SCRIPTS > pBracket->nPostScript ) pTmpFnt->SetActual( pBracket->nPostScript ); SwFontSave aSave( rInf, pTmpFnt ); SwPosSize aSize = rInf.GetTxtSize( aStr ); KSHORT nTmpAsc = rInf.GetAscent(); if( nTmpAsc > pBracket->nAscent ) { pBracket->nHeight += nTmpAsc - pBracket->nAscent; pBracket->nAscent = nTmpAsc; } if( aSize.Height() > pBracket->nHeight ) pBracket->nHeight = aSize.Height(); if( nMaxWidth > aSize.Width() ) { pBracket->nPostWidth = aSize.Width(); nMaxWidth -= aSize.Width(); } else { pBracket->nPostWidth = 0; nMaxWidth = 0; } } else pBracket->nPostWidth = 0; nMaxWidth += rInf.X(); } /*-----------------26.10.00 10:36------------------- * SwDoubleLinePortion::CalcBlanks * calculates the number of blanks in each line and * the difference of the width of the two lines. * These results are used from the text adjustment. * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwDoubleLinePortion::CalcBlanks( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { SwLinePortion* pPor = GetRoot().GetFirstPortion(); xub_StrLen nNull = 0; xub_StrLen nStart = rInf.GetIdx(); SetTab1( sal_False ); SetTab2( sal_False ); for( nBlank1 = 0; pPor; pPor = pPor->GetPortion() ) { if( pPor->InTxtGrp() ) nBlank1 += ((SwTxtPortion*)pPor)->GetSpaceCnt( rInf, nNull ); rInf.SetIdx( rInf.GetIdx() + pPor->GetLen() ); if( pPor->InTabGrp() ) SetTab1( sal_True ); } nLineDiff = GetRoot().Width(); if( GetRoot().GetNext() ) { pPor = GetRoot().GetNext()->GetFirstPortion(); nLineDiff -= GetRoot().GetNext()->Width(); } for( nBlank2 = 0; pPor; pPor = pPor->GetPortion() ) { if( pPor->InTxtGrp() ) nBlank2 += ((SwTxtPortion*)pPor)->GetSpaceCnt( rInf, nNull ); rInf.SetIdx( rInf.GetIdx() + pPor->GetLen() ); if( pPor->InTabGrp() ) SetTab2( sal_True ); } rInf.SetIdx( nStart ); } long SwDoubleLinePortion::CalcSpacing( short nSpaceAdd, const SwTxtSizeInfo &rInf ) const { return HasTabulator() ? 0 : GetSpaceCnt() * nSpaceAdd; } /*-----------------01.11.00 14:29------------------- * SwDoubleLinePortion::ChangeSpaceAdd(..) * merges the spaces for text adjustment from the inner and outer part. * Inside the doubleline portion the wider line has no spaceadd-array, the * smaller line has such an array to reach width of the wider line. * If the surrounding line has text adjustment and the doubleline portion * contains no tabulator, it is necessary to create/manipulate the inner * space arrays. * --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool SwDoubleLinePortion::ChangeSpaceAdd( SwLineLayout* pCurr, short nSpaceAdd ) { sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; if( !HasTabulator() && nSpaceAdd > 0 ) { if( pCurr->IsNoSpaceAdd() ) { // The wider line gets the spaceadd from the surrounding line direct pCurr->CreateSpaceAdd(); ( pCurr->GetSpaceAdd() )[0] = nSpaceAdd; bRet = sal_True; } else { xub_StrLen nMyBlank = GetSmallerSpaceCnt(); xub_StrLen nOther = GetSpaceCnt(); SwTwips nMultiSpace = pCurr->GetSpaceAdd()[0] * nMyBlank + nOther * nSpaceAdd; if( nMyBlank ) nMultiSpace /= nMyBlank; if( nMultiSpace < KSHRT_MAX ) { pCurr->GetpSpaceAdd()->Insert(KSHORT(nMultiSpace),0); bRet = sal_True; } } } return bRet; } /*-----------------01.11.00 14:29------------------- * SwDoubleLinePortion::ResetSpaceAdd(..) * cancels the manipulation from SwDoubleLinePortion::ChangeSpaceAdd(..) * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwDoubleLinePortion::ResetSpaceAdd( SwLineLayout* pCurr ) { pCurr->GetSpaceAdd().Remove(0); if( !pCurr->GetSpaceAdd().Count() ) pCurr->FinishSpaceAdd(); } SwDoubleLinePortion::~SwDoubleLinePortion() { delete pBracket; } /*-----------------13.11.00 14:50------------------- * SwRubyPortion::SwRubyPortion(..) * constructs a ruby portion, i.e. an additional text is displayed * beside the main text, e.g. phonetic characters. * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwRubyPortion::SwRubyPortion( const SwMultiCreator& rCreate, const SwFont& rFnt, xub_StrLen nEnd, xub_StrLen nOffs ) : SwMultiPortion( nEnd ) { SetRuby(); ASSERT( SW_MC_RUBY == rCreate.nId, "Ruby exspected" ); ASSERT( RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY == rCreate.pAttr->Which(), "Wrong attribute" ); const SwFmtRuby& rRuby = rCreate.pAttr->GetRuby(); nAdjustment = rRuby.GetAdjustment(); nRubyOffset = nOffs; SetTop( !rRuby.GetPosition() ); const SwCharFmt* pFmt = ((SwTxtRuby*)rCreate.pAttr)->GetCharFmt(); SwFont *pRubyFont; if( pFmt ) { const SwAttrSet& rSet = pFmt->GetAttrSet(); pRubyFont = new SwFont( rFnt ); pRubyFont->SetDiffFnt( &rSet ); } else pRubyFont = NULL; String aStr( rRuby.GetText(), nOffs, STRING_LEN ); SwFldPortion *pFld = new SwFldPortion( aStr, pRubyFont ); pFld->SetFollow( sal_True ); if( !rRuby.GetPosition() ) GetRoot().SetPortion( pFld ); else { GetRoot().SetNext( new SwLineLayout() ); GetRoot().GetNext()->SetPortion( pFld ); } } /*-----------------13.11.00 14:56------------------- * SwRubyPortion::_Adjust(..) * In ruby portion there are different alignments for * the ruby text and the main text. * Left, right, centered and two possibilities of block adjustment * The block adjustment is realized by spacing between the characteres, * either with a half space or no space in front of the first letter and * a half space at the end of the last letter. * Notice: the smaller line will be manipulated, normally it's the ruby line, * but it could be the main text, too. * If there is a tabulator in smaller line, no adjustment is possible. * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwRubyPortion::_Adjust( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { SwTwips nLineDiff = GetRoot().Width() - GetRoot().GetNext()->Width(); xub_StrLen nOldIdx = rInf.GetIdx(); if( !nLineDiff ) return; SwLineLayout *pCurr; if( nLineDiff < 0 ) { // The first line has to be adjusted. if( GetTab1() ) return; pCurr = &GetRoot(); nLineDiff = -nLineDiff; } else { // The second line has to be adjusted. if( GetTab2() ) return; pCurr = GetRoot().GetNext(); rInf.SetIdx( nOldIdx + GetRoot().GetLen() ); } KSHORT nLeft = 0; // the space in front of the first letter KSHORT nRight = 0; // the space at the end of the last letter USHORT nSub = 0; switch ( nAdjustment ) { case 1: nRight = nLineDiff/2; // no break case 2: nLeft = nLineDiff - nRight; break; case 3: nSub = 1; // no break case 4: { xub_StrLen nCharCnt = 0; SwLinePortion *pPor; for( pPor = pCurr->GetFirstPortion(); pPor; pPor = pPor->GetPortion() ) { if( pPor->InTxtGrp() ) ((SwTxtPortion*)pPor)->GetSpaceCnt( rInf, nCharCnt ); rInf.SetIdx( rInf.GetIdx() + pPor->GetLen() ); } if( nCharCnt > nSub ) { SwTwips nCalc = nLineDiff / ( nCharCnt - nSub ); short nTmp; if( nCalc < SHRT_MAX ) nTmp = -short(nCalc); else nTmp = SHRT_MIN; pCurr->CreateSpaceAdd(); pCurr->GetSpaceAdd().Insert( nTmp, 0 ); nLineDiff -= nCalc * ( nCharCnt - 1 ); } if( nLineDiff > 1 ) { nRight = nLineDiff/2; nLeft = nLineDiff - nRight; } break; } default: ASSERT( sal_False, "New ruby adjustment" ); } if( nLeft || nRight ) { if( !pCurr->GetPortion() ) pCurr->SetPortion( new SwTxtPortion( *pCurr ) ); SwMarginPortion *pMarg = new SwMarginPortion( 0 ); if( nLeft ) { pMarg->AddPrtWidth( nLeft ); pMarg->SetPortion( pCurr->GetPortion() ); pCurr->SetPortion( pMarg ); } if( nRight ) { pMarg = new SwMarginPortion( 0 ); pMarg->AddPrtWidth( nRight ); pCurr->FindLastPortion()->Append( pMarg ); if( pCurr->GetpSpaceAdd() ) pCurr->GetSpaceAdd().Insert( short(0), 0 ); } } rInf.SetIdx( nOldIdx ); } /*-----------------08.11.00 14:14------------------- * CalcRubyOffset() * has to change the nRubyOffset, if there's a fieldportion * in the phonetic line. * The nRubyOffset is the position in the rubystring, where the * next SwRubyPortion has start the displaying of the phonetics. * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwRubyPortion::CalcRubyOffset() { const SwLineLayout *pCurr = &GetRoot(); if( !OnTop() ) { pCurr = pCurr->GetNext(); if( !pCurr ) return; } const SwLinePortion *pPor = pCurr->GetFirstPortion(); const SwFldPortion *pFld = NULL; while( pPor ) { if( pPor->InFldGrp() ) pFld = (SwFldPortion*)pPor; pPor = pPor->GetPortion(); } if( pFld ) { if( pFld->HasFollow() ) nRubyOffset = pFld->GetNextOffset(); else nRubyOffset = STRING_LEN; } } /*-----------------13.10.00 16:22------------------- * SwTxtSizeInfo::GetMultiCreator(..) * If we (e.g. the position rPos) are inside a two-line-attribute or * a ruby-attribute, the attribute will be returned in a SwMultiCreator-struct, * otherwise the function returns zero. * The rPos parameter is set to the end of the multiportion, * normally this is the end of the attribute, * but sometimes it is the start of another attribute, which finished or * interrupts the first attribute. * E.g. a ruby portion interrupts a 2-line-attribute, a 2-line-attribute * with different brackets interrupts another 2-line-attribute. * --------------------------------------------------*/ /*-----------------13.11.00 15:38------------------- * lcl_Has2Lines(..) * is a little help function for GetMultiCreator(..) * It extracts the 2-line-format from a 2-line-attribute or a character style. * The rValue is set to TRUE, if the 2-line-attribute's value is set and * no 2-line-format reference is passed. If there is a 2-line-format reference, * then the rValue is set only, if the 2-line-attribute's value is set _and_ * the 2-line-formats has the same brackets. * --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool lcl_Has2Lines( const SwTxtAttr& rAttr, const SvxTwoLinesItem* &rpRef, sal_Bool &rValue ) { if( RES_CHRATR_TWO_LINES == rAttr.Which() ) { rValue = rAttr.Get2Lines().GetValue(); if( !rpRef ) rpRef = &rAttr.Get2Lines(); else if( rAttr.Get2Lines().GetEndBracket() != rpRef->GetEndBracket() || rAttr.Get2Lines().GetStartBracket() != rpRef->GetStartBracket() ) rValue = sal_False; return sal_True; } SwCharFmt* pFmt = NULL; if( RES_TXTATR_INETFMT == rAttr.Which() ) pFmt = ((SwTxtINetFmt&)rAttr).GetCharFmt(); else if( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == rAttr.Which() ) pFmt = rAttr.GetCharFmt().GetCharFmt(); if ( pFmt ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pFmt->GetAttrSet(). GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_TWO_LINES, TRUE, &pItem ) ) { rValue = ((SvxTwoLinesItem*)pItem)->GetValue(); if( !rpRef ) rpRef = (SvxTwoLinesItem*)pItem; else if( ((SvxTwoLinesItem*)pItem)->GetEndBracket() != rpRef->GetEndBracket() || ((SvxTwoLinesItem*)pItem)->GetStartBracket() != rpRef->GetStartBracket() ) rValue = sal_False; return sal_True; } } return sal_False; } /*-----------------16.02.01 16:39------------------- * lcl_HasRotation(..) * is a little help function for GetMultiCreator(..) * It extracts the charrotation from a charrotate-attribute or a character style. * The rValue is set to TRUE, if the charrotate-attribute's value is set and * no charrotate-format reference is passed. * If there is a charrotate-format reference, then the rValue is set only, * if the charrotate-attribute's value is set _and_ identical * to the charrotate-format's value. * --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool lcl_HasRotation( const SwTxtAttr& rAttr, const SvxCharRotateItem* &rpRef, sal_Bool &rValue ) { if( RES_CHRATR_ROTATE == rAttr.Which() ) { rValue = 0 != rAttr.GetCharRotate().GetValue(); if( !rpRef ) rpRef = &rAttr.GetCharRotate(); else if( rAttr.GetCharRotate().GetValue() != rpRef->GetValue() ) rValue = sal_False; return sal_True; } SwCharFmt* pFmt = NULL; if( RES_TXTATR_INETFMT == rAttr.Which() ) pFmt = ((SwTxtINetFmt&)rAttr).GetCharFmt(); else if( RES_TXTATR_CHARFMT == rAttr.Which() ) pFmt = rAttr.GetCharFmt().GetCharFmt(); if ( pFmt ) { const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pFmt->GetAttrSet(). GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_ROTATE, TRUE, &pItem ) ) { rValue = 0 != ((SvxCharRotateItem*)pItem)->GetValue(); if( !rpRef ) rpRef = (SvxCharRotateItem*)pItem; else if( ((SvxCharRotateItem*)pItem)->GetValue() != rpRef->GetValue() ) rValue = sal_False; return sal_True; } } return sal_False; } SwMultiCreator* SwTxtSizeInfo::GetMultiCreator( xub_StrLen &rPos ) const { const SvxCharRotateItem* pRotate = NULL; const SfxPoolItem* pRotItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetSwAttrSet(). GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_ROTATE, TRUE, &pRotItem ) && ((SvxCharRotateItem*)pRotItem)->GetValue() ) pRotate = (SvxCharRotateItem*)pRotItem; else pRotItem = NULL; const SvxTwoLinesItem* p2Lines = NULL; const SfxPoolItem* pItem; if( SFX_ITEM_SET == pFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetSwAttrSet(). GetItemState( RES_CHRATR_TWO_LINES, TRUE, &pItem ) && ((SvxTwoLinesItem*)pItem)->GetValue() ) p2Lines = (SvxTwoLinesItem*)pItem; else pItem = NULL; const SwpHints *pHints = pFrm->GetTxtNode()->GetpSwpHints(); if( !pHints && !p2Lines && !pRotate ) return NULL; const SwTxtAttr *pRuby = NULL; sal_Bool bTwo = sal_False; sal_Bool bRot = sal_False; USHORT n2Lines = USHRT_MAX; USHORT nRotate = USHRT_MAX; USHORT nCount = pHints ? pHints->Count() : 0; USHORT i; for( i = 0; i < nCount; ++i ) { const SwTxtAttr *pTmp = (*pHints)[i]; xub_StrLen nStart = *pTmp->GetStart(); if( rPos < nStart ) break; if( *pTmp->GetAnyEnd() > rPos ) { if( RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY == pTmp->Which() ) pRuby = pTmp; else if( RES_CHRATR_ROTATE == pTmp->Which() ) { const SvxCharRotateItem* pRoTmp = NULL; if( lcl_HasRotation( *pTmp, pRoTmp, bRot ) ) { nRotate = bRot ? i : nCount; pRotate = pRoTmp; } } else { const SvxTwoLinesItem* p2Tmp = NULL; if( lcl_Has2Lines( *pTmp, p2Tmp, bTwo ) ) { n2Lines = bTwo ? i : nCount; p2Lines = p2Tmp; } } } } if( pRuby ) { // The winner is ... a ruby attribute and so // the end of the multiportion is the end of the ruby attribute. rPos = *pRuby->GetEnd(); SwMultiCreator *pRet = new SwMultiCreator; pRet->pItem = NULL; pRet->pAttr = pRuby; pRet->nId = SW_MC_RUBY; return pRet; } if( n2Lines < nCount || ( pItem && pItem == p2Lines && rPos < GetTxt().Len() ) ) { // The winner is a 2-line-attribute, // the end of the multiportion depends on the following attributes... SwMultiCreator *pRet = new SwMultiCreator; // We note the endpositions of the 2-line attributes in aEnd as stack SvXub_StrLens aEnd; // The bOn flag signs the state of the last 2-line attribute in the // aEnd-stack, it is compatible with the winner-attribute or // it interrupts the other attribute. sal_Bool bOn = sal_True; if( n2Lines < nCount ) { pRet->pItem = NULL; pRet->pAttr = (*pHints)[n2Lines]; aEnd.Insert( *pRet->pAttr->GetEnd(), 0 ); if( pItem ) { aEnd[ 0 ] = GetTxt().Len(); bOn = ((SvxTwoLinesItem*)pItem)->GetEndBracket() == p2Lines->GetEndBracket() && ((SvxTwoLinesItem*)pItem)->GetStartBracket() == p2Lines->GetStartBracket(); } } else { pRet->pItem = pItem; pRet->pAttr = NULL; aEnd.Insert( GetTxt().Len(), 0 ); } pRet->nId = SW_MC_DOUBLE; // n2Lines is the index of the last 2-line-attribute, which contains // the actual position. i = 0; // At this moment we know that at position rPos the "winner"-attribute // causes a 2-line-portion. The end of the attribute is the end of the // portion, if there's no interrupting attribute. // There are two kinds of interruptors: // - ruby attributes stops the 2-line-attribute, the end of the // multiline is the start of the ruby attribute // - 2-line-attributes with value "Off" or with different brackets, // these attributes may interrupt the winner, but they could be // neutralized by another 2-line-attribute starting at the same // position with the same brackets as the winner-attribute. // In the following loop rPos is the critical position and it will be // evaluated, if at rPos starts a interrupting or a maintaining // continuity attribute. while( i < nCount ) { const SwTxtAttr *pTmp = (*pHints)[i++]; if( *pTmp->GetAnyEnd() <= rPos ) continue; if( rPos < *pTmp->GetStart() ) { // If bOn is FALSE and the next attribute starts later than rPos // the winner attribute is interrupted at rPos. // If the start of the next atribute is behind the end of // the last attribute on the aEnd-stack, this is the endposition // on the stack is the end of the 2-line portion. if( !bOn || aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] < *pTmp->GetStart() ) break; // At this moment, bOn is TRUE and the next attribute starts // behind rPos, so we could move rPos to the next startpoint rPos = *pTmp->GetStart(); // We clean up the aEnd-stack, endpositions equal to rPos are // superfluous. while( aEnd.Count() && aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] <= rPos ) { bOn = !bOn; aEnd.Remove( aEnd.Count()-1, 1 ); } // If the endstack is empty, we simulate an attribute with // state TRUE and endposition rPos if( !aEnd.Count() ) { aEnd.Insert( rPos, 0 ); bOn = sal_True; } } // A ruby attribute stops the 2-line immediately if( RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY == pTmp->Which() ) return pRet; if( lcl_Has2Lines( *pTmp, p2Lines, bTwo ) ) { // We have an interesting attribute.. if( bTwo == bOn ) { // .. with the same state, so the last attribute could // be continued. if( aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] < *pTmp->GetEnd() ) aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] = *pTmp->GetEnd(); } else { // .. with a different state. bOn = bTwo; // If this is smaller than the last on the stack, we put // it on the stack. If it has the same endposition, the last // could be removed. if( aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] > *pTmp->GetEnd() ) aEnd.Insert( *pTmp->GetEnd(), aEnd.Count() ); else if( aEnd.Count() > 1 ) aEnd.Remove( aEnd.Count()-1, 1 ); else aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] = *pTmp->GetEnd(); } } } if( bOn && aEnd.Count() ) rPos = aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ]; return pRet; } if( nRotate < nCount || ( pRotItem && pRotItem == pRotate && rPos < GetTxt().Len() ) ) { // The winner is a rotate-attribute, // the end of the multiportion depends on the following attributes... SwMultiCreator *pRet = new SwMultiCreator; pRet->nId = SW_MC_ROTATE; // We note the endpositions of the 2-line attributes in aEnd as stack SvXub_StrLens aEnd; // The bOn flag signs the state of the last 2-line attribute in the // aEnd-stack, which could interrupts the winning rotation attribute. sal_Bool bOn = pItem ? sal_True : sal_False; aEnd.Insert( GetTxt().Len(), 0 ); // n2Lines is the index of the last 2-line-attribute, which contains // the actual position. i = 0; xub_StrLen n2Start = rPos; while( i < nCount ) { const SwTxtAttr *pTmp = (*pHints)[i++]; if( *pTmp->GetAnyEnd() <= n2Start ) continue; if( n2Start < *pTmp->GetStart() ) { if( bOn || aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] < *pTmp->GetStart() ) break; n2Start = *pTmp->GetStart(); while( aEnd.Count() && aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] <= n2Start ) { bOn = !bOn; aEnd.Remove( aEnd.Count()-1, 1 ); } if( !aEnd.Count() ) { aEnd.Insert( n2Start, 0 ); bOn = sal_False; } } // A ruby attribute stops immediately if( RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY == pTmp->Which() ) { bOn = sal_True; break; } p2Lines = NULL; if( lcl_Has2Lines( *pTmp, p2Lines, bTwo ) ) { if( bTwo == bOn ) { if( aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] > *pTmp->GetEnd() ) aEnd.Insert( *pTmp->GetEnd(), aEnd.Count() ); else if( aEnd.Count() > 1 ) aEnd.Remove( aEnd.Count()-1, 1 ); else aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] = *pTmp->GetEnd(); } else { bOn = bTwo; if( aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] < *pTmp->GetEnd() ) aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] = *pTmp->GetEnd(); } } } if( !bOn && aEnd.Count() ) n2Start = aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ]; if( aEnd.Count() ) aEnd.Remove( 0, aEnd.Count() ); bOn = sal_True; if( nRotate < nCount ) { pRet->pItem = NULL; pRet->pAttr = (*pHints)[nRotate]; aEnd.Insert( *pRet->pAttr->GetEnd(), 0 ); if( pRotItem ) { aEnd[ 0 ] = GetTxt().Len(); bOn = ((SvxCharRotateItem*)pRotItem)->GetValue() == pRotate->GetValue(); } } else { pRet->pItem = pRotItem; pRet->pAttr = NULL; aEnd.Insert( GetTxt().Len(), 0 ); } i = 0; while( i < nCount ) { const SwTxtAttr *pTmp = (*pHints)[i++]; if( *pTmp->GetAnyEnd() <= rPos ) continue; if( rPos < *pTmp->GetStart() ) { if( !bOn || aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] < *pTmp->GetStart() ) break; rPos = *pTmp->GetStart(); while( aEnd.Count() && aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] <= rPos ) { bOn = !bOn; aEnd.Remove( aEnd.Count()-1, 1 ); } if( !aEnd.Count() ) { aEnd.Insert( rPos, 0 ); bOn = sal_True; } } if( RES_TXTATR_CJK_RUBY == pTmp->Which() ) { bOn = sal_False; break; } if( lcl_HasRotation( *pTmp, pRotate, bTwo ) ) { if( bTwo == bOn ) { if( aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] < *pTmp->GetEnd() ) aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] = *pTmp->GetEnd(); } else { bOn = bTwo; if( aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] > *pTmp->GetEnd() ) aEnd.Insert( *pTmp->GetEnd(), aEnd.Count() ); else if( aEnd.Count() > 1 ) aEnd.Remove( aEnd.Count()-1, 1 ); else aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ] = *pTmp->GetEnd(); } } } if( bOn && aEnd.Count() ) rPos = aEnd[ aEnd.Count()-1 ]; if( rPos > n2Start ) rPos = n2Start; return pRet; } return NULL; } /*-----------------01.11.00 14:52------------------- * SwSpaceManipulator * is a little helper class to manage the spaceadd-arrays of the text adjustment * during a PaintMultiPortion. * The constructor prepares the array for the first line of multiportion, * the SecondLine-function restores the values for the first line and prepares * the second line. * The destructor restores the values of the last manipulation. * --------------------------------------------------*/ class SwSpaceManipulator { SwTxtPaintInfo& rInfo; SwMultiPortion& rMulti; SvShorts *pOldSpaceAdd; MSHORT nOldSpIdx; short nSpaceAdd; sal_Bool bSpaceChg : 1; sal_uInt8 nOldDir : 2; public: SwSpaceManipulator( SwTxtPaintInfo& rInf, SwMultiPortion& rMult ); ~SwSpaceManipulator(); void SecondLine(); inline short GetSpaceAdd() const { return nSpaceAdd; } }; SwSpaceManipulator::SwSpaceManipulator( SwTxtPaintInfo& rInf, SwMultiPortion& rMult ) : rInfo( rInf ), rMulti( rMult ) { pOldSpaceAdd = rInfo.GetpSpaceAdd(); nOldSpIdx = rInfo.GetSpaceIdx(); nOldDir = rInfo.GetDirection(); rInfo.SetDirection( rMulti.GetDirection() ); bSpaceChg = sal_False; if( rMulti.IsDouble() ) { nSpaceAdd = ( pOldSpaceAdd && !rMulti.HasTabulator() ) ? rInfo.GetSpaceAdd() : 0; if( rMulti.GetRoot().GetpSpaceAdd() ) { rInfo.SetSpaceAdd( rMulti.GetRoot().GetpSpaceAdd() ); rInfo.ResetSpaceIdx(); bSpaceChg = rMulti.ChgSpaceAdd( &rMulti.GetRoot(), nSpaceAdd ); } else if( rMulti.HasTabulator() ) rInfo.SetSpaceAdd( NULL ); } else { rInfo.SetSpaceAdd( rMulti.GetRoot().GetpSpaceAdd() ); rInfo.ResetSpaceIdx(); } } void SwSpaceManipulator::SecondLine() { if( bSpaceChg ) { rInfo.GetpSpaceAdd()->Remove( 0 ); bSpaceChg = sal_False; } SwLineLayout *pLay = rMulti.GetRoot().GetNext(); if( pLay->GetpSpaceAdd() ) { rInfo.SetSpaceAdd( pLay->GetpSpaceAdd() ); rInfo.ResetSpaceIdx(); bSpaceChg = rMulti.ChgSpaceAdd( pLay, nSpaceAdd ); } else { rInfo.SetSpaceAdd( (!rMulti.IsDouble() || rMulti.HasTabulator() ) ? 0 : pOldSpaceAdd ); rInfo.SetSpaceIdx( nOldSpIdx); } } SwSpaceManipulator::~SwSpaceManipulator() { if( bSpaceChg ) { rInfo.GetpSpaceAdd()->Remove( 0 ); bSpaceChg = sal_False; } rInfo.SetSpaceAdd( pOldSpaceAdd ); rInfo.SetSpaceIdx( nOldSpIdx); rInfo.SetDirection( nOldDir ); } /*-----------------13.10.00 16:24------------------- * SwTxtPainter::PaintMultiPortion manages the paint for a SwMultiPortion. * External, for the calling function, it seems to be a normal Paint-function, * internal it is like a SwTxtFrm::Paint with multiple DrawTextLines * --------------------------------------------------*/ void SwTxtPainter::PaintMultiPortion( const SwRect &rPaint, SwMultiPortion& rMulti ) { if( rMulti.Width() > 1 ) GetInfo().DrawViewOpt( rMulti, POR_FLD ); // old values must be saved and restored at the end xub_StrLen nOldLen = GetInfo().GetLen(); KSHORT nOldX = KSHORT(GetInfo().X()); KSHORT nOldY = KSHORT(GetInfo().Y()); xub_StrLen nOldIdx = GetInfo().GetIdx(); SwSpaceManipulator aManip( GetInfo(), rMulti ); SwFontSave *pFontSave; SwFont* pTmpFnt; if( rMulti.IsDouble() || rMulti.HasRotation() ) { pTmpFnt = new SwFont( *GetInfo().GetFont() ); if( rMulti.IsDouble() ) { SetPropFont( 50 ); pTmpFnt->SetProportion( GetPropFont() ); } pTmpFnt->SetVertical( rMulti.GetFontRotation() ); pFontSave = new SwFontSave( GetInfo(), pTmpFnt, this ); } else { pFontSave = NULL; pTmpFnt = NULL; } if( rMulti.HasBrackets() ) { xub_StrLen nOldIdx = GetInfo().GetIdx(); GetInfo().SetIdx(((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti).GetBrackets()->nStart); SeekAndChg( GetInfo() ); ((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti).PaintBracket( GetInfo(), 0, sal_True ); GetInfo().SetIdx( nOldIdx ); } KSHORT nTmpX = KSHORT(GetInfo().X()); SwLineLayout* pLay = &rMulti.GetRoot();// the first line of the multiportion SwLinePortion* pPor = pLay->GetFirstPortion();//first portion of these line // GetInfo().Y() is the baseline from the surrounding line. We must switch // this temporary to the baseline of the inner lines of the multiportion. if( rMulti.HasRotation() ) { if( rMulti.IsRevers() ) { GetInfo().Y( nOldY - rMulti.GetAscent() ); GetInfo().X( nTmpX - pLay->GetAscent() + rMulti.Width() ); } else { GetInfo().Y( nOldY - rMulti.GetAscent() + rMulti.Height() ); GetInfo().X( nTmpX + pLay->GetAscent() ); } } else GetInfo().Y( nOldY - rMulti.GetAscent() + pLay->GetAscent() ); sal_Bool bRest = pLay->IsRest(); sal_Bool bFirst = sal_True; do { sal_Bool bSeeked = sal_True; GetInfo().SetLen( pPor->GetLen() ); GetInfo().SetSpecialUnderline( sal_False ); if( bRest && pPor->InFldGrp() && !pPor->GetLen() ) { if( ((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->HasFont() ) bSeeked = sal_False; else SeekAndChgBefore( GetInfo() ); } else if( pPor->InTxtGrp() || pPor->InFldGrp() || pPor->InTabGrp() ) SeekAndChg( GetInfo() ); else if ( !bFirst && pPor->IsBreakPortion() && GetInfo().GetOpt().IsParagraph() ) { if( GetRedln() ) SeekAndChg( GetInfo() ); else SeekAndChgBefore( GetInfo() ); } else bSeeked = sal_False; SwLinePortion *pNext = pPor->GetPortion(); if(GetInfo().OnWin() && pNext && !pNext->Width() ) { if ( !bSeeked ) SeekAndChg( GetInfo() ); pNext->PrePaint( GetInfo(), pPor ); } if( pFnt->GetEscapement() && UNDERLINE_NONE != pFnt->GetUnderline() ) CheckSpecialUnderline(); pPor->Paint( GetInfo() ); if( GetFnt()->IsURL() && pPor->InTxtGrp() ) GetInfo().NotifyURL( *pPor ); bFirst &= !pPor->GetLen(); if( pNext || !pPor->IsMarginPortion() ) pPor->Move( GetInfo() ); pPor = pNext; // If there's no portion left, we go to the next line if( !pPor && pLay->GetNext() ) { pLay = pLay->GetNext(); pPor = pLay->GetFirstPortion(); bRest = pLay->IsRest(); aManip.SecondLine(); if( rMulti.HasRotation() ) { if( rMulti.IsRevers() ) { GetInfo().X( nTmpX + pLay->Height() - pLay->GetAscent() ); GetInfo().Y( nOldY - rMulti.GetAscent() ); } else { GetInfo().X( nTmpX + rMulti.Width() - pLay->Height() + pLay->GetAscent() ); GetInfo().Y( nOldY - rMulti.GetAscent() + rMulti.Height() ); } } else { GetInfo().X( nTmpX ); // We switch to the baseline of the next inner line GetInfo().Y( GetInfo().Y() + rMulti.GetRoot().Height() - rMulti.GetRoot().GetAscent() + pLay->GetAscent() ); } } } while( pPor ); GetInfo().SetIdx( nOldIdx ); GetInfo().Y( nOldY ); if( rMulti.HasBrackets() ) { xub_StrLen nOldIdx = GetInfo().GetIdx(); GetInfo().SetIdx(((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti).GetBrackets()->nStart); SeekAndChg( GetInfo() ); GetInfo().X( nOldX ); ((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti).PaintBracket( GetInfo(), aManip.GetSpaceAdd(), sal_False ); GetInfo().SetIdx( nOldIdx ); } // Restore the saved values GetInfo().X( nOldX ); GetInfo().SetLen( nOldLen ); delete pFontSave; delete pTmpFnt; SetPropFont( 0 ); } /*-----------------13.10.00 16:46------------------- * SwTxtFormatter::BuildMultiPortion manages the formatting of a SwMultiPortion. * External, for the calling function, it seems to be a normal Format-function, * internal it is like a SwTxtFrm::_Format with multiple BuildPortions * --------------------------------------------------*/ sal_Bool lcl_ExtractFieldFollow( SwLineLayout* pLine, SwLinePortion* &rpFld ) { SwLinePortion* pLast = pLine; rpFld = pLine->GetPortion(); while( rpFld && !rpFld->InFldGrp() ) { pLast = rpFld; rpFld = rpFld->GetPortion(); } sal_Bool bRet = rpFld != 0; if( bRet ) { if( ((SwFldPortion*)rpFld)->IsFollow() ) { rpFld->Truncate(); pLast->SetPortion( NULL ); } else rpFld = NULL; } pLine->Truncate(); return bRet; } BOOL SwTxtFormatter::BuildMultiPortion( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf, SwMultiPortion& rMulti ) { SwTwips nMaxWidth = rInf.Width(); if( rMulti.HasBrackets() ) { xub_StrLen nOldIdx = rInf.GetIdx(); rInf.SetIdx( ((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti).GetBrackets()->nStart ); SeekAndChg( rInf ); ((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti).FormatBrackets( rInf, nMaxWidth ); rInf.SetIdx( nOldIdx ); } SeekAndChg( rInf ); SwFontSave *pFontSave; if( rMulti.IsDouble() || rMulti.HasRotation() ) { SwFont* pTmpFnt = new SwFont( *rInf.GetFont() ); if( rMulti.HasRotation() ) { pTmpFnt->SetVertical( rMulti.GetFontRotation() ); nMaxWidth = USHRT_MAX; } if( rMulti.IsDouble() ) { SetPropFont( 50 ); pTmpFnt->SetProportion( GetPropFont() ); } pFontSave = new SwFontSave( rInf, pTmpFnt, this ); } else pFontSave = NULL; SwTwips nTmpX = rInf.X(); pMulti = &rMulti; SwLineLayout *pOldCurr = pCurr; xub_StrLen nOldStart = GetStart(); SwTwips nMinWidth = nTmpX + 1; SwTwips nActWidth = nMaxWidth; xub_StrLen nStartIdx = rInf.GetIdx(); xub_StrLen nMultiLen = rMulti.GetLen(); SwLinePortion *pFirstRest; SwLinePortion *pSecondRest; if( rMulti.IsFormatted() ) { if( !lcl_ExtractFieldFollow( &rMulti.GetRoot(), pFirstRest ) && rMulti.IsDouble() && rMulti.GetRoot().GetNext() ) lcl_ExtractFieldFollow( rMulti.GetRoot().GetNext(), pFirstRest ); if( !rMulti.IsDouble() && rMulti.GetRoot().GetNext() ) lcl_ExtractFieldFollow( rMulti.GetRoot().GetNext(), pSecondRest ); else pSecondRest = NULL; } else { pFirstRest = rMulti.GetRoot().GetPortion(); pSecondRest = rMulti.GetRoot().GetNext() ? rMulti.GetRoot().GetNext()->GetPortion() : NULL; if( pFirstRest ) rMulti.GetRoot().SetPortion( NULL ); if( pSecondRest ) rMulti.GetRoot().GetNext()->SetPortion( NULL ); rMulti.SetFormatted(); nMultiLen -= rInf.GetIdx(); } const XubString* pOldTxt = &(rInf.GetTxt()); XubString aMultiStr( rInf.GetTxt(), 0, nMultiLen + rInf.GetIdx() ); rInf.SetTxt( aMultiStr ); SwTxtFormatInfo aInf( rInf, rMulti.GetRoot(), nActWidth ); SwLinePortion *pNextFirst = NULL; SwLinePortion *pNextSecond = NULL; BOOL bRet = FALSE; do { pCurr = &rMulti.GetRoot(); nStart = nStartIdx; bRet = FALSE; FormatReset( aInf ); aInf.X( nTmpX ); aInf.Width( KSHORT(nActWidth) ); aInf.RealWidth( KSHORT(nActWidth) ); if( pFirstRest ) { ASSERT( pFirstRest->InFldGrp(), "BuildMulti: Fieldrest exspected"); SwFldPortion *pFld = ((SwFldPortion*)pFirstRest)->Clone( ((SwFldPortion*)pFirstRest)->GetExp() ); pFld->SetFollow( sal_True ); aInf.SetRest( pFld ); } aInf.SetRuby( rMulti.IsRuby() && rMulti.OnTop() ); // If there's no more rubytext, then buildportion is forbidden if( pFirstRest || !aInf.IsRuby() ) BuildPortions( aInf ); rMulti.CalcSize( *this, aInf ); pCurr->SetRealHeight( pCurr->Height() ); if( rMulti.HasRotation() && !rMulti.IsDouble() ) break; else if( pCurr->GetLen()GetLen(); delete pCurr->GetNext(); pCurr->SetNext( new SwLineLayout() ); pCurr = pCurr->GetNext(); nStart = aInf.GetIdx(); aInf.X( nTmpX ); SwTxtFormatInfo aTmp( aInf, *pCurr, nActWidth ); if( rMulti.IsRuby() ) { aTmp.SetRuby( !rMulti.OnTop() ); pNextFirst = aInf.GetRest(); if( pSecondRest ) { ASSERT( pSecondRest->InFldGrp(), "Fieldrest exspected"); SwFldPortion *pFld = ((SwFldPortion*)pSecondRest)->Clone( ((SwFldPortion*)pSecondRest)->GetExp() ); pFld->SetFollow( sal_True ); aTmp.SetRest( pFld ); } if( !rMulti.OnTop() && nFirstLen < nMultiLen ) bRet = sal_True; } else aTmp.SetRest( aInf.GetRest() ); aInf.SetRest( NULL ); BuildPortions( aTmp ); rMulti.CalcSize( *this, aInf ); pCurr->SetRealHeight( pCurr->Height() ); if( rMulti.IsRuby() ) { pNextSecond = aTmp.GetRest(); if( pNextFirst ) bRet = sal_True; } else pNextFirst = aTmp.GetRest(); if( ( !aTmp.IsRuby() && nFirstLen + pCurr->GetLen() < nMultiLen ) || aTmp.GetRest() ) bRet = sal_True; } if( rMulti.IsRuby() ) break; if( bRet ) { nMinWidth = nActWidth; nActWidth = ( 3 * nMaxWidth + nMinWidth + 3 ) / 4; if( nActWidth <= nMinWidth ) break; } else { if( nActWidth > nTmpX + rMulti.Width() + 1) nActWidth = nTmpX + rMulti.Width() + 1; nMaxWidth = nActWidth; nActWidth = ( 3 * nMaxWidth + nMinWidth + 3 ) / 4; if( nActWidth >= nMaxWidth ) break; } delete pNextFirst; pNextFirst = NULL; } while ( TRUE ); pMulti = NULL; pCurr = pOldCurr; nStart = nOldStart; rMulti.SetLen( rMulti.GetRoot().GetLen() + ( rMulti.GetRoot().GetNext() ? rMulti.GetRoot().GetNext()->GetLen() : 0 ) ); if( rMulti.IsDouble() ) { ((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti).CalcBlanks( rInf ); if( ((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti).GetLineDiff() ) { SwLineLayout* pLine = &rMulti.GetRoot(); if( ((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti).GetLineDiff() > 0 ) { rInf.SetIdx( nStartIdx + pLine->GetLen() ); pLine = pLine->GetNext(); } if( pLine ) { GetInfo().SetMulti( sal_True ); CalcNewBlock( pLine, NULL, rMulti.Width() ); GetInfo().SetMulti( sal_False ); } rInf.SetIdx( nStartIdx ); } if( ((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti).GetBrackets() ) rMulti.Width( rMulti.Width() + ((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti).BracketWidth() ); } else { rMulti.ActualizeTabulator(); if( rMulti.IsRuby() ) { ((SwRubyPortion&)rMulti).Adjust( rInf ); ((SwRubyPortion&)rMulti).CalcRubyOffset(); } } if( rMulti.HasRotation() ) { SwTwips nH = rMulti.Width(); SwTwips nAsc = rMulti.GetAscent() + ( nH - rMulti.Height() )/2; if( nAsc > nH ) nAsc = nH; else if( nAsc < 0 ) nAsc = 0; rMulti.Width( rMulti.Height() ); rMulti.Height( KSHORT(nH) ); rMulti.SetAscent( KSHORT(nAsc) ); if( nTmpX + rMulti.Width() > rInf.Width() ) { bRet = sal_True; rMulti.GetRoot().Truncate(); rMulti.GetRoot().SetLen(0); rMulti.GetRoot().Width(0); rMulti.CalcSize( *this, aInf ); rMulti.SetLen(0); rInf.SetIdx( nStartIdx ); } } if( bRet ) { ASSERT( !pNextFirst || pNextFirst->InFldGrp(), "BuildMultiPortion: Surprising restportion, field exspected" ); SwMultiPortion *pTmp; if( rMulti.IsDouble() ) pTmp = new SwDoubleLinePortion( ((SwDoubleLinePortion&)rMulti), nMultiLen + rInf.GetIdx() ); else if( rMulti.IsRuby() ) { ASSERT( !pNextSecond || pNextSecond->InFldGrp(), "BuildMultiPortion: Surprising restportion, field exspected" ); pTmp = new SwRubyPortion( nMultiLen + rInf.GetIdx(), ((SwRubyPortion&)rMulti).GetAdjustment(), !rMulti.OnTop(), ((SwRubyPortion&)rMulti).GetRubyOffset() ); if( pNextSecond ) { pTmp->GetRoot().SetNext( new SwLineLayout() ); pTmp->GetRoot().GetNext()->SetPortion( pNextSecond ); } pTmp->SetFollowFld(); } else if( rMulti.HasRotation() ) pTmp = new SwRotatedPortion( nMultiLen + rInf.GetIdx(), rMulti.GetDirection() ); else pTmp = NULL; if( pNextFirst && pTmp ) { pTmp->SetFollowFld(); pTmp->GetRoot().SetPortion( pNextFirst ); } rInf.SetRest( pTmp ); } rInf.SetTxt( *pOldTxt ); SeekAndChg( rInf ); delete pFirstRest; delete pSecondRest; delete pFontSave; SetPropFont( 0 ); return bRet; } /*-----------------08.11.00 09:29------------------- * SwTxtFormatter::MakeRestPortion(..) * When a fieldportion at the end of line breaks and needs a following * fieldportion in the next line, then the "restportion" of the formatinfo * has to be set. Normally this happens during the formatting of the first * part of the fieldportion. * But sometimes the formatting starts at the line with the following part, * exspecally when the following part is on the next page. * In this case the MakeRestPortion-function has to create the following part. * The first parameter is the line that contains possibly a first part * of a field. When the function finds such field part, it creates the right * restportion. This may be a multiportion, e.g. if the field is surrounded by * a doubleline- or ruby-portion. * The second parameter is the start index of the line. * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwLinePortion* SwTxtFormatter::MakeRestPortion( const SwLineLayout* pLine, xub_StrLen nPos ) { if( !nPos ) return NULL; xub_StrLen nMultiPos = nPos - pLine->GetLen(); const SwMultiPortion *pTmpMulti = NULL; const SwMultiPortion *pMulti = NULL; const SwLinePortion* pPor = pLine->GetFirstPortion(); SwFldPortion *pFld = NULL; while( pPor ) { if( pPor->GetLen() ) { if( !pMulti ) { nMultiPos += pPor->GetLen(); pTmpMulti = NULL; } } if( pPor->InFldGrp() ) { if( !pMulti ) pTmpMulti = NULL; pFld = (SwFldPortion*)pPor; } else if( pPor->IsMultiPortion() ) { ASSERT( !pMulti, "Nested multiportions are forbidden." ); pFld = NULL; pTmpMulti = (SwMultiPortion*)pPor; } pPor = pPor->GetPortion(); // If the last portion is a multi-portion, we enter it // and look for a field portion inside. // If we are already in a multiportion, we could change to the // next line if( !pPor && pTmpMulti ) { if( pMulti ) { // We're already inside the multiportion, let's take the second // line, if we are in a double line portion if( !pMulti->IsRuby() ) pPor = pMulti->GetRoot().GetNext(); pTmpMulti = NULL; } else { // Now we enter a multiportion, in a ruby portion we take the // main line, not the phonetic line, in a doublelineportion we // starts with the first line. pMulti = pTmpMulti; nMultiPos -= pMulti->GetLen(); if( pMulti->IsRuby() && pMulti->OnTop() ) pPor = pMulti->GetRoot().GetNext(); else pPor = pMulti->GetRoot().GetFirstPortion(); } } } if( pFld && !pFld->HasFollow() ) pFld = NULL; SwLinePortion *pRest = NULL; if( pFld ) { const SwTxtAttr *pHint = GetAttr( nPos - 1 ); if( pHint && pHint->Which() == RES_TXTATR_FIELD ) { pRest = NewFldPortion( GetInfo(), pHint ); if( pRest->InFldGrp() ) ((SwFldPortion*)pRest)->TakeNextOffset( pFld ); else { delete pRest; pRest = NULL; } } } if( !pMulti ) return pRest; nPos = nMultiPos + pMulti->GetLen(); SwMultiCreator* pCreate = GetInfo().GetMultiCreator( nMultiPos ); ASSERT( pCreate, "Multiportion without attribut?" ); if( pRest || nMultiPos > nPos || ( pMulti->IsRuby() && ((SwRubyPortion*)pMulti)->GetRubyOffset() < STRING_LEN ) ) { SwMultiPortion* pTmp; if( pMulti->IsDouble() ) pTmp = new SwDoubleLinePortion( *pCreate, nMultiPos ); else if( pMulti->IsRuby() ) pTmp = new SwRubyPortion( *pCreate, *GetInfo().GetFont(), nMultiPos, ((SwRubyPortion*)pMulti)->GetRubyOffset() ); else if( pMulti->GetDirection() ) pTmp = new SwRotatedPortion( nMultiPos, pMulti->GetDirection() ); else { delete pCreate; return pRest; } delete pCreate; pTmp->SetFollowFld(); if( pRest ) { SwLineLayout *pLay = &pTmp->GetRoot(); if( pTmp->IsRuby() && pTmp->OnTop() ) { pLay->SetNext( new SwLineLayout() ); pLay = pLay->GetNext(); } pLay->SetPortion( pRest ); } return pTmp; } return pRest; } /*-----------------23.10.00 10:47------------------- * SwTxtCursorSave notes the start and current line of a SwTxtCursor, * sets them to the values for GetCrsrOfst inside a multiportion * and restores them in the destructor. * --------------------------------------------------*/ SwTxtCursorSave::SwTxtCursorSave( SwTxtCursor* pTxtCursor, SwMultiPortion* pMulti, SwTwips nY, xub_StrLen nCurrStart, short nSpaceAdd ) { pTxtCrsr = pTxtCursor; nStart = pTxtCursor->nStart; pTxtCursor->nStart = nCurrStart; pCurr = pTxtCursor->pCurr; pTxtCursor->pCurr = &pMulti->GetRoot(); while( pTxtCursor->Y() + pTxtCursor->GetLineHeight() < nY && pTxtCursor->Next() ) ; // nothing nWidth = pTxtCursor->pCurr->Width(); nOldProp = pTxtCursor->GetPropFont(); if( pMulti->IsDouble() ) { pTxtCursor->SetPropFont( 50 ); bSpaceChg = pMulti->ChgSpaceAdd( pTxtCursor->pCurr, nSpaceAdd ); if( nSpaceAdd > 0 && !pMulti->HasTabulator() ) pTxtCursor->pCurr->Width( nWidth + nSpaceAdd * ((SwDoubleLinePortion*)pMulti)->GetSpaceCnt() ); } else bSpaceChg = sal_False; } SwTxtCursorSave::~SwTxtCursorSave() { if( bSpaceChg ) SwDoubleLinePortion::ResetSpaceAdd( pTxtCrsr->pCurr ); pTxtCrsr->pCurr->Width( KSHORT(nWidth) ); pTxtCrsr->pCurr = pCurr; pTxtCrsr->nStart = nStart; pTxtCrsr->SetPropFont( nOldProp ); }