/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: porglue.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.9 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-09 04:58:58 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #pragma hdrstop #include "swrect.hxx" #include "paratr.hxx" // pTabStop, ADJ* #include "viewopt.hxx" // SwViewOptions #include "errhdl.hxx" // ASSERT #ifndef _SW_PORTIONHANDLER_HXX #include #endif #include "txtcfg.hxx" #include "porglue.hxx" #include "inftxt.hxx" #include "porlay.hxx" // SwParaPortion, SetFull #include "porfly.hxx" // SwParaPortion, SetFull /************************************************************************* * class SwGluePortion *************************************************************************/ SwGluePortion::SwGluePortion( const KSHORT nInitFixWidth ) : nFixWidth( nInitFixWidth ) { PrtWidth( nFixWidth ); SetWhichPor( POR_GLUE ); } /************************************************************************* * virtual SwGluePortion::GetCrsrOfst() *************************************************************************/ xub_StrLen SwGluePortion::GetCrsrOfst( const KSHORT nOfst ) const { if( !GetLen() || nOfst > GetLen() || !Width() ) return SwLinePortion::GetCrsrOfst( nOfst ); else return nOfst / (Width() / GetLen()); } /************************************************************************* * virtual SwGluePortion::GetTxtSize() *************************************************************************/ SwPosSize SwGluePortion::GetTxtSize( const SwTxtSizeInfo &rInf ) const { if( 1 >= GetLen() || rInf.GetLen() > GetLen() || !Width() || !GetLen() ) return SwPosSize(*this); else return SwPosSize( (Width() / GetLen()) * rInf.GetLen(), Height() ); } /************************************************************************* * virtual SwGluePortion::GetExpTxt() *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwGluePortion::GetExpTxt( const SwTxtSizeInfo &rInf, XubString &rTxt ) const { if( GetLen() && rInf.OnWin() && rInf.GetOpt().IsBlank() && rInf.IsNoSymbol() ) { rTxt.Fill( GetLen(), CH_BULLET ); return sal_True; } return sal_False; } /************************************************************************* * virtual SwGluePortion::Paint() *************************************************************************/ void SwGluePortion::Paint( const SwTxtPaintInfo &rInf ) const { if( !GetLen() ) return; if( rInf.GetFont()->IsPaintBlank() ) { XubString aTxt; aTxt.Fill( GetFixWidth() / GetLen(), ' ' ); SwTxtPaintInfo aInf( rInf, aTxt ); aInf.DrawText( *this, aTxt.Len(), sal_True ); } if( rInf.OnWin() && rInf.GetOpt().IsBlank() && rInf.IsNoSymbol() ) { #ifndef PRODUCT const xub_Unicode cChar = rInf.GetChar( rInf.GetIdx() ); ASSERT( CH_BLANK == cChar || CH_BULLET == cChar, "SwGluePortion::Paint: blank expected" ); #endif if( 1 == GetLen() ) { String aBullet( CH_BULLET ); SwPosSize aBulletSize( rInf.GetTxtSize( aBullet ) ); Point aPos( rInf.GetPos() ); aPos.X() += (Width()/2) - (aBulletSize.Width()/2); SwTxtPaintInfo aInf( rInf, aBullet ); aInf.SetPos( aPos ); SwTxtPortion aBulletPor; aBulletPor.Width( aBulletSize.Width() ); aBulletPor.Height( aBulletSize.Height() ); aBulletPor.SetAscent( GetAscent() ); aInf.DrawText( aBulletPor, aBullet.Len(), sal_True ); } else { SwTxtSlotLen aSlot( &rInf, this ); rInf.DrawText( *this, rInf.GetLen(), sal_True ); } } } /************************************************************************* * SwGluePortion::MoveGlue() *************************************************************************/ void SwGluePortion::MoveGlue( SwGluePortion *pTarget, const short nPrtGlue ) { short nPrt = Min( nPrtGlue, GetPrtGlue() ); if( 0 < nPrt ) { pTarget->AddPrtWidth( nPrt ); SubPrtWidth( nPrt ); } } /************************************************************************* * void SwGluePortion::Join() *************************************************************************/ void SwGluePortion::Join( SwGluePortion *pVictim ) { // Die GluePortion wird ausgesogen und weggespuelt ... AddPrtWidth( pVictim->PrtWidth() ); SetLen( pVictim->GetLen() + GetLen() ); if( Height() < pVictim->Height() ) Height( pVictim->Height() ); AdjFixWidth(); Cut( pVictim ); delete pVictim; } /************************************************************************* * class SwFixPortion *************************************************************************/ // Wir erwarten ein framelokales SwRect ! SwFixPortion::SwFixPortion( const SwRect &rRect ) :SwGluePortion( KSHORT(rRect.Width()) ), nFix( KSHORT(rRect.Left()) ) { Height( KSHORT(rRect.Height()) ); SetWhichPor( POR_FIX ); } SwFixPortion::SwFixPortion(const KSHORT nFixWidth, const KSHORT nFixPos) : SwGluePortion(nFixWidth), nFix(nFixPos) { SetWhichPor( POR_FIX ); } /************************************************************************* * class SwMarginPortion *************************************************************************/ SwMarginPortion::SwMarginPortion( const KSHORT nFixWidth ) :SwGluePortion( nFixWidth ) { SetWhichPor( POR_MARGIN ); } /************************************************************************* * SwMarginPortion::AdjustRight() * * In der umschliessenden Schleife werden alle Portions durchsucht, * dabei werden erst die am Ende liegenden GluePortions verarbeitet. * Das Ende wird nach jeder Schleife nach vorne verlegt, bis keine * GluePortions mehr vorhanden sind. * Es werden immer GluePortion-Paare betrachtet (pLeft und pRight), * wobei Textportions zwischen pLeft und pRight hinter pRight verschoben * werden, wenn pRight genuegend Glue besitzt. Bei jeder Verschiebung * wandert ein Teil des Glues von pRight nach pLeft. * Im naechsten Schleifendurchlauf ist pLeft das pRight und das Spiel * beginnt von vorne. *************************************************************************/ void SwMarginPortion::AdjustRight( const SwLineLayout *pCurr ) { SwGluePortion *pRight = 0; BOOL bNoMove = 0 != pCurr->GetpKanaComp(); while( pRight != this ) { // 1) Wir suchen den linken Glue SwLinePortion *pPos = (SwLinePortion*)this; SwGluePortion *pLeft = 0; while( pPos ) { DBG_LOOP; if( pPos->InFixMargGrp() ) pLeft = (SwGluePortion*)pPos; pPos = pPos->GetPortion(); if( pPos == pRight) pPos = 0; } // Zwei nebeneinander liegende FlyPortions verschmelzen if( pRight && pLeft->GetPortion() == pRight ) { pRight->MoveAllGlue( pLeft ); pRight = 0; } KSHORT nRightGlue = pRight && 0 < pRight->GetPrtGlue() ? KSHORT(pRight->GetPrtGlue()) : 0; // 2) linken und rechten Glue ausgleichen // Bei Tabs haengen wir nix um ... if( pLeft && nRightGlue && !pRight->InTabGrp() ) { // pPrev ist die Portion, die unmittelbar vor pRight liegt. SwLinePortion *pPrev = pRight->FindPrevPortion( pLeft ); if ( pRight->IsFlyPortion() && pRight->GetLen() ) { SwFlyPortion *pFly = (SwFlyPortion *)pRight; if ( pFly->GetBlankWidth() < nRightGlue ) { // Hier entsteht eine neue TxtPortion, die dass zuvor // vom Fly verschluckte Blank reaktiviert. nRightGlue -= pFly->GetBlankWidth(); pFly->SubPrtWidth( pFly->GetBlankWidth() ); pFly->SetLen( 0 ); SwTxtPortion *pNewPor = new SwTxtPortion; pNewPor->SetLen( 1 ); pNewPor->Height( pFly->Height() ); pNewPor->Width( pFly->GetBlankWidth() ); pFly->Insert( pNewPor ); } else pPrev = pLeft; } while( pPrev != pLeft ) { DBG_LOOP; if( bNoMove || pPrev->PrtWidth() >= nRightGlue || pPrev->InHyphGrp() || pPrev->IsKernPortion() ) { // Die Portion, die vor pRight liegt kann nicht // verschoben werden, weil kein Glue mehr vorhanden ist. // Wir fuehren die Abbruchbedingung herbei: pPrev = pLeft; } else { nRightGlue -= pPrev->PrtWidth(); // pPrev wird hinter pRight verschoben. // Dazu wird der Gluewert zwischen pRight und pLeft // ausgeglichen. pRight->MoveGlue( pLeft, short( pPrev->PrtWidth() ) ); // Jetzt wird die Verkettung gerichtet. SwLinePortion *pPrevPrev = pPrev->FindPrevPortion( pLeft ); pPrevPrev->SetPortion( pRight ); pPrev->SetPortion( pRight->GetPortion() ); pRight->SetPortion( pPrev ); if ( pPrev->GetPortion() && pPrev->InTxtGrp() && pPrev->GetPortion()->IsHolePortion() ) { SwHolePortion *pHolePor = (SwHolePortion*)pPrev->GetPortion(); if ( !pHolePor->GetPortion() || !pHolePor->GetPortion()->InFixMargGrp() ) { pPrev->AddPrtWidth( pHolePor->GetBlankWidth() ); pPrev->SetLen( pPrev->GetLen() + 1 ); pPrev->SetPortion( pHolePor->GetPortion() ); delete pHolePor; } } pPrev = pPrevPrev; } } } // Wenn es keinen linken Glue mehr gibt, wird die Abbruchbedingung // herbeigefuehrt. pRight = pLeft ? pLeft : (SwGluePortion*)this; } }