/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: porfly.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.25 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2004-03-08 14:03:11 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #pragma hdrstop #include "dcontact.hxx" // SwDrawContact #include "dflyobj.hxx" // SwVirtFlyDrawObj #include "pam.hxx" // SwPosition #include "flyfrm.hxx" // SwFlyInCntFrm #include "frmfmt.hxx" // SwFrmFmt #include "viewsh.hxx" #ifndef _OUTDEV_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_LRSPITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_ULSPITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTANCHR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTFLCNT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTORNT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FRMATR_HXX #include #endif #include "flyfrms.hxx" #include "txatbase.hxx" // SwTxtAttr #include "porfly.hxx" #include "porlay.hxx" // SetFly #include "inftxt.hxx" // SwTxtPaintInfo #include "frmsh.hxx" // OD 28.10.2003 #113049# #ifndef _ASCHARANCHOREDOBJECTPOSITION_HXX #include #endif /************************************************************************* * class SwFlyPortion * * Wir erwarten ein framelokales SwRect ! *************************************************************************/ void SwFlyPortion::Paint( const SwTxtPaintInfo &rInf ) const { } /************************************************************************* * virtual SwFlyPortion::Format() *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwFlyPortion::Format( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { ASSERT( Fix() >= rInf.X(), "SwFlyPortion::Format: rush hour" ); // 8537: Tabs muessen expandiert werden. if( rInf.GetLastTab() ) ((SwLinePortion*)rInf.GetLastTab())->FormatEOL( rInf ); // Der Glue wird aufgespannt. rInf.GetLast()->FormatEOL( rInf ); #ifdef USED long nFirstDiff; if( !Fix() ) { nFirstDiff = rInf.Left() - long( rInf.First() ); if( rInf.GetLineStart() ) { if( nFirstDiff < 0 ) nFirstDiff = 0; } else { if( nFirstDiff > 0 ) nFirstDiff = 0; else nFirstDiff = -nFirstDiff; } nFirstDiff += rInf.GetTxtFrm()->Prt().Left(); } else nFirstDiff = 0; PrtWidth( (Fix() - rInf.X()) + PrtWidth() + nFirstDiff ); #else PrtWidth( (Fix() - rInf.X()) + PrtWidth() ); #endif if( !Width() ) { ASSERT( Width(), "+SwFlyPortion::Format: a fly is a fly is a fly" ); Width(1); } // Restaurierung rInf.SetFly( 0 ); rInf.Width( rInf.RealWidth() ); rInf.GetParaPortion()->SetFly( sal_True ); // trailing blank: if( rInf.GetIdx() < rInf.GetTxt().Len() && 1 < rInf.GetIdx() && !rInf.GetRest() && ' ' == rInf.GetChar( rInf.GetIdx() ) && ' ' != rInf.GetChar( rInf.GetIdx() - 1 ) && ( !rInf.GetLast() || !rInf.GetLast()->IsBreakPortion() ) ) { SetBlankWidth( rInf.GetTxtSize( ' ' ).Width() ); SetLen( 1 ); } const KSHORT nNewWidth = rInf.X() + PrtWidth(); if( rInf.Width() <= nNewWidth ) { Truncate(); if( nNewWidth > rInf.Width() ) { PrtWidth( nNewWidth - rInf.Width() ); SetFixWidth( PrtWidth() ); } return sal_True; } return sal_False; } /************************************************************************* * virtual SwFlyCntPortion::Format() *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwFlyCntPortion::Format( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { sal_Bool bFull = rInf.Width() < rInf.X() + PrtWidth(); if( bFull ) { // 3924: wenn die Zeile voll ist und der zeichengebundene Frame am // Anfang der Zeile steht. // 5157: nicht wenn einem Fly ausgewichen werden kann! // "Begin of line" criteria ( ! rInf.X() ) has to be extended. // KerningPortions at beginning of line, e.g., for grid layout // must be considered. const SwLinePortion* pLastPor = rInf.GetLast(); const USHORT nLeft = ( pLastPor && ( pLastPor->IsKernPortion() || pLastPor->IsErgoSumPortion() ) ) ? pLastPor->Width() : 0; if( nLeft == rInf.X() && ! rInf.GetFly() ) { Width( rInf.Width() ); bFull = sal_False; // Damit Notizen noch in dieser Zeile landen } else { if( !rInf.GetFly() ) rInf.SetNewLine( sal_True ); Width(0); SetAscent(0); SetLen(0); if( rInf.GetLast() ) rInf.GetLast()->FormatEOL( rInf ); return bFull; } } rInf.GetParaPortion()->SetFly( sal_True ); return bFull; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFrm::MoveFlyInCnt() haengt jetzt die zeichengebundenen Objekte * innerhalb des angegebenen Bereichs um, damit koennen diese vom Master * zum Follow oder umgekehrt wandern. *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtFrm::MoveFlyInCnt( SwTxtFrm *pNew, xub_StrLen nStart, xub_StrLen nEnd ) { SwDrawObjs *pObjs; if ( 0 != (pObjs = GetDrawObjs()) ) { for ( int i = 0; GetDrawObjs() && i < int(pObjs->Count()); ++i ) { SdrObject *pO = (*pObjs)[MSHORT(i)]; if ( pO->ISA(SwVirtFlyDrawObj) ) { SwFlyFrm *pFly = ((SwVirtFlyDrawObj*)pO)->GetFlyFrm(); if( pFly->IsFlyInCntFrm() ) { const SwFmtAnchor &rAnch = pFly->GetFmt()->GetAnchor(); const SwPosition *pPos = rAnch.GetCntntAnchor(); xub_StrLen nIdx = pPos->nContent.GetIndex(); if ( nIdx >= nStart && nEnd > nIdx ) { RemoveFly( pFly ); pNew->AppendFly( pFly ); --i; } } } else { SwDrawContact *pContact = (SwDrawContact*)GetUserCall(pO); const SwFmtAnchor &rAnch = pContact->GetFmt()->GetAnchor(); if ( FLY_IN_CNTNT == rAnch.GetAnchorId() ) { const SwPosition *pPos = rAnch.GetCntntAnchor(); xub_StrLen nIdx = pPos->nContent.GetIndex(); if ( nIdx >= nStart && nEnd > nIdx ) { RemoveDrawObj( pContact ); pNew->AppendDrawObj( pContact ); --i; } } } } } } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFrm::CalcFlyPos() *************************************************************************/ xub_StrLen SwTxtFrm::CalcFlyPos( SwFrmFmt* pSearch ) { SwpHints* pHints = GetTxtNode()->GetpSwpHints(); ASSERT( pHints, "CalcFlyPos: Why me?" ); if( !pHints ) return STRING_LEN; SwTxtAttr* pFound = NULL; for( MSHORT i = 0; i < pHints->Count(); i++) { SwTxtAttr *pHt = pHints->GetHt( i ); if( RES_TXTATR_FLYCNT == pHt->Which() ) { SwFrmFmt* pFrmFmt = pHt->GetFlyCnt().GetFrmFmt(); if( pFrmFmt == pSearch ) pFound = pHt; } } ASSERT( pHints, "CalcFlyPos: Not Found!" ); if( !pFound ) return STRING_LEN; return *pFound->GetStart(); } /************************************************************************* * virtual SwFlyCntPortion::Paint() *************************************************************************/ void SwFlyCntPortion::Paint( const SwTxtPaintInfo &rInf ) const { if( bDraw ) { if( !((SwDrawContact*)pContact)->GetAnchor() ) { SwDrawContact* pDrawContact = static_cast(pContact); Point aAnchorPos = pDrawContact->GetMaster()->GetAnchorPos(); pDrawContact->ConnectToLayout(); pDrawContact->GetMaster()->SetAnchorPos( aAnchorPos ); // OD 27.06.2003 #108784# - correct movement of 'virtual' drawing // objects caused by the of the 'master' drawing object. pDrawContact->CorrectRelativePosOfVirtObjs(); } } else { // Baseline-Ausgabe ! // 7922: Bei CompletePaint alles painten SwRect aRepaintRect( rInf.GetPaintRect() ); if ( rInf.GetTxtFrm()->IsRightToLeft() ) rInf.GetTxtFrm()->SwitchLTRtoRTL( aRepaintRect ); if ( rInf.GetTxtFrm()->IsVertical() ) rInf.GetTxtFrm()->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( aRepaintRect ); if( (GetFlyFrm()->IsCompletePaint() || GetFlyFrm()->Frm().IsOver( aRepaintRect )) && SwFlyFrm::IsPaint( (SdrObject*)GetFlyFrm()->GetVirtDrawObj(), GetFlyFrm()->GetShell() )) { SwRect aRect( GetFlyFrm()->Frm() ); if( !GetFlyFrm()->IsCompletePaint() ) aRect._Intersection( aRepaintRect ); // GetFlyFrm() may change the layout mode at the output device. { SwLayoutModeModifier aLayoutModeModifier( *rInf.GetOut() ); GetFlyFrm()->Paint( aRect ); } ((SwTxtPaintInfo&)rInf).GetRefDev()->SetLayoutMode( rInf.GetOut()->GetLayoutMode() ); // Es hilft alles nichts, im zeichengebundenen Frame kann wer weiss // was am OutputDevice eingestellt sein, wir muessen unseren Font // wieder hineinselektieren. Dass wir im const stehen, soll uns // daran nicht hindern: ((SwTxtPaintInfo&)rInf).SelectFont(); // I want to know if this can really happen. So here comes a new ASSERT( ! rInf.GetVsh() || rInf.GetVsh()->GetOut() == rInf.GetOut(), "SwFlyCntPortion::Paint: Outdev has changed" ) if( rInf.GetVsh() ) ((SwTxtPaintInfo&)rInf).SetOut( rInf.GetVsh()->GetOut() ); } } } /************************************************************************* * SwFlyCntPortion::SwFlyCntPortion() * * Es werden die Masze vom pFly->OutRect() eingestellt. * Es erfolgt ein SetBase() ! *************************************************************************/ // OD 29.07.2003 #110978# - use new datatype for parameter SwFlyCntPortion::SwFlyCntPortion( const SwTxtFrm& rFrm, SwFlyInCntFrm *pFly, const Point &rBase, long nLnAscent, long nLnDescent, long nFlyAsc, long nFlyDesc, objectpositioning::AsCharFlags nFlags ) : pContact( pFly ), bDraw( sal_False ), bMax( sal_False ), nAlign( 0 ) { ASSERT( pFly, "SwFlyCntPortion::SwFlyCntPortion: no SwFlyInCntFrm!" ); nLineLength = 1; nFlags |= AS_CHAR_ULSPACE | AS_CHAR_INIT; SetBase( rFrm, rBase, nLnAscent, nLnDescent, nFlyAsc, nFlyDesc, nFlags ); SetWhichPor( POR_FLYCNT ); } // OD 29.07.2003 #110978# - use new datatype for parameter SwFlyCntPortion::SwFlyCntPortion( const SwTxtFrm& rFrm, SwDrawContact *pDrawContact, const Point &rBase, long nLnAscent, long nLnDescent, long nFlyAsc, long nFlyDesc, objectpositioning::AsCharFlags nFlags ) : pContact( pDrawContact ), bDraw( sal_True ), bMax( sal_False ), nAlign( 0 ) { ASSERT( pDrawContact, "SwFlyCntPortion::SwFlyCntPortion: no SwDrawContact!" ); if( !pDrawContact->GetAnchor() ) { if( nFlags & AS_CHAR_QUICK ) { Point aAnchorPos = pDrawContact->GetMaster()->GetAnchorPos(); pDrawContact->ConnectToLayout(); pDrawContact->GetMaster()->SetAnchorPos( aAnchorPos ); } else pDrawContact->ConnectToLayout(); } nLineLength = 1; nFlags |= AS_CHAR_ULSPACE | AS_CHAR_INIT; SetBase( rFrm, rBase, nLnAscent, nLnDescent, nFlyAsc, nFlyDesc, nFlags ); SetWhichPor( POR_FLYCNT ); } const SwFrmFmt *SwFlyCntPortion::GetFrmFmt() const { if( bDraw ) return GetDrawContact()->GetFmt(); else return GetFlyFrm()->GetFmt(); } /************************************************************************* * SwFlyCntPortion::SetBase() * * Nach dem Setzen des RefPoints muss der Ascent neu berechnet werden, * da er von der RelPos abhaengt. * pFly->GetRelPos().Y() bezeichnet die relative Position zur Baseline. * Bei 0 liegt der obere Rand des FlyCnt auf der Baseline der Zeile. *************************************************************************/ // OD 29.07.2003 #110978# - use new datatype for parameter void SwFlyCntPortion::SetBase( const SwTxtFrm& rFrm, const Point &rBase, long nLnAscent, long nLnDescent, long nFlyAsc, long nFlyDesc, objectpositioning::AsCharFlags nFlags ) { // Note: rBase have to be an absolute value // OD 28.10.2003 #113049# - use new class to position object // determine drawing object SdrObject* pSdrObj = 0L; if( bDraw ) { // OD 20.06.2003 #108784# - determine drawing object ('master' or 'virtual') // by frame. pSdrObj = GetDrawContact()->GetDrawObjectByAnchorFrm( rFrm ); if ( !pSdrObj ) { ASSERT( false, "SwFlyCntPortion::SetBase(..) - No drawing object found by GetDrawObjectByAnchorFrm( rFrm )>" ); pSdrObj = GetDrawContact()->GetMaster(); } } else { pSdrObj = GetFlyFrm()->GetVirtDrawObj(); } // position object objectpositioning::SwAsCharAnchoredObjectPosition aObjPositioning( *pSdrObj, rBase, nFlags, nLnAscent, nLnDescent, nFlyAsc, nFlyDesc ); aObjPositioning.CalcPosition(); SetAlign( aObjPositioning.GetLineAlignment() ); aRef = aObjPositioning.GetAnchorPos(); if( nFlags & AS_CHAR_ROTATE ) SvXSize( aObjPositioning.GetObjBoundRectInclSpacing().SSize() ); else SvLSize( aObjPositioning.GetObjBoundRectInclSpacing().SSize() ); if( Height() ) { SwTwips nRelPos = aObjPositioning.GetRelPosY(); if ( nRelPos < 0 ) { nAscent = Abs( int( nRelPos ) ); if( nAscent > Height() ) Height( nAscent ); } else { nAscent = 0; Height( Height() + int( nRelPos ) ); } } else { Height( 1 ); nAscent = 0; } } /************************************************************************* * virtual SwFlyCntPortion::GetFlyCrsrOfst() *************************************************************************/ xub_StrLen SwFlyCntPortion::GetFlyCrsrOfst( const KSHORT nOfst, const Point &rPoint, SwPosition *pPos, const SwCrsrMoveState* pCMS ) const { // Da die FlyCnt nicht an der Seite haengen, wird ihr // GetCrsrOfst() nicht gerufen. Um die Layoutseite // von unnoetiger Verwaltung zu entlasten, ruft der Absatz // das GetCrsrOfst des FlyFrm, wenn es erforderlich ist. Point aPoint( rPoint ); if( !pPos || bDraw || !( GetFlyFrm()->GetCrsrOfst( pPos, aPoint, pCMS ) ) ) return SwLinePortion::GetCrsrOfst( nOfst ); else return 0; } /************************************************************************* * virtual SwFlyCntPortion::GetCrsrOfst() *************************************************************************/ xub_StrLen SwFlyCntPortion::GetCrsrOfst( const KSHORT nOfst ) const { // ASSERT( !this, "SwFlyCntPortion::GetCrsrOfst: use GetFlyCrsrOfst()" ); return SwLinePortion::GetCrsrOfst( nOfst ); }