/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: itrform2.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.58 $ * * last change: $Author: fme $ $Date: 2002-02-08 13:42:08 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifdef PRECOMPILED #include "core_pch.hxx" #endif #pragma hdrstop #include "hintids.hxx" #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_I18N_SCRIPTTYPE_HDL_ #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_LSPCITEM_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _TXATBASE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _LAYFRM_HXX #include // GetFrmRstHeight, etc #endif #ifndef _VIEWSH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _VIEWOPT_HXX #include // SwViewOptions #endif #ifndef _PARATR_HXX #include // SwFmtDrop #endif #ifndef _HINTIDS_HXX #include // CH_TXTATR #endif #ifndef _TXTCFG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _ITRFORM2_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SWFONT_HXX #include // IsTox, IsRef, SetLingu #endif #ifndef _PORRST_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PORTAB_HXX #include // pLastTab-> #endif #ifndef _PORFLY_HXX #include // CalcFlyWidth #endif #ifndef _PORTOX_HXX #include // WhichTxtPortion #endif #ifndef _PORREF_HXX #include // WhichTxtPortion #endif #ifndef _PORFLD_HXX #include // SwNumberPortion fuer CalcAscent() #endif #ifndef _PORFTN_HXX #include // SwFtnPortion #endif #ifndef _POREXP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PORHYPH_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _GUESS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _TXTFRM_HXX #include // GetFrmRstHeight, etc #endif #ifndef _BLINK_HXX #include // pBlink #endif #ifndef _FTNFRM_HXX #include // WhichFirstPortion() -> mal Verlagern. #endif #ifndef _REDLNITR_HXX #include // SwRedlineItr #endif #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT #ifndef _PAGEFRM_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PAGEDESC_HXX #include // SwPageDesc #endif #ifndef SW_TGRDITEM_HXX #include #endif #endif #ifndef _DOC_HXX #include // SwDoc #endif #ifndef _PORMULTI_HXX #include // SwMultiPortion #endif #define _SVSTDARR_LONGS #include #ifndef _UNOTOOLS_CHARCLASS_HXX #include #endif #ifdef DEBUG #ifndef _NDTXT_HXX #include // pSwpHints, Ausgabeoperator #endif #endif using namespace ::com::sun::star::i18n; #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT extern BYTE WhichFont( xub_StrLen nIdx, const String* pTxt, const SwScriptInfo* pSI ); #endif extern sal_Bool IsUnderlineBreak( const SwLinePortion& rPor, const SwFont& rFnt ); #define MAX_TXTPORLEN 300 inline void ClearFly( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { if( rInf.GetFly() ) { delete rInf.GetFly(); rInf.SetFly(0); } } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::CtorInit() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtFormatter::CtorInit( SwTxtFrm *pFrm, SwTxtFormatInfo *pNewInf ) { SwTxtPainter::CtorInit( pFrm, pNewInf ); pInf = pNewInf; pDropFmt = GetInfo().GetDropFmt(); pMulti = NULL; bOnceMore = sal_False; bChanges = sal_False; bTruncLines = sal_False; nCntEndHyph = 0; nCntMidHyph = 0; nLeftScanIdx = STRING_LEN; nRightScanIdx = 0; if( nStart > GetInfo().GetTxt().Len() ) { ASSERT( !this, "+SwTxtFormatter::CTOR: bad offset" ); nStart = GetInfo().GetTxt().Len(); } } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::DTOR *************************************************************************/ SwTxtFormatter::~SwTxtFormatter() { // Auesserst unwahrscheinlich aber denkbar. // z.B.: Feld spaltet sich auf, Widows schlagen zu if( GetInfo().GetRest() ) { delete GetInfo().GetRest(); GetInfo().SetRest(0); } } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::Insert() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtFormatter::Insert( SwLineLayout *pLay ) { // Einfuegen heute mal ausnahmsweise hinter dem aktuellen Element. if ( pCurr ) { pLay->SetNext( pCurr->GetNext() ); pCurr->SetNext( pLay ); } else pCurr = pLay; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::GetFrmRstHeight() *************************************************************************/ KSHORT SwTxtFormatter::GetFrmRstHeight() const { // 8725: Uns interessiert die Resthoehe bezogen auf die Seite. // Wenn wir in einer Tabelle stehen, dann ist pFrm->GetUpper() nicht // die Seite. GetFrmRstHeight() wird im Zusammenhang mit den Ftn // gerufen. // Falsch: const SwFrm *pUpper = pFrm->GetUpper(); const SwFrm *pPage = (const SwFrm*)pFrm->FindPageFrm(); const SwTwips nHeight = pPage->Frm().Top() + pPage->Prt().Top() + pPage->Prt().Height() - Y(); if( 0 > nHeight ) return pCurr->Height(); else return KSHORT( nHeight ); } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::UnderFlow() *************************************************************************/ SwLinePortion *SwTxtFormatter::UnderFlow( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { // Werte sichern und rInf initialisieren. SwLinePortion *pUnderFlow = rInf.GetUnderFlow(); if( !pUnderFlow ) return 0; // Wir formatieren rueckwaerts, d.h. dass Attributwechsel in der // naechsten Zeile durchaus noch einmal drankommen koennen. // Zu beobachten in 8081.sdw, wenn man in der ersten Zeile Text eingibt. const xub_StrLen nSoftHyphPos = rInf.GetSoftHyphPos(); const xub_StrLen nUnderScorePos = rInf.GetUnderScorePos(); // 8358, 8359: Flys sichern und auf 0 setzen, sonst GPF // 3983: Nicht ClearFly(rInf) ! SwFlyPortion *pFly = rInf.GetFly(); rInf.SetFly( 0 ); FeedInf( rInf ); rInf.SetLast( pCurr ); // pUnderFlow braucht nicht deletet werden, weil es im folgenden // Truncate() untergehen wird. rInf.SetUnderFlow(0); rInf.SetSoftHyphPos( nSoftHyphPos ); rInf.SetUnderScorePos( nUnderScorePos ); rInf.SetPaintOfst( GetLeftMargin() ); // Wir suchen die Portion mit der Unterlaufposition SwLinePortion *pPor = pCurr->GetFirstPortion(); if( pPor != pUnderFlow ) { // pPrev wird die letzte Portion vor pUnderFlow, // die noch eine echte Breite hat. // Ausnahme: SoftHyphPortions duerfen dabei natuerlich // nicht vergessen werden, obwohl sie keine Breite haben. SwLinePortion *pPrev = pPor; while( pPor && pPor != pUnderFlow ) { DBG_LOOP; if( !pPor->IsKernPortion() && ( pPor->Width() || pPor->IsSoftHyphPortion() ) ) { while( pPrev != pPor ) { pPrev->Move( rInf ); rInf.SetLast( pPrev ); pPrev = pPrev->GetPortion(); ASSERT( pPrev, "UnderFlow: Loosing control!" ); }; } pPor = pPor->GetPortion(); } pPor = pPrev; if( pPor && // Flies + Initialen werden nicht beim UnderFlow mitgenommen ( pPor->IsFlyPortion() || pPor->IsDropPortion() || pPor->IsFlyCntPortion() ) ) { pPor->Move( rInf ); rInf.SetLast( pPor ); rInf.SetStopUnderFlow( sal_True ); pPor = pUnderFlow; } } // Was? Die Unterlaufsituation ist nicht in der Portion-Kette ? ASSERT( pPor, "SwTxtFormatter::UnderFlow: overflow but underflow" ); if( rInf.IsFtnInside() && pPor && !rInf.IsQuick() ) { SwLinePortion *pTmp = pPor->GetPortion(); while( pTmp ) { if( pTmp->IsFtnPortion() ) ((SwFtnPortion*)pTmp)->ClearFtn(); pTmp = pTmp->GetPortion(); } } /*-----------------14.12.94 09:45------------------- * 9849: Schnellschuss * --------------------------------------------------*/ if ( pPor==rInf.GetLast() ) { // Hier landen wir, wenn die UnderFlow-ausloesende Portion sich // ueber die ganze Zeile erstreckt, z. B. wenn ein Wort ueber // mehrere Zeilen geht und in der zweiten Zeile in einen Fly // hineinlaeuft! rInf.SetFly( pFly ); // wg. 28300 pPor->Truncate(); return pPor; // Reicht das? } /*--------------------------------------------------- * Ende des Schnellschusses wg. 9849 * --------------------------------------------------*/ // 4656: X + Width == 0 bei SoftHyph > Zeile ?! if( !pPor || !(rInf.X() + pPor->Width()) ) { delete pFly; return 0; } // Vorbereitungen auf's Format() // Wir muessen die Kette hinter pLast abknipsen, weil // nach dem Format() ein Insert erfolgt. SeekAndChg( rInf ); // line width is adjusted, so that pPor does not fit to current // line anymore rInf.Width( rInf.X() + (pPor->Width() ? pPor->Width() - 1 : 0) ); rInf.SetLen( pPor->GetLen() ); rInf.SetFull( sal_False ); if( pFly ) { // Aus folgendem Grund muss die FlyPortion neu berechnet werden: // Wenn durch einen grossen Font in der Mitte der Zeile die Grundlinie // abgesenkt wird und dadurch eine Ueberlappung mit eine Fly entsteht, // so hat die FlyPortion eine falsche Groesse/Fixsize. rInf.SetFly( pFly ); CalcFlyWidth( rInf ); } rInf.GetLast()->SetPortion(0); // Eine Ausnahme bildet das SwLineLayout, dass sich beim // ersten Portionwechsel aufspaltet. Hier nun der umgekehrte Weg: if( rInf.GetLast() == pCurr ) { if( pPor->InTxtGrp() && !pPor->InExpGrp() ) { MSHORT nOldWhich = pCurr->GetWhichPor(); *(SwLinePortion*)pCurr = *pPor; pCurr->SetPortion( pPor->GetPortion() ); pCurr->SetWhichPor( nOldWhich ); pPor->SetPortion( 0 ); delete pPor; pPor = pCurr; } } pPor->Truncate(); delete rInf.GetRest(); rInf.SetRest(0); return pPor; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::InsertPortion() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtFormatter::InsertPortion( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf, SwLinePortion *pPor ) const { // Die neue Portion wird eingefuegt, // bei dem LineLayout ist allerdings alles anders... if( pPor == pCurr ) { if( pCurr->GetPortion() ) pPor = pCurr->GetPortion(); } else { SwLinePortion *pLast = rInf.GetLast(); if( pLast->GetPortion() ) { while( pLast->GetPortion() ) pLast = pLast->GetPortion(); rInf.SetLast( pLast ); } pLast->Insert( pPor ); // Maxima anpassen: if( pCurr->Height() < pPor->Height() ) pCurr->Height( pPor->Height() ); if( pCurr->GetAscent() < pPor->GetAscent() ) pCurr->SetAscent( pPor->GetAscent() ); } // manchmal werden ganze Ketten erzeugt (z.B. durch Hyphenate) rInf.SetLast( pPor ); while( pPor ) { DBG_LOOP; pPor->Move( rInf ); rInf.SetLast( pPor ); pPor = pPor->GetPortion(); } } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::BuildPortion() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtFormatter::BuildPortions( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { ASSERT( rInf.GetTxt().Len() < STRING_LEN, "SwTxtFormatter::BuildPortions: bad text length in info" ); rInf.ChkNoHyph( CntEndHyph(), CntMidHyph() ); // Erst NewTxtPortion() entscheidet, ob pCurr in pPor landet. // Wir muessen in jedem Fall dafuer sorgen, dass der Font eingestellt // wird. In CalcAscent geschieht dies automatisch. rInf.SetLast( pCurr ); rInf.ForcedLeftMargin( 0 ); ASSERT( pCurr->FindLastPortion() == pCurr, "pLast supposed to equal pCurr" ); if( !pCurr->GetAscent() && !pCurr->Height() ) CalcAscent( rInf, pCurr ); SeekAndChg( rInf ); // In CalcFlyWidth wird Width() verkuerzt, wenn eine FlyPortion vorliegt. ASSERT( !rInf.X() || pMulti, "SwTxtFormatter::BuildPortion X=0?" ); CalcFlyWidth( rInf ); SwFlyPortion *pFly = rInf.GetFly(); if( pFly ) { if ( 0 < pFly->Fix() ) ClearFly( rInf ); else rInf.SetFull(sal_True); } SwLinePortion *pPor = NewPortion( rInf ); #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT GETGRID( pFrm->FindPageFrm() ) const sal_Bool bHasGrid = pGrid && rInf.SnapToGrid() && GRID_LINES_CHARS == pGrid->GetGridType(); const USHORT nGridWidth = bHasGrid ? pGrid->GetBaseHeight() : 0; // used for grid mode only: // the pointer is stored, because after formatting of non-asian text, // the width of the kerning portion has to be adjusted SwKernPortion* pGridKernPortion = 0; #endif sal_Bool bFull; SwTwips nUnderLineStart = 0; rInf.Y( Y() ); while( pPor && !rInf.IsStop() ) { ASSERT( rInf.GetLen() < STRING_LEN && rInf.GetIdx() <= rInf.GetTxt().Len(), "SwTxtFormatter::BuildPortions: bad length in info" ); DBG_LOOP; // We have to check the script for fields in order to set the // correct nActual value for the font. if( pPor->InFldGrp() && ! pPor->IsFtnPortion() ) ((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->CheckScript( rInf ); #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT if( ! bHasGrid && rInf.HasScriptSpace() && rInf.GetLast() && rInf.GetLast()->InTxtGrp() #else if( rInf.HasScriptSpace() && rInf.GetLast() && rInf.GetLast()->InTxtGrp() #endif && rInf.GetLast()->Width() && !rInf.GetLast()->InNumberGrp() ) { BYTE nNxtActual = rInf.GetFont()->GetActual(); BYTE nLstActual = nNxtActual; USHORT nLstHeight = (USHORT)rInf.GetFont()->GetHeight(); sal_Bool bAllowBefore = sal_False; sal_Bool bAllowBehind = sal_False; const CharClass& rCC = GetAppCharClass(); // are there any punctuation characters on both sides // of the kerning portion? if ( pPor->InFldGrp() ) { XubString aAltTxt; if ( ((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->GetExpTxt( rInf, aAltTxt ) && aAltTxt.Len() ) { bAllowBehind = rCC.isLetterNumeric( aAltTxt, 0 ); const SwFont* pTmpFnt = ((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->GetFont(); if ( pTmpFnt ) nNxtActual = pTmpFnt->GetActual(); } } else bAllowBehind = rCC.isLetterNumeric( rInf.GetTxt(), rInf.GetIdx() ); const SwLinePortion* pLast = rInf.GetLast(); if ( bAllowBehind && pLast ) { if ( pLast->InFldGrp() ) { XubString aAltTxt; if ( ((SwFldPortion*)pLast)->GetExpTxt( rInf, aAltTxt ) && aAltTxt.Len() ) { bAllowBefore = rCC.isLetterNumeric( aAltTxt, aAltTxt.Len() - 1 ); const SwFont* pTmpFnt = ((SwFldPortion*)pLast)->GetFont(); if ( pTmpFnt ) { nLstActual = pTmpFnt->GetActual(); nLstHeight = (USHORT)pTmpFnt->GetHeight(); } } } else if ( rInf.GetIdx() ) { bAllowBefore = rCC.isLetterNumeric( rInf.GetTxt(), rInf.GetIdx() - 1 ); // Note: ScriptType returns values in [1,4] if ( bAllowBefore ) nLstActual = pScriptInfo->ScriptType( rInf.GetIdx() - 1 ) - 1; } nLstHeight /= 5; // does the kerning portion still fit into the line? if( bAllowBefore && ( nLstActual != nNxtActual ) && nLstHeight && rInf.X() + nLstHeight <= rInf.Width() ) { SwKernPortion* pKrn = new SwKernPortion( *rInf.GetLast(), nLstHeight, pLast->InFldGrp() && pPor->InFldGrp() ); rInf.GetLast()->SetPortion( NULL ); InsertPortion( rInf, pKrn ); } } } #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT else if ( bHasGrid && ! pGridKernPortion && ! pMulti ) { // insert a grid kerning portion if ( ! pGridKernPortion ) pGridKernPortion = pPor->IsKernPortion() ? (SwKernPortion*)pPor : new SwKernPortion( *pCurr ); // if we have a new GridKernPortion, we initially calculate // its size so that its ends on the grid const SwPageFrm* pPageFrm = pFrm->FindPageFrm(); const SwLayoutFrm* pBody = pPageFrm->FindBodyCont(); SWRECTFN( pPageFrm ) const long nGridOrigin = pBody ? (pBody->*fnRect->fnGetPrtLeft)() : (pPageFrm->*fnRect->fnGetPrtLeft)(); SwTwips nStartX = rInf.X() + GetLeftMargin(); if ( bVert ) { Point aPoint( nStartX, 0 ); pFrm->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( aPoint ); nStartX = aPoint.Y(); } const SwTwips nOfst = nStartX - nGridOrigin; if ( nOfst ) { const USHORT i = ( nOfst > 0 ) ? ( ( nOfst - 1 ) / nGridWidth + 1 ) : 0; const SwTwips nKernWidth = i * nGridWidth - nOfst; const SwTwips nRestWidth = rInf.Width() - rInf.X(); if ( nKernWidth <= nRestWidth ) pGridKernPortion->Width( (USHORT)nKernWidth ); } if ( pGridKernPortion != pPor ) InsertPortion( rInf, pGridKernPortion ); } #endif // the multi-portion has it's own format function if( pPor->IsMultiPortion() && !pMulti ) bFull = BuildMultiPortion( rInf, *((SwMultiPortion*)pPor) ); else bFull = pPor->Format( rInf ); if( rInf.IsRuby() && !rInf.GetRest() ) bFull = sal_True; // if we are underlined, we store the beginning of this underlined // segment for repaint optimization if ( UNDERLINE_NONE != pFnt->GetUnderline() && ! nUnderLineStart ) nUnderLineStart = GetLeftMargin() + rInf.X(); if ( pPor->IsFlyPortion() ) pCurr->SetFly( sal_True ); // some special cases, where we have to take care for the repaint // offset: // 1. Underlined portions due to special underline feature // 2. Right Tab // 3. Multiportions // 4. DropCaps // 5. Grid Mode else if ( ( ! rInf.GetPaintOfst() || nUnderLineStart < rInf.GetPaintOfst() ) && // 1. Underlined portions nUnderLineStart && // reformat is at end of an underlined portion and next portion // is not underlined ( ( rInf.GetReformatStart() == rInf.GetIdx() && UNDERLINE_NONE == pFnt->GetUnderline() ) || // reformat is inside portion and portion is underlined ( rInf.GetReformatStart() >= rInf.GetIdx() && rInf.GetReformatStart() <= rInf.GetIdx() + pPor->GetLen() && UNDERLINE_NONE != pFnt->GetUnderline() ) ) ) rInf.SetPaintOfst( nUnderLineStart ); else if ( ! rInf.GetPaintOfst() && // 2. Right Tab ( ( pPor->InTabGrp() && !pPor->IsTabLeftPortion() ) || // 3. Multi Portion and 4. Drop Caps ( ( pPor->IsDropPortion() || pPor->IsMultiPortion() )&& rInf.GetReformatStart() >= rInf.GetIdx() && rInf.GetReformatStart() <= rInf.GetIdx() + pPor->GetLen() ) #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT // 5. Grid Mode || ( bHasGrid && SW_CJK != pFnt->GetActual() ) #endif ) ) // we store the beginning of the critical portion as our // paint offset rInf.SetPaintOfst( GetLeftMargin() + rInf.X() ); // under one of these conditions we are allowed to delete the // start of the underline portion if ( IsUnderlineBreak( *pPor, *pFnt ) ) nUnderLineStart = 0; if( pPor->IsFlyCntPortion() || ( pPor->IsMultiPortion() && ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->HasFlyInCntnt() ) ) SetFlyInCntBase(); // 5964: bUnderFlow muss zurueckgesetzt werden, sonst wird beim // naechsten Softhyphen wieder umgebrochen! if ( !bFull ) { rInf.ClrUnderFlow(); #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT if( ! bHasGrid && rInf.HasScriptSpace() && pPor->InTxtGrp() && #else if( rInf.HasScriptSpace() && pPor->InTxtGrp() && #endif pPor->GetLen() && !pPor->InFldGrp() ) { // The distance between two different scripts is set // to 20% of the fontheight. xub_StrLen nTmp = rInf.GetIdx() + pPor->GetLen(); if( nTmp == pScriptInfo->NextScriptChg( nTmp - 1 ) && nTmp != rInf.GetTxt().Len() ) { USHORT nDist = rInf.GetFont()->GetHeight()/5; if( nDist ) { // we do not want a kerning portion if any end // would be a punctuation character const CharClass& rCC = GetAppCharClass(); if ( rCC.isLetterNumeric( rInf.GetTxt(), nTmp - 1 ) && rCC.isLetterNumeric( rInf.GetTxt(), nTmp ) ) { // does the kerning portion still fit into the line? if ( rInf.X() + pPor->Width() + nDist <= rInf.Width() ) new SwKernPortion( *pPor, nDist ); else bFull = sal_True; } } } } } #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT if ( bHasGrid && pPor != pGridKernPortion && ! pMulti ) { xub_StrLen nTmp = rInf.GetIdx() + pPor->GetLen(); const SwTwips nRestWidth = rInf.Width() - rInf.X() - pPor->Width(); const BYTE nCurrScript = pFnt->GetActual(); // pScriptInfo->ScriptType( rInf.GetIdx() ); const BYTE nNextScript = nTmp >= rInf.GetTxt().Len() ? SW_CJK : WhichFont( nTmp, 0, pScriptInfo ); // snap non-asian text to grid if next portion is ASIAN or // there are no more portions in this line // be careful when handling an underflow event: the gridkernportion // could have been deleted if ( nRestWidth > 0 && SW_CJK != nCurrScript && ! rInf.IsUnderFlow() && ( bFull || SW_CJK == nNextScript ) ) { ASSERT( pGridKernPortion, "No GridKernPortion available" ) // calculate size SwLinePortion* pTmpPor = pGridKernPortion->GetPortion(); USHORT nSumWidth = pPor->Width(); while ( pTmpPor ) { nSumWidth += pTmpPor->Width(); pTmpPor = pTmpPor->GetPortion(); } const USHORT i = nSumWidth ? ( nSumWidth - 1 ) / nGridWidth + 1 : 0; const SwTwips nTmpWidth = i * nGridWidth; const SwTwips nKernWidth = Min( (SwTwips)(nTmpWidth - nSumWidth), nRestWidth ); const USHORT nKernWidth_1 = nKernWidth / 2; ASSERT( nKernWidth <= nRestWidth, "Not enough space left for adjusting non-asian text in grid mode" ) pGridKernPortion->Width( pGridKernPortion->Width() + nKernWidth_1 ); rInf.X( rInf.X() + nKernWidth_1 ); if ( ! bFull ) new SwKernPortion( *pPor, nKernWidth - nKernWidth_1, sal_False, sal_True ); pGridKernPortion = 0; } else if ( pPor->IsMultiPortion() || pPor->InFixMargGrp() || pPor->IsFlyCntPortion() || pPor->InNumberGrp() || nCurrScript != nNextScript ) // next portion should snap to grid pGridKernPortion = 0; } #endif rInf.SetFull( bFull ); // Restportions von mehrzeiligen Feldern haben bisher noch // nicht den richtigen Ascent. if ( !pPor->GetLen() && !pPor->IsFlyPortion() && !pPor->IsGrfNumPortion() && !pPor->IsMultiPortion() ) CalcAscent( rInf, pPor ); InsertPortion( rInf, pPor ); pPor = NewPortion( rInf ); } if( !rInf.IsStop() ) { // der letzte rechte, zentrierte, dezimale Tab SwTabPortion *pLastTab = rInf.GetLastTab(); if( pLastTab ) pLastTab->FormatEOL( rInf ); else if( rInf.GetLast() && rInf.LastKernPortion() ) rInf.GetLast()->FormatEOL( rInf ); } if( pCurr->GetPortion() && pCurr->GetPortion()->InNumberGrp() && ((SwNumberPortion*)pCurr->GetPortion())->IsHide() ) rInf.SetNumDone( sal_False ); // 3260, 3860: Fly auf jeden Fall loeschen! ClearFly( rInf ); } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::CalcAdjustLine() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtFormatter::CalcAdjustLine( SwLineLayout *pCurr ) { if( SVX_ADJUST_LEFT != GetAdjust() && !pMulti) { pCurr->SetFormatAdj(sal_True); if( IsFlyInCntBase() ) { CalcAdjLine( pCurr ); // 23348: z.B. bei zentrierten Flys muessen wir den RefPoint // auf jeden Fall umsetzen, deshalb bAllWays = sal_True UpdatePos( pCurr, GetTopLeft(), GetStart(), sal_True ); } } } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::CalcAscent() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtFormatter::CalcAscent( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf, SwLinePortion *pPor ) { if ( pPor->InFldGrp() && ((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->GetFont() ) { // Numerierungen + InterNetFlds koennen einen eigenen Font beinhalten, // dann ist ihre Groesse unabhaengig von harten Attributierungen. SwFont* pFldFnt = ((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->pFnt; SwFontSave aSave( rInf, pFldFnt ); ((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->Height( pFldFnt->GetHeight( rInf.GetVsh(), rInf.GetOut() ) ); ((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->SetAscent( pFldFnt->GetAscent( rInf.GetVsh(), rInf.GetOut() ) ); } else { const SwLinePortion *pLast = rInf.GetLast(); sal_Bool bChg; // Fallunterscheidung: in leeren Zeilen werden die Attribute // per SeekStart angeschaltet. const sal_Bool bFirstPor = rInf.GetLineStart() == rInf.GetIdx(); if ( pPor->IsQuoVadisPortion() ) bChg = SeekStartAndChg( rInf, sal_True ); else { if( bFirstPor ) { if( rInf.GetTxt().Len() ) { if ( pPor->GetLen() || !rInf.GetIdx() || ( pCurr != pLast && !pLast->IsFlyPortion() ) || !pCurr->IsRest() ) // statt !rInf.GetRest() bChg = SeekAndChg( rInf ); else bChg = SeekAndChgBefore( rInf ); } else bChg = SeekStartAndChg( rInf ); } else bChg = SeekAndChg( rInf ); } if( bChg || bFirstPor || !pPor->GetAscent() || !rInf.GetLast()->InTxtGrp() ) { pPor->SetAscent( rInf.GetAscent() ); pPor->Height( rInf.GetTxtHeight() ); } else { pPor->Height( pLast->Height() ); pPor->SetAscent( pLast->GetAscent() ); } } } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::WhichTxtPor() *************************************************************************/ SwTxtPortion *SwTxtFormatter::WhichTxtPor( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) const { SwTxtPortion *pPor = 0; if( GetFnt()->IsTox() ) pPor = new SwToxPortion; else { if( GetFnt()->IsRef() ) pPor = new SwRefPortion; else { // Erst zum Schluss ! // Wenn pCurr keine Breite hat, kann sie trotzdem schon Inhalt haben, // z.B. bei nicht darstellbaren Zeichen. if( !rInf.X() && !pCurr->GetPortion() && !pCurr->GetLen() && !GetFnt()->IsURL() ) pPor = pCurr; else { pPor = new SwTxtPortion; if( GetFnt()->IsURL() ) pPor->SetWhichPor( POR_URL ); } } } return pPor; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::NewTxtPortion() *************************************************************************/ // Die Laenge wird ermittelt, folgende Portion-Grenzen sind definiert: // 1) Tabs // 2) Linebreaks // 3) CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD / CH_TXTATR_INWORD // 4) naechster Attributwechsel SwTxtPortion *SwTxtFormatter::NewTxtPortion( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { // Wenn wir am Zeilenbeginn stehen, nehmen wir pCurr // Wenn pCurr nicht von SwTxtPortion abgeleitet ist, // muessen wir duplizieren ... Seek( rInf.GetIdx() ); SwTxtPortion *pPor = WhichTxtPor( rInf ); // maximal bis zum naechsten Attributwchsel. xub_StrLen nNextAttr = GetNextAttr(); xub_StrLen nNextChg = Min( nNextAttr, rInf.GetTxt().Len() ); nNextAttr = pScriptInfo->NextScriptChg( rInf.GetIdx() ); if( nNextChg > nNextAttr ) nNextChg = nNextAttr; // 7515, 7516, 3470, 6441 : Turbo-Boost // Es wird unterstellt, dass die Buchstaben eines Fonts nicht // groesser als doppelt so breit wie hoch sind. // 7659: Ganz verrueckt: man muss sich auf den Ascent beziehen. // Falle: GetSize() enthaelt die Wunschhoehe, die reale Hoehe // ergibt sich erst im CalcAscent! // 7697: Das Verhaeltnis ist noch krasser: ein Blank im Times // New Roman besitzt einen Ascent von 182, eine Hoehe von 200 // und eine Breite von 53! Daraus folgt, dass eine Zeile mit // vielen Blanks falsch eingeschaetzt wird. Wir erhoehen von // Faktor 2 auf 8 (wg. negativen Kernings). pPor->SetLen(1); CalcAscent( rInf, pPor ); const SwFont* pFnt = rInf.GetFont(); KSHORT nExpect = Min( KSHORT( ((Font *)pFnt)->GetSize().Height() ), KSHORT( pPor->GetAscent() ) ) / 8; if ( !nExpect ) nExpect = 1; nExpect = rInf.GetIdx() + ((rInf.Width() - rInf.X()) / nExpect); if( nExpect > rInf.GetIdx() && nNextChg > nExpect ) nNextChg = Min( nExpect, rInf.GetTxt().Len() ); // 4294: Vorsicht vor STRING_LEN-Ueberrundungen ! if( MAX_TXTPORLEN < nNextChg && STRING_LEN - MAX_TXTPORLEN > rInf.GetIdx() ) { const xub_StrLen nMaxChg = rInf.GetIdx() + MAX_TXTPORLEN; if( nMaxChg < nNextChg ) { // 6441: uebel ist, wenn die Portion passt... const SwScriptInfo& rSI = ((SwParaPortion*)rInf.GetParaPortion())->GetScriptInfo(); USHORT nMaxComp = ( SW_CJK == rInf.GetFont()->GetActual() ) && rSI.CountCompChg() && ! rInf.IsMulti() && ! pPor->InFldGrp() && ! pPor->IsDropPortion() ? 10000 : 0 ; const KSHORT nWidth = rInf.GetTxtSize( &rInf.GetParaPortion()->GetScriptInfo(), rInf.GetIdx(), MAX_TXTPORLEN, nMaxComp ).Width(); if( nWidth > rInf.Width() ) nNextChg = Min( nMaxChg, rInf.GetTxt().Len() ); } } // we keep an invariant during method calls: // there are no portion ending characters like hard spaces // or tabs in [ nLeftScanIdx, nRightScanIdx ] if ( nLeftScanIdx <= rInf.GetIdx() && rInf.GetIdx() <= nRightScanIdx ) { if ( nNextChg > nRightScanIdx ) nNextChg = nRightScanIdx = rInf.ScanPortionEnd( nRightScanIdx, nNextChg ); } else { nLeftScanIdx = rInf.GetIdx(); nNextChg = nRightScanIdx = rInf.ScanPortionEnd( rInf.GetIdx(), nNextChg ); } pPor->SetLen( nNextChg - rInf.GetIdx() ); rInf.SetLen( pPor->GetLen() ); return pPor; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::WhichFirstPortion() *************************************************************************/ SwLinePortion *SwTxtFormatter::WhichFirstPortion(SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf) { SwLinePortion *pPor = 0; if( rInf.GetRest() ) { // 5010: Tabs und Felder if( '\0' != rInf.GetHookChar() ) return 0; pPor = rInf.GetRest(); if( pPor->IsErgoSumPortion() ) rInf.SetErgoDone(sal_True); else if( pPor->IsFtnNumPortion() ) rInf.SetFtnDone(sal_True); else if( pPor->InNumberGrp() ) rInf.SetNumDone(sal_True); if( pPor ) { rInf.SetRest(0); pCurr->SetRest( sal_True ); return pPor; } } // ???? und ????: im Follow duerfen wir schon stehen, // entscheidend ist, ob pFrm->GetOfst() == 0 ist! if( rInf.GetIdx() ) { // Nun koennen auch FtnPortions und ErgoSumPortions // verlaengert werden. // 1) Die ErgoSumTexte if( !rInf.IsErgoDone() ) { if( pFrm->IsInFtn() && !pFrm->GetIndPrev() ) pPor = (SwLinePortion*)NewErgoSumPortion( rInf ); rInf.SetErgoDone( sal_True ); } if( !pPor && !rInf.IsArrowDone() ) { if( pFrm->GetOfst() && !pFrm->IsFollow() && rInf.GetIdx() == pFrm->GetOfst() ) pPor = new SwArrowPortion( *pCurr ); rInf.SetArrowDone( sal_True ); } #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT if ( ! pPor && ! pCurr->GetPortion() ) { GETGRID( GetTxtFrm()->FindPageFrm() ) if ( pGrid ) pPor = new SwKernPortion( *pCurr ); } #endif // 2) Die Zeilenreste (mehrzeilige Felder) if( !pPor ) { pPor = rInf.GetRest(); // 6922: Nur bei pPor natuerlich. if( pPor ) { pCurr->SetRest( sal_True ); rInf.SetRest(0); } } } else if ( ! rInf.IsMulti() ) { // 1) Die Fussnotenzahlen if( !rInf.IsFtnDone() ) { sal_Bool bFtnNum = pFrm->IsFtnNumFrm(); rInf.GetParaPortion()->SetFtnNum( bFtnNum ); if( bFtnNum ) pPor = (SwLinePortion*)NewFtnNumPortion( rInf ); rInf.SetFtnDone( sal_True ); } // 2) Die ErgoSumTexte gibt es natuerlich auch im TextMaster, // entscheidend ist, ob der SwFtnFrm ein Follow ist. if( !rInf.IsErgoDone() && !pPor ) { if( pFrm->IsInFtn() && !pFrm->GetIndPrev() ) pPor = (SwLinePortion*)NewErgoSumPortion( rInf ); rInf.SetErgoDone( sal_True ); } // 3) Die Numerierungen if( !rInf.IsNumDone() && !pPor ) { // Wenn wir im Follow stehen, dann natuerlich nicht. if( GetTxtFrm()->GetTxtNode()->GetNum() || GetTxtFrm()->GetTxtNode()->GetOutlineNum() ) { pPor = (SwLinePortion*)NewNumberPortion( rInf ); } rInf.SetNumDone( sal_True ); } // 4) Die DropCaps if( !pPor && GetDropFmt() ) pPor = (SwLinePortion*)NewDropPortion( rInf ); #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT if ( ! pPor && ! pCurr->GetPortion() ) { GETGRID( GetTxtFrm()->FindPageFrm() ) if ( pGrid ) pPor = new SwKernPortion( *pCurr ); } #endif } return pPor; } sal_Bool lcl_OldFieldRest( const SwLineLayout* pCurr ) { if( !pCurr->GetNext() ) return sal_False; const SwLinePortion *pPor = pCurr->GetNext()->GetPortion(); sal_Bool bRet = sal_False; while( pPor && !bRet ) { bRet = (pPor->InFldGrp() && ((SwFldPortion*)pPor)->IsFollow()) || (pPor->IsMultiPortion() && ((SwMultiPortion*)pPor)->IsFollowFld()); if( !pPor->GetLen() ) break; pPor = pPor->GetPortion(); } return bRet; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::NewPortion() *************************************************************************/ /* NewPortion stellt rInf.nLen ein. * Eine SwTxtPortion wird begrenzt durch ein tab, break, txtatr, * attrwechsel. * Drei Faelle koennen eintreten: * 1) Die Zeile ist voll und der Umbruch wurde nicht emuliert * -> return 0; * 2) Die Zeile ist voll und es wurde ein Umbruch emuliert * -> Breite neu einstellen und return new FlyPortion * 3) Es muss eine neue Portion gebaut werden. * -> CalcFlyWidth emuliert ggf. die Breite und return Portion */ SwLinePortion *SwTxtFormatter::NewPortion( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { // Underflow hat Vorrang rInf.SetStopUnderFlow( sal_False ); if( rInf.GetUnderFlow() ) { ASSERT( rInf.IsFull(), "SwTxtFormatter::NewPortion: underflow but not full" ); return UnderFlow( rInf ); } // Wenn die Zeile voll ist, koennten noch Flys oder // UnderFlow-LinePortions warten ... if( rInf.IsFull() ) { // ????: LineBreaks und Flys (bug05.sdw) // 8450: IsDummy() if( rInf.IsNewLine() && (!rInf.GetFly() || !pCurr->IsDummy()) ) return 0; // Wenn der Text an den Fly gestossen ist, oder wenn // der Fly als erstes drankommt, weil er ueber dem linken // Rand haengt, wird GetFly() returnt. // Wenn IsFull() und kein GetFly() vorhanden ist, gibt's // naturgemaesz eine 0. if( rInf.GetFly() ) { if( rInf.GetLast()->IsBreakPortion() ) { delete rInf.GetFly(); rInf.SetFly( 0 ); } return rInf.GetFly(); } // Ein fieser Sonderfall: ein Rahmen ohne Umlauf kreuzt den // Ftn-Bereich. Wir muessen die Ftn-Portion als Zeilenrest // bekanntgeben, damit SwTxtFrm::Format nicht abbricht // (die Textmasse wurde ja durchformatiert). if( rInf.GetRest() ) rInf.SetNewLine( sal_True ); else { // Wenn die naechste Zeile mit einem Rest eines Feldes beginnt, // jetzt aber kein Rest mehr anliegt, // muss sie auf jeden Fall neu formatiert werden! if( lcl_OldFieldRest( GetCurr() ) ) rInf.SetNewLine( sal_True ); else { SwLinePortion *pFirst = WhichFirstPortion( rInf ); if( pFirst ) { rInf.SetNewLine( sal_True ); if( pFirst->InNumberGrp() ) rInf.SetNumDone( sal_False) ; delete pFirst; } } } return 0; } SwLinePortion *pPor = WhichFirstPortion( rInf ); if( !pPor ) { if( !pMulti ) { // We open a multiportion part, if we enter a multi-line part // of the paragraph. xub_StrLen nEnd = rInf.GetIdx(); SwMultiCreator* pCreate = rInf.GetMultiCreator( nEnd ); if( pCreate ) { SwMultiPortion* pTmp = NULL; if( SW_MC_RUBY == pCreate->nId ) { Seek( rInf.GetIdx() ); #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT sal_Bool bRubyTop; sal_Bool* pRubyPos = 0; GETGRID( GetTxtFrm()->FindPageFrm() ) if ( pGrid ) { bRubyTop = ! pGrid->GetRubyTextBelow(); pRubyPos = &bRubyTop; } pTmp = new SwRubyPortion( *pCreate, *rInf.GetFont(), *rInf.GetDoc(), nEnd, 0, pRubyPos ); #else pTmp = new SwRubyPortion( *pCreate, *rInf.GetFont(), *rInf.GetDoc(), nEnd ); #endif } else if( SW_MC_ROTATE == pCreate->nId ) pTmp = new SwRotatedPortion( *pCreate, nEnd ); else pTmp = new SwDoubleLinePortion( *pCreate, nEnd ); delete pCreate; CalcFlyWidth( rInf ); return pTmp; } } // 5010: Tabs und Felder xub_Unicode cChar = rInf.GetHookChar(); if( cChar ) { /* Wir holen uns nocheinmal cChar, um sicherzustellen, dass das * Tab jetzt wirklich ansteht und nicht auf die naechste Zeile * gewandert ist ( so geschehen hinter Rahmen ). * Wenn allerdings eine FldPortion im Rest wartet, muessen wir * das cChar natuerlich aus dem Feldinhalt holen, z.B. bei * DezimalTabs und Feldern (22615) */ if( !rInf.GetRest() || !rInf.GetRest()->InFldGrp() ) cChar = rInf.GetChar( rInf.GetIdx() ); rInf.SetHookChar(0); } else { if( rInf.GetIdx() >= rInf.GetTxt().Len() ) { rInf.SetFull(sal_True); CalcFlyWidth( rInf ); return pPor; } cChar = rInf.GetChar( rInf.GetIdx() ); } switch( cChar ) { case CH_TAB : pPor = NewTabPortion( rInf ); break; case CH_BREAK : pPor = new SwBreakPortion( *rInf.GetLast() ); break; case CHAR_SOFTHYPHEN: // soft hyphen pPor = new SwSoftHyphPortion; break; case CHAR_HARDBLANK: // no-break space pPor = new SwBlankPortion( ' ' ); break; case CHAR_HARDHYPHEN: // non-breaking hyphen pPor = new SwBlankPortion( '-' ); break; case CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD: case CH_TXTATR_INWORD: if( rInf.HasHint( rInf.GetIdx() ) ) { pPor = NewExtraPortion( rInf ); break; } // No break default : { if( rInf.GetLastTab() && cChar == rInf.GetTabDecimal() ) rInf.SetFull( rInf.GetLastTab()->Format( rInf ) ); if( rInf.GetRest() ) { if( rInf.IsFull() ) { rInf.SetNewLine(sal_True); return 0; } pPor = rInf.GetRest(); rInf.SetRest(0); } else { if( rInf.IsFull() ) return 0; pPor = NewTxtPortion( rInf ); } break; } } // Wenn eine Portion erzeugt wird, obwohl eine RestPortion ansteht, // dann haben wir es mit einem Feld zu tun, das sich aufgesplittet // hat, weil z.B. ein Tab enthalten ist. if( pPor && rInf.GetRest() ) pPor->SetLen( 0 ); // robust: if( !pPor || rInf.IsStop() ) { delete pPor; return 0; } } // Der Font wird im Outputdevice eingestellt, // der Ascent und die Hoehe werden berechnet. if( !pPor->GetAscent() && !pPor->Height() ) CalcAscent( rInf, pPor ); rInf.SetLen( pPor->GetLen() ); // In CalcFlyWidth wird Width() verkuerzt, wenn eine FlyPortion vorliegt. CalcFlyWidth( rInf ); // Man darf nicht vergessen, dass pCurr als GetLast() vernuenftige // Werte bereithalten muss: if( !pCurr->Height() ) { ASSERT( pCurr->Height(), "SwTxtFormatter::NewPortion: limbo dance" ); pCurr->Height( pPor->Height() ); pCurr->SetAscent( pPor->GetAscent() ); } ASSERT( !pPor || pPor->Height(), "SwTxtFormatter::NewPortion: something went wrong"); if( pPor->IsPostItsPortion() && rInf.X() >= rInf.Width() && rInf.GetFly() ) { delete pPor; pPor = rInf.GetFly(); } return pPor; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::FormatLine() *************************************************************************/ xub_StrLen SwTxtFormatter::FormatLine( const xub_StrLen nStart ) { #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT ASSERT( ! pFrm->IsVertical() || pFrm->IsSwapped(), "SwTxtFormatter::FormatLine( nStart ) with unswapped frame" ); #endif SwHookOut aHook( &GetInfo() ); if( GetInfo().GetLen() < GetInfo().GetTxt().Len() ) GetInfo().SetLen( GetInfo().GetTxt().Len() ); sal_Bool bBuild = sal_True; SetFlyInCntBase( sal_False ); GetInfo().SetLineHeight( 0 ); GetInfo().SetLineNettoHeight( 0 ); // Recycling muss bei geaenderter Zeilenhoehe unterdrueckt werden // und auch bei geaendertem Ascent (Absenken der Grundlinie). const KSHORT nOldHeight = pCurr->Height(); const KSHORT nOldAscent = pCurr->GetAscent(); pCurr->SetEndHyph( sal_False ); pCurr->SetMidHyph( sal_False ); // fly positioning can make it necessary format a line several times // for this, we have to keep a copy of our rest portion SwLinePortion* pFld = GetInfo().GetRest(); SwFldPortion* pSaveFld = 0; if ( pFld && pFld->InFldGrp() && ! pFld->IsFtnPortion() ) pSaveFld = new SwFldPortion( *((SwFldPortion*)pFld) ); // for an optimal repaint rectangle, we want to compare fly portions // before and after the BuildPortions call const sal_Bool bOptimizeRepaint = AllowRepaintOpt(); const xub_StrLen nOldLineEnd = nStart + pCurr->GetLen(); SvLongs* pFlyStart = 0; // these are the conditions for a fly position comparison if ( bOptimizeRepaint && pCurr->IsFly() ) { pFlyStart = new SvLongs; SwLinePortion* pPor = pCurr->GetFirstPortion(); long nPOfst = 0; USHORT nCnt = 0; while ( pPor ) { if ( pPor->IsFlyPortion() ) // insert start value of fly portion pFlyStart->Insert( nPOfst, nCnt++ ); nPOfst += pPor->Width(); pPor = pPor->GetPortion(); } } // Hier folgt bald die Unterlaufpruefung. while( bBuild ) { sal_Bool bOldNumDone = GetInfo().IsNumDone(); sal_Bool bOldArrowDone = GetInfo().IsArrowDone(); GetInfo().SetFtnInside( sal_False ); // besides other things, this sets the repaint offset to 0 FormatReset( GetInfo() ); if( bOldNumDone ) GetInfo().SetNumDone( sal_True ); if( bOldArrowDone ) GetInfo().SetArrowDone( sal_True ); // build new portions for this line BuildPortions( GetInfo() ); if( GetInfo().IsStop() ) { pCurr->SetLen( 0 ); pCurr->Height( GetFrmRstHeight() + 1 ); pCurr->SetRealHeight( GetFrmRstHeight() + 1 ); pCurr->Width(0); pCurr->Truncate(); return nStart; } else if( GetInfo().IsDropInit() ) { DropInit(); GetInfo().SetDropInit( sal_False ); } pCurr->CalcLine( *this, GetInfo() ); CalcRealHeight( GetInfo().IsNewLine() ); if ( IsFlyInCntBase() && !IsQuick() ) { KSHORT nTmpAscent, nTmpHeight; CalcAscentAndHeight( nTmpAscent, nTmpHeight ); AlignFlyInCntBase( Y() + long( nTmpAscent ) ); pCurr->CalcLine( *this, GetInfo() ); CalcRealHeight(); } // bBuild entscheidet, ob noch eine Ehrenrunde gedreht wird if ( pCurr->GetRealHeight() <= GetInfo().GetLineHeight() ) { pCurr->SetRealHeight( GetInfo().GetLineHeight() ); bBuild = sal_False; } else { bBuild = ( GetInfo().GetTxtFly()->IsOn() && ChkFlyUnderflow( GetInfo() ) || GetInfo().CheckFtnPortion( pCurr ) ); if( bBuild ) { GetInfo().SetNumDone( bOldNumDone ); GetInfo().ResetMaxWidthDiff(); // delete old rest if ( GetInfo().GetRest() ) { delete GetInfo().GetRest(); GetInfo().SetRest( 0 ); } // set original rest portion if ( pSaveFld ) GetInfo().SetRest( new SwFldPortion( *pSaveFld ) ); pCurr->SetLen( 0 ); pCurr->Width(0); pCurr->Truncate(); } } } // calculate optimal repaint rectangle if ( bOptimizeRepaint ) { GetInfo().SetPaintOfst( CalcOptRepaint( nOldLineEnd, pFlyStart ) ); if ( pFlyStart ) delete pFlyStart; } else // Special case: We do not allow an optimitation of the repaint // area, but during formatting the repaint offset is set to indicate // a maximum value for the offset. This value has to be reset: GetInfo().SetPaintOfst( 0 ); // This corrects the start of the reformat range if something has // moved to the next line. Otherwise IsFirstReformat in AllowRepaintOpt // will give us a wrong result if we have to reformat another line GetInfo().GetParaPortion()->GetReformat()->LeftMove( GetInfo().GetIdx() ); // delete master copy of rest portion if ( pSaveFld ) delete pSaveFld; xub_StrLen nNewStart = nStart + pCurr->GetLen(); // adjust text if kana compression is enabled const SwScriptInfo& rSI = GetInfo().GetParaPortion()->GetScriptInfo(); if ( GetInfo().CompressLine() ) { USHORT nRepaintOfst = CalcKanaAdj( pCurr ); // adjust repaint offset if ( nRepaintOfst < GetInfo().GetPaintOfst() ) GetInfo().SetPaintOfst( nRepaintOfst ); } CalcAdjustLine( pCurr ); if( nOldHeight != pCurr->Height() || nOldAscent != pCurr->GetAscent() ) { SetFlyInCntBase(); GetInfo().SetPaintOfst( 0 ); //geaenderte Zeilenhoehe => kein Recycling // alle weiteren Zeilen muessen gepaintet und, wenn Flys im Spiel sind // auch formatiert werden. GetInfo().SetShift( sal_True ); } if ( IsFlyInCntBase() && !IsQuick() ) UpdatePos( pCurr, GetTopLeft(), GetStart() ); return nNewStart; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::RecalcRealHeight() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtFormatter::RecalcRealHeight() { sal_Bool bMore = sal_True; while(bMore) { DBG_LOOP; CalcRealHeight(); bMore = Next() != 0; } } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::CalcRealHeight() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtFormatter::CalcRealHeight( sal_Bool bNewLine ) { KSHORT nLineHeight = pCurr->Height(); pCurr->SetClipping( sal_False ); #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT GETGRID( pFrm->FindPageFrm() ) if ( pGrid && GetInfo().SnapToGrid() ) { const USHORT nGridWidth = pGrid->GetBaseHeight(); const USHORT nRubyHeight = pGrid->GetRubyHeight(); const sal_Bool bRubyTop = ! pGrid->GetRubyTextBelow(); USHORT nLineHeight = nGridWidth + nRubyHeight; USHORT nLineDist = nLineHeight; while ( pCurr->Height() > nLineHeight ) nLineHeight += nLineDist; KSHORT nAsc = pCurr->GetAscent() + ( bRubyTop ? ( nLineHeight - pCurr->Height() + nRubyHeight ) / 2 : ( nLineHeight - pCurr->Height() - nRubyHeight ) / 2 ); pCurr->Height( nLineHeight ); pCurr->SetAscent( nAsc ); pInf->GetParaPortion()->SetFixLineHeight(); // Zwischenraum // if( !IsParaLine() ) // nLineHeight += nInterLineHeight; pCurr->SetRealHeight( nLineHeight ); return; } #endif // Das Dummyflag besitzen Zeilen, die nur Flyportions enthalten, diese // sollten kein Register etc. beachten. Dummerweise hat kann es eine leere // Zeile am Absatzende geben (bei leeren Abs„tzen oder nach einem // Shift-Return), die das Register durchaus beachten soll. if( !pCurr->IsDummy() || ( !pCurr->GetNext() && GetStart() >= GetTxtFrm()->GetTxt().Len() && !bNewLine ) ) { const SvxLineSpacingItem *pSpace = aLineInf.GetLineSpacing(); if( pSpace ) { switch( pSpace->GetLineSpaceRule() ) { case SVX_LINE_SPACE_AUTO: break; case SVX_LINE_SPACE_MIN: { if( nLineHeight < KSHORT( pSpace->GetLineHeight() ) ) nLineHeight = pSpace->GetLineHeight(); break; } case SVX_LINE_SPACE_FIX: { nLineHeight = pSpace->GetLineHeight(); KSHORT nAsc = ( 4 * nLineHeight ) / 5; // 80% if( nAsc < pCurr->GetAscent() || nLineHeight - nAsc < pCurr->Height() - pCurr->GetAscent() ) pCurr->SetClipping( sal_True ); pCurr->Height( nLineHeight ); pCurr->SetAscent( nAsc ); pInf->GetParaPortion()->SetFixLineHeight(); } break; default: ASSERT( sal_False, ": unknown LineSpaceRule" ); } if( !IsParaLine() ) switch( pSpace->GetInterLineSpaceRule() ) { case SVX_INTER_LINE_SPACE_OFF: break; case SVX_INTER_LINE_SPACE_PROP: { long nTmp = pSpace->GetPropLineSpace(); // 50% ist das Minimum, bei 0% schalten wir auf // den Defaultwert 100% um ... if( nTmp < 50 ) nTmp = nTmp ? 50 : 100; nTmp *= nLineHeight; nTmp /= 100; if( !nTmp ) ++nTmp; nLineHeight = (KSHORT)nTmp; break; } case SVX_INTER_LINE_SPACE_FIX: { nLineHeight += pSpace->GetInterLineSpace(); break; } default: ASSERT( sal_False, ": unknown InterLineSpaceRule" ); } } #ifdef DEBUG KSHORT nDummy = nLineHeight + 1; #endif if( IsRegisterOn() ) { #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT SwTwips nTmpY = Y() + pCurr->GetAscent() + nLineHeight - pCurr->Height(); SWRECTFN( pFrm ) if ( bVert ) nTmpY = pFrm->SwitchHorizontalToVertical( nTmpY ); nTmpY = (*fnRect->fnYDiff)( nTmpY, RegStart() ); #else SwTwips nTmpY = Y() + pCurr->GetAscent() + nLineHeight - pCurr->Height() - RegStart(); #endif KSHORT nDiff = KSHORT( nTmpY % RegDiff() ); if( nDiff ) nLineHeight += RegDiff() - nDiff; } } pCurr->SetRealHeight( nLineHeight ); } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::FeedInf() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtFormatter::FeedInf( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) const { // 3260, 3860: Fly auf jeden Fall loeschen! ClearFly( rInf ); rInf.Init(); rInf.ChkNoHyph( CntEndHyph(), CntMidHyph() ); rInf.SetRoot( pCurr ); rInf.SetLineStart( nStart ); rInf.SetIdx( nStart ); rInf.Left( KSHORT(Left()) ); rInf.Right( KSHORT(Right()) ); rInf.First( short(FirstLeft()) ); rInf.RealWidth( KSHORT(rInf.Right()) - KSHORT(GetLeftMargin()) ); rInf.Width( rInf.RealWidth() ); if( ((SwTxtFormatter*)this)->GetRedln() ) { ((SwTxtFormatter*)this)->GetRedln()->Clear( ((SwTxtFormatter*)this)->GetFnt() ); ((SwTxtFormatter*)this)->GetRedln()->Reset(); } } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::FormatReset() *************************************************************************/ void SwTxtFormatter::FormatReset( SwTxtFormatInfo &rInf ) { pCurr->Truncate(); pCurr->Init(); if( pBlink && pCurr->IsBlinking() ) pBlink->Delete( pCurr ); // delete pSpaceAdd und pKanaComp pCurr->FinishSpaceAdd(); pCurr->FinishKanaComp(); pCurr->ResetFlags(); FeedInf( rInf ); } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::CalcOnceMore() *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwTxtFormatter::CalcOnceMore() { if( pDropFmt ) { const KSHORT nOldDrop = GetDropHeight(); CalcDropHeight( pDropFmt->GetLines() ); bOnceMore = nOldDrop != GetDropHeight(); } else bOnceMore = sal_False; return bOnceMore; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::CalcBottomLine() *************************************************************************/ SwTwips SwTxtFormatter::CalcBottomLine() const { SwTwips nRet = Y() + GetLineHeight(); SwTwips nMin = GetInfo().GetTxtFly()->GetMinBottom(); if( nMin && ++nMin > nRet ) { SwTwips nDist = pFrm->Frm().Height() - pFrm->Prt().Height() - pFrm->Prt().Top(); if( nRet + nDist < nMin ) { sal_Bool bRepaint = HasTruncLines() && GetInfo().GetParaPortion()->GetRepaint()->Bottom() == nRet-1; nRet = nMin - nDist; if( bRepaint ) { ((SwRepaint*)GetInfo().GetParaPortion() ->GetRepaint())->Bottom( nRet-1 ); ((SwTxtFormatInfo&)GetInfo()).SetPaintOfst( 0 ); } } } return nRet; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::_CalcFitToContent() *************************************************************************/ KSHORT SwTxtFormatter::_CalcFitToContent() { GetInfo().SetRoot( pCurr ); GetInfo().First( KSHORT(FirstLeft()) ); GetInfo().Left( KSHORT(Left()) ); SeekAndChg( GetInfo() ); GetInfo().SetLast( GetInfo().GetRoot() ); SwLinePortion *pPor = NewPortion( GetInfo() ); long nMaxWidth = 0; long nWidth = 0; long nMargin = FirstLeft(); sal_Bool bFull = sal_False; while( pPor && !IsStop() && !bFull) { bFull = pPor->Format( GetInfo() ); GetInfo().SetLast( pPor ); while( pPor ) { nWidth += pPor->Width(); pPor->Move( GetInfo() ); GetInfo().SetLast( pPor ); pPor = pPor->GetPortion(); } if( bFull && 0 != ( pPor = GetInfo().GetLast() ) && pPor->IsBreakPortion() ) { if ( nWidth && (nMaxWidth < nWidth+nMargin ) ) nMaxWidth = nWidth + nMargin; nWidth = 0; nMargin = Left(); bFull = sal_False; GetInfo().X( KSHORT(nMargin) ); } pPor = NewPortion( GetInfo() ); } if ( nWidth && ( nMaxWidth < nWidth + nMargin ) ) nMaxWidth = nWidth + nMargin; return KSHORT(nMaxWidth); } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::AllowRepaintOpt() * * determines if the calculation of a repaint offset is allowed * otherwise each line is painted from 0 (this is a copy of the beginning * of the former SwTxtFormatter::Recycle() function *************************************************************************/ sal_Bool SwTxtFormatter::AllowRepaintOpt() const { // reformat position in front of current line? Only in this case // we want to set the repaint offset sal_Bool bOptimizeRepaint = nStart < GetInfo().GetReformatStart() && pCurr->GetLen(); // a special case is the last line of a block adjusted paragraph: if ( bOptimizeRepaint ) { switch( GetAdjust() ) { case SVX_ADJUST_BLOCK: { if( IsLastBlock() || IsLastCenter() ) bOptimizeRepaint = sal_False; else { // ????: Blank in der letzten Masterzeile (blocksat.sdw) bOptimizeRepaint = 0 == pCurr->GetNext() && !pFrm->GetFollow(); if ( bOptimizeRepaint ) { SwLinePortion *pPos = pCurr->GetFirstPortion(); while ( pPos && !pPos->IsFlyPortion() ) pPos = pPos->GetPortion(); bOptimizeRepaint = !pPos; } } break; } case SVX_ADJUST_CENTER: case SVX_ADJUST_RIGHT: bOptimizeRepaint = sal_False; break; default: ; } } // Schon wieder ein Sonderfall: unsichtbare SoftHyphs const xub_StrLen nReformat = GetInfo().GetReformatStart(); if( bOptimizeRepaint && STRING_LEN != nReformat ) { const xub_Unicode cCh = GetInfo().GetTxt().GetChar( nReformat ); bOptimizeRepaint = ( CH_TXTATR_BREAKWORD != cCh && CH_TXTATR_INWORD != cCh ) || ! GetInfo().HasHint( nReformat ); } return bOptimizeRepaint; } /************************************************************************* * SwTxtFormatter::CalcOptRepaint() * * calculates an optimal repaint offset for the current line *************************************************************************/ long SwTxtFormatter::CalcOptRepaint( xub_StrLen nOldLineEnd, const SvLongs* pFlyStart ) { if ( GetInfo().GetIdx() < GetInfo().GetReformatStart() ) // the reformat position is behind our new line, that means // something of our text has moved to the next line return 0; xub_StrLen nReformat = Min( GetInfo().GetReformatStart(), nOldLineEnd ); // in case we do not have any fly in our line, our repaint position // is the changed position - 1 if ( ! pFlyStart && ! pCurr->IsFly() ) { // this is the maximum repaint offset determined during formatting // for example: the beginning of the first right tab stop // if this value is 0, this means that we do not have an upper // limit for the repaint offset const long nFormatRepaint = GetInfo().GetPaintOfst(); if ( nReformat <= GetInfo().GetLineStart() ) return 0; // Weird situation: Our line used to end with a hole portion // and we delete some characters at the end of our line. We have // to take care for repainting the blanks which are not anymore // covered by the hole portion while ( --nReformat > GetInfo().GetLineStart() && CH_BLANK == GetInfo().GetChar( nReformat ) ) ; ASSERT( nReformat < GetInfo().GetIdx(), "Reformat too small for me!" ); SwRect aRect; // Note: GetChareRect is not const. It definitely changes the // bMulti flag. We have to save and resore the old value. sal_Bool bOldMulti = GetInfo().IsMulti(); GetCharRect( &aRect, nReformat ); GetInfo().SetMulti( bOldMulti ); return nFormatRepaint ? Min( aRect.Left(), nFormatRepaint ) : aRect.Left(); } else { // nReformat may be wrong, if something around flys has changed: // we compare the former and the new fly positions in this line // if anything has changed, we carefully have to adjust the right // repaint position long nPOfst = 0; USHORT nCnt = 0; USHORT nX = 0; USHORT nIdx = GetInfo().GetLineStart(); SwLinePortion* pPor = pCurr->GetFirstPortion(); while ( pPor ) { if ( pPor->IsFlyPortion() ) { // compare start of fly with former start of fly if ( pFlyStart && nCnt < pFlyStart->Count() && nX == (*pFlyStart)[ nCnt ] && nIdx < nReformat ) // found fix position, nothing has changed left from nX nPOfst = nX + pPor->Width(); else break; nCnt++; } nX += pPor->Width(); nIdx += pPor->GetLen(); pPor = pPor->GetPortion(); } return nPOfst + GetLeftMargin(); } }