/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: flyincnt.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.5 $ * * last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-04-17 14:12:06 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #pragma hdrstop #include "cntfrm.hxx" #include "doc.hxx" #include "flyfrm.hxx" #include "frmtool.hxx" #include "frmfmt.hxx" #include "hints.hxx" #ifndef _FMTORNT_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FMTFSIZE_HXX //autogen #include #endif #include "txtfrm.hxx" //fuer IsLocked() #include "flyfrms.hxx" //aus FlyCnt.cxx void DeepCalc( const SwFrm *pFrm ); /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFlyInCntFrm::SwFlyInCntFrm(), ~SwFlyInCntFrm() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 01. Dec. 92 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 09. Apr. 99 |* |*************************************************************************/ SwFlyInCntFrm::SwFlyInCntFrm( SwFlyFrmFmt *pFmt, SwFrm *pAnch ) : SwFlyFrm( pFmt, pAnch ) { bInCnt = bInvalidLayout = bInvalidCntnt = TRUE; SwTwips nRel = pFmt->GetVertOrient().GetPos(); #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT if( pAnch && pAnch->IsVertical() ) aRelPos.X() = pAnch->IsReverse() ? nRel : -nRel; else #endif aRelPos.Y() = nRel; } SwFlyInCntFrm::~SwFlyInCntFrm() { //und Tschuess. if ( !GetFmt()->GetDoc()->IsInDtor() && GetAnchor() ) { SwRect aTmp( AddSpacesToFrm() ); SwFlyInCntFrm::NotifyBackground( FindPageFrm(), aTmp, PREP_FLY_LEAVE ); } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFlyInCntFrm::SetRefPoint(), |* |* Ersterstellung MA 01. Dec. 92 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 06. Aug. 95 |* |*************************************************************************/ void SwFlyInCntFrm::SetRefPoint( const Point& rPoint, const Point& rRelAttr, const Point& rRelPos ) { ASSERT( rPoint != aRef || rRelAttr != aRelPos, "SetRefPoint: no change" ); SwFlyNotify *pNotify = NULL; // No notify at a locked fly frame, if a fly frame is locked, there's // already a SwFlyNotify object on the stack (MakeAll). if( !IsLocked() ) pNotify = new SwFlyNotify( this ); aRef = rPoint; aRelPos = rRelAttr; #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT SWRECTFN( GetAnchor() ) (Frm().*fnRect->fnSetPos)( rPoint + rRelPos ); #else Frm().Pos( rPoint + rRelPos ); #endif /* //Kein InvalidatePos hier, denn das wuerde dem Cntnt ein Prepare //senden - dieser hat uns aber gerade gerufen. //Da der Frm aber durchaus sein Position wechseln kann, muss hier //der von ihm abdeckte Window-Bereich invalidiert werden damit keine //Reste stehenbleiben. //Fix: Nicht fuer PreView-Shells, dort ist es nicht notwendig und //fuehrt zu fiesen Problemen (Der Absatz wird nur formatiert weil //er gepaintet wird und der Cache uebergelaufen ist, beim Paint durch //das Invalidate wird der Absatz formatiert weil...) if ( Frm().HasArea() && GetShell()->ISA(SwCrsrShell) ) GetShell()->InvalidateWindows( Frm() ); */ if( pNotify ) { InvalidatePage(); bValidPos = FALSE; bInvalid = TRUE; Calc(); delete pNotify; } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFlyInCntFrm::Modify() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 16. Dec. 92 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 02. Sep. 93 |* |*************************************************************************/ void SwFlyInCntFrm::Modify( SfxPoolItem *pOld, SfxPoolItem *pNew ) { BOOL bCallPrepare = FALSE; USHORT nWhich = pOld ? pOld->Which() : pNew ? pNew->Which() : 0; if( RES_ATTRSET_CHG == nWhich ) { if( SFX_ITEM_SET == ((SwAttrSetChg*)pNew)->GetChgSet()-> GetItemState( RES_SURROUND, FALSE ) || SFX_ITEM_SET == ((SwAttrSetChg*)pNew)->GetChgSet()-> GetItemState( RES_FRMMACRO, FALSE ) ) { SwAttrSetChg aOld( *(SwAttrSetChg*)pOld ); SwAttrSetChg aNew( *(SwAttrSetChg*)pNew ); aOld.ClearItem( RES_SURROUND ); aNew.ClearItem( RES_SURROUND ); aOld.ClearItem( RES_FRMMACRO ); aNew.ClearItem( RES_FRMMACRO ); if( aNew.Count() ) { SwFlyFrm::Modify( &aOld, &aNew ); bCallPrepare = TRUE; } } else if( ((SwAttrSetChg*)pNew)->GetChgSet()->Count()) { SwFlyFrm::Modify( pOld, pNew ); bCallPrepare = TRUE; } } else if( nWhich != RES_SURROUND && RES_FRMMACRO != nWhich ) { SwFlyFrm::Modify( pOld, pNew ); bCallPrepare = TRUE; } if ( bCallPrepare && GetAnchor() ) GetAnchor()->Prepare( PREP_FLY_ATTR_CHG, GetFmt() ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFlyInCntFrm::Format() |* |* Beschreibung: Hier wird der Inhalt initial mit Formatiert. |* Ersterstellung MA 16. Dec. 92 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 19. May. 93 |* |*************************************************************************/ void SwFlyInCntFrm::Format( const SwBorderAttrs *pAttrs ) { if ( !Frm().Height() ) { Lock(); //nicht hintenherum den Anker formatieren. SwCntntFrm *pCntnt = ContainsCntnt(); while ( pCntnt ) { pCntnt->Calc(); pCntnt = pCntnt->GetNextCntntFrm(); } Unlock(); } SwFlyFrm::Format( pAttrs ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFlyInCntFrm::MakeFlyPos() |* |* Beschreibung Im Unterschied zu anderen Frms wird hier nur die |* die RelPos berechnet. Die absolute Position wird ausschliesslich |* per SetAbsPos errechnet. |* Ersterstellung MA 03. Dec. 92 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 12. Apr. 96 |* |*************************************************************************/ void SwFlyInCntFrm::MakeFlyPos() { if ( !bValidPos ) { if ( !GetAnchor()->IsTxtFrm() || !((SwTxtFrm*)GetAnchor())->IsLocked() ) ::DeepCalc( GetAnchor() ); if( GetAnchor()->IsTxtFrm() ) ((SwTxtFrm*)GetAnchor())->GetFormatted(); bValidPos = TRUE; SwFlyFrmFmt *pFmt = (SwFlyFrmFmt*)GetFmt(); const SwFmtVertOrient &rVert = pFmt->GetVertOrient(); //Und ggf. noch die aktuellen Werte im Format updaten, dabei darf //zu diesem Zeitpunkt natuerlich kein Modify verschickt werden. #ifdef VERTICAL_LAYOUT SWRECTFN( GetAnchor() ) SwTwips nOld = rVert.GetPos(); SwTwips nAct = bVert ? -aRelPos.X() : aRelPos.Y(); if( bRev ) nAct = -nAct; if( nAct != nOld ) { SwFmtVertOrient aVert( rVert ); aVert.SetPos( nAct ); #else if ( rVert.GetPos() != aRelPos.Y() ) { SwFmtVertOrient aVert( rVert ); aVert.SetPos( aRelPos.Y() ); #endif pFmt->LockModify(); pFmt->SetAttr( aVert ); pFmt->UnlockModify(); } } } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFlyInCntFrm::NotifyBackground() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 03. Dec. 92 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 26. Aug. 93 |* |*************************************************************************/ void SwFlyInCntFrm::NotifyBackground( SwPageFrm *, const SwRect& rRect, PrepareHint eHint) { if ( eHint == PREP_FLY_ATTR_CHG ) GetAnchor()->Prepare( PREP_FLY_ATTR_CHG ); else GetAnchor()->Prepare( eHint, (void*)&rRect ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFlyInCntFrm::GetRelPos() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 04. Dec. 92 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 04. Dec. 92 |* |*************************************************************************/ const Point &SwFlyInCntFrm::GetRelPos() const { Calc(); return GetCurRelPos(); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFlyInCntFrm::RegistFlys() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 26. Nov. 93 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 26. Nov. 93 |* |*************************************************************************/ void SwFlyInCntFrm::RegistFlys() { // vgl. SwRowFrm::RegistFlys() SwPageFrm *pPage = FindPageFrm(); ASSERT( pPage, "Flys ohne Seite anmelden?" ); ::RegistFlys( pPage, this ); } /************************************************************************* |* |* SwFlyInCntFrm::MakeAll() |* |* Ersterstellung MA 18. Feb. 94 |* Letzte Aenderung MA 13. Jun. 96 |* |*************************************************************************/ void SwFlyInCntFrm::MakeAll() { if ( !GetAnchor() || IsLocked() || IsColLocked() || !FindPageFrm() ) return; Lock(); //Der Vorhang faellt //uebernimmt im DTor die Benachrichtigung const SwFlyNotify aNotify( this ); SwBorderAttrAccess aAccess( SwFrm::GetCache(), this ); const SwBorderAttrs &rAttrs = *aAccess.Get(); const Size &rSz = rAttrs.GetSize(); const SwFmtFrmSize &rFrmSz = GetFmt()->GetFrmSize(); if ( IsClipped() ) bValidSize = bHeightClipped = bWidthClipped = FALSE; while ( !bValidPos || !bValidSize || !bValidPrtArea ) { //Nur einstellen wenn das Flag gesetzt ist!! if ( !bValidSize ) { bValidPrtArea = FALSE; long nOldWidth = aFrm.Width(); aFrm.Width( CalcRel( rFrmSz ).Width() ); if ( aFrm.Width() > nOldWidth ) //Damit sich der Inhalt anpasst aFrm.Height( CalcRel( rFrmSz ).Height() ); } if ( !bValidPrtArea ) MakePrtArea( rAttrs ); if ( !bValidSize ) Format( &rAttrs ); if ( !bValidPos ) MakeFlyPos(); if ( bValidPos && bValidSize ) { SwFrm *pFrm = GetAnchor(); if ( //MA 03. Apr. 96 fix(26652), Das trifft uns bestimmt nocheinmal // !pFrm->IsMoveable() && Frm().Left() == (pFrm->Frm().Left()+pFrm->Prt().Left()) && Frm().Width() > pFrm->Prt().Width() ) { Frm().Width( pFrm->Prt().Width() ); bValidPrtArea = FALSE; bWidthClipped = TRUE; } } } Unlock(); }